port tobacco times, and charles county advertiser (port ...french and english cloths and cassimercs...

POETR Y. ’TIS BETTER NOT TO KNOW. BT SAMUEL LOVER. You say you love me—can I trust That she, by many woo’d, By me at length, has had her heart To constancy subdued? Perchance some oilier love is there, But do not tell me so; Since knowledge would but bring me grief, ’Tis better not to know. Perchance that eye has beamed with Jove, In days I knew not thee, That ruby lip bath bent in smiles \ For others 11 1 an for me; But let that lip still, silence keep, ni trust its Jove-hke show ; Since knowledge would but bring me grief, ’Tis letter not to know. Oh ? what a simple fondness mine, Whose wishes make its creed; But let me think you love me still, And I’ll be blest indeed! ’Tis better that the eye ne’er sec, 'Phan that its tears should flow; When knowledge would but bring us grief, ’Tis better not to know. HUMOROUS SCRAPS. Powerful Reasoning.— At a young men’s debating society somewhere in Indiana, the question for discussion was “Which is the greatest evil, a scol- ding wife or a smokey chimney.” After the appointed disputants had conclud- ed the debate, a spectator rose and beg- ged the privilege of £ making a few re- marks on the occasion.” Permission being granted, he delivered himself in cluis way : “Mr. President, I’ve been al- most mad a listening to the debate of these ’ere youngsters. They don’t know nothing at all about the subject. What do they know about the evils of a scolding wife. Wait till they have had one for twenty years, and been Rammed, and jammed and slammed all the while, and wait till they’ve been scolded because the baby cried, because the fire wonld’nt burn, because the oven was too hot, because the cow kicked over the milk, because it rained, because the sun shined, because the Lens didn’t lay, because the butler •would’nt come, because the old cat had kittens, because they came too soon for dinner, because they were one minute too late, because they sung, because they lore their trowsers, because they invited a neighbor woman to call again, because they got sick, or because they did anything else, no matter whether they eould’ut help it or not, before they talk about the evils of a scolding wife; •why, Mr. President, I’d rather hear the ¦clatter of hammers and stones and twen- ty tin pans and nine brass kettles, than the din, din, din, of the tongue of a scolding wife. Yes, sir-ee, 1 would. To my mind., Mr. President, a smokey chimney is no more to be compared to a scolding wife, than a little negro is to .a dark night.” At a meeting of the church, the pas- tor gave out the hymn commencing with, “I love to steal awhile away,” which the chorister commenced sing- ing; but owing to some difficulty in remembering the tune, could not pro- ceed farther than, “/ love to steal” which be did three or four times, when the clergyman in order to relieve him from his dilema, waggishly remarked, that it was very much to be regretted, and ad- ded, “let us pray” A quaker advertises to cure, among other incurable disease, Marcobozzaris, Abdelkader, Hippotamus, Potato Rot, Hydrostatics, Inflammation of the Ab- dominable Regions, Agae Fits, Shaking Quaker Visits, and all kinds of Anni- versary. It is rumored that the last and great- est curiosity of the age has just been received at Wood’s Museum. It is the gun with which the question is popped. Probably a large supply will soon be made for the use of bashful young men. A Good-natured Husband. When Haddix’s wife kicked him out of the bed he said, “See here, now! you’d belter not do that again ! If you do, it will cause a— coolness. Homgepathic Beer.— Tis one hop to a rat’s tail, let the rat swim through a mill pond, then bottle the contents of the pond—“to be shaken before taken.” Debt are tbe initial letters of “Dun livery Body Twice.” Credit are the ¦ initial letters of “Call Regular Every Day—l’ll Trust.” The western papers state that the Mississippi has raised one foot. When it raises the “other fool” it will proba- bly “run.” Ok Course.— The Burlington Free Press thinks that the best way to get up a “family broil” is to buy a good ham. “Ma’an, your shawl’s dragging in (he mud.” “Well, suppose it is, isn’t it fashionable?” The tongue is like a race horse, it runs the faster the less weight it carries. CARRIAGES! CARRIAGES!! THE subscriber returns his sincere thanks to his friends and the public generally for the patron- age heretofore extended to him, and has the plea- sure to inform them that he has just finished a splendid assortment of FASHIONABLE CARRIAGES fAt New York. Prices,) of every description, which he will sell on the most reasonable terms for cash or approved paper. His establishment is two doors weslof his old stand, cor- ner ot Third Street and Pennsylmnia JirevAie, and opposite Gadsby’s New Hotel. Persons in want o Carriages will find it to their advantage to give mo a call before purchasing. Old Carriages repaired at the shortest notice, or taken in exchange for new ones. 1 have a good assortment of second-hand Car- riages which I will sell on reasonable terms. MICHAEL McDERMOTT, may 25—ly. Washington, D. C. HARDWARE, CUTLERY AND FARMING IMPLEMENTS. r fMIE subscribers would respectfully inform the J- citizens of Charles and the adjacent counties, (hat they arc receiving a large and well selected stock of goods in their line, embracing every article requisite for Builders, of (he very best quality, of improved styles and at prices that cannot fail to please. Their stock of Shovels, Spades, 1-prong Forks, Hay Forks, <&c., arc very desirable, being made of the finest cast steel and finished in the best manner. They kecj) all sorts of Carpenters’ Tools, such as— Planes; Saws, very superior; Dench Axes; Hatchets; Augers, best quality; Auger Bits; Adzes; Braces & Bits; Bench Hammers, &c. &c. Amongst their stock also will be found cast steel mill and cross-cut Saws; American do do; Ame- rican pitt and other do; Log, Cart, Trace, Halter, Dog and other Chains; ivory Knives with plated Forks; Table, P-en and Pocket Cutlery of all grades; Razors from 12 1-2 cts. to $1 each; Scis- sors and Shears of all qualities; well and cistern Pumps; Lead Pipe; Wove Wire of assorted widths; Cast Steel in bars; American Blister Steel; Files; shoe and horse Rasps; handsaw Files; woof. Rasps; wood Files; warding and oth- , er Files; Scales to weigh from 1-2 ounce to 240 pounds; patent Balances; Steelyards; Counter , Scales; Shovels and Tongs, fine quality and com- mon; Pots, Ovens, Skillets, Griddles and all oth- er castings; Plough Castings and Screws of as- sorted makes, with an extensive assortment of light goods not usually found in Hardware stores, . such as— Hair, dusting, tooth and shaving Brushes; Comb Cleaners; fancy Soaps; metal, lasting, agate and other Buttons; Combs; Pins; Needles; worsted Cords and Tassels; Blacking; Ink; Steel Pens; Straw Whisps; Bird Cages and Nests; Ink Stands; Slates; Slate and Lead Pencils, a great variety; Hooks and Eyes; Fishing Lines and Hooks; Virginia Fish Hooks of superior quality; Shaving Boxes; Shaving Cream; Fancy Boxes; Spittoons; Tea & Coffee Canisters; Sugar Boxes; tin Dressing Boxes; Matches; Suspenders; cot- ton and Manilla Rope; hemp and cotton Twine; Flutes and Violins; Violin Strings of the best quality, and a thousand other articles both fancy and staple, which they offer at wholesale and re- tail upon the best terms. Their motto is, “Small profits and quick sales.” CREIGHTON & McNAIR, White Frame Store, King Street. Alexandria, Va., May 1, 1850. NEW GOODS, AT G . K . WITMER'S, ALEXANDRIA, Va. THE subscriber is now receiving and has in store a lanrc and desirable stock of ELVCY AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, to which he invites the attention of dealers from Charles and the ad- joining counties. His assortment of goods for Gentlemen’s wear consists of French and English Cloths and Cassimercs Barathea silk and satin Vestings Marseilles and Valencia do Silk warp and all wool T weeds Drap d’Ete and Coddingtons for