plants and planets april 2014

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Plants and Planets guide for April 2014


  • Plants & Planets Aligning with Celestial Influences Volume No. 17 Issue No. 7 April 2014 $5

    2014 Rosanne Finn, Carol Trasatto-----For information on private consultations and classes, call Rosie Finn at (360) 866-6859 [email protected] or e-mail Carol Trasatto at [email protected]

    Death and Taxes:

    Grasping for Certainty in a Time of Great Spiritual Evolution

    An Overview of April

    by Rosie Finn

    Themes for April:

    Grand Square: Pluto-Uranus-Jupiter-Mars (happening all month, within 5-degree orb from April 7 May 20; within 2-degree orb April 15 29; within 1-degree orb April 20 26; most significant day April 20 which is Easter Sunday because the Moon gets into the picture and most of the aspects are most exact on that day). Mercury triggers the Grand Square on 4/14 while Pluto is stationing during a Lunar Eclipse (that is only 11 degrees away from the Grand Square).

    Grand Trine: Jupiter-Saturn-Chiron, mostly exact in May. Venus conjuncts Chiron and trines Jupiter in April.

    My title cracks me up. Death and Taxes. It is so perfect for this month because this month is so much about radical transformation (death) under pressure (being taxed). I dont think I have ever seen a time of such extraordinary synchronicity. I literally feel like I am falling into a black hole of perfection, where the language of geometry and symbol never ends. I keep finding cooler and cooler connections. I can remember first learning how to read. Once I got my letters, and then put them together in words, it was all a bit of a struggle. But then theres that moment when looking at letters becomes reading and we enter a whole new world. Thats what the astrology looks like to me. I think I have just been learning the letters and putting together the words. This month I started reading. Back to death and taxes. There are two polarizing energies this month. To say its stressful is an understatement. There is a taxing energya force, a pressure, a burdensome obligation and demand is placed on us. We have to show up. The force of the square demands our attention and duty. While underlying this seemingly insurmountable stress is the greatest potential for total planetary transformation. Nothing

    appears more totally transforming to a third-dimensional being than death. Yet, at the same time, Im laughing. Because as real as death and taxes seem, neither are as real or as significant as we make them out to be. Death when seen from the other side is such a minor transformation compared to the true and deep healing that so many of us are doing inside of our bodies this life time. And as we are coming to see more and more, money and our economy are imaginary agreements that because we keep believing in them we keep making them real (or at least pretending to make them real). The truth of this time is so much deeper and more significant. Underlying the obvious, attention-getting Grand Square is an exact 11-pointed star, an exact Grand Trine and an exact 7-pointed star. Underlying the stress is such a fast moving flow of ease and grace that we might mistake that river for pressure. It all depends on what you are looking at. Do you dare to see the Venus-Neptune eclipse in the 7th harmonic of magic and ascension? Do you have the courage to see the Mercury-Uranus eclipse that brings our minds into a heightened state of awareness, being able to bring truly



    Four Overarching Themes for Apri l...2 Wounds Heal, Opening the Way......3 Medicine All ies Greening Out5 Tarot: Deep Inner WorkCore Wounds...6 Twelve Portents or Marvels of Apri l..... 10 Heal ing Potential/Mystical Quotient....10 Days for Signing Contracts..10 Holy Days in Apri l12 Astro-Healthwise.......13 Inside Apri l : Astrology & Tarot.....13

  • Plants & Planets ~ April 2014


    2013 Rosanne Finn, Carol Trasatto-----For information on private consultations and classes, call Rosie Finn at (360) 866-6859 [email protected] or e-mail Carol Trasatto at [email protected]


    Death and Taxes

    Continuedfrompage1 new ideas onto this planet? Yes, these ideas already exist, but maybe not on Earth. Vega has got some wild ideas to share with us. Do we just see the square (death and taxes) or do we see the stars behind the square? Vega, Sirius, Alpheratz and Algoraball bright stars that are exactly aligned with the square as if to let us know that the pressure we feel is simply a doorway.

    Mid-April appears like a vortex, the kind you dive into and fall and fall and falland then find yourself on Vega, a land of our dreams. There are places in the Universe where there is overarching peace, a conscious vibration of love and kindness. Societies created where beings are conscious enough to accept free will, live in freedom with personal responsibility and understand the deep interconnected thread that ties all things together. This place has to exist. Otherwise, where do these souls go from here? Rumi, Neem Karoli Baba, Ramakrishna, Swami Kripalvinandaji, Sappho, Hypatia, Princess Di? Where are they now? They still exist. They arent just hanging out here as ghosts. Okay, maybe Dianna is, but Hafiz? Hafiz is in ecstasy spreading ecstasy wherever he is now. Hafiz was timeless even in a body, as are we all. God said, I am made whole by your life. Each soul, each soul completes me. Hafiz. To mourn Hafiz is to completely miss the point of Hafiz. He is just as much in existence now as he ever was. This April is a black hole to the land of Hafiz. Dont get lost along the way. That means, dont panic. That means laugh when you feel like screaming, hug when you feel like hitting, and breathe when you feel like holding your breath. Dance when you feel fear. Reach out when you feel alone. Sing when you feel lost. Be even more attentive to love. Share joy even more and rest and retreat and relax whenever you can. There isnt any point to negative prediction. Every change includes stress. Every transformation has a dynamical ebb and flow. The Earth burps and our simple human bodies do not have control other than for our own response that is to some degree in alignment with Earths needs and experiences. The degree to which we align with Earth and Universe and all living things and all energiesis to the extent that we experience bliss, a profound inner joy that burns within and radiates out.

    It seems to me that a new language is appearing, a language that includes direction, sound and shape. In a simplified way, it is like Pi. It begins with a simple question: how do we define the arc of a circle? And we get an imperfect ratio and number that doesnt end. In fact, April is like Pinot just in metaphor. The closest ratio for Pi is 22/7. In April, we see the theme of 22 and 7 ariseboth harmonics being present. Especially the number 11 and 14 show up. The ratio of 11 to 14 is the area of a circle to the area of the square that boxes it in. The circle and the square, two simple shapes we learn as children, but within them lies a doorway into a complex and perfect world. The circle is pure potential and the square is that which is made manifest. Thus the squared circle is pure potential brought into form.

    Four Overarching Themes Cardinal Grand Square: Pluto-Uranus-Jupiter-Mars. Most exact from (everything within 1-degree orb) 4/19 4/23. Close enough to exact (everything with 5-degrees orb) 4/6 5/26. Exactly aligned with the powerful stars Sirius, Vega, Alpheratz and Algorab.

    14-pointed star: Main anchors are Pluto-Neptune-Saturn-South Node-North Node. Includes such powerful points as: the Super Galactic Center at 2 Libra; Bellatrix the Female Warrior; Orions Belt and the Orion Nebula; Asellus Austalis and Borealis, the most auspicious Nakshatras in Vedic astrology; and Algol (the winking eye of Medusa). In the remaining points lie the stars and clusters: Ophiuchus Cluster, Sadachbia (the Lucky Star of Hidden Things)1, Diphda (the Tail of the Whale) and Al Bali (Good Fortune of the Swallower). 11-Pointed Star: Main players are Neptune-Saturn-Jupiter-Mars-Venus. Add in the Galactic Center, the Fornax Cluster, Aldeberan, Dubhe and Denebola and we have ourselves a complete and perfect 11th harmonic. Time for channeling. Time for ascension. Time for rising up. Time for going beyond the great beyond. What adds to the coolness is that Jupiter is at 11 Cancer and Saturn is at 22 Scorpio when it is most exact on 4/6/14. This 11th harmonic is mostly strong at the beginning of the month, thus it is the entry pointthe initiation into the transformation. It is the calling in of guides and support. It is the welcomer of gentle spirits. It is the doorway to ascension. Water Grand Trine: Jupiter-Saturn-Chiron. In and out from summer 2013summer 2014.


  • Plants & Planets ~ April 2014

    ----------------- 2014 Rosanne Finn, Carol Trasatto-----For information on private consultations and classes, call Rosie Finn at (360) 866-6859 [email protected] or e-mail Carol Trasatto at [email protected]


    Wounds Heal, Opening the Way

    by Carol Trasatto, herbalist

    Let what comes come; let what goes go. Find out what remains.

