policy analysis in transmission-constrained …

The Pennsylvania State University The Graduate School College of Earth and Mineral Sciences POLICY ANALYSIS IN TRANSMISSION-CONSTRAINED ELECTRICITY MARKETS A Dissertation in Energy and Mineral Engineering by Mostafa Sahraei-Ardakani 2013 Mostafa Sahraei-Ardakani Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy August 2013

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The Pennsylvania State University

The Graduate School

College of Earth and Mineral Sciences



A Dissertation in

Energy and Mineral Engineering


Mostafa Sahraei-Ardakani

2013 Mostafa Sahraei-Ardakani

Submitted in Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements

for the Degree of

Doctor of Philosophy

August 2013



The dissertation of Mostafa Sahraei-Ardakani is to be reviewed by the following:

Seth A. Blumsack

Assistant Professor of Energy Policy and Economics

Dissertation Advisor

Chair of Committee

Andrew N. Kleit

Professor of Energy and Environmental Economics

Anastasia V. Shcherbakova

Assistant Professor of Energy Economics, Risk, and Policy

Terry L. Friesz

Harold and Inge Marcus Chaired Professor of Industrial Engineering

Luis F. Ayala H.

Associate Professor of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering

Associate Department Head for Graduate Education

*Signatures are on file in the Graduate School.




The existence of transmission constraints introduces complexities in electricity markets, the

understanding of which is important in policy applications. One of the major impacts of these

constraints is the locational price disparities. This dissertation addresses two policy relevant

problems in transmission-constrained electricity markets. First, a model is developed for analysis

of supply and demand policies considering the potential distributional impacts caused by the

transmission constraints. Second, a potential market design is studied for upgrading the

transmission system with Flexible Alternating Current Transmission System (FACTS).

Many important electricity policy initiatives, such as imposing emissions taxes or providing

incentives for renewable electricity generation, would directly affect the operation of electric

power networks. Evaluating such policies often requires models of how the proposed policy will

impact system operations. Predictive modeling of electric transmission systems, particularly in

the face of transmission constraints, is difficult unless the analyst possesses a detailed network

model. Such modeling may require data which is not publicly available. Moreover, policy

analysis must often be performed under time constraints, which may prevent the use of complex

engineering models.

First part of this dissertation develops a method for estimating short-run zonal supply curves in

transmission-constrained electricity markets that can be implemented quickly by policy analysts

with training in statistical methods (but not necessarily engineering) and with publicly-available

data. My model enables analysis of distributional impacts of policies affecting operation of

electric power grid. I develop a fuzzy nonlinear statistical model that uses fuel prices and zonal

electric loads to determine piecewise supply curves, each segment of which represents the



influence of a particular technology type on the zonal electricity price. The domain belonging to

different technologies can overlap, which means a mixture of two fuels can be marginal. The

magnitude of this overlap is a function of the relative fuel prices. My problem thus requires the

simultaneous estimation of the slope of each supply-curve segment, thresholds that define the

endpoints of each segment and the level of marginal fuel overlap. I illustrate my methodology by

estimating zonal supply curves for the seventeen utility zones in the PJM system, a regional

electricity market covering numerous different states.

The zonal supply curves are used to study a state-level energy efficiency and conservation

legislation in Pennsylvania, within the context of PJM. My focus is on the distributive impacts

of this policy – specifically how the policy is likely to impact electricity prices in different areas

of Pennsylvania and in the PJM market more generally. Such spatial differences in policy

impacts are difficult to model and the transmission system is often ignored in policy studies. For

most utilities in Pennsylvania, it would reduce the influence of natural gas on electricity price

formation and increase the influence of coal. It would also save 2.1 to 2.8 percent of total energy

cost in Pennsylvania in a year similar to 2009. The savings are lower than 0.5 percent in other

PJM states and the prices may slightly increase in Washington, DC area.

I also analyze the impacts of imposing a $35/ton tax on emissions of carbon dioxide. My results

show that the policy would increase the average prices in PJM by 47 to 89 percent under

different fuel price scenarios in the short run, and would lead to short-run inter-fuel substitution

between coal and natural gas.

In the second part of this dissertation I investigate a potential market design for operation of

FACTS with the advantages coming from the smart grid technology. Traditionally, electric



system operators have dispatched generation to minimize total production costs, assuming a

fixed transmission topology within the dispatch horizon. Implementation of smart-grid systems

could allow operators to co-optimize transmission topology alongside generator dispatch; the

technologies that would enable such co-optimization are still regulated as part of the monopoly

transmission system. There are a few proposed mechanisms for compensating transmission

owners based on flexible electrical characteristics and availability; and integrating transmission

into “complete” real-time electricity markets. I discuss why FACTS devices do not fall in the

category of natural monopolies. Then, I propose a sensitivity-based method to calculate the

marginal market value of Flexible Alternating Current Transmission Systems (FACTS). Once

the marginal value is calculated, different compensation mechanisms can be set up. I study two

different such methods for the market-based operation of FACTS, which allows some control

over the electrical topology of transmission lines. The first mechanism, compensates the devices

based on differences in locational prices (effectively with Financial Transmission Rights), while

the second allows FACTS devices to submit supply offers just as generators would, being paid a

market-clearing price for additional transfer capability provided to the system.

My problem formulation suggests a number of regulatory implications for flexible transmission

architecture. First, inclusion of a price signal in the wholesale electricity markets for the FACTS

capacity can lead to a more efficient operation of such devices. Second, the additional transfer

capability offered by FACTS devices may effectively clear the real-time market in some

circumstances (i.e., the additional transfer capability displaces higher-cost generation),

suggesting that FACTS devices have the power to set prices. Third, if FACTS devices are

compensated based on locational price differentials, the owners of such devices may not have the



right incentive to offer the socially optimal amount of transfer capability to the system. The

market structure is explained and marginal value for the FACTS capacity is calculated in a two-

node and a thirty-bus system. The results show that the outcomes of both payment structures are

equivalent when the congestion is large enough.



Table of Contents

List of Figures ........................................................................................................................................................ ix

List of Tables .......................................................................................................................................................... xi

Acknowledgements .......................................................................................................................................... xii

Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................... 1

1.1. Zonal Supply Curve Estimation ...................................................................................................... 1

1.2. Market Equilibrium for Flexible AC Transmission Systems ............................................... 7

1.3. Contributions ........................................................................................................................................ 9

2. Distributional Impacts of State-Level Energy Efficiency Policies in Regional

Electricity Markets ............................................................................................................................................ 12

2.1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................................ 12

2.2. Model Description ............................................................................................................................ 14

2.3. Estimation of Zonal Supply Curves in PJM .............................................................................. 19

2.4. Estimating the Impacts of Pennsylvania’s Act 129 .............................................................. 25

2.5. Conclusion ........................................................................................................................................... 32

3. Estimating Zonal Electricity Supply Curves in Transmission-Constrained Electricity

Markets .................................................................................................................................................................. 34

3.1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................................ 34

3.2. Literature Review ............................................................................................................................. 39

3.3. Motivating Example ......................................................................................................................... 40

3.4. Methodology ....................................................................................................................................... 43

3.5. Assigning Membership Functions .............................................................................................. 48

3.6. Application to PJM utility zones .................................................................................................. 50

3.7. Simulation Studies ........................................................................................................................... 54

3.7.1. Carbon Tax ................................................................................................................................. 54

3.7.2. Pennsylvania’s Act 129 .......................................................................................................... 60

3.9. Conclusion ........................................................................................................................................... 63



4. Active Participation of FACTS Devices in Wholesale Electricity Markets ....................... 65

4.1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................................ 65

4.2. Literature Review ............................................................................................................................. 70

4.3. Market Structure ............................................................................................................................... 72

4.4.1. Market value of FACTS capacity ......................................................................................... 78

4.4.2. Simulation study ...................................................................................................................... 80

4.5. Numerical example .......................................................................................................................... 91

4.6. The complete game .......................................................................................................................... 97

4.7. Conclusion ......................................................................................................................................... 102

5. Conclusion and Policy Implications ............................................................................................. 106

References .......................................................................................................................................................... 110

Appendix 1: Explaining Some Counter-Intuitive Results ................................................................ 119

Appendix 2: Correcting for Electricity Price Over-Estimation in the Fuzzy Gap ..................... 126

Appendix 3- Regression Parameters ........................................................................................................ 130

Appendix 4- Thresholds ................................................................................................................................ 135

Appendix 5- Projected Supply Curves...................................................................................................... 139

Appendix 6- Simulation of Pennsylvania’s Act 129 – Chapter two ............................................... 143

Appendix 7: CMA-ES ....................................................................................................................................... 147

Appendix 6- IEEE 30 BUS System ........................................................................................................... 151



List of Figures

Figure 1: Estimated system short-run supply curve for the PJM electricity market. The figure is

taken from Newcomer et al. (2008), and includes an adder for transmission and

distribution costs. ................................................................................................................ 4

Figure 2: The variable threshold method defines regions in {qi, qT} space where a given fuel is

on the margin. My approach assumes that these frontiers are linear, and thus the

estimation problem amounts to determining the corner solutions for each frontier ......... 18

Figure 3: Geographical distribution of utility zones in PJM market (www.pjm.com) ................. 20

Figure 4: Estimated thresholds for APS. Shading represents real time prices; darker shading

indicates higher prices....................................................................................................... 23

Figure 5-Top: Dispatch curve for PJM using the following fuel prices: Coal: $2/MMBTU, Gas:

$8/MMBTU, Oil: $15/MMBTU. This set of prices is similar to the situation in late 2008;

Bottom: The supply curve from 120 to 220 GWh of demand. This shows the transition

from coal to natural gas more clearly. .............................................................................. 36

Figure 6: Fuel price trends since January 2006. ........................................................................... 37

Figure 7-Top: Dispatch curve for PJM using the following fuel prices: Coal: $2/MMBTU, Gas:

$3/MMBTU, Oil: $20 /MMBTU. Increases in the price of coal relative to natural gas

price results in a region where a mixture of coal and gas is marginal; Bottom: The same

curve is shown for the region representing 120 to 220 GWh of demand. It shows how a

mixture of two fuels is marginal when demand is between 120 and 200 GWh. .............. 38

Figure 8: Without transmission congestion, there is a single system-wide supply curve and a

single system-wide market price. The presence of transmission congestion segments the

market, so that Nodes 1 and 2 effectively have different supply curves and different

locational market prices. ................................................................................................... 42

Figure 9: Fuzzy variable thresholds: The fuzzy gap depends on the relative fuel prices while the

mean of the distribution is a fixed line in qi-qT space. ..................................................... 47

Figure 10: Fuzzy membership function assignment for coal using analytical geometry

formulation for linear plane. ............................................................................................. 49

Figure 11: Fuzzy thresholds in Dominion .................................................................................... 51

Figure 12: Projected supply curve for APS in central Pennsylvania and West Virginia .............. 59

Figure 13: Projected Supply function for JCPL in eastern New Jersey ........................................ 59

Figure 14: The two-node, two-line system .................................................................................. 75

Figure 15: The transfer capability when both the FACTS devices are used. It is assumed in this

figure that n1=n2 ............................................................................................................... 77

Figure 16: Total amount of reactance change at equilibrium ....................................................... 81

Figure 17: Clearing price for FACTS devices .............................................................................. 82

Figure 18: The profit for FACTS device owners .......................................................................... 82



Figure 19: Nodal price at node 1 with and without the FACTS devices ...................................... 84

Figure 20: Nodal price at node 2 with and without the FACTS devices ...................................... 84

Figure 21: Social welfare improvement due to the transfer capability offered by the FACTS

devices............................................................................................................................... 85

Figure 22: Decrease in congestion rent caused by the FACTS devices ....................................... 85

Figure 23: Change in c ustomers’ surplus..................................................................................... 87

Figure 24: Change in generators’ surplus ..................................................................................... 87

Figure 25: Change in FACTS surplus ........................................................................................... 88

Figure 26: Supply and marginal value functions for FACTS capacity at different levels of load.

........................................................................................................................................... 88

Figure 27: IEEE standard 30-bus, 6-generator system ................................................................. 91

Figure 28: Marginal value of FACTS capacity in IEEE-30 bus system. ...................................... 94

Figure 29: Generators’ output when the FACTS devices are used and when they are not used. . 95

Figure 30: Price difference between the case where the FACTS devices are not used and the case

where they are used. .......................................................................................................... 97

Figure 31: Generator's bidding strategies in two-node system assuming a price cap of $3000 per

megawatt hour. The demand at node two is 825 MW. ................................................... 100

Figure 32: Generators’ bidding strategies in the 30 bus system. ................................................ 100

Figure A-1: Three node test system. All transmission lines in the system are assumed to have

equal impedances. ........................................................................................................... 120

Figure A-2: Three node test system with two different types of plants at node 1. ..................... 123

Figure A-3: Gas/Oil threshold at node 1 with positive slope...................................................... 125



List of Tables

Table 1: PJM Zonal Abbreviations ............................................................................................... 20

Table 2: Estimated zonal supply curve thresholds for the PJM market ........................................ 21

Table 3: Estimated zonal marginal fuel frequencies in the PJM market ...................................... 22

Table 4: F-Test results for significance of quadratic terms .......................................................... 24

Table 5: F-Test results for significance of variable thresholds ..................................................... 25

Table 6: Act 129’s Effect on Zonal Electricity Prices in PJM ...................................................... 29

Table 7: Act 129’s Effect on Zonal Fuel Utilization in PJM ........................................................ 31

Table 8: Membership function parameters ................................................................................... 52

Table 9- Regression parameters: * indicates the significant coefficients with 95% confidence

interval. Note that the coefficients presented in the table are normalized and to get the

actual numbers each row should be multiplied by the elements of the following vector: 53

Table 10: Fuel prices under the two scenarios .............................................................................. 55

Table 11: Average prices before and after imposing a carbon tax of $35 per ton under the two

scenarios ($/MWh)............................................................................................................ 56

Table 12: The frequency with which each fuel is marginal before and after the carbon tax (%). 57

Table 13: Changes in producers’ surplus due to the carbon tax (millions of dollars) .................. 58

Table 14: Savings from Pennsylvania Act 129 in PJM's utility zones. The units are in millions of

dollars. ............................................................................................................................... 62

Table 15: Physical characerisics of the system ............................................................................. 80

Table 16: Cost function coefficients of the generators ................................................................. 92

Table 17: Sensitivity of power flows and prices over the transmission network to the FACTS

devices in IEEE-30 Bus System ....................................................................................... 93




First and foremost, I should thank my advisor, Seth Blumsack, whose excellent mentorship and

caring character made this journey a lot more enjoyable than it usually is. Not only did he teach

me the skills I needed but also he showed me how to think. I could not possibly ask for a better

advisor and very much appreciate his brilliance and helpfulness. I was very lucky to work with

Seth and look forward to a lifetime friendship with him. I would like to thank Andrew Kleit for

his support and contribution. I would also like to thank Zhen Lei, Terry Friesz, and Anastasia

Shcherbakova. I appreciate the helpful discussions I had on my research with Kory Hedman,

Raja Ayyanar, and Michael Henderson.

I could not finish my PhD without the financial supports I received. I am grateful to Center for

Rural Pennsylvania, Department of Energy, and Penn State Energy Institute for funding my


Besides the excellent education, graduate school offered me the opportunity to make lifetime

friends. I still remember my first day at Penn State, when Alisha Fernandez showed me around. I

had the greatest time with Clayton Barrows, Farid Tayari, Mercedes Cortes, Joseph Kasprzyk,

and Qin Fan when we were working or procrastinating. Thanks to all of you and my other friends

that are too many to mention.

Last, and most importantly Razieh Farzad deserves my sincere thanks for being patient with me.

I would not have finished this dissertation without her support. I should also thank my mother,

Narges, for her unconditional love and support.




The annual revenue of the US electricity industry is around 350 billion dollars (US Energy

Information Administration, 2012). The very large economic size of the industry emphasizes the

need for efficient operation of the whole system. Thus different policy initiatives are adopted to

increase the economic and environmental efficiency of the system. North American power grid

has been called “the most complex machine” built by human (Amin 2004). The unique physical

properties of electricity, the complex behavior of the transmission network, and the lack of

practical technology for storage of electrical energy make policy analysis in electric power sector

a complicated task. My motivation is to develop policy analysis tools for the emerging new

electric power system. The focus of my dissertation is on tools specific to these problems:

1. Estimating locational impacts such as price and fuel utilization of electricity policy


2. Expansion of electricity markets to accommodate new types of players in the

transmission sector. I specifically look at incorporation of Flexible Alternating

Current Transmission System (FACTS) devices into the wholesale electricity


1.1. Zonal Supply Curve Estimation

Many policy analyses related to electricity markets or electric transmission systems are focused

on the economic or environmental impacts of alternative policies, decisions, or market designs.

Projections of electricity system operations or the estimation of supply curves are thus highly

relevant to these analyses. My motivation is to develop a method for estimating zonal supply



curves in transmission-constrained electricity markets that can be implemented quickly by policy

analysts with training in statistical methods (but not necessarily engineering) and with publicly-

available data. There is a large body of literature on the estimation of electricity prices. A variety

of approaches have been proposed for the forecast of electricity prices over various time

horizons. The methods include estimation of price duration curves (Valenzuela and Mazumdar,

2005), short-term price estimation with neural networks (Amjady, 2006 and Mandal et al., 2007)

or transfer functions (Mandal et al., 2007), and electricity price forecast with time series (Kian

and Keyhani, 2001; Misiorek et al, 2006). The mentioned techniques either need proprietary data

or are not accurate in the time-frame needed for policy analysis. Some of the models work well

for estimating prices for a week but do not do a good job of estimating prices for several years in


Another method which seems to be popular for policy analysis applications is the construction of

a dispatch curve. Dispatch curve is the short-run marginal cost curve which is used by the system

operator to determine the set of power plants which will be dispatched at a given time. Actual

supply curves based on detailed production-cost data from generation owners or transmission

system operators are not typically made public, so many existing analyses (e.g., Mansur and

Holland, 2006; Apt, et al., 2008; Newcomer, et al., 2008; Newcomer and Apt, 2009; Blumsack,

2009; Dowds, et al., 2010) employ a procedure similar to the following:

1. Data from individual power generators are gathered. This data set usually includes

information at the plant or unit level on capacity, annual utilization (or capacity factor),

fuel usage, emissions and average efficiency. The e-GRID database published by the

Environmental Protection Agency, or data from the U.S. Energy Information



Administration, are often utilized to assemble these data sets. I note here that these data

sets, while detailed, offer far less information than a true production-cost model.

2. Data on fuel prices are gathered and used in conjunction with the power-plant data set to

generate a single number representing the marginal cost foe each generator.

3. The plants are sorted from the cheapest to the most expensive to generate a single supply

curve for a given electricity system. The modeled electricity systems are often regional

in scope, such as the PJM system.

An example of a supply curve generated in this fashion is shown in Figure 1. These estimated

supply curves may represent short-run supply curves (as in Newcomer et al., 2008 and

Blumsack, 2009) or in some cases long-run supply curves (as in Newcomer and Apt, 2009).

The supply curves are used in scenario analysis to estimate the impacts of various policies on

electricity prices, emissions or other variables of interest. For example, Mansur and Holland

(2006) use such a model to examine the welfare implications of real-time electricity pricing.

Newcomer et al. (2008) and Blumsack (2009) model the impacts on electricity costs, generator

utilization and greenhouse-gas emissions associated with different retail electricity pricing

policies. Newcomer and Apt (2009) and Dowds, et al. (2010) examine long-run investment

problems related to new electric generation or the adoption of electrified transportation.



Figure 1: Estimated system short-run supply curve for the PJM electricity market. The figure is

taken from Newcomer et al. (2008), and includes an adder for transmission and distribution


While these models are relatively straightforward to construct and understand, they share a

methodological drawback in that they ignore constraints on the electric transmission network.

In a power system, electricity flows are determined by Kirchhoff’s Laws, so an outside analyst

cannot simply assume that electricity from a given source is delivered to a given sink. When

power systems are constrained in some way, the analyst’s problem becomes more difficult,

because it must be determined whether electricity from a given source can be physically

delivered to a given sink, or whether the customers at that load sink must be served by

dispatching a different set of power plants. Analysis thus becomes more complex when the



system is transmission-constrained.

In the presence of transmission constraints, prices and marginal fuels can be different at different

locations of the network. Therefore methods which ignore the transmission system are not able

to capture such differences. However in some cases the distributional impacts of policies may be

important policy outcomes. State-level energy efficiency policies are examples where the

distributional impacts are important.

The objective in this research is to fit a piecewise supply curve to data from electricity markets,

effectively creating a price and fuel utilization forecasting tool for policy-analysis purposes

considering the effects of transmission network. I develop a statistical model that uses fuel prices

and zonal electric loads to determine piecewise supply curves, each segment of which represents

the influence of a particular fuel type on the zonal electricity price. To illustrate this method, I

focus on estimating piecewise supply curves with segments representing three major fuels which

are consumed by thermal power plants: coal, natural gas, and oil. Because of technological

differences in power plants and differences in fuels utilization, it is expected that the electricity

price will be more correlated with the price of the relevant fuel at each specific load level.

The aggregated supply curve for PJM electricity market in Figure 1 suggests that the shape of the

supply curve changes when the fuel on the margin switches. The supply curve exhibits jumps in

the level and the slope when the fuel switches from coal to gas and from gas to oil. The proposed

method contributes to the existing literature by simultaneously estimating the thresholds where

the fuel on the margin switches. The method also estimates the partial supply curve (i.e., the

slope parameters of each segment) for each fuel.



Recent decrease in the price of natural gas has made electricity produced by burning gas

relatively cheaper. This means that efficient natural gas fired power plants are now dispatched

before inefficient coal-fired plants. I further improve my method of supply curve estimation by

utilizing a fuzzy logic approach that allows a mixture of two fuels (e.g. coal and natural gas) to

effectively be on the margin (i.e., to determine the market-clearing price). This enables the model

to estimate fuel utilization and electricity prices more accurately when the natural gas prices are


The method is used to simulate two policies: Pennsylvania’s Act 129, and a carbon tax policy in

PJM. Pennsylvania’s “Act 129,” 1 targets energy efficiency and peak demand reduction. It

requires electric utilities within Pennsylvania to reduce their annual demand (i.e., annual

kilowatt-hmy sales) by one percent, relative to 2010 levels, with an additional 4.5 percent

reduction during the 100 highest-demand hours. As Pennsylvania is part of a regional electricity

market in the Mid-Atlantic and Midwestern U.S. (the PJM Interconnection), this state-level

policy will have both local effects in Pennsylvania and potentially broader effects throughout

PJM. This is an example where the regional impacts are important policy outcomes, and my

method is used to capture them. I find that Act 129 lowers the total cost of generation between

2.1 to 2.8 percent for utilities inside Pennsylvania in a year similar to 2009. The generation cost

has the largest share in consumer’s bills but does not include the distribution charges. Estimated

savings are less than 0.5 percent for the utilities outside Pennsylvania. A previous study suggests

that the benefit to cost ratio associated with Act 129 to be between 1.9 to 2.8 in different utility

zones of PJM with exception of Allegheny Power for which the ratio is 4.1 (Statewide

1 The full text of Act 129 can be found at: http://www.puc.state.pa.us/electric/pdf/Act129/HB2200-Act129_Bill.pdf



Evaluation Team, 2009). I estimate that Act 129 may increase prices in Washington, D.C. and

southern Maryland, although these price increases are much smaller than the price declines in

other areas of PJM.

1.2. Market Equilibrium for Flexible AC Transmission Systems

FACTS are power electronic devices used to influence the power flows and voltages in a power

system (G. G. Hug, 2008). In this dissertation I specifically focus on the types of FACTS that

significantly affect the reactance of transmission lines. This would affect the power flows in the

system by changing the admittance matrix which determines the flows over the lines. In the

second part of this dissertation I investigate the potential for active participation of FACTS

devices in wholesale electricity markets.

The entire industry was considered to be a natural monopoly before 1990s and was operated

under regulation. One of the goals of restructuring, which began in the 1990s, is to decentralize

the decision making process and hopefully improve the system’s efficiency. Currently, the

operation decisions in electric transmission are made centrally by the system operator. Some

payments to regulated transmission owners are also made according to a regulated rate of return

that does not necessarily reflect the economic value of a certain transmission line to the system.

The implementation of the “smart grid” could enable the deployment of flexible and adaptive

transmission networks, thus allowing for the transmission topology to be optimized depending

on electricity demand and other system conditions. One technology that would allow this is

Flexible Alternating Current Transmission Systems (FACTS).

