political science- iii (public administration) ballb iiird sem ipem law academy ghaziabad

Political Science- III (Public Administration) BALLB IIIrd Sem IPEM Law Academy Ghaziabad

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Political Science- III (Public Administration)


IPEM Law Academy


Page 2: Political Science- III (Public Administration) BALLB IIIrd Sem IPEM Law Academy Ghaziabad

Political Definitions of Public Administration

Public administration is what government does.As a profession, public administration has developed values and ethical standards, but as an activity it merely reflects the cultural norms, beliefs, and power realities of its society.

Public administration is the totality of the working day activities of all the world’s bureaucrats – whether they are legal or illegal, competent or incompetent, decent or despicable.

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Political Definitions of Public Administration

Public administration is both direct and indirect.

Direct – provision of services like mortgage insurance, mail delivery, and electricity.

Indirect – when the government pays private contractors to provide goods and services to citizens (space shuttle, dams).

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Political Definitions of Public Administration

Public administration is a phase in the policy-making cycle.

Decisions and nondecisions are public policy.

Administration does not end with implementation because someone will always think it can be done better.

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Political Definitions of Public Administration

Public administration is implementing the public interest.

The public interest is the universal label in which political actors wrap the policies and programs that they advocate.

The public interest is a commonly accepted good.

The rise of administrative discretion in the face of legislative vagueness means that the job of the anonymous administrator is to define the public interest.

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Political Definitions of Public Administration

Public administration is doing collectively that which cannot be done so well individually.

The legitimate object of government [is] to do for a community of people, whatever they need to have done, but cannot do, at all, or cannot, so well do, for themselves – in their separate, and individual capacities – Abraham Lincoln.

Twentieth century communications has given rise to “a revolution of rising expectations.”

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Legal Definitions of Public Administration

Because public administration is what a state does, it is both created and bound by an instrument of the law.Public administration is the law in action.

Public administration is inherently the execution of a public law.Every application of a general law is necessarily an act of administration.In the United States, the Constitution of 1787 is the law of the land. All legislation must conform.

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Legal Definitions of Public Administration

Public administration is regulation.It is government telling citizens and businesses what they may or may not do.Regulation is one of the oldest functions of government. Code of Hammurabi – “The mason who builds a house which falls down and kills the inmate shall be put to death.” Driving to McDonald’s – regulation.

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Legal Definitions of Public Administration

Public administration is theft.The primary culprit is redistribution.

Ayn Rand – the only proper function of the government of a free country is to act as an agency which protects the individual’s rights.

John Kenneth Galbraith – It is a simple matter of arithmetic that change may be costly to the man who has something; it cannot be so to the man who has nothing.

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The Public’s Interaction with Public Administration

Every person in the United States is affected by some public administrative actions all of the time. Six main overlapping categories:

Clients and customers – over half of the population has had one direct contact with the government on employment, job training, worker’s compensation, unemployment compensation, public assistance, hospital/ medical care, or retirement benefits.

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Characteristics of Public Administration

Public Administration differs from political science in its emphasis on bureaucratic

structure and behavior.

Monopoly: Monopoly conditions are usual in the government sphere.

Anonymity: Anonymity must be preserved by the Official in carrying out the Public Business. This is an agent authority.

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Characteristics of Public Administration

Public Responsibility: Public Responsibility must be ensured by special means like the Officer have to show the right path to the public.

Public Information: Public Information from the Administration must be readily available to enable citizen to exercise their rights under Right to Information.

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Scope of Public Administration

Public Administration is almost cover all area and activity governed by Public Policy. In now days, it has been increased.

According to Macqueen: the scope of Public Administration much more simply and briefly as consisting of the study of three factors, namely men, material and methods.

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Scope of Public Administration

Broadly, there are following major views regarding the scope of the study.

Integral view

Managerial view

Broader and Narrow view


The Subject – matter view.

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Public and Private Administration

There are many difference between Public Administration and Private Administration: -


Political direction

Profit motive

Uniformity of Treatment


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Politics and Public Administration

According to Qunincy Wright “the art of influencing manipulating or controlling major group so as to advance the purpose of some against the opposition of others”.

