popular science writing: beyond the scientific article

Ethel Makila 28 October 2015 Beyond the scientific article Effective writing for non-scientific audiences

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Page 1: Popular science writing: Beyond the scientific article

Ethel Makila 28 October 2015

Beyond the scientific article Effective writing for non-scientific audiences

Page 2: Popular science writing: Beyond the scientific article


• Why • Preparation • Implementation • Group exercise

Presentation Notes
We will reflect on why it is important to think about writing for non-science audiences Get some tips on how to go about preparing to do this See how we can implement this Do a group exercise to practice what we have learnt
Page 3: Popular science writing: Beyond the scientific article


Funders Farmers Policy makers

Students Private sector

Scientists Family

Presentation Notes
deliver message versus give information ....... Agony is when a multidisciplinary audience is forced to listen to a rather technical presentation You may want to influence behavior change among farmers/genera public as a result of your findings, change in agricultural practices eg change planting time because rainfall patterns influence mycotoxin contamination You may want to appeal to policy makers (who often don’t have much time/energy to read details of the research. They may just need to get an overall understanding in order to buy into your research Donors may not necessarily be a scientific audience, but you need their money and you need to appeal to their interests
Page 4: Popular science writing: Beyond the scientific article


Accurate Brief Clear

Presentation Notes
Although the audience is not specialist in your area of specialization, you have to maintain the integrity of the information Choose the scope of your research which you will focus to avoid rumbling about different “exciting findings” Avoid using scientific jargon and abbreviations which may be common to scientists but not to general public
Page 5: Popular science writing: Beyond the scientific article


•Define your scope

• Define your audience

• Determine purpose

• Decide the intended response

Presentation Notes
Are you trying to change behavior? Or influence policy? Are you just making people aware of new interesting discoveries or letting them know that your findings have potential for further research? To give you money? (Swedish public and general non-GMO sentiments) What is the level of understanding of your audience? (different audiences can have different questions which you need to anticipate and answer) How much time are they likely to spend on the article? You may have so much to say about your research, but what is the really necessary information? What aspect do you need to highlight?
Page 6: Popular science writing: Beyond the scientific article


•Outline material

•Address one issue

•Remember ‘ABC’



Accurate Clear

Presentation Notes
Outline your information to ensure you include all your important points Address one issue if possible to avoid confusing your audience Avoid scientific jargon, use simple clear language – if you must use scientific words, explain or use illustrations to make issues clearer Postcard to your mother – see if you can say all you need to say in half to one page Check if your purpose is clear and that your points are laid out logically
Page 7: Popular science writing: Beyond the scientific article


• In the groups you already are, select a research topic.

• Define your audience

• Determine the purpose for which you are writing the article

• Determine the intended response

• Write an about the research on no more than one foolscap (2 notebook pages)

Presentation Notes
Remember to start with what is interesting about your research How relevant is the research to the lives of the audience (how does it connect to every day life) Keep it simple