coats French Linen and Camlet Lustres for do Plain and fancy linen Drillings Merino Shirts and Drawers For Ladies’ wear: Supr black Taffelta Silks for dresses and vizcltcs Satin d’Chine Bcragcs and Toile de Linde Grenadines and Foulard Silks Organdies and painted Lawns Linen Camlets and Poplins Borage dc Laiv.os and Mouslincs Fancy and black Alpaocas Pink, blue and cinn. colored Chambrys Almardincs, plain and embroidered Organdie and French Ginghams Fancy Prints of a'l styles and qualities Parasols and Parasolctts Embroidered crape and herage Shawls French work and Lacc Capes, Collars, &c Bonnet Ribands and Beltings Embroidered Swiss Muslins for Dresses Marseilles and corded Skirts and Skirting White goods in every variety Linen lawn and cambric Hdkfs Kid, silk, lisle-thread and cotton Gloves Combric, Swiss, thread and cot. Edgings, Lacc, &.C. Figured Notts, Night Caps, &c. &c. For Childrens’ wear: A good assortment of every thing suitable for the season For Servants’ wear, and House Keep- ing Materials: Burlaps and heavy twilled Ducks Cotton and osnaburgs and penitentiary Plaids Nankeen, osnaburgs and blue Drillings Brown and bleached do Colton pant stuffs in great variety Kentucky Jeans and Kossuth mixtures Domestic Ginghams and Chambras Bro. and blca’d Sheeting and Shirting—3-4 to 12-4 .Marseilles and Lancaster Counterpanes 1 Damask, Table Linen and Tabic Cloths 1 Russia ami Scotch Diapers I Crashes and Stair Linen Pillow Case and Curtain Linens; do Cottons | Undressed and dressed Irish Linens Blea’d and bro. and colored cotton Tabic Diapers Curtain Muslins and Curtain Dimity Cloth and Linen Table Covers I Cotton Fringes and 'Toilet do A| >ron and Furniture Checks I Striped Shirting and Canton Flannels Tickings, Cotton Yarns, &c. &r.— I These Goods have been carefully selected, bought , on the best terms and will be sold at prices that cannot be surpassed in this or any other market.— | A call from dealers is solicited before purchasing, ' believing that an examination will not fail to con- vince all who are in pursuit ofgood and cheap goods that this is the place to get them. from the country will receive prompt 1 attention. Any article sent per order not suiting I can be returned. G. K. WiTMER, j King-street, opposite “Marshall House." 1 Alexandria April 21, 1860. C. G. WILDMAN, OF the late firm of C. G. Wildman & Co., is now receiving and offers for sale a large and well selected stock of SPRING AND SUMMER DRY GOODS, all of which have been purchased from importers and large dealers, and upon the most advantageous terms. He therefore feels well assured that he can sell to country dealers as low, ifnot lower than the same goods can he purchased in any market. He most respectfully invites his friends and former customers and all dealers in Dry Goods to call and examine his stock at No. 3, on King, west of Fair- fax street, where may be found, in part, For Ladies’ Wear, 10 pieces sup. black and blue-black silks 20 figured and glace do 10 Coraline, printed and figured foulard do 10 fancy colored bar ge 5 sup. mctalic do 10 linen do 5 all wool French delaines 13 plain and figured silk and mohair lustres 20 linen and changeable do 20 plain, colored and striped do 10 silk and linen poplins ( 4 silk tissue 5 silk warp and silk finish black lustres 5 embroidered lawns 40 patent Bohemian dress paterns 40 plaid, striped and checked muslins 50 book, Swiss and mull do 50 jackonet and thick cambrics 1000 yards thread Swiss, cambric, bobbin and cot- ton lace edgings 2000 French, British and domestic ginghams 5000 su.p. low priced lawns 5000 calicoes, from 6to 12 cents 2000 ** bonnet and cap ribbons (cheap) 2 pieces fine gauze Oannel 50 dozen linen and hnen cambrick handkerchiefs 75 kid, silk, Usie-thread and cotton gloves 200 silk and cotton hosiery 20 extra heavy and thin night caps 10 French worked and mourning collars . Parasols and parasolets, all colors For Gentlemen’s Wear. 5 pieecs sup. twilled black French cloths , 10 black, blue, green and brown French and ] English cloths i 20 black and fancy cassimcres ; 10 French doulas, a new article 20 fancy summer cloths and tweeds : 5 sup. white drillings 10 plaid and striped do 10 plaid and striped linens 20 fancy cotlonades; 30 do nankeen 20 repka cord; 3do Wellington do 6 crotin cloth tor boys’ wear 6 sup. black satin vestings 20 merino and fancy silk do 30 plain and figured Marscils do 50 Barkley’s, Grey’s and other superior ma- kers’ Irish linens 50 white and colored silk handkerchiefs 5 white and fancy colored bossed linen do G dozen black and colored sattin and other stocks 5 black and fancy colored silk cravats 2 sup. magic do 5 black and colored kid gloves 20 silk and lisle-thread do 10 ohirt collars 50 eup. and common suspenders 10 do do for boys 30 bleached, brown and mixed half hose For Servants’ and Family Use. 10,000 yards 3-4, 7-8, 4-4, 5-4, 6-4. 10-4 and 12-4 bleached shirting and sheeting 15,000 3-4, 7-8, 4-4 and 5-4 brown do 5,000 3-4 and 7-8 heavy and good osnabt.rgs 1,000 No. 1, 2 and 3 linen burlapsc 3,000 Penitentiary plaid cottons 2,000 heavy brown twilled do 2,000 shirting stripe 2,000 striped and figured wool and cotton carpetings 300 dozen spool sewings, Ac. &c. (Tj’AII persons in search of goods at the lowest prices will not forget No. 3, as that is the place to find bargains and save money. U. G. WILDMAN. Alexandria, Va., April 10, 1850. BALTIMORE PACKET. REDUCED RATES OF FREIGHT! THE fine new Packet Schooner ADA, James S. Maude ns, Master, is now put on the route as a permanent Packet between Ckarlcs County, Md., King George County, Ya., and the port of Balti- more, and presents to the Farmers and Merchants a regular communication between these points, at REDUCED RATES of freight, for the shipment of their produce, The Ada is a fine new vessel and her Captain experienced in the bay and river trade, and the owners solicit for her the patronage of the public. She will regularly call at Port Tobacco to take in, and land freight. For Terms, apply to the Captain on board. JOHN J. WATSON, King George Co., Va. K. G. WATSON, Charles Co., Ml. Or to JAMES McCoNKY & CO. 87 and 89 Browly’s Wharf, Baltimore. RATES OF FREIGHT. —Grain 4 cents per bushel, Tobacco §1 per hogshead, Back Freight 20 ; cents per barrel. Small packages for shippers by I her,/rte. [feb. G—Gm,] J. M. OREM. NVM. S. HOPKIJSS. j OREM a HOPKINS, MERCHANT TAILORS, and IVholcsale Dealers in Cloths , Cassi- 1 meres, Vestings and Tailors Trimmings. 230 Market St. N. W. Cor. of Charles, BALTIMORE. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF READY-MADE CLOTHING of Superior Quality. One price only. (Tj’Cloth rooms up stairs—Entrance, south end of the store, on Charles street, oct 10—ly. INSOLVENT’S NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given to the Creditors of William J. Stewart, that a personal dis- charge hath been granted to said debtor, and that the third Monday of July next, being the first day of our county court succeeding Ibis date, hath been set apart for the final hearing in his case, when his creditors may attend and show cause, if any thev have why a final discharge shall not bo grant- edjsaid debtor. R- 11. Mll CllELL,Clerk February 27, 1850. Charles County Court. INSOLVENT’S NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given to the Creditors of Francis L. Goodrich, that a personal dis- charge hath been granted to said debtor, and that the i third Monday of July next, being the first day of our j county court succeeding this date, hath been set . apart for the final hearing in his case, when his ' creditors may attend and shew cause, if any they have why a final discharge shall not be granted said - debtor. R. H. MITCHELL, Clerk I April 10, 1850. Charles county court. GENTLEMEN’S DRESS BOOTS. IL tL GEORGE HARMAN, 194 Pratt, near Hanover st. Baltimore , HAS in Store a large assortment of Gentlemen’s DRESS BOOTS, (Morocco and Calfskin,) made in the most fashionable manner and of the jest materials. Also, a complete assortment of LACK BOOTS. He particularly solicits a call >om