player briefing packet v3.pdf

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  • 8/12/2019 Player Briefing Packet v3.pdf



    Dakka Dakka Worldwide Campaign Player Briefing


    First Phase

  • 8/12/2019 Player Briefing Packet v3.pdf




    Section 1; Overview

    Section 2; Why We Fight

    Section 3; Location, Location, Location

    Section 4; Dramatis Personae

    Section 5; So What the Heck Do We Actually Do?

    Section 6; Anything Else?

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    Section 1; Overview

    Aboard the God-Slayer

    Danio pushed the data slate to the side of his desk, and rubbed the grit forming in the corner of his

    eyes. How could he have been so blind?

    The Great Enemy has been on the brink of victory for years, decades.

    They had felt safe while they focused their rage on eternal Cadia, but now that had stalemated, the

    enemy was striking out furiously at other sectors.

    Danio stood, and turned to look out the massive window that dominated one side of his room. In

    times of danger, the window was covered by a solid armourplas bulkhead. The bulkhead was in its

    resting position at the moment, allowing an unobstructed view of the glorious grey orb which was

    his planet. Volkh I. His homeworld, and now his seat of power as Governor of the Ventra Majoris

    sub-sector, home to nearly 50 billion Imperial Citizens spread over 24 worlds.

    He keyed the button on his vox-corder, preparing his message to be delivered to the planets across

    the sub-sector.

    Venta Majoris

    This sub-sector is one of several which provides large amounts of weapons, ammunition and tanks to

    the Cadian Gate.

    Abaddon believes that a strike at these supply sectors will cripple the defenders of Cadia, opening

    the way for the victory he has long awaited. But Chaos isnt the only threat, only the most


    Slowly, from the blackness of deep space, something sinister is approaching the galactic plane.

    Ancient forces stir from their slumber beneath the ground of worlds, or approach along forgotten

    paths of the void. A lost fleet pursued by their kindred finds itself in uncharted space inhabited by

    their enemies.

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    Section 2; Why We Fight

    The Forces of Order;


    The runes have been cast, the skeins of fate consulted, and the path

    is clear. The Eldar must go to war, they must aid the Imperium and

    the forces of Order, lest all be lost to the Great Enemy. The sector

    includes several Maiden Worlds, which the Eldar already protect

    from trespassers. Recently the Aspect Shrines in the area have borne

    witness to the Phoenix Lords presence, these great warriors have

    engaged the enemy of the Eldar with skill and success, yet some

    wonder why they have all gathered in the one sector at the one time.

    Could the Rhana Dandra be upon them? Yet hope can be found in the

    darkest of circumstances. Where the appearance of a Blackstone

    Fortress would normally cause fear and panic, it has instead

    strengthened the resolve of the Eldar. Led by Qsandria, a task force from Ulthwe is attempting to

    corner the Blackstone Fortress where her master Eldrad Ulthran was defeated, hoping to find some

    clue as to his true fate.

    Imperial Guard

    The Imperial Guard. The Hammer of the Emperor. Weary from the

    hard wars in the region, they never the less answer the call for aid

    from the Venta Majoris sub-sector with fire and fury. Numerousregiments descend upon the area, reinforcing key worlds or

    striking at the enemy presence on others. Armoured companies

    roll forth from cyclopean dropships, the ground shaking beneath

    their treads. Stealth troopers inset behind enemy lines, and line

    infantry assault the enemy head on, bringing their advance across

    the sub-sector to a grinding halt. Yet with the strains placed upon

    them by the warfare around Cadia, will they have the power to

    savethe sub-sector, or will they have to abandon these worlds to

    the Emperors foes? No, never. They will fight to the last, die to a man to defend these vital supply

    planets. For the Company, for the Regiment, and for the Emperor!

