plestravera 1.2.2

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Post on 15-Jun-2015




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Visions of Veronaville


Anyone walking the Monty halls late at night would've sworn they'd seen the ghostly apparition of Consort Capp.

Death had silenced the man, and you could see the frustration on his face. Frustration that he couldn't speak. Frustration that his only son had married a Monty. Frustration that he was dead. Frustration at the Montys.

Dawn came and a very different person was now walking the Monty halls. Claudio had thought for sure he could see the Capp house from the roof of his house- after all, it seemed so high up here!- but he couldn't even see the Rivoli Veronese*, the river that separated the Montys and Capps._____Rivoli means stream in Italian according to google translate. The real Rivoli Veronese runs through Verona, Italy, so I decided to name Veronaville's river after it.

But then why could he see houses on the other side of the river? He scrunched up his brow as he tried to come up with an answer his still-young brain could wrap itself around. Finding none, he consented with deciding to ask his mom when she woke up.

As if on cue Bianca came up the steps leading to the balcony.Mommy! Claudio hugged her. Why can I see houses on the other side of the river from here but not the river?Because it's covered by hills, Bianca said. Now hurry up and get ready. Mommy bought the arcade, and we're going there now.

Claudio's eyes brightened up. That's across the river! Do we get to go in a boat?Bianca laughed. No Claudio, we're crossing the bridge. But for your birthday you can ride in a gondola, okay?Okay! Claudio said.

Bianca put on a smile for her son as he raced around the house getting ready to go, but she worried. So far there'd been no trouble, but would that change if they tried to cross the river?

Claudio knew nothing yet of the Capp and Monty feud, and was plagued with no such worries. Bianca hadn't told him yet because he was still young. Why should he have to know about the cruelties of the real world already?

Bianca and Kent left Claudio to his arcade game as they got to work. While Bianca's heart was beating a mile per second, Kent didn't seem to worry at all about a Capp seeing them. They were his family after all, they wouldn't hurt him, right? And he was sure they were above hurting Claudio, an innocent child. As for Bianca, Kent would protect her if the need arised.

As the hours passed and no Capps showed up, Bianca managed to relax. It turned out she was a natural salesperson, and she managed to earn quite a bit of money, along with an award from the Highbrow Review, who'd sent a reporter out to review the new business.

And though no Capps came, there were others who did. Mary-Sue Pleasant, sick of her cheating husband and tired of arguing with her mom, had come to get away from the craziness at home.

After her came John Burb, looking for some time away from Mary-Sue and Jennifer. It turns out having two girls fight over you sounds great... until it actually happens.

Pete Smith came too, on the look out for Mars Attacks! The Video Game.

Nervous Specter came, too, anxious to not be home when one of his wife's friends came over.

Pascal Curious even came to get some new games for him and his brothers.

Mary-Sue and John tried to ignore each other, both pretending to be too focused on what they were buying to notice the other. They couldn't risk letting their affair be known, even if this was Veronaville, and no one they knew would see them here.

Are you going to buy something, or are you just trying to make it seem like you're not sneaking looks at the guy browsing the magazine rack? Mary-Sue looked up, startled, and then blushed.

I'm just browsing, she mumbled and looked back down at the video games. Mary-Sue crossed her hands and tried to hide her ring, but couldn't think of a way to do that that didn't look odd, and returned her hands hastily to the side, where the counter and rack would hide it from Bianca.

He keeps glancing over here, teased Bianca. I bet he likes you. But when Mary-Sue didn't reply Bianca stopped.

Kent glanced over to make sure his wife wasn't being too harsh, and blinked. The two men over there looked exactly the same... same high cheekbones, same slightly rounded and big nose with the same nearly 45 degree angle, even the same brown eyes, fair skin, and brown hair- styled the exact same way.

Mary-Sue didn't notice John's doppelganger. She was too distracted by John, who was now close enough to touch...Think about your reputation! Mary-sue lectured herself. You have to just wait till you get home.