his country friends and others, feeling issured that he will be able to givesatisfaction with •ogard to prices, etc. oct 29. ONE-PRICE CASH BOOT STORE. [AM selling boots for $3,00 and $3,50 of my | own make, which I am not going to extol, for heir good qualities arc already known. My object sto tel! the public where to find me. Stitched 3oots, Gaithers, Shoes and all other kind of work n proportion. Persons visiting Baltimore from Charles county ire respectfully invited to give me a call. orders promptly attended to. Wholesale and Retail at No. 77 Exchange Place, Baltimore. nov s—tf. EDWARD CHOATE. WM. BOSWELL k CO. invite the atten- tion of Farmers and buyers generally to the bllowing : Penitentiary Plaids; Burlapse, No. 1,2, 3 Patapsco Duck; Colton Osnaburg Twilled Cotton; brown do 7-8, 4-4 and 5-4 Cotton Yarns, assorted Nos. Uso, a large lot of FARMING IMPLEMENTS, .s follows ; No. S and 9 Sinclair A Mores’ Maryland Plow, No. 8 and 9 Davis’ No. 9 Beach Plow, improved by Posey, and a lot •f northern Plows from the factories of Prouty & dear and Buggies, Nourse ft Mason; together vith a general assortment ofPlow Castings, Screws; Iso chain and rope Traces; Hamcs, Collars, Plow j Iridles, Leading Lines, Weedingand Hilling Hoes, ! ill of which will be sold low bv mh 20 WM. BOSWELL A CO. D. St S. BLACKLOCK, Wholesale and Retail Grocers aud Commission Merchants, (At the Ferry Slip,) ALEXANDRIA, VA., HAVE received direct from New York ami other markets, an extensive and well selected dock of GROCERIES, WINES, LIQUORS, PAINTS, &c. &c. all of which have been pur- j diased upon the best terms from Importers and Manufacturers, and we feel confident that we can ! -ell to country dealers as low as they can purchase ! ;he same goods for in any market, and would re- ! > pec t fully invite their attention to our stock before they make their spring purchases, as we arc deter- mined to sell low for cash or to punctual customers. 5G hhds and bbls N. Orleans, Porto Rico, Cuba and St. Croix Sugar 25 boxes and bhls loaf and crushed do. 20 bhls powdered and clarified do 40 hhds and bbls N. Orleans and P. R. Molasses Java, Rio, Laguyra and St. Dom. Coffee 20 half chests gunpowder, young hyson and im- perial Tea, part of a very superior quality 15 half chests black Tea, part superior 33 boxes and butts Tobacco, various sizes and qualities 15,000 Principe Sogars, of favorite brands 30,000 American do 15 kegs Garrett’s 2d quality Scotch Snuffin bottles 2 bbls do do do in bladders 35 jars scented Rappee Snuff 3 kegs Marlinoquc do 25 reams fools cap and letter Paper 80 do wrapping do 40 boxes mould Candles; 25 boxes adamantine do 40 brown and yellow Soap 30 Castile ami fancy do 200 sacks ground alum Salt) F ... , JOO fine J fectory filled 500 bushels G. I. do 8,000 lbs. hams, shoulders and sides Bacon 10 tierces and bbls sperm, train and paint Oils 10 baskets salad Oil, quarts and pints 100 kegs pure White Lead 10 boxes Chrome Green and Yellow 30 cans Chrome Green, ground in oil; Paris Green, Ycrdegries, Red Lead, Litharge, Red and Yel- low Ochre, Spanish Brown, Venetian Red, Umber, Ac. 50 doz paint and whitewash Brushes 20 doz stove do 200 doz Mason’s challenge Blacking 15 doz painted Buckets ; 10 doz horse do 3 Half-Bushels 30 Brooms and Whisps 30 Hingham and flour Boxes 75 nests iron and wood bound ware 25 gross Matches in wooden boxes 25 doz “Brooklyn’’ Mustard 5 cans English do also in bottles 5 bags Pepper and Pimento; 3 bags Race Ginger 10 boxes ground Pepper in papers 5 kegs do Ginger 100 lbs Nutmegs and Mace 2 cans Cayenne Pepper 5 boxes do do in bottles 25 mats Cassia 100 lbs Cloves, pure ground Spices, Ac. 25 boxes Colcgate’s Starch So kegs Indigo, Alum and Copperas 1 Sup. Carb. Soda for bread 10 Sal. Soda; 16 do Salt Pctrc 5 tierces superior Rice 60 doz Leading Lines and Bed Cords 15 coils grass and hemp Ropes for leading lines 2000 galls, pure Cider Vinegar, &c. Ac. We have also in store a large stock of Wines and Liquors, which wo will warrant to please, con- sisting, in part, of 40 and \ casks Madcria, Port Sorry, Sicily Ma- deira, Lisbon and other Wines, part very old and of a superior quality 30 baskets Champagne (qts and pts) of favorite brands 5 bbls Poach Brandy 25 bbls Apple do GO bbls “Alleghany” rectified W hiskey 20 “Gibson’s” old Whiskey,superior 15 “old family’’ of 1843 35 old Monongahcla Rye Spirits 50 mountain and other brands of old rye Whiskey, some of which is equal to any in this or any other market. 20 bbls N. E. Rum; 20 bbls country Gin 20 bbls and 4 casks American Brandy, 15 bbls Cordial 25 i and j casks Cognac Brandies, dark and pale and warranted pure, Ac. Ac. I>. A S. BLACKLOCK, Alexandria, Va., April 24, 1850. McAllister’s all-healing OINTMENT. A FEW DOZEN BOXES of this celebrated Ointment have just been received by I ap 15. L. W. DAY & CO. WILLIAM S. JUSTIS, clock aud Watch Maker autl Jew- eller, Corner of Pratl and Commerce Streets BALTIMORE, Respectfully informs the citizens of Charles county that he has removed to the north-east corner of Pratt and Commerce streets, where he has now in store an extensive stock of JEWELRY .OT FANCY ARTICLES, consisting in part as follows: Gold and silver lever Watches, in hunting and plain cases Gold and silver lepinc and anchor lever watches Fine Quarlcur and common vertical do Gold guard vest and fob Chains Gold guard and fob Keys and Reals Gold and silver Thimbles; silver Combs, with and without sets Gold Ear-rings, Breastpins, Finger-rings, Bracelets, Shirt-studs, Pencil Cases, Minaturcs and Me- dalions Gold, silver and steel spectacles, to suit all eyes Silver table, tea, suit, gravy and mustard Spoons 1 Britania tea and coffee pots, castors and candlesticks Britania in sets offive and six pieces, music boxes, girandoles, solar lamps, waiters and accordcons Silver plated ware, assorted Violins and violin strings Double and six barrel pistols; single barrel self- cocking do.; double and single barrel do.; of English and German manufacture. 8 day and 30 hour brass and wood clocks Mantle do.; pocket and table cutlery Perfumery and hair oil, shot pouches, bird bags, powder flasks, percussion caps, and matches Together with many other articles. Persons visiting the city would do well to call at his store, as be can sell any of the above articles, and do all kinds of repairing as cheap, ifnot cheap- er than any other establishment in the city. N. B. Clocks, Watches, Music Boxes and Jew- elry repaired in the best manner. Hair Plaiting, such as Bracelets, Watch Guards, Necklaces, and so forth, neatly done. may 17 COSTUME HALL, Corner of Pratt st. and Centre Market Space, CLOTHING WAREHOUSE. f|~UIE Proprietors of the above establishment X would respectfully inform the citizens of Carles and the adjoining counties, that he has received from Europe, the Pall and Winter Fashions! Together with a rich assortment of Goods adapted to the coming season, consisting ofsuperfine French, German and English cloths, castor beavers, pilots, and pelitot coaling, a new article for oversacka and business coats. Also, a splendid assortment of French and English Uassimeres and Doeskins, of the most desirable styles imported this season. Rich Vestings ! i We have, and arc constantly receiving, new styles ; , of vestings, consisting ofplain and figured silk and 1 woollen velvets, figured and striped cashmeres, | silks, satins and Valencias, of all shades and colors. Our Custom Work ! Is cut and made in the best manner—and as regards style and workmanship, is warranted to give entire i satisfaction, and at greatly reduced prices. Ready Made Clothing! Persons in want of ready made clothing, arc par- ticularly invited to call and examine our stock be- fore purchasing elsewhere, as we manufacture all qualities of Fashionable Clothing, And our assortment of that article is at all times large, which offers to purchasers a great inducement ofprocuring an article of a quality which cannot be obtained in any other clothing establishment in the city. We have on hand and are constantly manufactur- ing Garments of Every Variety, from the best materials, in the most improved styles, for fall and winter wear, consisting ofsurtout, sack and pelitot Overcoats, of all colors, qualities and sizes, from §2 50, 4 50, 4 75, 5 60 and upwards. Boys’ Sack and Overcoats ! A large assortment of boys’ sack and overcoats, 20 per cent, less than the usual prices. Superfine frock and dress coats made from German and French Cloths, in the latest fashion. A large stock of tweed coats, pants and vests. We have a large assortment of Tweed Frocks and Sacks, a new article. Forest sacks, for stormy weather Pantaloons, from sutler french doeskins. Black and fancy cassimcre Pants. Of every variety of shade and color, alsl, 1 50 1 75, 2, 2 50; 3, 3 50 and upwards. Vests, Made from rich velvets, satins, cashmeres and Va [cncias. and at all prices. (Lj”Remember tlic Name and place, corner of Pratt st. &. Centre Market Space, nov 31. 