    Inquisition Forces

    The dreaded Inquisition is making its presence felt in the Venta Majoris sub-sector. Each of the Ordo

    Majoris have their own reasons for being present at this trying time of the Imperium, reasons

    beyond the simple safety of the Imperium. Many of the Ordo Minoris have members active in the

    sector as well, serving the Imperium in their own way.

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    Ordo Malleus

    The Ordo Malleus, defenders from the threat beyond, were always

    present in the Venta Majoris sector in moderate numbers. The recent

    increase in enemy activity, however, has led to their presence in the

    region spiking drastically. From the nearby Formosa Sector, Inquisitor Lord

    Torquemada Coteaz has arrived, presumably because of the threat that

    insurrection in this sector would pose to his own. Some believe that he is

    instead present because of rumours of a successful rejuvinative regime

    which has been discovered in the sector, prolific enough to extend his service to the Imperium for

    years to come.

    Together with their Chamber Militant, the Grey Knights, they have played a key role in denying the

    daemonic foe. But will their strength of arms and faith in the God-Emperor be enough when the true

    storm breaks?

    Ordo Xenos

    The Ordo Xenos have descended upon the Venta Majoris sector in nigh

    on unprecedented numbers. This has been attributed to the rise in xeno

    activity in the region, Inquisitors arriving ready to defend the imperium or

    advance their own studies as they see fit. Those with contacts within the

    folds of the Inquisition, however, are hearing whispers of another reason

    for this increase in manpower.

    Inquisitor Valeria and Inquisitor Darkhammer, their personal vendetta

    finally emerging from behind the cloak of secrecy that so much of the

    Inquisitions work is conducted behind, have surfaced in the sector. Other

    inquisitors are choosing sides, weighing in on one side or the other. This

    tension is threatening the strained alliances present within the Ordo, and

    if it isnt resolved soon, there willbe dire consequences. For the sector, for the Inquisition and for

    the Imperium as a whole.

    Ordo Hereticus

    The Ordo Hereticus has been exerting its influence in the Venta Majoris sector

    for decades, rooting out the witch and the mutant from Imperial society.

    Recently they have seen a drastic increase in Chaos taint, cults and

    unsanctioned psykers wreaking havoc on many worlds. Fyodor Karamazov

    himself has arrived at the head of a large train of followers, intent on burning

    this taint out. Already his court has seen to the destruction of hundreds of

    heretics and traitors, yet Karamazov, being the veteran Inquisitor that he is,

    well knows that there is more to come, and that the taint may have to be

    faced down on the open field of battle when it comes to the end.

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    Sisters of Battle

    The Great Enemy must be denied. Led by the living saint, the

    Sisters of Battle have diverted much of their strength from the

    Cadian battles to this new theatre of war. With fire and faith

    they will purify the taint of Chaos from this sub-sector. The

    Cardinal of Valos has denounced the forces of the mutant, the

    traitor, and the heretic, and with his holy blessing the Sisters of

    Battle go forth to bring the Word and the Wrath of the

    Emperor himself to the enemy.

    Space Marines

    The Space Marines, the Emperors Angels of Death. They safeguard his

    Imperium from the enemy within, and the enemy without. Many honoured

    chapters have sent warriors to the growing struggle in this sector. The

    Blood Angels know that defeating the foe here will slow their advance on

    Baal, the Black Templars have followed Ghazghkulls trail. The Ultramarines

    and their successors are defending the Eastern Fringe of the Imperium

    through their actions, and the Dark Angels have their own enigmatic

    reasons for fighting here. Scores of other chapters have contributed

    warriors to the fight for their own reasons, be they simply defending the

    Imperium, or something more secretive. The greatest war of our age is

    upon us, and without the Space Marines, the Imperium cannot succeed.

    The Forces of Disorder;


    The Despoiler has recognized the significance of this sub-sector.

    Extracted from Cadia, he leads this new thrust at the base of the

    fortress worlds support structure. The gods continue to back him,

    seeing their strength grow in many ways. Slaanesh recognizes thebeginning of the final stages of the Eldars fall in a victory in this

    sub-sector. Khorne eagerly anticipates the blood soon to flow.