    Ramana Maharshi

    An article with this title appeared five years ago in these pages. My personal understanding of wounds and healing has deepened significantly since then, though, for the record, I also stand by what I wrote here at that time. The title itself comes from a teaching I received 30 years ago while meditating in a forest on the outskirts of Assisi, Italya greenworld that St. Francis was said to have frequented. Leaving my then-partner at the periphery and going off on my own into the forest, I came upon a spot that felt particularly sacred. There I sat with the confusion that was disturbing my mindknowing that things were not congruent in our relationship yet unable to rouse my partner to speak from truth and integrity. I was feeling increasingly disconnected from him, seeing our paths diverge, and wondering if our chapter together was finished. As usual, as in any green abode, my nervous system almost immediately calmed and my energy body hummed with renewal. I was relaxed and at home. In time, words sounded clearly within: Be open, practice and believe. And: Wounds heal, opening the way. I knew at a cellular level that all was well, and all would be well, so long as I vibrated at my own frequency and stood true in my own integrity. These messages from that life-changing pilgrimage continue to guide and sustain me.

    As we live our lives, we are bound to experience wounding of one sort or another. Our physical body, our emotional body, our energy bodiesall of these are subject to being injured or distorted in ways ranging from the dramatic to the barely perceptible. Our relative awareness of these woundsand our capacity to work toward their healingis the stuff of our human experience, the plotline of our stories. The sensitive among us realize that all lifeformsfrom plants to animals to tiny forms of lifepossess energy fields that surround the physical form. The energy body both flows

    from the physical and informs the physical. It is both a template for physical manifestation and an emanation of that manifestation. Much like our cell membranes, it is our interface with the whole of Life. Proper integrity, movement and flow are key in both cases. It is recognized that disturbances within the energy body generally precede disturbances within the physical body. These principles reflect ancient understandings, which have also been perceived through modern scientific methods. Our beings naturally tend toward self-healingthe shift to regain dynamic equilibrium and harmonious wholeness according to an energy pattern that accommodates growth and evolution. There are many physiological mechanisms designed toward that end. Our awareness and our actions must contribute by regularly and rhythmically supplying our tissues with life-supporting nutrients that the Earth so abundantly provides. Where there is intrinsic order and coherence, these nutrients then fuel our innate healing processes in life-sustaining ways. In the emotional and energy realms, we are blessed with consciousness with which to perceive perturbances in our mindscapes and in our electromagnetic fields. To feel and to express is natural; to become identified with any state can create stagnation. Becoming aware of our emotional flows, as curious and non-attached witness, is often a primary gateway toward recognizing consciousness as the wellspring of the personality self as well as the sacred grail that the personality seeks. Through such meditative awareness, we may also detect distortions in our energy fields. Tending to these disturbances and re-tuning our vibratory status is both diagnostic and remedial. These distortions or wounds may show us that change is needed and, often, in what areas of our being. Through various methodsbeginning with the breath, the voice, the movement of the body through space

  • Plants & Planets ~ April 2014


    2014 Rosanne Finn, Carol Trasatto-----For information on private consultations and classes, call Rosie Finn at (360) 866-6859 [email protected] or e-mail Carol Trasatto at [email protected]


    we can clear impediments, restore flow, and renew full expression of our field. As with physical nutrition, energetic nurturance requires regular attention. This may be particularly so in our era of ubiquitous electromagnetic bombardment from our ever-present tools of communicationas well as the general intensity of living on the planet at this time of great transformation. We might think of it as practicing daily vibrational hygiene. Our ability to tap into these levels of healing and presence is something always available, from our first breath and our first crawl upon the soilyet, for most of us, skillfulness involves an evolving recognition and understanding over time. To learn more about what is possible, we must apply what we know to the circumstances of each day. Each moment, we do the best we can with our current level of understanding and expand our learning as we go along. We may seek skilled energy workers to help read and restore our energy fieldsand this can be powerful medicine. Shamanic practices expressed through various cultural models operate in these waysunderstanding that true medicine and healing are of one cloth. That the vibrational, the energetic and the biochemical are indivisible. Even as we rightly ask for assistance in both the visible and invisible realms to assist us in healing ourselves and in healing our planet, it seems key to source all healing efforts from within our own loving hearts and peaceful minds in grounded connection with our earth. Perhaps we must also heal the inner polarity that projects divinity outside of ourselves, to embody our inherent human nature as a reflection of divine luminosity. Humanity has been riding a compelling trajectory toward a collective recognition of who and what we areand what is possible to create within and through these human forms. Instead of believing that only the avatars through the ages carry this potential, we are realizing the essence of their wisdom teachings. In our lifetimes alone, profound awakening has been blossoming throughout the planetary mindas each of us takes responsibility for healing, happiness and peace. It is a beautiful time to be alive, to assist in the collective metanoia that is transpiring. Yes, there are profound woundsglobal and personal. And, we must remember that sensitizing our awareness does not make death obsolete. Death is intrinsic to life on planet Earth as we now know it, as essential to its very arisal as the yin is to the yang. Yet within that dynamic we can remember that wounds heal and suffering eases when we open our hearts, relax into gratefulness, and trust the miraculous processes of

    Life. Where that leads is deeper and deeper into the Great Mystery within which we all dance.

    Plant All ies

    Vulnerable: easily injured or wounded. Vulnerary: an agent used to assist in wound healing. The Latin root for these words is the infinitive vulnerare, to wound, to hurt, to injure. Perhaps it is those three years of Latin study in high school, but out of all the rich vocabulary used in herbalism to describe plant actions, vulnerary has always been one of my favorite terms. Perhaps it is also because the word sort of encapsulates what herbalism is essentially aboutenlisting the aid of green plants to address our human vulnerability. Generally, herbalists speak of vulneraries as herbs that are applied topically in some fashion to heal direct damage to skin or surface tissuesuch as wounds, cuts, burns, ulcerations. These plants may be antiseptic and/or promote cellular repair. They are usually astringent, helping to stop bleeding and promote production of a protective barrier to prevent infection of the damaged tissue, to allow a proper healing. Of course, these same plants may be used to heal epithelial tissue lining the digestive tract, as welltissue that appears to be inside the body but technically remains outside its inner workings. Vulneraries, then, particularly are healing to the interface between inner and outer. It may come as no surprise that among such plants are some long used for psychic protection. A partial listing of vulneraries might include: Aloe vera, calendula, chamomile, chickweed, comfrey, echinacea, elder flowers, English daisy, goldenseal, gotu kola, ground ivy, herb-robert [the wild geranium tribe!], horsetail, ladys mantle, marshmallow, myrrh gum, oak bark, periwinkle, plantain, sage, self-heal, shepherds purse, St. Johnswort, witch hazel, yarrow; generally any part of deciduous trees, and the abidingly astringent leaves and root barks of the numerous rose family members. Of course, each plant in this list has specific indications for use, but for the purposes of this discussion, well just highlight a few. In an immediate-need situation, just take a breath, look around and see what plants are available. A helpful medicine will surely be there. Calendula [Calendula officinalis]: flowers. Antifungal, antibacterial, styptic. Burns, scrapes/cuts, wounds, rashes, fungus, yeast, bed sores, eye area irritation.

  • Plants & Planets ~ April 2014


    2014 Rosanne Finn, Carol Trasatto-----For information on private consultations and classes, call Rosie Finn at (360) 866-6859 [email protected] or e-mail Carol Trasatto at [email protected]


    Comfrey [Symphytum officinale]: leaf. Cooling, emollient, demulcent, astringent. Significantly speeds tissue healing. Scrapes, shallow cuts, rashes, itching, burns, bruises. Also, addresses the deeper wounding associated with sprains, strains, fractures, broken bones. Horsetail [Equisetum arvense]: green vegetative shoot. Astringent, styptic, diuretic. Wounds, ulcerations, tissue irritation [urinary mucosa, bleeding gums]. At a more structural level, horsetail is used to remediate inflammatory changes in connective tissue, including bone, and support the ground material of lungs, kidneys. One of its traditional keynotes is tissue repair following pulmonary tuberculosis and other lung disease. Plantain [Plantago spp.]: leaf. Drawing, cooling, demulcent, emollient. Splinters, bites, stings, boils, burns, ulcerations. Yarrow [Achillea millefolium]: leaf and flower. Astringent, antimicrobial, styptic. Scrapes, cuts, ulcerations, bleeding, hemorrhoids; diarrhea. Especially useful for slow-healing wounds. St. Johnswort [Hypericum perforatum]: flower buds. Astringent, antiviral, antibacterial. Burns, puncture wounds, herpetic lesions, skin trauma with nerve damage. Self-heal [Prunella vulgaris]: leaf and flower spike. Astringent, antibacterial. Herpetic lesions, hemorrhoids, wounds, sore gums.

