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PO110 Create and Maintain Purchase Orders Training Guide

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PO110 Create and Maintain Purchase Orders

Training Guide

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Table of Contents PO110 Create and Maintain Purchase Orders .......................................................................... 1 

Create and Maintain Purchase Orders ................................................................................................. 1 Creating a PO by Copying a Requisition .............................................................................................................. 1 Expedite a Requisition .......................................................................................................................................... 7 Reviewing PO Contracts ..................................................................................................................................... 16 Link PO to a PO Contract ................................................................................................................................... 19 Review Document Tolerance Exceptions ........................................................................................................... 28 Dispatching a Single Purchase Order .................................................................................................................. 32 Dispatching Purchase Orders .............................................................................................................................. 43 Entering PO Change Orders ................................................................................................................................ 52 Processing a Change Request.............................................................................................................................. 57 

Reserve Purchase Order Numbers ...................................................................................................... 69 Reserving Purchase Orders ................................................................................................................................. 69 

Review Purchase Orders ...................................................................................................................... 74 Inquiring on Purchase Orders .............................................................................................................................. 74 

Create and Maintain Back Orders ...................................................................................................... 86 Create a Backorder Transaction .......................................................................................................................... 86 

Create and Dispatch Return to Vendor (RTV) .................................................................................. 91 Entering Return to Vendor .................................................................................................................................. 91 Record RTV Shipped ........................................................................................................................................ 101 Dispatching RTV .............................................................................................................................................. 105 Running the RTV Reconciliation Process ......................................................................................................... 118 

Review Year-End Processes ............................................................................................................... 127 Review Open Purchase Order Report ............................................................................................................... 127 

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PO110 Create and Maintain Purchase Orders

Create and Maintain Purchase Orders

Creating a PO by Copying a Requisition PeopleSoft Purchasing enables you to create a new purchase order by copying an existing requisition. Copying enables you to save redundant data entry time. Consider this scenario: You need to order some equipment. To eliminate redundant data entry, you will use an existing requisition as a template.

Procedure In this topic you will learn how to create a PO by copying a requisition.

Step Action 1. Begin by navigating to the Purchase Order page.

Click the eProcurement link.

2. Click the Buyer Center link.

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Step Action 3. Click the Manage Purchase Orders link.

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Step Action 4. Click the Add button.

5. Use the Purchase Order page to enter or change PO information online. 6. The PO Date field automatically defaults to the current system date. You can override the

purchase order date. This appears on the purchase order and is the date used for price calculation if the price date is defined as the purchase order date.

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Step Action 7. You must enter a vendor ID before you can copy a purchase order from an existing

requisition. Click in the Vendor ID field.

8. Enter the desired information into the Vendor ID field. Enter "0000000045". 9. Click the Copy From list.

10. Select Requisition to access the Copy Purchase Order From Requisition page, where

you can copy the purchase order from an existing requisition. Click the Requisition list item.

11. Use the Copy Purchase Order from Requisition page to select criteria to search for

existing requisition items and select the desired items for copy. 12. When you copy from a requisition, you are sourcing the requisition onto the purchase order.

The Copy From field on the previous page enables you to turn a requisition into a purchase order without going through sourcing. If you want to partially source, split source, or consolidate requisitions, use the Expedite Requisitions component.

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Step Action 13. Click in the Vendor ID field.

14. Enter the desired information into the Vendor ID field. Enter "0000000045". 15. Click the Search button.

16. Click the vertical scrollbar. 17. Notice that a number of requisition lines corresponding to the specified vendor ID are

displayed. Click the Select option.

18. Click the Select option.

19. Click the Select option.

20. Click the Copy To PO button.

21. Notice that the page displays the details of the items that you selected to copy.

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Step Action 22. Click the Save button.

23. Notice that the system has automatically assigned the PO ID. 24. The PO Status displays as Open. To approve the purchase order, click on the Approve

button. The status will change to Approved. The purchase order must have an Approved status before you can complete the budget check.

25. Once the PO has been approved, you can complete the Budget Check. You do not have to complete the budget check on each purchase order. There is a batch process that will be run every hour to capture all purchase orders with an Approved status and Budget Status of Not Checked (Not Chk'd). If you proceed with the Budget Check process within the PO, click on the Budget Check button. Once the process has run the Budget Status will change to Valid. You must have a Valid budget status to dispatch a PO.

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Step Action 26. Once the Budget Status displays as Valid, you can dispatch the PO to the vendor.

If you choose to dispatch the PO, click on the Dispatch button. For further information on the Single PO Dispatch process, please refer to the Single PO Dispatch topic.

27. You have successfully created a PO by copying a requisition. PeopleSoft Purchasing enables you to create a new purchase order by copying an existing requisition. End of Procedure.

Expedite a Requisition Procedure In this topic you will learn to Expedite a Requisition with multiple vendors.

Step Action 1. Click the space below scroll bar to scroll down on the screen. 2. Click the eProcurement link.

3. Click the Buyer Center link.

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Step Action 4. Click the Expedite Requisitions link.

Step Action 5. Use the Expedite Requisitions page to define requisition search criteria and to display

requisitions. The more information entered the narrower the search results will be. The Business Unit must be entered as MCEWN. In this example is has defaulted for you. Click the Search button.

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Step Action 6. The requisition must meet the following conditions before it can be selected:

• The requisition line status must be Approved. • The request for quote indicator on the requisition line must be N. • The In Process flag on the requisition line must be N. When one line on a requisition is selected for sourcing, the In Process flag on the requisition line is set to Y, indicating that the line can't be touched until sourcing is complete. Once sourcing is complete, the In Process flag is turned off and can be changed. • The Hold Status on the requisition header must be N. • The Budget Header Status on the requisition line must be A (approved). • The Balance Status on the requisition schedule must be I (in balance). • The Open Quantity or Open Amount on the requisition distribution must be greater than zero. After requisitions appear, you can change/add a vendor to a line or create a purchase order.