    Nurgle awaits his chance to spread yet more plague and poison

    across the galaxy. Tzeentch has his own reasons, his scribes have

    found a vast repository of knowledge in the sub-sector, and this is what he desires. Their

    worshippers will follow them to the ends of the universe, either out of love, fear or both, and the

    peons of the corpse emperors should shake in fear.

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    Dark Eldar

    She Who Thirsts grasp is closing. The Wych cults lack sport,

    the Covens slaves. But in the Venta Majoris sub-sector, the

    Dark Eldar have found their salvation. Possibly the most

    unique aspect of the Venta Majoris sub-sector is the

    presence of the Korzack Blood Orchid, or the Ruple, that

    grows on the ancient battlefields scattered across the

    realm, feeding on the arterial blood that these delicate

    cherry red blooms require in order to germinate. The

    blossoms carry a powerful chemical, the base chemical of a

    previously unknown family of stimulants so potent that it is rumoured that the first Dark Eldar to try

    a fraction of a gram has yet to descend from his euphoric state, and would rather die than do so.

    This bloom thrives under chaotic influence, so for the Dark Eldar to save their souls, they must dance

    with the devil.


    A green tide is coming. Having evaded his pursuers for now, Ghazghkull

    Mag Uruk Thraka, the prophet of the Waagh!, descends on this sector

    of space. In his train come representatives of all the clans, eager to do

    battle with anyone and everyone. Gork and Mork themselves have

    appeared to Ghazghkull, promising to make him the biggest Ork in the

    history of their race, as long as he puts the sector to the torch in thegreatest Waagh! in history. Other warbosses are staying nearby him,

    but whether it is to share in the thickest fighting, or because they think they stand a chance at

    challenging him and gaining Gork and Morks favour, remains to be seen.



    The tombs awaken. All across the sector, worlds cry out for aid before fallingsilent, as the legions of Necrons arise from beneath. Overlords from other

    dynasties rush towards these awakening Necrons, in the hope of gaining control

    of an ancient weapon that these Tomb Worlds held the key to. A World Engine

    of unimaginable power, capable of stripping the energy from a sun and

    controlling it. All life in the sector, perhaps the segmentum, is in danger if the

    Necrons gain control of this artefact. Last time, it took the sacrifice of an entire

    Astartes chapter to stop a World Engine. This time, even that may not be


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    Oshova. His name was fitting really, for the great general was most

    assuredly gifted with a vision. A vision of the future. The future of

    the Tau. They are a small fish in a vast ocean, the true horror of the

    scope and breadth of our enemies largely hidden from the majority

    of the Tau people. This civilization seems coherent and inseparable,

    yet every people have their rebels. A student of the great

    Commander Farsight, a witness to the greatest horrors the galaxy

    has to offer, a pragmatist, a survivor. He knows that the

    incremental expansion of the Tau Empire will not last, and that

    when one of the behemoth powers of the universe turn their gaze

    upon this young race, they will perish. Like Farsight, he would throw it all away; his fame, status and

    position, for a single cause. The protection of the Empire. He aims to penetrate deep into enemy

    space, further than any exploratory vessel has ever travelled. To destroy the enemies of the Tau,

    they need to strike where the balance is most precarious. The Venta Majoris sub-sector,

    inconsequential until the recent Cadian wars, now holds the key to that sector of space. And these

    breakaway Tau believe that they have the power, in the form of a new weapon, to turn the balance

    in their favour. The traditional Tau see this as a threat to the status quo and, fearing the retribution a

    vengeful Imperium would heap upon them for a strike such as this, are set to stop their renegade



