plymouth advertiser (plymouth, ohio : 1853). (plymouth, oh ......iiatt. mnj--acoo'jau thai...

-- WAJfTEI Til IadU Raster ErpnlUe. Wt pmpoM a new cognomen for oar Be- - ma. 1 - 1 TnoM c! Of fllfl FtETaf 17 IVpUr. Okaa4 Ak. for &tcbtygau price will be paid ia Caak, by . GsoeTJ. 15, 1S55. W.U. Shttx, Esq. : Dear Sir : Will aurotnaNew lork. Jtn 1 .rtived thi. P. SL The news, thoneh pnllic the mbm by which we art knows It it announced that til the drafts of EVERY FRIDAY MORXIXQ. asmioTov, Jan. 11. Senate Mr. ltuh moved that the Pa- cific Railroad till be referred to a special committee, tad printed. The bill increas at present ia not sufficiently om prehen intfrajiting, posseaa ao new .foatarf of marked importance. The newf front the eat of war is unimportant, axdkit tb fiel PlyajatUiJaa. IKS. yaa pleas to inform the public through! the columns of the riynvHiU A1rertitr, Page, Bacoa fc Co, of Saa Francisco, will bt paid ' ia litis city, by the Bank of America. It it vaderstood At PlriMiilh, Oh l. XOIIRSOR LOCKS sile; Let it be "The India that the Allies had oa the f2Stllcc., T Attention tkf mole. IIAtT. mnj- - acoo'JaU thai naoald aava b aattiad lone EO. ttt tha hnrrr of haiBa how the case o- - lStatf of phiav. Levi' Bncktr," far teljrng 1 ijnor was ettUl. Rubber Republic." It would be vary appropriate. . Wo commenced, oar career gnos ia readinoos to open fire upon S &'- - ing u pay t( Congressmen waa-Uae- a up, and discussed. - - Iloose Mr. Giddinfrs of Nebraska, itt- - ii olli rrmr iti re tui kava baea neft' feted.: Uavia; aw time la at- - topol, and alter bombardment of the ttwa for 4S bourn it aa expected that the place the California bouse of Page, Bacon 4 Co., will remain nnahaken by the failure of the St Louta houao, which, it ia rumored, i canted by tho jealousy of certain Wall -- at. finaacien largely .interested ia monetary u a nation with an extent, of territory trodtoed a bill for the establishment of a Uud t thrni, I ajrah mttp ami all ta walk ap iCTutre has beta many cvrfiictiBg reports abmrtltan'Uiiey all, r at leart. all that post route, for the protection of property Urge eaoagfc for all practical porpoaog .... 40 1 ttetwl to than iaitu4 alely, without fail. onld be alarmed from tht south mUL ' Negotiatlena at Vicuna hl been further of town, tod for the tarver and settlfy enoov-- h when fence.! in and eettled to Aflairt at the wet. . - .....4INII4 , 4m ..MM w ....... MU we bear, make Out thut he has had a great deal of lenity shown Lim, and in fact, he u l intend le settle lay aid book with the b Riming ef Ihe new year. IWt forget Ilia pUea at the "Farmer's StortT " " meni 01 me uaii-nree- u moea ta inai tam- - make an empire sufficiently Wood to at- - poktponeil 14 days to give the Russian Minister Gortachakoif an opportunity to The steamhip Philadelphia, from New tory. The Pacific Railroad bill being be Orleans for New York via Havana, arriv twnmit .... sm """ - .1 isfy an Alexander, but it didn't prevent communicate with his Oovemment. has boasted that hist friends in Mansfield gathered around him, ami ha was clenrcd D. IIORNBEEK, X. B. If yaw hare any cash I won't rwfuaa I', riymonth, January, 19, 1&5. ed at the latter p i t oa tho 10th, with her aii ibf ( gma htf iwiMU' in ni a craving for more. Louisiana wa rudder injured, and part of her cargo Although peace aat thought altogether improbable, ft was ' not thooght to be wholly impossible. with but very little expense. As we un tne nrw extension, the Indians were re thrown overboard, cue m ill repair at 11 a fore tne Committee of the bole. Air. Chandler replied to that portion of Mr. Canks' Know Nothiug speech relative to the Pope's claim to interfere ia the politi- cal affairs of other countries. He denied that the Pope claimed or exercised snch interference. Mr. Cox bricflj supported derstand it, he gave bail for his' appear moved to make room, and still not satis vana. C0mmcrci.1l advices are essentially the The Steamship Northera Light arrived tied, Texas was appropriated. A taste of snio as previously received by the lialtic. ance, and did not appear, consequently his bond was forfeited. But he and his friends but fcytfca qaw. tJ-T- m Imm mt Nmpapm, naaira WrlWt, Ml Wla M UMIIH blf akartipttM, fl mln ( ua .aiiifT. anl aa all amanifaa, ataatwtta (ay a Mt ka tf4 nlH aaiua- - awal ! aat, aalaa at laa aalti-- mt tmm aaaikai (7 SLAM It a all kiaaa M Mia ml thi aAca. O L tyOOK AD lot WotK lr aa amply tcaua aaeaaaa aaaaa kaaoaa Imn Wt at her dork about 8 o'clock, this morning Breadstuff aro unchangedJn value. But blood infuriates the tiger, so these territo from Aspmwall, bringing 227 passengers the doctrine of the K. 1. NEW BOOK STORE , , ia ' jna:!tiei.D,iahi,Sj At The Sign of thi Hugi Soot. BY Tirkaar, wowld respectfully in' the ciuaens of Plymouth, and vicin- ity; that he has in Mantie'.d. with ao entire Dew stock of Booki, Wall Paper, Faacy Cards, e. ; - -- ' - (ST.tTIOXERTv J: ' .1 full assortment mf Stap e and Fancy Station markets were, generally verr quiet and say'tho matter was compromised, and lie and foHa.Uw treasure on freight. gets clear without paying the bail-bon- d. The United States Frigate Colnmbia rial tit-bi- ta only made our appetites more keen. New Mexico and California fol- lowed, both at one gulp the cry was still for more. Cuba tempted us, an attempt was left Saa J nan for a cruise, on the ctli of Ho has dared and deficit the law during Jan. 15. Mr. Badger insisted that his compensation bill be made the order of the day for Monday next. Mr. Wellcr offered a resolution calling on tho Secretary oi War for information as to the progress made in the harbor of San Francisco. K.YMOUTH. FRIDAY, J AX. 19. Ic55. . X"The following gentlemen are au Januarv. quotations were almost nominal. The Baltic'! quotations are reported by the Canada. Provisions were firm but not active at previous pi ices. . ,Tho London money market was unchanged, but consols had still further declined and closed on Friday nt 93 J for money. American stocks, State and federal, were firm. tho past summer to all intents and purpo- ses, and when arrested, his case was so The British ship of war Rcpnblic, and ery, big s, Steel-Pen- s, Quill. Pcn-bo!- -- a small mail steamer, were at ban Juan, lcrs. Ivory -- sea la, IStional-wafer- Latter-cli- made, and failed. A number were shot, some garroted, and some escaped jus', enough of the latter to keep old Spain in and the United States frigate at Key West Bill-fil- e, Invoiee-bnek- s, Pea racks, Copyina-- - This resolution was offered in consequence prestes. Book and Brashes, Twine-rl- j, Port when the Northern Light left these ports. of the memorial from parties in that city, r olios, i riting-aesK- s, ana many acker article The steamship Uncle Sam arrived at asking that tho harbor be put in a state of too numerous to mention. , ferment by continually organizing new expeditions. Not long since, Walker led ban r rancuco on the 20th of December WALL PAPER: . thorized to receive subscriptions for the Advertiser: Rome, T. J. Xortni, Gnge, - Dr.M. C.CrvKEKPAix, Salem Station. Tuos. Boon as, North Fairfield, A. C. Auxw, Greenfield, Bahxet Roe, Sew Haven, G. A. Ksioht, Ripley . - - - Dr. E. Arsns, DeKalb, Rev. J. Crocbe, Ttto. - D. C. Morrow, defense. House Facifie R. R. bill before the The committee appointed at the meeting in San Francesco had decided that stage .An entirely new and extensive stock of Wail Pa- per, Borders, and Window 1'spei. . open and daring that the community thought and hoped he would be punished. But according to his statement he got clear comparatively easy,, and many thiuk it was tho friend in Ait pocket that cleared him. You will oblige the public by 'giv- ing a full statement of the settlement. Yours, fec, Many Citizens. Thb Sad Resclt or Ionokaxcf. -- The De- troit .Advertiser relates an instance of an ox hcing killed and a sled broken to pieces by a his troop of "Patriots" into Honors liberating the country, by knocking the inhabitants on the head. Then the wing I bKTAia MAlllir.S:. i' House. Stovens, of Georgia replied to Campbell of Ohio, in explanation of his expressions in reeard to the acquisition of Cornices, Tassels, Painnd atlj Gilt Shades, Cord, &c. Louisville, Jan. 17. Nord tfe Bro., Commission Merchants, failed yesterday. Liabilities unknown. Private advices from New Orleans report the failure of Packett. McCurdough fe Co, Belknap, and that of Form St Donagahn, cotton dealers. Cincinnati, Jan. 17. Private dispaches report the failure of three more Banking Houses nt St. Louis. New York, Jan. 7. Tho Washington Louisiana and Florida. He in favor of our National Bird was stretcned over was of tho acquisition of Cuba, although ho Centreton, - McWhortek fe Reed, wav opposed to placing ten millions of Mesilla Valley, and' at the same time, one claw was feeling the Sandwich Islands, dollars, necessary tor its purchase, at tne disposal of the President. He thought the other the Lobos, and its beak threat Bake 'em Learn to Read. A bill is before the Massachusetts IiOg- - ruilroitd car, and all because the ox could not Our Eagle is, literally a ''he annexation of Cuba would bo of ben- - ening Japan. blatnre for restricting the elective franchise em 10 uoiu Aorui nun ouuiu. iur. ciuuu understand French. The facts of the cast-wer- e thei?e: The team, consisting of one EnplieU and one French 01, drawing heavy load of wood spread Eagle. made a speech in favor of tho Know to those who can read and write. At a correspondent of tho "Times," telegraphs that the president has certainly determined to change his policy entirely on the sub- - And lo 1 it has found another spot to Nothings, advocating their general prinei nnd driven by a rreiicu driver, was crossing the glance it would seem very proper that the pies, but offering no new matter upon the sow tho seeds of republicanism. The iect of foreign acquisitionthat even if !tr,ick wlien Ul xp train of cars malo its -- v . ....... uTMinninnrA. Ihnnriver in ,ntii(aYi(nntnnt eovereigns should be able to read the Con n t,t l.w tlw wn,n nf t in Knnrlwir-l- i ' ' B PAPER :- A largo stock of Flut Cap. Folio Writing, Conv-uicrc- iul Note, Fancy Note, Buff Tinted, FOR SALE WHOLESALE & RETAlt .' Law, Medical and Miscellaneous Books. CUTLERY j Rodgersand Wosterholmes' best Cutlery; also a largo variety of cheap imported Focket-knivc- s GOLD PENS: Bapley and f)awson, Warren & Hydes' and oth- er celebrated makers. 4 ENVELOPES: Every variety of Plain, Document, Bank-not- ins. .,, The large t nnd boat selected stock ever brought to this city. . . - INK : ' Arnold; tho genuino article Morrison' and Ulackwood'slnu, at wholesale and retail. MUULDINCS: Gilt, Roscwocd and Mahogany Mouldings, of every size and style. Picture Framcajnade to order at short notice. . ' CARDS: Mosquito King has sold a portion of his subject. Jun. 10. Senate. Nothing of interest ( the y " " . . i immediately ordered bis oxen t. rkuck T i l , ,. stitution which guaranties the rights of House Went into Committee of the French for "haw") I'lio French ox nud. rjtood Lira, mid turning off tho truck, saved himself the governed. dominions to an American Company, and an Expedition under the command of one Col. Kinney, is to sail shortly, to take from injury; out tne Anensh ox, havios never Whole on the Pacific Railroad bill. Mr. Bjnton advocated leaving the construc Every State in the Union ought to pass studied the languages, pressed farther on, and routes across the plains are tho most prac- ticable means of securing the speedy com- pletion of tho railroad, and the Legisla- ture will probably be called upon to make an appropriation for that purpose. The much need rain holds off. Minrrt. were still awaiting it, and cattle and vege- tation, in some parts, were suffering for want of it. An immense quantity of diit hed been tl.rjwn up in anticipation of rain and good judges looked for larger yield of gold, in tho event of heavy rains, than was ever before realized. The largest portion of tho business part of the town of Valley City, was destroy- ed by fire on the evening of 21st. The details are not received. The fire was the work of an incendiary. Business at San Francisco, until the rain descends, is small. Transactions in Gallegos and Haxall Flour at 81014. Hams 15c, Clear Bacon 1314c; Butter 48; Mess Pork $15; Clear 812, for half barrels. The question as to the State capital was about to be decided, and Sairemento will doubtless be the place. Mi-.- s Sarah Pelletthad declared her in- tention of t iking five thousand respecta- ble New England girls to California. A libel suit, brought by Geo. Thatcher, against tho Christian Advocate, had resul- ted in favor of the plaintiff. Damages 830,000. Yankeo Sullivan had been arrested on a was instantly killed. This case nliou'd bo a the same law. No one is capable of gov tion ot the road to private enterprise. A warning to farmers to Lave their oxen properlv company of 'solid men' were now ready erolng that cannot read. The American educated. possession. But difficulties have already arisen. The Nicaraguan Government have entered a protest. They claim that the to enter with tho necessary arrangements to construct tho work from their own re people do not attach sufficient importance to the ballot-bo- x, for one vote may, at any The population of Franco is about Sfi.OOO, 000; that of Great Britain is about !28.