In an analogy to the water networks FACTS devices act similar to water pumps (Fairley, 2011).



Without water pumps, water only flows from higher altitudes to the lower altitudes based on the

pressure difference which may not always be efficient in a network. Similarly electricity flows

based on voltage and angle differences which may not be economically efficient. Economic

inefficiencies can occur in the form of loop flows or counter intuitive flows from a cheap node to

an expensive one. FACTS devices make it possible to control several parameters of the network

such as lines’ admittance and bus voltages. They facilitate control of the flows by affecting the

admittances of the transmission lines and thus avoid such economically inefficient phenomena.

Having these devices installed on the transmission system can potentially improve the system

without costly and time consuming investment on new transmission lines. These devices could

be seen as non-transmission alternatives which are suggested by FERC order 1000.

Recently, some studies have suggested implementing market-based mechanisms for transmission

sector. This would allow the transmission owners to offer their services to the system operator on

a bid basis, as generators currently do in deregulated electricity markets. Such a market has been

termed a “complete real-time electricity market” (O’Neill et al., 2008). They conclude that it is

not clear whether the FACTS devices are natural monopoly and provide a strong theoretical

background for designing markets with active transmission participation. However there is a

positive externality problem with their payment system. I explain this in more details and

propose a sensitivity-based method to calculate FACTS capacity value to overcome the issue.

Once the marginal value for FACTS capacity is determined, different payment mechanisms

could be set up. I explore the market outcome under two different payment structures. First I use

an LMP based market where the FACTS devices get paid based on the nodal price differences.

This is more or less similar to a Cournot competition for FACTS devices. Second, I set up supply



function equilibrium (SFE) model in which FACTS devices can submit supply offers similar to

generations. The market structure can potentially lead to more efficient operation of FACTS

devices compared to the existing regulated procedures. This is in line with the restructuring goals

to improve the efficiency.


This dissertation makes several contributions to the existing methods of policy analysis in the

transmission-constrained electricity markets. It also provides insight into how the FACTS

devices can be incorporated into the current electricity markets. Here is the list of contributions

this dissertation makes to the existing literature in supply and demand policy analysis and

complete electricity market including some transmission assets:

1. I develop a statistical model with publically available data to estimate zonal electricity

supply curves. The model estimates zonal prices and zonal marginal fuel which enables

analysts to measure price changes as well as fuel utilization impacts, such as emissions,

due to implication of a policy. The model implicitly captures the effects of transmission


a. The model uses fuzzy logic to estimate conditions under which a mixture of two

fuels sets the electricity prices.

b. I estimate supply curves at utility level for the seventeen utility zones of PJM

regional electricity market.

2. I use the resulted supply curve to study the impacts of two policies:

a. I simulate the potential zonal impacts of Pennsylvania act 129. The results show

that Pennsylvania act 129 would save 1% of the total cost of generating electricity



in PJM. The savings would be around 2.4% for utilities in Pennsylvania. Such

study is not possible with a transmission-less model since it cannot distinguish

between different areas.

b. I also study the impacts of a potential carbon tax policy in different utility zones

of PJM. The impacts are not uniform over the different zones.

3. I show the positive externality problem with the payment method proposed by (O’Neill,

et al., 2008) and propose a sensitivity-based mechanism to value the FACTS capacity.

Once this value is calculated, different payment structures can be set up without having to

deal with the positive externality.

4. I study two different payment designs mechanisms allowing FACTS to actively

participate in the market: an LMP based design (Cournot); and a Supply Function

Equilibrium (SFE).

a. The results suggest that both designs improve the social welfare.

b. They also have similar outcome when the congestion is significant enough. Under

such circumstances, the device owners would offer their full capacity at the

marginal value for their devices.

The rest of this dissertation is organized as follows: Chapter 2 presents a deterministic model for

analyzing regional impacts of energy-efficiency policies. The chapter also includes estimation of

the impacts of Pennsylvania’s act 129 on regional prices and fuel utilization. Chapter 3 presents

the application of fuzzy logic to the model presented in chapter 2. This enables the model to

estimate conditions under which a mixture of two fuels sets the electricity price. Such ability is

important especially when the relative prices of two fuels become comparable similar to the

current situation of coal and natural gas. Chapter 3 also includes simulation potential impacts of



Pennsylvania’s act 129 and a carbon tax policy under lower natural gas scenarios than presented

in chapter 1. Chapter 4 presents the proposed method for active participation of FACTS devices

in the wholesale electricity markets to provide additional transfer capability. Chapter 5 provides

conclusions and policy implications.



2. Distributional Impacts of State-Level Energy Efficiency Policies in

Regional Electricity Markets1


In restructured power systems market forces incentivize better operation of the system in

some ways such as more efficient operation of power plants (Wolfram, C. 2005). However

energy efficiency policies imposed by governmental agencies are appropriate means of capturing

efficiencies that the market alone cannot assure (Vine et al. 2003; Gillingham, Newell, and

Palmer 2009; Benjamin K. 2009). Demand response and energy efficiency can help improve

electric-system operations by reducing the demand peak and driving peak prices to a lower level.

In 2008 there was 38,000 MW potentially available for peak shaving through demand response

programs in the US (Cappers, Goldman, and Kathan 2010). Demand response is considered a

neglected way of solving electricity industry problems (Spees and Lave 2007) and can

potentially be used more significantly in the future (Walawalkar et al. 2010).

An example of such a policy is Pennsylvania’s “Act 129,” 2which targets energy efficiency and

peak demand reduction. It requires electric utilities within Pennsylvania to reduce their annual

demand (i.e., annual kilowatt-hmy sales) by one percent, relative to 2010 levels, with an

additional 4.5 percent reduction during the 100 highest-demand hours. As Pennsylvania is part of

a regional electricity market in the Mid-Atlantic and Midwestern U.S. (the PJM Interconnection),

this state-level policy will have both local effects in Pennsylvania and potentially broader effects

1 This chapter has been published in Energy Policy: Mostafa Sahraei-Ardakani, Seth Blumsack, Andrew Kleit, 2012,

“Distributional Impacts of State-Level Energy Efficiency Policies in Regional Electricity Markets,” Energy Policy, Vol. 49, pp. 365-372 2 The full text of Act 129 can be found at: http://www.puc.state.pa.us/electric/pdf/Act129/HB2200-Act129_Bill.pdf



throughout PJM. These regional impacts are important policy outcomes, but capturing these

effects can be complex.

Many previous analyses of electricity policies (e.g., Mansur and Holland, 2006; Apt, et al.,

2008; Newcomer, et al., 2008; Newcomer and Apt, 2009; Blumsack, 2009; Dowds, et al., 2010)

utilize system-wide models that cannot capture locational differences in policy impacts. I refer to

this type of model as the “single dispatch curve model.” This body of literature uses publicly-

available data on generator characteristics and fuel prices to estimate a single system-wide

supply curve, and the supply-curve model is then used to estimate or simulate the impacts of

policy (as shown in Figure 1). Since locational impacts on prices and fuels utilization are

important policy variables for assessing the impacts of Pennsylvania’s Act 129, this research

takes a different approach. I utilize a statistical model to estimate supply curves for electricity in

different utility zones of the PJM market. These zonal supply curves form the basis of my

locational assessment of Act 129’s impacts.

I find that Act 129 lowers the total cost of generation between 2.1 to 2.8 percent for utilities

inside Pennsylvania in a year similar to 2009. The generation cost has the largest share in

consumer’s bills but does not include the distribution charges. Estimated savings are less than 0.5

percent for the utilities outside Pennsylvania. A previous study suggests that the benefit to cost

ratio associated with Act 129 to be between 1.9 to 2.8 in different utility zones of PJM with

exception of Allegheny Power for which the ratio is 4.1 (Statewide Evaluation Team, 2009). I

estimate that Act 129 may increase prices in Washington, D.C. and southern Maryland, although

these price increases are much smaller than the price declines in other areas of PJM.



The rest of this chapter is organized as follows: In Section 2 an overview of a model I have

developed in previous work (Kleit, et al., 2011) is provided that allows us to estimate zonal

supply curves in transmission-constrained electricity markets. Section 3 presents my estimated

supply curves and a statistical sensitivity analysis suggesting that my choice of model is

appropriate. The model estimated in Section 3 forms the basis of my analysis of the locational

impacts of Pennsylvania’s Act 129 in Section 4. Section 5 offers some concluding comments.

2.2.Model Description

The existence of transmission congestion implies that locational prices will differ (Wu et al,

1997). A statistical model is utilized that uses fuel prices and zonal electric loads to determine

piecewise supply curves, each segment of which represents the influence of a particular fuel type

on the zonal electricity price. To illustrate this method, I focus on estimating piecewise supply

curves with segments representing three major fuels which are consumed by thermal power

plants: coal, natural gas, and oil. Because of technological differences in power plants and

differences in fuels utilization, it is expected that the electricity price will be more correlated

with the price of the relevant fuel at each specific load level. By estimating the price and fuel

utilization at the zonal level I implicitly account for transmission constraints that inhibit the

movement of electricity between zones and produce order-of-magnitude impact estimates that

are useful for policy evaluation.

I model zonal supply curves in an electricity market as a function of load in the relevant zone,

system-wide load and fuel prices. The goal is to determine load-based thresholds or load

intervals where variations in electricity prices can be explained by variations in specific fuel

prices, i.e., gas, coal or oil (A “nuclear” segment is not estimated, as nuclear energy is almost



never the marginal fuel in the PJM system and thus the marginal cost of generating electricity

from fission generally does not set the market price). I will refer to this fuel-type correlation as a

specific fuel being “on the margin.” For example, if my model detects that for some interval of

demands, variation in electricity prices can be explained by variations in natural gas prices, then

I will say that natural gas is “on the margin” for that interval of zonal electricity demand. My

model does not permit multiple fuels to be on the margin simultaneously within a zone.1 Because

my econometric model estimates zonal supply curves by correlating electricity price variation to

fuel-price variation (i.e., I do not use individual plant outputs to estimate zonal electricity prices),

the definition of “marginal fuel” used in this chapter differs from that used in RTO State of the

Market Reports.2 By estimating prices and marginal fuels at the zonal level, rather than at the

system level (as in Newcomer, et al., 2008) I implicitly account for the impact of transmission

constraints on zonal price formation. This enables us to calculate the zonal effects of

Pennsylvania’s Act 129 both on prices and emissions. The statistical model is described in

greater detail in the technical appendix to Kleit, et al (2011), but I outline the basic features here.

My approach is to minimize the sum of squared errors in the following equation:







1 This is a limitation of our modeling approach that we leave for future methodological work. Data on marginal

fuel in the PJM system as a whole suggests that in the presence of congestion, multiple fuels may be on the margin simultaneously (i.e., the marginal fuel may differ by location). The model that we utilize to study the Act 129 demand-reduction policy implicitly assumes that there is no transmission congestion within a single utility zone. 2 For PJM, these reports are available online at www.monitoringanalytics.com.



Where pe is the price of electricity, pC, pG and pO are the prices of coal, gas, and oil. SFC, SFG,

and SFO are the parts of supply function associated with fuel coal, gas, and oil. qi presents the

zonal demand in zone i. Finally MC, MG, and MO are the binary variables indicating whether coal,

gas, or oil is on the margin. Subscript i indicates the zone while subscript k is used for the

indicating the kth

observation. For the sake of simplicity I use i iT qq in my formulation to

account for the demand in the entire market. My Mji variable is defined as follows:


















Equation (2-2) implies that for each level of demand in each zone, one and only one fuel is on

the margin for which the related M function is equal to 1.

In order to use Equation 1, the SF and M functions need to be specified. I utilize a quadratic

parameterization for the SF functions, as shown in equation (2-3).




210),,()32( TjijiTjijiijijiijijijijijiTiji qpqpqpqpppqqSF



where pei and pji are the price of electricity and fuel j in zone i, α and β parameters are the supply

function coefficients. As the notation suggests, fuel prices can be different among the zones.

Equation (2-3) implies that electricity prices are quadratic function of electrical load, while the

coefficients of the function can vary by fuel prices.

I define the M function in equation (2-1), which specifies the thresholds that segment the supply

curve, as regions in on qi-qT space. This method defines the set of values {qi, qT} for which a

given fuel would be on the margin in zone i, as shown conceptually in Figure 2. Intuitively, the

regions define different combinations of zonal load and load in the entire PJM system for which

my model estimates that a specific fuel has the most influence in determining that zone’s

electricity prices. These threshold frontiers are defined mathematically as:

















































When iGCTh ,/ is negative, the observation lays below the threshold frontier for switching from

coal to gas. The same holds for iOGTh ,/ . Figure 2 shows that when both iGCTh ,/ and iOGTh ,/ are

negative, coal is on the margin. When both of the parameters become positive, the observation



lays on the last part of the supply curve which belongs to oil. Gas is on the margin when iOGTh ,/

is negative and iGCTh ,/ is positive. By including a constraint I ensure that 0,/ iGCTh and

0,/ iOGTh do not occur simultaneously. The points at which electricity supply shifts from one

fuel to another (coal to gas, or gas to oil) are defined by the locus of points at which Equation (4)

is equal to zero.

Figure 2: The variable threshold method defines regions in {qi, qT} space where a given fuel is

on the margin. My approach assumes that these frontiers are linear, and thus the estimation

problem amounts to determining the corner solutions for each frontier



Given a set of thresholds, parameters for supply functions (i.e., equation (2-3)) can be found by

using a least squares regression method. However, different sets of thresholds yield different

sums of squared errors so it is not always clear which choice of thresholds is optimal. To solve

this problem, which is in general non-differential and multi-modal (i.e., featuring many local

minima or maxima), I have used an evolutionary algorithm to find the set of thresholds that

minimizes the overall sum of squared errors in equation (2-1). The particular algorithm that I

use is known as CMA-ES (Hansen et al., 1996, 2001, 2004; Suttorp et al., 2009).

2.3.Estimation of Zonal Supply Curves in PJM

In order to assess the locational impacts of Act 129 in different areas of the PJM electricity

market, I estimate supply curves for electricity on a zonal basis for the PJM electricity market

using the model discussed in Section 2. These zones are shown in Figure 3 and listed in Table 1.

The data requirements for estimating zonal supply curves include hourly electric demand and

real-time electricity prices (obtained from PJM), as well as fuel price data for coal, oil and

natural gas specific to the PJM region (obtained from the U.S. Energy Information

Administration). I use data from January 2006 through December 2009 in my estimation of

zonal supply curves.



Figure 3: Geographical distribution of utility zones in PJM market (www.pjm.com)

Table 1: PJM Zonal Abbreviations

Utility Name Abbreviation Utility Name Abbreviation

Allegheny Power Systems

APS Jersey Central Power and Light Company


American Electric Power

AEP Metropolitan Edison Company


Atlantic City Electric Company

AECO Philadelphia Electric Company


Baltimore Gas and Electric Company

BGE Pennsylvania Power and Light


Commonwealth Edison Company

COMED Pennsylvania Electric Company


Dayton Power and Light Company

DAY Potomac Electric Power Company


Dominion DOM Public Service Electric and Gas Company


Delmarva Power and Light Company

DPL Rockland Electric Company


Duquesne Light DUQ



Tables 2 and 3 present the results of my zonal supply curve estimation analysis, in which I have

econometrically estimated piecewise supply curves using equations (1) – (3). Table 2 shows my

estimated thresholds, where the fuel “on the margin” changes for each of the seventeen zones in

PJM. Table 3 shows the frequency with which each fuel is on the margin, without considering

the impacts of Act 129.

Table 2: Estimated zonal supply curve thresholds for the PJM market

qi, C/G qi, G/O qT, C/G qT, G/O R2

APS 3,774 6,035 -279,633 -339,974 0.51 AEP 10,120 32,020 -154,498 470,804 0.51 AECO 1,812 6,826 162,474 210,135 0.50 BGE 1,480 13,298 -58,987 256,953 0.48 COMED 20,835 22,378 136,912 2,539,733 0.48 DPL 912 9,745 -77,058 211,833 0.48 DUQ 4,768 1,838 118,061 -268,531 0.36 JCPL 2,236 21,195 416,978 178,123 0.47 METED 4,193 3,721 100,796 585,047 0.47 PECO 14,194 23,879 95,512 195,971 0.46 PPL 8,784 5,090 123,051 -311,513 0.47 PENELEC -20,111 3,644 64,650 564,001 0.48 PEPCO 7,143 5,854 105,180 -1,663,835 0.47 PSEG 13,427 17,780 88,355 288,573 0.51 RECO 195 1,771 166,196 166,857 0.50 DAY 2,314 4,569 689,243 480,354 0.46 DOM 32,411 31,642 84,371 301,013 0.49



Table 3: Estimated zonal marginal fuel frequencies in the PJM market

Coal Gas Oil

APS 21.92 77.69 0.41 AEP 37.66 62.10 0.26 AECO 19.77 80.02 0.22 BGE 13.70 86.11 0.20 COMED 27.38 72.48 0.15 DPL 12.48 87.29 0.25 DUQ 48.57 50.91 0.54 JCPL 7.67 92.11 0.23 METED 17.93 81.96 0.13 PECO 23.40 76.38 0.23 PPL 20.26 78.73 1.02 PENELEC 29.51 70.31 0.20 PEPCO 13.45 86.31 0.25 PSEG 10.62 89.15 0.24 RECO 10.06 89.75 0.20 DAY 47.71 51.98 0.33 DOM 19.42 80.40 0.19

Figure 4 illustrates the estimated thresholds for the APS zone, which covers Central

Pennsylvania and portions of West Virginia.1 The figure illustrates how the fuel on the margin

can be sensitive to the zonal and system load. For example, the slope of the coal/gas threshold

indicates the sensitivity of switching from coal to gas to the demand in APS and the total PJM’s

electrical load. I also observe that the slope of gas/oil threshold is positive. This counter-intuitive

threshold occurs because of the transmission constraints. I explain this phenomenon on a simple

three node test system in an Appendix to this dissertation.

1 Visualizations of the supply curve thresholds for other PJM zones are available from the authors upon request.



Figure 4: Estimated thresholds for APS. Shading represents real time prices; darker shading

indicates higher prices.

I employed F-tests to test the null hypothesis that the parameters on quadratic terms in the

regression equations are statistically different from zero. The F-test results are shown in Table 4

suggesting that the quadratic functional form is appropriate.




Table 4: F-Test results for significance of quadratic terms

Variable Thresholds

F P-Val

APS 56.16 0.00 AEP 34.55 0.00 AECO 77.14 0.00 BGE 69.84 0.00 COMED 23.72 0.00 DPL 38.34 0.00 DUQ 37.94 0.00 JCPL 8.66 0.00 METED 67.28 0.00 PECO 14.15 0.00 PPL 20.09 0.00 PENELEC 39.85 0.00 PEPCO 48.10 0.00 PSEG 2.34 0.03 RECO 21.85 0.00 DAY 43.92 0.00 DOM 30.37 0.00

I also employ F-tests to examine whether using fixed thresholds, as implied by Figure 1, yields

supply curves that are statistically similar to my model (Figure 2). The fixed threshold approach

assumes that the transition from one marginal fuel to another depends only on the level of

demand in a given zone. While the fixed threshold model yields results that are easier to

visualize, I find that my model provides better fit to the data. The results of these specification

tests are shown in Table 5 for all the utility zones in the PJM market. The results suggest that the

improvement in the fit with variable thresholds is statistically significant at the 95% level for

every zone except BGE.



Table 5: F-Test results for significance of variable thresholds

Piecewise Linear Piecewise Quadratic

F P-Val F P-Val

APS 39.12 0.00 6.58 0.00 AEP 23.63 0.00 22.08 0.00 AECO 17.57 0.00 4.47 0.01 BGE 1.16 0.31 5.43 0.00 COMED 23.55 0.00 14.69 0.00 DPL 4.14 0.02 6.61 0.00 DUQ 24.39 0.00 33.66 0.00 JCPL 12.33 0.00 8.21 0.00 METED 21.99 0.00 4.74 0.01 PECO 13.51 0.00 12.58 0.00 PPL 37.10 0.00 29.26 0.00 PENELEC 49.81 0.00 43.43 0.00 PEPCO 5.89 0.00 5.26 0.01 PSEG 13.12 0.00 13.13 0.00 RECO 15.88 0.00 19.33 0.00 DAY 10.10 0.00 5.42 0.00 DOM 11.67 0.00 12.83 0.00

2.4.Estimating the Impacts of Pennsylvania’s Act 129

I estimate the impact of Act 129 on zonal electricity prices in PJM, the frequency with which

each fuel is on the margin in each PJM zone, and the emissions of greenhouse gases by power

generators in the PJM system. I compare my results with those obtained from a single system

dispatch curve model that ignores transmission constraints, as in Figure 1 and Newcomer et al.

(2008). Act 129 requires utilities in Pennsylvania to cut their annual electrical load by 1 percent,

with additional load reductions amounting to 4.5 percent during the 100 highest-load hours each

year. My analysis uses 2009 (the year in which Act 129 was passed) as a base year, so annual

and peak-time load reductions are measured relative to 2009 electricity demand in PJM. The fuel



price scenario that is examined assumes prices of coal, gas and oil to be 2$/million BTU,

8$/million BTU, and 10.66$/million BTU respectively (Kleit, et al., 2011). This is similar to

prices prevailing in 2009 in the PJM region. This set of prices is used in my example so that I

can readily compare my results to previous work. Recent shifts in fuel prices may affect my


I first use the single dispatch curve model to estimate the impacts of Act 129 on electricity prices

in PJM, fuels utilization and emissions. These results will be benchmarked against a zonal

analysis of Act 129 later in this Section. To estimate a single short-run supply curve for PJM, , I

use plant-level data from the EPA’s e-GRID database, in conjunction with my assumed fuel

prices. This is approximately the curve that is shown in Figure 1.1 For each hmy in 2009, I

estimate how Act 129 will change the market-clearing point in PJM and calculate the impacts on

prices, fuels utilization and emissions accordingly. I generate hourly electricity demands under

Act 129 using the following procedure:

1. For each hmy in my 2009 data set, I use zonal demand data from PJM to

determine Pennsylvania’s share of total PJM electricity demand.

2. Each hour’s demand in Pennsylvania is reduced by 1 percent; this reduction is

reflected in a reduced PJM-wide level of electricity demand.

3. In the top 100 hours of demand, each hour’s demand in Pennsylvania is further

reduced by 4.5 percent. This reduction is also reflected in a reduced PJM-wide

level of electricity demand during the 100 highest-demand hours.

1 The supply curve shown in Figure 1 is taken from Newcomer, et al. (2008), which uses different fuel

prices than we do in this example.



My estimates of Act 129’s impact generated using the single dispatch curve model projects that

total electricity costs in the PJM territory in a year similar to 2009 would decline by $150

million. I do not observe any shifts in the marginal fuel. The reduction in Pennsylvania demand

is sufficiently small relative to the size of the PJM system as a whole that the frequency with

which coal, natural gas or oil is estimated to be the marginal fuel does not change. Using plant-

level average emissions data from the e-GRID database, I calculate that Act 129 would reduce

annual carbon dioxide emissions in the PJM territory by 2.9 million tons in a year similar to


I next compare the PJM-wide analysis to a zonal analysis of Act 129. I again use 2009 as a test

year, and estimate the zonal impacts of Act 129’s implementation on electricity prices, fuels

utilization and emissions. Specifically, my zonal analysis simulates a scenario where utilities

within Pennsylvania (APS, DUQ, METED, PECO, PPL, PENELEC) comply with the demand-

reduction requirements of Act 129. Electricity demand in other PJM zones is held constant. It is

noted that some of the service territory of APS lies outside Pennsylvania. For simplicity, I

assumed that APS meets Act 129 demand reduction goals in its entire territory. For each of the

Pennsylvania zones, the supply curve for that zone is used to estimate the new market-clearing

point following the Act 129 demand reductions.

Analysis of Act 129 using my estimated zonal supply curves suggests that the savings in PJM

would be $275 million, about $235 million of which would be enjoyed by electricity consumers

in Pennsylvania. This implies that the total cost of electricity in Pennsylvania and territories of

APS outside Pennsylvania would decline by 2.5 percent, while total costs within the PJM system

as a whole would decline by 1.1 percent. The effects on prices and fuel utilization at zonal level



are presented in table 6 and 7. My results are of the same order-of-magnitude as existing

analyses of Act 129’s impacts (PennFuture, 2011), which suggest that savings due to Act 129

would be $278 million. The primary reason for the differences between my analysis and that in

PennFuture (2011) is that my analysis assumes that Pennsylvania utilities meet Act 129 demand-

reduction targets exactly, while PennFuture (2011) considers a case where these targets are

exceeded by more than 40 percent.

