p.o. box 205, goulburn office hours: 9am 12noon sheet july 16... · p.o. box 205, goulburn office...

1 P.O. Box 205, GOULBURN Office Hours: 9am – 12noon Office 02 - 4821 2206 Fax: 02 - 4822 2639 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.goulburncathedral.org.au TODAY 8am Eucharist Celebrant Canon Anne Wentzel Preacher Canon Anne 10am Choral Eucharist w baptism Celebrant Dean Phillip Saunders Preacher Canon Anne 5pm Quiet Reflective Eucharist Concluding Voluntary Allegro, Concerto No 4 By GF Handel TODAY’S READINGS Sixth Sunday after Pentecost Genesis 25 19-34 Ps 119. 105-112 Romans 8. 1-11 Matthew 13. 1-9, (10-17), 18-23 NEXT SUNDAY’S READINGS Mary Magdalene Song of Songs 3. 1-4a Ps 63 2 Corinthians 5. 14-21 John 20. 1-18 The Gospel readings the past few weeks have identified for us the vision God has for the growth of his Kingdom. God in his great abundance sows the seed of faith with seemingly reckless abandon, in poor and rich soil alike. As members of Christ’s Body we are called to tend these soils, watering them with his life–giving word and nourishing them with the sacraments of grace he gifts to his Church. We all are given gifts to encourage the growth of these seeds, with faith and hope and love. Whether you are skilled in music, or art; singing, or writing; listening, or sharing – we are all gardeners in God’s Kingdom! Text: Jesse Poole ABM 2017 the cathedral church of st saviour, goulburn The Anglican Diocese of Canberra & Goulburn SUNDAY 16TH JULY 2017 SIXTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST 2 St Saviour’s Cathedral We extend a welcome to any visitors here this morning. We hope you enjoy warm fellowship and are inspired by our worship. FOR YOUR SAFETY: As you leave your seat, please be mindful of a STEP DOWN to the aisle. ________________________________ CATHEDRAL DAILY SERVICE TIMES Monday—Friday MORNING PRAYER 8.00 AM EVENING PRAYER 4.30 PM REGULAR WEEK DAY EUCHARIST SERVICES Monday 4pm, Tuesday 12noon,Wed 5pm(w.prayers for healing), Thurs 10am Friday 8.15am NB: MONDAY 4PM (NOT 5PM) CATHEDRAL MISSION STATEMENT As the mother church of the Diocese and Cathedral of Goulburn, St. Saviour’s is a haven for nurturing Christians and fostering new faith in Christ. In the love of Christ and the grace of the Holy Spirit, the Cathedral community is committed to reinforcing the wisdom of our Anglican tradition and engaging with an ever changing world. In particular, we are committed to: Prayerful and joyous worship The ministry of hospitality Serving the broader community Supporting those from diverse background including those with special needs. Supporting Goulburn and the Diocese in good times and in bad. _______________________________ REGULAR GIVING & DONATIONS 2016 To assist our Stewardship program we welcome your regular contribution by way of direct payment into our St. Saviour’s Cathedral General Account: BSB 032721 ACCOUNT 280248 Please use the appropriate reference: MINISTRY (to support Cathedral Ministry) MISSIONS (supporting Diocese of Willochra, Anglicare & ABM projects) OTHER DONATIONS: Organ Appeal BSB 702389 ACC 5209664 Heritage/Restoration Appeal BSB 032721 ACC 680946 BAPTISM 10am today We welcome this morning three babies presented for baptism: Ella Jayde Maree ALIFFI Lexi May COSGROVE and Heath Ross Mark GIBSON Welcome also their families, sponsors and friends here to witness this special event in their lives. Our congregation welcomes you. MAINLY MUSIC….specially tailored Children’s program for toddlers & pre-schoolers….refer to details on page 7

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Page 1: P.O. Box 205, GOULBURN Office Hours: 9am 12noon sheet July 16... · P.O. Box 205, GOULBURN Office Hours: 9am –12noon ... shall far outpass the power of human telling; ... we can


P.O. Box 205, GOULBURN Office Hours: 9am – 12noon

Office 02 - 4821 2206 Fax: 02 - 4822 2639

E-mail: [email protected]

Website: www.goulburncathedral.org.au

TODAY 8am Eucharist Celebrant Canon Anne Wentzel Preacher Canon Anne 10am Choral Eucharist w baptism Celebrant Dean Phillip Saunders Preacher Canon Anne 5pm Quiet Reflective Eucharist

Concluding Voluntary Allegro, Concerto No 4

By GF Handel

TODAY’S READINGS Sixth Sunday after Pentecost

Genesis 25 19-34 Ps 119. 105-112 Romans 8. 1-11

Matthew 13. 1-9, (10-17), 18-23


Mary Magdalene Song of Songs 3. 1-4a

Ps 63 2 Corinthians 5. 14-21

John 20. 1-18

The Gospel readings the past few

weeks have identified for us the vision

God has for the growth of his


God in his great abundance sows the

seed of faith with seemingly reckless

abandon, in poor and rich soil alike. As

members of Christ’s Body we are

called to tend these soils, watering

them with his life–giving word and

nourishing them with the sacraments

of grace he gifts to his Church. We all

are given gifts to encourage the growth

of these seeds, with faith and hope and

love. Whether you are skilled in music,

or art; singing, or writing; listening, or

sharing – we are all gardeners in God’s


Text: Jesse Poole ABM 2017

the cathedral church of st saviour, goulburn The Anglican Diocese of Canberra & Goulburn