(!OU,0O' , sources, and upon the basis of tho right of while that of Russia is about 00.000,000. If time be the ruin or salvation of the coun Mosquito country belongs to Nicaragua that his bare-lcggc- d majesty, the Mosquito King, has'nt the shadow of a claim, they way. Ho would not at present submit his plan in detail, as the arrangements 1MUI1UB VtCfULU UU iUIlVillUUll IU 111111, lb would not be sent to tho Senate, and that no effort would be put forth to obtain Cuba. Tho same writer says Kx-G- ov. Seymour would not accept the mission to France. The board of Ton Governors of tho Almshouse, nt their meeting last evening voted to invite the Executive and Legisla- ture to visit the charitable institution un- der theirsontrol, and appropriated 1,000 to give them a reception. The Whig General Committee of this cily cft'ictcd an organisation last night, by electing Gen. Win. Hall as their Presi- dent. James Green, a conductor on the N. Ha- ven K. It., was arrested and held to bail yesterday in the sum of $2000, on a charge of manslughter, in causing the death of two Turkey is added to tho numerical strength of the Allies, it gives them a preponderance of some try, and he who wields so powerful : weapon, should wield it intelligently. must bo understood before they can be in- corporated in a bill. He then passed to the consideration of the several rortes, as surveved, and pronounced them innpprO' thing like 20,000,000. Leaving Austria out of of the account as far as numbers are concerned, the Allies have tho advantage. But Russia fights on hor own soil, and under the influence of religious enthusiasm. Her soldiers inured 10 hardships, and the rigor of their climate. So that, on tho whole, tho match is nearly an oven one. priate. He noticed particularly the north ern route, and pronounced it the child of Printers' Cards nnd Borders, Buff-tinte- d Visit- ing, Plain Enameled and Fancy Cards; also a fine quality of Playing Card?. 0sSgrOuuiitry Merchants supplied with School liooki, Paper, etc. at Eastern prices. Orders promptly attended to. B. C.TI0KXOR, Mansfield, Ohio, N. B. Our stock being new and bought low,, will bo sold accordingly. We have no old shop- worn and damaged goods to sell off. BSJiu.Uigliest m.irkot prico paid for Rags, in cash or gvods. , ttooii m iDit3. Hank Rooks of every description kept con- stantly on hand. Books for County, Railroad, the Administration, and the most expen- sive of any. At the expiration of his hour, he had not finished his speech. Mr. McDoucal replied to Mr. Benton, deny even dispute his royalty, and assert, not- withstanding he has made treaties with Queen Vic, who recognises him as a roy- al brother, that he is a poor drunken sav- age, and as the Mosquito country is under tho jurisdiction of, and belongs to the Nicaiauguan Government, they can look upon the expedition as nothing short of an invasion, and one which they will resist. Some say that it is merely a land and Mining speculation, and that they do not contemplate any acts of hostility, but the Nicaraugnan Minister can't conceive persons on the Harlem Road in November Thk Russian Couriers. Tho Russians have been reputed to be grcatliars hitherto, and hatv deserved the reputation. Thoy have lately tak-e- u advantage of this fact to deceive tho world by telling the truth. The rapidity of this tele ing that ihe Northern route was tho child of the Administration. He then answered We like this movement it is in the right direction. The old property quali- fication had nothing to recommend it. A Oiau might have tho most boundless lovo for his country, and not possess on inch of it ; his head might be full his mind well-store- d, and his pockets bare and elbows gaping, yet ho should be al- - lowed all tho rights of citizenship. But . no one can properly understand the spirit of our institutions, who has not fathomed the mysteries of tho spelling-boo- k. There i no good reason why every one hould not bo educated to this extent, at : least. Ia this day of Free Schools and Bench warrant. The crimnial record of tho week shows Iusurnncc Ofiices. J"c., made to order at short notice. Old Books at a tailing on 111 crime. Jlenrv Harris, a the objections to the provisions of the bill. Several amendments having been made to the bill, but the first two srctii were stricken out in order to admit a sub last, through gross carelessness. One of the Directors of the New Haven Road be- came surety for Mr. Green. The annual election of officers of the Mer- cantile Association was held yesterday, and was the occasion of most disgraceful proceedings on the part of the members, who amused themselves by throwing graphic intelligence has taken the world by sur- prise, and tho Russian Government seems de- termined to increase its advantage this way to an extent equal to that poseased in the interior ofuny other country. The Russian courier manage to get from .Sebastopol to Moscow, by policeman in San Francisco, was stabbed by a woman named Elizabeth Sullivan, with whom he had been combatting, but B. C. TICKNOR'S NovfcBook Bindery, Mansfield, O. N. B. Beware of false signs. The publio are warned against being misled or deceivod by finding my name attached to any other ctb-lislmien- t. Mansfield, Jan. 19. 1855. stitute by Mr. Dunbar. It establishes whom he had deserted for the purpose of way ot Odessa, in yd hours, troni Moscow they getting married. three different routes of road and tele- graph lines ; the Southern commencing at the western border at Texas, the middle reached St. Petersburg, by an extra train, in Joseph Cablo was slabbed bv David 12 hours.thus already 10a hours surhce when n0 accident occurs, to convey l'rince fllinscliiott AN ORIGINAL POEM. Now kiml friends we never will boast, It's out of our line, so we give you this toast: May you ne'er be i i want, but you alway will tin I, ITonest Jake i.nd the General are ever on hand. despatch from the scat ot war to the centre Of about Bibles, papers, and other books of a religious society, which were stored in their Hall. Boston, Jan, 15. There is a strong opposition inside and outside of the Legis- lature against the election of Gen. Wilson through Missouri and Iowa, and the Northern at the western border of Wis- consin or Minnesota. Jan. 17. Senate Mr. Fessenden pre Government. Baker, for making dishonorble proposals to his wife, when they n ere fellow pas- sengers on the Cortez. Columbia, S. CV Jan. 10. Now Or- leans papers of Saturday last, containing full details of tho loioet new s iioiu Havauii, are received. how 700 rifles are to be used in agriculture, and don't think bowie-knive- s and revolv- ers are the proper implements for mining. But all this protesting will make precious little difference with Col. Kinney. He wants the territory, and has the right up- on his side, (700 men, and the rifles, re- volvers mid knivoa aforesaid) ou he'll pro- bably get it. The object of the expedition is not pos- - Nowspapere, there is no excuse for ignor- ance. . They should learn, or be cut off from privileges they can neither rightly use or properly appreciate. --i SocTimns Coxvextios. The Thk London Times is now in tho hiliit of us- - sented a memorial from Maine, praying to tho V. 0. SuiKiU;, itml it is rumored that for tho repeal of the l'ugitive Slave Law Tho compensation bill was then tnkon up the Ward and City Councils on the Know Nothing side have lost manv of their The trial of La Kosta was progressing inR iUo hna WliVc'i uf lnjt'invt.t TtlO Now York Tribune cnlls attention to the fact that, un- til recently. "Uiitish subjects" was the phrase proudly declaimed on occasion of using an ex- press on of that significance. The Times ap- pears to bo "losing its reverence for tb'3 trappings of royalty, and to talo eveiy plausible oppor- tunity to reprice in its own strength, nnd vidi- - and discussed. J udiciary reform bill ditto. House Speaker laid before tho Houso He Bcknowledtred that his obioet was to 'prominent members on account ot the merchants of tho South hove held anoth er Convention. 120 delegates represent . - - - - . N l . ..... 1 . - .1. - place himself at the head of a revolution senatorial quesuou; uiose opposed to me in the eastern part of the Island, and do-- ! election calling a caucus at the Green room Wn for thn lVnplu, na uft ire liavo lelt, To see tho old fogies take all of their 'geit,' Wo know this is cruel, and to show youthe folly. Just give us a call, and bo convinced you cn buy Goods so much cheaper that yon will have half ymir money lelt, ami be able all you desire, 'be- - guiiy. Don'tina' e a mistaho, and ha fleeced by 'Old Head.' But come over this way, tho' you have 'nary ft rod,' You'll feel so much better, we never arc blunt, With a nice full store, hut no 'trees in front,' And no stumps where the trues ought to be a letter from Rufus Choato, containing his resignation as one of the Regents of the Smithsonian Institute. After the nsusl ing ten State?, mst at New Oilcans, Jan. jtively known, but we'll stake our reputa 10, and passed a large number of resolu-jtio- n as a prophet, that it is another devel cule Kings. The Kniperov of Russia, the Km;er-o- r of Austria, the Kins of Prussia, the Kingoi tions, all of them breathing the genuine opment of the extension principle. Col. amount of spouting on tlw Pacific Rail- road and "Sam," house adjourned. nonnces Hernando as a traitor who had immediately alter tho adjournment 01 ,l,e betrayed him. It was reported that both 'House this afternoon. They wish to be and Mr. Felix would be garroted. postpone tho election a week from to Cholera was raging badly in the Island! morrow. If pressed into tho trial to- - Naples, and the Queen of Spain, are constantly made to fool the sting of its sarcasm. Tar Minus Rifle. the Minio rifle Ball is being adopted upon an improved plan. morrow they will vote for tke Hon. Alex. and ever 2000 deaths are reported Bkyast, Spencer, Lusk & Stuatton's Southern spirit. They demand from the Kinney will get a foothold, annexation General Government tho improvement of will follow, and Hail Columbia will be almost every harbor and river in the south, duly installed as "King of the Mosquito ' " tho repeat of the laws suppressing thc'fjomury," Groat country this, and get- - 11. Bullock, of orccster. Washington, Jan. 13. The tar says Mercantile Colleoe. By the politeness of thepricinpals of this Institution wc have Gov. Seymour is spoken of as Minister to France in the event of Mr. Mason's death Trenton, N. J., Jan.16. The Prohibitory Liquor Law was reported to bo passed to slave trade, the acquisition of Cuba, ajt;n; greater fast. Hurrah for the India Instead of a snort iron tube inserted in the ball, it is to be made with a cavity, into which a portion of the chargo of powder will bo forced and its explosion duos 'the being confirmed. day bvthe Committee. It is similar in its been invited to visit their nooms, which are filled with a class of highly intelligent and respectable appearing gentlemen and ladies. They have at present about ninety provisions to the law of last year and that. --Toledo, Jan. 15. A fire occurred at specific duty on sugar and molasses, the. RUDber Republic ! establishment of a naval depot at New , Hut oho thing is certain, you all will agree, We have cheaper and better goods, than ever J'Oll !, Not excepting tliofe 'se ling at cost' you'll discover they cost enough it's been tried not much sold however, for want of cus- tom see tla'm get out from under tho "plows on the awning," and break lor Jako and the General', wh're it's free N. B. Kront seats reserved for the Ladies. in the Eastern btatcs, whore it has been Monroe, Mich., yesterday, and destroyed whole work of spreading tho ball so as to completely slug or fill the rifle bore of the pupils in the several departments with dailv accessions to their classes. ' Orleans, the opening of the Tehuantepec jfj-Fro- the Register we learn that route, and ask for an appropriation. the Stockholders of tho Sandusky, Hans- - gun. and driving it on its mission of death. passed. The act is to take effect on the 18th of Dec, 1855. A vote of the people in favor or against it is provided for at buildings and property amounting to $35,000. The fire originated in a millin- ery store. Loss Exchange Hotel, $15,-00- insured 9000; Taylor, Hardware, Wre are pleased to see young men turn The manufacture ot muskets in our armo ing their attcnttion so generally to the pur field & Newark Kailroad Company, held a meeting in Sandusky, Wednesday last, from. Congress for a ship canal across Florida. Reasonable set of men, these P. S. Good acc mmodatious fur 6etlemen- - O, K. Children half-pric- suit of Mercantile study before entering tho next general election. New York, Jan. 17, Tho stevedores and caulkers who ore now on a strike in the field of actual business. If men would SIA WIS. ries is to be abandoned, our troops are to be armed with tho improved Minie with bayonets. " A Know Nothing amendment has been already offered in the Legislature of New Southerners ! Wonder if they know that for the purpose of electing Directors for .Ti strin of teriitorv north of Mason & .tho ensiling year. The following were loss unknown insured $12,000; Mrs. Brooks, Milliner, $3000 insured 82000; Houso' telegraph instruments ami books saved loss of building 500; GoodwicK, bjecome thoroughly conversant with Com FEW of those fine Bay State Long Shnwls. A just rectived bv Express, at the Old Head: this city, prevent men who are willing mercial bcience, not only book-keepin- r Quarters, by jaul2 11. M'DOSOMGH chosen : G. B. Wright, Newark ; Wells to do the work at tlio reduced prices from doing so, and badly beat members of the Exchange, loss $3000 insured j but every other