    Medicine All ies Greening Out Heres a short list of some medicinal wild plant alliesand their seasonal growth status as of mid-March this year in western Washington. Pacific Bleeding Heart [Dicentra formosa]: The hairless, fern-like leaves are floating like green lace in moist, shady areaswith nodding deep pink flowers soon to dangle among them. Compare their leaves and presentation with those of Herb-Robert [Geranium robertianum]. Yarrow [Achillea millefolium]: Feathery leaves are showing themselves in the open spaces yarrow prefers. Look for them at the base of last years flat-topped brown stalks. Wild Carrot [Daucus carota]: aka Queen Annes Lace. Their fern-like leaves are emerging at the base of last years stalks with cup-shaped seed heads, often in the same meadows as yarrow. Compare their leaves at this stage.

    Horsetail [Equisetum arvense]: The green, branched vegetative shoots are emerging here and there among other wet-loving plants. Comfrey [Symphytum officinale]: The tender early leaves are emerging wherever this garden escape has established itself. A welcome healing ally and lush green manure. Do not disturb comfreys roots unless you would stimulate the growth of the patch in question; not a bad thing, just a sure thing. Trust me on this. Swamp lantern [Lysichiton americanum]: aka Skunk cabbage. This harbinger of Spring continues to brighten the wetlandsand our spiritswith its showy bright yellow bracts (which boldly embrace its spike of tiny yellow-green flowers). Cleavers [Gallium aparine]: This delicate plant with its whorls of bristle-tipped leaves is still relatively small but will more wildly express its sprawling and neighbor-climbing gesture in these coming weeks. Look for it in moist, shaded areas. It is often living in community with stinging nettles.


    Creating an Herbal First Aid Kit

    Tuesday, April 29

    6 7:45 pm

    Have what you need when you need it.

    Learn what plant and natural medicines are most useful to have on hand for first-aid emergenciesat home or in the

    fieldand how to use them.

    We will discuss a larger kit for home or car, as well as small kit for backpacking or hiking.

    Cost of the class includes a detailed booklet on creating and using your first aid kit that can be stashed with it for ready

    guidance when needed.

    Taught by Carol Trasatto

    Cost: $40, includes detailed herbal first aid booklet. To register: Radiance Herbs & Massage, 360-357-5250.

  • Plants & Planets ~ April 2014


    2014 Rosanne Finn, Carol Trasatto-----For information on private consultations and classes, call Rosie Finn at (360) 866-6859 [email protected] or e-mail Carol Trasatto at [email protected]


    Western coltsfoot [Petasites frigidus var. palmatus]: Distinctive globular flower heads persist, with leaves expanding in size. Look for Petasites in moist woodlands, particularly along edges such as trailside [or roadside]. Petasites also hangs out, quite literally, on seeping banks. Grindelia [Grindelia integrifolia]: Look for the lance-shaped basal leaves at the base of last years flower stalks, along the salt-water margins grindelia prefers. Please note, of course, all the tree and shrub medicine awakening, particularly: Elder, alder, rosa, hawthorn, willow, all the rubus tribe, devils club, and on and on. And, between rain drops, look toward these wild ones weve been eating for weeks: Stinging nettle leaves; chickweed; small dock leaves; dandelion leaves, flowers and young roots; sheep sorrel leaves; peppercress leaves.

    May Ease and Grace Guide Our Way Home

    Please note that the information offered here is intended for educational and inspirational purposes only. This is not an attempt to diagnose or prescribe for any health condition. Each person has very specific individual needs regarding health and well-being. We support self-empowerment and personal research. As part of that process we encourage active collaboration with a trusted healthcare practitioner when seeking to demystify and address physical symptoms. _________________

    Carol Trasatto I am an herbalist who has been practicing plant arts for almost 35 years. I maintained a holistic wellness counseling practice for 20 years, until my own healing path led me to drop my leaves like a tree in autumn. Currently, I inhabit my days joyful to be here now, to feel the sap flowingand writing, teaching, and supporting this beloved community through my work at Radiance Herbs & Massage. I feel more motivated than ever to help folks recognize the indivisible connection between human health and the health of all beings and all the elements from which we sustain our forms. Contact Carol at [email protected]

    May Love and Blessing

    Surround You,

    May Beauty Guide You On

    The Tarot

    Deep Inner Work: Healing Core Wounds

    by Pamela Norris

    Note to Readers: For the May publication I am seeking two volunteers who would like short readings. The topic is the same as this month, gaining insight into our Deep Inner Work. Please be able to briefly describe your inner work to me, and contact me by email by March 31. For most of us, deep inner work is the journey of our lives. Our relationships, jobs, communities and day-to-day lives are reflections of our core wounds, and our healing process. Our interactions with these entities can show us how we project our deeply held beliefs into the worldwhat we expect, hope and fear will happen and how we are complicit in creating the circumstances of our lives. There are times in our lives when these issues are dormant, and times when they are front and center. The Tarot is an additional source of information for this work, as the cards mirror to us what we hold in our unconscious in the moment. What messages are we sending out into our environments and is that what we really want to convey? What do we believe about our lives? How does our past define our present and future? The more information we have, the better we are able to navigate the complex healing process; the easier is it to understand why things that happen are happening; the quicker we are to forgive self and others and take a position of compassion rather than judgment. The Soul Card: As was the case last month, both volunteers share the same soul card, IX The Hermit. As the title implies, Hermits need a lot of solitary timealone time is a source of comfort and nourishment; the Hermit also need a fair amount of emotional space. Both Jen and Catherine will withdraw if they feel their surroundings have become too chaotic or disorganized, or if they feel limited, restricted or emotionally claustrophobic. Their desire for beauty, order and harmony is reflected in their personal spaces, which are their sanctuaries. Antithetical to this, both women will be called upon at various times in their lives to step into leadership positions, roles they would rather not assume, but take on anyway. They model the integrity and authenticity that most people admire in leaders and facilitators. The dilemma for them is


  • Plants & Planets ~ April 2014


    2014 Rosanne Finn, Carol Trasatto-----For information on private consultations and classes, call Rosie Finn at (360) 866-6859 [email protected] or e-mail Carol Trasatto at [email protected]


    that neither one is comfortable asking others to do anything they themselves have not done or undertaken. They lead by example. Both are deeply serious about the spiritual paths they walk and would rather talk about philosophical ideas than chit chat. They are natural mentors and guides and enjoy helping others who are in transition. Their one big lifetime challenge is completing things from the past before moving forward. Jen The Issue: Jen feels as if she has plateaued on her inner work. She is aware of limiting beliefs that are running in the background but cant quite bring them into form or definition. She wants to bring these issues into the light so she can release them.

    Layout from Tarot Spreads by Barbara Moore. [Woodbury MN: Llewellyn Publications, 2012].

    The Layout and the Positions: I chose the Halcyon Solstice Spread, which was created for the winter solstice but can be done at any time. It is a reading specifically for a time of calm and stillness (Jens plateau) to receive information about what has passed but still remains, and what is pending. Card #1 is the fulcrum or the pivotal point. Cards 2-4 represent the past and 5-7 indicate what is coming in. Specifically, the first card is the snapshot of where Jen is now and is the portal through which the past will flow into the future. The #2 card is what she needs to leave behind, #3 what she needs to learn from and #4 what she needs to carry forward. The fifth card is an opportunity to watch for, #6 a challenge she will have to face and #7 a special message for her to keep with her throughout this transition. The Cards: Number 1 = 0 Fool (Uranus); 2 = XII Hanged Man (Neptune); 3 = Ace of Swords (All Air Signs); 4 = 9 of Wands, Strength (Moon in Sagittarius); 5 = 5 of Cups, Disappointment (Mars in Scorpio); 6 = 10 of Cups, Satiety (Mars in Pisces); 7 = 5 of Wands, Strife (Saturn in Leo). The Interpretation: The Fool is the perfect card to have in this position, for it says that Jen will embark upon this

