polyphyly of the spring-parsleys ( molecular and ... · stephen r. downie, ronald l. hartman,...

Polyphyly of the spring-parsleys (Cymopterus): molecular and morphological evidence suggests complex relationships among the perennial endemic genera of western North American Apiaceae Stephen R. Downie, Ronald L. Hartman, Feng-Jie Sun, and Deborah S. Katz-Downie Abstract: Cladistic analyses of DNA sequences from the nuclear rDNA internal transcribed spacer region and cpDNA rps16 intron and, for a subset of taxa, the cpDNA trnF-trnL-trnT locus were carried out to evaluate the monophyly of Cymopterus and to ascertain its phylogenetic placement among the other perennial genera of Apiaceae (Umbelliferae) subfamily Apioideae endemic to western North America. To elucidate patterns in the evolution of specific fruit charac- ters and to evaluate their utility in circumscribing genera unambiguously, additional evidence was procured from cross-sections of mature fruits and the results of cladistic analysis of 25 morphological characters. Analyses of the par- titioned data sets resulted in weakly supported and largely unresolved phylogenetic hypotheses, possibly due to the rapid radiation of the group, whereas the combined analysis of all molecular evidence resulted in a well-resolved phy- logeny with higher bootstrap support. The traditionally used fruit characters of wing shape and composition and orien- tation of mericarp compression are highly variable. The results of these analyses reveal that Cymopterus and Lomatium, the two largest genera of western North American Apiaceae, are polyphyletic, and that their species are inextricably linked with those of other endemic perennial genera of the region (such as, Aletes, Musineon, Oreoxis, Pseudocymopterus, Pteryxia, and Tauschia), many of which are also not monophyletic. Prior emphasis on characters of the fruit in all systems of classification of the group has led to highly artificial assemblages of species. A complete reassessment of generic limits of all western endemic Apiaceae is required, as is further systematic study of this intractable group. Key words: Apiaceae, Cymopterus, phylogeny, ITS, rps16 intron, morphology. Résumé : Pour évaluer la monophylie du genre Cymopterus et pour s’assurer de sa position phylogénétique parmi les autres genres pérennes des Apiaceae (Umbelliferae) sous famille Apioideae endémiques à l’ouest nord-américain, les auteurs ont conduit des analyses cladistiques en utilisant des séquences d’ADN provenant de la région de l’espaceur interne transcrit du rADN nucléique et de l’intron cpADN rps16, ainsi que du lieu cpADN trnF-trnL-trnT pour un sous ensemble de taxons. Afin d’élucider les patrons dans l’évolution de caractères spécifiques du fruit et d’évaluer leur utilité pour circonscrire les genres de façon non ambiguë, ils ont obtenu des preuves supplémentaires à partir de sections transverses de fruits matures et de résultats d’analyses cladistiques portant sur 25 caractères morphologiques. L’analyse des ensembles de données réparties conduit à des hypothèses phylogénétiques faiblement supportées et largement irrésolues, possiblement dû à la rapide radiation de ce groupe, alors que les analyses combinées de toute la preuve moléculaire conduit à une phylogénie bien définie avec un fort support en lacet. Les caractères traditionnelle- ment utilisés du fruit tel que la forme de l’aile et la composition ainsi que l’orientation de la compression du méricarpe sont fortement variables. Les résultats de ces analyses révèlent que les genres Cymopterus et Lomatium, les deux plus grands genres d’Apiaceae nord-américaines, sont polyphylétiques, et que leurs espèces sont inextricablement liées avec celles de d’autres genres endémiques et pérennes de la région (tels que Aletes, Musineon, Oreoxis, Pseudocymopterus, Pteryxia et Tauschia) dont plusieurs ne sont également pas monophylétiques. L’emphase placées jusqu’ici sur les caractères du fruit dans tous les systèmes de classification du groupe à conduit à des assemblages très artificiels d’espèces. On doit revoir complètement les limites génériques de toutes les Apiaceae nord-américaines endémiques afin de poursuivre l’étude systématique de ce groupe récalcitrant. Mots clés : Apiaceae, Cymopterus, phylogénie, ITS, rps16 intron, morphologie. [Traduit par la Rédaction] Downie et al. 1324 1295 Can. J. Bot. 80: 1295–1324 (2002) DOI: 10.1139/B02-119 © 2002 NRC Canada Received 23 July 2002. Published on the NRC Research Press Web site at http://canjbot.nrc.ca on 24 January 2003. S.R. Downie, 1 F.-J. Sun, and D.S. Katz-Downie. Department of Plant Biology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801, U.S.A. R.L. Hartman. Department of Botany, University of Wyoming, P.O. Box 3165, Laramie, WY 82071, U.S.A. 1 Corresponding author (e-mail: [email protected]).

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Page 1: Polyphyly of the spring-parsleys ( molecular and ... · Stephen R. Downie, Ronald L. Hartman, Feng-Jie Sun, and Deborah S. Katz-Downie Abstract: Cladistic analyses of DNA sequences

Polyphyly of the spring-parsleys (Cymopterus):molecular and morphological evidence suggestscomplex relationships among the perennialendemic genera of western North AmericanApiaceae

Stephen R. Downie, Ronald L. Hartman, Feng-Jie Sun, andDeborah S. Katz-Downie

Abstract: Cladistic analyses of DNA sequences from the nuclear rDNA internal transcribed spacer region and cpDNArps16 intron and, for a subset of taxa, the cpDNA trnF-trnL-trnT locus were carried out to evaluate the monophyly ofCymopterus and to ascertain its phylogenetic placement among the other perennial genera of Apiaceae (Umbelliferae)subfamily Apioideae endemic to western North America. To elucidate patterns in the evolution of specific fruit charac-ters and to evaluate their utility in circumscribing genera unambiguously, additional evidence was procured fromcross-sections of mature fruits and the results of cladistic analysis of 25 morphological characters. Analyses of the par-titioned data sets resulted in weakly supported and largely unresolved phylogenetic hypotheses, possibly due to therapid radiation of the group, whereas the combined analysis of all molecular evidence resulted in a well-resolved phy-logeny with higher bootstrap support. The traditionally used fruit characters of wing shape and composition and orien-tation of mericarp compression are highly variable. The results of these analyses reveal that Cymopterus and Lomatium,the two largest genera of western North American Apiaceae, are polyphyletic, and that their species are inextricablylinked with those of other endemic perennial genera of the region (such as, Aletes, Musineon, Oreoxis, Pseudocymopterus,Pteryxia, and Tauschia), many of which are also not monophyletic. Prior emphasis on characters of the fruit in allsystems of classification of the group has led to highly artificial assemblages of species. A complete reassessment ofgeneric limits of all western endemic Apiaceae is required, as is further systematic study of this intractable group.

Key words: Apiaceae, Cymopterus, phylogeny, ITS, rps16 intron, morphology.

Résumé : Pour évaluer la monophylie du genre Cymopterus et pour s’assurer de sa position phylogénétique parmi lesautres genres pérennes des Apiaceae (Umbelliferae) sous famille Apioideae endémiques à l’ouest nord-américain, lesauteurs ont conduit des analyses cladistiques en utilisant des séquences d’ADN provenant de la région de l’espaceurinterne transcrit du rADN nucléique et de l’intron cpADN rps16, ainsi que du lieu cpADN trnF-trnL-trnT pour un sousensemble de taxons. Afin d’élucider les patrons dans l’évolution de caractères spécifiques du fruit et d’évaluer leurutilité pour circonscrire les genres de façon non ambiguë, ils ont obtenu des preuves supplémentaires à partir desections transverses de fruits matures et de résultats d’analyses cladistiques portant sur 25 caractères morphologiques.L’analyse des ensembles de données réparties conduit à des hypothèses phylogénétiques faiblement supportées etlargement irrésolues, possiblement dû à la rapide radiation de ce groupe, alors que les analyses combinées de toute lapreuve moléculaire conduit à une phylogénie bien définie avec un fort support en lacet. Les caractères traditionnelle-ment utilisés du fruit tel que la forme de l’aile et la composition ainsi que l’orientation de la compression duméricarpe sont fortement variables. Les résultats de ces analyses révèlent que les genres Cymopterus et Lomatium, lesdeux plus grands genres d’Apiaceae nord-américaines, sont polyphylétiques, et que leurs espèces sont inextricablementliées avec celles de d’autres genres endémiques et pérennes de la région (tels que Aletes, Musineon, Oreoxis,Pseudocymopterus, Pteryxia et Tauschia) dont plusieurs ne sont également pas monophylétiques. L’emphase placéesjusqu’ici sur les caractères du fruit dans tous les systèmes de classification du groupe à conduit à des assemblages trèsartificiels d’espèces. On doit revoir complètement les limites génériques de toutes les Apiaceae nord-américainesendémiques afin de poursuivre l’étude systématique de ce groupe récalcitrant.

Mots clés : Apiaceae, Cymopterus, phylogénie, ITS, rps16 intron, morphologie.

[Traduit par la Rédaction] Downie et al. 1324


Can. J. Bot. 80: 1295–1324 (2002) DOI: 10.1139/B02-119 © 2002 NRC Canada

Received 23 July 2002. Published on the NRC Research Press Web site at http://canjbot.nrc.ca on 24 January 2003.

S.R. Downie,1 F.-J. Sun, and D.S. Katz-Downie. Department of Plant Biology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,Urbana, IL 61801, U.S.A.R.L. Hartman. Department of Botany, University of Wyoming, P.O. Box 3165, Laramie, WY 82071, U.S.A.

1Corresponding author (e-mail: [email protected]).

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Page 2: Polyphyly of the spring-parsleys ( molecular and ... · Stephen R. Downie, Ronald L. Hartman, Feng-Jie Sun, and Deborah S. Katz-Downie Abstract: Cladistic analyses of DNA sequences


Considerable confusion exists with regard to the properdelimitation of and relationships among the perennialendemic genera of western North American Apiaceae(Umbelliferae) subfamily Apioideae. This confusion is par-ticularly evident in those taxa surrounding Cymopterus Raf.(the spring-parsleys). Historical treatments range from therecognition of many small, generically distinct elements(such as Aulospermum J.M. Coult. & Rose, Glehnia F.Schmidt ex Miq., Oreoxis Raf., Phellopterus (Nutt. ex Torr.& A. Gray) J.M. Coult. & Rose, Pseudocymopterus J.M.Coult. & Rose, Pteryxia (Nutt. ex Torr. & A. Gray) J.M.Coult. & Rose, and Rhysopterus J.M. Coult. & Rose; Coul-ter and Rose 1900; Mathias 1930; Mathias and Constance1944–1945) to different sections and subgroups within thehighly variable and expanded genus Cymopterus (Jones1908). Contemporary treatments recognize Oreoxis, Pseudo-cymopterus, and Pteryxia as distinct genera (e.g., Kartesz1994), or include them within a broadly circumscribedCymopterus (Cronquist 1997; Table 1). Putatively related toCymopterus sensu lato are the genera Aletes J.M. Coult. &Rose, Harbouria J.M. Coult. & Rose, Lomatium Raf.,Musineon Raf., Neoparrya Mathias, Oreonana Jeps.,Orogenia S. Watson, Podistera S. Watson, Shoshonea Evert& Constance, and Tauschia Schltdl. (Mathias 1930; Evertand Constance 1982; Sun et al. 2000). Many of these generahave a xerophytic or semixerophytic habit. They occur prac-tically without exception in the dry, sandy, or alkalineregions of western North America (NA) and usually inmontane or alpine habitats (Mathias 1930). Many species arenarrowly distributed and have strict edaphic requirements.They are all herbaceous perennials and are frequentlylow-growing and acaulescent.

Traditionally, classification of Apiaceae has been based onanatomical and morphological features of the mature fruit,sometimes to the exclusion of all other characters. Many ofthese features are apparent only after detailed examinationand sectioning. In most umbellifers, the dry schizocarp splitsdown a broad commissure into two one-seeded mericarpsthat are typically joined by a central stalk (carpophore). Insome species, the carpophore may be obsolete by adnationof its halves to the commissural faces of the mericarps. Thefruit may be compressed laterally, at right angles to thecommissural plane, or dorsally, parallel to the commissuralplane, if it is compressed at all. Each mericarp commonlybears five primary, longitudinal ribs or ridges that containthe vascular bundles: three dorsal and two marginal (or lat-eral), with the ribs filiform to broadly winged. Oil canals(vittae) are commonly present in the intervals between theprimary ridges, with additional vittae occurring on thecommissural face. In the absence of mature fruits, manyperennial species of Apiaceae endemic to western NA areessentially indistinguishable. Indeed, when consideredcollectively, these plants present such a confusing integrationof characters that generic delimitation is made exceedinglydifficult.

The genus Cymopterus, as currently treated, consists ofsome 35–45 species, with Utah, Nevada, Idaho, and Califor-nia holding the greatest diversity (Kartesz 1994; Cronquist1997; Table 1). Its name is derived from the Greek kyma, awave, and pteron, a wing, referring to the often undulate

wings of the fruit, for the marginal and usually one or moreof the dorsal ribs are conspicuously winged. However, theseribs and wings vary greatly in shape and composition, asdoes the orientation of fruit compression. The ribs may ap-pear as inconspicuous lines or be highly prominent. Theshape of the wings in cross section may be short or extendedinto linear projections of various forms, and their composi-tion may vary from thin and scarious to thick and corky.Loss of the carpophore occurs in nearly half of the species,presumed to have happened several times independentlyduring the evolution of the genus (Hartman and Constance1985; Cronquist 1997; Hartman 2000). The number of vittaein the intervals varies from 3 to 5, but in some species theremay be only one. Most species are caespitose, with the tap-root surmounted by a branching, surficial caudex, while oth-ers have pseudoscapes arising from the subterranean crownof the taproot (Cronquist 1997). Cymopterus occurs in awide variety of, and often very restricted, habitat types, andits concomitant variation in growth forms and fruit typesmakes any taxonomic definition of the genus difficult andprecludes inferences of infrageneric relationships.

Phylogenetic studies of these endemic and largelycordilleran genera are few, and have focused almost exclu-sively upon Lomatium (Schlessman 1984; Simmons 1985;Mastrogiuseppe et al. 1985; Gilmartin and Simmons 1987;Soltis and Kuzoff 1993; Soltis and Novak 1997; Soltis et al.1995; Hardig and Soltis 1999). To ascertain what generamight be most closely related to Lomatium, Gilmartin andSimmons (1987) carried out phenetic analyses and, for oneof the phenetic groups they delimited, a cladistic analysiswas conducted using morphological data. Their examinationof 88 NA genera using combinations of character states forthree binary characters revealed 7 phenetic alliances, withone group (the “Lomatium alliance”) comprising Lomatium,Cymopterus, Glehnia, Polytaenia DC., PrionosciadiumS. Watson, Pseudocymopterus, and Pteryxia. This group wasthe closest phenetically to two other alliances, representedby such genera as Aletes, Donnellsmithia J.M. Coult. &Rose, Harbouria, Musineon, Neoparrya, Orogenia, Taenidia(Torr. & A. Gray) Drude, Tauschia, Thaspium Nutt., andZizia W.D.J. Koch. The results of their cladistic analyseswere equivocal in suggesting a clear sister group toLomatium, but did highlight the possible paraphyletic natureof Cymopterus (and Pteryxia). Monophyly of all remainingtaxa was tacitly assumed.

