pmc post implementation review

ISTGTemplateRev08.17.04 eSP Post Implementation Review (PIR)

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eSP Post Implementation Review(PIR)

2PPPMC – PM, Version 2.0

AgendaLearning ObjectivesPIR PurposeOld and New Environments PIR ProcessExercisesReferencesNew Glossary Terms Test

3PPPMC – PM, Version 2.0

Learning Objectives

Describe the importance of performing a Post Implementation Review (PIR)

Describe the new opportunity for sharing learnings

Describe the timing and use of the PIR process

Conduct the PIR process

4PPPMC – PM, Version 2.0

PIR Purpose

Improve the quality of future products

Make life easier for future project teams

NOT to celebrate

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Fulfilling the PIR Purpose

Proliferate proven BKMs

Identify and fix current process gaps

Learn from our mistakes

Identify opportunities for standardization

Identify opportunities for automation

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PIR Requirements


the PIR section

of the OSP

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Why is a PIR important?We want to and need to improve our

methods for developing products– Better– Faster– Cheaper

Sets aside time when we can focus on process improvement

Provides an efficient way to proliferate improvements

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Old Environment




Newproject Database







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New Environment… …New Opportunities








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PIR Process Development

Requirement - must take advantage of the new environment

Constraint – PIR meeting must not exceed 2 hours

Due to the constraint, a survey must be utilized

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PIR Process

PIR planning is done during the Planning Phase


Post Implementation Review.doc

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Completing the SurveyReference

eBG-PD-23-Post Implementation Review.doc

and eBG-PC-42-Post Implementation Review Survey.doc

Survey intentionally does not have leading questions and is not constricting

Survey is short so that participants can put substantial thought into improving methods

13PPPMC – PM, Version 2.0

Determining the Root CauseIdentify the issueAsk “Why” the issue occurredFor each of the answers, ask “Why” againRepeat until you know what actions or

circumstances caused the issue to occurLimit yourself to 4 levels of causesConcentrate on resolving the most critical

root causes (what can we do to make sure this never happens again)

14PPPMC – PM, Version 2.0


For each issue, determine the root cause(s)For each root cause, provide a resolution

that is repeatable by every future project

15PPPMC – PM, Version 2.0

Exercise #1

16. Describe the most crucial issue experienced during the execution of the project.

I bought eggs at the store and we already had eggs.

17. Why did this issue occur (root cause)?

18. What specifically can be done to ensure that the issue will not occur on another project? Think about which eSP process or collateral would be impacted, additional collateral required, training, communication requirements, etc.

16PPPMC – PM, Version 2.0

Exercise #2

16. Describe the most crucial issue experienced during the execution of the project.

VCR didn’t record because it was programmed incorrectly.

17. Why did this issue occur (root cause)?

18. What specifically can be done to ensure that the issue will not occur on another project? Think about which eSP process or collateral would be impacted, additional collateral required, training, communication requirements, etc.

17PPPMC – PM, Version 2.0

Exercise #3

16. Describe the most crucial issue experienced during the execution of the project.

Ran out of gas because the gas gauge is still broken.

17. Why did this issue occur (root cause)?

18. What specifically can be done to ensure that the issue will not occur on another project? Think about which eSP process or collateral would be impacted, additional collateral required, training, communication requirements, etc.

18PPPMC – PM, Version 2.0

Consolidating Survey Results

Extract information from the surveys

Complete root cause analysis and resolution if possible

Record results in the spreadsheet or presentation


Post Implementation Review.docand

eBG-TP-55-PIR Survey Results.xls

19PPPMC – PM, Version 2.0

Extracting Process ImprovementsSuccessful activities

– Determine if the item is a valid BKM– Determine why the BKM is not part of a process

(root cause)– Is it a tip?

– Determine the resolution (how to make it part of the process)

Issues– Ensure root cause(s) is identified and accurate– Ensure there is a valid resolution for each root


20PPPMC – PM, Version 2.0

PIR Meeting Preparation

Each ‘Tip’ must have an action planThe ‘Open Items’ will be dispositioned

during the meeting

ReferenceeBG-TP-45-Post Implementation Review

Presentation Template.ppt

21PPPMC – PM, Version 2.0


For each survey result, determine: – what action the PM should take; and

– where to document each result in the presentation template

22PPPMC – PM, Version 2.0

Exercise #4


Describe the most crucial issue experienced during the execution of the project.