department- of business pursuits, befora trusting their fcrtunes to DRESS GOOD. York to the Constitution or that State. Bobbins, Newark ; E. C. Woodward, Mt lot or Morenos, ua L,aines, ana Dixon's line, belongs to the American Union ? If the merchants of the North should ask the half these men so inso- lently demand, what a howl would go up. A Choi Prin It proposes to strike out following just received by Kxpress, at the- - who are working to-da- Strong bodies of Police are about the docks and awaiting orders, but it is feared serious trouble will Vernon ; James Purdy, Mansfield ; Ilobt. MeComb, Mansfield ; Edward Sturgis, the heretofore uncertain and risky bark of commercial enterprise, there would be a far less number of mercantile reverses and words 'luvery male citizen ol tho age ol Old Head Quarters by $2000. New York, Jan. 15. Another meeting of tho unemployed was held to day nt the Washington Parade Ground. After be- ing in session a short time, tho meeting jaiil2 R ariHJAumu. ensue, as hundreds are ready to work at twenty-on- e years,' and inserting as follows in place thereof ; 'Every male of the ago of twenty-on- e years who shall have failures than is now experienced. Qur Northera business men should hold aj Sen., Mansfield ; John W. Sprague, or two. The condition ofiron; F. T. Barney, Sandusky; W. II NAIU GLASS. Good assortment for sale "low nt the Old A There is just as much safety in pursuing adjourned to tho Park, where speeches been born a citizen of the United States of the reduced rates. Boston, Jan. 17. A Legislative Caucus of the frieuds of Gen. Wilson was held ii. Head Quarters, by jail 2 the harbors on Lake Erie, would makejStockwell, Cincinnati. R, M'DOKOUGH. the various branches of trade and com- mence as farming, if they are properly were delivered; but the question, America, or who shall have been a resident IKON FOti WAGGONS. several resolutions, the sunken vessels on is to be done?" was not fully answered. of the United States of America for the The new Board is composed of well qualified for tho places they oc- - this attenioon.and resulted in in rather a It is estimated 10,000 were present. rceeived and for sale at low prices, nt JUST Old heard Quarters, by full term of twenty one years." understood, Every young man who has a desire to commence business for himself should Bt. Clair flats as many more, and if care should be taken to hold the Convention stormy time. A motion waa made to nominate Hon. Philadelphia, Jan. 13. Tho watchman of the Farmers' Bank, at Mount Holly, In this mammon-worshipin- g Age, it is are to find a man place his usefulness to know that he is well-inform- in all those branches taught in our best mercantile John G. Palfrey for United States Sena was found, at six o clock this morning. jlgrBurglaries are becoming common jania it. M'DUSUUUH. FLOUR FOR SALE. FRESH Flour for Family use, ground at Mill, expressly for jatri 11. M'DOSOPGH. CLOVER SEED. tor,When tho caucus broke up in con the public, before his interest. During a schools. immediately after a great storm, we think they might bo mads quite interesting. Try it. JEySoule, tho hero of the Turgot du tied and gagged by four men who had en- tered previously. Ho remained in that fusion. It is not our sphere to recommend By the Mansfield Herald we learn that Griswold's Big Red Coat Clothing Store, late visit to the 'City ot Spindles, we were presented by a professional friend, to The opponents of Gen. Wilson also gentlemen and ladies to any particular situation all night. It is presumed mon- ey has been stolen, but the amount was 1 AAA Bushels of Clover Seed wanted in tho celebrated Chemist, Dr. J . C Ayer, held a caucus, the proceedings of which are represented to have been spirited and 1 JJJ exchange for cash, at the Old He? FT whose name is now perhaps, more familiar el, and tho man whom Napoleon sent out h Quarters, by I anl) R. M'DONOUGt unknown. Latfr The robbers were in the bank harmonious. than any other, at the bedside of sickness, of France peppery Soulo, has resigned CORN. was entered last Saturday night by means of false keys, and six or seven hundred dol- lars worth of Clothing stolen. No clue has been obtained to the perpetrators. The Reflector chronicles several thefts, school in this city, or elsewhere. Of the gentlemanly teachers connected with this College wo need not speak. Mr Bryant has long been known as a most thorough accountant and skillful teacher, while Mr Lusk, as a rapid off-han- d in this country. Knowing tho unprece P Jtp from 9 last night until 3 this morning.bttt Bushels of Corn wnntod. dented popularity of his medicines, and 1 0,000 " John C. Breckenridgo has been appointed m his place. If that Austrian, Belmont, did not succeed in gettirg the vault open, the highest price will be i .'Senator Norris, of New Hampshie, whose death wo noticed last week, is re. the immense sale of them, wc had expected nor diet they carry away any money. nie uiu iiuauyuariers, oy Consul to the Hague, would "go and do janl u. JVUOMJUUJV penman and accomplished instructor in his New York, Jan. 15. The Swiss Be committed in Norwalk, last week. The ferred ty in the following terms by the - "II A I ' .1 AXES. nu.npensiuie aix, nas no superior in una New York Tribune : nevolent Society has taken chargo of the! Swiss paupers who arrived last week, and likewise," the country would ho better - satisfied to find him a miUionare anu rolling in wealth. But ho, we found him id his. la- - batory, busy with his labors, .among his crucibles, alembics, and retorts giving his best personal care to the compounds, country seems to be full of theives and counterfeiters. Ferret them out. country. Whites &' Sons' axes best for snla 4Doz. old Head Quarters, by ' ' The estimate of the superior facilities they will be sent to the interior instead of Senator Norris is dead. This represented New Hampshire, in the janl . . It. M'DOSOt'GE. to Boston. ' 1W Election is Nebraska. The Senate of the United States, for only jCSTThe acquisition of the Gallipagos they offer for study, is manifested by the e y extensive, and almost unprecedented, pa the College has received during the past year, which embraces nearly five Clironotype, (Council Bluffs) of Doc. 20, Charleston, Jan, 14. The (steamship Isabell has arrived here on the virtue of which, thousands hang for health. We learned, that notwithstand- ing his vast busincess, anil its prompt re- turns in cash, the Doctor is not rich. The Islands is said to be certain. By this op. gives the returns of the elections in Ne- - brief poriod.butyetlongenough to disgrace both himself and his Slate, He was one of the Northen men who voted for the Ne- braska bill, though he had professed ultra with Key West dates to the 11th. eration the U. S. gain a large number of hundred students. - - ; braskn; for Delegate to Congress, and for ihe l'alcon was there three days at Ha reason assigned is, that the material is cost volcanos, and many acres of rock. The Among the pupils we noticed a large Couhcilmen and Representatives to the DRIED APPLES ., I Of i Bu,shols of Good Dried apples, for sale at tho old Head Quarters, by jnn 1 " .."-'- ' R. M'DOKOtrSH.' XSTBXiirXvXER & CO., ; MANSFIELD, OHIO, " ' n ( Suee$0r to W, S. Granger.) " IN FOREIGN & DEALERS IRON, NAILS, GLASS, PAINTS, OILS, CARRIAGE TRIMMINGS, Patent . and Enameled vana, from Aspmwall, and fears were en ly, and he persists in making his prepara t'ree sou sentiments for three years previ number of ladies engaged in study. This Territorial Legislature. For Delegate the "American Eagle" will grow thin on that soil, ,r ously, and but one short month before the is as should be. It is well for woman to tertained for her safety, bhe could not enter the harbor of Aspinwall when she tions so expensively, that the nett profit is small.- - American Farmer, Phila.' retains show, forGiddings 377, for John bill passed tho Senate for which he gave become familiar with the theory of Mer-can'il- o Science. first arrived, owing to the storm. ,lhe his ready voice, ho declared to a brother coli 263, for Chapman 114, Dyson 21, Bold Bobbery on ihe Cabs. The Ro: JtSrSea the advcstitememV of B. C, news from Cuba is unimportant. Chester Democrat says a very bold robbery Holllsterl4.: ;Total 792. Mr. Giddings (senator, upon the stops of the Capitol, 4hat sooner thanvpto for that measure of humilir Cincinnati, Jan. 15. Saturday, ayonng Ticknor, Mansfield. No one is more com In conclusion we would say to young men, whether they be farmers, mechanics of merchahts that their time cannot be spent to: better advantage in these hard Leather, Tin Plate, Chain Pumps, Ac. Ac; Mansfield, January 6, 1865 ). J" was perpetrated upon tho cars on iuesday nicht. hehveen SvrncnKO and that city.- ation and intimity ho would suuer the ofjus right arm., Upon the ashes petent to conduct a Book establishment than Ticknor you will always find the t Anti-slave- ry and just the kind of a man that Kansas ought to have sent. - The Territorial Legislature man named Ormsby, Clerk in the Nation- al Telegraph Office, shot ' another '. named Jennings, mutilating his face terribly, and rendering his recovery doubtful. Jennings Mr. W. F. Baker; of 'Henrietta, a gentle.; of the dead we would tread lightly,' but man who docs a" pretty extensiyo pusiiieiss oyer the, death ;of Mr. Norrw. wo have no latest reading on his shelves, and gentle men in attendance. a, on the 23d inst. will convene at times, than in fortifying themselvlsby a thorough Mercantile education, for the want of which many a man has been wrecked upon the shoals of bankruptcy had circulated reports calculated to injure tears to shed, and no hypocritical encom m drf ving cattle to. eastern mai lcet8:, lvas returning at this imo-name- with some- thing over. $2,000 in his possesion. It the reputation of Ormsby'a wife. iums to bestow, lie hss quietly gone to : ' Produce Dealers & ,iyNKiyiJte prepared all POWPIS , pay tbo highest prices in cftgh; fr Wheat,. Cora, Outs; Rye, Timothy,; Fta? Clover Seeds; n4- kW t ,;i-3''"'- ' ' b3 M' ysrCAIilNSTRUMKNTSiViolinis,Flut Fifov Aecofdeons; Guitars, Bartjos, Ac, aadandfosale y ' V1QHT & HOFMAN. f; .A fine assortinan! of. Solar Lamp. li guitiible for Churches, ParUrs and Stores ! Jarlhvn' Oak Ham. Gazette. Da Rather a Loko Sentence. Baker, Boston, Jan. 13. Gov, Gardiner-ha- s and disgrace, and doomed to those wasting his long homo, after - aiding tt'; give the severest wound upon freedom which i his nnd chilling influenet which so often result the young man of eighteen who was con- victed for participation in the burglary on issued a proclamation, ia' compliance with the act of Congress, on the subject of ce high position as a Unitod States 'Senator from the loss of property; was divided into three parcels, ' oho of which contained $400 pfthe Unadils Bank bills, ia 95 and $20 tills on Uia Akbama City. Band, iahd $25 of mixed currency. The parcel $vas placed in a memorandum enabled hitn to tiillict.'.'if The meager I tie ding to the btato ot INow xork that part .f ' Vlevelana Herald. of Massachusetts known as Boston Cor tans ot his public career may be found ja 1I,vth widdy-kBOW- n and popular dealer itf Clothing, Cleveland has taken to puh- - )1if'&ns"ft'Very neat looking sheet, with the above title,-we- ll filled with eniertaining matter, at 10 cts. per annum. The "Craaette is spicily edited,' and well Worth the subscription price.. , , our congressional report, t .. A Scene. Mr. Harris,, a member of ners. '. "V. "i Iri compliance with the recornmenda Congress from Mississippi Vas" so drank Ii. 15. VV ard s store, and attempt to kill his clerk, was sentenced in Detroit on Mon- day to fifty yean imprisonment in the State's prison. Detroit has been so infest- ed with rogues that the Judge felt very stern. One example of severe punish- ment may deter a hundred fothera, from crime. Baker has confessed his guilt, When he leaves the State's prison ho will tion of Governor Gardiner, the following that on rising to address the House the military companies composed, of foreign other day his colleagues forced him to take era, have been disbanded, yizt-r-tlw- ?' Col boolf.angefiBpednto an outspld potket of his Qver-coat- r Qn , arriving in this city he missed this package, and found-tha- hrs pocket had bean skillfully cut opeh from the outside",' kud tljo meinora,'!book m thtbliriac.; Jtfr,4iw sayahesloptviojisiileraiilo on thewavafld wluhtheslept, somo skilful rogne relieved his seat. This is mot the first time ho has Civilised Indians. A delegation o"f Wyandot Iftdians Is In 'JrVashirigtoV to make jtnangemohts with, the governmcut to loave thehf lartdil in Kansas torritory, no'w held4rt CdrjHharifj rliidea 'iuf amdag thinvn iri fna Am h'n' hfiUna ASrW' lhiKl) :4Phtvit fjiRBNCR GLAS3-i2-Lar- iizes' for Pibturt jj Tyramety sold by ' ' II. M. WCQ8TEJE,, i " T ADMlNlSTRA't'OR'S NOTICE. 1 . NOTICE is hereby gi tLat the boon duly .appointed Adraimstr. torbtthe stto of ,joaN.,JIVEII,t.de4 lately of Plyoibitb Huron- - eonnty, Ohi- -, Tboso,int?restft4 will at- - acoordin(ly. .1.1.iNtL,BAtGHMAT.''' Ffymoiitb, pec, 2i' K4M nmbia. Artillery vv ebster.; Muitarvr ' Jas. Harlan, Whig, has been elect disgraced himself . and the House,, h boastly intoxication. ' It seems as thotu:' bhields ArtUlery-mcIu- on s Muskefejr? of iibwellUMon'Guardv of JUwraueo, 4 to th United. Stataa Senate from Iowa be sixty-eig- ht years old-- or ia 1bc year the people .wlectd tfie wort men to,gov Jle h n Ht nd out Republic. '' liltll ui lra inwnri . , yt . en mem. 4 4 f4 v i ?z i