Herein, we present results of a phylogenetic study ofCymopterus and its allies based on molecular and morpho-logical evidence. Our first objective is to evaluate themonophyly of Cymopterus. However, given the complex andoverlapping patterns of morphological character variationobserved, both within the genus and among its putativeallies, we hypothesize a priori that the genus is notmonophyletic. Thus, our second objective is to determine thephylogenetic relationships of the elements that currentlycomprise Cymopterus with other perennial, endemicumbellifers of western NA. Patterns in the evolution of indi-vidual morphological characters and their usefulness inclade determination will be assessed, as will the comparativeutility of DNA sequence data for several chloroplast andnuclear loci in their ability to resolve relationships amongthese taxa. The results obtained will eventually enable us to

© 2002 NRC Canada

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Page 3: Polyphyly of the spring-parsleys ( molecular and ... · Stephen R. Downie, Ronald L. Hartman, Feng-Jie Sun, and Deborah S. Katz-Downie Abstract: Cladistic analyses of DNA sequences

© 2002 NRC Canada

Downie et al. 1297

Mathias (1930)Mathias and Constance(1944–1945)

Weber (1984, 1991);Weber and Wittmann(1992) Kartesz (1994) Cronquist (1997)

Musineon divaricatum(Pursh) Nutt. ex Torr. &A. Gray

Musineon divaricatum Musineon divaricatum Musineon divaricatum

Musineon divaricatum var.hookeri (Torr. & A. Gray)Mathias

Musineon divaricatumvar. hookeri

Musineon divaricatumvar. hookeri

Musineon divaricatum

Musineon vaginatum Rydb. Musineon vaginatum Musineon vaginatum Musineon vaginatumMusineon lineare (Rydb.)

MathiasMusineon lineare Musineon lineare Musineon lineare

Musineon tenuifolium Nutt.ex Torr. & A. Gray

Musineon tenuifolium Aletes tenuifolius (Nutt.ex Torr. & A. Gray)W.A. Weber

Musineon tenuifolium

Rhysopterus plurijugusJ.M. Coult. & Rose

Rhysopterus plurijugus Cymopterus corrugatus Cymopteruscorrugatus

Neoparrya lithophilaMathias

Neoparrya lithophila Aletes lithophilus(Mathias) W.A. Weber

Neoparrya lithophila

Aletes acaulis (Torr.)J.M. Coult. & Rose

Aletes acaulis Aletes acaulis Aletes acaulis

Aletes humilis J.M. Coult.& Rose

Aletes humilis Aletes humilis Aletes humilis

Aletes sessiliflorusW.L. Theob. &C.C. Tseng

Aletes sessiliflorus

Aletes eastwoodiae(J.M. Coult. & Rose)W.A. Weber

Aletes juncea (Barneby &N.H. Holmgren)W.A. Weber

Aletes latilobus (Rydb.)W.A. Weber

Aletes minima (Mathias)W.A. Weber

Aletes nuttallii (A. Gray)W.A. Weber

Aletes parryi (S. Watson)W.A. Weber

Aletes scabra(J.M. Coult. & Rose)W.A. Weber

Aletes filifoliusMathias, Constance& W.L. Theob.

Oreoxis alpina (A. Gray)J.M. Coult. & Rose

Oreoxis alpina Oreoxis alpina Cymopterus alpinusA. Gray

Oreoxis alpina subsp.puberulentaW.A. Weber

Oreoxis humilis Raf. Oreoxis humilis Oreoxis humilisOreoxis bakeri J.M. Coult.

& RoseOreoxis bakeri Oreoxis bakeri Cymopterus bakeri

(J.M. Coult. &Rose) M.E. Jones

Table 1. A comparison of taxonomic treatments for Cymopterus sensu lato and selected allies.

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Page 4: Polyphyly of the spring-parsleys ( molecular and ... · Stephen R. Downie, Ronald L. Hartman, Feng-Jie Sun, and Deborah S. Katz-Downie Abstract: Cladistic analyses of DNA sequences

© 2002 NRC Canada

1298 Can. J. Bot. Vol. 80, 2002

Mathias (1930)Mathias and Constance(1944–1945)

Weber (1984, 1991);Weber and Wittmann(1992) Kartesz (1994) Cronquist (1997)

Oreoxis macdougalii(J.M. Coult. & Rose)Rydb.

Aletes macdougaliiJ.M. Coult. & Rose

Aletes macdougalii Aletes macdougalii Cymopterusmacdougalii(J.M. Coult. &Rose) Tidestr.

Aletes macdougalii subsp.breviradiatusW.L. Theob. &C.C. Tseng

Aletes macdougaliisubsp. breviradiatus


Oreoxis trotteriS.L. Welsh &S. Goodrich

Cymopterus trotteri(S.L. Welsh &S. Goodrich)Cronquist

Pseudocymopterus montanus(A. Gray) J.M. Coult. &Rose



Cymopterus lemmonii(J.M. Coult. &Rose) Dorn

Pseudocymopterusdavidsonii (J.M. Coult. &Rose) Mathias

Pteryxia davidsonii(J.M. Coult. & Rose)Mathias & Constance

Pteryxia davidsonii Pseudocymopterusdavidsonii

Pseudocymopterus anisatus(A. Gray) J.M. Coult. &Rose

Pteryxia anisata(A. Gray) Mathias &Constance

Aletes anisatus (A. Gray)W.L. Theob. &C.C. Tseng

Aletes anisatus

Pseudocymopterushumboldtensis (M.E.Jones) Mathias

CymopterushumboldtensisM.E. Jones

Cymopterus nivalis Cymopterus nivalis

Pseudocymopterusbipinnatus (S. Watson)J.M. Coult. & Rose

Cymopterus bipinnatusS. Watson

Aletes bipinnata(S. Watson)W.A. Weber

Cymopterus nivalis Cymopterus nivalis

Pseudocymopterus nivalis(S. Watson) Mathias

Cymopterus nivalisS. Watson

Aletes nivalis (S. Watson)W.A. Weber

Cymopterus nivalis Cymopterus nivalis

Pseudocymopterushendersonii J.M. Coult. &Rose

Pteryxia hendersonii(J.M. Coult. & Rose)Mathias & Constance

Aletes hendersonii(J.M. Coult. & Rose)W.A. Weber

Pteryxia hendersonii Cymopterushendersonii(J.M. Coult. &Rose) Cronquist

Aletes longiloba (Rydb.)W.A. Weber

Pteryxia hendersonii Cymopterushendersonii

Pseudocymopteruslongiradiatus Mathias,Constance &W.L. Theob.

Pteryxia terebinthina(Hook.) J.M. Coult. &Rose

Pteryxia terebinthina Pteryxia terebinthina Cymopterusterebinthinus(Hook.) Torr. &A. Gray

Pteryxia terebinthina var.foeniculacea (Nutt. exTorr. & A. Gray) Mathias

Pteryxia terebinthinavar. foeniculacea

Pteryxia terebinthinavar. foeniculacea

Cymopterusterebinthinus var.foeniculaceus(Nutt. ex Torr. &A. Gray) Cronquist

Pteryxia terebinthina var.calcarea (M.E. Jones)Mathias

Pteryxia terebinthinavar. calcarea

Pteryxia terebinthinavar. albiflora

Cymopterusterebinthinus var.albiflorus (Nutt. exTorr. & A. Gray)M.E. Jones

Table 1 (continued).

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Page 5: Polyphyly of the spring-parsleys ( molecular and ... · Stephen R. Downie, Ronald L. Hartman, Feng-Jie Sun, and Deborah S. Katz-Downie Abstract: Cladistic analyses of DNA sequences

© 2002 NRC Canada

Downie et al. 1299

Mathias (1930)Mathias and Constance(1944–1945)

Weber (1984, 1991);Weber and Wittmann(1992) Kartesz (1994) Cronquist (1997)

Pteryxia terebinthina var.californica (J.M. Coult.& Rose) Mathias

Pteryxia terebinthinavar. californica

Pteryxia terebinthinavar. californica

Cymopterusterebinthinus var.albiflorus

Pteryxia terebinthina var.albiflora (Nutt. ex Torr.& A. Gray) Mathias

Pteryxia terebinthinavar. albiflora

Pteryxia terebinthinavar. albiflora

Cymopterusterebinthinus var.albiflorus

Pteryxia petraea(M.E. Jones) J.M. Coult.& Rose

Pteryxia petraea Aletes petraeus(M.E. Jones)W.A. Weber

Pteryxia petraea Cymopterus petraeusM.E. Jones

Aulospermum longipes(S. Watson) J.M. Coult.& Rose

Cymopterus longipesS. Watson

Cymopterus longipes Cymopterus longipes

Cymopterus lapidosus(M.E. Jones)M.E. Jones

Cymopterus longipes

Aulospermum planosumOsterh.

Cymopterus planosus(Osterh.) Mathias

Cymopterus planosus

Aulospermum ibapense(M.E. Jones) J.M. Coult.& Rose

Cymopterus ibapensisM.E. Jones

Cymopterus ibapensis Cymopterus longipesvar. ibapensis(M.E. Jones)Cronquist

Aulospermum glaucum(Nutt.) J.M. Coult. &Rose

Cymopterus glaucusNutt.

Cymopterus glaucus

Aulospermum watsoniiJ.M. Coult. & Rose

Cymopterus watsonii(J.M. Coult. & Rose)M.E. Jones

Cymopterus ibapensis Cymopterus longipesvar. ibapensis

Aulospermum aboriginum(M.E. Jones) Mathias

Cymopterus aboriginumM.E. Jones

Cymopterus aboriginum Cymopterusaboriginum

Aulospermum minimumMathias

Cymopterus minimus(Mathias) Mathias

Cymopterus minimus Cymopterus minimus

Aulospermum basalticum(M.E. Jones) Tidestr.

Cymopterus basalticusM.E. Jones

Cymopterus basalticus Cymopterusbasalticus

Aulospermum roseiM.E. Jones exJ.M. Coult. & Rose

Cymopterus rosei(M.E. Jones exJ.M. Coult. & Rose)M.E. Jones

Cymopterus rosei Cymopterus rosei

Aulospermum duchesnense(M.E. Jones) Tidestr.

CymopterusduchesnensisM.E. Jones



Aulospermum purpureum(S. Watson) J.M. Coult.& Rose

Cymopterus purpureusS. Watson

Cymopterus purpureus Cymopteruspurpureus

Aulospermum jonesii(J.M. Coult. & Rose)J.M. Coult. & Rose

Cymopterus jonesiiJ.M. Coult. & Rose

Cymopterus jonesii Cymopterus jonesii

Aulospermum panamintense(J.M. Coult. & Rose)J.M. Coult. & Rose

CymopteruspanamintensisJ.M. Coult. & Rose


Aulospermum panamintensevar. acutifoliumJ.M. Coult. & Rose

Cymopteruspanamintensis var.acutifolius(J.M. Coult. & Rose)Munz

Cymopteruspanamintensis var.acutifolius

Table 1 (continued).

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1300 Can. J. Bot. Vol. 80, 2002

Mathias (1930)Mathias and Constance(1944–1945)

Weber (1984, 1991);Weber and Wittmann(1992) Kartesz (1994) Cronquist (1997)

Phellopterus montanus Nutt.ex. Torr. & A. Gray

Cymopterus montanusNutt. ex Torr. &A. Gray

Cymopterus montanus

Phellopterus macrorhizus(Buckley) J.M. Coult. &Rose

Cymopterusmacrorhizus Buckley

Cymopterus macrorhizus

Phellopterus bulbosus(A. Nelson) J.M. Coult.& Rose

Cymopterus bulbosusA. Nelson

Cymopterus bulbosus Cymopterus bulbosus

Phellopterus purpurascens(A. Gray) J.M. Coult. &Rose

Cymopteruspurpurascens(A. Gray)M.E. Jones



Phellopterus multinervatusJ.M. Coult. & Rose

Cymopterusmultinervatus(J.M. Coult. & Rose)Tidestr.



Cymopterus cinerariusA. Gray

Cymopterus cinerarius Cymopterus cinerarius Cymopteruscinerarius

Cymopterus megacephalusM.E. Jones




Cymopterus deserticolaBrandegee

Cymopterus deserticola Cymopterus deserticola

Cymopterus globosus(S. Watson) S. Watson

Cymopterus globosus Cymopterus globosus Cymopterus globosus

Cymopterus coulteri(M.E. Jones) Mathias

Cymopterus coulteri Cymopterus coulteri Cymopterus coulteri

Cymopterus corrugatusM.E. Jones

Cymopterus corrugatus Cymopterus corrugatus Cymopteruscorrugatus

Cymopterus acaulis (Pursh)Raf.

Cymopterus acaulis Cymopterus acaulis Cymopterus acaulis

Cymopterus fendleriA. Gray

Cymopterus fendleri Cymopterus acaulis var.fendleri (A. Gray)S. Goodrich

Cymopterus acaulisvar. fendleri

Cymopterus acaulis var.greeleyorumJ.W. Grimes &P.L. Packard

Cymopterus acaulisvar. greeleyorum

Cymopterus acaulis var.higginsii (S.L. Welsh)S. Goodrich

Cymopterus acaulisvar. fendleri

Cymopterus acaulis var.parvus S. Goodrich

Cymopterus acaulisvar. greeleyorum

Cymopterus newberryi(S. Watson) M.E. Jones

Cymopterus newberryi Cymopterus newberryi Cymopterusnewberryi

Cymopterus ripleyiBarneby

Cymopterus ripleyi Cymopterus ripleyi

Cymopterus gilmaniiC. Morton

Cymopterus gilmanii

Cymopterus beckii S.L.Welsh & S. Goodrich

Cymopterus beckii

Cymopterus davisii R.L.Hartm.

Cymopterus davisii

Cymopterus evertii R.L.Hartm. & R.S. Kirkp.

Cymopterus evertii

Table 1 (continued).

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achieve our broader goals, which are to define and delimitthe various generic elements that have been confused withCymopterus and to produce a modern classification of thegroup that reflects its evolutionary history.

Materials and methods

Molecular toolsFor phylogenetic inference, we have exploited variation in

the two nuclear ribosomal DNA (rDNA) internal transcribedspacers (ITS) and the chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) rps16intron. Previous studies have demonstrated the utility ofthese loci for estimating infrafamilial relationships in otherApiaceae (Downie and Katz-Downie 1996, 1999; Downie etal. 1998, 2000a, 2000c; Lee and Downie 1999, 2000), aswell as in angiosperms in general (Baldwin et al. 1995;Lidén et al. 1997; Oxelman et al. 1997). For a subset of taxa,we also examined variation from the cpDNA trnF-trnL-trnT(trnF-L-T) locus. This region, comprising two intergenicspacers and the trnL intron, has not been used for phylogen-etic study of Apiaceae, although it has been used success-fully in other groups at comparable taxonomic levels(Taberlet et al. 1991; Gielly and Taberlet 1994). Congruenceof relationships derived from independent lines of evidenceis necessary to examine the robustness of the phylogenetichypothesis and to identify discrepant organismal and genephylogenies.