With that thought in mind she headed to the cash register. Hurry up! she thought furiously to the cashier as John went by her to head to the video game stand.

John left soon after. It was about time he got home so he could finally spend some time with Mary-Sue.

Bianca may have turned out to be a natural, but Kent was struggling with his new position as cashier. Ow! he muttered under his breath as the cashier hit him in the stomach. He'd thought this job would be simple. All he had to do was punch in the button corresponding to either magazine or video game and enter the quantity, take the money, and put it in the register. But he somehow kept messing it up.

But Kent knew his wife loved the business. He couldn't complain. So he straightened up and put the money in. Maybe with practice he'd get better.

Yes! Kent grinned. It didn't hit me this time!

Claudio was still at the pinball machine when a girl a couple years older than him came by. Hi, I'm Claudio, he said, his eyes still on the pinball game.I'm Lexie Sell*, the girl answered._____*My game generated different names for all the townies in my megahood, so no more Komei Tellerman or Sandy Bruty- they're now Stephan Seifert and Lexie Fong!

Lexie stayed there for hours watching Claudio play, even peeing where she was standing rather than walking to the bathroom right next to you.

In her embarassment she decided to head home quickly.

Bianca came over and hugged Claudio. It's time to go home. It's your birthday tomorrow, so you need to get a good night's sleep!Okay, Mommy, Claudio replied with a yawn.

This time Bianca's smile was genuine, with no worry behind it. They'd gotten through the day unscathed. Her family was safe now.

The next morning Bianca woke up to a ringing telephone. Hello? she said groggily into the phone.Sorry, did I wake you up?Antonio! Bianca was now wide awake. I've missed you so much!

Me too. I have to come back to Veronaville tonight for business reasons, so I was thinking of stopping by when I'm done. We have a lot of catching up to do.Great! You could be here for Claudio's birthday!Claudio?My son. He's turning 13 tonight! Sorry, I forgot you didn't know that. We really do have a lot of catching up to do!

. . .Antonio! You made it! Bianca pulled her brother into a hug.Of course I did, he replied. I'm not too late, am I?No, you're just on time.

And so though Claudio didn't get a big party with the many cousins, aunts, uncles, and step-cousins he had but didn't know of, he was surrounded by those that loved him.


Goneril, we need to talk, Regan greeted her older sister.About what?The Montys.

I agree. They killed Consort, we should kill on of their own.Has it ever crossed your mind they've had more people die since the start of this feud than us, and there are less of them? I don't even think any of them want the feud anymore.

Goneril was silent, and Regan found her chance. Titania came over today. She told me Cordelia and Claudio were in love, and killed themselves because their parents wouldn't let them be together. Caliban commited suicide after finding out, and Olivia Monty died because of her pregnancy.

Impossible, Goneril said. You may have a point that the Montys had more premature deaths, but only by one, and there may be less Montys but that doesn't give them the right to go unpunished. And Cordelia was definitely not in love with Claudio. She would've told me.

Regan wasn't known for having a good temper, and it was showing now. In case you've forgotten I was closer to her than you were and she didn't tell me, either. You know as well as I do that Titania doesn't lie, and even if she did it'd be for a good reason. Face it Goneril, this feud is a bad idea.

Goneril knew when she was beat. As far as she could tell Titania had never told a lie in her life. But if what Regan was telling her was true...

Goneril took a minute to wonder. If the feud had never happened, Consort and Patrizio would be alive and best friends again. Maybe Isabella would've lived a few more years, too. Claudio and Cordelia would've been free to marry each other and would still be alive, and Caliban wouldn't have fallen in love with her and killed himself, and Olivia wouldn't have become pregnant with the third child that proved her downfall. And Cornwall wouldn't have murdered Hero Monty. That was eight lives that could've been spared.

But maybe Caliban would've loved Cordelia anyway, and still be dead. Maybe Isabella would've still died of old age by now. Consort and Patrizio were old, and would've died soon anyway, and Olivia could have still died during a pregnancy, just with a different man as the father. And most importantly, Juliette, Hermia, Tybalt, Mercutio, and Romeo would never have been born.Maybe the feud had done a lot of bad, but Goneril wouldn't have changed a thing.