7. If the requisition line you want to source to PO does not have a vendor, you must add the vendor name. You can assign vendors by either selecting a vendor at the line or click the Select checkbox on the line and use the Apply Vendor to Selected Lines button at the bottom of the screen to assign a single vendor to multiple lines. You define that vendor in the Vendor Name field at the bottom of the screen.

8. To add the Vendor, use the line look up or select the line using the Select checkbox. Click the Select option.

9. Click the space below the scroll bar to scroll down on the screen.

10. Click the Look up (Alt+5) button.

11. Click the Advancing Futures link.

12. Apply the vendor selection to the line(s) selected in the table above. Click the Apply Vendor to Selected Lines button.

13. The line now displays a vendor name and the Include checkbox opens, which allows the line to be selected for inclusion on the PO you are creating.

14. Click the Include option to select the lines you want to include in the Expedite Requisition to PO process.

15. Click the Include option.

16. Click the space below the scroll bar to scroll down on the screen.

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Step Action 17. Use the Default Buyer ID field to enter the name of the buyer to use on the purchase order.

The buyer ID may default for you. Select the Build POs as Approved checkbox to have purchase orders created with an Approved status. If selected, the process examines auto approval criteria set at the business unit level. If the auto approval criteria is met, the status is set to Approved. If the auto approval criteria is not met, the status is set to Pending approval, and the purchase order enters the approval process. If you do not select this checkbox the purchase order is created with a status of Open. Click the Build POs as Approved option.

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Step Action 18. Click the Preview button to display a preview of the purchase order before it is actually

staged. You must select a requisition and click the Include checkbox before you can preview. Click the Submit button to create the purchase order for the requisition lines that you have selected using the Include checkboxes. The submit feature stages the items and launches the PO Calculations process and Create Purchase Order process. Click the Submit button.

Step Action 19. The PO is being generated in the background. You can monitor the process of PO

generation by clicking the Process Monitor link. Click the Process Monitor link.

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Step Action 20. The process is finished running when the Run Status displays as Success and the

Distribution Status is Posted. Click the Refresh button until these statuses display.

21. You can return to the previous screen using the Return to Expedite Requisition link at the

bottom of the screen; or you can use the portal menu on the left to navigate to a new area of PeopleSoft.

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Step Action 22. You have completed the Expedite process, however you now need to complete a Budget

Check on the PO created. Click the eProcurement link.

23. Click the Buyer Center link.

24. Click the Manage Purchase Orders link.

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Step Action 25. Click the Add New PO link.

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Step Action 26. Click the Find an Existing Value link.

27. Click the Search button.

28. Click the space below the scroll bar to scroll down on the screen and view the search

results. 29. Choose your Purchase Order from the search results.

Click the 0000000096 link.

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Step Action 30. Click the Budget Check button.

The Budget Check process will run and the status should change from Not Checked to Valid. This might take a few moments. You must have a Valid budget status to dispatch the PO to a vendor.

31. Click the Return to Search button to return to your PO search results table.

32. Select the other PO(s) that were created in your Expedite process and repeat the Budget

Check steps for each one. 33. You have now successfully completed the topic for how to Expedite a Requisition for

multiple vendors. You can expedite requisitions with a single vendor as well, using the same process. End of Procedure.

Reviewing PO Contracts Purchasing contracts are used to establish pricing terms and conditions to be used on purchase orders for a particular vendor. These can be for specific items or for any items that are purchased from that vendor. In this topic, you will review information on all POs associated with a particular contract.

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Step Action 1. Begin by navigating to the PO Contract Line page.

Click the Purchasing link.

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Step Action 2. Click the Procurement Contracts link. 3. Click the Review Contract Information link.

4. Click the Review Contracts by PO link.

5. Use the PO Contract Line page to review information on all purchase orders associated with a particular PO contract.

6. Use the Contract ID field to enter the identification number of the contract. For this example, the contract ID has been entered for you.

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Step Action 7. Select the PO with Contract check box to view purchase orders that reference the selected

contract. Click the PO with Contract option.

8. Click the Search button.

9. Notice that the PO Contract Line page displays a list of purchase orders associated with

the specified contract. 10. Click the US001 option.

11. You can select any purchase order from the list, which will activate the Inquire, Update,

and Activity Summary links, allowing you to view additional information about the selected purchase order.

12. You have successfully reviewed purchase orders associated with the specified contract. End of Procedure.

Link PO to a PO Contract Procedure

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In this topic you will learn how to link a PO to a PO contract. When linking a PO to a PO contract, you must first create the PO. This can be done a variety of ways, but this topic will use the expedite PO process.

Step Action 1. Click the space below the scroll bar to scroll down on the screen. 2. Click the eProcurement link.

3. Click the Buyer Center link.

4. Click the Expedite Requisitions link.

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Step Action 5. Use the Expedite Requisitions page to define requisition search criteria and to display

requisitions. Ensure the Business Unit MCEWN has been entered. In this example, it has defaulted for you. Click the Search button.

6. Select an individual requisition for the planned purchase order. There should only be one

vendor associated with this requisition. When you select a requisition, the system activates the Submit and Preview buttons at the bottom of the screen. Click the Include option for your requisition ID.

