polygraph : automatically generating signatures for polymorphic worms

POLYGRAPH : Automatically Generating Signatures for Polymorphic Worms Authors : James Newsome, Brad Karp, Dawn Song PUBLICATION : IEEE Security and Privacy Symposium, May 2005 CLASS PRESENTATION BY : Anvita Priyam

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POLYGRAPH : Automatically Generating Signatures for Polymorphic Worms. Authors : James Newsome, Brad Karp, Dawn Song PUBLICATION : IEEE Security and Privacy Symposium, May 2005 CLASS PRESENTATION BY : Anvita Priyam. POLYGRAPH. Intrusion Detection Systems(IDS) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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POLYGRAPH: Automatically Generating Signatures for Polymorphic Worms

Authors: James Newsome, Brad Karp, Dawn Song

PUBLICATION: IEEE Security and Privacy Symposium, May 2005


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Intrusion Detection Systems(IDS) > Monitor networking traffic for suspicious

activity > Alert the system or administrator > May block user or source IP

Signature based IDS > monitors packets on the n/w & compares them

against database of signatures

> lag in case of a new threat

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Currently Used Techniques By IDS

> string matching at arbitrary payload offsets

> string matching at fixed payload offsets

> matching of regular expressions within a

flow’s payload

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Polymorphic Worm > changes its appearance with every instance

> byte sequences of worm instances vary

> code remains the same

Mechanism > encrypt the code with a random key

> generate a short decryptor(PD)

> PD and the key keep changing

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Motivation for automating signatures

> earlier, signatures were generated


> slow paced

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Polygraph comes into picture

> signatures consist of multiple disjoint content


> substrings: protocol framing, return addresses, poorly obfuscated code

> often present in all variants of a payload

PS: It does not consider single substring signature

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Underlying Assumption > possible to generate signatures automatically that

match the many variants of PW

> offer low false positives and low false negatives

BASIS > share invariant content as they exploit same


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Sources of Invariant Content

> Exploit Framing( e.g., reserved keywords,

binary constants that are part of wire protocol)

> Exploit Payload

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Signature Classes for PW

> Conjunction Signatures

> Token Subsequence Signature

> Bayes Signature

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Conjunction Signatures

> signature consists of a set of tokens

> all the tokens must match

> order of matching is not particular

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Token-subsequence Signatures

> consists of ordered set of tokens

> identical ordering is required for a match

> can be easily expressed as regular expressions

> more specific compared to conjunction signature

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Bayes Signature

> associated with a score and an overall threshold

> instead of exact matching it provides probabilistic


> construction and matching is less rigid

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Flowclassifier PSG


SuspiciousFlow Pool

InnocuousFlow Pool

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Design Goals

> Signature quality

> Efficient signature generation

> Efficient signature matching

> Generation of small signature sets

> Robustness against noise and multiple worms

> Robustness against evasion and subversion

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Signature Generation Algorithms > Pre-processing: Token extraction

> first step to eliminate irrelevant parts

> extract all distinct substrings of min length

> Generating single signatures

> for conjunction signature just use token

extraction, signature is this set of tokens

> for token subsequence signature find a

subsequence of tokens that is present in

sample. Iteratively apply string alignment

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Signature Generation Algo( cont’d)

> for bayes signature

> choose set of tokens

> calculate empirical probability of occurrence

> each token is then assigned a score

> if greater than threshold classified as worm

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Generating Multiple Signatures

> Bayes signature remains unmodified

> Token subsequence and conjunction algos

require clustering

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Experimental Results > Single Polymorphic worm

> Apache-Knacker Exploit

> Conjunction signatures( .0024% False+,0% False-)

> Token-subsequence(.0008% False+,0% False-)

> Bayes signatures(.008% False+,0% False-)

> BIND-TSIG Exploit

> Conjunction signatures(0% False+ & False-)

> Token-Subsequence(0% False+ & False-)

> Bayes Signatures(.0023% False+,0% False-)

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Experimental Results (cont’d) > Single polymorphic worm & noise

> conjunction & token subsequence signatures remain

the same

> Bayes signatures are not affected by noise until it

grows beyond 80%

> Multiple polymorphic worms & noise

> conjunction & token subsequence signatures are

generated for each type of worm.

> only one bayes signature is generated that matches

all the worms.

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> content based filtering holds great promise for

tackling PW

> Polygraph automatically derives signatures for PW

> It generates high quality signatures even in the

presence of multiple flows and noise

> rumors of demise of content based filtering is


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> very little insight into how PWs function

> payload invariance assumptions are naïve

> no clear reference to situational applications of

signature generation algorithms

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SUGGESTIONS > should be more informative on initial topics

> a wider range of studies required