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Policies With Pride We Learn With Pride We Grow

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With Pride We Learn With Pride We Grow

ATTENDANCE POLICY Willandra Primary School has attendance procedures in place to ensure compliance with Department of Education regulations and the School Education Act. This document outlines procedures for late and absent students.

Having good attendance procedures in place will help to ensure student safety and welfare, and also ensures that we have accurate records. Your assistance in following these procedures is appreciated.

Late students

School starts at 8.30am every day and students are expected to be

in class ready to engage in the educational program by this time.

Classroom doors are opened by teachers at 8.15 am, to assist children

to be organised for the start of the day.

When a student arrives at school after 8.40am, they need to come

through the front office with an adult and a late note needs

to be completed by the adult. Their attendance will be recorded by

the teacher as late.

Having the late form completed by an adult helps to ensure the

student’s safety, and ensures that both the parents and school are

aware of the child’s whereabouts.

Regular lateness will be monitored by classroom teachers and if

required, parents will be contacted for a discussion.

Policies 1 Willandra Primary School

57 Chidzey Drive


Telephone: 9391 4300

Website: www.willandraps.wa.edu.au

Email: [email protected]

School App: Flexibuzz on app store


School uniforms help us to set a high tone and a sense of belonging in the

school. We would like our senior students to be role models in setting a

good example to the younger students. Final year students are expected to

wear their school uniform at all times. Inappropriate dress has been shown

to have a negative effect on work habits and behaviour. Sensible footwear

must be worn. Socks must be worn with shoes and thongs are not

acceptable school footwear.

For girls; black dress shorts are an alternative to the black pleated skirt.

Earrings (other than studs), facial piercing, long necklaces, chains or leather

thongs are dangerous at school and therefore unacceptable.

Policies 19 Willandra Primary School

ATTENDANCE POLICY When is a late arrival marked as an absence?

When a student misses an hour or more of the morning session,

this constitutes a half day absence.

If a student arrives after 9.30am, they need to come through the front

office with an adult and an absentee note needs to be completed by the

adult. Their attendance will then be recorded as absent for the half day.

Absent students

When you know your child is going to be absent, let the teacher know in

writing (an e-mail to the teacher’s Department e-mail address is


On the day of absence, it is a good idea to call the school and let us

know. You can then follow this up with a written explanation.

When you complete an absentee or late form, or when you submit an

e-mail or letter, please include a reason for your child’s

absence. All forms of correspondence are confidential, and these

records are securely stored at school.

If your child is absent due to illness or injury for 3 consecutive days or

more, it is desirable that you provide a medical certificate.

Policies 2 Willandra Primary School

ATTENDANCE POLICY Leaving school during the day

When a student leaves the school for an appointment and returns later

in the day, the procedure is that an adult signs them out, receives a

Leave Pass and then signs them back in upon return.

If a student is away from school for more than an hour during

instructional time (not break times), their attendance will be marked with

a half day absence.


Willandra Primary School strongly discourages students from missing school

due to holidays during school term. There are 12 weeks of holidays

throughout the school year, and 40 weeks in which students have access to

the school’s educational program.

If you do need to take a holiday during the school term, please inform the

classroom teacher in writing, and discuss what work your child can do whilst

away. It is not the teacher’s responsibility to provide work for students who do

not attend school, but they can provide advice on what to do, eg; Reading and


Policies 3 Willandra Primary School

YEAR SIX POLICY HOMEWORK DIARY The homework diary helps students organise their time. Homework will be given regularly. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure it is completed. This allows students to learn to organise their workload and avoid having to panic or miss deadlines. When homework is set, provided the student remains on task, the daily maximum time required for completion is one hour. Upper Primary students benefit from working to an established homework routine. It helps if they complete homework at the same place and same time each day. STUDENT COUNCIL The Student Council is very important to the running of the school and gives senior students a chance to develop leadership qualities. Our aim is to have happy, secure students who strive to reach their potential academically and socially. TRANSITION In the latter part of the year the children begin preparing for secondary


A variety of transition activities in Term Four include:

Transition Day at High School.

Visits from High School teachers.

Policies 18 Willandra Primary School

YEAR SIX POLICY GENERAL POINTS During this important year, we would like to: promote confidence in the self-image of each child. (Self image that is

acceptable to self and others.) ensure that every child is happy at school because a happy child has

more chance of reaching his/her potential. Feeling secure at school comes from knowing exactly what is expected, so that children can live up to the required expectations.

know each student so that we can create awareness of individual

strengths and weaknesses and help promote strengths and eliminate weaknesses.