    Hive Fleet Leviathan, the largest of all tendrils that clutch the

    Imperium, has had several arms severed by the great wars that rage

    across the galaxy. Isolated from the near limitless reinforcements of

    the main Hive Fleet, the many splinter fleets that infest Venta Majoris

    sub-sector are still distantly connected to the Hive Mind. Instead of a

    reckless onslaught that they had once been a part of, they bide their

    time for the arrival of the Leviathan, and show a keen interest in the

    works of the Adeptus Biologicus, which have a strong presence in this

    sub-sector. Their facilities in the region store vast quantities of

    cadavers from a classified race of xenos hailing from the edges of the

    galaxy, a race which could hold the key to the final defeat of the

    Tyranids. The forces of the Hive Mind must stop this work, even if it

    means harvesting every planet in the sub-sector to ensure their success. A success which could

    ensure the fate of the galaxy.

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    Section 3; Location, Location, Location

    Venta Majoris Sub-Sector

    This subsector is located to the galactic south of the fortress world of Cadia.

    It is one of the key suppliers of this bastion against the darkness, and as such

    has seen of several minor threats. But it has never suffered an invasion of

    this scale.

    Primary System; Venta System

    Star; Venta Majoris (2.5x size of Sol)

    Enpivin; Mining World; Worth 5 Victory Points

    Years of strip mining and ore refining has made the surface of this planet

    uninhabitable, a rolling wasteland of dead, grey ground dotted with the rusting

    wrecks of old digging machines. Yet beneath the surface, work continues unabated,

    caverns so large that cities have sprung up inside them, families of miners living and

    dying without ever seeing the sun, worshipping the Emperors name through their

    hard work at the rock faces.

    Korsk; Mining World, main ore producer for Perdus; Worth 6 Victory Points

    Korsk has fared far better than its sister mining planet Enpivin, strict laws set in place

    by the Mechanicus to prolong its usefulness to the Machine-God have preserved its

    atmosphere and surface. The core of the planet is being eaten away at a

    phenomenal rate however, to better feed the forges of Perdus.

    Hopta IV; Hive World; Worth 7 Victory Points

    Hopta IV is a word of soaring hives sprawled across the surface of a once lush world,

    green forests and flowing rivers replaced with steel towers and walkways. A harsh

    world to grow up on, its people turn to the Emperor in worship to ease their lives,





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    and in light of the threat descending upon them, turn their voices in earnest prayer

    once more.

    Volkh I; Military Civilized World, Seat of Power; Worth 9 Victory Points

    The seat of power in the sub-sector, Volkh I is the home of the Imperial Governor,his highest military commanders, and a large PDF. It is a holy land, sanctified by Saint

    Kay himself, and as such must be held against the forces of darkness encroaching

    upon the Emperors worlds.

    Volkh Secundus; Moon, Orbital Defense Base, massive nova cannon; Worth 6 Victory Points

    This satellite of the seat of power of the sub-sector has a long and glorious military

    history. Since the sub-sector was brought into the Emperors light by Saint Kay years

    ago, it has defended its charge from enemies from within and without. Its cannon

    has caused rebel fleets to scatter in fear, and its PDF have safeguarded Volkh I since

    their inception.

    Perdus; Forge World; Worth 10 Victory Points

    The centre of the Adeptus Mechanicus presence in the sub-sector, Perdus is an

    ancient Forge World, its dark depths driving the Imperial war machine in nearby

    Cadia onwards.

    Masali; Dead World, Quarantined by the Adeptus Mechanicus; Worth 6 Victory Points

    Masali. The world is the basis of many and varied myths and superstitions in the

    region, but what can be agreed on is that no one has set foot on the planet who

    doesnt belong to the Adeptus Mechanicus, and none of them are willing to share

    their secrets.

    Secondary System; Dagon System

    Star; Dagon Primaris (1.5x size of Sol)

    Twin Star; Dagon Secondus (0.5x size of Sol)

    Hera; Hive World; Worth 7 Victory Points

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    Hera is a world covered in a perpetual blanket of filth and smog, acid rain from the

    heavy industry of the hives lashing the streets, thunderstorms turning the highest of

    the spires into super conducting spectacles. Yet in this dreary world, the Emperors

    light shines strong, his people work for their beloved lord, and worship him with

    their full hearts.