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Page 1: Plymouth advertiser (Plymouth, Ohio : 1853). (Plymouth, OH ......IIAtT. mnj--acoo'JaU thai naoald aava b aattiad lone EO. ttt tha hnrrr of haiBa how the case o--lStatf of phiav. Levi

--WAJfTEITil IadU Raster ErpnlUe.Wt pmpoM a new cognomen for oar Be-- ma. 1 - 1

TnoM c!Of fllfl FtETaf 17 IVpUr. Okaa4

Ak. for &tcbtygau pricewill be paid ia Caak, by

. GsoeTJ. 15, 1S55.W.U. Shttx, Esq. : Dear Sir : Will

aurotnaNew lork. Jtn 1 .rtived thi. P. SL The news, thonehpnllic the mbm by which we art knows It it announced that til the drafts ofEVERY FRIDAY MORXIXQ.

asmioTov, Jan. 11.Senate Mr. ltuh moved that the Pa-

cific Railroad till be referred to a specialcommittee, tad printed. The bill increas

at present ia not sufficiently om prehenintfrajiting, posseaa ao new .foatarf ofmarked importance. The newf front theeat of war is unimportant, axdkit tb fiel

PlyajatUiJaa. IKS.yaa pleas to inform the public through!the columns of the riynvHiU A1rertitr,

Page, Bacoa fc Co, of Saa Francisco,will bt paid ' ia litis city, by theBank of America. It it vaderstood

At PlriMiilh, Oh l.XOIIRSOR LOCKS sile; Let it be "The Indiathat the Allies had oa the f2Stllcc., T Attention tkf mole.