7. Scroll down on the page using the vertical scroll bar.

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Step Action 8. Select the Build POs as Approved checkbox to have purchase orders created with an

Approved status when you run the Create Purchase Orders process. If selected, the process examines auto approval criteria set at the business unit level. If the auto approval criteria is met, the status is set to Approved. If the auto approval criteria is not met, the status is set to Pending approval, and the purchase order enters the approval process. If you do not select this option, the purchase order is created with a status of Open. Click the Build POs as Approved option.

9. Click the Preview button to display a preview of the purchase order before it is actually

staged. You must select the requisition and click the Include checkbox before you preview. Click the Submit button to create the purchase order for the requisition lines that have been selected. Click the Submit button.

10. The PO is being generated in the background. You can monitor the process of PO

generation by clicking the Process Monitor link. Click the Process Monitor link.

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Step Action 11. The process is finished running when the Run Status is Success and the Distribution Status

is Posted. Use the Refresh button to refresh the page until these statuses display. Click the Refresh button.

12. You have now created the purchase order; however, you must complete a Budget Check on

the PO and link it to a contract before it can be dispatched to a vendor. Use the main menu to navigate away from this screen. Click the scroll bar to find the eProcurement link.

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Step Action 13. Click the eProcurement link.

14. Click the Buyer Center link.

15. Click the Manage Purchase Orders link.

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Step Action 16. Click the Add New PO link.

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Step Action 17. Click the Find an Existing Value link.

18. Enter search criteria to find the PO you created. The more information entered the narrower the search results will be. The Business Unit MCEWN must be entered. Click the Search button.

19. Use the scroll bar to view more search results and locate the PO you need.

Click the scroll bar.

20. Choose the Appropriate PO from the search results table. Click the 0000000100 link.

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Step Action 21. Under the Lines section of the PO, click on the Contract tab to enter the contract

information and link the PO to the PO Contract. Click the Contract tab.

22. Click the Look up Contract ID (Alt+5) button.

23. Select the appropriate contract from the search results.

Click the 0000000000000000000000002 link.

24. Click the Save button.

25. Click the Budget Check button.

The process will run and the status should change from Not Checked to Valid. This may take a few moments. You must have a Valid budget status to dispatch the PO to a vendor.

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Step Action 26. While it is not necessary, you can dispatch the PO from this screen using the Dispatch

button. You must have an Approved PO Status and a Valid Budget Status before you can dispatch a PO. For further instructions on how to dispatch, refer to the topic Dispatching a Single Purchase Order.

27. You have successfully completed the topic for how to Link a PO to a PO Contract. End of Procedure.

Review Document Tolerance Exceptions Procedure In this topic you will learn to review Document Tolerance Exceptions in a purchase order.

Step Action 1. Click the space below the scroll bar to scroll down. 2. Click the eProcurement link.

3. Click the Buyer Center link.

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Step Action 4. Click the Manage Purchase Orders link.

Step Action 5. Select the PO you wish to view document tolerance exceptions for. Note the PO must have

a PO Status of Approved. Click the 0000000098 link.

6. The Budget Check must be run before you can view document tolerance exceptions (i.e.,

the Budget Status is Valid).

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Step Action 7. Click the Go to list.

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Step Action 8. Click the 18-Doc Tolerance Checking list item.

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Step Action 9. If document tolerance exceptions are found, you will receive an error message.

If no exceptions are found, you will not receive a message. Click the OK button.

10. You have successfully completed the topic to Review Document Tolerance Exceptions.

End of Procedure.

Dispatching a Single Purchase Order Procedure In this topic you will learn how to dispatch a single purchase order.

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Step Action 1. Click the space below the scroll bar to scroll down on the page. 2. Click the eProcurement link.

3. Click the Buyer Center link.

4. Click the Manage Purchase Orders link.

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Step Action 5. Use the Manage Purchase Orders page to manage purchase orders by adding a new

purchase order, changing an existing purchase order or creating a change order. Find the desired PO in the List of Purchase Orders. Click the PO ID link to access the Maintain Purchase Order page. Click the 0000000101 link.

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Step Action 6. Confirm that the PO Status shows as Approved and the Budget Status shows as Valid. If

you have a different status for either you will not be able to dispatch your PO. Click the Dispatch button.

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Step Action 7. Use the Dispatch Options page to enter dispatch options for the purchase order and to

dispatch a purchase order to the vendor. Enter the desired information into the Server Name field. Click the Look up Server Name (Alt+5) button.

8. Click the PSUNX link.

9. Click the OK button.

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Step Action 10. Click the Yes button.

The PO Dispatch process will take a few moments to complete. You will remain on this page while it processes. Make note of the Instance Number for this process, you will require it later to print the PO.

11. Notice that the PO Status has changed to Dispatched.

You now need to print a hard copy of the purchase order.

12. Use the main portal menu on the left to navigate to the Process Monitor. Click the Procurement Processes link.

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Step Action 13. Use the scroll bar to scroll down and find the Process Monitor link.

Click the Process Monitor link.

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Step Action 14. Find your Process Instance on the Process List page. The Run Status should display as

Success and the Distribution Status displays as Posted. Click the PODISP link for your instance.

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Step Action 15. Click the 483975 - POPO005 Success link.

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Step Action 16. Click the View Log/Trace link.

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Step Action 17. Click the popo005_483975.PDF link to open your purchase order.

18. Use the functions in this screen to print a copy of your purchase order.

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Step Action 19. The PO opens in a new window so you can close it without exiting PeopleSoft.

Click the Close button.

20. You can use the Return button to return to previous screens, or you can use the portal menu

on the left to navigate to a new area of PeopleSoft. 21. You have successfully completed the topic on how to Dispatch a Single Purchase Order.

End of Procedure.