Applying average CO2 emission factors (emissions per MWh of electricity generated) for

Pennsylvania coal-fired plants, gas plants and oil plants from Blumsack, et al. (2010), I estimate

that annual emissions of carbon dioxide would decline by approximately 4 million metric tons.



Table 6: Act 129’s Effect on Zonal Electricity Prices in PJM


Price ($/MWh) Total Costs ( Millions of dollars)

Without Act 129 With Act 129 BAU Act 129

Savings Savings

Min Average Max Min Average Max (%)

APS 15.9 46.57 189.08 15.57 45.88 109.59 2294 2228 66 2.88

AEP 16.9 38.73 119.47 16.9 38.71 118.44 5445 5441 4 0.07

AECO 15.59 53.54 168.18 15.39 53.25 164.78 637 633 4 0.56

BGE 16.07 55.97 165.29 15.84 55.94 166.12 2017 2017 0 0.01

COMED 13.3 40.47 109.08 13.27 40.33 109.04 4223 4209 14 0.33

DPL 16.77 54 141.15 16.62 53.84 141.06 1072 1069 3 0.28

DUQ 16.82 37.49 103.71 16.59 36.9 87.58 548 532 15 2.78

JCPL 21.42 52.67 121.1 21.4 52.42 119.07 1310 1304 6 0.48

METED 19.5 51.39 138.61 19.48 50.86 132.27 840 822 19 2.21

PECO 17.1 51.91 125.68 17.32 51.22 120.11 2247 2190 57 2.53

PPL 18.04 50.44 164.02 17.86 49.76 150.03 2204 2143 61 2.76

PENELEC 17.98 44.72 105.68 17.78 44.27 102.89 812 795 17 2.1

PEPCO 15.93 57.23 199.59 15.71 57.21 201.15 1957 1957 -1 -0.03

PSEG 18.99 53.6 120.33 18.86 53.34 118.05 2546 2533 13 0.49

RECO 16.56 52.97 112.24 16.34 52.73 109.76 83 83 0 0.46

DAY 18.02 37.68 96.94 17.97 37.64 96.79 687 687 1 0.11

DOM 16.33 55.62 144.97 16.1 55.63 145.71 5650 5654 -4 -0.06

My results show that implementation of Act 129 in Pennsylvania would have the effect of

decreasing wholesale electricity prices in many areas of the PJM territory that lie outside of

Pennsylvania.1 I also observe, however, that in DOM, PEPCO, and BGE the cost of electricity

1 Detailed model results are available from the authors.



may increase as load is reduced in Pennsylvania, although the magnitude of the increase (0.04%)

is significantly smaller than the magnitude of the price decreases in other PJM zones. While the

system supply curve in PJM is non-decreasing, locational prices can increase when the demand

is decreased in other areas. This seemingly counter-intuitive result arises as an implication of

Kirchhoff’s Laws and congestion on the transmission network. Intuitively, in a power network

where flows are governed by Kirchhoff’s Laws, a decrease in electricity demand at one location

can increase the transmission availability for exports delivered to another location, and thus the

price of delivered power at that other location. Similar effects are described in Kirschen and

Strbac (2004), and a more detailed description is presented in the Appendix to this dissertation.



Table 7: Act 129’s Effect on Zonal Fuel Utilization in PJM


Fuel Share (percentage)

Without Act 129 With Act 129

Coal Gas Oil Coal Gas Oil

APS 29.13 70.52 0.35 30.91 69.09 0

AEP 55.99 43.99 0.02 55.69 44.29 0.02

AECO 22.55 77.45 0 22.71 77.29 0

BGE 14.98 85.02 0 14.69 85.31 0

COMED 30.74 69.26 0 31.08 68.92 0

DPL 16.58 83.42 0 16.37 83.63 0

DUQ 53.29 46.65 0.06 54.99 45.01 0

JCPL 11.17 88.83 0 11.21 88.79 0

METED 20.37 79.63 0 20.97 79.03 0

PECO 25.12 74.88 0 25.98 74.02 0

PPL 23.24 75.88 0.88 24.05 75.85 0.1

PENELEC 30.73 69.27 0 30.98 69.02 0

PEPCO 15.45 84.52 0.02 15.56 84.42 0.02

PSEG 13.17 86.83 0 13.35 86.65 0

RECO 13.15 86.85 0 13.27 86.73 0

DAY 60.08 39.92 0 60.18 39.82 0

DOM 14.82 85.18 0 15.03 84.97 0

The estimated impacts of Act 129 are uniformly larger using my regional supply curve

estimation method than using the single dispatch curve method. Total estimated electricity cost

savings are 67 percent larger, and estimated carbon dioxide emissions reductions are nearly 40



percent larger using the regional supply curve method. Using my regional supply curve

estimation method, I find that 85 percent of the net benefit of Act 129 is enjoyed by

Pennsylvania utilities, in the form of lower electricity costs. When the single dispatch curve

model is used, the region-specific impacts cannot be differentiated.


Analysis of electricity policies such as Pennsylvania’s Act 129 often requires understanding the

effects of transmission constraints, which can be very complex. Incorporating transmission-

system impacts in engineering models needs detailed information that is neither publicly

available nor practical to use for many economists or policy analysts. Many existing analyses

thus abstract from transmission constraints. I utilize a method that estimates zonal prices and

fuel utilization in a transmission-constrained electricity markets to estimate the impacts of

Pennsylvania’s Act 129 for utilities both inside and outside Pennsylvania. While the assumption

that transmission constraints can be ignored makes policy models more tractable, my analysis of

Pennsylvania Act 129 suggests that these models may underestimate the impacts of electricity


I find that compliance with Act 129 demand-reduction targets lowers total electric generation

costs in Pennsylvania by 2.1 to 2.88 percent in a year similar to 2009. My cost reduction

estimates are nearly twice as large as those generated by models that do not account for

transmission constraints. I also estimate significantly larger emissions reductions associated with

demand-reduction policy than previous analyses would imply (e.g., Newcomer, 2008). I also

find evidence of both positive and negative pecuniary externalities associated with state-level

energy efficiency policies. While the electricity prices decline in most of the other zones of PJM



(the positive pecuniary externality), these price declines are generally smaller than those within

Pennsylvania. In southern parts of Maryland and eastern parts of Virginia, I estimate that Act

129 in isolation would actually increase electricity prices (this is the negative pecuniary

externality). Differences in estimated generation reductions and emissions implications relative

to previous work, combined with the possibility for pecuniary effects, suggests that state-level

energy efficiency policies can have broad regional benefits, but such benefits are unlikely to be




3. Estimating Zonal Electricity Supply Curves in Transmission-

Constrained Electricity Markets1


Many energy and environmental policy initiatives (including emissions regulations; renewable

portfolio standards; and efficiency policies) would affect the operation of electric power grid.

Analysis of such policies is however difficult in the absence of reliable models of the electric

power system. The North American power transmission grid has been called “the largest and

most complex machine in the world” (Amin, 2004). Detailed modeling of the system requires

complete engineering data on every element of the system such as transmission lines,

transformers and generators. This engineering approach is often not feasible in the context of

policy analysis due to the proprietary nature of the data and engineering model complexity. As a

result, many policy models in the existing literature often neglect the effects of the transmission

system and use the relatively simple dispatch curve models (Mansur and Holland, 2006; Apt, et

al., 2008; Newcomer, et al., 2008; Newcomer and Apt, 2009; Blumsack, 2009; Dowds, et al.,

2010; Borenstein et al., 2002; Joskow and Kahn, 2001).

In order to construct a dispatch curve, power plants in a system are sorted according to their

marginal cost. Figure 1 shows an estimated dispatch curve for PJM and is calculated similar to

(Newcomer, et al., 2008). Given data on electricity demand, the dispatch curve can be utilized to

determine the marginal unit in the system, as well as the market price in the absence of

transmission constraints (the so-called “System Marginal Price”). However because of the

1 This chapter is under review for publication in Energy Economics: Mostafa Sahraei-Ardakani, Seth Blumsack,

Andrew Kleit, 2012, “Estimating zonal supply curves in transmission-constrained electricity markets,” Energy Economics



transmission constraints, both prices and marginal technologies can be potentially different at

different locations within the power system. For example in PJM during the peak hours prices

are much higher in eastern areas such as Philadelphia and Washington, D.C. compared to

Western Pennsylvania and West Virginia. At such times coal may be on the margin in the

western areas while oil is on the margin in eastern PJM.

Locational price differences induced by transmission congestion can introduce challenges in the

context of policy analysis. I take as an example Pennsylvania’s Act 129, which is an energy

conservation and efficiency policy that requires the state’s utilities to reduce their annual demand

by one percent with some additional peak demand shaving.1 By looking at the dispatch curve in

Figure 5, one can see that the slope of the supply curve is low when the demand is less than 250

GW, and a policy analyst assessing the price impact of Act 129 would predict that the Act would

not materially reduce wholesale prices in the PJM system (and, consequently, in Pennsylvania).

Such an assessment would ignore important locational price differences, with two potential

consequences. First, the estimated potential impacts of an efficiency policy such as Act 129 are

likely to be biased downwards, since they would not capture the steeper supply curves (higher-

cost generation) used in locations downstream from transmission constraints. Second, the policy

analyst would not be able to estimate locational differences in price impacts and fuels utilization.

These locational impacts may be important for policy analysis.

1 The full text of Act 129 can be found online at http://www.puc.state.pa.us/electric/pdf/Act129/HB2200-




Figure 5-Top: Dispatch curve for PJM using the following fuel prices: Coal: $2/MMBTU, Gas:

$8/MMBTU, Oil: $15/MMBTU. This set of prices is similar to the situation in late 2008; Bottom:

The supply curve from 120 to 220 GWh of demand. This shows the transition from coal to

natural gas more clearly.

Figure 1 suggests that I can differentiate the technologies in the supply curve and find thresholds

based on demand levels where the marginal input fuel switches. Recent shifts in relative fuel

prices in the PJM region, however (Figure 6), have resulted in some short-run substitution of

natural gas for coal technologies as the marginal cost of efficient combined-cycle gas plants

declines to levels similar to that of coal fired plants. The threshold between the region where

coal is the marginal technology and natural gas is the marginal technology becomes fuzzy, as

shown in Figure 7. When there is a fuzzy region, the marginal technology is effectively fueled

by a mixture of coal and natural gas. Further changes in relative fuel prices (which may be

caused by additional declines in natural gas prices or increases in other fuel prices) will serve to



widen this fuzzy region, which means that a mixture of coal and natural gas will be marginal

over a wider range of load.

Figure 6: Fuel price trends since January 2006.













































Figure 7-Top: Dispatch curve for PJM using the following fuel prices: Coal: $2/MMBTU, Gas:

$3/MMBTU, Oil: $20 /MMBTU. Increases in the price of coal relative to natural gas price

results in a region where a mixture of coal and gas is marginal; Bottom: The same curve is

shown for the region representing 120 to 220 GWh of demand. It shows how a mixture of two

fuels is marginal when demand is between 120 and 200 GWh.

Here I seek to develop a model with publicly available data that can capture locational

differences in technologies and fuels that are on the margin in transmission-constrained

electricity systems. My method implicitly models transmission constraints by estimating price

and marginal fuel at the zonal level as a function of zonal and system-level electricity demand.

(Large-scale power systems are often divided into geographic “zones” for planning, pricing or

other purposes; see Sahraei-Ardakani, et al., 2011). The rest of this chapter is organized as

follows: section 2 reviews the relevant literature. A simple example which motivates my method



is presented in section 3. My econometric model is described in section 4. The results of the

model applied to the seventeen utility zones of PJM are presented in section 5. Section 6 includes

the simulation of Pennsylvania Act 129 and a carbon tax policy. Section 7 concludes this


3.2.Literature Review

There are several methods in the literature for forecasting short term electricity prices. These

methods include probabilistic estimation of price duration curves (Valenzuela and Mazumdar,

2005), short term forecast with fuzzy neural networks (Amjady, 2006), transfer functions

(Nogales and Conejo, 2006), linear and nonlinear time series (Kian and Keyhani, 2001; Misiorek

et al, 2006). These methods are designed to forecast short term prices from hours to a week

ahead. These models forecast the prices well but cannot be used in policy analysis where

estimation over longer periods of time is needed. Abstract equilibrium models such as (Ruibal

and Mazumdar, 2008) can provide insights into how the players can raise the prices, but cannot

be applied directly to the real markets.

Many policy analyses in the existing literature employ a simpler approach. They gather publicly-

available information on generator parameters such as heat rate, fuel type and capacity e-GRID

(US EPA, egrid v. 1.1) or other similar data sources. They also collect fuel prices and construct a

simple “dispatch curve” (short-run marginal cost curve) for the system by sorting the plants from

lowest to the highest marginal cost, without considering how transmission constraints may

impact the ability of the system operator to dispatch power plants in an economically efficient

fashion. This approach is more or less used in (Borenstein et al., 2002; Joskow and Kahn, 2001;



Mansur and Holland, 2006; Apt, et al., 2008; Newcomer, et al., 2008; Newcomer and Apt, 2009;

Blumsack, 2009; Dowds, et al., 2010).

While the dispatch curve models are relatively straightforward to construct, they ignore

constraints on the electric transmission network. In a power system, electricity flows are

determined by Kirchhoff’s Laws, so it cannot be assumed that electricity from a given source is

delivered to a given sink. When power systems are so constrained, the analyst’s problem

becomes much more difficult.

Here statistical methods and evolutionary optimization are used to construct a model for the

purpose of policy analysis, while focusing on capturing location-specific impacts of electricity

policies. I estimate the technology (which effectively sets the price) in each utility zone based on

the level of demand. In transmission-constrained markets it is possible for multiple technologies

to be simultaneously marginal (Kirschen and Strbac 2004). To address this my model utilizes a

type of fuzzy logic that allows mixtures of technologies to simultaneously be on the margin and

set the price in a given utility zone.

3.3.Motivating Example

The following example shows how transmission constraints introduce complexities in building

supply curves and performing policy analysis. Figure 4 shows a simple electric system with two

nodes. There is a single generator and single customer or “load” at each node. The generators

are assumed to have simple linear marginal cost functions; MC(G1) = 5 + G1 for the generator at

node 1, and MC(G2) = 10 + 2G2 for the generator at node 2. For the purposes of this example,

any capacity constraints on the two generators are ignored but I will assume that the transmission

line connecting the two nodes has a capacity limit of 20 Megawatts (MW). If demand at node 1



in a certain hmy is given by L1 = 30 MWh and demand at node 2 is given by L2 = 35 MWh, then

total demand in the system is L = 65 MWh and there is no transmission constraint. The supply

curve for the system is thus the vertical sum of the individual supply curves: G = 1.5P – 10 for

G>5, where G = G1 + G2 and P is the market price of electricity. At a demand of 65 MWh, We

thus have 65 = 1.5P – 10, and the market-clearing price for electricity is $50/MWh. Under this

scenario, G1 = 45 MWh and G2 = 20 MWh. Thus, 10 MWh of electric energy is transferred

across the transmission line from node 1 to node 2. A policy that, for example, would reduce

demand at node 2 by 10 MWh would reduce the market-clearing price for all consumers in the

system to $43.3/MWh.

At higher levels of demand, however, the transmission constraint prevents some lower-cost

generation from being delivered across the transmission line. Higher-cost generation local to the

downstream node must be dispatched instead. This introduces kinks into the supply curve for

each location; the location of the kinks depends on both the demand at the specific location and

the aggregate demand at all locations in the network. The “out-of-merit” dispatch of power

generators in the presence of transmission congestion segments the electricity market into two

zonal sub-markets, each of which have their own supply curve and their own clearing price.

These prices are, in essence, the Locational Marginal Prices (LMP) used in most organized

wholesale markets in the United States. Using my example in Figure 8, if the capacity of the

transmission line is constrained to 5 MW, then the marginal cost functions to supply electricity at

each node are given by Equation (3-1).



Figure 8: Without transmission congestion, there is a single system-wide supply curve and a

single system-wide market price. The presence of transmission congestion segments the market,

so that Nodes 1 and 2 effectively have different supply curves and different locational market


Node 1

MC(G1) = 5 + G


Node 2

MC(G2) = 10 + 2G








No Transmission Constraint

With Transmission


MC(L=65) =$50/MWh

MC(L1=30) = 40 MC(L

2=35) = 70





Determining each of these supply curves for a two-node example is tractable in closed form,

even if the network is transmission-constrained. Realistic networks, however, are more complex

and far less tractable.


When the system is constrained, different fuels can set the electricity price in different zones. For

each zone this fuel is called “zonal marginal fuel”. The zonal marginal fuel is modeled as a

function of the relevant zonal demand, system-wide demand and relative fuel prices. Then I

assign a separate segment of the zonal supply curve to each fuel type that depends only on the

relevant fuel price and load. Electricity prices are estimated based on a membership function that

relates each observation to the marginal fuels. My approach is to minimize the sum of squared

errors in the following equation:







ikjiTkikjiik epqqSFpqqMp1




The subscript i represents the zone i, j indicates the fuel j, and k is the number of the observation.

Mj is the membership function specifying the influence of fuel j on the price in zone i. pik is the

zonal electricity price, F


is the vector of zonal fuel prices and qik is the zonal load. For the sake

of simplicity I use ∑ in my formulation to account for demand in other zones of the

market. SFij is the partial supply function regarding fuel j at zone i. ji

and ji

are the parameter

vectors for M and SF functions and eik is the error term for the observation k at zone i.

By estimating equation (3-2) separately for each zone, I am able to capture the zonal price and

fuel utilization differences resulting from transmission congestion. The model is flexible enough

to estimate piecewise supply curves with as many segments as desired (or for which data is

available). For my simulation studies j=3 is chosen to include coal, natural gas and oil, the three

major marginal fuels in PJM (While PJM uses substantial amounts of nuclear power, this

technology is not marginal in the PJM system and therefore never sets the price). Since I

estimate fuzzy membership functions the three segments of the supply curve can potentially

overlap. I refer to this area of overlap as the “fuzzy gap.” The membership functions Mji should

satisfy the following conditions:











Equation (3-3) states the probability principles for the membership functions. The probability of

each fuel being marginal is between 0 and 1, and the probability of all fuels being marginal sums

to 1. Thus equation (3-2) may be rewritten as:









Where pei is the price of electricity and pCi, pGi and pOi are the prices of coal, gas, and oil. SFCi,

SFGi, and SFOi are the parts of supply function associated with fuels coal, gas, and oil, MCi, MGi,

and MOi are the membership functions indicating how much coal, gas, or oil is on the margin. All

these variables are considered at zone i.

In order to use Equation (3-4), the SF and M functions need to be specified. I use quadratic

supply curves as shown in Equation (3-5).




210:),,()53( TjijiTjijiijijiijijijijieijiTiji qpqpqpqppppqqSF

where α and β parameters are the supply function coefficients. As the notation suggests, fuel

prices can differ on a zonal basis. Equation (5) implies that electricity price is a quadratic

function of electrical load, while the coefficients of the function can vary by fuel prices.

In addition to the piecewise supply function I need to assign fuzzy membership functions to each

observation. In my model, the mean of the fuzzy gap is fixed based on quantities, and the width

of the gap is a function of relative fuel prices. As described in Figure 9, the fuzzy membership

functions linearly increase or decrease in the fuzzy gap from 0 to 1. The width of the fuzzy gap

depends on the relative fuel prices as shown in Equation (3-6) for the case of the fuzzy gap

between coal and natural gas.




) (



In Equation (3-6), PC is the price of coal, PG is the price of natural gas and

is the minimum

relative price (i.e., the price of coal relative to the price of gas) defining the existence of a fuzzy

gap. For relative prices below this limit, my probabilistic model becomes similar to the model

described and used in (Sahraei-Ardakani, et al., 2012 ; Kleit et al., 2011), where the thresholds

separating segments of the supply curve are defined by single points. The term specifies

how the fuzzy gap widens when the relative prices increase. I can write the same equation for the

transition from gas to oil as shown in Equation (3-7).


) (




Figure 9: Fuzzy variable thresholds: The fuzzy gap depends on the relative fuel prices while the

mean of the distribution is a fixed line in qi-qT space.

Thus to fully identify the fuzzy thresholds I need to find qi,C/G , qi,G/O, qT,C/G , qT,G/O,

, ,

and . Once these parameters are specified an ordinary least squared (OLS) regression

method can be used to estimate the parameters in Equation (3-5). To minimize the sum of

squared errors in Equation (3-2) I need to find the optimal parameters for the fuzzy threshold.

Estimation of the membership functions is an optimization problem with the objective of

minimizing the sum of squared errors. My examinations show that the objective function is non-






Gas / Oil Fuzzy Gap



Coal / Gas Fuzzy Gap



linear, non-convex, non-differentiable and multi-modal, having multiple local minima. Therefore

classical optimization algorithms fail to handle the problem. I use a powerful evolutionary

optimization algorithm known as Covariance Matrix Adaptation-Evolution Strategy (CMA-ES).

It takes samples from the decision space and approximates the covariance matrix from the fitness

of the samples. In the first step of the algorithm, a number of individual solutions (sets of

parameter estimates) are generated. In each generation, OLS is used to estimate the ω

parameters (see Equation 2) for each individual solution. Then the sum of squared errors is

calculated and fed back to CMA-ES as the fitness of each solution. The fitness values are used to

rank individuals and generate the next generation of parameters for the membership functions.

This process is repeated until the stopping criteria are met (Hansen and Ostermeier 2001; Hansen

et al., 2003).

3.5.Assigning Membership Functions

After specifying all eight parameters needed for the fuzzy thresholds I use them to assign

membership functions to the data points. While the width of the fuzzy gap depends on relative

fuel prices (and thus may vary from observation to observation), I assume that the mean of the

fuzzy gap (the solid lines in Figure 9) is fixed based on own area and PJM quantities. Figure 10

shows how the fuzzy membership function for coal is defined. At points A and B the

membership function gives the value of 1, while at points C and D the function has the value of

zero. The membership function is a linear plane fitting the fmy points. According to analytical

geometry I only need three points to specify the plane. The plane’s formulation is given in

Equation (3-8):






] [

] [


⇒ |


Figure 10: Fuzzy membership function assignment for coal using analytical geometry

formulation for linear plane.












/ q






qi (MW)

qT (MW)



MC‘ is the unadjusted membership function for coal. The formulation provided in Equation (3-8)

gives negative values for points outside the upper bound of the fuzzy gap. It also gives values

larger than one for observations outside the lower bound of the fuzzy gap. I constrain such

estimates to lie on the upper or lower bound of the fuzzy gap, as shown in Equation (3-9)


The membership function for oil is calculated in a similar fashion. I force the fuzzy gaps for

coal/gas and for gas/oil to be disjoint. This is not necessary but it is consistent with the PJM

system, where coal and oil would not be simultaneously on the margin. The membership

function for natural gas is calculated in Equation (3-10).

Implementation of my method also requires some care when estimating zonal electricity prices

within the fuzzy gap, as there is some potential for price estimates to be biased upwards. I

address this issue by adjusting zonal and system loads within the fuzzy gap to bound electricity

price estimates from above. My mechanism for bounding price estimates in this way is

described in detail in Appendix 2.

3.6.Application to PJM utility zones

I utilize my method to estimate supply curves for each of the seventeen utility zones of PJM. A

map of PJM is depicted in Figure 3. The utility names with their abbreviations are presented in

Table 1.



Zonal load and real time prices obtained from the PJM website are used. Fuel prices for

electricity industry are also gathered from the U.S. Energy Information Administration. My data

is from January 2006 to December 2010. The membership function parameters obtained by my

method are presented in table 8. I also estimate the regression parameters introduced in Equation

6 for all the zones. These parameters are presented in table 9. With the information provided in

these two tables the zonal supply curves can be constructed and used for policy analysis. The

thresholds are depicted for Dominion (DOM) in Figure 11, in which we can see the areas where

different fuels are marginal. The figure assumes fuel prices of $2.25 /mmBTU for coal,

$5/Thousand cubic feet for gas and $15/mmBTU for oil. Using this set of fuel prices results in no

fuzzy region for a mixture of gas and oil.

