pltw power point 2.pptx

Sharyl and ISDinPartnershipwith ProjectLead theWay PreparingStudents for theGlobal Economy 

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Sharyland ISDinPartnershipwith

ProjectLead theWay

PreparingStudents for theGlobal Economy 

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What is Project Lead the Way ?

Project Lead The Way (PLTW) is the leading providerand innovative Science, Technology, Engineering, and

Mathematics (STEM) education curricular programs u

middle and high schools across the !S!

• The PLTW curriculum is founded in the fundamental p

solving and critical#thin$ing s$ills taught in traditional c

technical education (%TE), "ut at the same time integ

national academic and technical learning standards a


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igh School !ourse !urriculum

• Sharyland &igh School Program

• Pathway to Engineering● 'ear ne Introduction to Engineering Design (IED

Technology of Engineering course to complement *E

● 'ear To Principles of Engineering

● 'ear Three: Digital Electronics and Civil Engineeri


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"unior igh !ourse !urriculum

• -unior &igh Program %ourse

• Gateway To Technology• .th grade students ho are enrolled in /lge"ra * can ta

0oundation nits

• Design and Modeling

• Automation and o!otics

• Students may earn "#$ high school elective cre

completing 1TT 2 +esign, Modeling, and /utom

 junior high school!

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Pathway to Engineering !ourse Se#u

%reshman &ear 'ophomore &ear unior &ear 'enio

English *1eometry3iologyWorld 1eography0oreign Language 2Technology (Engineering)*ntro to Engineering +esign  (4 + +raing 5 Solid Mold)


English **/lge"ra **%hemistryWorld &istory0oreign Language 7&ealth6SpeechPrinciples of Engineering/thletics63and6Elective


English ***Pre#%alPhysicsS &istory0oreign Language 4+igital Electronics%ivil Engineering and/rchitecture


Englis%alcu1ovt!0ine //P ScEngin+eveEngin


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Gateway to $echnology !ourse Se#u

th *rade +th *rade

ElectiveEnglishScience9Pre#/lge"raTe:as &istoryElective

Semester 2 Semester 7

ElectiveEnglishScience/lge"ra *S &istory1TT 2 +esign andModeling and /utomation

and ;o"otics nits

ElectiveEnglishScience/lge"ra *S &istorySpeech or &eal

9Pre#alge"ra is a pre#re<uisite course in order to enroll in the 1TT program! +uring the stu

grade year, a student must "e enrolled in /lge"ra * and 1TT simultaneously!

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E%pansion of Program,igh 'chool Program

• 'peciali-ation Courses for futureconsideration under Pathay to


• /erospace Engineering

• 3iotechnical Engineering

%ivil Engineering and /rchitecture• %omputer *ntegrated


• +igital Electronics

Middle 'chool Progr

• 'peciali-ationconsideration un

• Science of Technology

•  Magic of Electrons

Energy and the Environm• 0light and Space

• 1reen /rchitecture

•  Medical +etectives