Dispatching Purchase Orders A purchase order must have a status of Approved or Dispatched and must have passed the Commitment Control budget check to be eligible for dispatch. Dispatching purchase orders to vendors can be accomplished in several ways. Some companies require that purchase orders be sent by mail, while others prefer informing the vendor through phone. Purchase orders may also be faxed or emailed. Consider this scenario: You need to define the criteria by which purchase orders are included in the batch that is dispatched to the vendors. Your goal is to select the parameters to define which purchase orders are included in the batch to be dispatched for a vendor.

Procedure In this topic you will learn how to dispatch a purchase order.

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Step Action 1. Begin by navigating to the Dispatch Purchase Orders page.

Click the eProcurement link.

2. Click the Buyer Center link.

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Step Action 3. Click the Dispatch Purchase Orders link.

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Step Action 4. Click the General Batch Dispatcher link.

5. A Run Control ID is an identifier that, when paired with your User ID, uniquely identifies the process you are running. The Run Control ID defines parameters that are used when a process is run. This ensures that when a process runs in the background, the system does not prompt you for additional values.

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Step Action 6. You can run this process by searching for an existing Run Control ID or you can add a new

value. Creating a Run Control ID that is relevant to the process may help you remember it for future use. Click the Add a New Value tab.

7. Enter the desired information into the Run Control ID field. Enter "DISPATCH". 8. Click the Add button.

9. Use the Dispatch Purchase Orders page to run the PO Dispatch/Print process and

dispatch purchase orders, run the Email process, or run the PO Dispatch & Email multiprocess job.

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Step Action 10. Enter dates to dispatch purchase orders based on purchase order date values.

Click in the From Date field.

11. Enter the desired information into the From Date field. Enter "02/19/2004". 12. Click in the Through Date field.

13. Enter the desired information into the Through Date field. Enter "02/25/2005". 14. In the Statuses to Include group box, select whether to include purchase orders with

approved, dispatched, or pending cancel statuses in this run of the dispatch. When a specific purchase order ID is not entered, you must select at least one option. Click the Approved option.

15. Use the Dispatch Methods to Include group box to select which dispatch methods to

include in this run of the process. Selected values are only used as a part of the data selection criteria. To change the method by which the purchase order is to be dispatched, you must modify the dispatch method on the Maintain Purchase Order - Purchase Order page.

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Step Action 16. In the ChartFields field:

• Select Recycled AND Valid ChartFields to process purchase orders regardless of whether the ChartFields are valid or recycled. • Select Recycled ChartFields to process only purchase orders with distribution lines whose ChartFields are identified as Recycled. (PO_LINE_DISTRIB.CHARTFIELD_STATUS = 'R'). • Select Valid ChartFields to process only purchase orders with distribution lines whose ChartFields are identified as Valid. (PO_LINE_DISTRIB.CHARTFIELD_STATUS = 'V').

17. In the Change Orders field: • Select Changed Orders to process only purchase orders that have been changed. • Select Changed and Unchanged Orders to process changed and unchanged purchase orders. • Select Unchanged Orders to process only purchase orders that have never been changed.

18. If you select to dispatch changed orders in the Change Orders field, the Print Changes Only check box becomes available. Select to dispatch only the changes to the purchase order, rather than the entire purchase order.

19. Select the Test Dispatch check box to perform a test run of the dispatch. When you select this check box, the process runs, but the purchase orders processed do not appear in Dispatched status, and the purchase orders are printed with the word Unauthorized at the bottom of the page. This enables you to test the EDX, email, or fax setup without updating the system.

20. Select the Print Copy check box to produce a printed copy of each processed purchased order. If any of the processed purchase orders are done by phone, fax, email, or EDX, the system prints a hard copy for review.

21. Select the Print BU Comments check box to print comments (terms and conditions) defined for the PeopleSoft Purchasing business unit on the purchase order upon dispatch. Assign comments to the PeopleSoft Purchasing business unit by clicking the Comments link on the Purchasing Definition - Business Unit Definition page.

22. Select the Print PO Item Description check box to print the item description from the Maintain Purchase Order - Purchase Order page, instead of from the Purchasing Attributes page. The item description stored on the purchase order is in the base language and may have been modified on the purchase order.

23. Select the Print Duplicate check box to print the word Duplicate on each purchase order. 24. Click the Run button.

25. Use the Process Scheduler Request page to enter or update parameters, such as server

name and process output format.

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Step Action 26. You must select a Server Name to identify the server on which the process will run. If you

use the same Run Control ID for subsequent processes, the server name that you last used will default in this field. Click the Server Name list.

27. Click the PSUNX list item.

28. Click the PO Dispatch/Print option.

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Step Action 29. Click the OK button.

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Step Action 30. Click the Process Monitor link.

31. Use the Process List page to view the status of submitted process requests. 32. The current status of the process is Initiated. The process is finished when the status is

Success. Continue to click the Refresh button until the status is Success. Click the Refresh button.

33. The Run Status is now Success. 34. You have successfully selected the parameters to determine which purchase orders are

included in the batch. End of Procedure.

Entering PO Change Orders When you update a purchase order that has been dispatched, you create or append to a change order. With PeopleSoft Purchasing, you can create change orders online using the purchase order pages. Based on the purchase order change order template, the Change Purchase Order process creates the necessary change orders from these change request tables. The Change Purchase Order process takes the change order information and creates change history records (PO_CHNG_HDR, PO_CHNG_LINE, PO_CHNG_SHIP) and updates target system records with the changes.

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In this topic, you will create a purchase order change orders by updating header and line information.

Procedure In this topic you will learn how to enter a PO Change Order.

Step Action 1. Begin by navigating to the Purchase Order page.

Click the eProcurement link.

2. Click the Buyer Center link.

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Step Action 3. Click the Manage Purchase Orders link.