Accessions examinedOne hundred and fifty accessions representing 148 species

in 73 genera of Apiaceae subfamily Apioideae were exam-ined for ITS, rps16 intron, and (or) trnF-L-T sequencevariation (Table 2). Complete ITS sequences for 66 taxa arereported here for the first time; combining these with 82 pre-viously published or available ITS sequences yielded a ma-trix of 148 taxa for a global analysis. For two Lomatiumspecies, data for only ITS-1 were available (Soltis andKuzoff 1993). Fifty-six complete rps16 intron sequences(plus a portion of its flanking 3′ exon region) were procuredas part of this study and combined with 29 previously pub-lished sequences for a matrix of 85 taxa. Twenty-seven com-plete trnF-L-T sequences were also obtained, representingthe trnF-trnL and trnL-trnT intergenic spacer regions, genetrnL with its intron, and portions of genes trnF and trnT.Eighty-three accessions were included in both the ITS andrps16 intron analyses; 27 species were common to all three

molecular data sets, including the analysis of morphologicaldata.

Kartesz (1994), whose checklist of Apiaceae was influ-enced by the work of Lincoln Constance, recognized 78 gen-era of subfamily Apioideae in NA (north of Mexico). Ofthese, we have sampled 61 plus nine meso-American genera(Arracacia Bancr., Coaxana J.M. Coult. & Rose, Coul-terophytum B.L. Rob., Dahliaphyllum Constance &Breedlove, Enantiophylla J.M. Coult. & Rose, MathiasellaConstance & C.L. Hitchc., Myrrhidendron J.M. Coult. &Rose, Prionosciadium, and Rhodosciadium S. Watson).These meso-American genera (plus Donnellsmithia) areendemic to the highlands of Mexico and neighboring CentralAmerica (Mathias 1965), exhibit a large number of paleo-polyploid members (Bell and Constance 1966; Moore 1971),and have been provisionally recognized as the Arracaciaclade (Downie et al. 2000b, 2001). A previous study hadsuggested a possible affinity of Prionosciadium andDonnellsmithia with Cymopterus (Gilmartin and Simmons1987); the fruits of many of these meso-American taxa aremorphologically similar to those of Angelica and someLomatium. In this paper, we follow the nomenclature ofKartesz (1994) with one exception — the nameHelosciadium nodiflorum (L.) W.D.J. Koch replaces Apiumnodiflorum (L.) Lag. (Downie et al. 2000b, 2000c). Empha-sis was placed on sampling the perennial endemic membersof western NA Apioideae, with the selection of speciesinfluenced primarily by material availability. We examined17 of the 35 species of Cymopterus recognized by Kartesz(1994). Also examined were five of six species of Aletes, 28of 78 species of Lomatium, three of four species ofMusineon, three of four species of Oreoxis, and two of fourspecies of Pteryxia. The Eurasian genera PhysospermumCusson and Pleurospermum Hoffm. were used to root alltrees in the global analyses; their selection as outgroups isbased on previous higher-level studies (summarized inDownie et al. 2001).

Experimental strategyLeaf material for DNA extraction was obtained either di-

rectly from the field, from plants cultivated from seed in thegreenhouse, from herbarium specimens, or from the personalcollections of Lincoln Constance (University of CaliforniaBotanical Garden, Berkeley, Calif.). Vouchers and their de-positions are indicated in Table 2. Details of DNA extrac-tion, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) primer construction

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Downie et al. 1301

Mathias (1930)Mathias and Constance(1944–1945)

Weber (1984, 1991);Weber and Wittmann(1992) Kartesz (1994) Cronquist (1997)

Cymopterus goodrichiiS.L. Welsh & Neese


Cymopterus douglassiiR.L. Hartm. &Constance

Cymopterus williamsiiR.L. Hartm. &Constance

Note: Authors of plant names are standardized according to Brummitt and Powell (1992).

Table 1 (concluded).

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1302 Can. J. Bot. Vol. 80, 2002

Species Source and voucher GenBank accession No.

ITS-1, ITS-2 rps16 intron trnF-L-T

Aegopodium podagraria L. Downie et al. 1998 U30536, U30537Aethusa cynapium L. Downie et al. 1998 U30582, U30583 AF110539Aletes acaulis (Torr.) J.M. Coult.

& RoseU.S.A., Colorado, Larimer Co., Canyon of

the Big Thompson, 15 July 1989, Hartman24386 (RM)

AF358461, AF358528 AF358595

Aletes anisatus (A. Gray)W.L. Theob. & C.C. Tseng

U.S.A., Colorado, Park Co., Corral Creek,6 August 1995, Chumley 2807 (RM)

AF358462, AF358529 AF358596 AF444008

Aletes humilis J.M. Coult. & Rose Downie et al. 1998 U78401, U78461Aletes macdougalii J.M. Coult. &

Rose subsp. breviradiatusW.L. Theob. & C.C. Tseng

U.S.A., New Mexico, San Juan Co., Blanco,2 May 1982, Hartman 13963 (RM)

AF358463, AF358530 AF358597

Aletes sessiliflorus W.L. Theob. &C.C. Tseng

U.S.A., New Mexico, Rio Arriba Co., NW ofEmbudo, 1 May 1992, Hartman 13954(RM)

AF358464, AF358531

Ammi majus L. Downie et al. 1998 U78386, U78446 AF164814Anethum graveolens L. Downie et al. 1998 U30550, U30551 AF110542Angelica ampla A. Nelson Downie et al. 1998 U79597, U79598 AF358598Angelica archangelica L. subsp.

archangelicaDownie et al. 1998 U30576, U30577 AF110536 AF444007

Angelica arguta Nutt. ex Torr. &A. Gray

Downie et al. 1998 U79599, U79600

Angelica breweri A. Gray Downie et al. 1998 U78396, U78456 AF358599Angelica pinnata S. Watson U.S.A., Wyoming, Lincoln Co., Commissary

Ridge, 22 July 1993, Hartman 41500(RM)

AF358465, AF358532 AF358600

Angelica roseana L.F. Hend. U.S.A., Wyoming, Teton Co., Blue MinerLake, 25 August 1994, Hartman 50090(RM)

AF358466, AF358533

Angelica sylvestris L. Downie et al. 1998 U78414, U78474Anthriscus caucalis M. Bieb. Downie et al. 1998 U79601, U79602 AF110549Apium graveolens L. Downie et al. 1998 U30552, U30553 AF110545Arracacia aegopodioides (Kunth)

J.M. Coult. & RoseCult. UC Berkeley; Mexico, Oaxaca,

Breedlove 72231 (CAS), L. Constancepers. coll. C-2408

AF358467, AF358534

Arracacia bracteata J.M. Coult. &Rose

Cult. UC Berkeley; Mexico, Oaxaca,Breedlove 72536 (CAS), L. Constancepers. coll. C-2412

AF358468, AF358535

Arracacia brandegei J.M. Coult. &Rose

Downie et al. 1998 U30570, U30571

Arracacia nelsonii J.M. Coult. &Rose

Downie et al. 1998 U30556, U30557

Arracacia tolucensis (Kunth)Hemsl. var. tolucensis

Cult. UC Berkeley; Mexico, Querétaro, CerroZamorano, 16 December 1978, Ornduff8560 (UC), L. Constance pers. coll.C-2124

AF358469, AF358536

Arracacia tolucensis var. multifida(S. Watson) Mathias &Constance

Cult. UC Berkeley; Mexico, UNAM 88,L. Constance pers. coll. C-2355

AF358470, AF358537

Berula erecta (Huds.) Coville Downie et al. 1998 U79605, U79606 AF164819Bifora radians M. Bieb. Downie et al. 1998 U78408, U78468 AF164809Carum carvi L. Downie et al. 1998 U78377, U78437Caucalis platycarpos L. Downie et al. 1998 U78364, U78424 AF123745Chaerophyllum tainturieri Hook. Downie et al. 2000a AF073647, AF073648

Table 2. Species of Apiaceae subfamily Apioideae examined for nuclear rDNA ITS (148 taxa), cpDNA rps16 intron (85 taxa), and(or) trnF-L-T (27 species) sequence variation.

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Downie et al. 1303

Species Source and voucher GenBank accession No.

ITS-1, ITS-2 rps16 intron trnF-L-T

Ciclospermum leptophyllum (Pers.)Sprague ex Britton &E.H. Wilson

U.S.A., Oklahoma, Pittsburg Co., 9 May1991, Seigler et al. 13245 (ILL)

AF358471, AF358538

Cicuta maculata L. var.angustifolia Hook.

U.S.A., Wyoming, Goshen Co., Bear Creek,4 August 1994, Nelson et al. 33517 (RM)

AF358472, AF358539 AF358601

Coaxana purpurea J.M. Coult. &Rose

Downie et al. 1998 U30572, U30573

Conioselinum chinense (L.) Britton,Stern & Poggenb.

Downie et al. 1998 U78374, U78434

Conioselinum scopulorum(A. Gray) J.M. Coult. & Rose

Katz-Downie et al. 1999 AF008634, AF009113

Conium maculatum L. Downie et al. 1998 U30588, U30589 AF110546Coriandrum sativum L. Downie et al. 1998 U30586, U30587Coulterophytum jaliscense

McVaughCult. UC Berkeley; Mexico, Jalisco,

Zarzamora (Las Joyas), Sierra deManantlán, Iltis et al. 1299 (UC), L.Constance pers. coll. C-2236

AF358473, AF358540

Coulterophytum laxum B.L. Rob. Downie et al. 1998 U30560, U30561Cryptotaenia canadensis (L.) DC. Downie et al. 1998 U79613, U79614 AF358602Cuminum cyminum L. Downie et al. 1998 U78362, U78422Cymopterus acaulis (Pursh) Raf.

var. acaulisU.S.A., Colorado, Garfield Co., Grand

Hogback, Burning Mtn., 27 May 1991,Vanderhorst 2236 (RM)

AF358474, AF358541 AF358603

Cymopterus acaulis var. fendleri(A. Gray) S. Goodrich

U.S.A., Utah, Emery Co., S of Price River,14 May 1979, Hartman 8674 (RM)

AF358475, AF358542 AF358604

Cymopterus basalticus M.E. Jones U.S.A., Utah, Millard Co., Desert RangeExperiment Station, 22 May 1982, Fonken1611 (RM)

AF358476, AF358543

Cymopterus bulbosus A. Nelson U.S.A., Utah, Uintah Co., ESE of Vernal,18 April 1982, Hartman 13951 (RM)

AF358477, AF358544

Cymopterus duchesnensisM.E. Jones

U.S.A., Utah, Uintah Co., Tridell, 28 May1982, Hartman 13984 (RM)

AF358478, AF358545 AF358605

Cymopterus evertii R.L. Hartm. &R.S. Kirkp.

U.S.A., Wyoming, Hot Springs Co., SE ofMeeteetse, 30 May 1985, Hartman 20097and Haines (RM)

AF358479, AF358546 AF358606

Cymopterus globosus (S. Watson)S. Watson

Downie et al. 1998 U78398, U78458 AF358607 AF444009

Cymopterus ibapensis M.E. Jones U.S.A., Utah, Sevier Co., UT 4, 26 May1982, Hartman 13978 (RM)

AF358480, AF358547

Cymopterus jonesii J.M. Coult. &Rose

U.S.A., Utah, Washington Co., road to ApexMine, 20 May 1981, Fonken 1195 (RM)

AF358481, AF358548 AF358608

Cymopterus longipes S. Watson U.S.A., Wyoming, Lincoln Co., GradeCanyon Creek, 22 May 1993, Hartman37464 (RM)

AF358483, AF358550 AF358609

Cymopterus montanus Nutt. exTorr. & A. Gray

U.S.A., Colorado, El Paso Co., RockrimmonRoad, 18 May 1982, Hartman 13968 (RM)

AF358484, AF358551 AF110534 AF444010

Cymopterus multinervatus(J.M. Coult. & Rose) Tidestr.

U.S.A., Arizona, Mohave Co., Mt. Trumbull,31 March 1983, Hartman 14098 (RM)

AF358485, AF358552 AF358610 AF444011

Cymopterus nivalis S. Watson U.S.A., Wyoming, Teton Co., E of CrystalCreek, 24 June 1994, Hartman 46444 andCramer (RM)

AF358486, AF358553 AF358611 AF444012

Cymopterus panamintensisJ.M. Coult. & Rose var.panamintensis

U.S.A., California, Inyo Co., Argus RangeNNE of Ridgecrest, Ertter 7043 (UC)

AF358487, AF358554

Table 2 (continued).

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1304 Can. J. Bot. Vol. 80, 2002

Species Source and voucher GenBank accession No.

ITS-1, ITS-2 rps16 intron trnF-L-T

Cymopterus planosus (Osterh.)Mathias

U.S.A., Colorado, Routt Co., base ofDunckley Flat Tops, 16 June 1991,Vanderhorst 2592 (RM)

AF358488, AF358555 AF358612

Cymopterus purpurascens(A. Gray) M.E. Jones

U.S.A., Arizona, Mohave Co., NE of PeachSprings, 30 March 1983, Hartman 14096(RM)

AF358489, AF358556

Cymopterus purpureus S. Watson U.S.A., Colorado, Garfield Co., GrandHogback, 25 May 1991, Vanderhorst2166a (RM)

AF358490, AF358557 AF358613 AF444013

Cymopterus williamsii R.L. Hartm.& Constance

U.S.A., Wyoming, Natrona Co., along BakerCabin, 23 May 1994, Nelson 30642 (RM)

AF358491, AF358558 AF358614 AF444014

Cynosciadium digitatum DC. U.S.A., Illinois, Jackson Co., Shawnee Natl.Forest, 27 May 1993, Phillippe 21886(ILLS)

AF358492, AF358559

Dahliaphyllum almedae Constance& Breedlove

Downie et al. 1998 U78395, U78455

Daucus pusillus Michx. Lee and Downie 1999 AF077788, AF077103 AF123729Enantiophylla heydeana J.M. Coult.

& RoseDownie et al. 1998 U30558, U30559

Erigenia bulbosa (Michx.) Nutt. Katz-Downie et al. 1999 AF008636, AF009115 AF110554Falcaria vulgaris Bernh. Downie et al. 1998 U78378, U78438Foeniculum vulgare Mill. Downie et al. 1998 U78385, U78445 AF110543Harbouria trachypleura (A. Gray)

J.M. Coult. & RoseU.S.A., New Mexico, Colfax Co., Philmont

Scout Ranch, 24 June 1991, Embry 56(RM)

AF358493, AF358560 AF358615 AF444015

Helosciadium nodiflorum (L.)W.D.J. Koch (as Apiumnodiflorum (L.) Lag.)

Downie et al. 2000c AF164823, AF164848 AF164820

Heracleum sphondylium L. Downie et al. 1998 U30544, U30545 AF164800Levisticum officinale W.D.J. Koch Downie et al. 1998 U78389, U78449Ligusticum canadense (L.) Britton Katz-Downie et al. 1999 AF008635, AF009114Ligusticum porteri J.M. Coult. &

Rose var. porteriDownie et al. 1998 U78375, U78435

Ligusticum scoticum L. Downie et al. 1998 U78357, U78417 AF123756Lilaeopsis carolinensis J.M. Coult.

& RosePetersen et al. 2002 AF466276

Lomatium bicolor (S. Watson)J.M. Coult. & Rose var. bicolor

U.S.A., Wyoming, Sublette Co., PacksaddleRidge, 21 June 1993, Nelson 26111 andNelson (RM)

AF358494, AF358561 AF358616 AF444016

Lomatium brandegei (J.M. Coult.& Rose) J.F. Macbr.

