please be notified in 5 minutes

"Please be notified in 5 minutes, we are going to destroy your home." In other words, Israel publicly announces to thousands of civilians their full intent to perpetrate yet another war crime and you're asking us to somehow acknowledge this as some type of humane gesture? The gall. How about a murderer"notify"their victims by sending them text messages/ leaflets that they're coming shortly to murder them - does it make it any less perverse? If this is the level of desperation Zionists and their sympathisers have stooped to, then it's little wonder public opinion is God willing, starting to turn against them.

Upload: educator56

Post on 27-Dec-2015




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Page 1: Please Be Notified in 5 Minutes

"Please be notified in 5 minutes, we are going to destroy your home." In other words, Israel publicly announces to thousands of civilians their full intent to perpetrate yet another war crime and you're asking us to somehow acknowledge this as some type of humane gesture? The gall. How about a murderer"notify"their victims by sending them text messages/ leaflets that they're coming shortly to murder them - does it make it any less perverse? If this is the level of desperation Zionists and their sympathisers have stooped to, then it's little wonder public opinion is God willing, starting to turn against them.