IIAtT. mnj-- acoo'JaU thai naoald aava baattiad lone EO. ttt tha hnrrr of haiBa

how the case o- - lStatf of phiav. Levi'Bncktr," far teljrng 1 ijnor was ettUl.

Rubber Republic." It would be varyappropriate. . Wo commenced, oar career

gnos ia readinoos to open fire upon S &'--ing u pay t( Congressmen waa-Uae- a

up, and discussed. - -

Iloose Mr. Giddinfrs of Nebraska, itt--ii olli rrmr iti re tui kava baea neft' feted.: Uavia; aw time la at--topol, and alter bombardment of the ttwafor 4S bourn it aa expected that the place

the California bouse of Page, Bacon 4 Co.,will remain nnahaken by the failure of theSt Louta houao, which, it ia rumored, icanted by tho jealousy of certain Wall --at.finaacien largely .interested ia monetary

u a nation with an extent, of territory trodtoed a bill for the establishment of a Uud t thrni, I ajrah mttp ami all ta walk apiCTutre has beta many cvrfiictiBg reportsabmrtltan'Uiiey all, r at leart. all thatpost route, for the protection of propertyUrge eaoagfc for all practical porpoaog .... 40 1 ttetwl to than iaitu4 alely, without fail.onld be alarmed from tht south mUL '

Negotiatlena at Vicuna hl been furtherof town, tod for the tarver and settlfyenoov-- h when fence.! in and eettled to Aflairt at the wet. . -.....4INII4 , 4m ..MMw ....... MU

we bear, make Out thut he has had a greatdeal of lenity shown Lim, and in fact, he

u l intend le settle lay aid book with the bRiming ef Ihe new year. IWt forget IliapUea at the "Farmer's StortT " "meni 01 me uaii-nree- u moea ta inai tam--

make an empire sufficiently Wood to at- - poktponeil 14 days to give the RussianMinister Gortachakoif an opportunity toThe steamhip Philadelphia, from Newtory. The Pacific Railroad bill being be

Orleans for New York via Havana, """- .1

isfy an Alexander, but it didn't prevent communicate with his Oovemment. has boasted that hist friends in Mansfieldgathered around him, ami ha was clenrcd

D. IIORNBEEK,X. B. Ifyaw hare any cash I won't rwfuaa I',riymonth, January, 19, 1&5.ed at the latter p i t oa tho 10th, with heraii ibf ( gma htf iwiMU' in ni a craving for more. Louisiana wa

rudder injured, and part of her cargoAlthough peace aat thought altogetherimprobable, ft was ' not thooght to bewholly impossible.

with but very little expense. As we untne nrw extension, the Indians were re thrown overboard, cue m ill repair at 11 a

fore tne Committee of the bole. Air.Chandler replied to that portion of Mr.Canks' Know Nothiug speech relative tothe Pope's claim to interfere ia the politi-cal affairs of other countries. He deniedthat the Pope claimed or exercised snchinterference. Mr. Cox bricflj supported

derstand it, he gave bail for his' appearmoved to make room, and still not satis vana. C0mmcrci.1l advices are essentially theThe Steamship Northera Light arrivedtied, Texas was appropriated. A taste of snio as previously received by the lialtic. ance, and did not appear, consequently his

bond was forfeited. But he and his friends

but fcytfca qaw.tJ-T- m Imm mt Nmpapm, naaira WrlWt,

Ml Wla M UMIIH blf akartipttM,fl mln ( ua .aiiifT. anl aa allamanifaa, ataatwtta (ay a Mt ka tf4 nlH aaiua- -

awal ! aat, aalaa at laa aalti-- mt tmm aaaikai(7 SLAM It a all kiaaa M Mia ml thi aAca.

O L tyOOK AD lot WotK lr aa amplytcaua aaeaaaa aaaaa kaaoaa Imn Wt

at her dork about 8 o'clock, this morning Breadstuff aro unchangedJn value. Butblood infuriates the tiger, so these territofrom Aspmwall, bringing 227 passengersthe doctrine of the K. 1.

NEW BOOK STORE, , ia ' jna:!tiei.D,iahi,SjAt The Sign of thi Hugi Soot.

BY Tirkaar, wowld respectfully in'the ciuaens of Plymouth, and vicin-

ity; that he has in Mantie'.d. with aoentire Dew stock of Booki, Wall Paper,

Faacy Cards, e. ; - -- '- (ST.tTIOXERTv J: '

.1 full assortment mf Stap e and Fancy Station

markets were, generally verr quiet and say'tho matter was compromised, and lieand foHa.Uw treasure on freight.

gets clear without paying the bail-bon- d.The United States Frigate Colnmbia

rial tit-bi- ta only made our appetites morekeen. New Mexico and California fol-

lowed, both at one gulp the cry was stillfor more. Cuba tempted us, an attempt was

left Saa J nan for a cruise, on the ctli of Ho has dared and deficit the law during

Jan. 15. Mr. Badger insisted that hiscompensation bill be made the order of theday for Monday next. Mr. Wellcr offered

a resolution calling on tho Secretary oiWar for information as to the progressmade in the harbor of San Francisco.


. X"The following gentlemen are auJanuarv.

quotations were almost nominal. TheBaltic'! quotations are reported by theCanada. Provisions were firm but notactive at previous pi ices. . ,Tho Londonmoney market was unchanged, but consolshad still further declined and closed onFriday nt 93 J for money. Americanstocks, State and federal, were firm.

tho past summer to all intents and purpo-

ses, and when arrested, his case was soThe British ship of war Rcpnblic, and ery, big s, Steel-Pen- s, Quill. Pcn-bo!- --

a small mail steamer, were at ban Juan, lcrs. Ivory --sea la, IStional-wafer- Latter-cli-made, and failed. A number were shot,some garroted, and some escaped jus',enough of the latter to keep old Spain in

and the United States frigate at Key West Bill-fil- e, Invoiee-bnek- s, Pea racks, Copyina---This resolution was offered in consequenceprestes. Book and Brashes, Twine-rl- j, Portwhen the Northern Light left these ports.of the memorial from parties in that city,r olios, i riting-aesK-s, ana many acker articleThe steamship Uncle Sam arrived atasking that tho harbor be put in a state of too numerous to mention. ,

ferment by continually organizing new

expeditions. Not long since, Walker led ban r rancuco on the 20th of December WALL PAPER: .

thorized to receive subscriptions for theAdvertiser:Rome, T. J. Xortni,Gnge, - Dr.M. C.CrvKEKPAix,Salem Station. Tuos. Boon as,North Fairfield, A. C. Auxw,Greenfield, Bahxet Roe,Sew Haven, G. A. Ksioht,Ripley . - - - Dr. E. Arsns,DeKalb, Rev. J. Crocbe,Ttto. - D. C. Morrow,

defense.House Facifie R. R. bill before the The committee appointed at the meeting

in San Francesco had decided that stage.An entirely new and extensive stock of Wail Pa-

per, Borders, and Window 1'spei. .

open and daring that the communitythought and hoped he would be punished.But according to his statement he got clearcomparatively easy,, and many thiuk itwas tho friend in Ait pocket that cleared

him. You will oblige the public by 'giv-

ing a full statement of the settlement.Yours, fec, Many Citizens.

Thb Sad Resclt or Ionokaxcf. -- The De-

troit .Advertiser relates an instance of an oxhcing killed and a sled broken to pieces by a

his troop of "Patriots" into Honorsliberating the country, by knocking theinhabitants on the head. Then the wing

I bKTAia MAlllir.S:. i'House. Stovens, of Georgia replied toCampbell of Ohio, in explanation of hisexpressions in reeard to the acquisition of Cornices, Tassels, Painnd atlj Gilt Shades,

Cord, &c.

Louisville, Jan. 17. Nord tfe Bro.,Commission Merchants, failed yesterday.Liabilities unknown.

Private advices from New Orleans reportthe failure of Packett. McCurdough fe Co,Belknap, and that of Form St Donagahn,cotton dealers.

Cincinnati, Jan. 17. Private dispachesreport the failure of three more BankingHouses nt St. Louis.

New York, Jan. 7. Tho Washington

Louisiana and Florida. He in favorof our National Bird was stretcned over wasof tho acquisition of Cuba, although ho

Centreton, - McWhortek fe Reed,wav opposed to placing ten millions of

Mesilla Valley, and' at the same time, oneclaw was feeling the Sandwich Islands, dollars, necessary tor its purchase, at tne

disposal of the President. He thoughtthe other the Lobos, and its beak threatBake 'em Learn to Read.A bill is before the Massachusetts IiOg- - ruilroitd car, and all because the ox could notOur Eagle is, literally a ''he annexation of Cuba would bo of ben- -ening Japan.

blatnre for restricting the elective franchise em 10 uoiu Aorui nun ouuiu. iur. ciuuuunderstand French. The facts of the cast-wer- e

thei?e: The team, consisting of one EnplieU andone French 01, drawing heavy load of wood

spread Eagle. made a speech in favor of tho Knowto those who can read and write. At acorrespondent of tho "Times," telegraphsthat the president has certainly determinedto change his policy entirely on the sub- -And lo 1 it has found another spot to Nothings, advocating their general prinei nnd driven by a rreiicu driver, was crossing the

glance it would seem very proper that thepies, but offering no new matter upon thesow tho seeds of republicanism. The iect of foreign acquisitionthat even if !tr,ick wlien Ul xp train of cars malo its

-- v . ....... uTMinninnrA. Ihnnriver in ,ntii(aYi(nntnnteovereigns should be able to read the Conn t,t l.w tlw wn,n nf t in Knnrlwir-l- i ' ' B


A largo stock of Flut Cap. Folio Writing, Conv-uicrc- iul

Note, Fancy Note, Buff Tinted,FOR SALE WHOLESALE & RETAlt .'