Hardig and Soltis 1999 AF011803, AF011820

Lomatium californicum (Nutt.)Mathias & Constance

Downie et al. 1998 U78397, U78457 AF358617 AF444017

Lomatium concinnum (Osterh.)Mathias

Hardig and Soltis 1999 AF011804, AF011821

Lomatium cous (S. Watson)J.M. Coult. & Rose

U.S.A., Wyoming, Sublette Co., PalmerPeak, 5 August 1994, Hartman 49374(RM)

AF358495, AF358562 AF358618

Lomatium dasycarpum (Torr. &A. Gray) J.M. Coult. and Rosesubsp. dasycarpum

Downie et al. 1998 U30580, U30581 AF358619 AF444018

Lomatium dissectum (Nutt.)Mathias & Constance var.dissectum

Hardig and Soltis 1999 AF011809, AF011826

Lomatium foeniculaceum (Nutt.)J.M. Coult. & Rose subsp.foeniculaceum

U.S.A., Wyoming, Converse Co., SouthernPowder River Basin, 12 May 1994, Nelson30083 (RM)

AF358496, AF358563

Table 2 (continued).

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Downie et al. 1305

Species Source and voucher GenBank accession No.

ITS-1, ITS-2 rps16 intron trnF-L-T

Lomatium graveolens (S. Watson)Dorn & R.L. Hartm. var.graveolens

U.S.A., Wyoming, Sublette Co., PacksaddleRidge, 21 June 1993, Nelson 26101 andNelson (RM)

AF358497, AF358564 AF358620 AF444019

Lomatium grayi (J.M. Coult. &Rose) J.M. Coult. & Rose

Soltis and Kuzoff 1993 (ITS-1 only) (not in GenBank)

Lomatium greenmanii Mathias Hardig and Soltis 1999 AF011805, AF011822Lomatium howellii (S. Watson)

Jeps.Hardig and Soltis 1999 AF011800, AF011817

Lomatium idahoense Mathias &Constance

Hardig and Soltis 1999 AF011806, AF011823

Lomatium junceum Barneby &N.H. Holmgren

U.S.A., Utah, Emery Co., NE of Emery,18 June 1982, Fonken 1962 (RM)

AF358498, AF358565 AF358621 AF444020

Lomatium juniperinum(M.E. Jones) J.M. Coult. & Rose

U.S.A., Utah, Cache Co., Bear River Range,12 August 1980, Hartman 11885 (RM)

AF358499, AF358566 AF358622 AF444021

Lomatium laevigatum (Nutt.)J.M. Coult. & Rose

Soltis and Kuzoff 1993 (ITS-1 only) (not in GenBank)

Lomatium latilobum (Rydb.)Mathias

U.S.A., Utah, Grand Co., SE of Moab,13 April 1995, Tuby 3772 (RM)

AF358500, AF358567 AF358623

Lomatium lucidum (Nutt. ex. Torr.& A. Gray) Jeps.

Hardig and Soltis 1999 AF011799, AF011816

Lomatium macrocarpum (Nutt. exTorr. & A. Gray) J.M. Coult. &Rose

U.S.A., Wyoming, Lincoln Co., DempseyRidge, 25 June 1993, Nelson 26537 andNelson (RM)

AF358501, AF358568 AF358624 AF444022

Lomatium nudicaule (Pursh)J.M. Coult. & Rose

U.S.A., Nevada, Elko Co., S. of Hot Creek,16 May 1979, Hartman 8736 (RM)

AF358502, AF358569 AF358625 AF444023

Lomatium nuttallii (A. Gray)J.F. Macbr.

Hardig and Soltis 1999 AF011811, AF011828

Lomatium orientale J.M. Coult. &Rose

U.S.A., Wyoming, Natrona Co., alongNotches, 23 May 1994, Nelson 30536(RM)

AF358503, AF358570

Lomatium parvifolium (Hook. &Arn.) Jeps.

Hardig and Soltis 1999 AF011801, AF011818

Lomatium repostum (Jeps.) Mathias Hardig and Soltis 1999 AF011802, AF011819Lomatium rigidum (M.E. Jones)

Jeps.Hardig and Soltis 1999 AF011797, AF011814

Lomatium scabrum (J.M. Coult. &Rose) Mathias var. scabrum

U.S.A., Utah, Millard Co., S. of Ganison,16 May 1981, Fonken 1168 (RM)

AF358504, AF358571 AF358626

Lomatium shevockii R.L. Hartm. &Constance

Hardig and Soltis 1999 AF011798, AF011815

Lomatium triternatum (Pursh)J.M. Coult. & Rose subsp.platycarpum (Torr.) Cronquist

U.S.A., Wyoming, Lincoln Co., BoulderRidge, 22 May 1993, Hartman 37526(RM)

AF358505, AF358572 AF358627

Mathiasella bupleuroides Con-stance & C.L. Hitchc.

Downie et al. 1998 U78394, U78454

Musineon divaricatum (Pursh) Nutt.ex Torr. & A. Gray var.divaricatum

U.S.A., Wyoming, Platte Co., NW ofChugwater, 26 May 1994, Nelson 30905(RM)

AF358506, AF358573 AF358628 AF444024

Musineon tenuifolium Nutt. exTorr. & A. Gray

U.S.A., Wyoming, Niobrara Co., Hat CreekBreaks, 17 May 1994, Nelson 30335 (RM)

AF358507, AF358574 AF358629 AF444025

Musineon vaginatum Rydb. U.S.A., Wyoming, Sheridan Co., Big HornMtns., 18 June 1979, Hartman 9020 (RM)

AF358508, AF358575 AF358630

Myrrhidendron donnell-smithiiJ.M. Coult. & Rose

Downie et al. 1998 (Grantham and Parsons0433–90)

U30554, U30555

Myrrhis odorata (L.) Scop. Downie et al. 1998 U30530, U30531 AF123755Neoparrya lithophila Mathias U.S.A., Colorado, Saguache Co., Upper

Saguache Forest Service Station,18 September 1983, Hartman 17360 (RM)

AF358509, AF358576 AF358631 AF444026

Table 2 (continued).

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1306 Can. J. Bot. Vol. 80, 2002

Species Source and voucher GenBank accession No.

ITS-1, ITS-2 rps16 intron trnF-L-T

Oenanthe pimpinelloides L. Downie et al. 1998 U78371, U78431 AF110553Oreoxis alpina (A. Gray)

J.M. Coult. & Rose subsp.alpina

U.S.A., Colorado, Rio Blanco Co., PyramidPeak, 27 June 1991, Vanderhorst 2806(RM)

AF358510, AF358577

Oreoxis bakeri J.M. Coult. & Rose U.S.A., New Mexico, Santa Fe Co., LakePeak, 19 June 1980, Hartman 11725 (RM)

AF358511, AF358578 AF358632

Oreoxis humilis Raf. U.S.A., Colorado, Teller Co., Pikes PeakRoad, 17 June 1980, Hartman 11718 (RM)

AF358512, AF358579 AF358633

Orogenia linearifolia S. Watson U.S.A., Wyoming, Lincoln Co., Hams ForkPlateau, 23 May 1993, Hartman 37557(RM)

AF358513, AF358580 AF358634

Osmorhiza longistylis (Torr.) DC. Downie et al. 1998 U79617, U79618 AF123754Oxypolis rigidior (L.) Raf. U.S.A., Illinois, Vermilion Co., Windfall Hill

Prairie Nature Reserve, 17 July 1991,Phillippe et al. 19411 (ILLS)

AF358514, AF358581

Pastinaca sativa L. Downie et al. 1998 U30546, U30547 AF110538Perideridia kelloggii (A. Gray)

MathiasDownie et al. 1998 U78373, U78433 AF358635

Petroselinum crispum (Mill.)A.W. Hill

Downie et al. 1998 U78387, U78447 AF110544

Physospermum cornubiense (L.)DC.

Downie et al. 1998 U78382, U78442 AF110556

Pimpinella saxifraga L. Downie et al. 1998 U30590, U30591Pleurospermum foetens Franch. Katz-Downie et al. 1999 AF008639, AF009118 AF110559Podistera eastwoodiae (J.M. Coult.

& Rose) Mathias & ConstanceU.S.A., Colorado, Garfield Co., Edge Lake,

3 July 1991, Vanderhorst 3016 (RM)AF358515, AF358582 AF358636 AF444027

Polytaenia nuttallii DC. U.S.A., Illinois, Rock Island Co., N ofCordova, 19 June 1973, Evers 110464(ILLS)

AF358516, AF358583 AF358637

Polytaenia texana (J.M. Coult. &Rose) Mathias & Constance

U.S.A., Texas, Burnet Co., E of Briggs,25 May 1985, Barrie 1403 (RM)


Prionosciadium acuminatumB.L. Rob.

Cult. UC Berkeley; Mexico, Sinaloa, 3 kmNE of Palmito, Breedlove 36448 (CAS),L. Constance pers. coll. C-1871

AF358517, AF358584

Prionosciadium simplex Mathias &Constance

Cult. UC Berkeley; Mexico, Tamaulipas,Breedlove 63487 (CAS), L. Constancepers. coll. C-2341

AF358518, AF358585

Prionosciadium turneri Constance& Affolter

Downie et al. 1998 (as Constance pers. coll.C-2053)

U30568, U30569

Prionosciadium watsoniiJ.M. Coult. & Rose

Cult. UC Berkeley; Mexico, Durango,Breedlove 61338 (CAS), L. Constancepers. coll. C-2330

AF358519, AF358586

Pseudocymopterus montanus(A. Gray) J.M. Coult. & Rose

U.S.A., Colorado, Rio Blanco Co., DunckleyFlat Tops, 17 June 1991, Vanderhorst2637 (RM)

AF358520, AF358587 AF358639

Pteryxia hendersonii (J.M. Coult.& Rose) Mathias & Constance

U.S.A., Montana, Ravalli Co., Bitterroot Wil-derness, 6 August 1981, Hartman 13889(RM)

AF358521, AF358588 AF358640 AF444028

Pteryxia terebinthina (Hook.)J.M. Coult. & Rose var. albiflora(Nutt. ex Torr. & A. Gray)Mathias

U.S.A., Wyoming, Lincoln Co., Twin Creek,23 May 1993, Hartman 37616 (RM)

AF358522, AF358589 AF358641 AF444029

Rhodosciadium argutum (Rose)Mathias & Constance

Downie et al. 1998 U30566, U30567

Scandix pecten-veneris L. Downie et al. 1998 U30538, U30539 AF123753Shoshonea pulvinata Evert &

ConstanceDownie et al. 1998 U78400, U78460 AF358642 AF444030

Table 2 (continued).

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and amplification, and template purification and sequencingfor both ITS and rps16 intron loci are the same as describedpreviously (Downie and Katz-Downie 1996, 1999). Similarprocedures were used for the trnF-L-T study, using the prim-ers and PCR amplification protocols of Taberlet et al.(1991). Both manual and automated sequencing methodswere used. Simultaneous consideration of both DNA strandsacross all sequenced regions permitted unambiguous basedetermination in nearly all cases.

Sequence analysisAll newly procured sequences were aligned manually in

the data editor of PAUP* version 4.0 (Swofford 1998), withgaps positioned to minimize nucleotide mismatches. Whenalignment was ambiguous because of, for example, tracts ofpoly-As, -Gs, or -Ts or indirect duplications of adjacent ele-ments in two or more taxa, these positions were eliminatedfrom the analysis. The determination of boundary sequencesfor the six conserved structural domains of the rps16 groupII intron was based on similar boundary sequences inferredfor tobacco and mustard (Michel et al. 1989; Neuhaus et al.

1989) and other Apiaceae (Downie et al. 2000c). A similarbreakdown of the trnL intron was not done, given its 50%smaller size relative to rps16. Uncorrected pairwise dis-tances (p) were calculated by PAUP*, as they are commonlyprovided in other angiosperm ITS analyses (Baldwin et al.1995). All sequence data have been deposited in GenBank(Table 2); aligned data in PAUP* nexus files are availableupon request.

Phylogenetic analysis of molecular dataInitially, a maximum parsimony analysis of ITS data for

all 148 taxa was carried out to confirm the placements of theArracacia clade and Cymopterus sensu lato (includingOreoxis, Pseudocymopterus, and Pteryxia) and its allieswithin a broader phylogeny. Based on the results of thisglobal analysis and in an effort to increase resolution by re-ducing the number of excluded positions because of thegreater ambiguity involved in aligning sequences from moredistantly related taxa, the clade comprising Cymopterus andallies was isolated for subsequent and more comprehensivephylogenetic analysis. For this smaller (local) set of taxa, a

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Species Source and voucher GenBank accession No.

ITS-1, ITS-2 rps16 intron trnF-L-T

Sium suave Walter Cult. UIUC from seeds obtained from Jardinbotanique de Montréal, Canada, Downie 12(ILL)

AF358523, AF358590 AF358643

Spermolepis inermis (Nutt. ex DC.)Mathias & Constance

Katz-Downie et al. 1999 AF008602, AF009081

Sphenosciadium capitellatumA. Gray

Katz-Downie et al. 1999 AF008600, AF009079 AF358644

Taenidia integerrima (L.) Drude Downie et al. 1998 U78399, U78459 AF358645Tauschia glauca (J.M. Coult. &

Rose) Mathias & ConstanceU.S.A., California, Trinity Co., SE of Burnt

Ranch, 11 July 1990, Spellenberg 10254(RM)


Tauschia parishii (J.M. Coult. &Rose) J.F. Macbr.

U.S.A., California, San Bernardino Co.,12 April 1986, Boyd 1762 (RM)

AF358524, AF358591 AF358647

Tauschia texana A. Gray U.S.A., Texas, Gonzales Co., 22 February1986, Barrie 1435 (RM)

AF358525, AF358592 AF358648

Thaspium barbinode (Michx.) Nutt. U.S.A., Illinois, Champaign Co., N ofTolono, 12 June 1990, Ulaszek 1484(ILLS)

AF358526, AF358593

Thaspium pinnatifidum (Buckley)A. Gray

Downie et al. 1998 U78410, U78470

Thaspium trifoliatum (L.) A. Grayvar. trifoliatum

Downie et al. 1998 U78410, U78470 AF358649 AF444031

Torilis arvensis (Huds.) Link Downie et al. 2000c AF164844, AF164869 AF110548Trachyspermum copticum (L.) Link

(as T. ammi (L.) Sprague inTurrill)

Downie et al. 1998 U78380, U78440

Turgenia latifolia (L.) Hoffm. Lee and Downie 1999 AF077810, AF077125 AF123743Yabea microcarpa (Hook. & Arn.)

Koso-Pol.Lee and Downie 1999 AF077806, AF077121 AF123742

Zizia aptera (A. Gray) Fernald U.S.A., Wyoming, Teton Co., road to GraniteFalls, 29 May 1994, Hartman 45748 (RM)

AF358527, AF358594 AF358650 AF444032

Zizia aurea (L.) W.D.J. Koch Downie et al. 1998 U30574, U30575 AF110535 AF444033

Note: Reference citations indicate source and voucher information for previously published DNA data. ITS data have been deposited with GenBank asseparate ITS-1 and ITS-2 sequences. Species nomenclature follows Kartesz (1994); standardized authors names according to Brummitt and Powell (1992);herbarium acronyms according to Holmgren et al. (1990).

Table 2 (concluded).