11. 11. COLE. NEGROES WANTED. THE subscriber is in this market again, wishing to buy Slaves, for the New Orleans and South- Tg.<ern markets. Persons wishing to sell Jtjft will find it much to their interest to sce JSSX me before they make sale elsew here, I will pay the extreme value for all ASM negroes that arc healthy and slaves for bac Communications addressed to me in Port lo- bacco or Baltimore will be attended to j„n 1 .IXO. G. CAMPBELL. mks£ WILTON BROWN. riIUE splendid and and full blooded horse, WIL- : X TON BROWN, will stand the ensuing season, ! commencing on the first day ot April and ending the 30th of June, at $35 the season for blooded ! mares, to be discharged by the payment of $lO, if | paid within the season; $lO for common mares, to i be discharged by the payment of $6, if made within i the season. Fifty cents in each case to the groom, lie will stand at the followg places : At Piscataway, on Tuesdays; Middletown, on Thursdays; Port Tobacco, on Saturdays. “WILTON BROWN” is in finer order than he has been for some years. j A pedigree is deemed unnecessary, as the horse iis so well known in the County and State. But if | required by any person, he will be gratified with i pleasure. , i Persons wishing to breed from the horse will be : required to place their names in a book in possession , of the groom. j The Groom has my consent to contract and make ! collections (for me) in this case. 11Y. D. HATTON, Near Piscataway, Pr. George's Co. Md. mh 20—_tf A SUPPLY ot very fine Lamp and Linseed OIL, just received and for sale by i may S. WM. FERGUSSON. Restoration and Preservation of the Halr y BT M. WISE & SON, of Virginia. A CARD. MWISE & SON, finding it altogether impos- sible to attend personally to the great nutn- oerof daily applications, from all sections of the U- nion, for their Remedy for Raldncss, and for their celebrated HAIR TONIC, have found it necessary to appoint a General Travelling Agent, to visit differ- ent cities and towns throughout the United Stales, vesting him with authority to appoint sub-agents, use and vend the Hair Tonic, and to apply the RESTORATIVE, and to put them into the hands of those he may appoint to operate wherever a suf- ficient number ofpatients in any town or neighbor- hood shall be obtained. Capt. GEORGE CALVERT, ofFauquier coun- ty, Va., is alone authorsized to act as general Tra- velling Agent, with the powers above indicated. Capt. C. may be expected to visit, as speedily as practicable the principal cities and towns of the Union. N. B. Capt. Calvert will always have on hand a full supply of the HAIR TONIC (which cleanses the head of dandruff', strengthens and invigorates the hair, and prevents it, also from falling off,) for the regions of country most contiguous to his ope- rations, or it may always be obtained, at wholesale, and forwarded to any partoftbeUnion, by address- ing the proprietors, M. WISE & SON, Richmond, Va. O’Price 89 per dozen cash. Six bottles for $5 —or one dollar single bottles, nov 28—ly. To Physicians Druggists and COUXTRY J[IERCIIAXTS. DR. J. N. KEELER & BRO. most respectfully solicits attention to their fresh stock of English, French , German and American Drugs , Medicines, Chemicals, Paints, Varnishes, Oils, Dye Stuffs, Glas ware, Perfumery, Patent Medicines &c. Having o- pened, anew store No. 294 Market St. with aTull supply of Fresh Drugs and Medicines, we respectful- ly solicit Country dealers to examine our stock before purchasing elswhere, promising one and all who may feel disposed to extend to us their patronage, to sell them genuine Drugs and Medicines on as liberal terms as any other house in the City, and to faith- fully execute all orders entrusted to us promptly and with dispatch One of the proprietors being a regular physician, affords ample garantce of the genuine quality of all articles sold at their establishment. We especially invite druggists and country mer- chants who may wish to become agents for Dr. Keeler's Celebrated Family Medicines, (standard and popular remedies,) to forward their address. Soliciting the patronage of dealers, we respecful- ly remain, J. N. KEELER & BRO., Wholesale Druggists, scp. 26. No. 294 Market street, Phila. THE MARSHALL HOUSE HOTEL, ALEXAXDRJA, VA. nPIIE subscriber has taken the above Ho- -1 tel, recently under the management of i Mr. Newton, by whom it has been conduct- ed for some years, and under whose man- agement it has secured a high reputation.— The undersigned, is determined to keep up thischaracterof the house, and lias furnished it throughout principally with new fnrni- j ture, beds, See., which will enable him to j make his guests comfortable. His table will at all times be furnished with the best the market will afford, and Lis bar, also well furnished. His servants and cooks, are experienced, and he will spare no pains or attention to please those who may favor him with their company. There is also connect- ed with the hotel, a Livery Stable, well sup- plied, and under the care of Mr. Peyton, who will attend strictly to its management. He solicits a share of the favor of his friends and a generous public. aug 22—tf. SILAS J. SANDERS. INSOLVENT’S NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given to the Creditors of Joseph Welch, that a personal discharge hath been granted to said debtor, and that the third Monday of July next, being the first day of our county court succeeding this date, hath been set apart for the final hearing in his case, when his creditors may attend and shew cause, if any they have, why a final discharge shall not be granted said debtor. * R. 11. MITCHELL, Clerk April 10, 1850. Charles county court. DEERS’ TEMPERANCE HOTEL, THIRD STREET, JVorlh of Pennsylv. avenue , and near the Railroad Depot , WASHINGTON CITY. ROUGH AND READY. I\TY sure foal geiter, Rough and Ready, -‘A-*- will stand the present season at the following places, to wit ; At Mr. William Cox’s Mill near Port To- bacco, on Mondays; will pass Salem in the morning, and Newtown in the evening oik i Tuesdays ; at Centreville, on Wednesdays ; at Newport, on Thursdays; will pass Al- len’s Fresh on Fridays ; at Potlersvillc, on Saturdays. This Jack was purchased in the Stale of jVirginia, from character. I was assured by friends who advised me to purchase, gen- tlemen of the strictest veracity residing in , the neighborhood where he was raised, that he was a sure foal geiter, a perfectly docile animal, and that he had produced Mules 15 hands high, and though there was nothing in his appearance to recommend him, that i the product of his first season would en- sure him future favor. He served some fif- ty odd Mares the last season, all of which proved with foal, with the exception of four or five. He is 10 years old this season. Terms : the season to be liquidated by the payment of if paid on or before the ensuing session of our July Court.— Twenty-five cents to the Groom in each case. Season to commence the Ist day of April. will also, the present season, let to a limited number of Mates my young JACK, the Knight of Malta, on the above terms. Persons wishing to pul Mares to him will always find him at home. I mb 13—if. SAMUEL COX.