Law, Medical and Miscellaneous Books.CUTLERY j

Rodgersand Wosterholmes' best Cutlery; alsoa largo variety of cheap imported Focket-knivc- s

GOLD PENS:Bapley and f)awson, Warren & Hydes' and oth-

er celebrated makers. 4

ENVELOPES:Every variety of Plain, Document,Bank-not- ins.

.,,The large t nnd boat selected stock ever broughtto this city. . . -

INK : 'Arnold; tho genuino article Morrison' andUlackwood'slnu, at wholesale and retail.

MUULDINCS:Gilt, Roscwocd and Mahogany Mouldings, ofevery size and style. Picture Framcajnade toorder at short notice. .


Mosquito King has sold a portion of his subject.Jun. 10. Senate. Nothing of interest ( they " " . . i immediately ordered bis oxen t. rkuck

T i l , ,.stitution which guaranties the rights ofHouse Went into Committee of the French for "haw") I'lio French ox nud. rjtood

Lira, mid turning off tho truck, saved himselfthe governed.dominions to an American Company, and

an Expedition under the command of one

Col. Kinney, is to sail shortly, to takefrom injury; out tne Anensh ox, havios neverWhole on the Pacific Railroad bill. Mr.

Bjnton advocated leaving the construcEvery State in the Union ought to pass studied the languages, pressed farther on, and

routes across the plains are tho most prac-ticable means of securing the speedy com-

pletion of tho railroad, and the Legisla-ture will probably be called upon to makean appropriation for that purpose.

The much need rain holds off. Minrrt.were still awaiting it, and cattle and vege-tation, in some parts, were suffering forwant of it. An immense quantity of diithed been tl.rjwn up in anticipation of rainand good judges looked for larger yield ofgold, in tho event of heavy rains, than wasever before realized.

The largest portion of tho business partof the town of Valley City, was destroy-ed by fire on the evening of 21st. Thedetails are not received. The fire was thework of an incendiary.

Business at San Francisco, until therain descends, is small. Transactions inGallegos and Haxall Flour at 81014.Hams 15c, Clear Bacon 1314c; Butter48; Mess Pork $15; Clear 812, for halfbarrels.

The question as to the State capital wasabout to be decided, and Sairemento willdoubtless be the place.

Mi-.- s Sarah Pelletthad declared her in-

tention of t iking five thousand respecta-ble New England girls to California.

A libel suit, brought by Geo. Thatcher,against tho Christian Advocate, had resul-

ted in favor of the plaintiff. Damages830,000.

Yankeo Sullivan had been arrested on a

was instantly killed. This case nliou'd bo athe same law. No one is capable of gov tion ot the road to private enterprise. Awarning to farmers to Lave their oxen properlvcompany of 'solid men' were now readyerolng that cannot read. The Americaneducated.

possession. But difficulties have already

arisen. The Nicaraguan Government have

entered a protest. They claim that theto enter with tho necessary arrangementsto construct tho work from their own repeople do not attach sufficient importance

to the ballot-bo- x, for one vote may, at anyThe population of Franco is about Sfi.OOO,

000; that of Great Britain is about !28.(!OU,0O' ,sources, and upon the basis of tho right ofwhile that of Russia is about 00.000,000. Iftime be the ruin or salvation of the coun

Mosquito country belongs to Nicaragua

that his bare-lcggc- d majesty, the Mosquito

King, has'nt the shadow of a claim, they

way. Ho would not at present submithis plan in detail, as the arrangements

1MUI1UB VtCfULU UU iUIlVillUUll IU 111111, lbwould not be sent to tho Senate, andthat no effort would be put forth to obtainCuba. Tho same writer says Kx-G- ov.

Seymour would not accept the mission toFrance.

The board of Ton Governors of thoAlmshouse, nt their meeting last eveningvoted to invite the Executive and Legisla-ture to visit the charitable institution un-

der theirsontrol, and appropriated 1,000to give them a reception.

The Whig General Committee of thiscily cft'ictcd an organisation last night, byelecting Gen. Win. Hall as their Presi-dent.

James Green, a conductor on the N. Ha-ven K. It., was arrested and held to bailyesterday in the sum of $2000, on a chargeof manslughter, in causing the death of two

Turkey is added to tho numerical strength of theAllies, it gives them a preponderance of sometry, and he who wields so powerful

: weapon, should wield it intelligently. must bo understood before they can be in-

corporated in a bill. He then passed tothe consideration of the several rortes, assurveved, and pronounced them innpprO'

thing like 20,000,000. Leaving Austria out ofof the account as far as numbers are concerned,the Allies have tho advantage. But Russiafights on hor own soil, and under the influenceof religious enthusiasm. Her soldiers inured10 hardships, and the rigor of their climate.So that, on tho whole, tho match is nearly anoven one.

priate. He noticed particularly the northern route, and pronounced it the child of

Printers' Cards nnd Borders, Buff-tinte- d Visit-ing, Plain Enameled and Fancy Cards; also afine quality of Playing Card?.

0sSgrOuuiitry Merchants supplied with Schoolliooki, Paper, etc. at Eastern prices. Orderspromptly attended to.

B. C.TI0KXOR, Mansfield, Ohio,N. B. Our stock being new and bought low,,

will bo sold accordingly. We have no old shop-

worn and damaged goods to sell off.BSJiu.Uigliest m.irkot prico paid for Rags, in

cash or gvods. ,

ttooii m iDit3.Hank Rooks of every description kept con-

stantly on hand. Books for County, Railroad,

the Administration, and the most expen-sive of any. At the expiration of hishour, he had not finished his speech. Mr.McDoucal replied to Mr. Benton, deny

even dispute his royalty, and assert, not-

withstanding he has made treaties with

Queen Vic, who recognises him as a roy-

al brother, that he is a poor drunken sav-

age, and as the Mosquito country is under

tho jurisdiction of, and belongs to the

Nicaiauguan Government, they can look

upon the expedition as nothing short

of an invasion, and one which they will

resist. Some say that it is merely a land

and Mining speculation, and that they do

not contemplate any acts of hostility, but

the Nicaraugnan Minister can't conceive

persons on the Harlem Road in NovemberThk Russian Couriers. Tho Russians have

been reputed to be grcatliars hitherto, and hatvdeserved the reputation. Thoy have lately tak-e- u

advantage of this fact to deceive tho worldby telling the truth. The rapidity of this tele

ing that ihe Northern route was tho childof the Administration. He then answered

We like this movement it is in the

right direction. The old property quali-

fication had nothing to recommend it.

A Oiau might have tho most boundless

lovo for his country, and not possess on

inch of it ; his head might be full his

mind well-store- d, and his pockets bare

and elbows gaping, yet ho should be al- -

lowed all tho rights of citizenship. But

. no one can properly understand the spirit

of our institutions, who has not fathomed

the mysteries of tho spelling-boo- k.

There i no good reason why every one

hould not bo educated to this extent, at

: least. Ia this day of Free Schools and

Bench warrant.The crimnial record of tho week shows Iusurnncc Ofiices. J"c., made to order at short

notice. Old Books ata tailing on 111 crime. Jlenrv Harris, athe objections to the provisions of thebill. Several amendments having beenmade to the bill, but the first two srctiiwere stricken out in order to admit a sub

last, through gross carelessness. One ofthe Directors of the New Haven Road be-

came surety for Mr. Green.The annual election of officers of the Mer-

cantile Association was held yesterday,and was the occasion of most disgracefulproceedings on the part of the members,who amused themselves by throwing

graphic intelligence has taken the world by sur-

prise, and tho Russian Government seems de-

termined to increase its advantage this way toan extent equal to that poseased in the interiorofuny other country. The Russian couriermanage to get from .Sebastopol to Moscow, by

policeman in San Francisco, was stabbedby a woman named Elizabeth Sullivan,with whom he had been combatting, but

B. C. TICKNOR'SNovfcBook Bindery, Mansfield, O.

N. B. Beware of false signs. The publioare warned against being misled or deceivod byfinding my name attached to any other ctb-lislmien- t.

Mansfield, Jan. 19. 1855.

stitute by Mr. Dunbar. It establisheswhom he had deserted for the purpose of

way ot Odessa, in yd hours, troni Moscow theygetting married.three different routes of road and tele-

graph lines ; the Southern commencing atthe western border at Texas, the middle

reached St. Petersburg, by an extra train, inJoseph Cablo was slabbed bv David 12 hours.thus already 10a hours surhce when n0accident occurs, to convey l'rince fllinscliiott

AN ORIGINAL POEM.Now kiml friends we never will boast,It's out of our line, so we give you this toast:May you ne'er be i i want, but you alway will

tin I,

ITonest Jake i.nd the General are ever on hand.

despatch from the scat ot war to the centre Of

about Bibles, papers, and other books ofa religious society, which were stored intheir Hall.

Boston, Jan, 15. There is a strongopposition inside and outside of the Legis-lature against the election of Gen. Wilson

through Missouri and Iowa, and theNorthern at the western border of Wis-consin or Minnesota.

Jan. 17. Senate Mr. Fessenden preGovernment.

Baker, for making dishonorble proposalsto his wife, when they n ere fellow pas-sengers on the Cortez.

Columbia, S. CV Jan. 10. Now Or-leans papers of Saturday last, containingfull details of tho loioet new s iioiu Havauii,are received.

how 700 rifles are to be used in agriculture,

and don't think bowie-knive- s and revolv-

ers are the proper implements for mining.

But all this protesting will make preciouslittle difference with Col. Kinney. He

wants the territory, and has the right up-

on his side, (700 men, and the rifles, re-

volvers mid knivoa aforesaid) ou he'll pro-

bably get it.