    journey with trust and anticipation of what is to come. She is fearless about exploring the mystery in an innocent, but not nave way. While her issues are burdensome, her approach to exploring them is light and even playful at times. She is ready to begin again, and understands that the realm of limitless possibility lies at her feet. To see what she leaves behind (#2 card), we look at the shadow qualities of XII Hanged Man. Hanged Man asks us to change our perspective, and to surrender personal will to the will of the greater self. Its possible that Jen is attached to her limitations and obstacles, for not only do they help her to define herself, but they provide a source of resistance that energizes her. When we push against something and begin to work with it, we have a sense of forward motion, even though we may just be turning in circles. Jen, however, recognizes she is stuckthat her beliefs about herself and the world are getting in her wayand is willing to move off of her currently held perspective. Old values must be sacrificed; behaviors that no longer work must be left behind. Shifting the big belief from obstacles prevent to challenges facilitate is one of her first steps. The Ace of Swords in position #3 is her first invitation to shift. She learns from this divinely inspired energy that her thoughts can be connections to her unconscious and not barriers to change. The intellectual clarity that comes to her has been questioned for its validity (is this real?) and for her to learn that her thoughts can be trusted is a big step. Meditation would help focus her mind and channel information to her from her higher self. The #4 card, 9 of Wands, speaks of the great inner strength that she carries forward. The alignment of her sun and moon energies (masculine and feminine) is part of her struggle; this powerful union is now ready to work on her behalf, rather than create conflict that holds her back. She has an abundance of inner resources to draw upon to continue her deep inner work, and can access them frequently, for they are indefatigable! A big challenge, the 5 of Cups, comes in the form of an opportunity! And a gift (10 of Cups) comes in the form of a challenge! The process of inner work has its own timetable; impatience is the greatest impediment to success. To let go of expectations about what should be happening, or how quickly shift should be occurring is her portal to fulfillment. People with Hermit soul cards are naturally hard on themselves, and expect perfection at every turn in the road! Release the expectations and the disappointment cannot come to fruition! Conversely, feeling the culmination of progress and the resultant high can set the stage for letdown when another plateau is reached. The Hanged Man surfaces again to reminding her that plateaus are resting places, giving us time to integrate the deep shifts that have occurred within.

  • Plants & Planets ~ April 2014


    2014 Rosanne Finn, Carol Trasatto-----For information on private consultations and classes, call Rosie Finn at (360) 866-6859 [email protected] or e-mail Carol Trasatto at [email protected]


    Finally, the special message to spur her on comes from the 5 of Wands: Take the risk, go for it! While this card represents inner conflict, its also filled with excitement! The creative process has become bogged down for lack of the assertive force needed to keep it going. Jen may be gun-shy about taking more process on; she may be caving to her egothe part of herself that feels threatened and wants everything to remain the same; or she may simply be tired. But if she goes back to the 9 of Wands, her power and strength, she can move through any perceived barrier to progress. It just requires taking a riskand shes worth the effort! Catherine

    The Issue: Catherine is working with issues of abandonment. Her father left before she was born, and she recognizes that much of her life has been spent creating relationships that end in abandonment. She is ready to end this pattern and let go of the effects of the past.

    Layout adapted from Tarot Spreads by Barbara Moore. [Woodbury MN: Llewellyn Publications, 2012].

    The Layout and the Positions: The Wheel of Fortune Spread provides insight around life-altering changes. Catherine has made the commitment to change her pattern of expecting to be left, which requires changing her attitude about her beginnings (we cant change the events of the past but we can change our perspective of them and our response to them). This will impact her present and future. And the Tarot can give her some focus. Card #1 is the Present, her current perspective and attitude, which is changing. Card #2 is the energy that has passed, but that still has some influence over her. This can represent unfinished business or emotional baggage that still gets in her way. Card #3 is what is coming as a result of her efforts. This is a milestone and will become her new baseline. Card

    #4 is what is missing, either in the past, present or the future. It can show where she is off balance, for the absence of something is just as telling as the presence of something. And #5 is what is constantthe thing that will remain constant throughout her life, even through change. This is a stabilizing element to help her feel anchored in her process. The Cards: Number 1 = 3 of Disks, Works (Mars in Capricorn); 2 = 4 of Cups, Luxury (Moon in Cancer); 3 = 2 of Swords, Peace (Moon in Libra); 4 = 5 of Disks, Worry (Mercury in Taurus); 5 = Queen of Swords (Water aspect of Air). The Interpretation: Catherine has been working hard (3 of Disks) to resolve her issues of abandonment. Progress on these deep emotional issues is often slow but steady. Change is occurring, at its own pace, but we want bigger road signs that point to the right direction and tell us we are on the right road. That usually isnt the case, however, and Catherine must trust that her persistent attention to healing is yielding good results. She has been clinging to the destinationher desire for emotional stability and well-being (4 of cups), and as this period of clinging passes, she will begin to experience the true depth of her inner emotional security. The fours are the most stable representation of each suit, and the Luxury card speaks to the emotional well-being that grows from early childhood experiences. Catherine has had to create that for herselfactually create experiences as an adult that make up the paradigm of emotional security for her inner child. She has done this and wants to ensure that it will support her, but it is the holding on so tightly that crumbles the feeling of security. As she loosens her emotional grip on this, it breathes and grows. The #3 card shows us what Catherine is bringing in as a result of her hard workpeace. The conflict she feels is dissipating and giving way to a more pervasive feeling of balance and harmony. This will create the emotional space necessary to continue on with her healingspace that is free from judgment and critical self-talk, space that is supportive and restorative. The 2 of Swords also indicates that Catherine may feel she is pressed to make a choice between two pathsperhaps the path of letting go of the whole issue and the path of continuing with the difficult work. Compassion for self is the invitation here, and the serenity that compassion brings is the reward, and points to the path of balancesome days letting it go, some days taking it up. The #4 card points to what is missing in her process, and in this case its worry! She is not getting bogged down in the process, nor is she feeling that the situation is hopeless. At a deep level she know that this will all work out to her favor, and recognizes that this is a bad set of emotional circumstances with a good outcome.

  • Plants & Planets ~ April 2014


    2014 Rosanne Finn, Carol Trasatto-----For information on private consultations and classes, call Rosie Finn at (360) 866-6859 [email protected] or e-mail Carol Trasatto at [email protected]


    And the last card, the Queen of Swords is her constant throughout this process, and what a fine companion this Queen is! Her authenticity and clear perceptions will keep her steady; her presence and intelligence will spare her the feelings of despair and cynicism. She knows that her process is eventually liberating and she pursues her goal with inspiration, benevolence and awareness.

    Tarot Overview for April:

    XVII Star (Aquarius); 6 of Swords, Science (Mercury in Aquarius); 3 of Cups, Abundance (Mercury in Cancer);

    VI Lovers (Gemini); 8 of Wands, Swiftness (Mercury in Sagittarius).

    The month is heavily influenced by Mercuryso perception, communication and mental agility are front and center. How we see, and use our perception of, time and space and universal energy is the theme, and our first opportunity to step into the flow is with the Star card. The Emerald Tablet of traditional magic begins with the words of Hermes Trismegistus, That which is above is the same as that which is below. The Star opens the month reminding us of our relationship to the cosmos, and points out that we are of the stars, star energy, shining brightly and unflaggingly with the intuitive understanding of universal correlations and insight into the perfection of all creation. These understandings are the foundation of our hope and trust in being, and in the future of being, and carry us out of our confusion and worries into dreams and desires. Our responsibilities remain, but instead of feeling their heavy burdens, we feel a lightness and cheerful opportunity to step into the limelight to honor them! The 6 of Swords is all about communicating these understandings; here is a great opportunity to enlighten, and also to continue to shift our beliefs, in a safe and inspiring way. We become engaged in friendly debate about Aquarian ideas; our ears are open, so we hear, and our minds are open so we speak our beliefs in an involved but objective voice. We are heard. If we accept the invitation to toss some ideas around without being attached to being right, we can be transported to another place intellectually, and feel the emotional fulfillment from the new views (3 of Cups). As we communicate this fulfillment and joy, our inner growth continues. Recognizing that we love, and are loved, will touch our hearts, if we let it, and begin to work its transformative magic. This shift is hastened by speaking of our love in terms of thankfulness and appreciation. So we communicate our ideas, and we speak of our loveour dreams begin to take shapethey begin to take on form.

    The Lovers card is the pivotal point in the month, when we see the contradictions we create and perpetuate and begin to question the validity of duality. Duality is one of the gifts of our planetary life, as are the limitations of time and space. Linear time allows us to explore the relation-ship between cause and effect and enables us to realize the consequences of our mental and emotional power. My guides tell me that there are states of existence where our intentions, thoughts and feelings, have immediate effectno opportunity for exploration or do overs. And before we live in such a state we must attain a very elevated level of personal responsibility. The dual nature of our lives deepens our understanding of what things are, and gives us another huge opportunity for greater responsibility: Do we define ourselves by what we are, or by what we are not? The trap in these miraculous gifts is the tendency to see them as the defining elementthe absolutewhen they are just very specialized and elite tools. So, back to the Lovers. The card depicts the marriage of the Empress and the Emperor, being performed by the Hermit. The union of opposites, the resolution of contradiction and the understanding that duality is unity in another form is the deep message of the card. The thread that ties all together is love, and the process is self-awareness. We have such an insight this monthperhaps not in the be all and end all way, but still profound and transforming. This is one of Mercurys magical giftsto see the interrelatedness of everything and that everything is the reflection of the One Thing. Do we want to step up and receive (and use) this gift, and also assume the grave responsibility that comes with it? We are faced with this decision. Apparently we rise to the occasionthe 8 of Wands reveals that we feel called to communicate a message of a powerful spiritual nature. Our intellect connects to the greater consciousness and we are wide open to receive communications. Our flashes of inspiration are of value to many and need to be spoken, clearly and directly.