This will be done by: checking records student/teacher conferencing continual monitoring and reviewing Parent/Teacher conferences

encourage each student to become independent by developing their self management skills.

Each student needs to be aware of the goals being aimed for and should be able to regularly monitor his/her own progress. A high standard of neatness and presentation is required in all written work. Work files must be clearly organised with subjects clearly marked.

GRADUATION A Year 6 Graduation lunch and a Year 6 Graduation Ceremony to present certificates, has become a tradition at Willandra Primary School. GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT Our Year Six students are provided with the Growth and Development segment of the Health Education Course during the year. This is a general course that covers puberty, development, conception to birth and responsibilities.

Policies 17 Willandra Primary School


The Telethon Kids’ Institute has undertaken research on the impact of students’ absence from school. This, together with the Auditor General’s

report: Every Day Counts, have made some interesting findings:

Attendance is a learned behaviour. A child’s attendance career is usually set by Year 1 and irreversible by Year 3.

Every absence has an impact on school achievement.

For every day of unauthorised absence, Year 3 numeracy results decline by 1.6 NAPLAN points.

There is a clear link between non-attendance and mental health.

There is a cumulative effect of absence.

If you would like to discuss your child’s attendance, please arrange a meeting with the class teacher.

Department of Education Requirements

Record: schools are required to maintain accurate records that will withstand external scrutiny.

Recognise: daily attendance is monitored and every absence is identified.

Resolve : every absence is investigated and the reason recorded.

Restore : where a student’s attendance is identified as a concern, school-devised and legislative strategies are implemented to restore attendance.

Policies 4 Willandra Primary School

ATTENDANCE POLICY The cumulative effect of absence-

For more information:

The Department of Education’s Attendance policy


School Education Act 1999


Telethon Kids’ Institute: Every Day Counts in the Classroom


If a child


that equals…

(days missed

per year)

that equals… (years

missed in school

career P-12)

Which is the same

as attending until:

1 day per

fortnight 20 nearly 1.5 years

part-way through

year 11

1 day per

week 40 over 2.5 years

part-way through

year 10

2 days per

week 80 over 5 years the end of year 7

3 days per 120 nearly 8 years the end of year 4

Policies 5 Willandra Primary School

YEAR SIX POLICY BEHAVIOUR It is a clear expectation that the final year students behave appropriately at all times. Courtesy and consideration both to staff and fellow students is a requirement. Students must show respect to all staff members at all times. Staff use a variety of techniques to encourage students but the ultimate responsibility for completion of work and exhibiting positive behaviours must be accepted by the student. Particular expectations apply in Term 4. The Year 6 lunch and Graduation Ceremony are privileges, to be earned by upholding the school’s rules and expectations throughout the term. Breaches of the rules will result in a loss of those privileges as follows: Any student who received two orange slips, or is fast tracked beyond

Step 3 in the Behaviour Policy will not be able to attend the lunch. Any child who reaches in-school or out-of-school suspension will not be

able to attend either the Graduation Ceremony or the lunch. BULLYING Bullying, either physical or verbal, is unacceptable in the school. A policy has been implemented to educate students about appropriate strategies for handling bullying and developing a stronger sense of self. CAMP Each year a camp will be organised for the Year 6 students. Attendance at camp is a privilege, and the same expectations and repercussions that apply to attendance at the lunch and Graduation apply to camp.

COMMUNICATION It is important that the Year Six students see that their parents and teachers are working together for their benefit. A parent information meeting is held during the second full week of

Term One.

If parents have any concerns about their child academically or socially,

teachers will be available for interviews.

Policies 16 Willandra Primary School


UNACCEPTABLE CLOTHING These items are not welcome because they are unsafe or do not fit in with accepted standards of school wear. The following are specifically banned from school for various reasons, including safety, modesty and restriction of movement: Shorts, pants or T-shirts with any slogans or advertising logos, such as “Billabong” Bike pants are unacceptable

Black T-shirts

Denim jeans/shorts and board shorts

Singlets, tank tops and scanty clothing Clothing which is not modest Thongs Loose dangling earrings, facial studs or rings and excessive jewellery GRADUATION T SHIRTS Students in Year Six will have the opportunity to purchase a Graduation t-shirt. This shirt can be worn as part of the normal school uniform. MAKE UP It is not acceptable or appropriate for primary school aged students to wear make up to school. UNIFORM SHOP The shop is run on a voluntary basis by the P&C. Online Orders – www.quickcliq.com.au Cash Orders - Blue box at School Administration office Direct debit- Transfer to BSB: 066131 A/C: 1042 2185 No EFTPOS facilities available Fully paid orders will be delivered to classes

Policies 15 Willandra Primary School

HAT POLICY RATIONALE The following statistics provided by the Cancer Foundation of Western Australia clearly indicate that the need to minimise the risk to skin from sun damage is essential.