Figure 11: Fuzzy thresholds in Dominion



Table 8: Membership function parameters

qi,C/G qT,C/G qi,G/O qT, G/O

γC/G γG/O

APS 4885 -756628 5194 -197347 0.13 0.93 4002.64 688.42 AEP 8871 -95663 14237 -163279 0.12 1.08 14160.42 186.91 AECO -57548 71221 4941 249087 0.12 0.21 1390.66 316.77 BGE 1458 -50418 4268 -243677 0.11 1.65 4797.34 37.87 COMED -143706 70960 11011 -109778 0.13 0.88 10454.08 0.00 DPL 2923 208975 4126 808240 0.13 0.17 2074.99 408.27 DUQ 1938 1482810 1463 -127304 0.12 0.61 1338.11 0.20 JCPL -5019 48417 641398 123698 0.12 1.70 3762.50 1361.02 METED 788 -62370 932 -53260 0.12 0.83 2077.84 0.00 PECO 27053 93089 20342 189257 0.12 0.17 3169.76 763.40 PPL 120492 81056 41098 141387 0.12 0.17 3256.10 539.73 PENELEC 3584 211710 5632 316370 0.12 0.91 1958.99 0.05 PEPCO -7420 48750 15243 209766 0.11 0.20 2774.62 546.99 PSEG -17851 57186 197078 127596 0.12 0.21 5045.54 1150.43 RECO -545 55368 53335 122155 0.12 0.21 229.03 38.03 DAY 1462 -147721 2221 -168889 0.12 1.25 2764.00 22.16 DOM 7945 -307678 53161 209121 0.11 0.41 6533.03 671.46



Table 9- Regression parameters: * indicates the significant coefficients with 95% confidence interval. Note that the coefficients

presented in the table are normalized and to get the actual numbers each row should be multiplied by the elements of the following


116 1.34E-2 1.38E-6 1.55E-3 1.91E-8 185 9.37E-4 5.11E-8 1.42E-4 1.09E-9 20.2 1.05E-3 5.52E-8 1.48E-4 1.08E-9

COAL Natural Gas Oil

Coeff 1 qi qi2 qT qT

2 1 qi qi2 qT qT

2 1 qi qi2 qT qT


APS 1.05* -2.26* 1.67* -0.31 0.36* 2.29* -7.54* 5.24* 1.26* 0.08 -19.67 109.42 -62.03* -66.80* 40.00*

AEP 1.42* -5.07* 4.33* 1.43* -1.39* 1.31* -4.34* 3.60* 0.64 -0.02 585.16* -1141.35 573.83 -34.66 17.77

AECO 0.84* 0.30 -0.18 -2.19* 1.50* 0.59* -0.43* 0.42* -1.30* 1.58* 45.20* 13.02 -6.17 -107.40* 56.39*

BGE 0.69* -4.27* 3.56* 2.52* -1.98* 0.07 2.11* 0.09 -2.41* 1.11* 3.35 67.25 -31.57 -79.83* 41.76*

COMED 0.78* 1.27* -0.84* -2.86* 2.00* 0.43* -0.12 0.81* -0.90* 1.05* -0.19 -0.44 1.12* 1.31* -0.85*

DPL 0.46* -0.62* 0.52* -0.65 0.64* 0.42* -2.63* 2.15* 1.40* -0.48* -11.85 57.30* -27.32* -38.11* 21.07*

DUQ 1.17* -4.45* 3.11* 1.97* -1.34* -1.21* -0.37 1.17* 2.88* -1.31* 62.98 -115.40 64.96 -18.34 8.55

JCPL 1.43* 0.76* -0.75* -4.19* 3.16* -0.11 0.02 0.04 0.35 0.63* 33.98* -6.88 5.19* -66.73* 35.78*

METED 0.40* -1.27* 1.53* -0.13 0.20 0.24* 4.31* -1.68* -5.39* 3.77* -0.24 -1.14 0.30 1.87 -0.36

PECO 1.02* -2.98* 1.98* 0.23 0.22 1.08* 0.64* 0.10 -3.36* 2.47* 34.72* 12.83 -5.44 -88.80* 47.63*

PPL 0.96* 1.05* -0.55* -3.24* 2.20* 2.41* -2.86* 1.88* -3.05* 2.65* 40.36* -10.28 6.72* -77.40* 41.77*

PENELEC 0.93* -0.95* 0.91* -1.66* 1.50* 5.04* -9.91* 6.35* -2.99* 2.96* 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

PEPCO 1.97* 0.09 -0.17 -4.49* 3.02* -0.03 -1.20* 1.80* 1.28* -0.99* -89.10* 344.47* -181.82* -150.77* 78.07*

PSEG 1.76* -0.67* 0.44* -3.56* 2.57* 0.28* 0.78* -0.57* -1.28* 1.59* 36.78* -11.47* 7.64* -69.21* 37.49*

RECO 1.99* -0.72* 0.43* -4.06* 2.83* 0.19* 1.11* -0.87* -1.15* 1.49* 53.75* 2.67 -0.86 -115.92* 61.46*

DAY 0.84* -2.46* 2.30* 0.24 -0.24* -1.75* 6.21* -2.14* -2.80* 1.67* 0.56* 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

DOM 0.88* -3.46* 2.21* 1.55* -0.82* 0.42* -0.91* 2.01* -0.19 -0.18 1083.93* -1773.76* 903.90* -431.76 218.59



3.7.Simulation Studies

In this section I use my zonal supply curve to simulate the impacts of two policies in PJM. I first

simulate the effects of imposing a carbon tax on electric generation. Then I study the impacts of

Pennsylvania Act 129 on utility zones in Pennsylvania and other PJM states.

3.7.1. Carbon Tax

The Representative emissions of CO2 produced from each fuel per billion BTU of energy

are as follows (Silverman): 94.35 tons for coal; 53.07 tons for natural gas; and 74.39 tons for oil.

Each thousand cubic feet of natural gas contains 1.03 MMBTU of energy. With the data on

carbon emission by fuel, I can calculate the equivalent fuel prices considering the carbon tax.


represents the price of fuel including the carbon tax. TaxCarbon has the unit of $/Ton of CO2.

Here I study the impacts of imposing $35 per ton of CO2 tax under two fuel price scenarios: a

high natural gas price scenario similar to (Newcomer et al., 2008) and a low natural gas price

similar to fall 2010. For both scenarios I assume a 10% price elasticity of demand. The fuel

prices under each scenario are presented in table 10.



Table 10: Fuel prices under the two scenarios

High gas price scenario

(Newcomer et al., 2008)

Low gas price

scenario (Fall 2010)

Coal ($/MMBTU) 1.73 2.25

Natural Gas ($/MMBTU) 9.95 4

Oil ($/MMBTU) 8.49 15

The estimated effects of a $35 CO2 tax on zonal electricity prices in PJM are shown in table 6.

Lower gas prices shift some of the low marginal cost gas plants to the left side of the supply

curve to serve the base load. This means that more coal fired power plants would be used for

serving shoulder load. Therefore coal would gain more influence in setting the electricity prices

(i.e., coal would be the marginal fuel more often). Imposing a carbon tax would make coal more

expensive relative to natural gas. When coal is on the margin more frequently, the carbon tax

would further increase the price of electricity. Table 6 shows that under the low gas price

scenario the average prices would increase by 89 percent while the same tax would increase

prices by 47 percent under a high gas price scenario. My estimates of overall price increases are

somewhat higher than in Newcomer et al., which estimated the price increase to be 40 percent

over all of PJM under a scenario with high natural gas prices. The model in Newcomer, et al.,

however, is not able to differentiate location-specific price increases, which I estimate to be

between 27 percent and 84 percent as shown in table 11.



Table 11: Average prices before and after imposing a carbon tax of $35 per ton under the two

scenarios ($/MWh)

Low gas price scenario High gas price scenario

No Tax

Tax % Change No Tax Tax % Change

APS 36.13 63.13 74.76 60.95 89.07 46.15 AEP 31.94 66.44 107.99 45.87 77.92 69.87 AECO 38.55 63.18 63.89 69.56 92.15 32.47 BGE 40.99 134.80 228.87 71.31 95.17 33.46 COMED 28.15 47.93 70.29 50.66 70.72 39.59 DPL 39.80 64.66 62.45 71.12 94.77 33.26 DUQ 32.56 61.61 89.24 45.78 80.95 76.81 JCPL 37.32 65.81 76.33 68.07 90.73 33.29 METED 40.41 80.21 98.49 62.58 98.00 56.61 PECO 39.91 62.86 57.52 64.19 95.36 48.55 PPL 38.58 62.58 62.21 61.30 92.38 50.70 PENELEC 37.12 73.21 97.20 55.64 90.13 61.98 PEPCO 38.08 70.41 84.92 74.18 94.20 26.99 PSEG 38.08 72.40 90.14 68.50 92.20 34.60 RECO 36.84 66.82 81.38 67.73 90.18 33.15 DAY 32.74 91.92 180.75 42.43 78.23 84.39 DOM 37.78 60.26 59.52 74.42 97.21 30.63

PJM 35.32 67.05 89.52 59.89 86.63 47.15

The carbon tax policy would also change fuels utilization. Table 12 presents my estimates of

how often each fuel is on the margin in each zone of PJM. Under a low gas price scenario, the

carbon tax would shift more low-cost natural gas to serving base-load demand. Under a high gas

price scenario, the carbon tax induces similar fuel-switching, but to a lesser extent in most zones

than under the low gas price scenario.

In the high gas price scenario I estimate a 7.2 percent reductions in CO2 emissions across PJM,

while Newcomer et al. estimated a 10.6 percent reduction. One possible explanation for the

differences relates to the utilization of low-cost coal assets in the presence of transmission



congestion; these plants may be constrained by existing congestion in the transmission system

and thus would not be used less intensively in the presence of a carbon tax. I estimate 12.35

percent CO2 reduction under the low gas price. When the gas prices are low, coal fired plants

shift from base load to shoulder load and play a more important role in setting the electricity

prices. Therefore carbon tax would have a larger effect on electricity prices when natural gas

prices are low.

Table 12: The frequency with which each fuel is marginal before and after the carbon tax (%).

Low gas price scenario High gas price scenario

Coal Natural Gas Oil Coal Natural Gas Oil No Tax Tax No Tax Tax No Tax Tax No Tax Tax No Tax Tax No Tax Tax

APS 45.72 55.47 54.04 44.53 0.25 0.00 47.37 55.66 52.36 44.30 0.27 0.05 AEP 58.66 61.45 41.34 38.55 0.00 0.00 65.61 70.97 34.39 29.03 0.00 0.00

AECO 35.64 49.16 63.10 50.78 1.26 0.06 29.98 43.54 68.37 55.86 1.65 0.61 BGE 42.68 49.77 56.34 50.23 0.97 0.00 41.50 46.71 57.53 53.17 0.97 0.11

COMED 42.66 53.21 57.34 46.79 0.00 0.00 41.53 51.88 58.47 48.12 0.00 0.00 DPL 36.47 48.11 61.23 51.64 2.30 0.25 31.64 42.52 65.80 56.31 2.57 1.17 DUQ 60.22 62.75 39.78 37.25 0.00 0.00 70.24 72.82 29.76 27.18 0.00 0.00

JCPL 33.38 48.66 65.13 51.32 1.49 0.02 27.45 41.00 71.05 58.73 1.49 0.27 METED 52.32 55.85 47.68 44.15 0.00 0.00 55.81 60.54 44.19 39.46 0.00 0.00 PECO 43.87 54.65 54.00 45.19 2.13 0.17 43.59 53.92 53.96 45.06 2.45 1.02 PPL 45.41 55.61 52.45 44.26 2.14 0.13 46.17 55.65 51.49 43.51 2.35 0.84

PENELEC 54.41 58.47 45.59 41.53 0.00 0.00 61.17 65.36 38.83 34.64 0.00 0.00 PEPCO 29.79 45.77 69.19 54.23 1.02 0.00 23.91 37.13 74.87 62.57 1.22 0.30 PSEG 35.03 48.82 63.32 51.12 1.66 0.06 29.57 42.63 68.38 56.61 2.05 0.77 RECO 31.74 47.30 66.52 52.62 1.75 0.08 25.88 39.40 72.14 59.93 1.97 0.66 DAY 64.73 61.87 35.27 38.13 0.00 0.00 80.98 76.28 19.02 23.72 0.00 0.00 DOM 34.48 46.37 65.46 53.63 0.06 0.00 35.04 41.68 64.89 58.32 0.06 0.00

I estimated the changes in producers’ surplus for all plants in the system (assuming that nuclear

power plants in the PJM system are always operating at maximum capacity, and neglecting

hydroelectric and wind energy), and for fossil plants only. The results are shown in table 13.



Under a low gas price scenario, the total change would create around 4.1 billion dollars in

surplus in a year while the fossil plants lose around 7.6 billion dollars in surplus (the difference

represents increases in producer surplus enjoyed by nuclear power). Under a high gas price

scenario, the total changes would create around 5.7 billion dollars, while the fossil plants lose 4.4

billion dollars in surplus.

Table 13: Changes in producers’ surplus due to the carbon tax (millions of dollars)

Low gas price scenario High gas price scenario

All the plants Fossil plants All the plants Fossil plants

APS 558.99 -189.97 550.63 -236.24

AEP 1879.42 -990.32 2264.46 -356.96

AECO 97.60 -48.40 139.95 -23.10

BGE 865.54 -1015.13 381.75 -108.94

COMED 1141.61 -33.13 970.73 -304.74

DPL -380.19 -430.45 -250.24 -297.79

DUQ 207.81 -68.33 298.04 -35.81

JCPL 71.22 -227.45 243.11 -45.79

METED 225.41 -101.23 261.50 -22.77

PECO 363.02 -222.39 613.66 -180.00

PPL 528.80 -71.66 579.41 -150.78

PENELEC -256.53 -425.60 -68.12 -234.22

PEPCO 195.71 -377.91 234.24 -131.54

PSEG -2076.28 -2402.92 -1101.82 -1359.79

RECO -6.19 -23.67 5.79 -9.34

DAY 173.35 -318.52 251.49 -45.49

DOM 569.74 -694.48 382.79 -869.35

PJM 4159.02 -7641.57 5757.35 -4412.65

The estimated supply curves for APS and JCPL under the low gas price scenario is depicted in

figures 12 and 13. In PJM the prices are higher in eastern parts where there is a larger demand. In

the western PJM, there are cheaper power plants but the electricity cannot be exported to the

eastern PJM due to the congestion in transmission lines.



Figure 12: Projected supply curve for APS in central Pennsylvania and West Virginia

Figure 13: Projected Supply function for JCPL in eastern New Jersey

4 5 6 7 80







Load in APS (GW)


ce i

n A





No Tax

With Carbon Tax

2 3 4 50





Load in JCPL (GW)


ce i

n J


L (




No Tax

With Carbon Tax



3.7.2. Pennsylvania’s Act 129

I use my method of estimating zonal supply curves in the PJM market to evaluate the impacts of

Act 129, implemented in Pennsylvania in 2009. Act 129 requires utilities in Pennsylvania to cut

their annual electrical load by 1 percent, with additional load reductions amounting to 4.5 percent

during the 100 highest-load hours each year. I apply my supply curve estimation method to

simulating the impact of Act 129 on zonal electricity costs in PJM, the frequency with which

each fuel is on the margin in each PJM zone, and the emissions of greenhouse gases by power

generators in the PJM system. I compare my results with those obtained from a single system

dispatch curve model that ignores transmission constraints, as in Newcomer et al. (2008). My

analysis uses 2010 as a base year, so annual and peak-time load reductions are measured relative

to 2010 electricity demand in PJM. I simulate the impacts of Act 129 under the two fuel price

scenarios described in table 4.

Plant-level data from the EPA’s e-GRID database is used, in conjunction with my assumed fuel

prices, to generate a single short-run marginal cost curve for the PJM territory. This is

approximately the curve that is shown in Figure 1. I generate hourly electricity demands under

Act 129 using the following procedure:

1. For each hour in my 2010 data set, I determine the relative amount of total PJM

demand that represents Pennsylvania utilities.

2. Each hour’s demand is reduced by 1 percent.

3. In the top 100 hours of demand, each hour’s demand is reduced by 4.5 percent.

Given my new set of hourly PJM demands, adjusted to reflect successful implementation of Act

129, hourly market-clearing prices and generator dispatch are obtained by determining the

intersection between the short-run supply curve and a vertical demand curve at each hour’s level



of demand. The same procedure is used to obtain hourly market-clearing prices and generator

dispatch for my baseline case, based on the PJM market in 2010.

My estimates of Act 129’s impact generated using the single dispatch curve model projects that

total electricity costs in the PJM territory would decline by $150 million on an annual basis

following the successful implementation of Act 129. In this model we do not observe any shifts

in the marginal fuel, i.e., the reduction in Pennsylvania demand does not change the frequency

with which coal, natural gas or oil is estimated to be the marginal fuel across the PJM system.

Using plant-level average emissions data from the e-GRID database, I calculate that Act 129

reduces annual carbon dioxide emissions in the PJM territory by 2.9 million tons.

For simplicity, I assumed that APS meets Act 129 demand reduction goals in its entire territory.

The fuel prices in my estimation are the ones presented as the low gas price scenario.

Analysis of Act 129 using my estimated zonal supply curves suggests that the energy cost

savings in PJM would be $ 267 million, about $200 million of which would be enjoyed by

electricity consumers in Pennsylvania. This implies that the total cost of electricity in

Pennsylvania and territories of APS outside Pennsylvania would decline by 2.4 percent, while

total costs within the PJM system as a whole would decline by around 1 percent. The zonal

results are shown in Table 14. My results are close to the estimates from an existing study of Act

129’s impacts (PennFuture, 2011), which suggest that savings due to Act 129 amounted to $278

million in 2011. My estimates may be lower than those in the PennFuture study for two reasons.

First, I assume a lower price for natural gas; and second, the magnitude of the demand reduction

used in the PennFuture study is larger than ours (their assumed demand reduction is more than

required under Act 129.)



Table 14: Savings from Pennsylvania Act 129 in PJM's utility zones. The units are in millions of


Utility Zone Without

Act 129

With Act


Saved Percentage


APS 1833.07 1790.44 42.64 2.33 AEP 4602.33 4586.17 16.17 0.35 AECO 500.19 496.34 3.85 0.77 BGE 1533.36 1531.61 1.75 0.11 COMED 3052.06 3048.98 3.09 0.10 DPL 840.46 837.74 2.72 0.32 DUQ 501.93 492.97 8.96 1.78 JCPL 1005.66 991.47 14.19 1.41 METED 670.16 664.56 5.60 0.84 PECO 1823.39 1748.68 74.70 4.10 PPL 1661.50 1611.37 50.12 3.02 PENELEC 700.15 685.12 15.02 2.15 PEPCO 1364.51 1360.96 3.55 0.26 PSEG 1914.82 1902.89 11.92 0.62 RECO 63.52 62.87 0.65 1.03 DAY 605.70 604.59 1.11 0.18 DOM 3944.99 3933.25 11.74 0.30 PJM 26617.80 26350.01 267.79 1.01

Pennsylvania 8388.27 8188.04 200.23 2.39

The estimated impacts of Act 129 are uniformly larger using my regional supply curve

estimation method than using the single dispatch curve method. Total estimated electricity cost

savings are 78 percent larger. Using my regional supply curve estimation method, I find that 82

percent of the net benefit of Act 129 is enjoyed by Pennsylvania utilities and customers, in the

form of lower electricity costs. When the single dispatch curve model is used, region-specific

impacts cannot be differentiated.




Analysis of electricity policies often requires understanding the effects of transmission

constraints, which can be very complex. Incorporating transmission-system in engineering

models requires detailed information that is neither publicly available nor practical to use for

many economists and policy analysts. Many existing analyses thus abstract from transmission

constraints. While this assumption makes modeling more tractable, it can underestimate the

impacts of electricity policies, sometimes by substantial margins. Moreover, abstraction from

transmission constraints prevents the estimation of location-specific impacts. I develop a method

to estimate zonal prices in a transmission-constrained electricity markets. My method also

estimates the marginal fuel based on zonal load and the total demand in the market. It can also

detect when a mixture of two fuels is on the margin. My model is particularly useful when the

distributional impacts of a policy are of special interest.

I applied my model to the seventeen utility zones in the PJM footprint and calculated the fuzzy

zonal thresholds where the marginal fuel switches. My results show the sensitivity of the

marginal fuel to the zonal and system loads. I found that the price of electricity in PJM is mostly

driven by natural gas prices, although in some zones coal-fired power plants are on the margin

during the majority of hours. I simulated a carbon tax of $35 per ton in PJM and found that such

a policy would increase the prices by 47 to 89 percent in PJM. Such a policy would increase the

influence of coal on formation of electricity prices and reduce the CO2 emissions by 7.2 to 10.6

percent. My example analysis of Pennsylvania’s Act 129 shows that compliance with Act 129

demand-reduction targets lowers total electric generation costs in Pennsylvania by 2.4 percent. I

estimate the total cost reduction in PJM to be around 1 percent which translates to $267 million.

While the assumption that transmission constraints can be ignored makes policy models more



tractable, my analysis of Pennsylvania Act 129 suggests that these models may underestimate the

impacts of electricity policies.



4. Active Participation of FACTS Devices in Wholesale Electricity Markets


The annual revenue of the US electricity industry is around 350 billion dollars (EIA). The very

large economic size of the industry emphasizes the need for efficient operation of the whole

system. The industry was considered to be a natural monopoly before 1990s and was operated

under regulation. One of the goals of restructuring, which began in the 1990s, is to decentralize

the decision making process and hopefully improve the system’s efficiency. Currently, the

operation decisions in electric transmission are made centrally by the system operator. Payments

to the regulated transmission owners are also made according to a regulated rate of return that

does not necessarily reflect the economic value of a certain transmission asset to the system.

The transmission network in the US is under stress and needs to be upgraded to keep up with the

electricity demand growth (Abraham 2002, Snarr 2009). Building new transmission lines can do

the upgrade; but the process is costly and time-consuming. FERC order 1000 suggests

considering non-transmission alternatives in transmission planning projects (FERC 2011). The

implementation of the “smart grid” could enable the deployment of flexible and adaptive

transmission networks, thus allowing for the transmission topology to be optimized depending

on electricity demand and other system conditions. One technology that would allow this is

Flexible Alternating Current Transmission Systems (FACTS). While the FACTS devices were

available before, the new communication and control technologies as well as efficient

computational algorithms offered by the smart grid make network topology optimization




In an analogy to the water networks FACTS devices act similar to water pumps (Fairley, 2011).

Without water pumps, water only flows from higher altitudes to the lower altitudes based on the

pressure difference which may not always be efficient in a network. Similarly electricity flows

based on voltage and angle differences which may not be economically efficient. Economic

inefficiencies can occur in the form of loop flows or counter intuitive flows from a cheap node to

an expensive one. FACTS devices make it possible to control the flows and avoid such

economically inefficient phenomena by adjusting the lines’ admittances and bus voltages.

FACTS devices can be seen as a non-transmission alternative aligned with FERC order 1000.

Department of Energy’s study of transmission grid in the US acknowledges the benefits of

FACTS devices and their role in the future of the transmission system for improved operation of

the grid (Abraham 2002). (Hauer et al. 2002) indicates that FACTS devices can control power

flows and affect transfer capabilities leading to more efficient utilization of the existing

transmission lines. (Amin 2004) claims that FACTS can increase the transfer capability over the

current transmission lines by a factor of fifty percent.

FACTS devices are already a part of our transmission network. ISO-NE has thirteen installed

and three planned FACTS in its territory (ISO New England 2012). Five EPRI-sponsored

FACTS devices are currently operating in AEP territory in Kentucky, BPA in Oregon, CSW in

Texas, TVA in Tennessee, and NYPA in New York (Basler et al. 2012). In PJM, Primary Power

LCC is developing Grid Plus project, which involves installation of several FACTS devices. The

project aims at increasing the transfer capability from west to east, reducing congestion, and

improving system stability (FERC 2010).



Among the different types of FACTS devices, the following three types provide the most control

over the power flows: Thyrsitor Protected Series Compensator (TPSC), Thyrsitor Controlled

Series Compesator (TCSC), and Unified Power Flow Control (UPFC). These devices would

affect admittances, voltage magnitude and angle. (Beck et al. 2006) provides more detailed

information on each type as well as the installed projects worldwide by Siemens. This includes

the first TCSC in the world, which is located in Kayenta substation in Arizona and a UPFC

installed in AEP territory in Kentucky. Here I focus on power flow control provided by line’s

admittance control.