    Pamela Norris has been studying, practicing and teaching the Tarot for 30+ years. She is available for group and private sessions and can be reached at [email protected] or 360-790-1425. [Sun, Venus, Mercury conjunct in Pisces].

    Learn the Tarot

    Saturdays: March 29, April 12 and 26, May 10 11am-3:30 pm

    To register, contact Pamela Norris at 360-790-1425 or [email protected].

  • Plants & Planets ~ April 2014


    2014 Rosanne Finn, Carol Trasatto-----For information on private consultations and classes, call Rosie Finn at (360) 866-6859 [email protected] or e-mail Carol Trasatto at [email protected]


    Healing Potential Days Based on the work of Dr. Mitchell Gibson, these are days that offer us

    greater support and inspiration for healing.

    -Below Average = April 7 11, 17 23, 28 Average = April 1 6, 12 13, 24 27, 29 - 30

    +Above Average = April 14 15 ++Superior = none

    +++Outstanding = none ++++Delphi Class = none

    Mystical Days Based on the work of Dr. Mitchell Gibson, these are days with greater

    potential for mystical experiences. Mystical days are ideal for divination, visioning, meditation, astral travel & browsing the Akashic Records.

    -Below Average = none Average = none

    +Above Average = April 6 12, 19 21 ++Superior = April 1 5, 13 18, 22 26

    +++Outstanding = April 27, 29 30 ++++Delphi Class = April 28

    Days for Signing Contracts [ Or Not ]

    Some days and times are very good for beginning something that you want to have last a long time. Some days are more challenging for making clear decisions and having clear agreements and beginning things that will last a long time. And some days are more neutral. I am just highlighting the really

    good days and the days to best avoid signing contracts. Contracts can be anything from buying or selling a house, starting a business, getting

    married. There are more specifics and nuances for different eventsshould you want to dive deeper into a decision, please call me for a session. Rosie

    -Avoid these days = April 5,7,10,12,14,15,17,23,25,27,28,30

    +Signing contracts that are for completion, something we are releasing (divorce, selling a house) = April 16,18,20,22,24,26

    ++Signing a contract initiating or beginning something of significance = April 1,2,3,4,6,8,9,11,13,29

    May All Beings Know Peace

    Four Overarching Themes

    Continuedfrompage2 Exact dates of the trine puts the most exact time in May 2014. All planets are within 10-degrees orb mid-April to end of May. The gifts of these planets are real. We are able to accept goodness into our lives. We acknowledge that life can be good and that suffering, while an extraordinary tool for transformation, is not the only tool.

    Jup Sat




    Jup Chi




    Sat Chi




    12 Portents or Marvels of April 2014

    1. 4/6/14 2:33p Strong 11th Harmonic: Moon, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn.

    Meaning: Calling in of guides and support. The 11th harmonic resonates with intuition, synchronicity and the spirit realms. It acts as a doorway for travel beyond the 3rd dimension. It allows us a larger perspective and offers a direct connection with the angelic beings that are always with us. What makes this even cooler is that Jupiter is at 11 and Saturn is at 22 degrees. They are sitting on top of an 11-pointed star that is formed by major stars and galaxies and black holes. Harmonic: 11th Stars and Galaxies: Galactic Center of Milky Way, Aldeberan, Dubhe, Agena, Eye of God Nebula, Fornax Cluster. 2. 4/11/14 7:24p Venus eclipses Neptune 6 Pisces 42

    Meaning: Human love transcended into Divine Love. Divine Love inhabited in human form. Venus is the lower octave of Neptune. The two aligned support octave transformation and ascension and descension. What makes this cool is that Neptune is in its favorite sign, so that this eclipse is strengthened by Neptunes position. Also, Pluto is the esoteric ruler of Piscesand Neptune and Pluto and Venus are all in a seventh harmonic relationship.

  • Plants & Planets ~ April 2014


    2014 Rosanne Finn, Carol Trasatto-----For information on private consultations and classes, call Rosie Finn at (360) 866-6859 [email protected] or e-mail Carol Trasatto at [email protected]


    Harmonic: Part of 7th along with Saturn, Pluto, Neptune, South Node, Bellatrix, Asellus Australis and Borealis (most auspicious Nakshatra in Vedic astrology), and the Super Galactic Center. Star: Conjunct Sadachbia, Lucky Star of Hidden Things 3. 4/14/14 4:44pm Pluto stations at 14 Capricorn (4/14/2014 is a 16 = 4x4)

    Meaning: A change in the course. Pluto rises from the dead. His natural motion is descent. When beginning retrograde, it is the myth of the rising of the dead. Harmonic: 4th & 14th (need I say it?). Part of Grand Square. Star: Conjunct Vega. Pluto is opening the doorway for evolution as we move both spiritually and physically toward the enlightened star of Vega. 4. 4/14/14 4:14pm Mercury eclipses Uranus

    Meaning: Lower mind unites with higher mind. Our thoughts are brought into a higher vibration and are aligned with a bigger picture. Converseley, the ability to communicate and bring into words big picture ideas and awareness. What makes this even cooler is that not only is Mercury the lower octave of Uranus, but Aries is ruled by Mercury esoterically. Which brings in this spiritual transformation. Esoteric Astrology, also known as Soul-Centered Astrology, brings astrology into a higher level of consciousness. When esoteric rulers and exoteric rulers aspect, there is a transition from mundane to spiritual and back. While Mercury eclipses Uranus, they both oppose Mars, the exoteric ruler of Aries. Thus, the esoteric ruler and esoteric ruler of this eclipse are not only involved in the eclipse but they are opposingsuggesting a direct transition of matter into spirit. Harmonic: Part of 4th; excellent trigger for Grand Square. Mercury the messenger opens the door for higher thought and understanding. Star: Alpheratz. A second magnitude star. Robson says that when aligned with Mercury benefits from lawyers . . . pioneer work bringing prominence.2 This mirrors the energy of Mercury conjunct Uranus. 5. 4/15/12:42a 25 Libra 16 Lunar Eclipse (Visible in USA, esp. West Coast)

    Meaning: The Sabian Symbol for 26 Libra is: An eagle and a large white dove change into each other. Keynote: The interaction of the spiritual Will and of the Love principle when critical needs arise.3 Harmonic: 2nd. The Sun and the Moon mirror each other. We are reminded that the moons light is merely a reflection of the light of the Sun. All relationships are reflections of our inner light. On the North Node, the Soul Direction, lies

    the Moon, Ceres and Vesta. Ceres is the mother goddess and overseer of the earth and nature and the harvest. Vesta is the priestess who guards the fire and is owned by no one. She has claimed her full authority. On the South Node lies the Sun and Juno. Juno is the goddess of partnership, particularly marriage. The eclipse highlights the release of jealousy and old ways of marriage and control in order to evolve into stewardship of our planet and freedom for all. Star: Arcturus at 24 Libra 13. One of the most sacred stars. Edgar Cayce says of Arcturus: Arcturus is that which may be called the center of this universe, through which individuals pass and at which period there comes the choice of the individual as to whether it is to return to complete... in this planetary system or to pass on to others. [Reading #5749-14] Arcturus: this is the way, the door out of this system. [#2454-3.10] Arcturus, or that center from which there may be the entrance into other realms of consciousness. [#28231.12] After many years of readings and paying close attention to this star, I totally agree with this. [ ] 6. 4/17/14 12:09a Moon eclipses Saturn, 21Scorpio 42 Meaning: The mother and father unite in transformation. Our inner nurturer and protector align. We step into our authority with emotional presence and power. Harmonic: 1st. Unity. Star: Agena. 7. 4/17/14 6:19p Venus trines Jupiter, steps into the Grand Trine with Jupiter, Saturn and Chiron.