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maximum likelihood analysis (Felsenstein 1981) was alsoperformed. All trees in the local analyses were rooted byAethusa cynapium, as suggested by the global results. Sepa-rate analysis of each spacer region was not done. Previousstudies, in Apioideae and other angiosperms, have indicatedthe high complementarity of spacer data and the greaterphylogenetic resolution and internal support achieved intrees when both spacers are considered together than wheneither spacer is treated alone (Baldwin et al. 1995; Downieand Katz-Downie 1996). Data from the rps16 intron and 3′exon portion were analyzed using maximum parsimony sep-arately (85 species) and, for 83 taxa, in combination withITS data. The trnF-L-T region was analyzed in its entirety,as well as partitioned into the two intergenic spacers andintron region for separate consideration. The 27 speciescommon to the ITS, rps16 intron, and trnF-L-T data setswere also analyzed separately and in combination usingmaximum parsimony, with the trees rooted by positioningthe root along the branch connecting Angelica archangelicato the rest of the network. To examine the extent of conflictamong separate data sets, the incongruence length differencetest of Farris et al. (1995) was conducted using the partitionhomogeneity test of PAUP*. One hundred replicates wereconsidered for each partition, using simple addition se-quence of taxa and tree bisection reconnection (TBR) branchswapping. Incongruence among data sets is identified if theadditive tree lengths taken from resampled matrices aregreater than the sum of the tree lengths from the originaldata. Prior to carrying out a maximum likelihood analysis ofthe 85-taxon ITS data set, the program Modeltest vers. 3.06(Posada and Crandall 1998) was used to select an evolution-ary model of nucleotide substitution (among 56 possiblemodels) that best fits these data. The settings appropriate forthe chosen model (base frequencies and among-site ratevariation) were inputted into PAUP* and a heuristic searchperformed using ten random addition sequence replicatesand TBR branch swapping under maximum likelihood opti-mization.

Analyses of all but the smallest data sets were carried outinitially using equally weighted maximum parsimony andthe following protocol. One thousand heuristic searcheswere initiated using random addition starting trees, withTBR branch swapping and multrees selected, but saving nomore than five of the shortest trees from each search. Thesetrees were subsequently used as starting trees for furtherTBR branch swapping. The maximum number of saved treeswas set at 20 000 and these trees were permitted to swap tocompletion. The strict consensus of these 20 000 minimallength trees was then used as a topological constraint in an-other round of 500–1000 random-addition replicate analysesbut, in this case, only those trees that did not fit the con-straint tree were saved (Catalán et al. 1997). No additionaltrees were found at the length of the initial shortest trees,which suggests that the strict consensus tree adequatelysummarizes the available evidence, even though the exactnumber of trees at that length is not known. Bootstrap values(Felsenstein 1985) were calculated from 100 000 replicateanalyses using “fast” stepwise-addition of taxa; only thosevalues compatible with the 50% majority-rule consensus treewere recorded. For all small (i.e., 27-taxon) data sets exceptthat of ITS, a finite number of shortest trees was obtained

using 500 random-addition replicate searches and TBRbranch swapping. Bootstrap values were calculated from 100replicate analyses, simple-addition sequence of taxa, andTBR branch swapping. For the 27-taxon ITS matrix, thestrategy used for the larger data sets was employed, with theexception that a maxtree limit of 500 trees was set for eachof 100 bootstrap replicates. The number of additional stepsrequired to force particular taxa into a monophyletic groupwas examined using the constraint option of PAUP*. In allmaximum parsimony analyses, gap states were treated aseither missing data or a fifth base (“new state”), or wereexcluded.

Alignment gaps were incorporated into parsimony analy-ses by scoring each unambiguous insertion or deletion asa separate presence–absence (i.e., binary) character, whilemaintaining gap states as missing data. The resultant topol-ogy was compared to one inferred when alignment gapswere omitted as additional characters. The “Character Steps/etc.” charting option of MacClade vers. 3.08 (Maddison andMaddison 1992), under the assumption of Fitch parsimony,was used to calculate the number of steps of each gap char-acter across all maximally parsimonious topologies. For twoLomatium species, two compressed regions of undeterminedlength were reported in ITS-1 (Soltis and Kuzoff 1993). Inseveral other Lomatium species (Hardig and Soltis 1999),runs of ambiguous bases or missing data are evident withinthe same regions, suggestive that compressions were a prob-lem here too. Given the discrepancies in length betweenthese sequences and those sequenced by us for otherLomatium taxa, gaps were not scored as additional charac-ters in the analyses of ITS data.

MorphologyCharacters of the fruit have been important traditionally in

delimiting taxa within the group, but have yet to be analyzedcladistically across a wide spectrum of species. Thus, in theabsence of a phylogenetic estimate, patterns in the evolutionof these characters and their utility in circumscribingmonophyletic groups could not be properly assessed. More-over, we have observed that published fruit transections areoccasionally interpreted incorrectly, because they were basedon immature material or the species were misidentified. Mi-croscope slides of mature fruit cross-sections were preparedfor two or more populations of nearly all species ofCymopterus and several related genera (except Lomatium).Prior to sectioning, fruits were softened by treating them forseveral minutes in Pohl’s Softening Agent (Radford et al.1974). Free-hand sections through the middle of the maturemericarps were made using a razor blade and preserved us-ing Hoyer’s Mounting Medium (Radford et al. 1974). Thesesections were examined for orientation of fruit and seedcompression, features of the ribs, wings, and commissure,and the number, position, and size of vittae. All microscopeslides have been deposited at the Rocky Mountain Herbar-ium (RM).

Our preparations of mature fruit cross-sections and an ex-amination of abundant representative material stored at RMuncovered 25 qualitative morphological characters that arepotentially parsimony informative (see Table 5). About halfof these characters were obtained from the fruits, the re-mainder from plant habit, inflorescence, and flowers. For

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each of 27 species, 30–50 herbarium specimens were exam-ined from throughout its range; these species represented thesame ones as used in the cladistic analyses of trnF-L-T data.Character polymorphisms were recorded. Because the num-ber of states differed among characters (ranging from two tofive), all characters were weighted in inverse proportion totheir number of steps using the scale option of PAUP*,hence fractional weights were employed. Heuristic searcheswere conducted with 500 random-addition replicate searchesand TBR branch swapping. All character states were as-sumed unordered, and the options multrees, collapse, andacctran optimization were selected. Bootstrap values werecalculated from 500 replicate analyses, simple-addition se-quence of taxa, and TBR branch swapping. The pattern ofevolution of each morphological character across all mini-mal length trees was assessed using MacClade, with the goalof finding those characters most useful in the delimitation ofmajor clades and genera.


ITSAlignment of all 148 ITS-1 and ITS-2 sequences resulted

in a matrix of 490 positions. Thirty-one positions fromITS-1 and 50 positions from ITS-2 were eliminated fromsubsequent analyses because of confounding interpretationsof homology; these included several small autapomorphicinsertions, as well as length mutations of varying sizes intwo or more taxa. These 81 positions represented 29 ex-cluded regions, with 25 of them only 1 or 2 bp in size. Thelargest excluded region, encompassing 33 positions in ITS-2near gene 5.8S, was characterized by highly variable se-quences in all members of tribes Scandiceae Spreng. andOenantheae Dumort. Characteristics of the included posi-tions are presented in Table 3. Both spacer regions contrib-uted comparable numbers of informative characters to thephylogenetic analysis. Measures of pairwise sequence diver-gence across both ITS-1 and ITS-2 ranged from identity (be-tween the two varieties of Cymopterus acaulis and amongthe three species of Thaspium) to 34.6% of nucleotides (be-tween Daucus pusillus and Cynosciadium digitatum). Ex-cluding all Lomatium species, 13 unambiguous alignmentgaps were parsimony informative; these ranged from 1 to 4bp in size. Numerous autapomorphic deletions of a single bpwere prevalent throughout the alignment. The two largestlength mutations, each of 14 bp in size, represent deletionsin Myrrhidendron and Ligusticum scoticum ITS-1 sequencesrelative to outgroups Physospermum and Pleurospermum.No evidence of divergent paralogous rDNA copy types wasfound in any of the species investigated.

Maximum parsimony analysis of 148 ITS-1 and ITS-2sequences, with gap states treated as missing data, resultedin over 20 000 minimal length trees. The strict consensus ofthese trees, rooted with Physospermum and Pleurospermum,is presented in Fig. 1A. Those tribes and major clades out-lined previously in subfamily Apioideae (Downie et al.2001) are maintained, whereas resolution of relationshipsamong Cymopterus sensu lato (including Oreoxis, Pseudo-cymopterus, and Pteryxia) and allies is quite poor, with onlya few clades supported strongly in a large polytomy. Inaccordance with previous studies, the Arracacia group is

monophyletic but supported weakly (with < 50% bootstrapvalue); its sister group is not realized. The genera Arracacia,Coulterophytum, and Prionosciadium are each not mono-phyletic. The same can be said for western NA generaAletes, Cymopterus, Lomatium, Musineon, Oreoxis, andPteryxia, and several other genera represented by more thanone species. In contrast, Thaspium and Zizia are eachmonophyletic. Given the large polytomy with many weaklysupported clades, such an analysis is unsatisfactory in re-solving relationships among Cymopterus and its allies. How-ever, this global analysis does suggest that Aethusacynapium or members of tribe Coriandreae W.D.J. Kochmay be appropriate outgroups for further local analyses ofCymopterus and relatives.

Upon reduction of the global ITS matrix to include onlythose members comprising the large polytomy (except thoseof the Arracacia clade, which were also removed to facili-tate analysis), a heuristic search was repeated using Aethusacynapium as a functional outgroup. Alignment of 85 ITSsequences resulted in a matrix of 454 positions, with noneexcluded (Table 3). Maximum pairwise sequence divergenceestimates approached 10.5% over both spacers, and 117 po-sitions were parsimony informative (representing an increaseof six positions relative to the same subset of taxa in theglobal analysis). Parsimony analysis of these sequence data,with gap states treated as missing, resulted in 20 000 mini-mal length trees whose strict consensus is presented inFig. 1B. Once more, little resolution of relationships isachieved, with the results highly comparable to those ob-tained by the global analysis. However, in the local analysis,six of seven species of Angelica (plus Sphenosciadium) ariseas a clade sister to all other ingroup taxa; Angelicasylvestris, however, is basal to this group. Rooting the treeswith either Bifora radians or Coriandrum sativum (both oftribe Coriandreae) resulted in trees (not shown) consistent tothose when Aethusa cynapium is used to root the network,the only exception being that all seven species of Angelica(plus Sphenosciadium) formed a monophyletic group arisingfrom a large, basal polytomy. Constraining the 17 species(18 taxa) of Cymopterus to monophyly resulted in trees 21steps longer than those most parsimonious. A monophyleticLomatium resulted in trees 30 steps longer, whereas con-straining the six narrowly endemic species comprising theEuryptera group of Lomatium (Lomatium howellii,Lomatium lucidum, Lomatium parvifolium, Lomatiumrepostum, Lomatium rigidum, and Lomatium shevockii) tomonophyly, one of the few natural assemblages within thegenus (Hardig and Soltis 1999), resulted in trees five stepslonger than those most parsimonious. Repeating the localanalysis with gap states treated as a fifth base (“new state”in PAUP*) resulted in 20 000 minimal length trees, each of621 steps. Their strict consensus is presented in Fig. 2A.Differences from the previous analyses include an increasedresolution of relationship (albeit with many clades stillsupported weakly), the placements of Pseudocymopterusmontanus and the clade of Spermolepis and Ciclospermumas successive sister groups to a large polytomous clade ofNA Apiaceae, the union of Thaspium, Zizia, and Polytaenia,and a monophyletic Euryptera species group (with 83%bootstrap support). Excluding gapped positions from theanalysis resulted in a strict consensus tree of identical topol-

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ogy to that produced when gap states were treated as miss-ing. The lack of resolution in the ITS trees derived frommaximum parsimony precludes unambiguous hypotheses ofrelationship, but does show clearly that many NA genera,where resolved, are not monophyletic. The two largest gen-era within the complex, Cymopterus and Lomatium, are eachhighly polyphyletic.

Based on the hierarchical likelihood ratio test statistic,Modeltest selected the TrN + G model (Tamura and Nei1993) as fitting the ITS data best (base frequencies: 0.2501,A; 0.2416, C; 0.2474, G; 0.2609, T; estimates of substitutionrates: A�C, 1; A�G, 2.2111; A�T, 1; C�G, 1; C�T, 4.7219;G�T, 1; proportion of invariable sites = 0; gamma distribu-tion shape parameter = 0.5188). Using these parameters, asingle most-likely tree was recovered in PAUP*, with a –Lnlikelihood score of 3968.51683; this tree is presentedin Fig. 2B. The relationships suggested by this phylograminclude the monophyly of all Angelica species (plusSphenosciadium), and the position of this clade, along withthat comprising Spermolepis and Ciclospermum, as sister to

all NA endemic species. The major clades inferred are simi-lar to those presented by the maximum parsimony tree whengaps are treated as new character states (Fig. 2A), with noresolution among them. Many genera are not monophyletic(Aletes, Musineon, Oreoxis, Pteryxia, and Tauschia), andCymopterus and Lomatium are grossly polyphyletic. Mem-bers of the Euryptera species group are closely allied, but donot form a clade.

Rps16 intronAmong the 85 species examined for rps16 intron se-

quence variation, the length of the intron varied from 801 to884 bp. Juxtaposed was 110 bp of sequence from the 3′exon. Alignment of these intron and flanking exon data re-sulted in a matrix of 1169 positions, of which 289 wereexcluded from subsequent analyses because of alignmentambiguities. These ambiguous regions ranged from 1 to43 bp in size, averaging 11 positions each. Characteristics ofall unambiguous positions, including the number of con-stant, autapomorphic, and parsimony informative sites, are

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No. ofalignedpositions

No. ofpositionseliminated

No. ofpositionsconstant

No. ofpositionsinformative

No. ofpositionsautapomorphic

No. ofunambiguousgapsinformative

Maximumpairwisesequencedivergence (%)

Nuclear rDNA ITSGlobal analysis (n = 148)ITS-1 202–221 244 31 35 151 27 40.7ITS-2 207–231 246 50 29 143 24 36.4ITS-1 and ITS-2 417–443 490 81 64 294 51 34.6Local analysis (n = 85)ITS-1 207–218 224 0 108 65 51 12.1ITS-2 221–226 230 0 122 52 56 10.9ITS-1 and ITS-2 427–441 454 0 230 117 107 10.5Chloroplast DNA rps16 intron and 3′ exon (n = 85)IntronDomain I 476–506 575 118 313 68 76 12 7.9Domain II 67–108 123 64 32 15 12 3 11.9Domain III 64–76 78 23 39 8 8 1 12.7Domain IV 85–153 192 82 57 25 28 3 15.5Domain V 34–34 34 0 32 2 0 0 5.9Domain VI 35–35 35 1 27 3 4 0 5.9Entire intron 801–884 1059 288 518 123 130 19 6.63′ exon (partial) 110–110 110 1 99 5 5 0 5.5Intron and 3′ exon 911–994 1169 289 617 128 135 19 6.2Combined ITS and rps16 intron and 3′ exon (n = 83)Entire matrix 1349–1432 1645 356 703 377 209 19 13.9

Note: Alignment gaps were not scored as additional characters in the analyses of ITS data.

Table 3. Sequence characteristics of the nuclear rDNA ITS and cpDNA rps16 intron and 3′ exon regions, separately and combined,used in the phylogenetic analyses of Apiaceae subfamily Apioideae.