    Garevo; Garden World; Worth 4 Victory Points

    A garden world, land on Garevo is one of the most sought after purchases in the

    sub-system. Ancient hive families have spent thousands of thrones to rent land for a

    weekend, and millions for a month. It is a beautiful planet of rolling green hills and

    azure seas, the wildlife similarly attractive and welcoming. How it will survive the

    coming struggle is unknown.

    Jurn; Mining World; Worth 5 Victory Points

    Molov; Mining World; Worth 5 Victory Points

    Jurn, along with its sister planet Molov, are two of the highest outcome mining

    planets in the sub-sector. They are similar in many ways, their surfaces dotted with

    the mouths of deep mine shafts, as well as the settlements for the mining families.

    Recently however, the Imperial Inquisition has been looking into rumours of cult

    activity on these planets, rumours which are increasing with frequency as the enemy

    invasion draws near.

    Valos; Cardinal World; Worth 7 Victory Points

    The heart of the Imperial Cult in the sub-sector, Valos, is a shining beacon of the

    God-Emperors power in the darkness of space. Hymns flow from floating cherubs

    amidst the soaring cathedrals and spires, and the work population are dedicated to

    copying the works of the many Saints for distribution to the masses of the sub-

    sector. A devoted militia stand ready to repel the enemies of the Imperium, and

    keep the broadcasting towers sending their messages of Imperial power throughout

    the sub-sector and bolstering the hearts of its defenders.

    Secondary System; Antropos System

    Star; Antropos IV (9.8x size of Sol)

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    Uralan; Chthonian Planet, Death World; Worth 3 Victory Points

    This planet is a blasted landscape with no atmosphere to speak of. Its surface

    resembles that of terrestrial planets such as ancient Terra, except for the complete

    lack of dwellings or activity. A small population exists beneath the surface in

    pressure sealed cabins, but they have little interaction with the world, manning

    listening stations which supply the sector with much needed information.

    Reillis Primaris; Hive World; Worth 7 Victory Points

    A hive world dedicated to dangerous yet vital industry, it is a place that few choose

    to live. Its soaring towers need constant maintenance because of acidic storms in

    the lower atmosphere, and this is but one of the less dangerous jobs present on the

    planet. Hundreds die each day, their bodies gathered and sent to Reillis Secundus

    for internment. The rest of the population struggle on, indoctrinated to such an

    extent that they believe their lives belong to the Emperor, and that to die in hisservice is the greatest of privileges.

    Reillis Secundus; Grave World; Worth 3 Victory Points

    A grim satellite of Reillis Primaris, this moon is where the dead of Reillis Primaris

    take their final rest, their duty to the God-Emperor complete. The custodians of this

    moon are a grim community, jaded to the promises of eternal life crowed by the

    Ecclesiarchy as they watch body after body brought down from the sky, life after life

    sacrificed to the God-Emperors industry.

    Yourvika; Feudal World, Imperial Guard Recruitment World; Worth 4 Victory Points

    Yourvika is a world which has been kept in a feudal state. This has been done to

    better make the population ready for induction to the Imperial Guard regiments of

    the sub-sector. Soaring mansions house the upper class, while the peasant class

    make their living farming the earth of the world, giving their tithes to their superiors

    and living a harsh life.

    Namba; Death World, High Mineral Wealth; Worth 5 Victory Points

    Covered in volcanoes, with new ones erupting from beneath the surface at a

    moments notice, Namba truly earns its classification of Death World. Its people

    mine the minerals which these eruptions reveal from the core of the earth, and as

    such are a simple folk. The Ecclesiarchy is constantly attempting to bring the

    population in line with the Imperial vision, a mission which has become more

    difficult as the battle lines of the Black Crusade have drawn closer.