    Meaning: Venus opens this triangle to receive and give Love and abundance. The fortune gate opens. With Saturn, Venus seals the deal, makes the commitment, allows love to become the boss. Venus in the Grand Trine energy opens us to the very real power of love. Harmonic: 3rd. Balance and harmony. Star: Achernar, The End of the River. 8. 4/20/14 12:25a Jupiter squares Uranus, 4:05p Jupiter opposes Pluto, Moon conjuncts Pluto at 5:31p Meaning: Jupiter opens up the Uranus-Pluto square allowing us full access to the transformation that has been underfoot and underlying all of the deep changes in economy and structures and societies and roots in our lives. And, just in case it wasnt obvious enough, the Moon exactly conjuncts Pluto on this day along with opposing Jupiter and squaring Uranus. Rarely do the triggers occur on the same day as the exact transit, but both Mars and Moon are triggers and they are exact right now. Harmonic: 4th. Opening to change. Manifesting our potential. Shifting our reality.

  • Plants & Planets ~ April 2014


    2014 Rosanne Finn, Carol Trasatto-----For information on private consultations and classes, call Rosie Finn at (360) 866-6859 [email protected] or e-mail Carol Trasatto at [email protected]


    Star: Sirius. The brightest star in the sky, also known as the Dog Star. Sirius is one of the great stars supporting us in our evolutionary process as souls in human form. 9. 4/20/14 10:30a Venus conjuncts Chiron 16Pisces 10

    Meaning: The healing of wounds around abundance and love. Opening to greater love and prosperity. Harmonic: 1st. Unity. Star: Achernar 10. 4/21/14 11:38a Uranus squares Pluto Meaning: Waking up to the deep need for evolution both spiritually and physically as a species living on this living ball. This is the 5th time that these two square bringing us into the 5th ChakraAllowing us to speak our truth and manifest our calling. This moment further links to 5/5/14 when Saturn and Uranus move into a 5th harmonic. Harmonic: 4th Stars: Vega, pointing the way for our evolution and Alpheratz, supporting the magic of that change. 11. 4/22 12:28p Mars squares Jupiter; 4/23 12:09a Mars opposes Uranus; 6:47a Mars squares Pluto Meaning: Mars loves to get the ball rolling. As it moves perceptively backwards, it reignites old triggers and gives us something to get all fired up about. Since this has been going on since early April, at this point it suggests breakthrough, an opening. Just in case we have been lazy, in denial or simply oblivious, everything becomes obvious now. Everything comes into the open. Harmonic: 4th Star: Sirius, Algorab, Vega, and Alpheratz. 12. 4/28 11:14p Solar Eclipse 8Taurus 52

    Meaning: First, 11:14 is the ratio of the area of the square to the circle when the circle is squared. This is the ratio of manifestation, of potential being brought into form. This is the part of the creative process when the vision becomes actualized. The form begins to have a life of its own and affect the world in unintended ways. This is birth. The Solar Eclipse is at the Vision Pointthe point where new ideas are born, new ideas that change the world. Also, the eclipse is conjunct the Fornax Cluster, the second most galaxy-rich place in our sky (after the Virgo Cluster) that we are currently aware of. Harmonic: 1st Star: Hamal


    May Love and Blessing Grace Your Path

    [1] Philip Sedgwick. The Galactic Ephemeris. [1995-2007, Philip Sedgwick] [2] Vivian Robson. The Fixed Stars & Constellations in Astrology. [Santa Fe, NM: Sun Books, first edition 1923] [3] Dane Rudhyar. An Astrological Mandala: The Cycle of Transformations and its 360 Symbolic Phases.[New York: 1973, Random House]

    Holy Days in April That the planetary movement of April is in alignment with Holy Days in several of the earths major philosophical belief systems suggests that alignment already is. All we need to do is not resist. We are already perfectly set up to celebrate these transits. Passover is the honoring of the liberation of the Jews from the Egyptians. It begins on the full moon after the Vernal Equinox and goes for seven days thereafter. This year it begins on the Lunar Eclipse, which is all about full liberation, and goes until April 23, the exact day that Mars triggers the Uranus and Pluto square. For us Americanos who celebrate no religion, its that special time between Tax Day and Earth Day. Tax Day is the Day of the Lunar Eclipse and Earth Day happens between the exact Uranus-Pluto square and the day that Mars triggers the Uranus-Pluto square. For Christians, Palm Sunday begins Holy Week that ends with Easter. This year Palm Sunday is on April 13, the day before the Lunar Eclipse and Easter is on April 20, the exact day that Jupiter squares Uranus and Jupiter opposes Pluto. April 20 is the most potent day of all for the Grand Square. Just as Easter is the most important holy day for Christians. Christ rises from the dead. That is the perfect symbol for that day. Pluto has turned around inside a great transformation. He is rising from the dead. Lets look at others. The Jains have their most important holy day of the year on April 13 this yearMahavir Jayanti, celebrating the birth of Mahavira, the last of the great sages. In West Bengal, they have their New Year on April 15 this year. The Hindus celebrate Hanuman Jayanti on April 15, 2014. Hanuman is a devotee of Ram, the heart-opening godopening into bliss and joy. Passover, Mahavir Jayanti and Hanuman Jayanti are all Lunar Holy Days, being celebrated on or near the Full Moon. Baisakhi Festival is a solar holiday celebrated on April 13 or 14 every year, marking the New Year in Punjab and other places in Northern India. The Sikhs also have an important holy day. They celebrate Vaisakhi, the day that Guru Gobind Singh initiated the order of Khalsa, on April

  • Plants & Planets ~ April 2014


    2014 Rosanne Finn, Carol Trasatto-----For information on private consultations and classes, call Rosie Finn at (360) 866-6859 [email protected] or e-mail Carol Trasatto at [email protected]


    14, 2014. Buddhists celebrate the Theravada New Year on April 15. In the Bahai faith, the festival of Ridvan begins on April 21 and goes until May 2 every year. April 21 is the exact day that Uranus and Pluto square. Ridvan means Paradise and this holy time honors the time of enlightenment for the founder of Bahai. With so many people already celebrating life and death, transformation and renewal, paradise and bliss, we are setting ourselves up in the best way to receive this energy.

    Oracles do not absolve you of the responsibility for selecting your future, but rather direct your attention

    towards those inner choices that may be the most important elements in determining that future.

    ~ Dr. Martin D. Rayner writing in the preface of The Book of Runes by Ralph Blum

    Upcoming Plants & Planets talk:

    Next talk: April 17th

    Please join uswhether youve just heard about this event or youve always been

    meaning to attend or youve been coming for years. All are welcome!

    Its a lovely way to bask in beautiful

    community, in our favorite local caf.

    Come, and bring a friend.

    Usually the Third Thursday

    of the month

    6:30 8:15ish pm $10

    At Traditions Fair Trade, on the corner of 5th Ave. & Water St. in downtown Olympia

    Newsletters available by subscription and are for sale each month

    at Radiance Herbs & Massage

    Inside April

    Astrology by Rosie Finn Tarot by Pamela Norris

    Times are in Pacific Daylight Time PDT

    Astro Health-Wise

    April is such a turn-around month. We may experience sudden stress or great joy.

    It can be helpful to have a trauma kitsomething for sudden unexpected moments.

    We may want to take care of our bones. April 1-2: Taurus Moon Sun squares Jupiter (11 Aries/Cancer) 4/1 12:40a Sun conjuncts Uranus (12 Aries) 4/2 12:08a Mercury trines Saturn (23 Pisces/Scorpio) 4/2 8:02p Sun squares Pluto (14 Aries/Capricorn) 4/3 2:19p We begin April on an upswing. The waxing moon is building and Venus and Mars fall into harmony. The Sun joins Uranuswe are wide-awake and paying attention. Pay attention to stimulants, both physical and mental. We may need much less caffeine to keep us wide-awake into the wee hours. Our systems are adjusting to a new internal clock. Stone: Rhodonitefor allowing our relationships to shift and grow; Citrinefor opening to abundance Tarot: 3 of Disks. Works (Mars in Capricorn). We want to get down to business today, and may find it difficult to work up a head of steam. If we feel divinely inspired and energized to apply ourselves with everything weve got, then lets go for it. If we have the desire and keep getting diverted from our projects, lets stop and take a breath. Better to fall back into the planning process rather than spinning our wheels incessantly. We can best use our energy to set goals and objectives.