An important feature of the FACTS devices is that they have a controllable set point. This allows

for dynamic control of the system based on its state. The dynamic setting is already being used

for dynamic stability improvement (Beck et al. 2006). It is well recognized that FACTS devices

can increase transfer capability and the application is already commercialized in various regions.

However, the set point of FACTS devices are not changed dynamically for the purpose of

increasing the transfer capability. For example, ISO-NE uses the dynamic setting of FACTS

devices for stability purpose in closed control loops (Henderson et al. 2011), but the set points

are not changed often due to the needs for adjustment of transfer capability. This means that we

have devices in the system, which are capable of lowering the system cost, but we do not utilize

them properly. Providing incentives for the owner of such devices to operate them in a socially

optimal way can improve the system efficiency. In the existing power systems, FACTS devices

are regulated similar to other transmission assets. Once they are built the owner receives the

regulated rate of return, which does not provide proper incentive for efficient operation of the

devices. Moreover, it is against the owner’s interest that the set point of FACTS is changed

dynamically. The reason is that, it increases the stress on the device resulting in higher



maintenance costs. Another drawback of regulated rate of return payment to FACTS owners is

that it passes the investment risks to the ratepayers. Once a project is approved the ratepayers pay

for it independent of its actual benefit to the system. A better compensation mechanism can help

avoid such problems. This can be done by means of a price signal (Cardell 2007). Here I propose

a market-based mechanism for valuing the FACTS capacity to signal improved operation of

FACTS devices.

In order for FACTS to participate in the market, it should not fall into the category of natural

monopolies. FACTS devices do not have economies of scale because they are location-specific

devices. The average investment cost of a FACTS device may decrease by the size on a specific

line, but that has nothing to do with another device in another location. Unlike the generators that

provide the same service regardless of their location, the impact of FACTS devices on transfer

capability depends on their location. Thus, if firm A builds a FACTS device on line X, it can

affect the transfer capability to some degree. But if it there is need for another FACTS device on

line Y, firm B has the to spend the same amount of money on the project as firm X. the average

investment cost does not decrease by the size due to the nature of power electronics. There is a

non-linear factor with the maintenance and degradation cost of power electronic devices, which

makes the average operational cost higher for the larger devices. Therefore, in a meshed network

neither of average capital and operational costs decreases by the cumulative size of the FACTS

in the system. The transmission lines themselves may not fall into the category of natural

monopolies either. Rather, the main reason behind regulating them is the excess market power

they would have if allowed participating in the market. This does not necessarily hold for

FACTS devices since their impact is marginal. However if for some reason a FACTS device has



such a huge market power, it should be treated similar to reliability must run (RMR) units and

not allowed to participate in the market.

Recently some studies have suggested implementing market-based mechanisms for transmission

sector. This would allow transmission owners to offer their services to the system operator on a

bid basis, as generators currently do in deregulated electricity markets. Such a market has been

termed a “complete real-time electricity market” (O’Neill et al., 2008). They conclude that it is

not clear whether the FACTS devices are natural monopoly and provide a theoretical background

for designing markets with active transmission participation. However there is a positive

externality problem with their payment system. I explain this in more details later in this chapter

and propose a sensitivity-based method to calculate FACTS capacity value to overcome the


Once the marginal value for FACTS capacity is determined, different payment mechanisms

could be set up. I explore the market outcome under two different payment structures. First I use

an LMP based market where the FACTS devices get paid based on the nodal price differences.

This is more or less similar to a Cournot competition for FACTS devices. Second, I set up a

supply function equilibrium (SFE) model in which FACTS devices can submit supply offers

similar to generations. The market structure can potentially lead to more efficient operation of

FACTS devices compared to the existing regulated procedures. This is in line with the

restructuring goals to improve the efficiency.

The rest of this chapter is organized as follows: Section 2 reviews the relevant literature. Market

structure and marginal value calculations are presented in section 3. Section 4 includes a

comprehensive analytical case study on a simple two-node system. Section 5 presents a



numerical case study in a thirty bus system. Section 6 presents a discussion on the challenges in

the complete game problem and finally section 7 concludes this chapter.

4.2.Literature Review

By utilizing communication and automation potentials of the smart grid, the transmission system

topology can be controlled in real-time. This can be done either by the system operator or

distributed decision-makers such as FACTS device owners. Recently some studies have

suggested co-optimizing generation and transmission network topology to obtain a more efficient

level of operation. The majority of research has focused on switching transmission lines

(Hedman et al., 2008; Fisher et al., 2008; Khodaei and Shahidehpour, 2010). Based on the

distribution of load and generation on the power grid switching a line off the network can reduce

loop flows. This can help reducing the power flow on some congested lines resulting to a lower

total operating cost for the system. The findings show that switching the transmission lines can

significantly save energy costs.

The switching control can be improved by using FACTS devices. TPSCs, TCSCs, and UPFCs

can continuously control the reactance of a transmission line (Hug, 2008; Hug and Anderson,

2005, Hingorani and Gyugyi, 2000). Current technology allows for significant adjustment of a

line’s reactance even as high 100% at which point the line becomes capacitive rather than

inductive (Hingorani and Gyugyi, 2000). However, at large levels of reactance adjustments

stability of the system may turn into a concern.

O’Neill et al. used this concept in their complete real-time market design which allows for

transmission bidding (O’Neill et al., 2008). Their design has so far the most complete



formulation to my knowledge. They allow for transmission owners to bid in the market for using

their FACTS devices to change the admittance of the lines. They limit their study to the case

where transmission lines are price taker and bid zero into the system. They argue that the right

way to compensate transmission owners is to pay them the difference between nodal prices times

the power flowing along the line. This is similar to the contract for differences of differences

proposed in (Baldick 2007). Their research is a step towards decentralizing the centrally made

optimization decisions regarding the transmission system. I build my research on their work and

address the positive externality problem in their design, where a FACTS device may get

rewarded because of the actions taken by another device. I explain this in the example presented

in section 4. To solve the issue I develop a sensitivity-based mechanism to find the marginal

value of the FACTS capacity in the market. Once the market value is calculated, different

payment structures could be set up.

There is a relevant body of literature on merchant transmission investment. Unlike regulated

transmission, a merchant transmission project recovers its costs via market mechanisms such as

Financial Transmission Rights (FTR). Hogan argues that transmission projects are alternatives to

local generation projects. Therefore having regulatory mechanism for transmission can spread

out to the generation (Hogan, 2003). Yet, merchant transmission faces different classes of

problems (Joskow and Tirole, 2004; Joskow and Tirole, 2005). (Brunekreeft, 2004) argues that

these problems do not exist in the case of controllable flows such as HVDC lines or AC lines

equipped with FACTS devices. A good market design for lines equipped with FACTS devices

can potentially support the idea of merchant transmission. The existing literature on transmission

markets is very limited and deals with unrealistic assumptions and trivial cases (Ernst et al.,




When dealing with transmission lines, the payments can be based on different properties of a

line. A method is introduced in (Gribik et al., 2005) for defining transmission rights under which

the owner of the line (or the holder of the transmission right) receives payments based on the

line’s capacity and its admittance. Currently transmission rights such as FTRs have positive

value only when congestion makes the nodal prices at the delivery bus larger than the source bus.

The authors argue that capacity is not the only valuable characteristic of a transmission line and

admittance should also be taken into account. In my model I use the concept of admittance


4.3.Market Structure

The market is modeled as a two-level mathematical problem. At the first level Independent

System Operator (ISO) solves a social welfare maximizing problem subject to the system and

firms’ constraints. The formulation is presented in Equation (4-1) which is taken from (O’Neill

et al., 2008).

ISO’s problem (OPF):


bk is the offer from demanders and suppliers on their controllable variable uk. For example a

generator would put a negative bid (cost) on its controllable variable, active output power. Kk and

Ks are the vectors of asset and system constraints. An example of a system constraint would be

the power balance equations and generator output maximum limitation is an example of asset

constraints. The Lagrangian for the optimization problem is shown in Equation (4-2).



∑[ ]

The first order conditions of optimality are presented in equation (4-3).

Equation (4-1) can be simplified under DC assumptions. The objective function and constraints

under such simplifying assumptions are presented in Equation (4-4).





| | (




( )

( )

The objective function minimizes the cost of generation and FACTS devices considering the

constraints, which include power flow and balance equations and max/min limitations.

The correct way of solving the market is simultaneous clearing of generation and FACTS.

However the effect of FACTS devices on the power flow constraints makes the problem non-



convex. To avoid the complexities of a non-convex problem I solve a two-stage problem. First,

the market is solved without FACTS. Then, using the obtained dispatch a sensitivity-based

mechanism is employed to find the marginal value of FACTS capacity for each of such devices.

The sensitivity-based marginal value is shown in Equation (4-5).



∑(( ∑ (




This means that the value of each FACTS depends on its impact on the flows and also the

combined effect of all FACTS devices on the price differences at the two ends of the

transmission lines. Having the marginal value, ISO can set up various types of compensation

mechanisms for the owners of the FACTS devices. As long as the price paid to the owners is

equal to or less than the marginal value, it is economically efficient for the system operator to

dispatch FACTS devices.

For instance, ISO can transfer the control over the devices to the owners and pay them the

marginal value for the capacity. This type of competition can be modeled as a Cournot game,

where the generators still submit their offers in the form of supply functions. It should be noticed

that the Cournot game is only played by the FACTS owners by offering their capacity to the

market. The quantity offered by each device owner would be the additional transfer capability on

each line. I assume that each FACTS device owner is paid the nodal price difference times the

incremental transfer capability facilitated by the use of the FACTS device. The profit function

for one of the device owners is presented in Equation (4-6).



∑[( )


A profit-maximizing firm would choose its level of output by maximizing the function shown in

Equation (4-6). The first order condition is shown in Equation (4-7).



( )


Another alternative, which may seem more natural, would be central control of the FACTS set

point by the ISO. In such a structure the owners are allowed to bid in the wholesale market

alongside the generators similar to what shown in Equations (4-11, and 4-14). In a competitive

market the owners bid zero since there is no cost for operating the devices. The strategic bidding

of players under this structure is beyond the scope of this study. However, there may be market

power issues associated with the design.

4.4.The two-node system with FACTS devices

In this section I apply the theory developed in the previous section to a simple two-node system.

The nodes are connected through two transmission lines. The example is taken from (O’Neill et

al., 2008). The system is shown in Figure 14.

Figure 14: The two-node, two-line system



X indicates reactance of the lines and K shows their thermal capacity. Assume the marginal cost

of production is lower for G1 than G2 and the thermal capacity is 400 MW for K1 and 500 MW

for K2. Suppose that the generators have unlimited capacity and both lines have equal base

reactances. They are both equipped with series FACTS devices allowing for the control of their

reactance. The net reactances of the lines are shown in Equation (4-8):

where n shows the percentage by which the reactance of the transmission line is adjusted.

Considering the thermal limit of 400 MW on line one, the maximum amount of power, which

can flow over line two would be limited to 400 MW as well. This is because of Ohm’s law in DC

power flow which states that the relative flow on parallel lines is proportional to the inverse of

their reactances (

). Since the lines initially have equal reactances the power flow would

be equal and the limit on the first line imposes an artificial cap on the second line (

). However by adjusting the reactance of the lines the power flowing along line two can

be increased. The total transfer capability from node 1 to node 2 can be calculated according to

Ohm’s law. Line 1 is congested and can only carry 400 MW. The power flowing along the

second line can be calculated based on the first line’s flow and the relative reactances. The total

transfer capability ( ) is shown in Equation (4-9).

Equation (4-9) suggests a linear relationship between n1 and the transfer capability and a non-



linear relationship between n2 and the transfer capability. I can use the linear part of the Taylor

series to get a linear approximation (800+400n1-400n2). The transfer capability and its linear

approximation are depicted versus n1 and n2 in Figure 15. It shows that the approximation is

valid for small values of n.

Figure 15: The transfer capability when both the FACTS devices are used. It is assumed in this

figure that n1=n2

I assume linear marginal cost of production at the two nodes of the system. They are shown in

Equation (4-10) with q being the power produced.

Based on the thermal limit of the lines, the nodal prices can be calculated. I assume that

generator 2 is more expensive at the scale of this problem for all the values of demand. The

nodal prices are calculated for the case when generator 2 is needed for serving the load. The












0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10



r C





Percentage Change in Reactance

Real Capacity

Linear Approximation



price at each node equals the marginal cost of serving an additional unit of demand at that node.

This equals to the marginal cost of generators at each node. Having the generation levels and

marginal cost functions, the nodal prices are calculated in Equation (4-11).

is the transfer capability between the two nodes without using the FACTS devices.

The formulation developed by (O’Neill et al., 2008) suggests paying the price difference times

the quantity flowing over the line to the transmission lines. However this type of payment

removes the incentive for Line 1 to use its FACTS device in order to increase the transfer

capability. As discussed earlier no matter which FACTS device is used, the additional power

flows along line 2. Under the design presented in (O’Neill et al., 2008) line 2 would be rewarded

even for the actions taken by line 1. This is the positive externality in their formulation, when

independent companies own the FACTS devices.

The payment method I use is based on the incremental transfer capability. Each FACTS device

owner is paid the market price for reactance change times the amount of change. The ISO

calculates the marginal value of FACTS capacity using a sensitivity-based method. Having the

marginal value different payment mechanisms could be set up.

4.4.1. Market value of FACTS capacity

The marginal value of the FACTS devices can be calculated according to Equation (4-6). First, I

need to calculate the nodal price differences. Assuming that generators submit their marginal

cost to the market the nodal price difference is presented:



The marginal value of the FACTS capacity is calculated in the following equation:

{ ( )

Under Cournot type of competition, it is assumed that each FACTS device owner is paid the

marginal value times the FACTS capacity provided by the FACTS device. Note that Cournot

game is only played by the FACTS devices and generators are still assumed to submit supply

function offers, which here assumed to be equal to marginal cost..

The profit functions for FACTS owners are presented in Equation (4-14).

To find Nash-Cournot equilibrium for this game the following conditions should hold:

The solution to the above set of equation is presented in Equation (4-16).



Since the FACTS device owners are paid the nodal price difference, the equilibrium shown in

Equation (4-16) never relieves the congestion. The term epsilon ensures that the prices are

always different at the two nodes of the system and FACTS capacity has positive value.

An alternative to Cournot payment mechanism is a method in which FACTS devices submit their

supply offers to the market. Since the marginal cost of the FACTS capacity is zero, I assume that

they bid 0 into the market. The correct way of solving the market would be simultaneous

optimization of FACTS and generation. However because of the non-convexities involved in the

problem, I use the same sensitivity-based mechanism discussed earlier for this payment

mechanism as well.

4.4.2. Simulation study

The discussion here shows how the proposed FACTS device market would work in the context

of a numerical example. Assume that line 1 has a thermal capacity of 400 MW which makes the

equal 800 MW. The other parameters of the system are presented in Table 15. I assume that

each FACTS device can only change the reactance of the relevant line by two percent.

Table 15: Physical characerisics of the system

α1 β1 α2 β2

0.05 $/MW2 18.5 $/MW 0.5 $/MW

2 65 $/MW

The load is increased at node 2 from 800 MW to 830MW. I look at different market variables

such as equilibrium quantities (% reactance changes), nodal prices, FACTS profits, overall social



welfare improvement, and congestion rent. Two payment systems are studied: Cournot in which

that the FACTS owners play a Cournot game on the additional transfer capability they provide;

and SFE where the FACTS owners bid zero to the market and the ISO clears both generation and

FACTS capacity. The first set of results is shown in Figures 16 to 18.

Figure 16: Total amount of reactance change at equilibrium



Figure 17: Clearing price for FACTS devices

Figure 18: The profit for FACTS device owners



The figures show that at equilibrium in SFE model, enough FACTS capacity is offered to relieve

the congestion for loads below 816 MW. In Cournot model the device owners strategically

withhold some capacity in order to collect revenue by keeping the price larger than zero. It seems

from Figure 16 that SFE and Cournot give the same capacity at equilibrium when load is lower

than 816 MW. However, it should be noticed that the capacity offered under Cournot is slightly

below SFE because of the term epsilon in Equation 30. This is why both the prices and profits

for FACTS device owners are larger when they are paid based on LMP difference under a

Cournot model.

In SFE model, FACTS devices are dispatched based on their bids, alongside generation. Since

FACTS devices are assumed to bid zero, the price for FACTS capacity is zero until all of the

capacity is utilized. After this point, the price raises to the market value. Figures 19 to 22 show

nodal prices as well as changes in social welfare and congestion rent.



Figure 19: Nodal price at node 1 with and without the FACTS devices

Figure 20: Nodal price at node 2 with and without the FACTS devices



Figure 21: Social welfare improvement due to the transfer capability offered by the FACTS


Figure 22: Decrease in congestion rent caused by the FACTS devices



Figures 19 and 20 show the nodal prices at the two nodes of the system with and without the

FACTS devices. When the devices are not utilized the price at node one remains at 58.5 $/MWh

which is the marginal cost of production at node 1 when the production level is 800MW. The

price at node 2 without having the FACTS devices comes from the marginal cost of production

at node 2. When the FACTS devices are utilized, SFE gives lower nodal price at node 2. In this

case the price at node 2 equals the price at node 1 plus the price charged by FACTS devices,

which equals zero when the load is less than 816 MW. LMP based compensation results in a

larger price at node 2 compared to the case when the device owners are allowed to actively bid

into the market. This is because of the strategic capacity withholding which occurs under LMP

compensation. Figures 21 and 22 show that both Cournot and SFE models increase the social

welfare and reduce the congestion rent. However as the results show, SFE model makes the

society better off by offering more FACTS capacity. The congestion rent reduction is because of

the decrease in price difference at the two nodes of the system. An important outcome of the

analysis is that both models give the exact same outcome when the congestion is severe enough

that FACTS capacity is well below the necessary amount to relieve the congestion.

Figures 23, 24, and 25 show the change in generators, customers, and FACTS surplus due to the

participation of FACTS devices in the market. They show that all of the three calculated

surpluses increase as a result of FACTS participation. The largest increase occurs in consumers’

surplus. While the additional transfer capability reduces the surplus of the expensive generator at

node 2 it increases the surplus for the other generator. This increase is larger than the decrease in

the other generator’s surplus, resulting in a total increase in the generators’ surplus. Since the

FACTS devices make profit from participating in the market the FACTS surplus is expected to

be positive.



Figure 23: Change in c ustomers’ surplus

Figure 24: Change in generators’ surplus



Figure 25: Change in FACTS surplus

Figure 26 provides better insight into how the market works. The marginal value of FACTS

capacity and the supply function are depicted in the figure.

Figure 26: Supply and marginal value functions for FACTS capacity at different levels of load.



Figure 26 shows how the price is set at different levels of demand under supply function

equilibrium payment structure. The marginal value function is the price difference at the two

nodes of the system corrected according to the transfer capability offered by the marginal

FACTS device capacity. In this example a percent change offered by the FACTS devices allows

four additional megawatts of power to be transferred from node 1 to node 2. Thus the marginal

value for FACTS capacity would be four times the nodal price difference. The more heavily the

FACTS devices are utilized the lower this value will be. When the demand is low and FACTS

capacity is enough to relieve the congestion, the price is zero. For example the market results in a

price of $0 per percent change in the reactance of each line when the demand is 805 MW.

However when the demand is large enough that FACTS capacity would not be enough for

removal of the congestion, the marginal value of the FACTS capacity sets the price. For example

at 830 MW of demand, the price would be $50.8 per percent change of the reactance which

equals the marginal value of an additional percent of FACTS capacity.

Under Cournot payment structure, the players find their optimal capacity to offer to the market

based on the same demand function. Under this design, even when the FACTS capacity is

enough for relief of the congestion, the device owners would strategically withhold some of their

capacity to keep the marginal value of the capacity positive. If the congestion is removed this

value would go down to zero.

When the congestion constraint is binding by a large margin, so the available FACTS capacity is

much below the capacity needed for removal of the congestion, both Cournot and SFE would

result in the same equilibrium. Under such circumstances all the FACTS capacity is offered at



the marginal value of capacity.

I assumed that each FACTS device was owned by an independent firm. If they were owned by a

single firm, under both SFE and Cournot payment structures, the owner would find its optimal

output to maximize the profit. With no competition and same marginal value curve both payment

structures would lead to a monopolistic Cournot equilibrium. This would be different from the

competitive equilibrium only if the capacity of FACTS devices is enough for relieving the

congestion. Otherwise both monopoly and competitive markets would lead to the same

equilibrium where all the capacity is offered at the marginal value.

If the FACTS devices are owned by the holders of Financial Transmission Rights (FTR),

potentially the line owners, they do not have any incentive to use them since the profit they get

from these assets are much lower than the congestion rent they lose. FACTS profit shown in

Figure 18 is much lower than congestion rent reduction shown in Figure 22. Therefore the results

suggest that the ownership of FACTS and transmission lines should be separated. Moreover, it

should be noted that heavy utilization of FACTS devices could result in inadequacies in FTR

market similar to optimal transmission switching (OTS) (Hedman et al., 2011). The cheaper

generator on node 1 has an incentive to invest in FACTS capacity to gain profit from FACTS

and also increase its surplus by exporting more energy to node 2. On the other hand similar to

transmission lines the expensive generator at node 2 does not have proper incentive to operate

the FACTS devices since the profit it loses in generation side is larger than the FACTS profit.

Under SFE assumptions, even if the FACTS devices are owned by the transmission lines or the

expensive generator, they cannot impose more costs to the system than the initial cost without

FACTS. However under Cournot assumptions, this could happen by further congesting the lines,



since the Cournot payment of FACTS would be smaller than the additional rent generated by the

congestion. Thus ownership of FACTS devices by generation or transmission companies may or

may not be harmful to the system.

4.5.Numerical example

In this section I apply the model developed in previous sections on a thirty-bus system. The

system is shown in figure 27. It has thirty busses and six generators. Detailed data on the system

is provided in an appendix. Lines 25 and 26 are taken out of the system and line 15 is the only

transmission line which is constrained in the scale of the problem. Its capacity is limited to 20

MW. The cost function coefficients of the generators are presented in table 16.

Figure 27: IEEE standard 30-bus, 6-generator system



Table 16: Cost function coefficients of the generators

------ α β

Gen. 1 0.1 16

Gen. 2 0.11 16

Gen. 3 0.12 16

Gen. 4 .13 16

Gen. 5 14 16

Gen. 6 15 16

The generator’s cost function coefficients are changed so that the generation in areas 1 and 2

becomes cheaper than the generation in area 3. Thus, ideally most of the energy demanded in

area 3 would be imported from areas 1 and 2. However, because of the transmission capacity

limit on line 15, the deliverable power from areas 1 and 2 to area 3 is limited.

The generators’ capacities are all limited to 150 MW. Two FACTS devices are installed on the

inter-ties 15 and 32. FACTS capacity is limited to 20% change in the reactance of the linked line.

In order to calculate the marginal value of the FACTS devices the sensitivity of prices and power

flows to the changes made by each device should be calculated. Each device is used with 1%

change in the reactance of its related line and the changes in power flows and prices are

calculated. Table 17 summarizes the sensitivities. For each line ΔF indicates the change in the

flow of that line due to 1% change in the reactance with the FACTS device. ΔF1 corresponds to

changes due to the device installed on line 15 and ΔF2 corresponds to the FACTS installed on

line 32. Δλ represents the price difference at the ends of each line when the FACTS devices are

not used. Δλ1 and Δλ2 show the same variable when the relative FACTS is used. Δ(Δλ)1 and



Δ(Δλ)2 represent the changes in the price difference at the two ends of each line due to 1% usage

of each device. The lines which are not affected by the FACTS devices are taken out.

