
Polluti on Created By Tarun Verm 1

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Post on 18-Aug-2015




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Created By Tarun Verma

PollutionPollution is when something add to the environment that is harmful to people, animal and other living things. Smoke in the air from factories is a type of pollution as it is bad for your lungs when you breathe it in. Sewage in drinking water is another type of pollution as it can make you unwell if you drink it because it contains germs and viruses. People living next to a building site where there is too much noise can become sick as they cannot sleep or relax.

Effect of Pollution1. HUMAN HEALTH

Adverse air quality can kill many organisms including humans. Water pollution causes. 14,000 deaths per day, mostly due to contamination of drinking water by untreated sewage in developing countries. An estimate 700 million Indian have no access to proper toilet and 1000 Indian childrendie of diarrhea every day. Nearly 500 million Chinese lack access to safe drinking water. 656,000 people die prematurely each year in China because of air pollution. Older people are majorly exposed to diseases induced by air pollution. Chemical andradioactive substances can cause cancer and as well as birth defects. A pollutant is a waste material that pollutes air, water or soil. Three factors determine the severity of a pollutant.

2. ENVIRONMENTPollution has been found to be present widely in the environment. Nitrogen oxides are removed from the air by rain and fertilise land. Smog and haze can reduce the amount of sunlight received by plants to carry out photosynthesis and leads to the production of tropospheric ozone which damages plants. Soil can become infertile and unsuitable for plants. This will affect other organisms in the food web. Sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides can cause acid rain which lowers the pH value of soil.

Type of Pollution1. Air Pollution 2.Water Pollution 3. Noise Pollution

Lets describe Type of Pollution

Air PollutionAir pollution is caused by harmful gases such as carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide and very small particles of carbon. Most of the pollution is caused by factories, vehicles and livestock.

Air pollution is the introduction into the atmosphere of chemicals, particulates, or biological materials that cause discomfort, disease, or death to humans, damage other living organisms such as food crops, or damage the natural environment or built environment. A substance in the air that can be harmful to human sand the environment is known as an air pollutant. Pollutants can be in the form of solid particles, liquid droplets, or gases. In addition, they may be natural or man-made.

Sources of air pollution refer to the various locations, activities or factors which are responsible for the releasing of pollutants into the atmosphere. Dust from natural sources, usually large areas of land. Smoke and carbon monoxide from wildfires. "Stationary Sources" include smoke stacks of power plants, manufacturing factories and waste incinerators. Smoke of motor cycle and all types of transport which is causes of air pollution.

Water PollutionWater pollution is the presence of harmful material in water, such as sewage, dissolved metals, waste from farms and factories and includes crude oil spilled from shipwreckedtankers. The three main substances that pollute water are nitrates from fertiliser, sewage and detergents. Pollution causes harm to living things in water and can also harm people's health, and can cause problems such as cancer.

The main sources of water pollution are from sewage, farms and factories. Water pollution affects plants and organisms living in these bodies of water. In almost all cases the effect is damaging not only to individual species and populations, but also to the natural biological communities.

Contaminants may include organic and inorganic substances. Detergents, Food processing waste, which can include oxygen-demanding substances, fats and grease. Tree and bush debris from logging operations. Trash or garbage (e.g. paper, plastic, or food waste) discarded by people on the ground, along with accidental or intentional dumping of rubbish, that are washed by rainfall into storm drains and eventually discharged into surface waters

Noise PollutionThe harmful noise in our environment, such as the sound of cars in a city, loud speakers, etc is called noise pollution. Noise pollution can cause ear problems or even permanent deafness, especially to older people. Noise pollution can be defined as the unwanted sound in the atmosphere. High noise levels can contribute to cardiovascular effects in humans, a rise in blood pressure, and an increase in stress.The source of most outdoor noise worldwide is mainly caused by machines and transportation systems, motor vehicles, aircrafts, and trains. Indoor noise is caused by machines, building activities, music performances, and especially in some workplaces. Noise pollution affects both health and behavior. Unwanted sound can damage psychological health. Noise pollution can cause annoyance and aggression, hypertension, high stress levels, tinnitus, hearing loss, sleep disturbances, and other harmful effects.

All three pollution are major problems of entire world. If we want to reduce the ratio of the pollution so we have to do something. We have to do some other work which is helpful for the reducing the ratio of the pollution.Some work which is helpful in reducing the ration of pollution like as :-1. Recycling and reusing the waste material.2. Sewage treatment implement in entire country.3. Industries waste water treatment it should be implement in entire industries which is establish in our country.4. If we use government transportation which is very helpful to reducing the ratio in air pollution.These are the few points which is very helpful to reducing the ratio of pollution as well as remove the problem of pollution from entire world.
