please do not talk at this timeapril 15

Please do not talk at this time April 15 Please get a book and a Russian Revolution Packet- Pg. 125 Welcome Back Everyone! HW: Finish the work we started in class today (just today’s work. Don’t work ahead.) WWI Retests Thurs/Friday at Lunch or After School

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Please do not talk at this timeApril 15. Please get a book and a Russian Revolution Packet- Pg. 125. Welcome Back Everyone! HW: Finish the work we started in class today (just today’s work. Don’t work ahead.) WWI Retests Thurs/Friday at Lunch or After School. The Russian Revolution. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Please do not talk at this timeApril 15

Please get a book and a Russian Revolution Packet- Pg. 125

Welcome Back Everyone!

HW: Finish the work we started in class today (just today’s work. Don’t work ahead.)

WWI Retests Thurs/Friday at Lunch or After School

The Russian Revolution

Get a partner if you want one.We will be looking at some of the causes

and effects of the Russian Revolution in more detail.

As you read Chapter 14.1, look for causes and effects of the Russian Revolution and record notes from the text in the boxes for each topic.

There are questions to help you focus on the most important information.

Be ready to share out.

Useful Vocabulary- Please look at the top of your page.

Czar Nicolas II- King of Russia in the early 1900’sAbdicate- to give up the position of King and all

its powers to another person or group.Duma- the Russian parliament, like a congress

and made up of elected officials who make and enforce laws.

The Soviets- Councils of Elders from all the great cities of Russia. The biggest cities elect Communist Bolsheviks to their Soviets and eventually, these groups, led by Lenin, take over in a coup.

Start with this part of the chart and look at pgs 433-435

Causes of the Russian Revolution: Why are the Russian people angry?

Autocratic Rule




Russo-Japanese War


Bloody Sunday



Start with this part of the chart and look at pgs 433-435

Causes of the Russian Revolution: Why are the Russian people angry?

Autocratic Rule




Russo-Japanese War


Bloody Sunday



Political, Economic, Social

Remember these? What types of events go into each category?

Political- Government, wars, laws, police, courts, trials, politics, political parties, parliaments and congresses, etc…

Economic- Money, natural resources, infrastructure like roads, power plants, factories, business, economic systems, distribution of wealth, land, resources, etc…

Social- People, relationships, traditions, ways of doing things, culture, beliefs, religion, social groups and classes, etc…

Factors Leading to Revolution

Look the chart section titled Factors Leading to Revolution in Russia.

Decide what category each event goes in, Political, Economic, or Social.

Write S, P or E next to each event 1-10.

1. Political

2. Social

3. Political

4. Political

5. Economic

6. Economic

7. Political

8. Political

9. Social

10. Political Are your answers different? That could be ok… what is your reasoning? Defend your choice!

Did you get these answers?

Suggestions to the Czar…

How could the Russian Czar have avoided revolution?

With your partner or on your own consider some actions that the Czar could have taken which would solve at least 3 of the problems listed above.

Share Out…Of all these answers, which one is the

MOST likely to be successful and why?

Effects of these Causes: How do the Russian people respond to their situation?

Please continue to work on your chart…

Marxism (see pg 302 – 304)The way communism is supposed to work

What do the people like about Marxism?

Effects of these Causes: How do the Russian people respond to their situation?

Please continue to work on your chart…

Marxism (see pg 302 – 304)The way communism is supposed to work

What do the people like about Marxism?

Please do not talk at this timeApril 16

Please get a book and a Russian Revolution Packet- Pg. 125

We will be continuing our work on the Russian Revolution.HW: Finish the work we started in class today (just today’s work. Don’t work ahead.)

WWI Retests Thurs/Friday at Lunch or After School

Special ScheduleWednesday- Period 2 starts at 8:40- 10 minutes EARLY!

Thursday- Period 1 starts at 8:00- 10 minutes EARLY!

Useful Vocabulary- Please look at the top of your page.

Bolshevics- Lenin’s Communist party in RussiaThe Provisional Government- A group of democracy

minded upper and middle class men, trying to run the government after the Czar steps down. They want to stick it out in WWI.

Kerenski- The head of the Provisional Government, a capitalist. Also tries to keep Russia in WWI.

The Soviets- Councils of Elders from all the great cities of Russia. The biggest cities elect Communist Bolsheviks to their Soviets and eventually, these groups, led by Lenin, take over in a coup.

Lenin- Brilliant Communist mastermind who leads the Bolsheviks in a bloodless coup and takes over Russia.

Mensheviks- Opponents to the Bolsheviks, capitalist, funded by the US, they fight a civil war for two years until they are defeated by the red army.

Look at Doc. 1A and 1B and answer these questions on your paper.

1. Based on Doc 1A, explain the beliefs of Vladimir Lenin and the Bolsheviks.  2. According to Doc. 1B, how was Russia affected by its involvement in WWI?  3. What did Communist Vladimir Lenin promise the Russian people?  4. Explain why communism might appeal to the Russian people.

Now do this part of the chart with pgs 435-436

March Revolution Czar steps down, Lenin steps up

Why does the Czar have to step down?

Now do this part of the chart with pgs 435-436

March Revolution Czar steps down, Lenin steps up

Why does the Czar have to step down?

Look at Doc. 2 and answer this question on your paper.

5. How did the Russian People respond to their poor living conditions in 1917?

Look at Doc. 2 and answer this question on your paper.

5. How did the Russian People respond to their poor living conditions in 1917?

Please do not talk at this time April 17/18

Please get a book and a Russian Revolution Packet- Pg. 125

We will be continuing our work on the Russian Revolution.

HW: Russian Revolution Packet and 3 Revolutions Questions are Due Friday.

Now do this part of the chart with pgs 436-437

Bolshevik Revolution

Why do the peasants support the Bolsheviks?

Look at Doc. 3A and answer this question on your paper.

6. Why does Lenin want to overthrow the Provisional Government?

Now do this part of the chart with pgs 436-437

Bolshevik Revolution

Why do the peasants support the Bolsheviks?

Look at Doc. 3A and answer this question on your paper.

6. Why does Lenin want to overthrow the Provisional Government?

Now do this part of the chart with pgs 437-439

Look at Doc. 4A and answer this question on your paper.

7. What changes does Lenin make in his New Economic Policy? 8. According to Doc 4B, how did the NEP affect Russia?

  Further Effects: How do these revolutions effect Russia

economically and politically?Civil War  

Lenin’s New Economic Policy and Political Reforms


Now do this part of the chart with pgs 437-439

Look at Doc. 4A and answer this question on your paper.

7. What changes does Lenin make in his New Economic Policy? 8. According to Doc 4B, how did the NEP affect Russia?

  Further Effects: How do these revolutions effect Russia

economically and politically?Civil War  

Lenin’s New Economic Policy and Political Reforms


Please find a New partner (or get one if you didn’t have one before)

Get a Comparison Chart for the American, French and Russian Revolutions.Look carefully at the information on three of the

revolutions we have studied so far.What do they have in common?How are they different?3 Revolutions Questions: Pg 126AConsider these focus questions and answer them on a new

sheet of paper :What did people want?What prevented them from getting what they wanted?How did they respond to these challenges?Were they successful?What led to their success or failure?

Russian Revolution Packet- Pg 125A-C3 Revolutions Questions: Pg 126A