Though I think our Risks were comprehensive from a detailed level, I think we missed identifying risks in entire areas, like with regard to integration.


Why did this issue occur (root cause)?

There are too many possible risks to think of all the different areas where risks may occur.


What specifically can be done to ensure that the issue will not occur on another project? Think about which eSP process or collateral would be impacted, additional collateral required, training, communication requirements, etc.

Create a checklist or taxonomy to help with risk identification so we don’t miss an area like integration, including common attributes of risks within each area.

23PPPMC – PM, Version 2.0

Exercise #5


Describe the most successful activity performed by project team members that provided the most benefit to the project.

Communication Plan was a good tool that provided thorough communication.


Was the activity performed as a result of strictly following an existing eSP process? Yes/No



If yes to question 2, does the eSP process explicitly and clearly require that this activity be performed in the manner that this project performed the activity? Yes/No



If no to question 2, does an eSP process or template exist where this BKM could be documented so it could be used by all projects? Yes/No


If yes to question 4, which eSP process?

24PPPMC – PM, Version 2.0

Exercise #6


Describe the most crucial issue experienced during the execution of the project.

There were a lot of last minute design changes.


Why did this issue occur (root cause)?


What specifically can be done to ensure that the issue will not occur on another project? Think about which eSP process or collateral would be impacted, additional collateral required, training, communication requirements, etc.

25PPPMC – PM, Version 2.0

Exercise #7

16. Describe the most crucial issue experienced during the execution of the project.

Lots of swirl deciding on the best training approach, i.e., 3 day boot camp, 1 day workshop, WBT. Final 1 day workshop approach worked very well but decision was painful. Team used Consensus Decision-making.

17. Why did this issue occur (root cause)?

Training lead does not have skills to lead a group through a decision process.

18. What specifically can be done to ensure that the issue will not occur on another project? Think about which eSP process or collateral would be impacted, additional collateral required, training, communication requirements, etc.

26PPPMC – PM, Version 2.0

Exercise #8


Describe the most successful activity performed by project team members that provided the most benefit to the project.

For XP projects, Sharepoint tracking of the build process has greatly reduced the number of emails flying around, which is good.


Was the activity performed as a result of strictly following an existing eSP process? Yes/No



If yes to question 2, does the eSP process explicitly and clearly require that this activity be performed in the manner that this project performed the activity? Yes/No


If no to question 2, does an eSP process or template exist where this BKM could be documented so it could be used by all projects? Yes/No



If yes to question 4, which eSP process?

27PPPMC – PM, Version 2.0

Exercise #9

16. Describe the most crucial issue experienced during the execution of the project.

We skipped code reviews because we didn't have time to do them. I think the quality would have been much better had we actually performed reviews.

17. Why did this issue occur (root cause)?

Process was not followed because the project manager said we didn’t have to.

18. What specifically can be done to ensure that the issue will not occur on another project? Think about which eSP process or collateral would be impacted, additional collateral required, training, communication requirements, etc.

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Conducting the PIR Meeting

See QAP for meeting specificationsMost of the meeting is used to develop

process resolutions to complex issues the project encountered

ReferenceeBG-OS-03-Quality Assurance Plan.doc

and eBG-PD-23-Post Implementation Review.doc

29PPPMC – PM, Version 2.0

Prioritization TechniquesDon’t spend too much time on this activityTry to prioritize quickly with simple

discussionThere may be no time to address the lower

priority itemsUse a formal technique only if necessary

(more time consuming)– Nominal Group Technique– Weighted Multivoting

30PPPMC – PM, Version 2.0

Root Cause Analysis TechniqueUse fishbone diagram

– (a.k.a. cause and effect or Ishikawa diagram)This should be a quick analysis

– Get to a conclusion quickly– We are brainstorming - there is no one right answer– This is not going to get published, so don’t be a

perfectionistYou may only get a couple of these completed

in one hourLimit yourself to 4 levels of causes

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Exercise #10 (optional)