  • Plants & Planets ~ April 2014


    2014 Rosanne Finn, Carol Trasatto-----For information on private consultations and classes, call Rosie Finn at (360) 866-6859 [email protected] or e-mail Carol Trasatto at [email protected]


    April 3 - 4: Gemini Moon Sun squares Jupiter (12 Aries/Cancer) 4/1 12:40a Sun conjuncts Uranus (13 Aries) 4/2 12:08a Mercury trines Saturn (22 Pisces/Scorpio) 4/2 8:02p Sun squares Pluto (14 Aries/Capricorn) 4/3 2:19p With the Sun a direct part of the Grand Square, the under-lying tensions of the past few years may need to release. The Sun sheds light on an area that needs release and adjustment. Being spontaneous without being impulsive is the key. Spontaneity aligns with the spirit of the moment. Impulse aligns with the desire of the moment. Align with the spirit. Stone: Tigers Eyefor bringing in the bright light of the Sun Tarot: 8 of Disks. Prudence (Sun in Virgo). We feel focused on achievement and success; the suns energy for this card fuels this feeling and fuels our determination to move in that direction. But lets not overlook our attention to detail, for Virgos energy asks us to notice the small things. It is through the expert detailing that we are noticed and acknowledged for our expertise.

    April 5 7:55a til 2:40p: Void Gemini Moon Venus moves into Pisces 4/5 1:31p Mercury moves into Aries 4/7 8:35a Sun opposes Mars (19 Aries/Libra) 4/8 2:04p Doing nothing is extraordinarily valuable in ways we can barely understand. What occurs in stillness is commun-ication with the divine, a chance to be one with our purpose and true nature, an opportunity to get juiced up on a soul level. Take the time to do nothing. Stone: Celestitefor quiet time with the spirits Tarot: 9 of Cups. Happiness (Jupiter in Pisces). The shadow side of happiness emerges today; we feel our ebullience but sit on the surface of our sense of emotional well-being. The card invites us to drop in and deeply feel our good fortune, and express our gratitudeshare our good feelings. But from the surface our communications end up sounding sugary and insincere. So lets take extra time to connect with our essence and draw others into our authentic happiness.

    April 5 eve - 6: Cancer Moon Venus moves into Pisces 4/5 1:31p Mercury moves into Aries 4/7 8:35a Sun opposes Mars (19 Aries/Libra) 4/8 2:04p As we head into the vortex, a moment like this with both Sun and Moon triggering the Grand Square, we may feel revved up but unsure of which direction to go. Take some deep breaths. Do the thing that is right in front of you. Allow space for creativity. Allow time for transitions.

    Stone: Moonstonefor feeling our feelings Tarot: I Magician (Mercury). What kind of magic do we want to make this month? What do we want to changefor the practice of magic is using our tools and skills and energy to alter our environments in some way. Before we don our sorcerers robes, lets take a moment and assess what is working and what isnt. When we have the list of things we want to change, the next step is taking a hard look at how we created those things! Where can we change our perceptions or beliefs, how can we communicate more clearly? How are we perpetuating old patterns? This is the magicthis is the beginning of change.

    April 7: Void Cancer Moon Mercury moves into Aries 4/7 8:35a Sun opposes Mars (19 Aries/Libra) 4/8 2:04p Take a simple moment to care for home and relationships. Simple pleasures. Simple tasks. Attend to the plants and the pets and our inner sanctum. Redo the altar. Also, a good time to take care of our health and hygiene. Take a long bath or go to a spa. Stone: Opalfor opening to growth and beauty Tarot: 0 Fool (Uranus). Uranus has us agitated. We can feel change in the wind and are looking to see where it will hit us. If we adopt the attitude of the Fool, we can roll with the shifts and ride the wave of change; the Fool accepts change as the constantthe one stabilizing force of the Universe. He sees change as intentional, not random, and while he may not understand the greater intention, he trusts that it is a force that acts for his best and highest good. If we wish to resist the winds of change, we will get blown over. We cannot control some things, but we can choose and control our responses to everything. That is the opportunity that is before us. Allow Uranus to work his cosmic magic, and welcome it with trust and gleeful anticipation.

    April 8 9: Leo Moon Sun opposes Mars (19 Aries/Libra) 4/8 2:04p Venus conjuncts Neptune (07 Pisces) 4/11 7:24p Time to start moving out. A swirl of activity as we head towards the Lunar Eclipse and everything else. Take action now. Assert the truth and accept the truth in return. Dont be afraid to change. Stone: Lapis Lazulifor working with the 5th chakra and speaking our truth Tarot: 5 of Swords. Defeat (Venus in Aquarius). We have a great opportunity today to see where we feed into a confrontational situation. We may encounter a rush of

  • Plants & Planets ~ April 2014


    2014 Rosanne Finn, Carol Trasatto-----For information on private consultations and classes, call Rosie Finn at (360) 866-6859 [email protected] or e-mail Carol Trasatto at [email protected]


    negative energy in the form of someones intentional meanness, or aggressive criticism. We can take a defensive stance and enter into conflict, or we can take a breath and ask how we have invited (encouraged?) the confrontation. Were we having some spiteful thoughts ourselves, or some vengeful feelings? If so, we now have the chance to release them by not heeding the call to battle, for if we do, we wont feel like the winner in the end.

    April 10 til 3pm: Void Leo Moon Sun opposes Mars (19 Aries/Libra) 4/8 2:04p Venus conjuncts Neptune (07 Pisces) 4/11 7:24p I think we need to take our down time when we can. Take a break from pressure or making decisions or pushing. Take a step back. Stone: Celestitefor inspiration and creativity Tarot: Queen of Swords (Water aspect of Air). We sever the bonds of limited thinking and narrow perspectives by taking a hard look at our beliefs. We feel supported to explore the lies we tell ourselves to supposedly keep us safe and secure. We are encouraged to split the veils that separate us from reality and keep us wandering through illusion. We are ready to remove the masks that wall us off from being seen by others, and the blinders that prevent us from seeing the essence of those around us. Does this render us vulnerable? Yes, of course, and it is through the portal of vulnerability that our authentic self debuts!

    April 10 3pm 11: Virgo Moon Venus conjuncts Neptune (07 Pisces) 4/11 7:24p Mercury squares Jupiter (13 Aries/Cancer) 4/14 11:32a Mercury conjuncts Uranus (13 Aries) 4/14 4:15p Pluto stations retrograde (14 Capricorn) 4/14 4:44p Mercury squares Pluto (14 Aries/Capricorn) 4/14 9:12p We enter into the vortex through love. This is when the 11th harmonic is strongest particularly in the evening of 4/11 when the Venus-Neptune conjunction is exact and the Virgo moon moves perfectly into one of the empty space on the 11th harmonic wheel. While the Mystical Quotient may not express this, this is an extraordinarily mystical moment. A wonderful time for ritual. When we ask for something at this moment, watch it come rushing in. There is little difference between the upper dimensions and our 3D reality. However, I recommend not wishing for anything and being as still as possible. Witness can bring in more magic and power and synchronicity than we can imagine. Wishes are limited to our imagination. If this is too vague, hold the intention for a vibration like love, or hope, or joy, or peace. Stone: Labradoritefor its alignment with the 11th harmonic

    Tarot: Ace of Cups (All Water Signs). The potency of this card reaches to the centers of our beings and fills us with true delight! Just as the image on the card depicts, we overflow with radiant light and genuine joy. How can we not share it allits impossible to contain. And it will be the simplest of things that strikes that cord withina sunset, a smile, a sweet sound. The beneficent response to the gifts of this ace? A simple thank you.

    April 12: Void Virgo Moon Mercury squares Jupiter (13 Aries/Cancer) 4/14 11:32a Mercury conjuncts Uranus (13 Aries) 4/14 4:15p Pluto stations retrograde (14 Capricorn) 4/14 4:44p Mercury squares Pluto (14 Aries/Capricorn) 4/14 9:12p This void moon completes us in entering the void. I imagine a feeling of spaciousness to the moment at the same time as worldly concerns may feel extremely pressing. Dont let the physical world fool you. It really is all energy and can be changed in a heartbeat. Stone: Moonstonefor being with the moon as it moves into fullness Tarot: XIX Sun (Sun). The warmth we feel within creates a celebratory feeling, and we want to be with others to share our sense of fullness. Perhaps we have reached a pivotal point on some project we have dedicated our energies to recently; maybe we have regained our perspective of optimism about our work or our relationships. Whatever the cause, we have a renewed confidence and an expanded view of life. We have overcome our fears and see that the goals we have set are achievable. Lets find some special and meaningful way to acknowledge our successes!