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Page 1: Port Tobacco times, and Charles County advertiser (Port ...French and English Cloths and Cassimercs Barathea silk and satin Vestings ... Undressed and dressed Irish Linens Blea’d



You say you love me—can I trustThat she, by many woo’d,

By me at length, has had her heartTo constancy subdued?

Perchance some oilier love is there,But do not tell me so;

Since knowledge would but bring me grief,’Tis better not to know.

Perchance that eye has beamed with Jove,In days I knew not thee,

That ruby lip bath bent in smiles\ For others 11 1 an for me;

But let that lip still, silence keep,ni trust its Jove-hke show ;

Since knowledge would but bring me grief,’Tis letter not to know.

Oh ? what a simple fondness mine,Whose wishes make its creed;

But let me think you love me still,And I’llbe blest indeed!

’Tis better that the eye ne’er sec,'Phan that its tears should flow;

When knowledge would but bring us grief,’Tis better not to know.


Powerful Reasoning.— At a youngmen’s debating society somewhere inIndiana, the question for discussionwas “Which is the greatest evil, a scol-ding wife or a smokey chimney.” Afterthe appointed disputants had conclud-ed the debate, a spectator rose and beg-ged the privilege of £ making a few re-

marks on the occasion.” Permissionbeing granted, he delivered himself incluis way : “Mr. President, I’ve been al-most mad a listening to the debate ofthese ’ere youngsters. They don’tknow nothing at all about the subject.What do they know about the evils ofa scolding wife. Wait till they havehad one for twenty years, and beenRammed, and jammed and slammed allthe while, and wait till they’ve been

scolded because the baby cried, becausethe fire wonld’nt burn, because theoven was too hot, because the cowkicked over the milk, because it rained,because the sun shined, because theLens didn’t lay, because the butler•would’nt come, because the old cat hadkittens, because they came too soon fordinner, because they were one minutetoo late, because they sung, becausethey lore their trowsers, because theyinvited a neighbor woman to call again,because they got sick, or because theydid anything else, no matter whetherthey eould’ut help it or not, before theytalk about the evils of a scolding wife;•why, Mr. President, I’d rather hear the¦clatter ofhammers and stones and twen-

ty tin pans and nine brass kettles, thanthe din, din, din, of the tongue of ascolding wife. Yes, sir-ee, 1 would. Tomy mind., Mr. President, a smokeychimney is no more to be compared to

a scolding wife, than a little negro is to.a dark night.”

At a meeting of the church, the pas-tor gave out the hymn commencingwith, “I love to steal awhile away,”which the chorister commenced sing-ing; but owing to some difficulty inremembering the tune, could not pro-ceed farther than, “/love to steal” whichbe did three or four times, when theclergyman in order to relieve him fromhis dilema, waggishly remarked, that itwas very much to be regretted, and ad-ded, “let us pray”

A quaker advertises to cure, amongother incurable disease, Marcobozzaris,Abdelkader, Hippotamus, Potato Rot,Hydrostatics, Inflammation of the Ab-dominable Regions, Agae Fits, ShakingQuaker Visits, and all kinds of Anni-versary.

It is rumored that the last and great-est curiosity of the age has just beenreceived at Wood’s Museum. It is thegun with which the question is popped.Probably a large supply will soon bemade for the use of bashful young men.

A Good-natured Husband. WhenHaddix’s wife kicked him out of the bedhe said, “See here, now! you’d belternot do that again ! If you do, it willcause a—coolness.

Homgepathic Beer.— Tis one hopto a rat’s tail, let the rat swim througha mill pond, then bottle the contents ofthe pond—“to be shaken before taken.”

Debt are tbe initial letters of “Dunlivery Body Twice.” Credit are the ¦initial letters of “Call Regular EveryDay—l’ll Trust.”

The western papers state that theMississippi has raised one foot. Whenit raises the “other fool” it will proba-bly “run.”

Ok Course.— The Burlington FreePress thinks that the best way to get upa “familybroil” is to buy a good ham.

“Ma’an, your shawl’s dragging in(he mud.” “Well, suppose it is, isn’tit fashionable?”

The tongue is like a race horse, itruns the faster the less weight it carries.


THE subscriber returns his sincere thanks to hisfriends and the public generally for the patron-

age heretofore extended to him, and has the plea-sure to inform them that he has just finished asplendid assortment of


ofevery description, which he will sell on the mostreasonable terms for cash or approved paper. Hisestablishment is two doors weslof his old stand, cor-ner ot Third Street and Pennsylmnia JirevAie, andopposite Gadsby’s New Hotel. Persons in want oCarriages willfind it to their advantage to give moa call before purchasing. Old Carriages repaired atthe shortest notice, or taken in exchange for newones. 1 have a good assortment ofsecond-hand Car-riages which I will sell on reasonable terms.

MICHAEL McDERMOTT,may 25—ly. Washington, D. C.


r fMIE subscribers would respectfully inform theJ- citizens of Charles and the adjacent counties,

(hat they arc receiving a large and well selectedstock ofgoods in their line, embracing every articlerequisite for Builders, of (he very best quality, ofimproved styles and at prices that cannot fail toplease. Their stock of Shovels, Spades, 1-prongForks, Hay Forks, <&c., arc very desirable, beingmade of the finest cast steel and finished in thebest manner. They kecj) all sorts of Carpenters’Tools, such as—

Planes; Saws, very superior; Dench Axes; Hatchets;Augers, best quality; Auger Bits; Adzes; Braces&Bits; Bench Hammers, &c. &c.

Amongst their stock also will be found cast steelmill and cross-cut Saws; American do do; Ame-rican pitt and other do; Log, Cart, Trace, Halter,Dog and other Chains; ivory Knives with platedForks; Table, P-en and Pocket Cutlery of allgrades; Razors from 12 1-2 cts. to $1 each; Scis-sors and Shears of all qualities; well and cisternPumps; Lead Pipe; Wove Wire of assortedwidths; Cast Steel in bars; American BlisterSteel; Files; shoe and horse Rasps; handsawFiles; woof. Rasps; wood Files; warding and oth- ,er Files; Scales to weigh from 1-2 ounce to 240pounds; patent Balances; Steelyards; Counter ,Scales; Shovels and Tongs, fine quality and com-mon; Pots, Ovens, Skillets, Griddles and all oth-er castings; Plough Castings and Screws of as-sorted makes, with an extensive assortment oflight goods not usually found in Hardware stores, .such as—

Hair, dusting, tooth and shaving Brushes; CombCleaners; fancy Soaps; metal, lasting, agate andother Buttons; Combs; Pins; Needles; worstedCords and Tassels; Blacking; Ink; Steel Pens;Straw Whisps; Bird Cages and Nests; InkStands; Slates; Slate and Lead Pencils, a greatvariety; Hooks and Eyes; Fishing Lines andHooks; Virginia Fish Hooks of superior quality;Shaving Boxes; Shaving Cream; Fancy Boxes;Spittoons; Tea & Coffee Canisters; Sugar Boxes;tin Dressing Boxes; Matches; Suspenders; cot-ton and Manilla Rope; hemp and cotton Twine;Flutes and Violins; Violin Strings of the bestquality, and a thousand other articles both fancyand staple, which they offer at wholesale and re-tail upon the best terms. Their motto is, “Smallprofits and quick sales.”

CREIGHTON & McNAIR,White Frame Store, King Street.

Alexandria, Va., May 1, 1850.



THE subscriber is now receiving and has in storea lanrc and desirable stock of ELVCY AND

DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, to which he invitesthe attention of dealers from Charles and the ad-joining counties.