According to Peter Self referred the interaction between Politian and Administers as “Administrative politics”.

Politics and Public Administration is co-relate.

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Meaning: It is derived from the Franch word “Bureau” which means “Department”. This is identified governmental department.

Definition-Encyclopedia Britannica -“Literally, then Bureaucracy would mean bureau rule as much as autocrat means the rule by the despot and democracy the rule of the people.”

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Characteristics of Bureaucracy

Division of Work.


Qualification or Competence

Explicit hierarchy of authority.

Promotion based on technical basis

Specialised Division of Labour

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Theories of Bureaucracy

Marxist theory of Bureaucracy

Max weber theory of Bureaucracy

Plurist theory of Bureaucracy

Technocratic view.

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Democracy versus BureaucracyEquality.

Rotation in office.



Citizen participation.



Legitimacy based on election.

Hierarchy.Seniority.Command.Unity.Participation based on enterprise.Secrecy.Impersonality.Legitimacy based on expertise.

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The jurisdiction of a local government is limited to a specific area a village or a city and its function relate to the provision of the civic amenities to the population living within that area.

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Characteristics of Local Government

Local area

Statutory Status

Autonomous status

Local participation

Local accountability

Local finance

Civil services for the local people

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Importance and Advantages of Local Government

Grass root Democracy

Serves as a training school.

Encourage participation of the people in public affairs

Local government is economical

More competent to solve local problem

Serves as a channel of communication

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Problem before the Local Government

Limited to local community

Less of modern technology

It cannot provide service of uniform standard

Corruption and malfeasance

Lack of speedy communication

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Urban local government have classified into three categories: -

1.Nagar Panchayat: Nagar Panchayat is established for a transitional area – that is to say an area in transitional from a rural area to an urban area.

2.Municipal Councils: A Municipal Council is establish for a smaller urban area.

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3. Municipal Corporation: Municipal Corporation are set up in big cities which are describe as larger urban area in 74th Amendment of Constitution of India.

Work of Municipal Corporation: 1.Compulsory Work, 2. Discretionary work

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Panchayati Raj Institution

Village Level: Village is the basic unit of Panchayati Raj Institution. It includes these points or factors: -

Gram Sabha

Gram Panchayat

Nayaya Panchayat

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Constitutional Seventy –third Amendment Act,1992

The Amendment inserts anew part after part VIII, called part IX and a new scheduleXI,in the constitution. It consists of Articles 243 to 243-O

a)Gram Sabha

b)Constitution of Panchayats

c)Composition of Panchayat

d)Reservation of seatss

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Constitutional Seventy –third Amendment Act,1992

e) Duration of Panchayat

f) Disqualification for Membership

g) Power, Authority and Responsibility of Panchayat

h) Election of the Panchayat

i) Application to union terrtories

j) Part not to apply the certain areas

k) Implementation

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The Constitution (Seventy- Fourth Amendment) Act,1992

This amendment introduce a new part (part IX-A) in the constitution relating to Muncipalities. Its contains provisions from Art. 243-P to 247-ZG

a)Constitution of Muncipalities

b)Composition of muncipalites

c)Reservation of Seats

d)Duration of muncipalities

e)Disqualification for membership

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Constitutional Seventy –third Amendment Act,1992

f) Audit and Account of municipalities

g) Elections to the municipalities

h) Application to the union territories

i) Part not applicable to certain area

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District Administration

District Administration has a vital role in the history of Indian Administration

The “DISTRICT” is the principal unit of territorial administration in India.

Head of the District is called District Megistrate. It is also called “DISTRICT COLLECTOR” and “DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT OFFICER.”

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Four factor of Collector Personality

As a Development Officer

As a Collector

As a District Magistrate

As a District Development Officer

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Function of District Magistrate

1. To collect Reveenue

2. Land Reforms

3. Maintenance of Law And Order

4. Welfare Activities

5. Eradication of Calamities

6. Working of the Elections

7. Tour in the Districts

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Financial Administration

Finance is the Fuel for the engine of public administration. Financial adminitration consist of those operations the object of which is to make funds available for the govermental activities,and to ensure the lawful and efficient use of these Funds.