Table 17: Sensitivity of power flows and prices over the transmission network to the FACTS

devices in IEEE-30 Bus System

Line #

From To ΔF1 ΔF2 Δλ Δλ1 Δλ2 Δ(Δλ)1 Δ(Δλ)2

1 1 2 -0.0016 0.0064 5.8927 5.871 5.9597 -0.0218 0.067

2 1 3 0.0016 -0.0064 -1.866 -1.8591 -1.8872 0.0069 -0.0212

3 2 4 0.0114 -0.045 -11.6872 -11.6441 -11.8201 0.0431 -0.1329

4 3 4 0.0016 -0.0064 -3.9285 -3.914 -3.9731 0.0145 -0.0447

5 2 5 0.0064 -0.0252 2.1758 2.1677 2.2005 -0.008 0.0247

6 2 6 0.0397 -0.1568 12.1843 12.1393 12.3228 -0.045 0.1385

7 4 6 0.013 -0.0514 23.8715 23.7834 24.1429 -0.0881 0.2714

8 5 7 0.0064 -0.0252 1.3055 1.3006 1.3203 -0.0048 0.0148

9 6 7 -0.0064 0.0252 -8.7031 -8.671 -8.802 0.0321 -0.0989

10 6 8 0.0018 -0.0072 1.709 1.7026 1.7284 -0.0063 0.0194

11 6 9 0.0248 -0.0981 12.1946 12.1496 12.3332 -0.045 0.1386

12 6 10 0.0142 -0.056 18.5822 18.5136 18.7935 -0.0686 0.2112

14 9 10 0.0248 -0.0981 6.3876 6.3641 6.4603 -0.0236 0.0726

15 4 12 0 0 149.6006 149.0484 151.6786 -0.5522 2.0781

16 12 13 0.0359 -0.1371 0 0 0 0 0

17 12 14 -0.0079 0.0302 -7.92 -7.8908 -8.01 0.0292 -0.09

18 12 15 -0.028 0.1069 -14.0123 -13.9606 -14.1716 0.0517 -0.1593

20 14 15 -0.0079 0.0302 -6.0923 -6.0698 -6.1616 0.0225 -0.0693

25 10 20 0 0 93.1345 92.7907 94.5707 -0.3438 1.4362

26 10 17 0 0 107.1468 106.7513 108.7423 -0.3955 1.5955

27 10 21 0.0056 -0.022 9.1252 9.0915 9.2289 -0.0337 0.1037

28 10 22 0.0335 -0.1321 11.7324 11.6891 11.8658 -0.0433 0.1334

29 21 22 0.0056 -0.022 2.6072 2.5976 2.6368 -0.0096 0.0296

30 15 23 -0.0359 0.1371 -27.6497 -27.5476 -27.964 0.1021 -0.3143

31 22 24 0.039 -0.1541 16.4254 16.3647 16.6121 -0.0606 0.1867

32 23 24 -0.0592 0.2335 -37.3271 -37.1893 -38.1289 0.1378 -0.8018

33 24 25 -0.0201 0.0794 -15.5088 -15.4515 -15.6851 0.0572 -0.1763

35 25 27 -0.0201 0.0794 -9.8692 -9.8328 -9.9814 0.0364 -0.1122

36 28 27 0.0201 -0.0794 18.7985 18.7291 19.0122 -0.0694 0.2137

40 8 28 0.0018 -0.0072 0.8545 0.8513 0.8642 -0.0032 0.0097

41 6 28 0.0183 -0.0722 2.5634 2.554 2.5926 -0.0095 0.0291



Using the information presented in table 17, the FACTS marginal value functions can be

calculated. The marginal value for each device should represent changes in the power flows at

the price difference. This should be summed over all the transmission lines. Equations (4-17) and

(4-18) show the calculations for the two FACTS devices in the system. The marginal value

functions are depicted in Figure 28.







Figure 28: Marginal value of FACTS capacity in IEEE-30 bus system.



Since line 15 is congested, FACTS devices are used to increase the reactance on line 15 and

decrease the reactance on line 32 each by 20%. This way more power would flow along line 32,

increasing the total transfer capability from areas 1 and 2 to area 3. The dispatched output of

generators is shown in Figure 29. If there was no congestion, FACTS would not be used because

there was no need for it.

Figure 29: Generators’ output when the FACTS devices are used and when they are not used.



The FACTS capacity needed to relieve the congestion is substantially larger than the 20%

capacity installed on the two inter-ties. Therefore as discussed in the previous section, Cournot

and SFE give the same equilibrium with all the capacity offered at the marginal value. The nodal

price differences when the FACTS devices are used are depicted in figure 30. In this system,

generators 5 and 6 are relatively more expensive and because of the limit on the capacity of the

inter-ties there is not enough capacity for the generation in areas 1 and 2 to be exported to zone

3. Thus, the prices in zone 3 would be higher. The FACTS devices can help increasing the

transfer capability and decreasing the price in zone 3. Figure 30 shows that the prices at all the

nodes of zone 3 would decrease as the result of using the FACTS devices and prices in other

zones would slightly increase.



Figure 30: Price difference between the case where the FACTS devices are not used and the case

where they are used.

The two FACTS devices decrease the generation cost from $19851 to $14868, a 25% decrease.

They also reduce customers’ cost from $23562 to $17284, a 26% decrease. At the same time the

device owners each make $92 and $359 relatively.

4.6.The complete game

Two payment mechanisms where introduced and simulated in previous sections. I solved for

Nash equilibrium under Cournot payment structure. Under SFE set of assumptions, I assumed

that the FACTS owners would bid zero. The generators were assumed to always submit supply

offers equal to their marginal cost functions. This is similar to the assumption of (Joskow and

Tirole, 2005) where they argue that the resulting supply function at each node comes from a



local competition. They further assume that the changes in transmission network have no

significant effect on the local competition. By this logic the only strategic players that should be

considered are the FACTS device owners. The same set of assumptions is used here in the two-

node example (section 4.4) and thirty-node example (section 4.5). The complete game would

consider both FACTS and generators as strategic players, responding to each others’ strategies.

Moreover, the market considering FACTS and generation should be cleared simultaneously. In

order to avoid the complexities involved with non-convexities of FACTS impacts, I solved the

market without FACTS and use a sensitivity-based method to find the optimal FACTS dispatch

and value. Then, I solve the market with the obtained topology to find the final generation

dispatch. Although, my assumptions are restrictive, they are reasonable to show potential

benefits of a better market design allowing for active participation of FACTS devices. Solving

for Nash equilibrium in a complete market would be interesting but involves some practical

challenges. Here I mention some of these difficulties:

1. The problem of optimal bidding strategy under SFE assumptions can be straightforwardly

solved when the transmission constraints are not binding. Under such circumstances there

is a single price at all the nodes of the system and there would be no need for FACTS

devices to be dispatched to increase transfer capability. The problem becomes

challenging when transmission constraints are binding and nodal prices differ (Day et al.,

2002). In a transmission-constrained market, pure strategy Nash equilibrium may not

exist (Cunningham et al., 2002). There may also be multiple equilibria or local equilibria

(so-called Nash traps). The local equilibria only satisfy equilibrium conditions in a subset

of the strategy domain (Son and Baldick, 2004). Figures 31 and 32 show the best

response dynamics of the generators’ bidding strategies in the two-node and thirty-bus



system with no FACTS devices. In the figures it is assumed that the generators submit the

slope of their supply function truthfully (equal to the slope of their marginal cost) and just

play with the intercept. The oscillatory behavior means that there is no stable pure

strategy Nash equilibrium. The explanation for figure 31 is that starting from their

marginal cost, the expensive generator at node two only gets to generate 25MW, and so it

increases its bid to the price cap. Generator one then increases its bid so much that still

generates 800 MW but gets a price close to the price at node 2. Then generator 2 reduces

its bid to reduce the price a little bit but gets larger production share and thus increases its

profit. The cheap generator then reduces its bid again to recapture its share of production.

As shown in figure 31 this cyclic behavior does not converge to Equilibrium. Similar

cyclic behavior is observed in the 30-bus system. However, because of the existence of

multiple generators in each area, the bidding strategies do not reach the price cap. The

introduction of FACTS bidding adds to the non-convexity of the problem and calculating

the best response dynamics becomes even more challenging.



Figure 31: Generator's bidding strategies in two-node system assuming a price cap of

$3000 per megawatt hour. The demand at node two is 825 MW.

Figure 32: Generators’ bidding strategies in the 30 bus system.



2. The equilibrium in SFE models for generators is shown to be the artifact of the

parameterization of the model (Baldick, 2002). This means that the results can be product

of the choice of the decision variables, e.g. slope or intercept. This would make the

results hard to generalize. In my model, in case of heavy congestion the outcome is not

dependent on the choice of decision variable and the marginal value curve sets the prices.

Further research similar to (Baldick, 2002) is needed for FACTS devices to determine

whether the outcome of SFE model for FACTS is robust to the choice of decision

variable or not in the case of low congestion.

3. A solution to these problems is adoption of a Conjectured Supply Function (CSF)

approach instead of supply function (Day et al., 2002). CSF is a conjectural variation

model with players form conjectures about other players’ supply functions. CSF

equilibrium can be calculated in larger transmission networks and better represents a real

power system than a Cournot model for generators. Again note that the designed Cournot

market for FACTS is different from Cournot game for generators. In this chapter the

generators were always assumed to submit supply offers in the form of supply functions,

which were assumed to be equal to marginal cost. CSF is not as realistic as SFE, since the

assumed conjectures may be different from the actual reaction of the rivals. Using a range

of different conjectures can provide a wider overview of the market’s behavior. However

it will add to the complexity of the model without necessarily enabling the generalization

of the results. The outcome of CSF is sensitive to the choice of the selected conjectures

and thus is not robust.



The complete game problem is computationally interesting, but more fundamental advances are

necessary to characterize equilibrium, if such a stable equilibrium exists, in the complete

strategic game. Since the focus in this research is on the policy implications of inclusion of

FACTS devices in the electricity market, I keep the assumption that generators are not strategic

players and focus on the behavior of FACTS devices. This assumption may be restrictive for

conclusions especially in the future with potentially larger FACTS capacity. But in order to

prevent the challenges briefly explained in this section I did not try to solve the complete game.

This research fixes the incentive problem identified in previous work (O’Neill et al., 2008) by

offering a new payment mechanism. Further research is needed to address the complete game’s



With the smart grid technology, transmission topology can be co-optimized with generation

simultaneously. Here I study the possibility of having a market for FACTS devices in order to

control the admittance of the lines. It was discussed that FACTS devices are not natural

monopoly and can participate in the market. I discussed the positive externality problem in a

recent study aimed at inclusion of transmission in the wholesale electricity market. I addressed

the problem by proposing another method to value the FACTS capacity. The correct way of

calculating the value is simultaneous co-optimization of generation and FACTS. However, to

avoid the complexities of dealing with a non-convex problem, a sensitivity-based method was

used to estimate the value of FACTS capacity. Once the value is calculated, different payment

mechanisms could be set up by the system operator to compensate the owners.

I investigated two different payment structures: first, they were paid based on the LMP



differences similar to FTR. Second: They were allowed to submit their offers to the market

which means they put prices on the percentage changes in the admittance of the line. Since the

marginal cost of FACTS devices is zero, it was assumed that they would bid zero to the market.

The designs were formulated and simulated on a simple two-node system. It was shown that both

designs can be beneficial to the system and also to the players. However bid-based FACTS

market was more efficient for the society compared to LMP compensation design. It was shown

that when the device owners are being paid based on LMP differences they may strategically

withhold some capacity and may deviate from socially optimal point. If the FACTS capacity is

low enough compared to the congestion, both SFE and Cournot have the same outcome. Under

such circumstances all the available capacity is offered at the marginal value. Simulation of the

market on a 30-bus system with two inter-ties showed that two FACTS devices were able to

reduce the generation and demand costs by 25% via changing the inter-tie reactances by 20%.

These results suggest that providing a proper market-based signal to the FACTS owners can

effectively decrease the system cost.

Participation of dispatchable transmission assets such as FACTS devices would also change the

generation dispatch. As shown both in the two-node and thirty-node system, the FACTS devices

increase the amount of deliverable supply to nodes with higher prices caused by congestion.

They help the cheaper generation to replace some more expensive generation and lower the

market share of the expensive generators. This means that these devices can lower the market

power for some generators by lowering their market share.

However this conclusion alongside other comments made in this study is based on the

assumption of independent ownership of these assets. FACTS devices change the power flows



and allow for dispatch adjustments to lower the total system cost. This means that some cheaper

generation replaces some expensive generation. Depending on the impacts of FACTS on

different generators, they may or may not have the right incentives to operate FACTS in a

socially optimal way.

The congestion rent is given away by the RTO through its FTR auctions. The revenue from that

auction is allocated to the owners of transmission assets (so-called Auction Revenue Rights). A

profit-maximizing transmission owner that also owned FACTS devices would need to weigh the

lost ARR revenue from operating FACTS devices against the payments given by the RTO to the

FACTS device. Suppose that some market player paid exactly the congestion rent for an FTR,

the two-node example suggests that the lost ARR revenue is much larger than the FACTS profit.

Figure 18 shows the FACTS profit, which is lower by a wide margin that the lost congestion rent

shown in Figure 22. Therefore the transmission lines do not have the right incentive to operate

FACTS in a socially optimal way.

The other assumption is this chapter was the competitive behavior of the FACTS devices with

respect to each other. In the case that the same firm owns more than one device, the outcome of

the market would be closer to a monopolistic behavior. A pure monopoly for FACTS devices

could result in strategic withholding, with prices always as high as the marginal value. The

results presented in previous sections showed that competitive behavior is only observed when

the FACTS capacity is enough to relieve the congestion. If the congestion is large enough and

the capacity constraint for FACTS devices is binding the outcome of competition and monopoly

are the same. Under such circumstances all the FACTS capacity would be offered at the marginal

value. This happens because the system needs more FACTS capacity than the available.



Therefore, there would be no competition on the available FACTS capacity and all the device

owners can get paid the marginal value, which is the cap on FACTS price. This was shown both

in the two-node and thirty-bus examples.

The initial results in this chapter show that the ownership of FACTS and transmission lines

should be separated. Even if the congestion is large and would not be relieved by the installed

FACTS capacity, the price change caused by the FACTS devices would lower the congestion

rent. This was shown in the simulation studies in this chapter. While some generators may have

the right incentive to invest in FACTS capacity it is not clear whether the ownership of FACTS

and generation assets should be independent. Further research is needed to better answer the

question of whether ownership of FACTS and other assets would result in a manipulative

adjustment of the network topology or not.

Changing the way FACTS devices operate today would affect some other operational protocols.

For instance by changing the impedance of a line, the protection relay settings should also be

adjusted to represent the correct protection zones. Moreover, the FACTS setting should be

communicated to the neighboring systems so they have the correct model for their transmission




5. Conclusion and Policy Implications

Analysis of electricity policies often requires understanding the effects of transmission

constraints, which can be very complex. The constraints on the transmission system cause

locational price disparities in the system. This dissertation has two main parts addressing two

problems regarding the transmission constraints.

The first part (Chapters 2 and 3) develops a supply-demand policy analysis tool which captures

the distributional impacts of the policy in transmission-constrained electricity markets. The

model uses same publically available data and statistical methods used by policy analysts in their

transmission-less models. It also implicitly accounts for the impacts of the transmission

constraints by estimating the price and fuel utilization at the zonal level. The distributional price

and fuel utilization impacts are sometimes important policy outcomes which are not detectable

with transmission-less models. This is especially important when the policy under study is at

state level. The inputs to the model are zonal demand, total demand in the system, and fuel

prices. The model can also capture conditions under which a mixture of two fuels sets the

electricity price using fuzzy logic.

I applied my model to seventeen utility zones in the PJM footprint and calculated the zonal

thresholds where the marginal fuel switches. The results show the sensitivity of the marginal fuel

to the zonal and system loads. They show that the price of electricity in PJM is mostly driven by

natural gas prices. The example analysis of Pennsylvania’s Act 129 shows that compliance with

Act 129 demand-reduction targets lowers total electric generation costs in Pennsylvania by 2.1 to

2.88 percent in a year similar to 2009. While the electricity prices decline in most of the other



zones of PJM, southern parts of Maryland and eastern parts of Virginia might face price

increases. Assuming natural gas prices at levels similar to fall 2010, almost half of the prices in

2009, Pennsylvania Act 129 would lower total electric generation costs in Pennsylvania by 2.4

percent. I estimate the total cost reduction in PJM to be around 1 percent which translates to

$267 million. The cost reduction estimates are nearly twice as large as those generated by models

that do not account for transmission constraints. Although the assumption that transmission

constraints can be ignored makes policy models more tractable, the analysis of Pennsylvania Act

129 suggests that these models may underestimate the impacts of electricity policies.

Differences in estimated generation reductions and emissions implications relative to previous

work, combined with the possibility for pecuniary effects, suggests that state-level energy

efficiency policies can have broad regional benefits, but such benefits are unlikely to be uniform.

The simulation of a carbon tax of $35 per ton in PJM shows that such a policy would increase

the prices by 47 to 89 percent in PJM. It would also increase the influence of coal on formation

of electricity prices and reduce the CO2 emissions by 7.2 to 10.6 percent. None of the above

mentioned zonal studies were possible with the models which abstract from the transmission


The second part of this dissertation (Chapter 4) focuses on the improvement of the transmission

system with FACTS devices. With the smart grid technology FACTS devices can be used to

optimize the topology of the network as an alternative to building new transmission lines or

cheap generation. While FACTS can upgrade the system appropriate policies are needed to

facilitate the investment in this technology. I studied the possibility of having a market for

FACTS devices in order to control the admittance of the lines as a potentially more efficient



method than regulating them like the wires. I discussed that the FACTS devices unlike the

transmission lines are not necessarily natural monopoly and thus can participate in the wholesale

electricity market to provide transmission services.

I proposed a market based mechanism to identify the value of additional transfer capability

provided by the FACTS devices. Once this marginal value is calculated, different payment

structures can be set up by the system operator. I investigated two different payment structures

for compensating the FACTS devices: first, they are paid based on the LMP differences similar

to FTR. Second: They are allowed to submit their offers to the market which means they put

prices on the percentage changes in the admittance of the line. The designs were formulated and

first order conditions at equilibrium were derived. They were simulated on a simple two-node

system with a comprehensive analysis. It was shown that both mechanisms can be beneficial to

the system and also to the players. However bid-based FACTS payment structure was more

efficient for the society compared to LMP-based compensation method. It was shown that when

the device owners are being paid based on LMP differences they may strategically withhold

some capacity and deviate from the socially optimal solution. If the congestion is severe enough

that FACTS capacity is not enough for relieving it, the outcome of both designs could be

equivalent. Under such circumstances all the FACTS capacity is offered to the market at the

marginal value. This would still improve the social welfare. The marginal value of FACTS

capacity was also simulated on a 30-bus system to present the necessary computational steps.

The results suggest that the transmission system can be improved with FACTS devices as an

alternative to investment in cheaper generation or transmission lines. Proper modifications to the

current wholesale electricity market designs can be made to signal the right incentive for



investment and optimal operation of FACTS capacity. The installed FACTS can improve the

transmission network and gain revenue by participating in the market.

From a regulatory standpoint my initial results suggest that the ownership of FACTS devices

should be independent of the transmission lines, they are installed on. Further research is needed

to better answer the question of whether ownership of FACTS and other assets would result in a

manipulative adjustment of the network topology or not. Other market players may or may not

have the right incentive to invest and operate the FACTS devices in a socially optimal way.

Equilibrium conditions in the complete game should be identified to help answering these





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Appendix 1: Explaining Some Counter-Intuitive Results

This appendix discusses in more detail two seemingly counter-intuitive results in chapters two

and three of this dissertation. First, my results indicated that as the demand for power decreased

in Pennsylvania, prices increased in Virginia and the District of Columbia. Second, for some

scenarios I found that some thresholds in quantity in one zone were positively related to

quantities in other zones. While these results may be economically counter-intuitive, they are

relatively simple implications of Kirchhoff’s Laws. In this appendix I use a three-node network

to illustrate how these results can arise.

My simulation of Act 129 suggests that by decreasing load in Pennsylvania, electricity price in

Virginia and Washington, DC area increases. To understand how that could happen consider the

power system shown in Figure A-1 below. In Figure A-1, Node 1 represents the Virginia and

Washington, DC area, while the other two nodes in the network represent the remainder of the

PJM system.



Figure A-1: Three node test system. All transmission lines in the system are assumed to have

equal impedances.

Let Qk be power generation at node k; Lkj represent the flow along the transmission line

connecting nodes k and j; and λk be the LMP at node k. For a system without any transmission

congestion I have:

Q1=35 MW Q2=25 MW

λ1= λ2= λ3= 35 $/MWh

Power flows: L1,2=0 MW L1,3=25 MW L2,3=25 MW





MC2=10+Q2 50MW


2 3



Now assume that the line connecting node 1 to node 3 has a thermal capacity of 20 MW. This is

5 MW of power less than what it carries in the unconstrained scenario above. In order to reduce

capacity on line 1-3 while still meeting demand, generator 1 must reduce its output by 15 MW,

while generator 2 has to increase its power output by 15 MW. The resulting prices and quantities


Q1=20 MW Q2=40 MW

λ1= 20 $/MWh λ2=50$/MWh λ3=2 λ2- λ1 = 80 $/MWh 11

Power flows: L1,2=-10 MW L1,3=20 MW L2,3=30 MW

Now assume that load at node 3 decreases to 45 MW. This load reduction in node 3 enables an

increase in output from generator 1. The resulting prices and quantities are:

Q1=25 MW Q2=30 MW

λ1= 25 $/MWh λ2=40$/MWh λ3=2 λ2- λ1 = 55 $/MWh

Power flows: L1,2=-5 MW L1,3=20 MW L2,3=25 MW

11 To consume an extra megawatt of load at node 3, two additional megawatts need to be generated at node 2 and the generator at node 1 must reduce its output by one megawatt. Thus the price at node 3 equals twice the marginal cost at node two minus the marginal cost at node 1.



Thus, decreasing load at node 3 actually increases the price of power at node 1.

More generally, reducing load in a particular zone may allow for more exports of power from

another zone. This in turn will increase the marginal cost of power at the exporting zone,

resulting in increased costs for consumers in that zone.

The second seemingly counter-intuitive result in that chapter is that the slope of some fuel

transition thresholds could be positive (as in Figure 6). I now explain this result, again using a

three-node network.

In a system with no active transmission constraints, I expect to have identical prices in all

locations. In such a system it does not matter where the load is, and the marginal unit specifies

the marginal fuel for serving demand at any of the nodes. Thus both qi and qT have the same

effect and the slope of variable threshold line should be negative.

Now consider the following system:



Figure A-2: Three node test system with two different types of plants at node 1.

As in the previous example, assume that line 13 has thermal capacity of 20 MW, as well as

qi=10 MWh. Assume that the gas turbine at node 1 has generation capacity of 20 MW. Other

generators are unconstrained and marginal cost of generator at node 2 is 55$/MWh.

For qT = 50 MWh, 10 MWh of the capacity of the gas turbine at node 1 would be in use to serve

the load at node 1. Thus, the maximum zonal load qi for which the marginal fuel is natural gas is

qi=10 MWh. Thus, the maximum amount that can be supplied to node 3 from node 1 (with

natural gas as the marginal fuel) is 10 MWh, with 40 MWh supplied from node 2. For any larger

zonal load at node 1, the system operator would have to use the oil fired plant at node 1 which

would thus become the marginal unit at node 1.



Now assume that qT = 45 MWh . In this case, 15 MWh of the gas turbine at node 1 would be in

use for serving the load at node 3, leaving 5 MWh of the gas turbine’s capacity for the zonal load

qi. Thus for any zonal load larger than qi = 5 MWh, oil would be the marginal unit. The

reduction in quantity demanded at node 3 reduces the amount of power required from node 2.

This in turn increases the quantity that can be supplied from node 1. Here the quantity supplied

from node 1 increases from 10 to 15 MWh. This in turn makes oil the marginal fuel at node 1,

increasing the price at node 1 from $20/MWh to $50/MWh.

Once again, reducing demand serves to reduce demand on the transmission system. This, in

turn, may allow for further exports of power from a particular zone, increasing the price of power

in that zone. The gas/oil threshold at node 1 would thus have a positive slope. Figure A-3

depicts this situation. It means that although congestion poses higher costs to the system, it is

beneficial for some nodes.



Figure A-3: Gas/Oil threshold at node 1 with positive slope.



Appendix 2: Correcting for Electricity Price Over-Estimation in the Fuzzy


For the sake of simplicity assume that the marginal fuel is just a function of zonal load.

Moreover assume that the electricity price is a linear function of load in each segment. Figure

A1-a shows such a condition when the difference between natural gas and coal price is large

enough that there is no overlap between segments of the zonal supply curve (the threshold

between the coal and gas segments is a single point). At the threshold the most expensive coal

fired power plant sets the price at p1. Now assume that natural gas prices drop to a lower level

resulting in a fuzzy gap between the coal and natural gas segments of the zonal supply curve.