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Step Action 4. Click the Find an Existing Value tab. 5. Click in the PO ID field.

6. Enter the desired information into the PO ID field. Enter "APCLSPO015". 7. Click the Search button.

8. Use the Purchase Order page to create and update purchase orders online.

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Step Action 9. First, you want to make a change to the header information for this purchase order.

Click the Change Order button.

10. The fields that trigger change order generation become available for entry. 11. Click in the Buyer field.

12. Enter the desired information into the Buyer field. Enter "VP5". 13. Click the Dispatch Method list.

14. Click the Print list item.

15. Click the Save button.

16. Click the OK button.

17. Click the OK button.

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Step Action 18. The system displays the Change Order field and increments the change order requests for

this requisition by one. You can change fields that are not included on the Change Order template at any time.

19. A change order number identifies the batch of changes that you submit to the vendor for a purchase order after its initial dispatch. The first time that you update a dispatched purchase order, the system displays Change Order 1 next to the purchase order number in the purchase order header. Each time you update the purchase order after dispatching a batch of changes to the vendor, the change order number is increased by one. A change sequence number tracks the sequence of changes made within each purchase order at the header, line, and schedule levels. After the initial dispatch of a purchase order, a change sequence number is assigned to each change. These sequence numbers don't appear on the purchase order, but appear in the purchase order history.

20. Here is an example of batch changes. You dispatch a purchase order containing three lines. You then create a change on line 1. The header change order batch number is set to 1; the change sequence number for the first line is also 1. A historical row is created to store original values for line 1. The header change order batch number is 0 and change sequence number for the first line is 0.

21. After you dispatch the first batch of changes (change order batch number 1), you change lines 1 and 3. • The change order batch number is 2, because you are making changes after dispatching change order number 1. • Because this is the second time that you have changed line 1, its change sequence is 2. • Because you have changed line 3 for the first time, its change sequence is 1. The system creates a historical row to store original values for line 3. The header change order batch number is 0 and change sequence number for the first line is 0.

22. Click the vertical scrollbar. 23. You have successfully created a purchase order change order.

End of Procedure.

Processing a Change Request After a requester creates a Change Request, a buyer must approve it. When you save a Change Request, workflow routes it to the appropriate buyer for approval. A pre-built workflow for Change Request approval exists with PeopleSoft eProcurement. Consider this example: You have received a Change Request for making a change in a dispatched Purchase Order (PO). Your goal is to approve the Change Request and generate a Change Order.


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In this topic you will learn to create Change Orders from approved Change Requests.

Step Action 1. Begin by navigating to the Change Requests Pending Approval page.

Click the eProcurement link.

2. Click the Buyer Center link.

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Step Action 3. Click the Buyer Center link.

4. Click the Approve Change Requests link.

5. The Change Requests Pending Approval page lists the requisitions with a status of

Pending Approval.

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Step Action 6. Click the Change Approval button to navigate to the Change Request Details page.

Click the Change Approval button.

7. The buyer uses the Change Request Details page for approvals. The supervisor also

approves a change request if the unit price or quantity is increased, but he/she does so from their worklist. The buyer always approves a change request.

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Step Action 8. Click the Approve All button to approve all changes specified in the change request.

Click the Approve All button.

9. Notice that a value of Approved is specified in the Approval Action field.

10. Click the Save button.

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Step Action 11. You have approved the Change Request. The next task is to run the Change Purchase Order

process to generate a Change Order. Click the Procurement Processes link.

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Step Action 12. Click the Change Purchase Order link.

13. A Run Control ID is an identifier that, when paired with your User ID, uniquely identifies the process you are running. The Run Control ID defines parameters that are used when a process is run. This ensures that when a process runs in the background, the system does not prompt you for additional values.

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Step Action 14. You can run this process by searching for an existing Run Control ID or you can add a new

value. Creating a Run Control ID that is relevant to the process may help you remember it for future use. Click the Add a New Value tab.

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Step Action 15. Enter the desired information into the Run Control ID field. Enter "ADHOC". 16. Click the Add button.

17. Use the PO Changes page to specify criteria to run the process for specific Change

Requests. If you do not specify the criteria, the process is run for all Change Orders. For this example, you do not need to specify the criteria.

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Step Action 18. Click the Run button.

19. Use the Process Scheduler Request page to enter or update parameters, such as server

name and process output format.

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Step Action 20. You must select a Server Name to identify the server on which the process will run. If you

use the same Run Control ID for subsequent processes, the server name that you last used will default in this field. Click the Server Name list.

21. Click an entry in the list.

22. Use the Type field to select the type of output you want to generate for this job. Your four

choices are File, Printer, Email, or Web. 23. Use the Format field to define the output format for the report. The values are dependent

upon the Process Type you have selected. In this example, the default value is TXT. 24. Click the OK button.

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Step Action 25. Notice the Process Instance number appears. This number helps you identify the process

you have run when you check the status Click the Process Monitor link.

26. Use the Process List page to view the status of submitted process requests.

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Step Action 27. The current status of the process is Processing. The process is finished when the status is

Success. Continue to click the Refresh button until the status is Success. Click the Refresh button.

28. The Run Status is now Success. 29. You can now proceed to the Manage Purchse Order page to Budget Check and Dispatch the

changed purchase order. 30. You have successfully Created a Change Order from an Approved Change Request.

End of Procedure.

Reserve Purchase Order Numbers

Reserving Purchase Orders Some vendors require an immediate purchase order number when making an agreement. This requires you to generate a purchase order number before the purchase order is added to the system. PeopleSoft Purchasing enables you to reserve the next sequential purchase order number or a specific purchase order number such that it is available for entry at a later time. This topic explains the process to reserve a purchase order without having to enter the details of the purchase order.