The object of the expedition is not pos- -

Nowspapere, there is no excuse for ignor-

ance. . They should learn, or be cut off

from privileges they can neither rightly

use or properly appreciate.--i

SocTimns Coxvextios. The

Thk London Times is now in tho hiliit of us- -sented a memorial from Maine, praying

to tho V. 0. SuiKiU;, itml it is rumored thatfor tho repeal of the l'ugitive Slave LawTho compensation bill was then tnkon up the Ward and City Councils on the Know

Nothing side have lost manv of theirThe trial of La Kosta was progressing

inR iUo hna WliVc'i uf lnjt'invt.t TtlO NowYork Tribune cnlls attention to the fact that, un-

til recently. "Uiitish subjects" was the phraseproudly declaimed on occasion of using an ex-

press on of that significance. The Times ap-

pears to bo "losing its reverence for tb'3 trappingsof royalty, and to talo eveiy plausible oppor-

tunity to reprice in its own strength, nnd vidi- -

and discussed. J udiciary reform bill ditto.House Speaker laid before tho Houso He Bcknowledtred that his obioet was to 'prominent members on account ot themerchants of tho South hove held anoth

er Convention. 120 delegates represent . - - - - . N l . ..... 1 . - .1. -

place himself at the head of a revolution senatorial quesuou; uiose opposed to mein the eastern part of the Island, and do-- ! election calling a caucus at the Green room

Wn for thn lVnplu, na uft ire liavo lelt,To see tho old fogies take all of their 'geit,'Wo know this is cruel, and to show youthe folly.Just give us a call, and bo convinced you cn

buy Goods so much cheaper that yon willhave half ymir money lelt, ami be able all you desire, 'be--


Don'tina' e a mistaho, and ha fleeced by 'OldHead.'

But come over this way, tho' you have 'nary ft

rod,'You'll feel so much better, we never arc blunt,With a nice full store, hut no 'trees in front,'And no stumps where the trues ought to be

a letter from Rufus Choato, containing hisresignation as one of the Regents of theSmithsonian Institute. After the nsusl

ing ten State?, mst at New Oilcans, Jan. jtively known, but we'll stake our reputa

10, and passed a large number of resolu-jtio- n as a prophet, that it is another devel cule Kings. The Kniperov of Russia, the Km;er-o- r

of Austria, the Kins of Prussia, the Kingoitions, all of them breathing the genuine opment of the extension principle. Col. amount of spouting on tlw Pacific Rail-

road and "Sam," house adjourned.

nonnces Hernando as a traitor who had immediately alter tho adjournment 01 ,l,ebetrayed him. It was reported that both 'House this afternoon. They wish tobe and Mr. Felix would be garroted. postpone tho election a week from to

Cholera was raging badly in the Island! morrow. If pressed into tho trial to- -

Naples, and the Queen of Spain, are constantlymade to fool the sting of its sarcasm.

Tar Minus Rifle. the Minio rifle Ballis being adopted upon an improved plan.

morrow they will vote for tke Hon. Alex.and ever 2000 deaths are reportedBkyast, Spencer, Lusk & Stuatton'sSouthern spirit. They demand from the Kinney will get a foothold, annexation

General Government tho improvement of will follow, and Hail Columbia will be

almost every harbor and river in the south, duly installed as "King of the Mosquito' " tho repeat of the laws suppressing thc'fjomury," Groat country this, and get--

11. Bullock, of orccster.Washington, Jan. 13. The tar saysMercantile Colleoe. By the politenessof thepricinpals of this Institution wc have Gov. Seymour is spoken of as Minister to

France in the event of Mr. Mason's deathTrenton, N. J., Jan.16. The Prohibitory

Liquor Law was reported to bo passed toslave trade, the acquisition of Cuba, ajt;n; greater fast. Hurrah for the India

Instead of a snort iron tube inserted in theball, it is to be made with a cavity, intowhich a portion of the chargo of powderwill bo forced and its explosion duos 'the

being confirmed. day bvthe Committee. It is similar in itsbeen invited to visit their nooms, whichare filled with a class of highly intelligentand respectable appearing gentlemen andladies. They have at present about ninety

provisions to the law of last year and that.--Toledo, Jan. 15. A fire occurred atspecific duty on sugar and molasses, the. RUDber Republic !

establishment of a naval depot at New ,

Hut oho thing is certain, you all will agree,We have cheaper and better goods, than ever

J'Oll !,Not excepting tliofe 'se ling at cost' you'll

discover they cost enough it's been triednot much sold however, for want of cus-

tom see tla'm get out from under tho"plows on the awning," and break lorJako and the General', wh're it's free

N. B. Kront seats reserved for the Ladies.

in the Eastern btatcs, whore it has beenMonroe, Mich., yesterday, and destroyed whole work of spreading tho ball so as tocompletely slug or fill the rifle bore of thepupils in the several departments with

dailv accessions to their classes.' Orleans, the opening of the Tehuantepec jfj-Fro- the Register we learn that

route, and ask for an appropriation. the Stockholders of tho Sandusky, Hans- - gun. and driving it on its mission of death.passed. The act is to take effect on the18th of Dec, 1855. A vote of the peoplein favor or against it is provided for at

buildings and property amounting to$35,000. The fire originated in a millin-ery store. Loss Exchange Hotel, $15,-00-

insured 9000; Taylor, Hardware,

Wre are pleased to see young men turn The manufacture ot muskets in our armoing their attcnttion so generally to the purfield & Newark Kailroad Company, held

a meeting in Sandusky, Wednesday last,from. Congress for a ship canal across

Florida. Reasonable set of men, theseP. S. Good acc mmodatious fur 6etlemen- -O, K. Children half-pric-suit of Mercantile study before entering

tho next general election.

New York, Jan. 17, Tho stevedoresand caulkers who ore now on a strike in

the field of actual business. If men would SIA WIS.

ries is to be abandoned, our troops areto be armed with tho improved Miniewith bayonets. "

A Know Nothing amendment has beenalready offered in the Legislature of New

Southerners ! Wonder if they know that for the purpose of electing Directors for

.Ti strin of teriitorv north of Mason & .tho ensiling year. The following were

loss unknown insured $12,000; Mrs.Brooks, Milliner, $3000 insured 82000;Houso' telegraph instruments ami bookssaved loss of building 500; GoodwicK,

bjecome thoroughly conversant with Com FEW of those fine Bay State Long Shnwls.A just rectived bv Express, at the Old Head:this city, prevent men who are willingmercial bcience, not only book-keepin-rQuarters, by jaul2 11. M'DOSOMGHchosen : G. B. Wright, Newark ; Wells to do the work at tlio reduced prices

from doing so, and badly beat membersof the Exchange, loss $3000 insured jbut every other department- of businesspursuits, befora trusting their fcrtunes to DRESS GOOD.York to the Constitution or that State.Bobbins, Newark ; E. C. Woodward, Mt

lot or Morenos, ua L,aines, ana

Dixon's line, belongs to the American

Union ? If the merchants of the North

should ask the half these men so inso-

lently demand, what a howl would go up.

A ChoiPrinIt proposes to strike out following just received by Kxpress, at the--

who are working to-da- Strong bodiesof Police are about the docks and awaitingorders, but it is feared serious trouble will

Vernon ; James Purdy, Mansfield ; Ilobt.MeComb, Mansfield ; Edward Sturgis,

the heretofore uncertain and risky bark ofcommercial enterprise, there would be afar less number of mercantile reverses and

words 'luvery male citizen ol tho age ol Old Head Quarters by

$2000.New York, Jan. 15. Another meeting

of tho unemployed was held to day nt theWashington Parade Ground. After be-

ing in session a short time, tho meeting

jaiil2 R ariHJAumu.ensue, as hundreds are ready to work at

twenty-on- e years,' and inserting as followsin place thereof ; 'Every male of theago of twenty-on- e years who shall have

failures than is now experienced.Qur Northera business men should hold aj Sen., Mansfield ; John W. Sprague,

or two. The condition ofiron; F. T. Barney, Sandusky; W. IINAIU GLASS.

Good assortment for sale "low nt the OldAThere is just as much safety in pursuingadjourned to tho Park, where speeches been born a citizen of the United States of

the reduced rates.

Boston, Jan. 17. A Legislative Caucusof the frieuds of Gen. Wilson was held

ii. Head Quarters, byjail 2the harbors on Lake Erie, would makejStockwell, Cincinnati. R, M'DOKOUGH.the various branches of trade and com-

mence as farming, if they are properly were delivered; but the question, America, or who shall have been a residentIKON FOti WAGGONS.several resolutions, the sunken vessels on is to be done?" was not fully answered. of the United States of America for theThe new Board is composed of

well qualified for tho places they oc- - this attenioon.and resulted in in rather aIt is estimated 10,000 were present. rceeived and for sale at low prices, ntJUST Old heard Quarters, byfull term of twenty one years."

understood,Every young man who has a desire to

commence business for himself shouldBt. Clair flats as many more, and if care

should be taken to hold the Convention stormy time.A motion waa made to nominate Hon.

Philadelphia, Jan. 13. Tho watchmanof the Farmers' Bank, at Mount Holly, In this mammon-worshipin- g Age, it is

are to find a man place his usefulness toknow that he is well-inform- in all thosebranches taught in our best mercantile John G. Palfrey for United States Senawas found, at six o clock this morning.jlgrBurglaries are becoming common


FRESH Flour for Family use, ground atMill, expressly for

jatri 11. M'DOSOPGH.


tor,When tho caucus broke up in con the public, before his interest. During aschools.

immediately after a great storm, we think

they might bo mads quite interesting.

Try it.