WA has the second highest rate of skin cancer in the world. The incidence of melanoma in WA doubled in the past decade. Two out of three people in Australia will develop skin cancer at some

stage in their lives. Living in Australia for the first 15 years of your life contributes to the

lifetime risk of melanoma for a lifetime resident in Australia. Most damage to the skin is caused by over exposure to the sun in

childhood and early adolescence. OBJECTIVES This policy is written to achieve two objectives:

1. To minimise the risk to students from sun damage. 2. To offer staff guidance and protection.

PROCEDURES RECESS AND LUNCH BREAKS The existing “no hat, no play” policy remains in place. This policy is operational throughout the year. Policy: Children who are not wearing a hat must play in the undercover area at break times. OUTDOOR EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES Students are required to wear a hat for all outdoor educational activities throughout the year. In the event that a child is not wearing a hat he/she will be withdrawn from

the activity. The student will sit in an area out of the sun. As outlined in our School’s Hat Policy, all students from Kindergarten to Year 6 are expected to wear a school reversible Faction bucket hat for outdoor activities, and during recess and lunch time. These hats are available from the Uniform Shop.

REVIEW OF POLICY The effectiveness of this policy will be reviewed annually.

Policies 6 Willandra Primary School

HEAD LICE Pediculosis (head lice) occasionally infests students’ hair. This is not a reflection on the child, the family or the school. If the child is found to have head lice, you will be contacted, given information about how to check for and treat head lice, and asked to take the child home to begin treatment. Parents must undertake treatment before the child returns to school. LEAVING SCHOOL GROUNDS On no account are children allowed to leave the school grounds, during school hours, without a written request from parents. If parents wish to collect a child from school before the end of the day a Leave Pass must first be collected from the office. Children will not be released by teachers unless a Leave Pass is presented to them by the parent/guardian who is collecting the child/children. This will ensure that appropriate adults are collecting children from school. PROCEDURE If a parent or guardian wishes to collect a student from school during the day it is required that: The person collecting the child must report to the front office.

The person will be issued with a Leave Pass card: a yellow copy for

the teacher and the parent retains the original card.

The person will go to the classroom or classrooms (if collecting more

than one child) and present the yellow copy of the card to the teacher.

If the child is with a specialist teacher (ie: Music) the card can be

presented to the teacher.

The child will then be released into the care of the person with the


All staff are instructed that children are not to be released without the

presentation of the card. There are no exceptions.

This procedure is aimed at ensuring the safety of our students.

Policies 7 Willandra Primary School


SUMMER UNIFORM BOYS The boys’ summer uniform consists of an 'ice blue' polo shirt or T-shirt and black shorts. GIRLS The girls’ summer uniform consists of an 'ice blue' polo shirt or T-shirt, and either black tailored shorts or a black sports skirt, bike pants are unacceptable. A dress in the school check is also available.

WINTER UNIFORM BOYS The boys’ winter uniform consists of an 'ice blue' shirt, an 'ice blue' track suit top/windcheater and black tracksuit pants or tailored pants. Black shorts may also be worn in place of the tracksuit pants. GIRLS The girls’ winter uniform consists of an 'ice blue' shirt, an 'ice blue' track suit top/windcheater and black tracksuit pants. The girls also have the option of wearing the school black sports skirt in place of the tracksuit pants. SHOES The children are required, for safety reasons to wear suitable foot covering at all times when they are at school. Sports shoes, leather school shoes, sandals and casual shoes are all acceptable. We would ask that, for safety reasons, children do not wear thongs. As outlined in our School’s Hat Policy all children are expected to wear hats for all outdoor activities throughout the year. It is compulsory for students from Kindergarten to Year 6 to wear a school reversible Faction bucket hat for outdoor activities, and during recess and lunch time.

Policies 14 Willandra Primary School

UNIFORM POLICY Students at Willandra Primary School are required to wear the correct school uniform to school. Parent support for wearing of uniforms is essential and is appreciated. Children are expected to be clean and tidy at all times. The school logo is available with all uniforms. The school uniform was designed by the parents of this school after an incredible amount of work. The uniform, therefore, is the choice of the majority of parents at this school. The wearing of a uniform helps to enhance school pride and tradition as well as contributing to discipline and the tone of the school. There are a number of sensible reasons for having your child dressed in uniform, these are as follows: In the long run, uniforms are cheaper than casual wear.

Uniforms stop the children competing against one another in terms of

their appearance.