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The term “Budget” has been derived from a French word “BOUGETTE” which means a leather bag or wallet. The term was used in its present sense for the first time in 1733, in a satire entitled “opening the Budget”, directed against Walpole’s financial plan for that year.

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Definition of Budget

Acc.to Rene Stourm- defines budget as “a document containing a preliminary approved plan of public revenues and expenditures”.

Acc.to G. Jeze – describes Budget as “a forcast and an estimate of all the public reciept and expences and receipts, an authorisation to incure & to collect them.

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Types of Budget

Legislative type Budget

Executive type Budget

Board or Commission type Budget

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Different stages of the Budget Process

Preparation of Budget

Parliamentary Approval

Execution of the Budget



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Important principles related to Budget

Complete budget plan




Complete Budget plan

Broad & Accurate Budget information

Effective control of execution over Budget

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The Politics of the Budgetary Process

A process that concentrates on the increment is preferable to one that attempts to review the whole budget because it moderates conflict, reduces search costs, stabilizes budgetary roles and expectations, reduces the amount of time that busy officials must spend on budgeting, and increases the likelihood that important political values will be taken into account.

Allen Schick.

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The Politics of the Budgetary Process

Table S–1. U.S. Budget Totals

(Dollar amounts in billions)  2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011


Budget Totals:              

   Receipts 2,154 2,285 2,416 2,590 2,714 2,878 3,035

   Outlays 2,472 2,709 2,770 2,814 2,922 3,061 3,240

       Deficit −318 −423 −354 −223 −208 −183 −205

Gross Domestic Product (GDP) 12,290 13,030 13,761 14,521 15,296 16,102 16,955

Budget Totals as a Percent of GDP:              

   Receipts 17.5% 17.5% 17.6% 17.8% 17.7% 17.9% 17.9%

   Outlays 20.1% 20.8% 20.1% 19.4% 19.1% 19.0% 19.1%

       Deficit −2.6% −3.2% −2.6% −1.5% −1.4% −1.1% −1.2%

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The Politics of the Budgetary Process (California)

Figure-SUM-022007-08 Revenue Sources(Dollars in Millions)

General Special Change

Fund Funds From


Personal Income Tax $55,236 $1,589 $56,825 $3,160

Sales Tax 28,820 5,757 34,577 1,572

Corporation Tax 11,055 - 11,055 338

Highway Users Taxes - 3,546 3,546 60

Motor Vehicle Fees 26 5,506 5,532 278

Insurance Tax 2,181 - 2,181 15

Liquor Tax 324 - 324 3

Tobacco Taxes 120 981 1,101 11

Other 3,477 9,437 12,914 2,052

Total $101,239 $26,816 $128,055 $7,489

Note: Numbers may not add due to rounding.


Figure-SUM-032007-08 Total Expenditures by Agency(Dollars in Millions)

General Special Bond

Fund Funds Funds

Legislative, Judicial, Executive $3,792 $2,045 $427 $6,264

State and Consumer Services 577 806 24 1,407

Business, Transportation & Housing 1,567 8,640 3,078 13,285

Resources 1,674 2,060 1,790 5,524

Environmental Protection 90 1,046 696 1,832

Health and Human Services 29,719 8,130 158 38,007

Corrections and Rehabilitation 9,836 22 - 9,858

K-12 Education 41,341 93 3,990 45,424

Higher Education 11,980 42 2,957 14,979

Labor and Workforce Development 103 321 - 424

General Government 1,579 6,008 952 8,539

Total $102,258 $29,213 $14,072 $145,543

Note: Numbers may not add due to rounding.


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The Politics of the Budgetary Process

The danger in elevating horse trading to an art and a science is the loss of direction.Three conditions are essential for incremental policy-making to be adequate:

The results of present policies must in the mean be adequate.There must be a high degree of continuity in the nature of problems.There must be a high degree of continuity in the available means for dealing with problems.