JEySoule, tho hero of the Turgot du

tied and gagged by four men who had en-

tered previously. Ho remained in that fusion.It is not our sphere to recommendBy the Mansfield Herald we learn that

Griswold's Big Red Coat Clothing Store,late visit to the 'City ot Spindles, wewere presented by a professional friend, toThe opponents of Gen. Wilson also

gentlemen and ladies to any particular situation all night. It is presumed mon-ey has been stolen, but the amount was 1 AAA Bushels of Clover Seed wanted intho celebrated Chemist, Dr. J . C Ayer,held a caucus, the proceedings of which

are represented to have been spirited and 1 JJJ exchange for cash, at the Old He? FTwhose name is now perhaps, more familiarel, and tho man whom Napoleon sent out hQuarters, by I anl) R. M'DONOUGtunknown.Latfr The robbers were in the bank harmonious. than any other, at the bedside of sickness,

of France peppery Soulo, has resigned CORN.

was entered last Saturday night by means offalse keys, and six or seven hundred dol-

lars worth of Clothing stolen. No clue

has been obtained to the perpetrators.The Reflector chronicles several thefts,

school in this city, or elsewhere.Of the gentlemanly teachers connected

with this College wo need not speak.Mr Bryant has long been known as amost thorough accountant and skillfulteacher, while Mr Lusk, as a rapid off-han-d

in this country. Knowing tho unprece PJtpfrom 9 last night until 3 this morning.bttt Bushels of Corn wnntod.dented popularity of his medicines, and 1 0,000" John C. Breckenridgo has been appointed

m his place. If that Austrian, Belmont,did not succeed in gettirg the vault open, the highest price will be i.'Senator Norris, of New Hampshie,

whose death wo noticed last week, is re.the immense sale of them, wc had expectednor diet they carry away any money. nie uiu iiuauyuariers, oy

Consul to the Hague, would "go and do janl u. JVUOMJUUJVpenman and accomplished instructor in his New York, Jan. 15. The Swiss Becommitted in Norwalk, last week. The ferred ty in the following terms by the- "II A I ' .1 aix, nas no superior in unaNew York Tribune :

nevolent Society has taken chargo of the!Swiss paupers who arrived last week, and

likewise," the country would ho better- satisfied

to find him a miUionare anu rolling inwealth. But ho, we found him id his. la- -

batory, busy with his labors, .among hiscrucibles, alembics, and retorts givinghis best personal care to the compounds,

country seems to be full of theives andcounterfeiters. Ferret them out.

country. Whites &' Sons' axes best for snla4Doz. old Head Quarters, by ' 'The estimate of the superior facilities they will be sent to the interior instead of Senator Norris is dead. This

represented New Hampshire, in the janl . . It. M'DOSOt' Boston.' 1W Election is Nebraska. The

Senate of the United States, for onlyjCSTThe acquisition of the Gallipagosthey offer for study, is manifested by the

e y extensive, and almost unprecedented,pa the College has received duringthe past year, which embraces nearly five

Clironotype, (Council Bluffs) of Doc. 20, Charleston, Jan, 14.The (steamship Isabell has arrived here

on the virtue of which, thousands hang forhealth. We learned, that notwithstand-ing his vast busincess, anil its prompt re-

turns in cash, the Doctor is not rich. The

Islands is said to be certain. By this the returns of the elections in Ne- -

brief poriod.butyetlongenough to disgraceboth himself and his Slate, He was oneof the Northen men who voted for the Ne-

braska bill, though he had professed ultra

with Key West dates to the 11th.eration the U. S. gain a large number ofhundred students. - -

; braskn; for Delegate to Congress, and for ihe l'alcon was there three days at Ha reason assigned is, that the material is costvolcanos, and many acres of rock. The Among the pupils we noticed a largeCouhcilmen and Representatives to the


I Of iBu,shols of Good Dried apples, for saleat tho old Head Quarters, by

jnn 1 " .."-'- ' R. M'DOKOtrSH.'


n ( Suee$0r to W, S. Granger.)"


vana, from Aspmwall, and fears were en ly, and he persists in making his preparat'ree sou sentiments for three years previnumber of ladies engaged in study. ThisTerritorial Legislature. For Delegate the "American Eagle" will grow thin on that

soil, ,r

ously, and but one short month before theis as should be. It is well for woman totertained for her safety, bhe could notenter the harbor of Aspinwall when she

tions so expensively, that the nett profit issmall.- - American Farmer, Phila.'retains show, forGiddings 377, for John bill passed tho Senate for which he gavebecome familiar with the theory of Mer-can'il- o

Science.first arrived, owing to the storm. ,lhe his ready voice, ho declared to a brothercoli 263, for Chapman 114, Dyson 21, Bold Bobbery on ihe Cabs. The Ro:JtSrSea the advcstitememV of B. C, news from Cuba is unimportant.

Chester Democrat says a very bold robberyHolllsterl4.: ;Total 792. Mr. Giddings (senator, upon the stops of the Capitol, 4hatsooner thanvpto for that measure of humilirCincinnati, Jan. 15. Saturday, ayonngTicknor, Mansfield. No one is more com

In conclusion we would say to youngmen, whether they be farmers, mechanicsof merchahts that their time cannot bespent to: better advantage in these hard

Leather, Tin Plate, Chain Pumps, Ac. Ac;Mansfield, January 6, 1865 ). J"

was perpetrated upon tho cars on iuesdaynicht. hehveen SvrncnKO and that city.-ation and intimity ho would suuer the

ofjus right arm., Upon the ashespetent to conduct a Book establishmentthan Ticknor you will always find the

t Anti-slave- ry and

just the kind of a man that Kansas ought

to have sent. - The Territorial Legislature

man named Ormsby, Clerk in the Nation-al Telegraph Office, shot ' another '. namedJennings, mutilating his face terribly, andrendering his recovery doubtful. Jennings

Mr. W. F. Baker; of 'Henrietta, a gentle.;of the dead we would tread lightly,' but man who docs a" pretty extensiyo pusiiieissoyer the, death ;of Mr. Norrw. wo have nolatest reading on his shelves, and gentle

men in attendance.a, on the 23d inst.will convene attimes, than in fortifying themselvlsby athorough Mercantile education, for thewant of which many a man has beenwrecked upon the shoals of bankruptcy

had circulated reports calculated to injure tears to shed, and no hypocritical encomm drf ving cattle to. eastern mai lcet8:, lvasreturning at this imo-name- with some-

thing over. $2,000 in his possesion. Itthe reputation of Ormsby'a wife. iums to bestow, lie hss quietly gone to

: ' Produce Dealers& ,iyNKiyiJte prepared all

POWPIS, pay tbo highest prices in cftgh; frWheat,. Cora, Outs; Rye, Timothy,; Fta?Clover Seeds; n4- kW t ,;i-3''"'- ' ' b3

M' ysrCAIilNSTRUMKNTSiViolinis,FlutFifov Aecofdeons; Guitars, Bartjos, Ac,

aadandfosale y ' V1QHT & HOFMAN. f;.A fine assortinan! of. Solar Lamp.

li guitiible for Churches, ParUrs and Stores

! Jarlhvn' Oak Ham. Gazette. Da Rather a Loko Sentence. Baker, Boston, Jan. 13. Gov, Gardiner-ha- sand disgrace, and doomed to those wasting his long homo, after - aiding tt'; give theseverest wound upon freedom which i hisnnd chilling influenet which so often resultthe young man of eighteen who was con-

victed for participation in the burglary onissued a proclamation, ia' compliance withthe act of Congress, on the subject of ce high position as a Unitod States 'Senatorfrom the loss of property;

was divided into three parcels, ' oho of

which contained $400 pfthe Unadils Bankbills, ia 95 and $20 tills on Uia AkbamaCity. Band, iahd $25 of mixed currency.The parcel $vas placed in a memorandum

enabled hitn to tiillict.'.'if The meager I tieding to the btato ot INow xork that part.f ' Vlevelana Herald.of Massachusetts known as Boston Cor tans ot his public career may be found ja

1I,vth widdy-kBOW- n and popular dealer

itf Clothing, Cleveland has taken to puh- -

)1if'&ns"ft'Very neat looking

sheet, with the above title,-we- ll filled with

eniertaining matter, at 10 cts. per annum.

The "Craaette is spicily edited,' and well

Worth the subscription price.. , ,

our congressional report, t ..A Scene. Mr. Harris,, a member of ners. '. "V. "iIri compliance with the recornmendaCongress from Mississippi Vas" so drank

Ii. 15. VV ard s store, and attempt to killhis clerk, was sentenced in Detroit on Mon-

day to fifty yean imprisonment in theState's prison. Detroit has been so infest-ed with rogues that the Judge felt verystern. One example of severe punish-ment may deter a hundred fothera, fromcrime. Baker has confessed his guilt,When he leaves the State's prison ho will

tion of Governor Gardiner, the followingthat on rising to address the House themilitary companies composed, of foreignother day his colleagues forced him to takeera, have been disbanded, yizt-r-tlw- ?' Col

boolf.angefiBpednto an outspld potket ofhis Qver-coat-

r Qn , arriving in this city hemissed this package, and found-tha- hrspocket had bean skillfully cut opeh fromthe outside",' kud tljo meinora,'!book

m thtbliriac.; Jtfr,4iwsayahesloptviojisiileraiilo on thewavafldwluhtheslept, somo skilful rogne relieved

his seat. This is mot the first time ho has

Civilised Indians. A delegation o"f

Wyandot Iftdians Is In 'JrVashirigtoV tomake jtnangemohts with, the governmcutto loave thehf lartdil in Kansas torritory,no'w held4rt CdrjHharifj rliidea 'iuf amdagthinvn iri fna Am h'n' hfiUna ASrW' lhiKl) :4Phtvit

fjiRBNCR GLAS3-i2-Lar- iizes' for Pibturtjj Tyramety sold by ' ' II. M. WCQ8TEJE,, i"


NOTICE is hereby gi tLat theboon duly .appointed Adraimstr.

torbtthe stto of ,joaN.,JIVEII,t.de4lately of Plyoibitb Huron- - eonnty, Ohi- -,Tboso,int?restft4 will at-- acoordin(ly.

.1.1.iNtL,BAtGHMAT.'''Ffymoiitb, pec, 2i' K4M

nmbia. Artillery vv ebster.; Muitarvr' Jas. Harlan, Whig, has been elect disgraced himself . and the House,, hboastly intoxication. ' It seems as thotu:' bhields ArtUlery-mcIu- on s Muskefejr?

of iibwellUMon'Guardv of JUwraueo,4 to th United. Stataa Senate from Iowa be sixty-eig- ht years old-- or ia 1bc year the people .wlectd tfie wort men to,govJle h n Ht nd out Republic. ''

liltll ui lra inwnri . , yt .en mem.

4 4 f4 v i

?z i