Okay, you have a point, Goneril told Regan. The next generation has already seen several Capps and Montys fall in love, and there will probably be other pairs. I don't want to have to alienate myself from them any more than I already have with Juliette, Hermia, and Tybalt, and I don't want them to kill themselves because they can't be with who they love. Ths feud has to end.

Regan hugged Goneril. I'm proud of you, sis. Now we just need to convince Albany of the same thing.

. . .

Albany, you know all about my dad's death, right?Of course, Albany answered, unsure of where this was going. Normally he'd say Goneril wanted to discuss revenge, but something about her tone of voice seemed to suggest that wasn't what she was going to say.

Well, Regan and I talked about it last night, and we think we want to end the feud, Goneril looked down and played with her fingers a bit as a very pregnant silence fell between her and Albany.But... he was killed! Albany finally said.His murderer is dead, and why should their family have to suffer for what they did?

Who are you and what have you done with my Goneril, Albany said coldly. Goneril tried to keep herself from crying. Finally she composed herself somewhat.You're not a Capp. When we were married you may have taken my last name, but don't be mistaken. You're only a Norman, and this is not your feud to end. Tomorrow we're calling the Montys to make peace with them, and if you don't like that, you are free to leave the Capp family.

She got up and left, leaving Albany in shock.

It wasn't until Goneril was outside that she started crying. Would Albany really dump her rather than end the feud? If she weren't so upset she might've found it funny that he, who'd never been involved in the feud till he married her, wanted to keep the feud alive, while she, who'd been brought up for most of her life to hate the Montys, wanted it over.

Albany heard the sobs. She was only just outside the room, after all. He wanted to go out and comfort her, but his stubborn nature kept him from doing that.

He ended up sleeping on the sofa, and had the worst night's sleep of his life. Wether it was because of the hard sofa or because of his guilt at arguing with Goneril and leaving her crying outside he couldn't say.

. . .

Albany woke up with a yawn. What time is it? he muttered, expecting Goneril, who was an early riser, to answer him with a cheery Ten A.M., sweetie. Then he remembered that he was sleeping on the sofa, and Goneril was probably still mad at him.

Albany went down to get some food and found Goneril cleaning up the dishes from Cornwall's breakfast- Regan and Goneril's breakfast was eaten and cleaned before Cornwall even woke up.Hello, Albany, Goneril said politely. Albany winced.

Albany swallowed his pride and walked over. Goneril, I'm really sorry about last night. I was being stubborn. I'm still not happy about the Monty thing, but you're right, it's not my decision to make.There was a moment of silence, and Albany worried. Would Goneril take him back?

Finally Goneril hugged Albany, and he breathed a sigh of relief. He knew he wasn't always as good a husand as he should be, and he was lucky to have as forgiving a wife as Goneril.

. . .

Cornwall was getting impatient. When was he going to get here?

Sorry I'm late, called Antonio. I was held up at my nephew's birthday party.

Well, let's get to business, shall we? Antonio said as he approached Cornwall. You have Hero's grave?Yes, of course, Cornwall replied.

But I'm not giving it to you.

Cornwall had been busy for most of the day, and was still unaware of Regan and Goneril's plans to make peace with the Montys. And so he tried to get his revenge on Antonio for beating him up at the park.

But Antonio still beat him, and this time Cornwall would not be able to get back up and shake off his injuries.

As Antonio walked away from the house, he felt almost happy, though that was followed by guilt. Hero's murderer was finally dead.

Regan came down to see what had caused all that noise. She saw Cornwall's dead body, and burst into tears.

Cornwall, why did you die? The injuries on your body look like they were from a fight, and I bet it was with a Monty. Why'd you have to get in a fight when we were so close to peace?Cornwall, why did you have to leave me?

They say there's five stages of grief. I feel like I'm going through them all at the same time. I've been talking less to Goneril, and spending time on my own.