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In this topic, your goal is to reserve a purchase order number for one of your vendors.


Step Action 1. Begin by navigating to the Purchase Order Reservations page.

Click the Purchasing link.

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Step Action 2. Click the Purchase Orders link.

3. Click the Reserve PO IDs link.

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Step Action 4. Click the Add button.

5. The Purchase Order Reservations page enables you to reserve the next sequential

purchase order number for future use. A purchase order number can be reserved at any time. If you do not select a specific number for the purchase order, the PO ID field displays NEXT until you save the data. After you save the data, a purchase order number is assigned by the system.

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Step Action 6. Click in the Vendor field.

7. Enter the desired information into the Vendor field. Enter "AUSCOMP-001". 8. Click in the Origin field.

9. Enter the desired information into the Origin field. Enter "ONL".

10. Notice that the Vendor ID and Buyer fields default based on what was entered in the Vendor field.

11. Click the Save button.

12. Notice that the system generates a PO ID for the purchase order you reserved. 13. You have successfully reserved a purchase order number without having to enter the details

of the purchase order. End of Procedure.

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Review Purchase Orders

Inquiring on Purchase Orders After you create a purchase order in PeopleSoft Purchasing, you may need to view it for future transactions. You may need to view header, line, schedule, and distribution details within the Purchase Order Inquiry component. You can access this information when inquiring on a purchase order through PO Workbench or simply through the purchase order inquiry menu. All the information is display-only and does not allow for any maintenance. This topic discusses how to view details for a purchase order. In this topic, you will inquire on an existing purchase order.


Step Action 1. Begin by navigating to the Purchase Order Inquiry page.

Click the Purchasing link.

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Step Action 2. Click the Purchase Orders link.

3. Click the Review PO Information link.

4. Click the Purchase Orders link.

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Step Action 5. Click in the PO ID field.

6. Enter the desired information into the PO ID field. Enter "0000000093". 7. Click the Search button.

8. Use the Purchase Order Inquiry page to view purchase order information.

This is an inquiry version of the Maintain Purchase Order - Purchase Order page.

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Step Action 9. Click the Vendor Details link to view vendor details.

Click the Vendor Details link.

10. Use the Vendor Details page to review vendor information.

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Step Action 11. Click the Return button.

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Step Action 12. Click the Header Details link to view purchase order header details.

Click the Header Details link.

13. Use the PO Header Details page to view purchase order defaults and rules for the entire

order 14. Click the Billing Address link to view billing address details for the billing location. 15. Click the Exchange Rate Detail link to view the rules used to calculate exchange rates for

the transaction.

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Step Action 16. Click the Return button.

17. Click the All RTV link to view details about any RTV transactions associated with the

selected purchase order. 18. Click the Matching link to view purchase order matching information. 19. Click the Header Comments link to view comments for a transaction. 20. Click the Document Status link to access and review information about procurement

documents associated with a purchase order. 21. Click the Change Order link to view the change order history associated with a purchase

order. 22. Click the Freight/Tax/Misc link to view price adjustments broken down into individual

amounts, such as freight, sales and use tax, miscellaneous charges, and value-added tax.

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Step Action 23. Click the Line Details button.

24. The Details for Line page displays the line details for the first line item. 25. The Rebate ID associated with the purchase order line displays on this page if the Rebate

ID Security Control field value for the user is Update or View Only. Otherwise, the rebate ID will not display.

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Step Action 26. Click the Return button.

27. Click the Item Description link to view descriptions for a specific item.

The item description link is composed of the first 30 characters of the item's description in the Transaction Item Description text box on the Item Description page.

28. Click the Line Comments button to view line comments for a transaction.

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Step Action 29. Click the Schedule button to view information about the purchase order schedule.

Click the Schedule button.

30. Use the Schedules page to review schedule details for a purchase order.

This page is an inquiry version of the Maintain Purchase Orders - Schedules page.

31. Click the Schedule Details button to view purchase order schedule details. 32. Click the Ship To Address button to view address details for the location relevant to the

page from which this page is accessed.

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Step Action 33. Click the horizontal scrollbar.

34. Click the Value Adjustment button to view schedule price adjustment information. 35. Click the Miscellaneous Charges button to view schedule miscellaneous charge

information. 36. Click the Sched Sales/Use Tax button to view schedule sales and use tax information. 37. Click the Distributions/ChartFields button to view purchase order distribution

information. Click the Distributions/ChartFields button.

38. Use the Distributions for Schedule 1 page to define multiple distributions for each

purchase order schedule and from which you can access other pages that contain distribution information.

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Step Action 39. Navigate to the different tabs to view additional information.

Click the Details/Tax tab.

40. Click the Currency link to view purchase order currency information. 41. Click the Sales/Use Tax Information button to view distribution sales and use tax details. 42. Click the Asset Information tab.

43. Click the Req Detail tab.

44. Click the Return button.

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Step Action 45. Click the horizontal scrollbar.

46. Return to the previous screen using the Return to Main Page link or use the Return to

Search button at the bottom of the screen to continue searching on another PO. Click the Return to Main Page button.

47. You have successfully inquired on a purchase order.

End of Procedure.

Create and Maintain Back Orders

Create a Backorder Transaction Procedure In this topic you will learn how to create a Backorder Transaction.

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Step Action 1. Click the Purchasing link.

2. Click the Purchase Orders link.

3. Click the Create Backorders link.

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Step Action 4. The Create Backorder screen allows you to enter the information required to complete your

search. The more information entered the narrower the search results will be. If it has not already defaulted, enter the Business Unit MCEWN. Click the Search button.

5. Choose the desired PO from the search results list.

Click the 0000000098 link.

