portfield primary academy prospectus

E m p o w e r i n g C h i l d r e n t o S u c c e e d P o r t f i e l d P r i m a r y A c a d e m y P R O S P E C T U S www.portfield-tkat.org

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Empowering Children to Succeed


Page 1: Portfield Primary Academy Prospectus

Empowering Children to Succ




ld Primary Academy



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05 Welcome to Portfield Primary Academy

07 The Portfield Promises

08 Bringing Teaching and Learning to Life

09 Supporting Individual Learning Needs

10 Developing Creativity and Independence

11 Looking After Ourselves and Each Other

12 Place in the Community

13 Broadening our Horizons

14 Celebrating Achievement


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Welcome to Portfield Primary Academy. This school offers pupils the

opportunity to fulfil their potential, not just from an academic perspective,

but in all areas of their life. Whilst our focus is on teaching and learning, at

our school we want to broaden the children’s horizons in all walks of life,

nurtured in a caring and stimulating environment.

If you are thinking about sending your child to Portfield Primary Academy,

you do so at atime of real change; our buildings will benefit from essential

updating and maintenance;we are recruiting dynamic and dedicated

professionals and creating the most stimulatingand creative learning

experiences for our pupils. Our goal is to make Portfield PrimaryAcademy

a school of choice in the Chichester area.

We look forward to welcoming you and your child to our school.

Daryl PowerHeadteacher

Welcome to Portfield Primary Academy

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We all want Portfield Primary Academy to be the best school,

and so we promise that we will...

• Create a great first impression of Portfield Primary Academyby improving the school premises to the best of our ability

by wearing the school uniform with pride

by respecting our school environment

by working hard to support our local community

by doing our best to help children who are less fortunate than us

• Celebrate our collective achievementsby speaking with pride when we have achieved something

by congratulating others when they have been successful

by telling our family, friends and neighbours about how good Portfield Primary Academy is

• Take pride in our individual talentsby showing belief in each other

by showing interest in all aspect of learning, even when we find the work hard and challenging

The Portfield Promises

I enjoy coming to school

because Dr. Who helps

us to learn!

William, Year 4

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I am sure we can all remember some of our lessons during our time at school. At Portfield we want

to create memorable learning experiences that your children will tell their children about; how

did it feel to be in an air raid shelter in World War II and what was it like to be a pupil in Victorian

England? We will help them to discover these and many other times. Experiential learning is a

hugely successful way to embed learning and we pride ourselves in our ability to create unique and

effective lessons for our pupils.

We recognise that children have preferences in the way that they learn; not only will we provide

opportunities that respond to those preferences, but we will also help our pupils with strategies to

maintain their attention when it is something that doesn’t naturally appeal to them.

At Portfield, our creative, connected curriculum is based on the National Curriculum, with the following

amongst its aims:

• Interconnected knowledge and skills for lifelong learning - linking learning across the subjects,

breaking down barriers and developing common sets of learning skills.

• Knowing, showing and celebrating success.

Bringing Teaching & Learning to Life

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In our school we work independently,

have fun and we are challenged.

I am engaged in my learning because

of our new classroom and school

environment. It has made me love

our topic! I now learn because I

want to, not because I have to.

Cody, Year 5

Supporting Individual Learning NeedsAt Portfield Primary Academy we pride ourselves in supporting children’s, physical, social and emo-

tional learning needs. We are proud that we have a specialist Speech & Language Centre within the

school to support children in the Western area of West Sussex with their specific needs; this is

resourced by qualified therapists and teachers.

From time to time many children will need special help either to overcome a learning difficulty or

to ensure that the curriculum fully extends their abilities.

We support all children with special educational needs including those who are identified as

Gifted or Talented. We refuse to label these children; we firmly believe that every student at

Portfield is an individual with their respective needs.

Through all that we do, we aim to ensure that every child is known, treated as an individual and has

the best possible chance to succeed and achieve

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10 Portfield Primary Academy • Empowering Children to Succeed • Prospectus

Developing Creativity & IndependenceAt Portfield Primary Academy we are very aware that young minds are incredibly adaptable!

We will offer our pupils frequent opportunities to express their creativity across the curriculum and

offer them techniques to generate ideas for themselves. It is so important that, during their time

with us, we support them in developing their independence, so that they are more than ready for

the transition from year to year and then on to secondary school.

The ethos at Portfield is to provide learning experiences that promote self-esteem, perseverance,

self-discipline and a lifelong love of learning.

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Looking After Ourselves & Each OtherAt Portfield Primary Academy we believe that it is important to learn about leading a healthy lifestyle;

we promote a well-balanced diet, with nutritious meals, fruit and milk in school and encourage all

pupils to drink lots of water throughout the day.

We have lots of space to run and play outside and make the most of it whenever the weather

allows! It is vital that all of our children feel safe and cared for within our school community. We

make sure that the environment is inclusive and free from any unacceptable behaviour. Any negative

behaviour will be dealt with decisively.

Through our curriculum, we strive for our pupils to become responsible citizens who make a positive

contribution to society.

Portfield is a great school

because the Teachers,

children and helpers

are caring and kind.

Rhys, Year 6

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12 Portfield Primary Academy • Empowering Children to Succeed • Prospectus

Place in the CommunityOur school is at the centre of our community; we plan to create stronger links with local schools,

businesses and organisations. We love to hear about what local people do and invite local fire crew

and police officers to come in and tell us about their job and how they support the community.

At Portfield, it is our aim to develop further links with parents by continuing to provide parent

workshops, focusing on current teaching methods and ways to support learning at home.

We also recognise that there are other people, children and adults, who need our help and during

the school year we will work hard to do as much as we can for them.

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Broadening our HorizonsAt Portfield Primary Academy we know that everyone has a special talent; it may be creative writing,

but equally it could be beat boxing! We want to ensure that all of our pupils have the opportunity

to develop that special something, by creating lunchtime and after school experiences that reflect

21st Century children’s interests.

Many activities and clubs take place at the end of the school day. We are always seeking to extend

the range and variety of experiences that we can offer our children and if you are able to help in

any way, then we would be delighted to hear from you.

I like Portfield because there are

always fun things going on and

there are always new adventures.

If you come to Portfield, you will

surely discover a new adventure.

Jayleece, Year 4

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14 Portfield Primary Academy • Empowering Children to Succeed • Prospectus

Celebrating AchievementWe know how demotivating it can be when an achievement or

milestone goes unnoticed. At Portfield we want to catch our pupils

being successful; whether it’s academic or extra-curricular, we will

seek out opportunities to recognise and celebrate achievement.

This can be through offering opportunities to appear in assemblies,

performances, sports competitions or even receiving awards for going

the extra mile in demonstrating our values.

I like coming to Portfield

because every class I go

through is the next step

to having a great life.

Alfie, Year 6

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Empowering Children to Succ



field Primary Academ


Portfield Primary Academy

St. James’ Road, Chichester, West Sussex

PO19 7HA

Phone: 01243 783939 • Fax: 01243 530683

E-mail: [email protected]

To find out more or to organise a personal tour please

contact us:

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Empowering Children to Succ




ld Primary Academy

The Portfield Primary Academy

St. James’ Road


West Sussex

PO19 7HA

Phone: 01243 783939Fax: 01243 530683











St Pancra


















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