Fig. 1A. Strict consensus of 20 000 minimal length 2242-step trees derived from equally weighted maximum parsimony analysis of148 taxa and 409 unambiguously aligned ITS-1 and ITS-2 nucleotide positions, with gap states treated as missing data (CIs = 0.3189and 0.2979, with and without uninformative characters, respectively; RI = 0.6335; RC = 0.2020). Numbers at nodes are bootstrap esti-mates for 100 000 replicate analyses using “fast” stepwise-addition; values ≤ 50% are not indicated. Brackets indicate major clades ofApioideae (Downie et al. 2001). Fig. 1B. Strict consensus of 20 000 minimal length 567-step trees derived from equally weightedmaximum parsimony analysis of 85 nuclear rDNA ITS-1 and ITS-2 sequences, with gap states treated as missing data (CIs = 0.5485and 0.4298, with and without uninformative characters, respectively; RI = 0.6139; RC = 0.3367). Numbers at nodes are bootstrap esti-mates for 100 000 replicate analyses using “fast” stepwise-addition; values ≤ 50% are not indicated. Complete taxon names, includingranks of infraspecific taxa which have been omitted for brevity, are provided in Table 2.

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presented in Table 3. Nineteen unambiguous alignment gapswere potentially parsimony informative, ranging from 1 to11 bp in size. Pairwise sequence divergence ranged fromidentity (between three pairs of sequences) to 6.2% ofnucleotides (between the Lomatium bicolor – Lomatiumcalifornicum pair and Scandix).

The secondary structure of the rps16 intron, like otherplastid group II introns, is characterized by six major do-mains. For each domain and across all 85 species compared,features of the aligned sequences are presented in Table 3.Domain I is the largest, ranging between 476 and 506 bp insize, whereas domains V and VI are the smallest, each rang-

ing between 34 and 35 bp in size. Domains V and VI arealso the most conserved, with five informative positionscollectively, low nucleotide sequence divergence, and noinferred gaps. These two small domains provide as much in-formation to the phylogenetic analysis as does the 3′ exonportion. Relative to their size, domains II and IV provide themost phylogenetic information, with some 23 to 25% of allincluded positions parsimony informative.

Maximum parsimony analysis of 880 unambiguouslyaligned rps16 intron and 3′ exon nucleotide positions plus 19binary-scored informative gaps, with gap states treated asmissing data, resulted in over 20 000 minimal length trees,

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Fig. 2A. Strict consensus tree of 20 000 minimal length 621-step trees derived from equally weighted maximum parsimony analysis of85 nuclear rDNA ITS-1 and ITS-2 sequences, with gap states treated as a fifth base (“new character state”; CIs = 0.5588 and 0.4408,with and without uninformative characters, respectively; RI = 0.6432; RC = 0.3594). Numbers at nodes are bootstrap estimates for100 000 replicate analyses using “fast” stepwise-addition; values ≤ 50% are not indicated. Fig. 2B. Most-likely tree derived from maxi-mum likelihood analysis of ITS sequence data, based on the TrN + G model of nucleotide substitution (–Ln likelihood = 3968.51683).Complete taxon names are provided in Table 2.

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of which their strict consensus (with accompanying boot-strap values) is shown in Fig. 3A. Here, the positions of allalignment gap changes are indicated, with the 14 non-homoplastic changes shown by solid circles andhomoplasies (reversals and parallel gains of gaps 1 to 9 bpin size) by open circles. Repeating the analysis without the19 scored gaps resulted in trees 27 steps shorter and collapseof the four branches indicated by asterisks in Fig. 3A.Treating gap states as a fifth base (“new state”) or excludingthem altogether made no appreciable difference to the resul-tant consensus tree topologies. However, regardless of anal-ysis, resolution of relationships among Cymopterus and itsallies is poor. Moreover, the genera Heracleum andPastinaca (the Heracleum clade) and Aethusa cynapium fallwithin a large, polytomous group. The four included speciesof Angelica and Sphenosciadium do not form a clade, butarise within the same lineage as two species of Lomatium,Aletes anisatus, Cymopterus globosus, and Shoshoneapulvinata. While this lineage is weakly supported (with orwithout scored gaps) it does suggest that Lomatium, Aletes,and Cymopterus may each not be monophyletic. Upon con-sideration of binary-scored gaps as additional characters,Tauschia and Pteryxia may also not be monophyletic.Pairwise sequence divergence estimates among the 58 spe-cies comprising the large polytomy barely exceed 3.0% ofnucleotides. Within this same group, the number of charac-ters potentially informative for parsimony analysis is 47 (ex-cluding scored gaps), and their distribution is inadequate toresolve more than only a few clades. Clearly, these intronand exon data are insufficient by themselves to resolve rela-tionships among the perennial, endemic, apioid umbellifersof western NA. However, basal resolutions in the tree aregenerally strongly supported, with the major clades identi-fied similar to those resolved in the global analysis of ITSdata (Fig. 1A).

ITS and rps16 intron combinedITS and rps16 intron data for the same set of 83 taxa were

combined for simultaneous consideration, as separate analy-ses of these data failed to provide adequate resolution amongCymopterus and its allies. Given the lack of resolution andpoorly supported nodes in the rps16 intron-derived trees, atest of incongruence was considered unnecessary. Details ofthe alignment are provided in Table 3, with 377 characterspotentially informative. Maximum parsimony analysis ofboth data partitions including the 19 informative intron gaps,with gap states treated as missing data, resulted in 20 000minimal length trees; their strict consensus is presented inFig. 3B. Identical results were obtained when gap stateswere treated as a fifth base; slightly less resolution amongthe western NA endemics was achieved when gap positionswere excluded from the analysis. The consensus tree(Fig. 3B) shows more resolution than either of the separateanalyses and, in general, greater bootstrap support for manyclades. Nevertheless, a large polytomy of western NA taxa ismaintained. Greater resolution is achieved, but many generaare still not monophyletic. Cymopterus (with 13 includedspecies in the combined analysis) is highly polyphyletic,comprising 10 separate lineages occurring in all majorbranches of the polytomy. Lomatium (12 species) is alsopolyphyletic, but in this case more than half of its species

are found in just one major branch. ConstrainingCymopterus to monophyly resulted in trees 24 steps longerthan those produced without the constraint; trees of similarlength resulted when Lomatium was constrained asmonophyletic. Aletes, Musineon, Oreoxis, Pteryxia, andTauschia are also each not monophyletic. Angelica andSphenosciadium form a clade alongside the same five spe-cies as in the separate analysis of intron data. Other note-worthy results include the close association of Zizia,Thaspium, and Polytaenia; the sister relationship betweenAethusa cynapium and the large polytomous clade of west-ern NA taxa; and the highly resolved and strongly supportedrelationships among the basal elements of the phylogeny.

trnF-trnL-trnTLength variation of the entire trnF-L-T region for the 27

species studied ranged from 1693 to 1816 bp, and alignmentof these data resulted in a matrix of 1884 positions.Forty-six positions, representing tracts of poly-A’s or inser-tions of dubious homology in two or more taxa, were elimi-nated. Characteristics of these unambiguously aligned data,including partitions representing the two intergenic spacersand the trnL intron, are presented in Table 4. No length vari-ation was exhibited by the trnL exons (50 and 35 bp for the3′ and 5′ exons, respectively) and from gene portions trnFand trnT (39 and 17 bp, respectively). The trnL intronranged in size from 456 to 508 bp. The proportion of nucle-otide differences ranged from identity to 2.5% for the trnF-Lspacer and from identity to 2.9% for the trnL-T spacer; how-ever, the trnL intron, intermediate in size between the twointergenic spacers, was more conserved, with a maximumpairwise sequence divergence of 1.6%. Overall, 42 positionswere potentially informative, with over half of these comingfrom the trnL-T spacer. Twenty-seven gaps, ranging inlength from 1 to 46 bp, were required to facilitate alignment;these represented 15 insertions (1–17 bp) and 12 deletions(2–46 bp) relative to the Angelica archangelica sequence.Seven of these gaps were potentially informative for parsi-mony analysis (size range 2–40 bp; representing two inser-tions and five deletions).

Maximum parsimony analysis of the entire trnF-L-Tregion, with gap states treated as missing, resulted in 220minimal length trees, each of 145 steps (see Table 4 for mea-sures of character fit); the strict consensus of these trees isshown in Fig. 4A. Angelica archangelica was used to rootthese trees, as suggested by the local analyses of ITS data(Figs. 1B, 2A, and 2B). The strict consensus reveals threemajor clades, two of which are largely unresolved. One ma-jor clade (with 91% bootstrap support) consists exclusivelyof Lomatium species. Cymopterus and Pteryxia are eachdivided between the two remaining major clades. Addi-tionally, Harbouria, Musineon, Thaspium, and Zizia areplaced in one clade (with 73% bootstrap support), andAletes, Lomatium, Neoparrya, Podistera, and Shoshonea oc-cur in the other (with 82% bootstrap support). The latter issister to the Lomatium clade. Cymopterus, Lomatium, andPteryxia are each not monophyletic, and the results areequivocal in establishing the monophyly of Musineon andZizia. Phylogenetic analyses of the three trnF-L-T data parti-tions yielded trees (not shown) highly consistent with re-spect to their major groups, and results of a partition

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Fig. 3A. Strict consensus of 20 000 minimal length 474-step trees derived from equally weighted maximum parsimony analysis of 85cpDNA rps16 intron and 3′ exon sequences plus 19 binary-scored alignment gaps, with gap states treated as missing data (CIs =0.6983 and 0.5600, with and without uninformative characters, respectively; RI = 0.8281; RC = 0.5783). Numbers at nodes are boot-strap estimates for 100 000 replicate analyses using “fast” stepwise-addition; values ≤ 50% are not indicated. The positions of all statechanges for the 19 informative gaps are indicated: solid circles indicate nonhomoplastic changes; open circles indicate homoplasticchanges. Asterisks indicate branches that collapse when the 19 informative gaps are excluded and the analysis rerun (tree length = 447steps; CIs = 0.6980 and 0.5470, with and without uninformative characters, respectively; RI = 0.8183; RC = 0.5712). Fig. 3B. Strictconsensus of 20 000 minimal length 1907-step trees derived from equally weighted maximum parsimony analysis of combined ITS andrps16 intron and 3′ exon data (1289 unambiguously aligned positions and 19 informative gaps) for 83 taxa (CIs = 0.4803 and 0.4059,with and without uninformative characters, respectively; RI = 0.6875; RC = 3302). Treating gap states as either missing data or a fifthbase resulted in identical topologies. Numbers at nodes are bootstrap estimates for 100 000 replicate analyses using “fast” step-wise-addition; values ≤ 50% are not indicated. Brackets indicate major clades of Apioideae (Downie et al. 2001). Complete taxonnames are provided in Table 2.

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homogeneity test showed that these data sets do not yieldsignificantly different phylogenetic estimates. Greatest reso-lution of relationships was obtained with trnL-T data, givenits higher number of informative characters. Poorest resolu-tion was achieved using trnL intron data, with only fourclades resolved within a large, basal polytomy.

Comparative analysis of molecular dataThe trnF-L-T results were compared to those obtained us-

ing ITS and rps16 intron data for the same set of 27 taxa(Table 4). The proportion of nucleotide differences in theITS partition was two to three times higher than either thetrnF-L-T or intron partition, and relative to its size the ITSregion contributed the greatest percentage of informativecharacters to the analysis (9.6%). The strict consensus treesresulting from separate analyses of these molecular data areshown in Figs. 4A–4C. Phylogenetic resolution within theITS tree (Fig. 4B) is poor, with all clades but one (Ziziaaptera + Zizia aurea, with 96% bootstrap value) supportedweakly. Somewhat better resolution is achieved in the rps16intron tree (Fig. 4C), but several of its basal branches arealso very weakly supported. The trnF-L-T tree (Fig. 4A) of-fers a comparable level of resolution to that of intron tree,but with generally higher bootstrap values. Despite afour-fold greater size, the entire trnF-L-T region yielded al-most exactly the same numbers of autapomorphic and poten-tially informative characters as did the ITS region, yet theITS tree was less resolved, possessed lower consistency in-dex (CI), retention index (RI), and rescaled consistency (RC)values, and showed lower bootstrap support overall than didthose trees derived from trnF-L-T (or intron) data.

Visual inspection of the trees derived from these threedata partitions indicates discordance among them, largelyattributable to poorly supported nodes, and results of a parti-

tion homogeneity test indicate significant incongruence.However, by collapsing those branches with bootstrap val-ues < 80%, the trees become highly consistent with respectto their major groupings. Some disagreement persists be-tween the trnF-L-T and rps16 intron trees, but since theseloci are both found on the chloroplast genome and are inher-ited as a single linkage group, the differences seen are notlikely the result of, for example, hybridization and (or)introgression, but rather weaknesses of the data themselves.Maximum parsimony analysis of the combined data (using118 potentially informative characters and treating gap statesas missing) resulted in 16 minimal length trees, each of 478steps; their strict consensus, with accompanying bootstrapsupport, is shown in Fig. 4D. Bootstrap estimates ranged be-tween 22 and 100%, with 6 of 19 nodes supported by values> 80%. A similar tree was obtained (not shown) when 14 in-formative gaps were included, with only one node collapsingupon addition of these gap data. Seven gaps aresynapomorphic, and support relationships based on nucleo-tide substitutions alone. The remaining gaps each requiredtwo to three steps to explain their distribution across all min-imal length trees, as determined by MacClade. The inclusionof gaps did little to increase resolution or bolster bootstrapsupport. A single, arbitrarily selected, maximally parsimoni-ous tree (Fig. 4E) illustrates that most character statechanges occur at the tips of the branches, with many internalbranches of short length. Repeating the analysis with gapstates treated as a fifth base resulted in a consensus tree ofsimilar topology to that when gaps were treated as missing,with only minor shuffling of the most distal branches in thetree. Compared to the results of the partitioned analyses,consideration of combined molecular data yielded a strictconsensus tree of greatest resolution. Three major clades arerecognized, in which the composition of each is identical to

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trnF-L-T ITSrps16intron

Combined (trnF-L-T,ITS, and rps16 intron)


trnF-Lintergenicspacer trnL intron


No. of total characters 1884 382 511 850 444 997 3325Length variation (bp) 1693–1816 330–368 456–508 733–809 437–439 911–976 3096–3229No. of eliminated characters 46 15 0 31 7 20 73No. of constant characters 1721 343 487 753 321 902 2944No. of autapomorphic characters 75 18 15 39 74 41 190No. of informative characters 42 6 9 27 42 34 118% informative charactersa 2.3 1.6 1.8 3.3 9.6 3.5 3.6% divergence (range) 0.1–1.7 0–2.5 0–1.6 0–2.9 0.2–6.7 0.2–3.2 0.3–2.6No. of unambiguous gaps 27 8 6 13 6 13 46No. of unambiguous gaps parsi-

mony informative7 4 0 3 3 4 14

No. of minimal length trees 220 4 27 30 > 20 000 6 16Length of shortest trees 145 28 27 81 196 94 478Consistency indexb 0.6769 0.8571 0.7500 0.7250 0.4955 0.6604 0.4926Retention index 0.8727 0.9565 0.9000 0.9018 0.5912 0.8583 0.6783Rescaled consistency index 0.7463 0.9224 0.8000 0.7793 0.4223 0.6939 0.4825

aNo. of informative characters / (no. of total characters – no. of eliminated characters).bExcluding uninformative characters.

