political ideological views of the role of government & social change political ideologies

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Political Ideologies

Political Ideological Views of The Role of Government &Social ChangePolitical IdeologiesDefining Political IdeologiesPolitical Ideologies sets of political values held by individuals regarding the basic goals of government and politics.

Traditional Ideological SpectrumThis political identification no longer accurately/completely describes various political positions.Ex.) Both Joseph Stalin & Gandhi would be considered on this spectrum to be left/liberal because they agree with a strong(er) government and collective social programming. However are they the same politically or ideologically? NO !!

Updated Ideological SpectrumPolitical Compass VersionAccounts for beliefs related to:Role of Government (Economics)Social Change

Political IdeologiesRole of Government1.) Liberalism Emphasis on individual political & economic freedomMaximize freedom for all people speech, religion, associationCitizens have the right to disagree with government/leaders

John Locke

Adam Smith

Thomas Malthus

Thomas JeffersonConservative IdeologyConservatism is not so much a philosophy as an attitude, a constant force, performing a timeless function in the development of a free society, and corresponding to a deep and permanent requirement of human nature itself.Political mood or movement aimed at preserving older or traditional values, economic systems, and laws.

Edmund Burke the British Conservative.Political IdeologiesRole of Government2.) Communism Value equality over freedom Rejects idea that personal freedom will ensure prosperityState takeover will eliminate inequalities & exploitationIndividual liberties must yield to the needs of society/stateVladimir Lenin

Mao Zedong

Ho Chi MinhJoseph Stalin

Political IdeologiesRole of Government3.) Socialism Value equalityState = strong role in regulating economyState = provide social benefitsValue freedomPrivate OwnershipFree Market Principles

Hugo Chavez

Karl Marx

Political IdeologiesRole of Government4.) Fascism Devalue individual freedomsReject the value of equalityAccept inferiority/superiorityState has the right to mold society & economyBenito Mussolini

Adolf HitlerPolitical IdeologiesSocial Change(1) Radicalism Rapid, dramatic changes need to be made to the existing societyCurrent system cannot be saved; must be overturned; replaced

Russian Revolution (1917) is seen as a Radical-led revolution of the Russian government and society.Political IdeologiesSocial Change(2) Liberalism Supports Reform & gradual changePolitical/Economic systems are not broken/lost, just need to be repaired/improvedWhen applying the story of the Tortoise & the Hare to social change, Liberalism would be similar to the Tortoise.

Political IdeologiesSocial Change(3) Conservatism Less supportive of change than radicalism and liberalismThe state is very important for law & orderSee change as disruptive and dangerous

Political IdeologiesSocial Change(4) Reactionary They oppose both revolution & reformAlso find the status quo unacceptableWant to turn back the clockRe-institute earlier political, social, economic institutions that once existed