St Saviour’s Cathedral

We extend a welcome to any visitors here this morning. We hope you enjoy warm fellowship and are inspired by our worship. FOR YOUR SAFETY: As you leave your seat, please be mindful of a STEP DOWN to the aisle. ________________________________


As the mother church of the Diocese and Cathedral of Goulburn, St. Saviour’s is a haven for nurturing Christians and fostering new faith in Christ. In the love of Christ and the grace of the Holy Spirit, the Cathedral community is committed to reinforcing the wisdom of our Anglican tradition and engaging with an ever changing world. In particular, we are committed to:

Prayerful and joyous worship

The ministry of hospitality

Serving the broader community

Supporting those from diverse background including those with special needs.

Supporting Goulburn and the Diocese in good times and in bad.

_______________________________ REGULAR GIVING & DONATIONS 2016 To assist our Stewardship program we welcome your regular contribution by way of direct payment into our St. Saviour’s Cathedral General Account: BSB 032721 ACCOUNT 280248 Please use the appropriate reference: MINISTRY (to support Cathedral Ministry) MISSIONS (supporting Diocese of Willochra, Anglicare & ABM projects) OTHER DONATIONS: Organ Appeal BSB 702389 ACC 5209664 Heritage/Restoration Appeal BSB 032721 ACC 680946

BAPTISM 10am today

We welcome this morning three

babies presented for baptism:

Ella Jayde Maree ALIFFI

Lexi May COSGROVE and

Heath Ross Mark GIBSON

Welcome also their families, sponsors

and friends here to witness this

special event in their lives.

Our congregation welcomes you.

MAINLY MUSIC….specially tailored

Children’s program for toddlers &

pre-schoolers….refer to details on

page 7

Page 2: P.O. Box 205, GOULBURN Office Hours: 9am 12noon sheet July 16... · P.O. Box 205, GOULBURN Office Hours: 9am –12noon ... shall far outpass the power of human telling; ... we can


Gradual Hymn

Come down, O Love divine,

seek now this soul of mine,

and visit it with your own ardour glowing;

O Comforter, draw near,

within my heart appear

and kindle it, your holy flame bestowing.

There let it freely burn,

till earthly passions turn

to dust and ashes, in its heat consuming;

and let your glorious light

shine ever on my sight

and clothe me round, the while my path illuming.

Let holy charity

my outer garment be,

and lowliness become my inner clothing:

true lowliness of heart,

which takes the humbler part

and for its own shortcomings weeps with loathing.

And so the yearning strong

with which the soul will long

shall far outpass the power of human telling;

for none can guess its grace

till we become the place

in which the Holy Spirit makes his dwelling.

Bianco da Siena d. 1434 tr. Richard Frederick Littleda1e 1833-90 alt.


St Saviour’s Cathedral Hymns 16th July 2017


St Saviour’s Cathedral Hymns 16th July 2017

Offertory Hymn (during singing of this hymn a collection will be taken up for Cathedral ministry)

Behold the amazing gift of love

the Father has bestowed,

that we, though sinners, should be called

the children of our God.

Concealed as yet this honour lies,

by this dark world unknown,

a world that knew not when he came,

ev'n God's eternal Son.

High is the rank we now possess,

but higher we shall rise;

though what we shall hereafter be

is hid from mortal eyes.

Our souls, we know, when he appears,

shall bear his image bright;

for all his glory, full disclosed,

shall open to our sight.

A hope so great, and so divine,

may trials well endure;

and purge the soul from guilt and sin,

as Christ himself is pure.

1 John 3:1-3 as in Scottish Paraphrases 1781 alt. probably by William Cameron 1751-1811 based on a para-

phrase by Isaac Watts 1674-1748


Page 3: P.O. Box 205, GOULBURN Office Hours: 9am 12noon sheet July 16... · P.O. Box 205, GOULBURN Office Hours: 9am –12noon ... shall far outpass the power of human telling; ... we can


St Saviour’s Cathedral Hymns 16th July 2017

Final Hymn

Forth in your name, O Lord, I go,

my daily labour to pursue,

you, Lord, alone resolved to know,

in all I think, or speak, or do.

Each task your wisdom has assigned

still let me cheerfully fulfil,

in all my works your presence find,

and prove your good and perfect will.

You may I set at my right hand,

whose eyes my inmost substance view,

and labour on at your command,

and offer all my works to you.

Give me to bear your easy yoke,

and every moment watch and pray,

and still to things eternal look,

and hasten to your glorious day;

for you delightfully employ

all that your bounteous grace has given,

and run my course with even joy,

and closely walk with you to heaven.