I've felt angry at the Montys, but I try not to, I do. I know the family as a whole is not to blame, I don't have an individual to blame instead.

I've even tried bargaining with God. I told Him I'll quit being a criminal if somehow you turn out to be alive.

I'm upset and depressed of course, too. I miss you so much.

I guess that leaves one stage to go- acceptance.


Hello? Oh hello, Goneril. Wonderful idea! Come over at around two. Goodbye, Titania hung up the phone. The feud would finally end. Goneril had decided it was better for Titania to set up and host the party, as the Summerdreams and their house had always been neutral territory.

Titania turned back to business, and dialed the number for the Monty Ranch.

Bianca! You and your husband are invited to a party. The Capps seemed interest in making peace... Antonio is invited to, of course. I trust you can tell him that? Wonderful! Come here at around two. Goodbye.

Finally, Titania dialed one last number. Puck, you and Bottom are invited to our party at two. The Capps and Montys are finally going to end their feud! But just in case there's any trouble, I'd feel much better if you two came. Great! Goodbye.

Oberon! The Capps and Montys are coming over soon to end the feud! Titania exclaimed as she hugged him. Oberon couldn't believe his ears. It was finally happening!

And like in so many Summerdream parties before this, they soaked away their troubles. But this time it was not Capps in one hot tub, Montys in the other. With the men in one hot tub and the women in another, they talked.

At first they discussed simple and safe topics like fashion and sports. But then they moved on to talking about the feud. The pain and sorrow and death it had brought. The joy and happiness the children of Claudio and Cordelia had brought.

Some, like Bianca, learned for the first time of Claudio and Cordelia's love and the real reason they and their spouses died, and wondered out loud if it was possible Tybalt, Hermia, or Juliette could've been Claudio's children. But the idea was quickly dismissed, in part because they looked more like Caliban than Claudio, and in part because that'd mean Juliette and Romeo were half-siblings, and no one wanted to say their relationship was incestuous.

The Summerdreams watched and heard all of this from their own hot tub below.

Do you think it's working? asked Titania. Were they really finally free from the feud?Of course, whispered Oberon. Puck and Bottom can spread the word in their college dorms, and it'll all be over.

Let me kick it to you right quick, man
That on some gangsta man, on some real
Anybody done been through the same thing, I'm sure you feel the same way
Big Phil
This for you pimpin'

Note: Lyrics may not make perfect sense since I censored them.

Oh (eyyy)
I've been travellin' on this road too long (too long)
Just tryna find my way back home (back home)
The old me is dead and gone, dead and gone
And oh (eyyy)
I've been travellin' on this road too long (too long)
Just tryna find my way back home (back home)
The old me is dead and gone, dead and gone, dead and gone

Ever had one of them days wish would've stayed home
Run into a group of who gettin' they hate on
You walk by
They get wrong
You reply then get blown
Way outta proportion
Way past discussion
Just you against them, pick one then rush 'em

Figure you'll get jumped, hell that's nothing
They don't wanna stop there now they bussin'
Now you gushin', ambulance rushin'
You to the hospital with a bad concussion
Plus ya hit four times
Plus it hit ya spine
Paralyzed waist down now ya wheel chair bound
Nevermind that now you lucky to be alive

Just think it all started you fussin' with 3 guys
Now ya pride in the way, but ya pride is the way
You could fuck around, get shot, die anyday die everyday
All over bull shit, dope money, dice game, ordinary hood
Could this be 'cos of hip hop music?
Or did the ones with the good sense not use it?
Usually don't know what to do when their back against the wall so they just start shootin'

For red or for blue or for blo I guess
From Bankhead or from your projects
No more stress, now I'm straight, now I get it, now I take
Time to think, before I make mistakes just for my family's sake
That part of me left yesterday
The heart of me is strong today
No regrets I'm blessed to say
The old me dead and gone away

Oh (eyyy)
I've been travellin' on this road too long (too long)
Just tryna find my way back home (back home)
The old me is dead and gone, dead and gone
And oh (eyyy)
I've been travellin' on this road too long (too long)
Just tryna find my way back home (back home)
The old me is dead and gone, dead and gone, dead and gone