Table 4. Characteristics of the trnF-L-T, ITS, and rps16 intron regions, separately and combined, used in the maximum parsimonyanalyses of 27 species of western North American Apiaceae subfamily Apioideae.

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Fig. 4. Trees resulting from equally-weighted maximum parsimony analyses of (A) trnF-L-T, (B) ITS, (C) rps16 intron, (D and E)combined molecular, and (F) morphological data sets for 27 members of Apiaceae subfamily Apioideae. Trees A–D and F representstrict consensus trees; tree E represents one of 16 minimal length trees. Measures of character fit for the molecular data sets arepresented in Table 4; those for the morphological data set are presented in the text. Complete taxon names are provided in Table 2.Bootstrap values are indicated at the nodes. The asterisk in tree D indicates the one branch that collapses when the 14 scored gaps areincluded in the analysis (tree length = 502 steps; CIs = 0.7052 and 0.5000, with and without uninformative characters, respectively;RI = 0.6831; RC = 0.4817). Bootstrap values, for analyses without and with scored informative gaps, are presented above and belowthe branches, respectively.

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that inferred by the separate analysis of trnF-L-T data. Oncemore, Cymopterus, Lomatium, Musineon, and Pteryxia areeach not monophyletic. Cymopterus is highly polyphyletic,and constraining its six species to monophyly resulted intrees 25 steps longer (excluding scored gaps) than thosewithout the constraint. Forcing each of Lomatium (eight spe-cies), Musineon (two species), and Pteryxia (two species) tomonophyly resulted in trees seven, four, and 20 steps longer,respectively.

MorphologyThe characters and states considered in the cladistic anal-

ysis of morphological data are presented in Table 5; the datamatrix is presented in Table 6. Cladistic analysis of 25morphological characters, using fractional weights, revealed19 most parsimonious trees each of 49.91667 steps (CI =0.5008; RI = 0.6843; RC = 0.3427). The strict consensus ofthese trees (Fig. 4F) shows much resolution, but only twoclades, Zizia aptera + Zizia aurea and Zizia + Thaspium, arewell supported, with bootstrap values ≥ 86%. Of the fivegenera represented by at least two species, only Zizia ismonophyletic. Cymopterus is monophyletic upon the exclu-sion of Cymopterus williamsii; this species is unique amongthe six members of the genus examined in that its dorsalmericarp ribs are prominent, rounded, and corky rather thanwinged and its fruits are terete (to subterete) in outline ratherthan compressed dorsally. Lomatium is paraphyletic, albeitwith very weak bootstrap support. Constraining Lomatiumto monophyly requires trees of 50.16667 steps, whereasCymopterus, Musineon, and Pteryxia are each monophyleticat 50.41667 steps. In trees of 51.6667 steps, all genera occuras monophyletic. The results of the analysis of morphologi-cal data yield trees that are not at all congruent to thoseachieved through separate or combined analysis of molecu-lar data, nor are the relationships proposed in agreementwith any historical or contemporary treatment of the group.

Across all 19 minimal length trees, seven characters occurwithout homoplasy (Nos. 6, 7, 10, 13, 15, 22, and 24; CI =1.00; Table 5); however, only two of these (Nos. 22, tereteseed compression, and 24, constricted commissure) supportclades consisting of three or more species: the clade ofNeoparrya, Podistera, Musineon, Harbouria, Zizia, andThaspium; and the clade consisting of only the first four ofthese genera. Filiform fruit ribs (No. 18; CI = 0.500) occurin all taxa from Neoparrya through Lomatium junceum, butare absent in Harbouria (where the ribs are instead obtuseand corky). The presence of sepals > 0.6 mm (No. 14; CI =0.500) occurs in the Aletes anisatus – Pteryxia terebinthinaclade, as well as in Neoparrya and Podistera. Dorsally com-pressed fruits (No. 21; CI = 0.500) bearing conspicuous dor-sal and marginal wings (No. 16; CI = 0.400) and the absenceof a carpophore (No. 23; CI = 0.400) are each homoplastic.Characters exhibiting the highest levels of homoplasy in-clude the presence of a conspicuously sheathing leaf (No. 8;CI = 0.250), the occurrence and type of peduncle pubes-cence (No. 5; CI = 0.286), the presence of a pseudoscapeand rosette of leaves (No. 4; CI = 0.333), and habit (No. 1;CI = 0.333). A prominent conical stylopodium is absent inall taxa but Podistera and the outgroup Angelica. No uniquecharacter supports the monophyly of Cymopterus, eitherwith or without Cymopterus williamsii.


Historical accounts of taxonomic confusionTorrey and Gray (1840) provided the first treatment of

Cymopterus, recognizing a heterogeneous assemblage ofeight species in four sections, with the names of three ofthese sections based on unpublished genera of Nuttall:Leptocnemia Nutt. ex Torr. & A. Gray, Phellopterus Nutt. exTorr. & A. Gray, and Pteryxia Nutt. ex Torr. & A. Gray.These sections differed by subtleties in calyx teeth develop-ment, pericarp composition, the number of vittae in thecommissure, and persistence of a carpophore. Coulter andRose (1888), summarizing the accounts of the previous fourdecades in their Revision of North American Umbelliferae,recognized 13 species in Cymopterus and erected the generaColoptera J.M. Coult. & Rose and Pseudocymopterus forplants either similar to or previously referable toCymopterus. These genera were distinguished fromCymopterus by their strongly dorsally compressed fruitswith broad, thick (and occasionally corky), lateral wings.Cymopterus was restricted to those plants with five generallybroad, thin, and equal wings and fruits not at all dorsallyflattened. Oreoxis, Podistera, and Phellopterus Benth. (=Glehnia), each containing species that had previously beendescribed under Cymopterus, and the monotypic Aletes andHarbouria, were also listed in their revision. Lomatium,comprising species then referred to the Eurasiatic genusPeucedanum L., was separated from Cymopterus and alliesby having fruits with narrowly winged or wingless dorsalribs and broad, thin lateral wings.

Twelve years later and during a time of much botanicalexploration in NA, Coulter and Rose (1900) reducedColoptera to synonymy under Cymopterus and transferredthe NA species of Peucedanum to Lomatium. Eight specieswere recognized in Cymopterus, but its composition wasvastly different from that they had circumscribed earlier.Many previously described Cymopterus species were insteadplaced in Aulospermum, Glehnia, Oreoxis, Phellopterus,Rhysopterus, Pteryxia, Podistera, and Pseudocymopterus.Characters such as the degree and direction of fruit compres-sion, the shape of the endosperm, and features of the car-pophore, vittae and mericarp ribs were again stressed, inaddition to leaf habit. Great variation was evident inCymopterus with regard to the development of its dorsalwings, with stark differences apparent even on the sameplant. Subsequently, Jones (1908) reduced the generaAulospermum, Oreoxis, Phellopterus, Rhysopterus, Pteryxia,and Pseudocymopterus to sectional ranks under Cymopterus,recognizing seven sections, 34 species, and 12 varietieswithin the genus. The composition of each section, however,was not always equivalent to its generic counterpart (for in-stance, species of Aulospermum were placed into three sec-tions). Species bridging the sections were numerous, leadingJones to comment that it was futile to divide these speciesinto separate genera.

Mathias (1930) followed the treatment of Coulter andRose (1900) in her monograph of Cymopterus and allies bytreating Aulospermum, Glehnia, Oreoxis, Phellopterus,Rhysopterus, Pteryxia, and Pseudocymopterus as genericallydistinct. Characters distinguishing the genera included theorientation of fruit compression, the occurrence and relative

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development of lateral and (or) dorsal wings, the shapeof the wing in cross-section, and features of the involucreand involucel. She included nine species in Cymopterus(Table 1). Mathias and Constance (1944–1945) subsequentlyplaced Phellopterus and Aulospermum into synonymy underCymopterus, recognizing 32 species within the genus(Table 1). Pseudocymopterus was considered monotypic,with other species previously referable to this genus trans-ferred to Cymopterus or Pteryxia. The lack of substantialdistinguishing characters separating genera — for example,Pteryxia differs from Cymopterus mainly in its developmentof conspicuous calyx teeth — prompted Cronquist (1961) toexpand the limits of Cymopterus to include Pteryxia andPseudocymopterus, as well as other segregates included byMathias and Constance (1944–1945). With the additionaltransfer of Oreoxis to Cymopterus, this system was main-tained by Cronquist (1997) in his treatment of the group forIntermountain Flora (Table 1).

The genus Aletes, as initially described (Coulter and Rose1888), was characterized as having a single large vitta in thebroad intervals between its filiform ribs, two vittae on thecommissural side of the fruit, and a small one in each rib.Based on the presence of a single vitta in most of its fruit in-tervals, Theobald et al. (1963) transferred Pteryxia anisata(A. Gray) Mathias & Constance into Aletes. Weberexpanded the concept of Aletes by permitting considerablevariation in flower color, the number, size, and disposition ofvittae, and the compression and development of the lateraland dorsal wings of the mericarps, such that species of

Cymopterus, Lomatium, Pteryxia, and Neoparrya were allbrought into the genus (Weber 1984; Weber and Wittmann1992; Table 1). Emphasizing a similarity in acaulescenthabit, Weber (1991) also placed Musineon tenuifolium inAletes. Cronquist (1997) has reported that the distinction be-tween some species of Aletes and Musineon is nothing morethan the number of oil tubes in the intervals between the ribs(one in Aletes, and two or more in Musineon) and, as such,submerged Aletes into Musineon.

Polyphyly of Cymopterus and their relationships among theendemic perennial genera of Apiaceae (north of Mexico)

Contemporary treatments of Cymopterus include some35–45 species (Kartesz 1994; Cronquist 1997), with no for-mally recognized infrageneric taxa. The results of phylogen-etic analyses of molecular and morphological data indicatethat Cymopterus, sensu Kartesz or Cronquist, is clearly poly-phyletic, and in the molecular analyses, trees of muchgreater length than those most parsimonious are requiredto invoke monophyly of the genus. Moreover, no uniquemorphological synapomorphy supports the monophyly ofCymopterus, and the characters used traditionally to delimitthe genus show overlapping patterns of variation with thoseof many other endemic, perennial apioid umbellifers ofwestern NA. Cymopterus is inextricably linked with Aletes,Harbouria, Lomatium, Musineon, Neoparrya, Oreoxis,Orogenia, Podistera, Pseudocymopterus, Pteryxia,Shoshonea, and Tauschia. As such, the genera Lomatium,Musineon, and Pteryxia (and perhaps Aletes, Oreoxis, and

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Character no. Character States

1 Habit 0 = caulescent; 1 = subcaulescent to subacaulescent; 2 = acaulescent2 Habit 0 = stems one-few, tufted; 1 = stems cushion-forming3 Roots 0 = tap, slender; 1 = tap, thickened; 2 = tap, globose; 3 = tap, branched woody caudex;

4 = fibrous, fascicled4 Scape 0 = no pseudoscape or rosette of leaves; 1 = pseudoscape and rosette present5 Peduncle 0 = glabrous; 1 = generally pubescent; 2 = hirtellous/scabrous at summit6 Peduncle 0 = not swollen at summit; 1 = swollen at summit7 Leaf margin 0 = variously toothed or entire; 1 = evenly serrate or dentate8 Sheath 0 = not or slightly ampliate; 1 = conspicuously sheathing9 Bracts 0 = present; 1 = absent10 Bractlets 0 = present; 1 = absent11 Bractlets 0 = herbaceous; 1 = herbaceous with thin scarious margins; 2 = mostly scarious12 Flower color 0 = white; 1 = purplish; 2 = yellow; 3 = greenish13 Central flowers 0 = pedicellate; 1 = subsessile14 Calyx in fruit 0 = >0.6 mm; 1 = <0.6 mm15 Style in fruit 0 = more or less erect; 1 = widely spreading16 Fruit ribs 0 = all ribs winged; 1 = lateral ribs winged only; 2 = none winged17 Fruit wings 0 = chartaceous; 1 = thick, corky18 Fruit ribs 0 = filiform; 1 = rounded, corky19 Fruit apex 0 = normal; 1 = constricted20 Fruit surface 0 = glabrous; 1 = pubescent; 2 = granulose; 3 = scabrose21 Fruit compression 0 = dorsally compressed; 1 = terete; 2 = laterally compressed22 Seed compression 0 = dorsally compressed; 1 = terete23 Carpophore 0 = present; 1 = present, falling with mericarp; 2 = absent24 Commissure 0 = not constricted; 1 = constricted25 Stylopodium 0 = absent; 1 = present

Table 5. Morphological characters and states used in the phylogenetic analysis of western North American Apiaceae subfamilyApioideae.

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Tauschia as well) are each not monophyletic either. Affinityalso extends to four other indigenous perennial generaof primarily central to eastern North American distribution(i.e., Polytaenia, Taenidia (including Pseudotaenidia;Cronquist 1982), Thaspium, and Zizia), and while it is evi-dent that all of these NA genera are undoubtedly closelyrelated, our results suggest an evolutionary history of thegroup much more complicated than previously considered.The species of Cymopterus examined herein permeate manyof the clades resolved in the trees derived from moleculardata, and thus further study of all of these taxa (whichshould include a re-evaluation of the generic limits of many)is necessary to properly circumscribe Cymopterus and toascertain its phylogenetic position within the group.

Monophyly of the endemic perennial apioid genera of NAThe restricted distribution of many of our indigenous

apioid genera to dry habitats in western NA, their shared lifehistory and general habit, and overlapping patterns of fruitvariation suggest that this group of umbellifers (with theaddition of Polytaenia, Taenidia, Thaspium, and Zizia)is monophyletic. An obsolete stylopodium in all generasave Podistera (where the stylopodium is well-developed(conical), as it is in most other umbellifers (Mathias andConstance 1944–1945)) is a synapomorphy adding credenceto this hypothesis. Further support for the monophyly of the

group comes from the shared presence of a protogynousbreeding system, atypical in a family where floral protandryprevails (Lindsey and Bell 1980; Lindsey 1982; Barrie andSchlessman 1987; Schlessman et al. 1990; Schlessman andGraceffa 2002). In contrast, the NA representatives of theperennial circumboreal genera Angelica, Seseli L.,Selinum L., and Peucedanum all have a breeding system thatis protandrous (Barrie and Schlessman 1987). Other differ-ences between the protogynous and protandrous groups ofNA Apioideae include flowering time, habitat preference,nectary morphology, and patterns of variation in sex expres-sion (Schlessman and Barrie 2003). Many species ofCymopterus, Lomatium, and Pteryxia have also been re-ported as hosts for a morphologically distinct species groupof larvae of the holarctic moth genus Depressaria, oftenwith a single species of Depressaria seemingly restricted toa single (or rarely few) species of Cymopterus or Lomatium(Clarke 1952; Hodges 1974; Thompson 1983; McKenna2000). In western NA, there has been a striking radiation ofApiaceae-feeding Depressaria, and the host specificity ofthese insects, coupled with the rich diversity of substitutedcoumarins occurring in the host plants serving a defensiverole (Murray et al. 1982), might imply an association consis-tent with reciprocal coevolutionary interactions (McKenna2000; Berenbaum 2001) and, thus, monophyly of each oftheir interacting groups.