On excursions children are more easily seen if they are in uniform.

Uniforms help to build school spirit and pride.

Uniforms look neater.

Uniforms allow the children to feel they belong to, or are part of a


All school clothing must be labelled with the student’s name.

If a child arrives at school out of uniform they are loaned a T-shirt or

jumper for the day.

Long hair on boys and girls should be tied back for reasons of


Policies 13 Willandra Primary School


From time to time, parents request that children be given medication at

school. If your child needs to take medication during school hours, a Health

Care Authorisation Form, available from the office, must be completed.

All medication must be administered by a member of staff. The medication

should be provided to the office in the bottle/box with the pharmacist’s label

displaying the student’s name, dosage required and name of medication.

NUT FREE SCHOOL We have students in the school who are highly allergic to any nut products

or products containing nut extracts. These students do not have to actually

eat nut products to have a life threatening reaction. Their condition is so

serious that, even ingesting a trace of a nut product could result in an

anaphylactic reaction.

In order to reduce the risk of an allergic reaction the school canteen has

eliminated all nut products from the menu. Further to this precaution, we

request that you follow our lead and remove nut products from your child’s

recess. We understand that this can make preparing meals more difficult;

however, failure to make this change could have dire consequences.

Information on foods to avoid are listed. We ask for your co-operation and

support in adhering to the above guidelines. This will assist us in providing a

safe and supportive school environment that minimises the risk to the

student with a life threatening allergy to nuts.

Policies 8 Willandra Primary School



Avoid these foods

Please always check labels

Peanut Cashew Pistachio

Brazil nut


Macadamia Pecan Pine nut

Praline Shea nut Walnut Almond


Nutella/Hazelnut Spread

Satay products Peanut butter/paste

Chocolate/Cream biscuits

Incredibites L.C.M’s Muesli bars

Dippity biscuits

Uncle Toby’s Le Snack (cheese)

Tiny Teddies


Mortadella (may contain pistachios)

Most crackers Eg: Jatz, Ritz, Ryvita,Premium & Cruskits

Anything made with peanut oil or whole/crushed peanuts

From October 2006: Coconut identified as a tree nut

Policies 9 Willandra Primary School


WHEN DOES THE BOARD MEET The Board meets once per term or when necessary, though additional

meetings can be called if an issue that requires prompt resolution


Meetings of the Board are conducted in the Library on Tuesday of

Week 6 of each Term, commencing at 6.00pm.


The Chairperson of the Board is elected from within the Board


Each member of the Board is entitled to one vote.

Minutes of the meeting will be kept.

Only elected members of the committee are permitted to vote at


Decisions at meetings are made with a consensus of the majority.

Agenda items will be posted to each member prior to meeting.

Decisions for which an agreement cannot be reached will be held over

to the following meeting.

Policies 12 Willandra Primary School


The School Board provides additional expertise to help the school achieve

the best outcomes for its students by:

Contributing to the establishment and review of the school’s

objectives, priorities and general policy directions

Endorsing financial arrangements necessary to fund the objectives,

priorities and directions

Evaluating the school’s performance in achieving the above

Approving charges, contributions, and personal items (Booklist)

Formulating codes of conduct for students

Determining, in consultation with the school community, a dress code

for students

Promoting the school in the community and being in informed source

of information

Taking part in the selection of a new Principal.


The Board does not:

manage the day to day running of the school, employ staff, decide

which classes students will be assigned to or resolve issues relating to

individual teachers and staff and/or parents

discuss individual issues relating to teachers, staff or parents

represent specific interest groups, or allow special interests to

dominate the agenda of the Board

Intervene in the educational instruction of students

Performance manage the Principal or any other staff member

Policies 11 Willandra Primary School

SCHOOL BOARD The role of the School Board is to participate in short term and long term

decision making for the school, and to maintain oversight of the schools’

operations. It supports the school and provides additional expertise to help

the school achieve the best possible outcomes for the students.


The Principal

Three (3) staff members (teaching and non-teaching)

Four (4) Parents / Carers, including P&C President

Three (3) Community members, (can include Tertiary, Commerce and

Industry leaders, to bring particular skill and knowledge to the Board)


Staff and parent members of the Board are elected.

Community members are invited to serve on the Board.

The Principal will invite nominations for positions on the Board if and

when they become available.

Each family within the school will receive a ballot paper listing

nominated candidates.

Each family will be entitled to one vote.

A member of the Board shall hold the position for up to three years.

A member of the Board may re-nominate at the end of his/her term.

The Board may co-opt a member of the local community for a

period of time if the community member has specific skills,

experience or qualification required.

Policies 10 Willandra Primary School