Charles Wesley 1707-88 alt.



Psalm 119.105-112


Barbara Griffin

Henry Lawes (1595-1662)

105 Your word is a lantern | to my | feet:

and a | light | to my | path.

106 I have vowed and | sworn an | oath:

to | keep your | righteous | judgements.

107 I have been afflicted be- | yond | measure:

Lord, give me life ac- | cording | to your | word.

108 Accept, O Lord, the freewill offerings | of my | mouth:

and | teach | me your | judgements. REFRAIN

109 I take my life in my | hands con- | tinually:

yet I do | not for- | get your | law.

110 The wicked have laid a | snare | for me:

but I have not | strayed | from your | precepts.

111 Your commands are my in- | heritance . for | ever:

they are the | joy | of my | heart.

112 I have set my heart to ful- | fil your | statutes:

always, | even | to the | end. REFRAIN

Page 4: P.O. Box 205, GOULBURN Office Hours: 9am 12noon sheet July 16... · P.O. Box 205, GOULBURN Office Hours: 9am –12noon ... shall far outpass the power of human telling; ... we can


OUR CATHEDRAL MINISTRY TO THOSE IN NEED Your support is appreciated Thank you to those of have brought in supplies. ITEMS NEEDED to replenish our shelves: Long-life full cream milk (not skim, almond or coconut), tinned meals, tinned

fruits, tinned vegetables (peas, carrots, corn) tinned soups. NO PASTA or PASTA SAUCE or CEREALS at this time, NO BAKED BEANS however TINNED SPAGHETTI is needed.

The Cathedral’s ministry to Children is in RECESS

during school holidays

This program is tailored for toddlers and pre-schoolers. Learning faith

through music and movement.

RESUME: Friday 21 JULY 9.30-10.30am in Mary Thomas Room (hall), parking off Church

Street. All welcome, Morning tea follows Co-ordinator: Debbie McConnell

THE ECUMENICAL CHRISTIAN MEDITATION group will not be meeting for at

least a little while. Many have enjoyed this practice as a way to consciously

spend time in God's presence. God bless.

For information, please speak to Helen Rainger, phone:4821 5725

CRAFT GROUP…..Making Cards for inmates at Goulburn Gaol are

meeting again to prepare Fathers’ Day and general birthday cards.

THURSDAY 20 JULY 2-4PM in Mary Thomas Room.

Just bring scissors, and glue. We have plenty of “used” cards in

stock. Great chance for fellowship and doing something practical!

Contact: Heather Buchanan 4821 9985 if you are interested in joining.

BAPTISM BEARS….stocks are low. If you are “crafty” and would like to make more, please contact office and although I donot have a pattern, we can give you a sample!!! Please ring Sue in office or call during office hours.

PLEASE NOTE: There will be INCENSE at the 10 o’clock service next Sunday - July 23rd Feast of Mary Magdalene


St Saviour’s Cathedral


CELEBRANT: (N), we send you out to share Communion with those unable to come to Church.

PEOPLE: May you carry the prayers of our Cathedral community as you take this sacrament of Christ’s presence. CELEBRANT: May those who receive it be strengthened and encouraged in Christ. AMEN

Cathedral Staff Dean: The Very Rev’d Phillip Saunders Phone: 4821 9192 Sub-Dean: Rev’d Canon Anne Wentzel Phone: 4821 2206 Canon-in-Residence: Rev’d Canon Catherine Eaton Phone: 4821 2206 Canon-in-Residence: Rev’d Canon Kevin Stone Phone: 4821 2206

Cathedral Music Director of Music: Barbara Griffin Phone: 0438 161 815

Organist: Mr Robert Smith Phone: 4871 2731

Cathedral Wardens Leigh Bottrell 4822 4946 Kerrie Knowlman 0447 315 354 Stephen Relf 0401 977 432 Pamela Shaw 4822 8394

Cathedral Councillors Robert Davey, Nina Dougall, Martin Perera

July 2017 Sunday 23 10am Service - incense will be used

5PM First Sunday every month is Evensong 5PM All other Sundays are Reflective Eucharist


Oct 1 Daylight saving starts. St Francis’ Day

Oct 6 - 8 Diocesan Synod. (later this year due to General Synod dates)

JOSEPH & THE AMAZING TECHNICOLOR DREAMCOAT is being staged in our Cathedral by Rockyhill Musical Theatre Group: DATES: PERFORMANCE #1 Thursday 19th OCTOBER 7pm: #2 Friday 20th 7.30pm: #3 Saturday 21st ;7.30pm : #4 Friday 27th 7.30pm: #5 Matinee 2pm Sat 28th: #6 Sat 28th 7.30pm. More details shortly

CATHEDRAL GUIDES: We seek your help to keep our Cathedral open. If you can help or if you would like to know what is involved please speak to Fred Rainger- Ph 4821 5725. Training is given. It is very disappointing for visitors to turn up only to find our beautiful Cathedral closed. Our aim is to open 10am-4pm (3hrs/once week or month will assist greatly). This is a treasure to share with the faithful and the weary traveller.