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Taxon Morphological characters

1–5 6–10 11–15 16–20 21–25

Aletes anisatus 2 0000 00010 0 2001 10100 00000Angelica archangelica 0 0102 00110 0 0011 11100 00001Cymopterus globosus {12}0110 00010 1 0011 01?00 00200Cymopterus montanus {12}0112 00000 2{01}011 00?00 00000Cymopterus multinervatus {12}0110 00000 2 1011 00?00 00200Cymopterus nivalis 2 0300 00010 1 0011 00?00 00000Cymopterus purpureus {12}0110 00010 1{12}011 00?00 00000Cymopterus williamsii 2 0300 00010 1 2011 11100 10200Harbouria trachypleura 0 0302 00010 1 2011 2?102 21010Lomatium bicolor 1 0202 00010 1 2011 10010 00000Lomatium californicum 0 0100 10111 ? 2011 10000 00000Lomatium dasycarpum {12}0001 00110 1 3011 10001 00000Lomatium graveolens 2 0300 00010 1 2011 10000 00000Lomatium junceum 2 1310 00110 1 2011 10000 00000Lomatium juniperinum {12}0001 00110 1 2011 10000 00000Lomatium macrocarpum 1 0101 00010 1{01}011 10010 00000Lomatium nudicaule 2 0100 10011 ? 2011 10000 00000Musineon divaricatum 0 0111 00010 1 2011 2?012 21010Musineon tenuifolium 2 0302 00010 1 2011 2?012 21010Neoparrya lithophila 2 0300 00010 1 2001 2?010 21010Podistera eastwoodiae 2 0100 00010 0 3001 2?010 21011Pteryxia hendersonii 2 0300 00010 0 2001 00?00 00000Pteryxia terebinthina {01}0000 00110 1 2001 00?00 00000Shoshonea pulvinata 2 1300 00010 0 2001 2?103 10100Thaspium trifoliatum 0 0402 01010 1 1010 00?00 11200Zizia aptera 0 0402 01000 1 2110 2?000 21000Zizia aurea 0 0402 01000 1 2110 2?000 21000

Note: Characters and states are described in Table 5. Question marks denote inapplicable data;polymorphisms are scored in parentheses.

Table 6. Matrix of morphological data.

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However, in the present study, the assumption ofmonophyly of these indigenous NA genera is confounded bythe phylogenetic placements of the perennial circumborealgenus Angelica (with included Sphenosciadium) and mem-bers of the meso-American Arracacia group. (Protogyny hasalso been reported for Myrrhidendron; Webb 1984.) Allof these taxa, including the examined NA endemics, occurwithin the Angelica and Arracacia clades of the apioidsuperclade, the latter a heterogeneous assemblage of bothNew and Old World genera (Downie et al. 2001). Includedwithin this assemblage are the circumboreal genera Seseli,Selinum, and Peucedanum, whose distribution in NA isrestricted to the eastern U.S.A. (Kartesz 1994), and prioranalyses of this superclade using ITS and cpDNA sequences,albeit with very limited sampling of the NA endemic spe-cies, show little resolution of relationships among these taxa(Downie and Katz-Downie 1996; Downie et al. 1996, 1998,2000b; Plunkett et al. 1996). Cladistic analysis of cpDNArestriction sites, however, does provide weak support for amonophyletic group of NA apioid taxa, but with the inclu-sion of the Arracacia clade (Plunkett and Downie 1999).Confirmation of monophyly of the endemic perennial apioidgenera of NA must therefore await further study thatincludes additional representation of these and other OldWorld genera of circumboreal distribution.

The phylogenetic position of Spermolepis andCiclospermum is not fully resolved. Both genera unite as astrongly supported clade, but only in the trees derived fromanalyses using maximum parsimony (with gap states treatedas a fifth base; Fig. 2A) or maximum likelihood (Fig. 2B)do they fall outside of the large, polytomous clade of NAumbellifers. Spermolepis and Ciclospermum are taprootedannuals possessing threadlike to linear leaf segments and arewidely distributed throughout the southern U.S.A., and otherwarm, temperate areas. Their placement away from the cladeof perennial, endemic, apioid umbellifers is consistent withtheir unique life history and overall general habit. Theirputative sister-group relationship to the latter, as seen inFig. 2A, needs confirmation through further study withgreater outgroup representation.

Fruit characters as indicators of phylogenyOur examination of relevant herbarium material, our ob-

servations of mature fruit cross-sections of nearly all speciesof Cymopterus and many related genera (see also Hartman1983, 1985), and the results of the cladistic analysis of mor-phological data presented herein confirm that characters ofthe fruit can be quite variable and, thus, poor indicators ofphylogeny. As examples, both Cymopterus and Lomatiumhave well-developed lateral wings. In most Cymopterus spe-cies, one or more (and often all three) of the dorsal ribs bearwings, with the dorsal wings often narrower than the lateralones, whereas in Lomatium, the dorsal ribs are generallyfiliform and wingless or occasionally very narrowly winged.However, some Cymopteri lack dorsal wings. In Cymopterusnewberryi (S. Watson) M.E. Jones and Cymopterusmegacephalus M.E. Jones, the one or two wings on the dor-sal surface of each mericarp vary from nearly as large as thelateral ones to often narrower and irregularly developed, orare more frequently obsolete. Fruits with scarcely developedor obsolete dorsal wings are also seen in Cymopterus

deserticola Brandegee, Cymopterus douglassii R.L. Hartm.& Constance, Cymopterus ripleyi Barneby, and Cymopteruswilliamsii, as well as in some species of Pteryxia (e.g.,Pteryxia terebinthina and Pteryxia hendersonii) andPseudocymopterus (e.g., Pseudocymopterus montanus), andall show similarities to fruits of typical Lomatium. Through-out most of its range, Cymopterus longipes has salientlywinged fruits, but in populations from southwestern Wyo-ming and adjacent Utah the dorsal wings are reduced tonarrow ridges (Hartman and Constance 1985). These latterpopulations have been referred to as Cymopterus lapidosus(M.E. Jones) M.E. Jones (Hartman 1986), and their fruitssuperficially resemble those of some species of Lomatium.In Cymopterus corrugatus M.E. Jones, the fruits havestrongly corrugated narrow wings when young, but at matu-rity the ribs are merely raised and thickened, with or withoutan irregular vestige of a wing (Hitchcock and Cronquist1961). Thus, the distinction among some species ofCymopterus, Lomatium, Pteryxia, and Pseudocymopterusbased on characters of the fruit wing is subject to failure,and their differentiation is not improved upon considerationof other morphological data.

The genus Pseudocymopterus has been described as “oneof the most complex situations in the family” (Mathias1930), reflecting its great morphological variability and un-certain generic position, with the only character separating itfrom most species of Cymopterus being the characteristicshort stiff pubescence at the top of the peduncle (Cronquist1997). Populations of Pseudocymopterus montanus (=Cymopterus lemmonii (J.M. Coult. & Rose) Dorn,Pseudocymopterus tidestromii J.M. Coult. & Rose) fromhigher elevations throughout much of Utah have fruits withwings that are equally well-developed. Conversely, popula-tions elsewhere exhibit fruits with dorsal wings reducedto low ridges (New Mexico, Colorado, Wyoming) or arecompletely absent (Arizona; Hartman and Constance 1985).In other words, populations of Pseudocymopterus montanusfrom Utah are indistinguishable from Cymopterus and thosefrom Arizona look like Lomatium (and, thus, have beendescribed as Lomatium lemmonii (J.M. Coult. & Rose) J.M.Coult. & Rose). Additional study of this polymorphic genusis currently being carried out (Sun et al. 2000; F.-J. Sun, datanot included).

We observed that other characters of the fruit are alsohighly variable. While definite laterally or dorsally com-pressed fruits are readily distinguishable in Cymopterus,there are numerous intermediate stages such that “the inter-pretation [of orientation of fruit compression] depends onthe individuals point of view” (Mathias 1930). Fruitcross-sections reveal a complex series, from fruits that aresubterete to somewhat compressed laterally (e.g.,Cymopterus davisii R.L. Hartm., Cymopterus douglassii,Cymopterus jonesii, Cymopterus longipes, Cymopterusnivalis, and Cymopterus panamintensis) to fruits that aremarkedly compressed dorsally (e.g., Cymopterus deserticolaand Cymopterus newberryi). In Cymopterus, loss of thecarpophore (through adnation of its halves to the mericarps)has been independently achieved several times. Its absencehas been reported from nearly half the species in the genus(Hartman and Constance 1985; Cronquist 1997; Hartman2000), and in our cladistic analysis of morphological data at

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least two losses and one reversal must be postulated to ex-plain the distribution of this character over the six species ofCymopterus examined. The number, size, and position ofvittae may also be quite variable, sometimes even within agenus (Mathias 1930). Aletes is characterized by usually asingle vitta in the interval between the ribs, whereas mostother genera have between two and six vittae per intervallying in a uniform row around the seed. In Cymopterus, thenumber of vittae in the intervals varies from 3 to 5, butin some species there may be only one. However, inNeoparrya, the oil tubes are numerous and are scatteredthroughout the pericarp. Some or all species of Aletes,Musineon, Neoparrya, Oreoxis, Podistera, and Shoshoneahave fruits that are either subterete or slightly compressedlaterally. With the exception of Oreoxis, with its very thick,corky-winged ribs, the aforementioned genera all have fruitsthat are not obviously winged and instead have ribs that mayor may not be well developed. As examples, Musineon andShoshonea have conspicuously ribbed fruits, Aletes andPodistera have ribs that may be inconspicuous or prominentand variously corky-winged, whereas Neoparrya showspractically no development of ribs at all.

The variation exhibited by fruit morphology and anatomyamong these western NA umbellifers severely limits theirutility in delimiting genera unambiguously. The repeatedoccurrences of dorsal flattening and wing formation inCymopterus and its allies are undoubtedly adaptations forvarious modes of seed dispersal (Theobald 1971; Heywood1986) and, therefore, are susceptible to convergence. Pat-terns of development leading to similar dorsal flattening andgross morphology of umbellifer fruits can also be quite dif-ferent (Theobald 1971). In contrast, putative sister specieswhich are otherwise indistinguishable (Taenidia integerrimaand Taenidia montana (Mack.) Cronquist) can differ sub-stantially in their orientation of fruit compression (Cronquist1982). The number and arrangement of resin-filled vittae(containing active compounds that are toxic to insects;Berenbaum 1981) and the presence of thick, corky ribs mayconfer protection to the endosperm (Spalik et al. 2001a), andit is not unrealistic to presume that these characters too maybe susceptible to homoplasy. Interspecific hybridization mayalso obscure generic limits, but such hybridization amongNA umbellifers is rare (Mathias and Constance 1959; Brehmand French 1966; Schlessman 1984; Cronquist 1997), as it isin the family in general (Bell and Constance 1957; Heywood1982). Postmating isolating mechanisms in Lomatium,Thaspium, and Zizia are strong (Lindsey 1982; Schlessman1984), and polyploids are rarely found, with the fewreported cases known for Oreoxis alpina, Pteryxiaterebinthina, and some species of Lomatium (Bell andConstance 1957, 1960, 1966; Moore 1971; Crawford andHartman 1972; Schlessman 1984).

In summary, our study confirms that fruit characters are oflimited value for delimiting taxa and estimating phylogeneticrelationships in this group of western NA umbellifers. Sucha conclusion is not surprising, given the common dissatisfac-tion among systematists in using these characters to circum-scribe higher-level taxa within the family (e.g., Heywood1971; Theobald 1971; Davis 1972; Cronquist 1982). Indeed,the results of numerous molecular systematic investigationsprovide very little support for all but a few suprageneric taxa

erected on the basis of anatomical and morphologicalfeatures of the mature fruit (summarized in Downie et al.2001). In contrast, and unlike the results presented herein,fruit morphology may be quite useful at lower taxonomiclevels. For example, in Apiaceae tribes Scandiceae andOenantheae, whose members are also well represented inNA, the distribution of fruit characteristics is highly consis-tent with ITS-derived trees and cladistic analyses of bothmorphological and molecular data corroborate themonophyly of nearly every genus within these tribes (Spalikand Downie 2001; Spalik et al. 2001a; S. Downie, data notincluded). However, in other groups, such as the Angelicaclade and the apioid superclade, many species-rich generaare polyphyletic (Downie et al. 2000b, 2000c; Spalik et al.2001b). Additional study is required to define and delimitthe various generic elements which have been confused withCymopterus, and to circumscribe Cymopterus itself.Whether or not we will eventually find morphologicalsynapomorphies delimiting each of these genera remains tobe seen.

Phylogenetic utility of molecular dataSeparate analyses of ITS, rps16 intron, and trnF-L-T se-

quences failed to resolve relationships among the perennial,endemic genera of NA Apiaceae. Several clades were delim-ited in each of these analyses, but were not always repro-duced by the different data sets, nor were many supportedstrongly. Data from the ITS region were most variable andyielded trees with the least resolution and highest homo-plasy. Differential resolution between the plastid-derivedrps16 intron and trnF-L-T trees was apparent, largely attrib-utable to poorly supported nodes. Greatest resolution of rela-tionship was achieved by including all molecular data in asimultaneous analysis, yet divergence estimates were stilllow, approaching 2.6% of nucleotides, and very few nodeswere supported by high bootstrap values. As additional mo-lecular data become available, perhaps from a more rap-idly-evolving locus, greater resolution of relationships maybe achieved and regions of discordance, if any, more rigor-ously addressed.

The limited ability of these nuclear and organellarsequences to resolve relationships among the western NAapioid umbellifers might also reflect a real biological phe-nomenon — the rapid evolutionary radiation of this lineage.Such a hypothesis is consistent with trees exhibiting shortinternal branches and (or) a large basal polytomy comprisingseveral distinct lineages (Futuyma 1997). Many species ofwestern NA umbellifers are narrowly distributed and havestrict edaphic requirements (Mathias 1930), and all exhibitlow levels of sequence divergence. This, coupled with theprevalent and pronounced intergradation of morphologicalcharacters making species and generic delimitation difficult,suggests a recent origin and rapid diversification of thesegenera. This pattern of rapid radiation has been proposed forLomatium (Soltis et al. 1995; Hardig and Soltis 1999), andhas been suggested for other genera of western NA distribu-tion (e.g., Hershkovitz and Zimmer 2000). Given the interca-lation of members of Lomatium among other western NAApiaceae, this pattern may very well be prevalent for theentire group. However, to evaluate the hypothesis of recent,rapid diversification, it is necessary to compare the degree of

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evolutionary divergence within a clade with the degree ofdivergence within its sister clade (Jensen 1990). Pendingfurther study, information on a definitive sister group islacking (although the data presented herein suggest that An-gelica may be a likely candidate). Clearly, a more resolvedphylogeny confirming sister group relationships is in orderbefore hypotheses of evolutionary success can be tested.

We are continuing our systematic investigation of the pe-rennial endemic genera of western NA with the goal of un-covering morphological synapomorphies useful for genericdetermination. If such synapomorphies cannot be identified,we would have to accept that the task of reclassifying thisgroup is to be accomplished on the basis of molecular evi-dence rather than on traditional taxonomic data. If futurestudies support the conclusions presented herein, and if fur-ther resolution of relationships can be achieved, radicalchanges to the prevailing classification of western NAApioideae will be required.


The authors thank Christine Desfeux, Jonathan Luttrell,and Erica Rogers for assistance in the laboratory;Lincoln Constance and Tim Chumley for providing leaf ma-terial; and Mark Schlessman and two anonymous reviewersfor comments on the manuscript. This work was supportedby National Science Foundation grants DEB 9407712 andDEB 0089452.


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