The price is still equal to p1 but it could be set either by a high-cost coal plant with a marginal

cost of p1 at the relevant level of production, or a low-cost natural gas plant, also with a marginal

cost of p1 at the relevant level of production. This situation is shown in Figure A1-b.

In the fuzzy gap, either coal or gas could be the marginal fuel, but in either case the prevailing

price should be p1. The estimation problem arises when projecting the coal portion of the supply

curve to the upper boundary of the fuzzy gap. Within the fuzzy gap, both the coal and gas

segments of the supply curve would predict a price of p1. But on the boundary of the fuzzy gap

the coal segment of the supply curve would predict a higher price. Figure A1-c shows the coal

segment of the supply curve in the fuzzy band. If I use the original supply function as I use it

outside the fuzzy gap I end up with the unadjusted projection shown in the figure, and estimate

an electricity price higher than p1. This is clearly incorrect since the price of coal has not changed

and thus the estimated price of electricity should not change. Thus, I need to adjust the supply



function in the fuzzy region so that the price is bounded from above by p1. To do so, I adjust the

load variables (qi, qT) in the fuzzy area, where a mixture of two fuels is marginal.

Figure A1: An example explaining why I need to adjust the load variable in the fuzzy gap.

(a): Coal and gas segments of supply function, assuming deterministic marginal fuels. (b):

The same supply functions assuming lower natural gas prices which results in a fuzzy area

where a mixture of natural gas and coal is marginal. (c): The coal portion of the zonal

supply curve in the fuzzy gap. If I do not adjust the supply curve the estimated electricity

price exceeds p1.

Figure A2 shows two different fuzzy gaps for the coal-gas threshold, with widths Δ1 and Δ2 .

Points A, B and C represent the same marginal coal-fired power plant under three different fuzzy

gap scenarios. In the case with no fuzzy gap (i.e., the membership functions are totally

deterministic), point A represents the most expensive relevant coal power plant in the system.



With the fuzzy gap of width Δ1 , point B represents the same power plant. Point C represents the

same power plant when fuzzy gap has width Δ2 . Assuming a fixed coal price for all three of

these cases, Equation (4) should estimate the same coal-related electricity price for all the three

described cases. To do so I utilize a transformation to map point C (associated with a fuzzy gap

of width Δ1) and point B (fuzzy gap of width Δ2) to the reference point A. Such a

transformation should not, however, change the locations of the fuzzy gap boundaries

(represented by points D and E in Figure A2).

Figure A2: Load adjustment in the fuzzy gaps

The transformation for coal is explained by Equation (A1). and

are the equivalent zonal

and system load for coal part of the supply function. and

are the projections of the original














point on the lower fuzzy limit (E or D). Similar transformation is needed for gas and oil. For oil I

need the projection on the higher limit of the fuzzy gap. For natural gas, the projection depends

on whether there is a mixture of coal and gas or gas and oil.




Appendix 3- Regression Parameters

In this appendix, alpha and beta parameters of Equation 3 in addition to the related test statistics are presented for the fmy models used in chapter




Piecewise linear model with fixed thresholds:

Zone Coal Gas Oil

intercept zonal load PJM load intercept zonal load PJM load Intercept zonal load PJM load

APS Parameter -18.40* 5.29E-3* 1.72E-4* -6.49* 3.30E-4* 1.34E-4* -30.90* 5.42E-3* 1.51E-5

T-Statistics -9.87 7.53 4.11 -57.85 8.21 53.56 -2.56 3.61 0.70

AEP Parameter -14.65* 2.66E-3* -9.90E-5* -6.66* 4.92E-4* 5.25E-5* -22.91* 8.31E-4* 1.24E-4*

T-Statistics -18.53 24.46 -5.55 -46.10 30.67 20.61 -2.58 2.23 7.31

AECO Parameter -17.43* 4.07E-5* 5.34E-4* -8.20* 2.11E-3* 1.56E-4* -63.66* -6.70E-3 7.85E-4*

T-Statistics -4.90 7.43E-3 8.87 -59.68 17.71 54.90 -5.98 -1.55 13.54

BGE Parameter -20.15* -6.75E-3* 9.02E-4* -7.32* 4.13E-3* -1.95E-5* 61.76* -0.01* 4.33E-4*

T-Statistics -5.56 -3.24 9.33 -51.56 40.91 -3.53 2.02 -2.97 4.02

COMED Parameter -14.32* 1.07E-3* 2.65E-4* -5.54* 4.47E-4* 7.18E-5* -3.69 1.09E-3 -5.16E-5

T-Statistics -7.92 4.02 11.72 -58.40 33.67 34.38 -0.27 1.52 -1.04

DPL Parameter -15.49* 1.66E-3 4.56E-4* -5.99* 2.83E-3* 8.68E-5* -59.57* 1.12E-3 5.56E-4*

T-Statistics -2.77 0.31 4.01 -48.93 22.77 21.05 -3.92 0.26 7.70

DUQ Parameter -12.15* 0.01* 1.30E-4* -4.23* 4.88E-3* 1.35E-5* -39.36* 0.01* 1.24E-4*

T-Statistics -14.02 9.36 5.51 -28.43 28.16 3.93 -5.04 4.29 4.46

JCPL Parameter -13.68* -0.02* 1.19E-3* -6.12* 4.35E-4* 1.48E-4* -57.97* 8.01E-4 5.47E-4*

T-Statistics -2.01 -5.11 12.68 -48.15 6.51 44.32 -3.38 0.27 5.96

METED Parameter -22.94* 8.06E-4 6.02E-4* -7.08* 1.89E-3* 1.30E-4* -40.38* -0.02* 7.54E-4*

T-Statistics -9.77 0.35 12.79 -54.53 10.34 32.27 -4.27 -4.31 19.74

PECO Parameter -21.35* -5.76E-3* 9.35E-4* -5.79* 1.94E-3* 4.17E-5* -21.79 -4.51E-3 5.79E-4*

T-Statistics -7.63 -4.32 13.98 -47.18 29.24 9.91 -0.97 -1.54 7.11

PPL Parameter -17.60* 2.88E-3* 3.59E-4* -5.76* -3.48E-5 1.57E-4* -29.27* 3.39E-3* 1.62E-4*

T-Statistics -6.45 2.49 5.86 -48.19 -0.73 55.75 -2.53 2.11 8.02

PENELEC Parameter -16.83* 8.10E-3* 2.90E-4* -5.30* 9.16E-4* 1.16E-4* -21.65 9.65E-3 7.10E-5

T-Statistics -11.01 6.73 12.81 -41.80 9.54 61.40 -0.63 0.78 1.16

PEPCO Parameter -18.70* -4.96E-3* 7.79E-4* -7.09* 4.52E-3* -2.71E-5* -61.12* 0.01* 2.88E-5

T-Statistics -4.67 -2.33 9.53 -47.98 44.76 -5.10 -2.05 2.14 0.28

PSEG Parameter -15.88* -8.44E-4 5.67E-4* -6.25* 2.44E-4* 1.50E-4* -46.64* 8.14E-4 4.32E-4*

T-Statistics -2.09 -0.59 7.62 -62.87 6.95 53.64 -2.58 0.43 7.44

RECO Parameter -17.37* -0.04 6.17E-4* -5.51* 6.06E-3* 1.43E-4* -182.70* 0.22* 8.37E-4*

T-Statistics -2.38 -0.56 7.43 -49.01 8.52 56.97 -6.32 4.13 6.01

DAY Parameter -9.61* 0.01* 5.23E-5* -5.55* 3.65E-3* 3.62E-5* -30.65* 6.28E-3* 1.62E-4*

T-Statistics -15.14 19.67 3.48 -40.74 31.06 12.44 -4.56 3.31 9.11

DOM Parameter -18.26* -1.58E-3* 7.54E-4* -5.26* 1.43E-3* -3.99E-5* -16.00 -3.19E-3 7.08E-4*

T-Statistics -4.54 -2.19 9.23 -42.30 57.68 -10.07 -0.40 -1.55 6.12



Piecewise quadratic model with fixed thresholds:

Zone Coal Gas Oil

intercept zonal




zonal load


PJM load


intercept zonal

load PJM

load zonal load

squared PJM load

squared intercept zonal

load PJM

load zonal load

squared PJM load


APS Parameter 9.86 3.48E-3 2.63E-7 -6.25E-4 6.20E-9 14.83* -7.13E-3* 6.14E-7* 1.56E-4* -1.00E-10 1,702.98* -0.39* 2.39E-5* -1.59E-3* 6.60E-9*

T-Statistics 0.58 0.37 0.24 -1.21 1.58 15.94 -16.82 17.91 7.85 -1.19 3.09 -2.93 2.97 -2.60 2.64

AEP Parameter 18.68* -6.13E-3* 3.27E-7* 6.32E-4* -5.20E-9* 11.41* -1.65E-3* 5.89E-8* 8.12E-5* -2.00E-10 -949.52 0.08 -1.62E-6 1.93E-4 -3.00E-10

T-Statistics 2.40 -4.22 6.06 3.18 -3.72 8.27 -8.28 10.83 3.68 -1.40 -1.92 1.90 -1.88 0.44 -0.16

AECO Parameter 10.52 -0.12 5.90E-5 1.34E-3* -5.60E-9 8.55* -8.37E-3* 2.97E-6* -5.17E-5* 1.30E-9* 2,966.32* -2.38* 4.13E-4* 6.27E-3 -2.02E-8

T-Statistics 0.29 -1.33 1.32 1.96 -1.07 10.25 -10.88 12.45 -2.14 9.31 2.47 -2.90 2.86 1.14 -0.97

BGE Parameter -25.66 -0.03 3.78E-6 2.09E-3 -9.70E-9 -1.47 -7.56E-3* 1.33E-6* 4.20E-4* -2.50E-9* 182.82 0.06 -5.35E-6 -5.14E-3 2.12E-8

T-Statistics -0.44 -0.57 0.43 1.19 -0.68 -1.93 -11.29 17.42 11.06 -11.45 0.10 0.10 -0.13 -1.22 1.32

COMED Parameter -16.36 -1.10E-3 1.17E-7 6.37E-4* -2.80E-9 -7.88* -5.27E-4* 3.59E-8* 2.70E-4* -1.10E-9* 843.48 -0.08 1.85E-6 1.10E-3 -4.70E-9

T-Statistics -0.61 -0.17 0.32 1.98 -1.16 -15.12 -6.14 11.65 17.81 -13.14 1.28 -1.29 1.30 0.85 -0.88

DPL Parameter -63.92 -0.02 7.06E-6 2.64E-3 -1.77E-8 -3.94* -7.81E-3* 2.12E-6* 3.33E-4* -1.40E-9* -2,081.4* 0.96* -1.21E-4* 2.38E-3 -7.20E-9

T-Statistics -1.41 -0.32 0.32 1.90 -1.56 -5.59 -9.95 13.46 11.29 -8.12 -3.32 3.07 -3.06 1.18 -0.91

DUQ Parameter 5.67 -0.05* 2.22E-5* 9.54E-4* -5.60E-9* 9.95* -5.88E-4 1.19E-6* -1.71E-4* 1.00E-9* 97.49 0.08 -1.25E-5 -3.34E-3* 1.39E-8*

T-Statistics 0.69 -2.97 3.69 3.90 -3.35 8.02 -0.35 2.90 -5.33 6.02 0.39 0.44 -0.42 -4.51 4.69

JCPL Parameter 134.86 0.16 -4.54E-5 -9.54E-3* 8.81E-8* -5.03* 9.11E-4* -7.33E-8 1.06E-4* 2.00E-10 -907.38 0.22 -1.85E-5 3.28E-3 -1.08E-8

T-Statistics 1.04 1.10 -1.14 -7.55 8.54 -7.53 2.69 -1.50 4.39 1.80 -1.19 0.95 -0.94 1.14 -0.95

METED Parameter 22.38 -0.04 1.56E-5 -8.65E-5 4.90E-9 8.72* 8.97E-4 3.27E-7 -2.11E-4* 1.90E-9* 974.01 -1.90 3.06E-4 0.03 -1.15E-7

T-Statistics 0.97 -1.13 1.27 -0.15 1.13 10.75 0.58 0.84 -6.84 10.93 0.21 -0.56 0.54 1.16 -1.12

PECO Parameter 12.58 -0.02 1.81E-6 5.40E-4 3.10E-9 1.40 2.78E-3* -9.26E-8* -1.71E-4* 1.20E-9* 832.60 -0.19 1.10E-5 -7.31E-4 5.20E-9

T-Statistics 0.42 -0.89 0.63 0.63 0.46 1.82 6.04 -2.20 -5.42 6.96 0.69 -0.64 0.63 -0.28 0.50

PPL Parameter 25.16 -0.02 3.72E-6 3.50E-4 2.00E-10 4.97* -3.23E-3* 3.10E-7* 9.94E-5* 3.00E-10* 1,668.02* -0.42* 2.92E-5* -2.15E-3* 9.60E-9*

T-Statistics 0.87 -1.21 1.42 0.40 0.03 5.94 -7.37 7.67 4.46 2.50 3.72 -3.51 3.55 -3.19 3.44

PENELEC Parameter 55.72* -0.04* 1.66E-5* -8.17E-4* 8.10E-9* 1.22 3.74E-3* -5.42E-7* -1.06E-4* 1.20E-9* 2,703.41 -1.76 3.07E-4 -2.51E-3 1.03E-8

T-Statistics 3.64 -2.26 2.87 -3.29 4.44 1.17 3.22 -2.08 -6.67 13.95 0.76 -0.72 0.73 -1.27 1.31

PEPCO Parameter -130.01 0.07 -1.47E-5 1.51E-3 -6.30E-9 -5.44* -4.42E-3* 1.09E-6* 3.47E-4* -2.10E-9* -2,065.16 0.86 -6.70E-5 -0.01* 4.43E-8*

T-Statistics -0.75 0.47 -0.50 0.57 -0.28 -7.87 -7.51 15.06 10.04 -10.62 -1.17 1.57 -1.58 -6.08 6.09

PSEG Parameter -9.47 -5.34E-3 7.64E-7 5.69E-4 -1.00E-10 -5.27* 9.73E-4* -6.13E-8* 7.73E-5* 4.00E-10* 279.88 -0.07 3.37E-6 8.21E-4 -1.60E-9

T-Statistics -0.28 -0.50 0.40 0.76 -0.02 -10.52 4.57 -3.51 3.71 3.51 0.33 -0.41 0.41 0.46 -0.22

RECO Parameter -124.90 1.57 -7.53E-3 1.32E-3 -5.60E-9 -3.88* 0.04* -7.62E-5* 3.05E-5 6.00E-10* -1,634.04 5.02 -5.89E-3 8.01E-3 -2.72E-8

T-Statistics -1.47 1.29 -1.33 0.80 -0.41 -6.75 11.57 -9.81 1.64 5.87 -1.49 1.03 -0.98 1.15 -1.03

DAY Parameter 8.97 -0.02* 9.41E-6* 3.16E-4* -1.90E-9 10.91* -7.07E-3* 2.14E-6* -3.11E-5 3.00E-10* -513.01 0.33 -4.65E-5 -1.29E-3* 5.90E-9*

T-Statistics 1.76 -3.04 4.91 2.04 -1.75 10.88 -6.20 9.46 -1.18 2.52 -0.62 0.72 -0.72 -2.13 2.36

DOM Parameter -37.77 -0.01 6.32E-7 2.60E-3 -1.53E-8 -3.33* -4.87E-4* 8.00E-8* 1.75E-4* -1.20E-9* 4,080.49 -0.37 9.79E-6 -0.01* 4.01E-8*

T-Statistics -0.55 -0.55 0.47 1.66 -1.18 -5.29 -2.96 11.69 6.49 -7.97 1.89 -1.55 1.53 -5.08 5.18



Piecewise linear model with variable thresholds:

Zone Coal Gas Oil

intercept zonal load PJM load intercept zonal load PJM load Intercept zonal load PJM load

APS Parameter -17.34* 4.8E-03* 2.0E-04* -6.00* 1.0E-04* 1.0E-04 -49.33* 7.0E-03* 1.0E-04*

T-Statistics -10.09 8.32 4.55 -49.92 3.22 55.68 -13.12 10.67 3.36

AEP Parameter -13.90* 2.6E-03* -1.0E-04* -6.57* 5.0E-04* 1.0E-04 -16.76 6.0E-04 1.0E-04*

T-Statistics -16.94 20.97 -5.25 -47.57 27.53 22.48 -1.73 1.58 6.31

AECO Parameter -19.04* -5.1E-03 6.0E-04* -8.04* 2.0E-03* 2.0E-04 -99.96* 6.0E-04 9.0E-04*

T-Statistics -6.88 -1.50 12.52 -54.02 16.92 52.54 -15.39 0.33 13.61

BGE Parameter -19.32* -7.8E-03* 9.0E-04* -7.19* 4.1E-03* 0.0E+00 -23.74 9.0E-04 3.0E-04*

T-Statistics -4.01 -3.47 8.26 -52.32 41.08 -3.72 -0.94 0.27 2.56

COMED Parameter -12.71* 2.0E-04 4.0E-04* -4.76* 5.0E-04* 1.0E-04 6.39 6.0E-04 0.0E+00

T-Statistics -14.81 1.89 22.50 -37.82 35.13 24.24 0.43 0.77 -0.87

DPL Parameter -17.13* -2.1E-03 6.0E-04* -5.97* 2.9E-03* 1.0E-04 -57.11* 2.5E-03 5.0E-04*

T-Statistics -2.77 -0.43 4.56 -48.81 23.02 20.84 -3.12 0.72 4.50

DUQ Parameter -11.79* 9.5E-03* 2.0E-04* -4.20* 5.2E-03* 0.0E+00 -41.05* 0.01* 1.0E-04*

T-Statistics -14.26 7.47 7.78 -28.51 30.80 1.98 -6.54 5.08 4.63

JCPL Parameter -18.14* -2.6E-03 6.0E-04* -5.97* 4.0E-04* 1.0E-04 -26.91 1.1E-03 3.0E-04

T-Statistics -5.37 -1.19 8.46 -42.48 5.87 42.89 -1.09 0.50 1.82

METED Parameter -20.10* 4.7E-03* 5.0E-04* -7.04* 1.7E-03* 1.0E-04 -112.44* -6.9E-03 1.1E-03*

T-Statistics -7.15 2.12 7.45 -55.47 9.80 33.72 -7.49 -1.81 17.06

PECO Parameter -20.37* -6.2E-03* 9.0E-04* -5.67* 1.9E-03* 0.0E+00 -34.39 -2.0E-03 5.0E-04*

T-Statistics -8.14 -5.88 15.06 -44.84 29.28 9.57 -1.37 -0.99 3.72

PPL Parameter -18.17* 2.7E-03* 4.0E-04* -5.59* -1.0E-04* 2.0E-04 -11.89* 1.5E-03 1.0E-04*

T-Statistics -6.62 2.68 5.54 -45.57 -2.84 57.25 -2.16 1.52 6.22

PENELEC Parameter -20.66* 0.01* 2.0E-04* -5.36* 9.0E-04* 1.0E-04 -42.96* 8.4E-03 3.0E-04*

T-Statistics -15.45 12.12 7.09 -41.03 9.72 61.77 -2.04 1.44 2.57

PEPCO Parameter -19.18* -6.5E-03* 9.0E-04* -6.93* 4.5E-03* 0.0E+00 -33.50 -6.1E-03 7.0E-04*

T-Statistics -4.45 -3.96 10.00 -46.41 45.18 -5.54 -1.10 -0.94 4.63

PSEG Parameter -16.08* -2.3E-03* 7.0E-04* -6.21* 2.0E-04* 1.0E-04 -22.20 8.0E-04 3.0E-04

T-Statistics -3.19 -2.14 7.70 -57.84 7.08 52.61 -0.96 0.56 1.86

RECO Parameter -11.78* -0.09* 6.0E-04* -5.36* 6.0E-03* 1.0E-04 -1.83 5.8E-03 1.0E-04

T-Statistics -2.30 -1.98 7.97 -45.29 8.49 55.10 -0.07 0.23 0.76

DAY Parameter -9.65* 0.01* 0.0E+00* -5.62* 3.8E-03* 0.0E+00 -18.40* 2.2E-03 2.0E-04*

T-Statistics -15.04 20.08 3.07 -41.66 33.21 11.84 -1.97 1.09 4.94

DOM Parameter -19.56* -1.9E-03* 8.0E-04* -5.14* 1.4E-03* 0.0E+00 -48.18 -8.0E-04 6.0E-04*

T-Statistics -5.05 -3.46 10.05 -40.37 57.97 -10.53 -1.64 -0.62 5.70



Piecewise quadratic model with variable thresholds:

Zone Coal Gas Oil

intercept zonal

load PJM load zonal



PJM load

squared intercept zonal

load PJM load zonal



PJM load

squared intercept zonal

load PJM load zonal



PJM load


APS Prameter 2.15 1.7E-03 0.0E+00 -3.0E-04 0.0E+00 14.49* -7.2E-03* 0.0E+0* 2.0E-04* 0.0E+00 698.47 -0.21 0.0E+00 2.8E-03* 0.0E+00*

T-Statistics 0.13 0.17 0.40 -0.53 0.87 16.61 -16.67 17.66 8.45 -1.49 1.41 -1.68 1.69 4.68 -4.34

AEP Prameter 18.81* -4.7E-3* 0.0E+00* 3.0E-04* 0.0E+00* 10.36* -2.1E-03* 0.0E+0* 2.0E-04* 0.0E+0* 420.39 -0.03 0.0E+00 -1.0E-03 0.0E+00

T-Statistics 2.47 -3.08 4.78 2.34 -3.17 8.70 -11.19 13.80 9.25 -6.50 0.70 -0.61 0.62 -0.89 1.06

AECO Prameter -50.77 0.01 0.0E+00 1.4E-03 0.0E+00 7.13* -5.9E-03* 0.0E+0* -1.0E-04* 0.0E+0* -791.91 0.20 0.0E+00 7.5E-03 0.0E+00

T-Statistics -1.27 0.15 -0.22 1.45 -0.81 8.19 -7.90 9.67 -2.44 9.23 -1.34 0.89 -0.91* 1.01 -0.91

BGE Prameter -51.92 5.4E-03 0.0E+00 1.4E-03 0.0E+00 -1.53* -9.0E-03* 0.0E+0* 5.0E-04* 0.0E+0* -1467.39 0.76* -1.0E-04 -0.02 0.0E+00

T-Statistics -1.44 0.14 -0.28 1.80 -0.79 -2.02 -13.13 19.10 13.05 -13.39 -1.27 2.62 -2.63 -1.82 1.86

COMED Prameter -19.83 8.7E-03* 0.0E+00* -6.0E-04 0.0E+00* -8.32* -5.0E-04* 0.0E+0* 3.0E-04* 0.0E+0* 1216.87 -0.11 0.0E+00 6.0E-04 0.0E+00

T-Statistics -1.15 2.54 -2.41 -1.46 2.21 -13.10 -5.85 11.46 15.88 -11.96 1.94 -1.87 1.87 0.43 -0.47

DPL Prameter -58.73 0.03 0.0E+00 1.3E-03 0.0E+00 -4.24* -8.5E-03* 0.0E+0* 4.0E-04* 0.0E+0* -1600.56* 0.35 0.0E+00 0.01 0.0E+00

T-Statistics -1.63 0.38 -0.36 1.20 -0.80 -6.26 -10.84 14.34 12.40 -9.16 -2.43 1.62 -1.60 1.67 -1.60

DUQ Prameter -8.94 6.4E-03 0.0E+00 2.0E-04 0.0E+00 10.25* 9.2E-03* 0.0E+0* -4.0E-04* 0.0E+0* -119.50 0.20* 0.0E+00* -2.7E-03* 0.0E+00*

T-Statistics -1.05 0.38 0.16 0.56 0.05 8.98 6.28 -3.13 -11.35 11.64 -1.14 2.32 -2.20 -4.93 5.12

JCPL Prameter 230.33 0.09 0.0E+00 -0.01* 0.0E+00* -5.32* 8.0E-04* 0.0E+0 1.0E-04* 0.0E+0 -2252.35 0.11 0.0E+00 0.03 0.0E+00

T-Statistics 1.88 0.63 -0.65 -8.18 9.13 -7.85 2.44 -1.19 4.80 1.35 -1.92 1.12 -1.10 1.80 -1.77

METED Prameter 40.67 -0.03 0.0E+00 -8.0E-04 0.0E+00 7.98* 1.6E-03 0.0E+0 -2.0E-04* 0.0E+0* -3412.84 1.54 -3.0E-04 0.02 0.0E+00

