population explosion and family welfare programme

Population Explosi in India - March 4 ,2016 By: Kamran Ansari

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Population Explosion in


- March 4 ,2016 By:Kamran Ansari


Introduction Meaning Formula Population growth in India Reasons for the population Reasons for increase in population of India Effect for population explosion Consequences of Rapid Population Growth Family Welfare Programme Introduction History of family welfare programme Concept of family welfare programme Aims and objectives of family welfare programme Education functions and motivation


Is population explosion a boon or a curse? For the European developed countries like Spain and Italy, where the population is decreasing, this might be considered as a boon. However, for the developing countries like India, population explosion is a curse and is damaging to the development of the country and it’s society.

MEANING The literal meaning of population is “the

whole number of people or inhabitants in a country or region”.

The literal meaning of population explosion is “a sudden, large increase in the size and number of population”.

In simple words, it could be defined as increase in birth rates and decrease in death rates.

FORMULA Population change = (Births + Immigration)

– (Deaths + Emigration).

Migration is the number of people moving in (immigration) or out (emigration) of a country, place or locality.

POPULATION GROWTH IN INDIA According to 2001 census India's total population

has crossed 1,028,737,436 out of which 532,223,090 are males and females are 496,514,346. 

Of this number, 157,863,145 are children up to the age of six years out of which 81,911,041 are males and 75,952,104 are females.

According to the 15th Indian Census in 2011 spread across 29 states and 7 union territories that covered 640 districts,5,767 tehsils,7,933 towns and more than 600,000 villages.Population Total 1,210,193,422

Males 623,724,248

Females 586,469,174

Literacy Total 74%

Males 82.10%

Females 65.50%

Density of population

per km square


Religious group

Population %2001

Population %2011

Hinduism 80.46% 79.80%Islam 13.43% 14.23%Christianity 2.34% 2.30%Sikhism 1.87% 1.72%Buddhism 0.77% 0.70%Jainism 0.41% 0.37%Other religions/No religion

0.72% 0.9%

Population trends for major religious groups in India(2001-2011)

REASONS FOR THE POPULATION The increase in birth rates due to medical

improvements and illiteracy.

The decrease in death rates due to better medical facilities and advancements in the field of medicine.

Immigration to better developed countries due to several reasons like better job opportunities, war, and natural causes like hurricanes, earthquakes, and so on.

REASONS FOR INCREASE IN POPULATION IN INDIABirth rate Poverty Illiteracy, traditions and cultural Norms.

Death rates Advanced medical treatments.

Migration Migration plays an important role in the

population increase. However, in countries like India, migration plays a big role in the population change.

EFFECTS OF POPULATION EXPLOSION: Already India is containing 17.5%of the

world’s population.The current rate of population growth in India is 1.2% and the total fertility rate is 2.1%.

Air Pollution Water Pollution Increase in Demand For Food Resources Deforestation Unemployment and Illiteracy

AIR POLLUTION The technological development of India has lead not

only to medical advancements, but also to an increase in the number of factories. That has lead to air and water pollution.

Increase in factories

Increase in vehicles


Nowadays water pollution is also one of the increasing problems due to the population explosion.

Major Pollutants are: Petroleum products Pesticides and herbicides Hazardous wastes Excessive organic matters like fertilizers.


Resources are always limited. And in a developing and highly populous country like India, resources are even scarcer. Population explosion results in the shortage of even the most basic resources like food.

DEFORESTATIONIncrease in Deforestation for occupying land for day by day

increase in population .

For Agriculture For Urbanization

UNEMPLOYMENT AND ILLITERACY Unemployment, or underemployment, further leads to

poverty. This again starts the vicious cycle of poverty and population explosion discussed above. Poverty leads to an increase in the population, because poverty leads people to produce more children to increase the earning members of the family.


1. Economic Consequence

2. Political Effects

3. Consequences for Education

4. Health, Welfare and Child Development

5. Environmental Deterioration

6. Security Problem


INTRODUCTION Family planning means planning by

individuals or couples to have the children when they want them.This is responsible parenthood.

Family welfare programme includes not only planning of births ,but they welfare of whole family by means of total family health care.

The family welfare programme has high priority in India, because its success depends upon the quality of life of all citizen.


It was started in the year 1951. In 1977,the government of India redesignated the

“national family planning programme” as the “national family programme”, and also changed the name of the ministry of health and family planning to ministry of health and family welfare.

India is the first country if the world, that implemented the family welfare programme at government level.

CONCEPT OF FAMILY WELFARE PROGRAMME The concept of welfare is basically related to

quality of life. As such it includes education, nutrition,

health, employment, women’s welfare and rights, shelter, safe drinking water-all vital factors associated with the concept of welfare.

It is centrally sponsored programme. For this, the states receive 100% assistance from central government.

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF FAMILY WELFARE PROGRAMME The government of India in the ministry of

health and family welfare have started the operational aims and objectives of family welfare programme as follows:

To promote the adoption of small family size norm, on the basis of voluntary acceptance.

To ensure adequate supply of contraceptives to all eligible couples within easy each.

Using the means of mass communication and interpersonal communication to overcome the social and cultural hindrances in adopting the programme or extensive use of public health education for family planning.

EDUCATION FUNCTIONS AND MOTIVATION Explaining the importance and necessity of family

planning to masses. Using various techniques of teaching and

communication to propagate the message of family planning to common man.

Motivation the eligible couple to use contraceptives and education them about its uses.

Motivating people for family planning.