His assortment of goods for Gentlemen’s wearconsists ofFrench and English Cloths and CassimercsBarathea silk and satin VestingsMarseilles and Valencia doSilk warp and all wool T weedsDrap d’Ete and Coddingtons for coatsFrench Linen and Camlet Lustres for doPlain and fancy linen DrillingsMerino Shirts and Drawers

For Ladies’ wear:Supr black Taffelta Silks for dresses and vizcltcsSatin d’Chine “ “

Bcragcs and Toile de LindeGrenadines and Foulard SilksOrgandies and painted LawnsLinen Camlets and PoplinsBorage dc Laiv.os and MouslincsFancy and black AlpaocasPink, blue and cinn. colored ChambrysAlmardincs, plain and embroideredOrgandie and French GinghamsFancy Prints of a'l styles and qualitiesParasols and ParasolcttsEmbroidered crape and herage ShawlsFrench work and Lacc Capes, Collars, &cBonnet Ribands and BeltingsEmbroidered Swiss Muslins for DressesMarseilles and corded Skirts and SkirtingWhite goods in every varietyLinen lawn and cambric HdkfsKid, silk, lisle-thread and cotton GlovesCombric, Swiss, thread and cot. Edgings, Lacc, &.C.Figured Notts, Night Caps, &c. &c.

For Childrens’ wear:A good assortment of every thing suitable for the


For Servants’ wear, and House Keep-ing Materials:

Burlaps and heavy twilled DucksCotton and osnaburgs and penitentiary PlaidsNankeen, osnaburgs and blue DrillingsBrown and bleached doColton pant stuffs in great varietyKentucky Jeans and Kossuth mixturesDomestic Ginghams and ChambrasBro. and blca’d Sheeting and Shirting—3-4 to 12-4.Marseilles and Lancaster Counterpanes

1 Damask, Table Linen and Tabic Cloths1 Russia ami Scotch Diapers

I Crashes and Stair LinenPillow Case and Curtain Linens; do Cottons

| Undressed and dressed Irish LinensBlea’d and bro. and colored cotton Tabic DiapersCurtain Muslins and Curtain DimityCloth and Linen Table Covers

I Cotton Fringes and 'Toilet doA| >ron and Furniture Checks

I Striped Shirting and Canton FlannelsTickings, Cotton Yarns, &c. &r.—

I These Goods have been carefully selected, bought, on the best terms and will be sold at prices thatcannot be surpassed in this or any other market.—

| A call from dealers is solicited before purchasing,' believing that an examination will not fail to con-vince all who are in pursuit ofgood and cheap goodsthat this is the place to get them.

from the country will receive prompt1 attention. Any article sent per order not suitingI can be returned. G. K. WiTMER,j King-street, opposite “Marshall House."

1 Alexandria April 21, 1860.

C. G. WILDMAN,OF the late firm of C. G. Wildman & Co., is

now receiving and offers for sale a large andwell selected stock ofSPRING AND SUMMER DRY GOODS,all of which have been purchased from importersand large dealers, and upon the most advantageousterms. He therefore feels well assured that he cansell to country dealers as low, ifnot lower than thesame goods can he purchased in any market. Hemost respectfully invites his friends and formercustomers and all dealers in Dry Goods to call andexamine his stock at No. 3, on King, west of Fair-fax street, where may be found, in part,

For Ladies’ Wear,10 pieces sup. black and blue-black silks20 “ figured and glace do10 Coraline, printed and figured foulard do10 fancy colored bar ge5 “ sup. mctalic do

10 “ linen do5 “ all wool French delaines

13 “ plain and figured silk and mohair lustres20 “ linen and changeable do20 “ plain, colored and striped do10 “ silk and linen poplins (4 “ silk tissue5 “ silk warp and silk finish black lustres5 “ embroidered lawns

40 “ patent Bohemian dress paterns40 “ plaid, striped and checked muslins50 “ book, Swiss and mull do50 “ jackonet and thick cambrics1000 yards thread Swiss, cambric, bobbin and cot-

ton lace edgings2000 “ French, British and domestic ginghams5000 “ su.p. low priced lawns5000 “ calicoes, from 6to 12 cents2000 ** bonnet and cap ribbons (cheap)2 pieces fine gauze Oannel50 dozen linen and hnen cambrick handkerchiefs75 “ kid, silk, Usie-thread and cotton gloves200 “ silk and cotton hosiery20 “ extra heavy and thin night caps10 “ French worked and mourning collars .

Parasols and parasolets, all colors

For Gentlemen’s Wear.5 pieecs sup. twilled black French cloths ,

10 “ black, blue, green and brown French and ]English cloths i

20 “ black and fancy cassimcres ;10 “ French doulas, a new article20 “ fancy summer cloths and tweeds :

5 “ sup. white drillings10 “ plaid and striped do10 “ plaid and striped linens20 “ fancy cotlonades; 30 do nankeen20 “ repka cord; 3do Wellington do

6 “ crotin cloth tor boys’ wear6 “ sup. black satin vestings

20 “ merino and fancy silk do30 “ plain and figured Marscils do50 “ Barkley’s, Grey’s and other superior ma-

kers’ Irish linens50 “ white and colored silk handkerchiefs

5 “ white and fancy colored bossed linen doG dozen black and colored sattin and other stocks5 “ black and fancy colored silk cravats

2 “ sup. magic do5 “ black and colored kid gloves

20 “ silk and lisle-thread do10 “ ohirt collars50 “ eup. and common suspenders10 “ do do for boys30 “ bleached, brown and mixed half hose

For Servants’ and Family Use.10,000 yards 3-4, 7-8, 4-4, 5-4, 6-4. 10-4 and 12-4

bleached shirting and sheeting15,000 “ 3-4, 7-8, 4-4 and 5-4 brown do5,000 “ 3-4 and 7-8 heavy and good osnabt.rgs1,000

“ No. 1, 2 and 3 linen burlapsc3,000 “ Penitentiary plaid cottons2,000 “ heavy brown twilled do2,000 “ shirting stripe2,000 “ striped and figured wool and cotton

carpetings300 dozen spool sewings, Ac. &c.

(Tj’AIIpersons in search of goods at the lowestprices willnot forget No. 3, as that is the place to

find bargains and save money.U. G. WILDMAN.

Alexandria, Va., April 10, 1850.



THE fine new Packet Schooner ADA, James S.Maude ns, Master, is now put on the route as

a permanent Packet between Ckarlcs County, Md.,King George County, Ya., and the port of Balti-more, and presents to the Farmers and Merchantsa regular communication between these points, at

REDUCED RATES of freight, for the shipmentof their produce,

The Ada is a fine new vessel and her Captainexperienced in the bay and river trade, and the

owners solicit for her the patronage of the public.She will regularly call at Port Tobacco to take in,and land freight.

For Terms, apply to the Captain on board.JOHN J. WATSON, King George Co., Va.K. G. WATSON, Charles Co., Ml.Or to JAMES McCoNKY & CO. 87 and 89

Browly’s Wharf, Baltimore.RATES OF FREIGHT. —Grain 4 cents per

bushel, Tobacco §1 per hogshead, Back Freight 20 ;cents per barrel. Small packages for shippers by Iher,/rte. [feb. G—Gm,]



and IVholcsale Dealers in Cloths , Cassi- 1meres, Vestings and Tailors ’

Trimmings.230 Market St. N. W. Cor. of Charles,



READY-MADE CLOTHINGof Superior Quality. One price only.

(Tj’Cloth rooms up stairs—Entrance, south endofthe store, on Charles street,

oct 10—ly.


NOTICE is hereby given to the Creditors ofWilliam J. Stewart, that a personal dis-

charge hath been granted to said debtor, and thatthe third Monday of July next, being the firstday of our county court succeeding Ibis date, hathbeen set apart for the final hearing in his case, whenhis creditors may attend and show cause, if anythev have why a final discharge shall not bo grant-edjsaid debtor. R- 11. MllCllELL,Clerk

February 27, 1850. Charles County Court.


NOTICE is hereby given to the Creditors ofFrancis L. Goodrich, that a personal dis-

charge hath been granted to said debtor, and that thei third Monday ofJuly next, being the first day ofour

j county court succeeding this date, hath been set. apart for the final hearing in his case, when his

' creditors may attend and shew cause, if any theyhave why a final discharge shall not be granted said

- debtor. R. H. MITCHELL, Clerk

I April 10, 1850. Charles county court.



194 Pratt, near Hanover st. Baltimore,

HAS in Store a large assortment ofGentlemen’sDRESS BOOTS, (Morocco and Calfskin,)

made in the most fashionable manner and of thejest materials. Also, a complete assortment ofLACK BOOTS. He particularly solicits a call>om his country friends and others, feelingissured that he will be able to givesatisfaction with•ogard to prices, etc.

oct 29.