As a class, perform a root cause analysis on the problem statement listed on the attachment

Root Cause Template

32PPPMC – PM, Version 2.0

Closing Out the PIR

Submit process change requests

Complete Action Plans for Tips

Archive presentation and minutes

Communicate results

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Don’t wait until the PIR to submit process improvements

Project Management skills needed– Individual and group root cause analysis– Prioritization– Process change request extraction and


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New Glossary Terms* A complete list of Glossary Terms & Definitions located at:

Term Definition

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ReferenceseBG-OS-01-Organizational Standard

Process.doceBG-OS-03-Quality Assurance Plan.doceBG-PD-23-Post Implementation Review.doceBG-PC-42-Post Implementation Review

Survey.doceBG-TP-55-PIR Survey Results.xlseBG-TP-45-Post Implementation Review

Presentation Template.ppt

36PPPMC – PM, Version 2.0

YOUR AR: COMPLETE COURSE TEST Complete course test within two weeks for credit

– A score of 80% is required to pass and receive Intel U credit

Where do I find the course test?– ISTG’s online learning tool CourseTracker– Click Course Catalog– Click Search– Enter PIR Test

– Instructors will give you specific course tests to take Purpose of a course test?

– Verify knowledge transferred as a result of training– Measure effectiveness of our training

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38PPPMC – PM, Version 2.0

Exercise #1

16. Describe the most crucial issue experienced during the execution of the project.

I bought eggs at the store and we already had eggs.

17. Why did this issue occur (root cause)? I didn’t check to see if we needed eggs. I didn’t have a list.

18. What specifically can be done to ensure that the issue will not occur on another project? Think about which eSP process or collateral would be impacted, additional collateral required, training, communication requirements, etc.

Create a list before I go to the store, checking what we are out of. Perhaps create a template with standard items and a check box for each to make sure I consistently check the current inventory of regularly purchased items before I go to the store.

39PPPMC – PM, Version 2.0

Exercise #2

16. Describe the most crucial issue experienced during the execution of the project.

VCR didn’t record because it was programmed incorrectly.

17. Why did this issue occur (root cause)? I didn’t know how to program it.

o There is no on-screen programming capability.o I didn’t read the instructions.

18. What specifically can be done to ensure that the issue will not occur on another project? Think about which eSP process or collateral would be impacted, additional collateral required, training, communication requirements, etc.

Always read the instructions of any new appliance or electronics.

40PPPMC – PM, Version 2.0

Exercise #3

16. Describe the most crucial issue experienced during the execution of the project.

Ran out of gas because the gas gauge is still broken.

17. Why did this issue occur (root cause)? Haven’t had the gas gauge fixed.

o Haven’t had time.o Didn’t think it was important.

Couldn’t remember the mileage on the odometer when I last filled up the gas tank.

18. What specifically can be done to ensure that the issue will not occur on another project? Think about which eSP process or collateral would be impacted, additional collateral required, training, communication requirements, etc. (major bullet is not the root cause; see sub-bullets)

o Improve time management (take a time management course)o Adjust my prioritization criteria because of the high impact (spent 2 hours getting gas)

Use odometer that can be reset, OR put paper and pencil in the car to record mileage.

41PPPMC – PM, Version 2.0

Exercise #4This should be the most common type of issue information returned from a survey. This results in a process change request being submitted from the resolution field.

Exercise #5This accomplishment results from following an existing process. No action is required, and simply validates the existing process.

Exercise #6Not enough information exists to perform a root cause analysis, or even determine if there is a valid issue. If this appears on multiple surveys, the item may be added to the Open Items list in the presentation for group root cause analysis. Otherwise, no action is possible.

42PPPMC – PM, Version 2.0

Exercise #7Action must be taken (the right thing to do for Intel, the next project, and the next project’s team members). However, this should not be documented or included in the presentation, but should be dealt with offline.

Exercise #8Since the process does not mandate how to track the build process, this should be included in the presentation as a Tip, with an appropriate action plan to proliferate the learning.

Exercise #9The existing process was not followed, with poor results. No action is required. The actions taken by the PM should show up during Focal.

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Exercise #10 (optional)

Sample solution:

Root Cause Template