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Step Action 6. Select a line for backordering.

Click the 1/1 option.

7. Enter the new due date into the Backorder Due Date field. This information would likely

come from the vendor. Enter "05/05/2010". 8. Enter the backorder quantity into the Backordered Qty field. This amount must be equal to

or less than the total number ordered or remaining to be received. Enter "5". 9. Click the Apply Backorder & Save button.

10. To confirm and view the PO that was backordered, navigate to the Manage Purchase Order

area. Make a note of the PO number. Click the space below the scroll bar to move the menu down.

11. Click the eProcurement link.

12. Click the Buyer Center link.

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Step Action 13. Click the Manage Purchase Orders link.

Step Action 14. Use the search fields provided to locate the appropriate PO, if it does not automatically

display. Click the 0000000098 link.

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Step Action 15. Click the space to the right of the scroll bar to shift the screen to the right.

16. Click the Schedule button.

17. Note the new Due Date shows with the updated backorder date (in this example 05/052/2010).

18. You have successfully completed the topic to Create a Backorder Transaction. End of Procedure.

Create and Dispatch Return to Vendor (RTV)

Entering Return to Vendor Occasionally, shipments received from vendors arrive with damaged items, defective items, over shipped items, or items shipped in error. In such cases, you need an organized way to track shipments or parts of shipments that are being returned to the vendor. The PeopleSoft Purchasing system enables you to determine the quantity that is to be returned, the reason for the return, the method of return, the cost to you and the vendor, and what you want from the vendor as a result of the returned goods. This topic explains the steps to return the item to a vendor.

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Consider this scenario: You received a shipment of merchandise, however, some of the items are damaged. The vendor has given authorization to credit your account and to have the damaged goods returned. Your goal is to enter a return-to-vendor (RTV) transaction for the damaged goods.

Procedure In this topic you will learn how to enter an RTV.

Step Action 1. Begin by navigating to the RTV page.

Click the eProcurement link.

2. Click the Buyer Center link.

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Step Action 3. Click the Return to Vendors link.

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Step Action 4. Click the Add/Update RTV link.

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Step Action 5. Click the Add button.

6. The RTV page enables you to enter information related to the entire RTV transaction and

select the purchase order or receipt against which you are making the return.

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Step Action 7. Click the Select Receipt link.

8. Use the Select Receipt page to retrieve and select a receipt against which you want to

record a return.

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Step Action 9. Click the Search button.

10. Click the Sel option.

11. Click the OK button.

12. The RTV page appears. When you use an RTV transaction to return an item, the item has

already been entered into the system as a part of the accepted quantity. You can use the RTV transaction any time after you have completed the receipt process.

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Step Action 13. The Action field enables you to select the action you want to take. You can either ask for

credit for the amount of the purchase order returned, ask for a replacement, or exchange the goods. Click the *Action list.

14. Click an entry in the list.

15. Use the Disposition field to enter a disposition for the returned merchandise. 16. Use the Reason field to enter or select the reason for returning the product to the vendor. In

this example, the goods are being returned because they are damaged. Click in the *Reason field.

17. Enter the desired information into the *Reason field. Enter "DAM". 18. The RMA Number field specifies a return authorization number that is supplied by the

vendor. It is for the vendor's reference when they receive the shipment back. Click in the RMA Number field.

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Step Action 19. Enter the desired information into the RMA Number field. Enter "DSS001". 20. Click the horizontal scrollbar.

21. Click the RTV Details button.

22. The Distribution Details page enables you to view and enter distribution information for the item being returned. Any quantity up to the total quantity received may be returned.

Step Action 23. Click the Sel option.

24. Click in the Return Qty field.

25. Enter the desired information into the Return Qty field. Enter "20". 26. Leave the Ship Qty and Ship Date fields blank. They will be filled in during the Record

RTV Shipped process.

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Step Action 27. Click the OK button.

Step Action 28. Click the horizontal scrollbar.

29. Click the Save button.

30. Notice that the system generates an RTV ID for the item returned. 31. After you have created and saved the RTV, make note of the RTV ID number if necessary.

You must also notify Facilities Receiving that you have created a RTV. To use PeopleSoft Notify to send an email, click on the Notify button at the bottom of the screen. A window will appear allowing you to enter the receiver information, a subject and text, as in a regular email.

32. You have successfully entered an RTV. End of Procedure.

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Record RTV Shipped Procedure In this topic you will learn how to Record an RTV as being shipped back to the vendor.

Step Action 1. Click the Purchasing link.

2. Click the eProcurement link.

3. Click the Buyer Center link.

4. Click the Return to Vendors link.

5. Click the Add/Update RTV link.

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Step Action 6. Click the Find an Existing Value link.

7. If it has not defaulted for you, enter the Business Unit MCEWN. Click the Search button.

8. Choose an RTV that has not been shipped (Return Status is not Shipped).

Click the 0000000011 link.

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Step Action 9. Click the Sel option.

10. Click the RTV Details button (use the scroll bar if necessary).

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Step Action 11. The Distribution Details page enables you to view and enter distribution information for the

item being returned. Any quantity up to the total quantity received may be returned. The Returned quantity is already entered. Click the Sel option.

12. Enter the full RTV quantity being shipped back to the vendor into the Vendor Shipped

Qty field. Enter "2". 13. Enter the desired Ship date.

Click the Choose a date (Alt+5) button.

14. Click the Current Date link.

15. Click the OK button.

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Step Action 16. Click the Save button. The RTV Status changed to "Shipped".

17. You have successfully completed the topic to Record a RTV Shipped.

End of Procedure.