    Lucan; Weapons Testing Planet, uninhabitable surface; Worth 6 Victory Points

    Lucan rebelled against the Imperium one hundred years ago. It was brought back

    under the wing of the God-Emperor after a brutal campaign of reconquest. In the

    years since the fighting, the Imperial war machine has made an example of the

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    planet, using it as a weapons testing planet. As such, its surface is uninhabitable, yet

    despite this, it is of vital importance to the Imperial war effort.

    Lucan Sigma; Moon, Forge Moon; Worth 6 Victory Points

    This moon supplies many of the weapons tested on the surface of Lucan, creatingmore and more material for the Imperial Guard and Navy. The efforts of the Adeptus

    Mechanicus on this satellite cannot be overstated, nor can the importance of Lucan

    Sigma. Therefore its pressure sealed compartments must be held against the enemy

    at all costs.

    Secondary System; Inon System

    Star; Inon (0.9x size of Sol)

    Inon Primaris; Hive World; Worth 7 Victory Points

    Inon Primaris is a hive world famous for the amazing reflective glass surfaces of its

    upper spires, and infamous for the recidivist cells present amongst their population.

    This recidivism has a limited impact on the control of the world as a whole, but deep

    down in the plas-steel warrens of the hives, these cells are regrouping and gathering

    their power, ready for the arrival of their gods.

    Ortan Minor; Forge World; Worth 7 Victory Points

    Ortan Minor is the smallest of the forge worlds present in the sub-sector. Despite

    this, it provides a lot of the tools for Lamarno, its monolithic foundaries spewing

    toxic fog into the atmosphere, a situation which would be a serious problem on any

    planet whose controlling class still had organic lungs.

    Lamarno; Agri World; Worth 4 Victory Points

    The bread basket of the sub-sector, Lamarno is famed for its vast green tracts of low

    rolling hills, and its free-roaming herds of Grox in their thousands. It is a paradise

    which is divided into several large family heritage plots, and these families control a

    food cartel whose power extends well beyond the sub-sector.

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    Kabaal; Death World; Worth 3 Victory Points

    A death world to rival Catachan, Kabaal is similarly forested, its dense ironbark trees,

    a mutation of the ironbark gum from ancient Terra, block all scans from the planets

    orbit, and the devastating storms make trips planetside difficult. As such, the

    population are a hard bred bunch, adapted to living on their brutal world. Yet even

    they dare not venture beyond the guarded walls of their compounds too often, lest

    the dark forest claim their lives as well.

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    Section 4; Dramatis Personae

    Warzone Commanders

    Order Disorder Other

    Venta System Venta System Venta System

    Redkommando Ascalam Lt Soundwave

    Dagon System Dagon System Dagon System

    Gromgor Ascalam King Pariah

    Antropos System Antropos System Antropos System

    BloodAngels Brother Ascalam keltikhoa

    Inon System Inon System Inon System

    AlmightyWalrus Ascalam Enigma Crisis

    Reserve Commanders for Order;


    Reserve Commanders for Disorder;

    Reserve Commanders for Other;

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    Section 5; So What the Heck Do We Actually Do?

    Initial Deployment;

    At the beginning of the campaign, choose a system and a planet. This is where your forces

    will be deployed. Do not stress about this too much, it is easily changed (see Travel below)


    Ah, the driving force behind the campaign. The crumping, as certain green faced friends of

    ours would say. These mechanics will be presented in a system-by-system manner.

    Warhammer 40,000;

    Each battle that you fight in counts, affecting who controls the world, furthering your ownideals, or both. The size of the battle counts as well. A skirmish on the grasslands will not have the

    same impact on Imperial Control as an Apocalypse scale battle in the heart of a hive. In addition to

    the effect of battle size, when a battle takes place on a Forge World or a Seat of Power, battles

    fought with the Cities of Death expansion have an increased impact. Additionally, for the first week

    of the campaign, Planetstrike missions will also have an increased effect on the campaign.

