plantwise in the caribbean and latin america

KNOWLEDGE FOR LIFE DEVELOPMENT projects Due to its huge latitudinal range, varied topography and rich biodiversity, Latin America and the Caribbean has one of the most diverse and complex ranges of farming of any region in the world. so what’s the problem? Pests and diseases mean that crops suffer and yields are often less than half what they could be. Extension services can’t possibly meet all the wide-ranging information needs of smallholder farmers, and providing timely and relevant advice can significantly improve food security. what is CABI doing? Responding to this, Plantwise – led by CABI – has been initiated to improve food security and rural livelihoods across the world. It does this by reducing crop losses and helping countries establish community-based plant clinics to deliver practical advice to farmers who have problems with their crops. Timely and relevant advice can significantly improve food security, so Plantwise bolsters extension services to meet the information needs of smallholder farmers. We are joining-up the research community and farmers by translating the researchers’ knowledge into practical, accessible advice. We then feedback information from farmers into a central resource, the Knowledge Bank. Bringing the best knowledge in the plant health field, the Knowledge Bank includes local pest distribution data and is made available to extension workers, researchers, policy makers and others. Plantwise in the Caribbean and Latin America Locations Barbados Bolivia Grenada Honduras Nicaragua Peru Suriname Trinidad & Tobogo Dates of project Ongoing CABI project team Yelitza Colmenarez

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Plantwise in the Caribbean and Latin America


Page 1: Plantwise in the Caribbean and Latin America


development projects

Due to its huge latitudinal range, varied topography and rich biodiversity, Latin America and the Caribbean has one of the most diverse and complex ranges of farming of any region in the world.

so what’s the problem?Pests and diseases mean that crops suffer and yields are often less than half what they could be. Extension services can’t possibly meet all the wide-ranging information needs of smallholder farmers, and providing timely and relevant advice can significantly improve food security.

what is CABI doing?Responding to this, Plantwise – led by CABI – has been initiated to improve food security and rural livelihoods across the world. It does this by reducing crop losses and helping countries establish community-based plant clinics to deliver practical advice to farmers who have problems with their crops.

Timely and relevant advice can significantly improve food security, so Plantwise bolsters extension services to meet the information needs of smallholder farmers.

We are joining-up the research community and farmers by translating the researchers’ knowledge into practical, accessible advice. We then feedback information from farmers into a central resource, the Knowledge Bank.

Bringing the best knowledge in the plant health field, the Knowledge Bank includes local pest distribution data and is made available to extension workers, researchers, policy makers and others.

Plantwise in the Caribbean and Latin America

LocationsBarbados Bolivia Grenada Honduras Nicaragua Peru Suriname Trinidad & Tobogo

Dates of projectOngoing

CABI project teamYelitza Colmenarez

Page 2: Plantwise in the Caribbean and Latin America

contactCABI, CABIUNESP-Fazenda Experimental Lageado, FEPAF (Escritorio da CABI), Rua Dr. Jose Barbosa de Barros 1780, Fazenda Experimental Lageado CEP:18.610-307, Botucatu, Sao Paulo, Brazil T: +5514-38826300 E: [email protected]

We are currently working in eight countries in the Caribbean and Latin America:

• training plant doctors and establishing plant health clinics in rural locations to provide free advice to farmers• training future plant doctor trainers• developing data management systems for collating and analyzing information from plant clinics• linking diagnostic laboratories to plant clinics• developing farmer-friendly fact sheets for pest problems• collating country-specific information for the Plantwise knowledge bank (• providing country-specific plant health news• supporting extension campaigns based on plant clinic information• strengthening links between stakeholders in the national plant health system

results so farBarbados: The plant clinic concept was recently launched here, and plant clinics are well received. We are partnering with the Ministry of Agriculture, Food, Fisheries and Water Resource Management and are planning to train an additional 25 Ministry officers to run four plant clinics throughout the country.

Bolivia: We’re working with local partners at the Santa Cruz Government (DSA, CIAT, SEDAG), INIAF, SENASAG, PROINPA, local universities and research institutions. Currently, we have 27 plant clinics running in Santa Cruz and Cochabamba which have been well received by farmers.

Grenada: So far, clinics have been well received here. We’re working with the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries and planning to run eight clinics for Grenada and Carriacou run by Ministry staff.

Honduras: As a pilot, we started implementing Plantwise in the Ocotepeque region with the National Plant Health Service (SENASA). We also have active participation from nine local organizations, including NGOs, farmer cooperatives and municipalities. Currently, 21 plant doctors have been trained and nine plant clinics have opened.

Nicaragua: Here, we’re working with the National Plant Health Network, which involves all the private and public institutions related to agriculture in the country. At the moment there are 17 plant clinics in Las Segovias and Occidente. Farmers associations have embraced the plant clinic concept which is incorporated in their normal service.

Peru: Working with INIA to implement the programme nationally, there are four initial regions where plant clinics are running (Puno, Tarapoto, Huancayo y Huaral). We have the support of local government, universities and research institutions.

Suriname: We are working with the Caribbean Institute, and the Ministry of Agriculture Animal Husbandry and Fisheries (LVV) here. Currently, we have two plant clinics in operation and with two new clinics planned; there will be four in total.

Trinidad &Tobago: We are working with the Ministry of Food Production in Trinidad. In all, 26 plant doctors have been trained. Presently, eight plant clinics are run throughout Trinidad and two clinics are planned for Tobago in 2013.





partnersMinistries of Agriculture (including extension, research and regulatory departments and institutes)


Non-governmental organisations

Farmers association (Cooperatives)

Private sector

sponsorsAustralian Centre for International Agricultural Research

Department for International Development (DFID), UK

Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)