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The Politics of the Budgetary Process

Developing countries cannot pursue incremental policies, nor should the U.S. when changes in values make formerly acceptable policies untenable.

Washington gridlock is certainly one outcome.

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The Politics of the Budgetary Process

Budget process resembles riverboat poker game.Administrative agencies at one table pursuing zero-sum game.Congress people at another table watching the other table and their backs.Lobbyists linger in background signing up members of Congress for persuasion and deals.Press corps at the bar.Think tanks outside on the deck.Academic theorists in steerage.

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Budget Maximizing BureaucratBluff and overstatement are key tactical tools of departments and spending advocates during budget processes.Aware that their bids will be subject to some degree of cutback, bidders build in a protect buffer to allow for it.There are rules in budget preparation including allowable inflation indices, appropriate cost estimates, and appropriate program documentation.

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Budget Maximizing BureaucratNo limits on the ambitions of bureaucrats who wish to maximize their agency’s budgets and their program’s importance.

“Mine is bigger than yours.”

The misrepresentation of budget estimates is a tool used by both program advocates and program opponents. That is why Congress prepares its own version of the budget.

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Budget Maximizing Bureaucrat

The budget game consists of two fields of play:

Defending your clientele against revenue hikes such as tax increases.Seeking to attract government spending programs that will benefit your clientele.

Game so skillful that sometimes difficult to categorize action as revenue or expenditure.

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Control of Parliamentary Committees


Parliament is called upon to vote large sums of taxpayer’s money from time to time. It authorizes the Government through the Appropriation Act to draw money from the Consolidated Fund and spend them as per the budgetary allocation.

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The Estimates Committee

Evolution: The Estimates Committee of Lok Sabha was first Constituted in April 1950.

Composition: The Estimates Committee consists of non more than 30 members who are elected by Lok Sabha.

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The Estimates Committee

Functions: The Functions of the Committee have been laid down in the rules of procedure and directions by the Speaker issued from time to time. In general the functions of the committee are:

Economies, Improvements in Organisation.

Suggest alternative Policies

Laid out within the limits of the policy implied in the Estimates and

Suggest the form estimates shall be presented to Parliament.

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Public Accounts Committee

Public Account Committee popularly known as PAC, is the oldest financial Committee.

Evolution: The PAC was set up under the Montagu-Chelmsford Reforms 1919 in the years 1923.

Composition: It Consists of 22 Member whereby 15 from Lok Sabha and 7 from Rajya Sabha.

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What is Policy

Meaning- Policy means a decision as to what shall be done and how, when & where.

Definition- Acc. To Dimocks, policies are “The consciously acknowledged rules of conduct that guide administrative decisions”

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Policy making Process

Discerning Problem


Formulation of alternative courses of action

(a) Forecasting consequences

(b) Policy Chioce

(c) Review

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Who makes Policy


The Executive

Administrative agencies


Political Parties

Pressure Group

Individual Citizens

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Factors Influencing Policy Formulation

External Environment


Political Leadership & Personality of Leaders

Political Parties & Pressure Group


Administrative policies

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Policy Making in india

The Cabinet

The Cabinet Secretariat

The Prime Minister & his Office

The Central Secretariat

The Planning Commission

National Development Councils

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Types Of Policy Evaluation

Administrative Evaluation

Judicial Evaluation

Political Evaluation

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Types of Planning

Physical Planning

Social and Economic planning

Administrative Planning

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Planning in India- The Planning Commissions

The Planning Commission- The planning commission was set up in 1950. The Planning commission consistof the Prime Minister who is also the Chairman,Minister of planning, minister of finance, defence minister, and 3 to 7 other members.one of whom is an experienced public man and parliamentarian, another an educationalist, and Third a person of administrative experience usally a retired civil serviceman

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National Development Council

The National Development Council was set in 1952. it consists of the Prime Minister as Chairman, all Cabinet Ministers of the Union Government, Members of the Planning Commission, all the Chief Ministers of the States and representatives of Union Territories.

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