Dispatching RTV Run the Dispatch RTV process to dispatch and print vendor returns. The RTV Dispatch/Print process (PORT001) dispatches vendor returns based on the select criteria that you enter on the Dispatch RTVs page and uses the dispatch method that you set on the RTV Defaults page. In this topic, you will run the RTV Dispatch/Print process.

Procedure In this topic you will learn how to dispatch an RTV.

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Step Action 1. Begin by navigating to the Dispatch RTVs page.

Click the eProcurement link.

2. Click the Buyer Center link.

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Step Action 3. Click the Return to Vendors link.

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Step Action 4. Click the Dispatch RTVs link.

5. A Run Control ID is an identifier that, when paired with your User ID, uniquely identifies

the process you are running. The Run Control ID defines parameters that are used when a process is run. This ensures that when a process runs in the background, the system does not prompt you for additional values.

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Step Action 6. You can run this process by searching for an existing Run Control ID or you can add a new

value. Creating a Run Control ID that is relevant to the process may help you remember it for future use. Click the Add a New Value tab.

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Step Action 7. Enter the desired information into the Run Control ID field. Enter "DISP_RTV". 8. Click the Add button.

9. Use the Dispatch RTVs page to enter the request parameters. These parameters will be

used to define the processing rules and data to be included when the process is run.

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Step Action 10. Enter the desired information into the Business Unit field. Enter "US001". 11. Enter the desired information into the RTV ID field. Enter "0000000005". 12. Click the Run button.

13. Use the Process Scheduler Request page to enter or update parameters, such as server

name and process output format.

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Step Action 14. You must select a Server Name to identify the server on which the process will run. If you

use the same Run Control ID for subsequent processes, the server name that you last used will default in this field. Click the Server Name list.

15. Select the PSUNX item from the list.

16. Select the RTV Dispatch/Print option.

17. Click the OK button.

18. Notice the Process Instance number appears. This number helps you identify the process

you have run when you check the status.

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Step Action 19. Click the Process Monitor link.

20. Use the Process List page to view the status of submitted process requests. 21. The current status of the process is Processing. The process is finished when the status is

Success. Continue to click the Refresh button until the status is Success.

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Step Action 22. Click the Refresh button.

23. Notice the status for the requested process is Success. 24. You have successfully run the RTV process and now must print a copy of the RTV to send

to the vendor.

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Step Action 25. Click the Details link.

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Step Action 26. Click the View Log/Trace link.

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Step Action 27. Click the port001_489744.PDF link.

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Step Action 28. Print the RTV using the options in the display window.

Click the Close button to close the RTV when you have successfully printed it. Ensure you are closing the correct window.

29. You have successfully printed and dispatched an RTV. The RTV can now be faxed to the

vendor. End of Procedure.

Running the RTV Reconciliation Process The RTV Reconciliation process reviews the status of the RTV schedule and line records to evaluate and update the RTV header record status. Only RTVs that have a status of Shipped can go through the RTV Reconciliation process. Consider this scenario: You have already shipped goods back to a vendor and entered an RTV. Your goal is to run the RTV Reconciliation process.

Procedure In this topic you will learn how to run the RTV Reconciliation process.

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Step Action 1. Begin by navigating to the RTV Reconcile page.

Click the eProcurement link.

2. Click the Buyer Center link.

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Step Action 3. Click the Return to Vendors link.

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Step Action 4. Click the Reconcile RTVs link.

5. A Run Control ID is an identifier that, when paired with your User ID, uniquely identifies

the process you are running. The Run Control ID defines parameters that are used when a process is run. This ensures that when a process runs in the background, the system does not prompt you for additional values.

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Step Action 6. You can run this process by searching for an existing Run Control ID or you can add a new

value. Creating a Run Control ID that is relevant to the process may help you remember it for future use. Click the Add a New Value tab.

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Step Action 7. Enter the desired information into the Run Control ID field. Enter "REC_RTV". 8. Click the Add button.

9. Use the RTV Reconcile page to enter the request parameters. These parameters will be

used to define the processing rules and data to be included when the process is run.

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Step Action 10. Click the RTV Run Option list.

11. Click an entry in the list.

12. Click in the Business Unit field.

13. Enter the desired information into the Business Unit field. Enter "US001". 14. Click in the Return To Vendor ID field.

15. Enter the desired information into the Return To Vendor ID field. Enter "0000000001". 16. Click the Run button.

17. Use the Process Scheduler Request page to enter or update parameters, such as server

name and process output format.

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Step Action 18. You must select a Server Name to identify the server on which the process will run. If you

use the same Run Control ID for subsequent processes, the server name that you last used will default in this field. Click the Server Name list.

19. Click an entry in the list.

20. Click the OK button.

21. Notice the Process Instance number appears. This number helps you identify the process

you have run when you check the status.

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Step Action 22. Click the Process Monitor link.

23. Use the Process List page to view the status of submitted process requests. 24. The current status of the process is Queued. The process is finished when the status is

Success. Continue to click the Refresh button until the status is Success.

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Step Action 25. Click the Refresh button.

26. Notice the status for the requested process is Success. 27. You have successfully run the RTV Reconciliation Process.

End of Procedure.

Review Year-End Processes

Review Open Purchase Order Report Procedure This report is run by a Budget Administrator as part of the Year-End processes. It is based on Budget Period, Business Units and ChartFields. The report allows Buyers to review open purchase orders for the budget period-end process. The process will also identify POs that should simply be closed out, rather than rolled over to the next year.

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Step Action 1. The report will come in a standard format with the Report Title and Run Date/Time noted

in the header. The body of the report will contain the Open PO information for review. Buyers will assist with identifying which Purchase Orders should be closed. Closing POs is carried out by the Purchasing Administrator.

2. You have successfully reviewed the Open Purchase Order report. End of Procedure.