[AM selling boots for $3,00 and $3,50 of my |own make, which I am not going to extol, for

heir good qualities arc already known. My objectsto tel! the public where to find me. Stitched3oots, Gaithers, Shoes and all other kind of workn proportion.

Persons visiting Baltimore from Charles countyire respectfully invited to give me a call.

orders promptly attended to.Wholesale and Retail at No. 77 Exchange Place,

Baltimore.nov s—tf. EDWARD CHOATE.

WM. BOSWELL k CO. invite the atten-tion of Farmers and buyers generally to the

bllowing :

Penitentiary Plaids; Burlapse, No. 1,2, 3Patapsco Duck; Colton OsnaburgTwilled Cotton; brown do 7-8, 4-4 and 5-4Cotton Yarns, assorted Nos.

Uso, a large lot of FARMING IMPLEMENTS,.s follows ;

No. S and 9 Sinclair A Mores’ Maryland Plow,No. 8 and 9 Davis’ “ “

No. 9 Beach Plow, improved by Posey, and a lot•f northern Plows from the factories of Prouty &

dear and Buggies, Nourse ft Mason; togethervith a general assortment ofPlow Castings, Screws;Iso chain and rope Traces; Hamcs, Collars, Plow jIridles, Leading Lines, Weedingand HillingHoes, !ill of which will be sold low bv


D. St S. BLACKLOCK,Wholesale and Retail Grocers aud

Commission Merchants,(At the Ferry Slip,)


HAVE received direct from New York amiother markets, an extensive and well selected

dock of GROCERIES, WINES, LIQUORS,PAINTS, &c. &c. all of which have been pur- jdiased upon the best terms from Importers andManufacturers, and we feel confident that we can !-ell to country dealers as low as they can purchase !;he same goods for in any market, and would re- !>pec tfully invite their attention to our stock beforethey make their spring purchases, as we arc deter-mined to sell low for cash or to punctual customers.5G hhds and bbls N. Orleans, Porto Rico, Cuba and

St. Croix Sugar25 boxes and bhls loaf and crushed do.20 bhls powdered and clarified do40 hhds and bbls N. Orleans and P. R. MolassesJava, Rio, Laguyra and St. Dom. Coffee20 half chests gunpowder, young hyson and im-

perial Tea, part of a very superior quality15 half chests black Tea, part superior33 boxes and butts Tobacco, various sizes and

qualities15,000 Principe Sogars, of favorite brands30,000 American do15 kegs Garrett’s 2d quality Scotch Snuffin bottles2 bbls do do do in bladders35 jars scented Rappee Snuff3 kegs Marlinoquc do25 reams fools cap and letter Paper80 do wrapping do40 boxes mould Candles; 25 boxes adamantine do40 “ brown and yellow Soap30 “ Castile ami fancy do200 sacks ground alum Salt) F ... ,

JOO fine J fectory filled

500 bushels G. I. do8,000 lbs. hams, shoulders and sides Bacon10 tierces and bbls sperm, train and paint Oils10 baskets salad Oil, quarts and pints100 kegs pure White Lead10 boxes Chrome Green and Yellow30 cans Chrome Green, ground in oil; Paris Green,

Ycrdegries, Red Lead, Litharge, Red and Yel-low Ochre, Spanish Brown, Venetian Red,Umber, Ac.

50 doz paint and whitewash Brushes20 doz stove do200 doz Mason’s challenge Blacking15 doz painted Buckets ; 10 doz horse do3 “Half-Bushels30 “ Brooms and Whisps30 “ Hingham and flour Boxes75 nests iron and wood bound ware25 gross Matches in wooden boxes25 doz “Brooklyn’’ Mustard5 cans English do also in bottles5 bags Pepper and Pimento; 3 bags Race Ginger10 boxes ground Pepper in papers5 kegs do Ginger100 lbs Nutmegs and Mace2 cans Cayenne Pepper5 boxes do do in bottles25 mats Cassia100 lbs Cloves, pure ground Spices, Ac.25 boxes Colcgate’s StarchSo kegs Indigo, Alum and Copperas1 “ Sup. Carb. Soda for bread10 “ Sal. Soda; 16 do Salt Pctrc5 tierces superior Rice60 doz Leading Lines and Bed Cords

15 coils grass and hemp Ropes for leading lines2000 galls, pure Cider Vinegar, &c. Ac.

We have also in store a large stock of Wines

and Liquors, which wo willwarrant to please, con-

sisting, in part, of40 and \ casks Madcria, Port Sorry, Sicily Ma-

deira, Lisbon and other Wines, part very old

and of a superior quality30 baskets Champagne (qts and pts) of favorite

brands5 bbls Poach Brandy25 bbls Apple doGO bbls “Alleghany” rectified W hiskey20 “ “Gibson’s” old Whiskey,superior15 “old family’’ d° of 1843

35 “ old Monongahcla Rye Spirits50 “ mountain and other brands of old rye

Whiskey, some of which is equal to any in

this or any other market.20 bbls N. E. Rum; 20 bbls country Gin20 bbls and 4 casks American Brandy,

15 bbls Cordial25 i and j casks Cognac Brandies, dark and pale

and warranted pure, Ac. Ac.I>. A S. BLACKLOCK,

Alexandria, Va., April 24, 1850.

McAllister’s all-healing


AFEW DOZEN BOXES of this celebratedOintment have just been received by

I ap 15. L. W. DAY & CO.

WILLIAM S. JUSTIS,clock aud Watch Maker autl Jew-


Corner of Pratl and Commerce StreetsBALTIMORE,

Respectfully informs the citizens ofCharles county that he has removed to the

north-east corner of Pratt and Commerce streets,where he has now in store an extensive stock of

JEWELRY .OT FANCY ARTICLES,consisting in part as follows:Gold and silver lever Watches, in hunting and plain

casesGold and silver lepinc and anchor lever watchesFine Quarlcur and common vertical doGold guard vest and fob ChainsGold guard and fob Keys and RealsGold and silver Thimbles; silver Combs, with and

without setsGold Ear-rings, Breastpins, Finger-rings, Bracelets,

Shirt-studs, Pencil Cases, Minaturcs and Me-dalions

Gold, silver and steel spectacles, to suit all eyesSilver table, tea, suit, gravy and mustard Spoons

1 Britania tea and coffee pots, castors and candlesticksBritania in sets offive and six pieces, music boxes,

girandoles, solar lamps, waiters and accordconsSilver plated ware, assortedViolins and violin stringsDouble and six barrel pistols; single barrel self-

cocking do.; double and single barrel do.; ofEnglish and German manufacture.

8 day and 30 hour brass and wood clocksMantle do.; pocket and table cutleryPerfumery and hair oil, shot pouches, bird bags,

powder flasks, percussion caps, and matchesTogether with many other articles.

Persons visiting the city would do well to call athis store, as be can sell any of the above articles,and do all kinds of repairing as cheap, ifnot cheap-er than any other establishment in the city.

N. B. Clocks, Watches, Music Boxes and Jew-elry repaired in the best manner. Hair Plaiting,such as Bracelets, Watch Guards, Necklaces, andso forth, neatly done. may 17

COSTUME HALL,Corner of Pratt st. and Centre Market Space,

CLOTHING WAREHOUSE.f|~UIE Proprietors of the above establishmentX would respectfully inform the citizens of Carles

and the adjoining counties, that he has receivedfrom Europe, the

Pall and Winter Fashions!Together with a rich assortment of Goods adaptedto the coming season, consisting ofsuperfine French,German and English cloths, castor beavers, pilots,and pelitot coaling, a new article for oversackaand business coats. Also, a splendid assortment ofFrench and English

Uassimeres and Doeskins,of the most desirable styles imported this season.

Rich Vestings !

i We have, and arc constantly receiving, new styles ;, ofvestings, consisting ofplain and figured silk and

1 woollen velvets, figured and striped cashmeres,| silks, satins and Valencias, of all shades and colors.