T-Statistics 0.98 -0.92 1.09 -0.50 0.81 10.99 1.23 0.45 -7.33 11.67 -0.70 0.45 -0.47 0.95 -0.90

PECO Prameter 44.87 -0.02 0.0E+00 -5.0E-04 0.0E+00 2.44* 3.7E-03* 0.0E+0* -2.0E-04* 0.0E+0* -1587.06 0.11 0.0E+00 0.02 0.0E+00

T-Statistics 1.52 -1.37 1.05 -0.45 1.34 2.93 8.44 -4.30 -7.35 8.62 -1.72 0.72 -0.72 1.63 -1.58

PPL Prameter 14.07 -2.1E-03 0.0E+00 -4.0E-04 0.0E+00 3.92* -1.0E-03* 0.0E+0* 0.0E+00 0.0E+0* 200.61 -0.05 0.0E+00 -5.0E-04 0.0E+00

T-Statistics 0.46 -0.14 0.37 -0.37 0.71 4.38 -2.14 2.17 -0.34 7.44 1.33 -1.10 1.12 -1.02 1.46

PENELEC Prameter 36.22* -5.8E-03 0.0E+00 -1.1E-03 0.0E+00* 5.61* 9.0E-04 0.0E+00 -1.0E-04* 0.0E+0* 2576.50 -1.72 3.0E-04 -1.6E-03 0.0E+00

T-Statistics 2.14 -0.45 1.42 -1.72 2.10 5.58 0.93 0.48 -7.23 13.73 1.69 -1.90 1.90 -0.23 0.27

PEPCO Prameter -57.77 0.02 0.0E+00 9.0E-04 0.0E+00 -4.28* -3.9E-03* 0.0E+0* 3.0E-04* 0.0E+0* -1838.10 0.81 -1.0E-04 -0.01* 0.0E+0*

T-Statistics -0.69 0.50 -0.66 0.40 -0.05 -5.36 -6.34 13.67 7.93 -8.61 -1.03 1.45 -1.46 -7.13 7.05

PSEG Prameter 10.50 3.0E-03 0.0E+00 -6.0E-04 0.0E+00 -5.23* 9.0E-04* 0.0E+0* 1.0E-04* 0.0E+0* 126.32 -0.08 0.0E+00 4.0E-03 0.0E+00

T-Statistics 0.15 0.46 -0.79 -0.24 0.51 -8.84 4.57 -3.45 3.59 3.18 0.15 -0.85 0.86 0.40 -0.37

RECO Prameter -130.38 1.03 -5.0E-03 2.5E-03 0.0E+00 -3.94* 0.04* -1.0E-4* 0.0E+00 0.0E+0* -993.63 -2.57* 3.3E-03* 0.02* 0.0E+0*

T-Statistics -1.79 1.27 -1.40 1.23 -0.93 -6.11 11.78 -9.99 1.60 5.33 -1.33 -2.76 2.79 2.07 -2.04

DAY Prameter 7.39 -0.03* 0.00* 0.00* 0.00* 10.43* -0.01* 0.00* 0.00 0.0* -317.51 0.22 0.00 0.00 0.0*

T-Statistics 1.42 -3.89 5.79 3.01 -2.79 9.81 -5.86 9.26 -1.37 2.59 -1.33 1.67 -1.64 -1.92 2.22

DOM Prameter -60.98 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -3.89* 0.00* 0.00* 0.00* 0.00* -499.67 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.00

T-Statistics -0.78 0.34 -0.52 0.56 -0.25 -5.97 -3.71 12.88 7.35 -8.93 -0.49 0.48 -0.49 0.18 -0.09



Appendix 4- Thresholds

In this appendix, the results of data classification with the two introduced methods in chapter two

are shown. In each figure data points are shown based on the zonal and total PJM load for each

observation. The darkness shows the price. There are fmy vertical lines in each figure which

show the fixed thresholds. The other fmy lines represent variable thresholds. Solid lines are for

the models with piecewise linear supply curves, while the dashed lines are for the models with

piecewise quadratic supply functions.









Appendix 5- Projected Supply Curves

Projected supply curves for all the models presented in chapter two are depicted in this appendix.

In order to form these curves zonal demand, total demand and fuel prices are needed. Zonal loads

vary from minimum to maximum demand observed during 2006 to 2009 period. A mostly

expected fuel price scenario which was described in section 5 is used here as well. In order to

find relative total load for each level of zonal demand, these [two variables are regressed against

each other having data from 2006 to 2009.] Then using the regression equation, I have projected

total demand from zonal load.









Appendix 6- Simulation of Pennsylvania’s Act 129 – Chapter two

Piecewise linear model with fixed thresholds:


Price ($/MWh) Total Costs ( Millions of dollars) Fuel Share (percentage)

Without Act 129 With Act 129 Without

Act 129


Act 129

Savings Savings


Without Act 129 With Act 129

Min Average Max Min Average Max Coal Gas Oil Coal Gas Oil

APS 14.59 46.28 182.14 14.21 45.65 155.05 2280 2220 60 2.64 24.60 75.09 0.30 26.00 73.96 0.02

AEP 11.41 38.88 125.89 11.44 38.85 124.24 5471 5465 6 0.11 55.74 44.05 0.21 55.74 44.05 0.21

AECO 18.35 53.55 191.15 18.21 53.28 178.04 638 635 3 0.51 17.69 82.23 0.07 17.69 82.23 0.07

BGE 16.54 56.19 139.38 16.31 56.17 139.63 2026 2026 0 0.00 15.85 84.13 0.00 15.85 84.13 0.00

COMED 13.80 40.47 98.30 13.73 40.34 98.07 4222 4209 13 0.30 26.08 73.91 0.00 26.08 73.91 0.00

DPL 18.67 53.96 161.59 18.55 53.80 152.32 1072 1069 3 0.29 11.01 88.94 0.03 11.01 88.94 0.03

DUQ 16.39 37.66 112.31 16.08 37.06 79.89 550 535 15 2.78 55.32 44.64 0.02 58.45 41.54 0.00

JCPL 11.94 52.67 121.60 11.62 52.40 119.74 1311 1304 7 0.51 11.11 88.88 0.00 11.11 88.88 0.00

METED 15.65 51.22 133.64 15.48 50.80 113.99 838 822 16 1.97 20.48 79.28 0.23 21.69 78.30 0.00

PECO 15.53 52.01 120.00 15.64 51.29 112.72 2253 2194 59 2.62 17.52 82.47 0.00 18.50 81.49 0.00

PPL 16.76 50.15 165.23 16.50 49.72 148.05 2189 2144 45 2.06 18.39 81.30 0.30 19.43 80.52 0.05

PENELEC 15.94 44.49 151.13 15.66 44.10 93.20 809 793 16 1.98 28.38 71.60 0.01 30.28 69.71 0.00

PEPCO 16.57 57.80 218.30 16.37 57.80 217.82 1972 1973 -1 -0.03 14.58 85.39 0.02 14.58 85.39 0.02

PSEG 18.71 53.59 121.20 18.56 53.33 119.31 2546 2533 12 0.48 7.29 92.69 0.00 7.29 92.69 0.00

RECO 18.73 52.89 118.36 18.57 52.64 116.58 83 83 0 0.47 8.87 91.12 0.00 8.87 91.12 0.00

DAY 14.71 37.67 86.59 14.70 37.63 86.47 688 687 1 0.12 60.38 39.61 0.00 60.38 39.61 0.00

DOM 17.50 55.96 127.58 17.31 55.99 127.88 5669 5674 -5 -0.08 12.76 87.23 0.00 12.76 87.23 0.00



Piecewise quadratic model with fixed thresholds:


Price ($/MWh) Total Costs ( Millions of dollars) Fuel Share (percentage)

Without Act 129 With Act 129 Without

Act 129


Act 129

Savings Savings


Without Act 129 With Act 129

Min Average Max Min Average Max Coal Gas Oil Coal Gas Oil

APS 16.13 46.57 184.89 15.80 45.94 158.13 2292 2231 62 2.69 30.08 69.62 0.30 31.61 68.36 0.02

AEP 17.19 38.96 124.97 17.16 38.93 123.29 5475 5470 6 0.10 55.74 44.05 0.21 55.74 44.05 0.21

AECO 16.48 53.74 173.36 16.29 53.45 169.95 639 635 4 0.56 23.50 76.49 0.00 23.50 76.49 0.00

BGE 15.39 55.79 162.99 15.11 55.75 163.71 2012 2012 0 0.02 15.85 84.13 0.00 15.85 84.13 0.00

COMED 13.25 40.49 109.35 13.16 40.36 109.30 4225 4212 13 0.31 26.13 73.86 0.00 26.13 73.86 0.00

DPL 15.87 53.96 145.86 15.65 53.78 137.85 1071 1068 3 0.31 17.64 82.32 0.03 17.64 82.32 0.03

DUQ 17.38 37.72 107.18 17.39 37.16 86.13 551 536 15 2.72 58.46 41.50 0.02 61.80 38.19 0.00

JCPL 20.82 52.66 121.03 20.88 52.41 118.93 1310 1304 6 0.49 10.91 89.08 0.00 10.91 89.08 0.00

METED 18.52 51.46 139.26 18.50 50.92 132.61 841 822 19 2.22 23.01 76.98 0.00 24.54 75.45 0.00

PECO 16.41 52.08 126.47 16.60 51.36 120.04 2253 2195 58 2.58 21.72 78.27 0.00 22.95 77.03 0.00

PPL 18.69 50.26 174.57 18.68 49.81 140.56 2193 2146 47 2.14 21.34 78.35 0.30 22.55 77.39 0.05

PENELEC 20.54 44.44 151.51 20.53 43.99 102.34 808 790 17 2.12 28.09 71.89 0.01 30.09 69.90 0.00

PEPCO 15.91 57.36 198.73 15.69 57.35 199.48 1960 1961 -1 -0.04 9.30 90.66 0.02 9.30 90.66 0.02

PSEG 18.51 53.63 120.46 18.37 53.37 118.15 2547 2535 12 0.48 7.29 92.69 0.00 7.29 92.69 0.00

RECO 17.42 53.02 113.17 17.23 52.78 110.64 83 83 0 0.46 8.88 91.11 0.00 8.88 91.11 0.00

DAY 18.03 37.69 97.26 18.00 37.65 97.11 687 687 1 0.12 60.38 39.61 0.00 60.38 39.61 0.00

DOM 15.22 55.80 143.95 14.95 55.82 144.61 5661 5666 -4 -0.08 12.76 87.23 0.00 12.76 87.23 0.00



Piecewise linear model with variable thresholds:


Price ($/MWh) Total Costs ( Millions of dollars) Fuel Share (percentage)

Without Act 129 With Act 129 Without

Act 129


Act 129

Savings Savings


Without Act 129 With Act 129

Min Average Max Min Average Max Coal Gas Oil Coal Gas Oil

APS 15.08 46.60 184.60 14.73 45.76 149.02 2298 2223 76 3.29 26.77 71.97 1.27 27.70 72.04 0.26

AEP 11.81 38.67 125.69 11.84 38.64 124.15 5441 5436 5 0.10 55.99 43.83 0.18 55.69 44.14 0.17

AECO 17.25 53.52 177.34 17.09 53.24 162.19 638 634 3 0.53 22.19 77.73 0.08 22.29 77.66 0.05

BGE 16.50 56.17 138.88 16.26 56.16 139.14 2025 2025 0 -0.01 13.95 86.05 0.00 14.04 85.96 0.00

COMED 13.84 40.12 98.37 13.75 39.98 98.19 4190 4176 14 0.34 44.99 55.01 0.00 45.38 54.62 0.00

DPL 18.11 53.93 126.53 17.97 53.77 125.45 1071 1068 3 0.28 10.80 89.20 0.00 10.90 89.10 0.00

DUQ 16.39 37.52 111.90 16.14 36.93 80.03 548 533 15 2.79 53.81 46.14 0.06 55.32 44.68 0.00

JCPL 17.62 52.75 120.76 17.46 52.50 118.90 1312 1306 6 0.49 18.26 81.74 0.00 18.39 81.61 0.00

METED 16.28 51.29 125.24 16.06 50.83 114.12 839 822 17 2.04 20.37 79.57 0.06 20.93 79.07 0.00

PECO 15.71 51.84 119.53 15.85 51.13 112.27 2246 2188 58 2.60 21.16 78.84 0.00 21.98 78.02 0.00

PPL 16.62 50.35 159.21 16.37 49.70 150.90 2201 2142 59 2.69 19.96 79.15 0.89 20.74 79.13 0.13

PENELEC 14.22 44.71 95.07 13.84 44.29 93.41 812 796 16 2.00 30.73 69.27 0.00 30.98 69.02 0.00

PEPCO 15.35 57.61 200.32 15.13 57.60 188.40 1968 1968 0 -0.01 16.37 83.61 0.02 16.56 83.42 0.02

PSEG 17.94 53.57 121.08 17.77 53.31 119.20 2545 2532 12 0.49 13.17 86.83 0.00 13.35 86.65 0.00

RECO 19.29 52.86 117.79 19.13 52.61 116.03 83 83 0 0.47 13.15 86.85 0.00 13.29 86.71 0.00

DAY 14.67 37.65 86.96 14.66 37.61 86.85 688 687 1 0.11 59.91 40.09 0.00 59.98 40.02 0.00

DOM 16.66 55.82 127.45 16.45 55.84 127.77 5658 5662 -4 -0.07 15.41 84.59 0.00 15.52 84.48 0.00



Piecewise quadratic model with variable thresholds:


Price ($/MWh) Total Costs ( Millions of dollars) Fuel Share (percentage)

Without Act 129 With Act 129 Without

Act 129


Act 129

Savings Savings


Without Act 129 With Act 129

Min Average Max Min Average Max Coal Gas Oil Coal Gas Oil

APS 15.90 46.57 189.08 15.57 45.88 109.59 2294 2228 66 2.88 29.13 70.52 0.35 30.91 69.09 0.00

AEP 16.90 38.73 119.47 16.90 38.71 118.44 5445 5441 4 0.07 55.99 43.99 0.02 55.69 44.29 0.02

AECO 15.59 53.54 168.18 15.39 53.25 164.78 637 633 4 0.56 22.55 77.45 0.00 22.71 77.29 0.00

BGE 16.07 55.97 165.29 15.84 55.94 166.12 2017 2017 0 0.01 14.98 85.02 0.00 14.69 85.31 0.00

COMED 13.30 40.47 109.08 13.27 40.33 109.04 4223 4209 14 0.33 30.74 69.26 0.00 31.08 68.92 0.00

DPL 16.77 54.00 141.15 16.62 53.84 141.06 1072 1069 3 0.28 16.58 83.42 0.00 16.37 83.63 0.00

DUQ 16.82 37.49 103.71 16.59 36.90 87.58 548 532 15 2.78 53.29 46.65 0.06 54.99 45.01 0.00

JCPL 21.42 52.67 121.10 21.40 52.42 119.07 1310 1304 6 0.48 11.17 88.83 0.00 11.21 88.79 0.00

METED 19.50 51.39 138.61 19.48 50.86 132.27 840 822 19 2.21 20.37 79.63 0.00 20.97 79.03 0.00

PECO 17.10 51.91 125.68 17.32 51.22 120.11 2247 2190 57 2.53 25.12 74.88 0.00 25.98 74.02 0.00

PPL 18.04 50.44 164.02 17.86 49.76 150.03 2204 2143 61 2.76 23.24 75.88 0.88 24.05 75.85 0.10

PENELEC 17.98 44.72 105.68 17.78 44.27 102.89 812 795 17 2.10 30.73 69.27 0.00 30.98 69.02 0.00

PEPCO 15.93 57.23 199.59 15.71 57.21 201.15 1957 1957 -1 -0.03 15.45 84.52 0.02 15.56 84.42 0.02

PSEG 18.99 53.60 120.33 18.86 53.34 118.05 2546 2533 13 0.49 13.17 86.83 0.00 13.35 86.65 0.00

RECO 16.56 52.97 112.24 16.34 52.73 109.76 83 83 0 0.46 13.15 86.85 0.00 13.27 86.73 0.00

DAY 18.02 37.68 96.94 17.97 37.64 96.79 687 687 1 0.11 60.08 39.92 0.00 60.18 39.82 0.00

DOM 16.33 55.62 144.97 16.10 55.63 145.71 5650 5654 -4 -0.06 14.82 85.18 0.00 15.03 84.97 0.00



Appendix 7: CMA-ES

In this appendix Covariance Matrix Adaptation-Evolution Strategy (CMA-ES) is

described briefly. I use the same notation as Hansen and Ostermeier, 2001. CMA-ES is an

Evolution Strategy (ES) which is a derivative-free and stochastic numerical optimization method.

ES belongs to the family of evolutionary algorithms. In ES the dependency between members of

a population is described by a covariance matrix. CMA-ES introduces a method for updating this

covariance matrix which is very effective in the sense that it maintains fast convergence yet

preventing pre-mature convergence. It should be noted that if the objective function was convex,

and derivatives were available conventional optimization methods would still converge faster.

(µ,λ)-CMA-ES is designed for a minimization problem:








where f is the objective function and x=(x1,…,xn) is the n-dimensional decision variable.

In each generation g of the algorithm, λ individuals are generated, from which the µ best

members will be selected. Each individual in the population represents a decision variable (x). In

each generation the individuals are picked from a normal distribution described in equations































where )1( g

kz is an independent realization of a normal distribution with the mean of 0n

and covariance of In and )(



ix is the ith

best individual in generation g based on the individuals’

fitness. Equations (A5-2) imply that generation g+1 would be normally distributed around

weighted average of µ best individuals of generation g with the covariance matrix of )(2 gC

where Tgggg BDBC )(2)()()( . This is the Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) of the

symmetrical positive definite n×n matrix )(gC . D determines the relative step size in each

dimension (shape of distribution) while B as a rotation matrix adjusts the coordination of the

distribution. The distribution’s covariance has two parameters that can be adapted. C(g)

is adapted

using evolution path pc(g+1)

and σ which is the global step size is adapted by means of a

conjugate evolution path pσ(g+1)

. Calculation of the paths and adaptation rules are described in

equations (A5-3).


















i i

i i















































z and






nINE is the expected

length of a sample from the normal distribution with the mean of 0 and covariance matrix of In.

The algorithm keeps updating new generations until a convergence criterion, such as no



improvement in objective function evaluation after a large number of generations, is met. The

evolution path is designed such that consecutive steps be orthogonal in expectation. This helps

preventing premature convergence. Having equations (A5-2) and (A5-3) I only need the

algorithm parameters and initialization values to be able to implement the algorithm. The

algorithm parameters are presented in table A5-I. They can be set differently but the presented

formulas are recommended by Hansen and Ostermeier, 2001. One of the advantages of CMA-ES

over its competitor evolutionary algorithms is that there is no need to adjust these parameters

based on the underlying optimization problem.



Parameter λ µ wi=1,…,µ cc ccov cσ dσ

Description Population size Number of


Weights Cumulation

time for pc

Change rate of the

Covariance Matrix C


time for pσ



Value )ln(34 n 2 )ln(ln

21 i 4

4n 2)2(



44n 11


The initialization values are presented in table A5-II. * means that the parameters are user

defined and should be chosen based on the knowledge of the problem. Both initial population

and initial step size specify the first generation. Instead of the initial population I can initialize

the mean of the distribution. According to Hansen and Kern, 2004 CMA-ES converges to global

minimum even when it is initialized near a relatively good local minimum in multi-modal test

functions. Therefore initialization reduces to generating a feasible population.





Parameter )(o

kx C0

σ0 )0(

cp )0(


Description population Covariance matrix

neglecting σ






Evolution path

Initialization * In×n * 0n 0n

In a more advanced implementation of the algorithm, Auger and Hansen, 2005 have

included a restart feature which improves the global search property. In this approach the

obtained solution is injected to a double-sized population.



Appendix 6- IEEE 30 BUS System

baseMVA = 100 MWA;

bus = [ Bus # Load (MW)

1 0 2 21.7

3 2.4

4 7.6

5 94.2

6 0

7 22.8

8 30

9 0

10 5.8

11 0

12 22.4

13 0

14 12.4

15 16.4

16 7

17 18

18 6.4

19 19

20 4.4

21 17.5

22 0

23 6.4

24 8.7

25 0

26 3.5

27 0

28 0

29 2.4

30 12.9545 ]

gen = [ Bus # Max generation (MW) 1 150; 2 150; 22 150; 27 150; 23 150; 13 150; ];

branch = [From To Admittance (p.u.)

1 2 0.02

1 3 0.05

2 4 0.06

3 4 0.01

2 5 0.05

2 6 0.06

4 6 0.01

5 7 0.05

6 7 0.03



6 8 0.01

6 9 0

6 10 0

9 11 0

9 10 0

4 12 0

12 13 0

12 14 0.012

12 15 0.07

12 16 0.09

14 15 0.022

16 17 0.08

15 18 0.011

18 19 0.06

19 20 0.03

10 20 0.09

10 17 0.03

10 21 0.03

10 22 0.07

21 22 0.01

15 23 0.01

22 24 0.012

23 24 0.013

24 25 0.019

25 26 0.025

25 27 0.011

28 27 0

27 29 0.022

27 30 0.032

29 30 0.024

8 28 0.006

6 28 0.002]

gencost = [ Qud Lin Fix .1 16 0;

.11 16 0; .12 16 0; .13 16 0; 1.5 8.5 0; 1.4 8.5 0;



Mostafa Sahraei-Ardakani ERC 519, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, 85281, Tel: 814-321-6259, email: [email protected]


Ph.D. in Energy Engineering – Energy Management and Policy, August 2013 The Pennsylvania State University GPA: 3.93/4.0 Advisor: Dr. S. Blumsack Dissertation: Policy Analysis in Transmission-Constrained Electricity Markets M.S. in Electrical Engineering-Power Systems, November 2008 University of Tehran GPA: 18.36/20 Advisor: Dr. A. Rahimi-Kian Thesis: Dynamic Modeling of Electricity Markets B.S. in Electrical Engineering-Control, September 2005 University of Tehran


Post-Doctoral Scholar: School of ECEE, Arizona State University, Since Jan. 2013 (Dr. Hedman) Robust Adaptive Topology Control (RATC): optimization of transmission network topology

Research/Teaching Assistant: The Pennsylvania State University, May 2009 – December 2012 Instrumentation and Control Engineer: Moshanir power consultiants, May 2006 – April 2009 Research Associate: Niroo Research Institute, September 2008 – April 2009

Involved in designing reserve ancillary service market for Iran’s electricity market.

Selected Publications

1. M. Sahraei-Ardakani, S. Blumsack, A. Kleit, 2012 “Distributional Impacts of State-Level Energy Efficiency Policies in Regional Electricity Markets,” Energy Policy

2. M. Sahraei-Ardakani, S. Blumsack, A. Keleit, 2013 “Estimating Zonal Electricity Supply Curves in Transmission-Constrained Electricity Markets,” Submitted to Energy Economics,

3. M. Sahraei-Ardakani, A. Rahimi-Kian, 2009 "A Dynamic Replicator Model of the Players' Bids in an Oligopolistic Electricity Market", Electric Power System Research

4. A. Kleit, S. Blumsack, Z. Lei, L. Hutelmyer, M. Sahraei-Ardakani, S. Smith, 2011 “Impacts of Electricity Restructuring in Rural Pennsylvania,” Center for Rural Pennsylvania

5. M. Sahraei-Ardakani, S. Blumsack, A. Kleit, 2011 “Zonal Supply Curve Estimation With Fuzzy Marginal Fuel in Electricity Markets,” in Proc. of 30th USAEE north American Conference

Honors and Awards

Selected as one of the 55 world talents to join Shell’s team in NRG battle-world edition, world gas conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, June 2012

EEEPI summer research award, April 2012 Outstanding New Student Organization of the Year for PSU IEEE Student Chapter, 2012 Dennis J. O'Brien USAEE Best Student Paper Finalist Award, 30th USAEE American Conference Honorable mention for poster presentation, Penn State EMS welcome ceremony, 2011 & 2012 Third engineering research award at Penn State graduate exhibition, 2011 IFAC Asian student travel award for attending IFAC 2008 in Seoul, Korea.


IEEE student member, since 2006 IAEE/USAEE student member, since 2011

Graduate Student Liaison, Penn State IEEE student chapter, January 2011 – December 2012 Peer Reviewer: IEEE Trans. on Power Systems, Energy Economics, IFAC Conferences, HICSS