I ain't never been scared, I lived through tragedy
Situation could've been dead lookin' back at it
Most of that didn't even have to happen
But you don't think about it when you out there trappin'
In apartments, hangin', smokin', and rappin'
start , next thing ya know we cappin'
Get locked up then didn't even get mad
Now think about what a life I had

Most of that , look back, just laugh
Some still look back get sad
Maybe my homeboy still be around
Had I not hit the in the mouth that time
I won that fight
I lost that war
I can still see my walkin' out that door
Who'da thought I'd never see Philant no more?

Got enough dead homies I don't want no more
Cost a his job
Cost me more
I'd took that -whooping now for sure
Now think before I risk my life
Take them chances to get my stripe
A put his hands on me alright
Otherwise stand there talk all night

'Cos I hit you, you sue me,
I shoot you, get locked up, who me?
No more stress, now I'm straight, now I get it, now I take
Time to think, before I make mistakes just for my family's sake
That part of me left yesterday
The heart of me is strong today
No regrets I'm blessed to say
The old me dead and gone away

Oh (eyyy)
I've been travellin' on this road too long (too long)
Just tryna find my way back home (back home)
The old me is dead and gone, dead and gone
And oh (eyyy)
I've been travellin' on this road too long (too long)
Just tryna find my way back home (back home)
The old me is dead and gone, dead and gone, dead and gone

I turn my head to the East
I don't see nobody by my side
I turn my head to the West
Still nobody in sight
So I turn my head to the North
Swallow that pill that they call pride
That old me is dead and gone
But that new me will be alright

I turn my head to the East
I don't see nobody by my side
I turn my head to the West
Still nobody in sight
So I turn my head to the North
Swallow that pill that they call pride
That old me is dead and gone
But that new me will be alright

Oh (eyyy)
I've been travellin' on this road too long (too long)
Just tryna find my way back home (back home)
The old me is dead and gone, dead and gone
And oh (eyyy)
I've been travellin' on this road too long (too long)
Just tryna find my way back home (back home)
The old me is dead and gone, dead and gone, dead and gone

. . .

Hey lady, want some lemonade?Shelby gave the boy a weird look. It was 7:16 PM and chilly out, why was he selling lemonade? Still, he seemed nice, and hadn't sold a single cup yet by the looks of it.Sure, I'll have a cup.

That'll be thirteen simoleans, please.She tossed him thirteen simoleans and grabbed a cup, nearly tripping in her heels but catching herself just in time.

Thirteen down, five-hundred-and-twelve to go, thought Elvin. Then I can get a dog!

Elvin! Titania called. Come over here! I have a surprise for you!

Elvin jumped up and ran to the living room. Maybe his mom had got him a puppy!

Elvin, Oberon and I have been talking, and we would like to adopt another kid. What do you think, Elvin?Elvin's eyes lit up. He was getting a new sister or brother to play with! Will it be a boy or girl? he asked.We haven't decided yet, Titania replied.Can it be a boy? Elvin asked.Of course.

Elvin ran off, and Titania took out her cell phone to call the adoption agency.Hello, it's Titania. Yes, that'd be perfect. Goodbye.

. . .

Conrad wiggled impatiently in the seat of the blue minivan. He was finally going to meet his new adoptive family!

He hopped out of the car, and turned to see three people coming towards him.

Oberon was first to get to the boy. I'm your new dad, he introduced himself. You can call me Oberon if you want, though.

And I'm Titania, your new mom, Titania stepped forward to hug him.

Elvin ran forward, not to be left out. I'm Elvin, he told Conrad.

Elvin grew up soon, and turned his childhood curiosity into a thirst for knowledge like his dad's.

Conrad decided that, like Titania, he wanted to get married and raise a family. He wanted to adopt, too, and give a home to kids who needed one. He wondered sometimes about his birth parents, and he made that his fourth and final goal. One of these days he'd figure out who his birth parents were.