    Players in the other forces will be battling for something other than control of the region.

    Tyranid players, you will wish to stay on a world and consume all the biomass available. If you fight

    and win on a world for long enough, then you will succeed in stripping it of its value. Tau players will

    be aiming for destabilisation and destruction in the region, if the enemies of the Greater Good arescattered and unable to strike back, the Tau can continue to grow. The Necrons have their own

    agenda, based around raising the World Engine and deploying its power. These players will be

    briefed by their warzone commanders on the particulars of their goals in those systems.

    To report your battle, follow these steps;

    Step 1; Record the system and planet of the battle, you and your opponents army lists,

    battle set up, and who got first turn.

    Step 2; Provide (at a minimum) a highlight moment from each players turn. A ridiculous

    string of saves, a guardsman seeing of a daemon prince in combat, a khorne bezerker routing a

    whole unit of necrons, whatever you think qualifies as a highlight from your turn.

    Step 3; Record how the game ended, roughly which forces were remaining, which objectives

    were met or controlled, and the Victory Point result. For Cities of Death and Planetstrike games,

    record the result and which objectives were held and submit that result, and the warzone

    commander will moderate the results into a Victory Point result.

    Step 4; Submit these results to your warzone commander

    Battlefleet Gothic;

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    Battles in Battlefleet Gothic have a different impact to those of Warhammer 40,000. They

    can affect anything from the insidious spread of chaotic influence to disrupting the enemies travel

    plans. Due to its specialist nature, the warzone commander and campaign organizers will have

    significant input on the results of the games.

    To report any fleet engagements, follow these steps;

    Step 1; Record you and your opponents lists and battle details (i.e. mission, objectives, etc)

    Step 2; Record a highlight of each turn, just as in Warhammer 40,000

    Step 3; Record how the game ended, roughly which forces were remaining and which

    objectives were met or controlled

    Step 4; Submit these results to your warzone commander, and they will have the ultimate

    decision on the effect of the battle


    Considering the nature of Inquisitor as a Role-Playing Game, if you wish to run a campaign of

    this game in conjunction with the worldwide campaign, you need to discuss several things with your

    warzone commander. You need to discuss the final goals of the campaign, the inquisitorial band

    involved, and whichever other mechanics and desires you have in your campaign. Apologies for the

    vague-ness of this entry, but given the malleable nature of an Inquisitor campaign, you can surely

    understand the need for more communication in regards to this game.


    Every army has the ability to move across the cosmos, bringing battle to the enemy on any

    planet, in any system. The mechanics of travel are quite simple. To travel one planet away, it takes 2

    hours. To travel 2 planets away, it takes 4 hours. Three planets is 6 hours of travel time, and it

    continues to increase in 2 hour blocks. While you are travelling, you cannot report any results of the

    games that you play.

    To travel between systems, there is a flat travel rate of 6 hours. You choose a planet in that

    system which you will arrive at.

    These are the steps you take when travelling;

    Step 1; Inform your warzone commander where you will be travelling, and how long that

    journey is

    Step 2; Wait the length of travel time

    Step 3; Inform the warzone commander of the system you are currently in (this will be the

    same as before your travel if you are just going between planets, and it will be a new person if you

    have travelled between systems) that you have arrived at your new location

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    Step 4; Continue with the battles!

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    Section 6; Anything Else?

    Feel free to PM any of the organizers or to post questions in the World Wide Campaign

    thread as you feel the need. Questions specifically related to these rules and the packet itself should

    be posted in this thread, and Ill endeavour to keep the OP updated with the FAQs you guys have

    and some answers for those. When enough FAQs have shown up, Ill edit the OP with an updated

    packet. As the campaign drags on and other mission types become more important (similar to how

    planetstrike is important in the opening phase) we will release new packets. So keep your eyes on

    the thread, thanks for your interest, and we look forward to hearing from you all.