Our Custom Work! Is cut and made in the best manner—and as regardsstyle and workmanship, is warranted to give entire isatisfaction, and at greatly reduced prices.

Ready Made Clothing!Persons in want of ready made clothing, arc par-

ticularly invited to call and examine our stock be-fore purchasing elsewhere, as we manufacture allqualities of

Fashionable Clothing,And our assortment of that article is at all timeslarge, which offers to purchasers a great inducementofprocuring an article ofa quality which cannot beobtained in any other clothing establishment in thecity.

We have on hand and are constantly manufactur-ing

Garments of Every Variety,from the best materials, in the most improved styles,for fall and winter wear, consisting ofsurtout, sackand pelitot

Overcoats,ofall colors, qualities and sizes, from §2 50, 4 50,4 75, 5 60 and upwards.

Boys’ Sack and Overcoats !

A large assortment of boys’ sack and overcoats, 20per cent, less than the usual prices.

Superfine frock and dress coats made from

German and French Cloths,in the latest fashion.

A large stock of tweed coats, pants and vests. —

We have a large assortment of

Tweed Frocks and Sacks,a new article. Forest sacks, for stormy weather

Pantaloons,from sutler french doeskins.

Black and fancy cassimcrePants.

Of every variety ofshade and color, alsl, 1 501 75, 2, 2 50; 3, 3 50 and upwards.

Vests,Made from rich velvets, satins, cashmeres and Va[cncias. and at all prices.

(Lj”Remember tlic Name and place, corner ofPratt st. &. Centre Market Space,

nov 31. 11. 11. COLE.


THE subscriber is in this market again, wishingto buy Slaves, for the New Orleans and South-

Tg.<ern markets. Persons wishing to sellJtjft will find it much to their interest to sce JSSX

me before they make sale elsew here,I will pay the extreme value for all ASM

negroes that arc healthy and slaves forbac Communications addressed to me in Port lo-bacco or Baltimore will be attended to

j„n 1 .IXO. G. CAMPBELL.


riIUE splendid and and full blooded horse, WIL-: X TON BROWN, will stand the ensuing season,! commencing on the first day ot April and endingthe 30th of June, at $35 the season for blooded

! mares, to be discharged by the payment of $lO, if| paid within the season; $lO for common mares, to

i be discharged by the payment of$6, ifmade withini the season. Fifty cents in each case to the groom,lie will stand at the followg places :

At Piscataway, on Tuesdays;Middletown, on Thursdays;Port Tobacco, on Saturdays.

“WILTONBROWN” is in finer order than hehas been for some years.

j A pedigree is deemed unnecessary, as the horseiis so well known in the County and State. But if| required by any person, he will be gratified withi pleasure.

, i Persons wishing to breed from the horse will be: required to place their names in a book in possession, of the groom.j The Groom has my consent to contract and make

! collections (for me) in this case.11Y. D. HATTON,

Near Piscataway, Pr. George's Co. Md.mh 20—_tf

A SUPPLY ot very fine Lamp and LinseedOIL, just received and for sale by


Restoration and Preservation ofthe Halr y

BTM. WISE & SON, of Virginia.


MWISE & SON, finding it altogether impos-• sible to attend personally to the great nutn-

oerof daily applications, from all sections ofthe U-nion, for their Remedy for Raldncss, and for theircelebrated HAIR TONIC, have found it necessaryto appoint a General Travelling Agent, to visit differ-ent cities and towns throughout the United Stales,vesting him with authority to appoint sub-agents,use and vend the Hair Tonic, and to apply theRESTORATIVE, and to put them into the handsof those he may appoint to operate wherever a suf-ficient number ofpatients in any town or neighbor-hood shall be obtained.

Capt. GEORGE CALVERT, ofFauquier coun-ty, Va., is alone authorsized to act as general Tra-velling Agent, with the powers above indicated.

Capt. C. may be expected to visit, as speedilyas practicable the principal cities and towns of theUnion.

N. B. Capt. Calvert will always have on hand afull supply of the HAIR TONIC (which cleansesthe head of dandruff', strengthens and invigoratesthe hair, and prevents it, also from falling off,) forthe regions of country most contiguous to his ope-rations, or it may always be obtained, at wholesale,and forwarded to any partoftbeUnion, by address-ing the proprietors, M. WISE & SON, Richmond,Va.

O’Price 89 per dozen cash. Six bottles for $5—or one dollar single bottles,

nov 28—ly.

To Physicians Druggists andCOUXTRY J[IERCIIAXTS.

DR. J. N. KEELER & BRO. most respectfullysolicits attention to their fresh stock ofEnglish,

French , German and American Drugs , Medicines,Chemicals, Paints, Varnishes, Oils, Dye Stuffs, Glasware, Perfumery, Patent Medicines &c. Having o-pened, anew store No. 294 Market St. with aTullsupply of Fresh Drugs and Medicines, we respectful-lysolicitCountry dealers to examine our stock beforepurchasing elswhere, promising one and all who mayfeel disposed to extend to us their patronage, to sellthem genuine Drugs and Medicines on as liberalterms as any other house in the City, and to faith-fully execute all orders entrusted to us promptly andwith dispatch

One of the proprietors being a regular physician,affords ample garantce ofthe genuine quality of allarticles sold at their establishment.

We especially invite druggists and country mer-chants who may wish to become agents for Dr.Keeler's Celebrated Family Medicines, (standard andpopular remedies,) to forward their address.

Soliciting the patronage ofdealers, we respecful-ly remain, J. N. KEELER & BRO.,

Wholesale Druggists,scp. 26. No. 294 Market street, Phila.


nPIIE subscriber has taken the above Ho--1 tel, recently under the management of

i Mr. Newton, by whom it has been conduct-ed for some years, and under whose man-agement it has secured a high reputation.—The undersigned, is determined to keep upthischaracterof the house, and lias furnishedit throughout principally with new fnrni-

j ture, beds, See., which will enable him toj make his guests comfortable. His table willat all times be furnished with the best themarket will afford, and Lis bar, also wellfurnished. His servants and cooks, areexperienced, and he will spare no pains orattention to please those who may favor himwith their company. There is also connect-

ed with the hotel, a Livery Stable, well sup-plied, and under the care of Mr. Peyton,who will attend strictly to its management.He solicits a share of the favor of his friendsand a generous public.

aug 22—tf. SILAS J. SANDERS.


NOTICE is hereby given to the Creditors ofJoseph Welch, that a personal discharge

hath been granted to said debtor, and that the thirdMonday of July next, being the first day of ourcounty court succeeding this date, hath been setapart for the final hearing in his case, when hiscreditors may attend and shew cause, if any theyhave, why a final discharge shall not be granted saiddebtor.


R. 11. MITCHELL, ClerkApril 10, 1850. Charles county court.



JVorlh of Pennsylv. avenue , and near theRailroad Depot ,



I\TY sure foal geiter, Rough and Ready,-‘A-*- will stand the present season at thefollowing places, to wit ;

At Mr. William Cox’s Millnear Port To-bacco, on Mondays; will pass Salem in themorning, and Newtown in the evening oik

i Tuesdays ; at Centreville, on Wednesdays ;

at Newport, on Thursdays; will pass Al-len’s Fresh on Fridays ; at Potlersvillc, onSaturdays.

This Jack was purchased in the Stale ofjVirginia, from character. I was assured byfriends who advised me to purchase, gen-tlemen of the strictest veracity residing in

, the neighborhood where he was raised, thathe was a sure foal geiter, a perfectly docileanimal, and that he had produced Mules 15hands high, and though there was nothingin his appearance to recommend him, that

i the product of his first season would en-sure him future favor. He served some fif-ty odd Mares the last season, all of whichproved with foal, with the exception of fouror five. He is 10 years old this season.

Terms : the season to be liquidatedby the payment of if paid on or beforethe ensuing session of our July Court.—Twenty-five cents to the Groom in eachcase. Season to commence the Ist day ofApril.

willalso, the present season, let toa limited number of Mates my young JACK,the Knight of Malta, on the above terms.Persons wishing to pul Mares to him willalways find him at home.

I mb 13—if. SAMUEL COX.