    April 13 14: Lunar Eclipse in Libra Mercury squares Jupiter (13 Aries/Cancer) 4/14 11:32a Mercury conjuncts Uranus (13 Aries) 4/14 4:15p Pluto stations retrograde (14 Capricorn) 4/14 4:44p Mercury squares Pluto (14 Aries/Capricorn) 4/14 9:12p Lunar Eclipse (25 Libra 16) 4/15 12:42a Eclipses are known for stirring things up. If our witnessing and intentions and vibrations of the past few days havent stirred things up, something will. My best suggestion for this time is to be with celebration and joy. I knowsome of us are going to be last minute stressing out with taxes. Try laughing if the reality of taxes has got to you. Interesting that during this time of total otherworldly activity, a lot of people are going to be doing one of the few things that are considered certain in this worldtaxes. And, it is not going to surprise me if more than a few people choose it as a doorway out (yes, Im talking about death). It is a sublime

  • Plants & Planets ~ April 2014


    2014 Rosanne Finn, Carol Trasatto-----For information on private consultations and classes, call Rosie Finn at (360) 866-6859 [email protected] or e-mail Carol Trasatto at [email protected]


    time to die. The energy opens itself to us to release whatever is holding us back. Die before you die. Let it go. Stone: Onyxfor letting go and for protection Tarot: X Fortune (Jupiter). There are some amazing planetary alignments this week and Jupiter is one of the major players. Something big is expanding, and to create room for the new, something might have to crack and split. Staying centered and focused on what we want is necessary today. Let the wheel turn whichever way it wantswhen the dust settles we will see that it has turned in a way that is ultimately beneficial.

    April 15 16: Scorpio Moon Lunar Eclipse (25 Libra 16) 4/15 12:42a Venus trines Jupiter (13 Pisces/Cancer) 4/17 6:19p Venus sextiles Pluto (14 Pisces/Capricorn) 4/18 2:24a We may feel a bit of release after the intensity of the eclipse, but really we are deep in the heart of the vortex. Let life swirl. There is no controlling this. Stones: Aquamarinefor calm; Calcitefor grounding; Sapphirefor seeing the light Tarot: Princess of Cups (Earth aspect of Water). The Princess of Cups is floaty and flighty, but as a representation of the earth element, she is grounded in her dreaminess. This quality of grounding is expressed through her ability to allow information and energy to flow from her inner world to her outer, and vice versa. She is enchanted by her environ-ment and in turn is an enchantress. She is the dreamer and the dream, the visionary and the vision. We channel her energy by asking ourselves how our dreams shape our material world, and how our physical reality directs our dreams. Where do our dream lives and waking lives intersect or overlap? Answers come to us through effortless attraction as we open our hearts and minds to her energy.

    April 17 til 2:44p: Void Scorpio Moon Venus trines Jupiter (13 Pisces/Cancer) 4/17 6:19p Venus sextiles Pluto (14 Pisces/Capricorn) 4/18 2:24a Jupiter squares Uranus (14 Cancer/Aries) 4/20 12:25a Jupiter opposes Pluto (14 Cancer/Capricorn) 4/20 4:05p Uranus squares Pluto (14 Aries/Capricorn) 4/21 11:38a It may be easier to release during the void moon. However, Scorpio may ask us to emote a little or a lot. The catharsis of feeling is a good and healthy part of this transformation. Stone: Rhodochrositefor healing in relationships, for bringing up the deep stuff Tarot: Prince of Disks (Air aspect of Earth). We are solid and powerful as we go about our tasks today. It may appear

    that we are plodding along, but we are taking our time and actually enjoying the process of working at something. Appreciating our strength and dedication and attending to details all feeds into our savoring of the moment we are in. We take a certain sensual delight in creating order from disorder, and a real sense of pride in building something new and beautiful.

    April 17 afternoon 19: Sag Moon Venus trines Jupiter (13 Pisces/Cancer) 4/17 6:19p Venus sextiles Pluto (14 Pisces/Capricorn) 4/18 2:24a Jupiter squares Uranus (14 Cancer/Aries) 4/20 12:25a Jupiter opposes Pluto (14 Cancer/Capricorn) 4/20 4:05p Uranus squares Pluto (14 Aries/Capricorn) 4/21 11:38a This is time for flying. Our internal compass of intuition will be more helpful than anything else. Stones: Tourmalinefor aligning with the transformations of the moment; Turquoise for hope and possibility Tarot: Queen of Disks (Water aspect of Earth). The pleasure we derive from devotion to task is growing and maturing into real sense of security. We seem to be building a foundation for an abundant future! Our scarcity mentality is a thing of the past (at least for today!) as we take on the responsibility for shifting our perspective about the routineness of our lives. The Queens patience is the key herethrough patience and perseverance she builds worlds (inner and outer) that are abundant, beautiful, healthy and fulfilling. I wonder what we could build through patience and perseverance.

    April 20 21 aftrn: Capricorn Moon Jupiter squares Uranus (14 Cancer/Aries) 4/20 12:25a Jupiter opposes Pluto (14 Cancer/Capricorn) 4/20 4:05p Uranus squares Pluto (14 Aries/Capricorn) 4/21 11:38a Mars squares Jupiter (14 Libra/Cancer) 4/22 12:28p Mars opposes Uranus (14 Libra/Aries) 4/23 12:09a Mars squares Pluto (14 Libra/Capricorn) 4/23 6:47a This is the peak of the stressful energy. The Moon puts pressure on us to deal with something, but we are deep in Mordor and dont know if Frodo is dead or not. We have to make a decision. If only Samwise had totally trusted his intuition. We may see two paths right now. Continue to trust your deepest knowing. Dont let others push or force you into anything right now. This is the most potent of all the times this month. We are rising in love. We are waking up to the truth of our existence. We are coming into the new age. We are turning the corner and seeing the new road as it unfolds in front of us. Everything looks different. Stone: Labradoritefor a change in perspective

  • Plants & Planets ~ April 2014


    2014 Rosanne Finn, Carol Trasatto-----For information on private consultations and classes, call Rosie Finn at (360) 866-6859 [email protected] or e-mail Carol Trasatto at [email protected]


    Tarot: Prince of Swords (Air aspect of Air). We definitely dont want to be limited in our thought processes today. We have developed the fine skill of thinking innovatively and intuitively and want to run with it! But the energy of the day may not completely support us when we try to share our ideas with others. The frustration we feel becomes the limitation, though we perceive the obstacle might live elsewhere. Keep a notebook handy and jot down all those inspired thoughts and jot fast because they come in quick bursts. Once reviewed and organized they form a story that is more easily conveyed than the individual thoughts would have been.

    April 21 evening: Void Capricorn Moon Jupiter squares Uranus (14 Cancer/Aries) 4/20 12:25a Jupiter opposes Pluto (14 Cancer/Capricorn) 4/20 4:05p Uranus squares Pluto (14 Aries/Capricorn) 4/21 11:38a Mars squares Jupiter (14 Libra/Cancer) 4/22 12:28p Mars opposes Uranus (14 Libra/Aries) 4/23 12:09a Mars squares Pluto (14 Libra/Capricorn) 4/23 6:47a Take a moment to bathe in the beauty of this time. Stone: Onyxfor protection and grounding Tarot: 9 of Wands. Strength (Moon in Sagittarius). Our conscious and unconscious minds align to give us the powerful inner resources to move mountains! What dilemma has been hanging over our head, or what unresolved issue niggles at us? Now is the time to tackle these problems. We have the vision to see where solution rests, the courage to confront conflict, and the spiritual strength to take it all on with the presence and attitude of the peaceful warrior. Dealing with problems today is a liberating action, freeing us from the burden of resistance, avoidance and denial. Our intuition and vision power us on to positive and decisive outcomes.

    April 22: Aquarius Moon Uranus squares Pluto (14 Aries/Capricorn) 4/21 11:38a Mars squares Jupiter (14 Libra/Cancer) 4/22 12:28p Mars opposes Uranus (14 Libra/Aries) 4/23 12:09a Mars squares Pluto (14 Libra/Capricorn) 4/23 6:47a Venus trines Saturn (21 Pisces/Scorpio) 4/24 10:15p On a very physical level, there is a lot being activated and we may feel extra agitated or totally exhausted. We may need to pay extra attention to self-care. Even thought the world may be crying out in some wild and crazy fashion, remember that there is great transmission and shifting happening through and with other realms and worlds. We are not alone and likely cannot solve our problem by ourselves. Reach out for support.

    Stones: Aquamarinefor calm; Amazonitefor talking to realms beyond Tarot: 9 of Disks. Gain (Venus in Virgo). Promising prospects that we encountered earlier in the month begin to take on specific form today. Gain comes from following our heart and doing what is pleasing to us. When we join love and effort and do what has heart and meaning for us, we feel the expansion of our truth and authenticity, and we profit, as does everyone around us. Increase is experiences at all levelsspiritually, emotionally, mentally and physically. The combination of being dynamic and assertive, and magnetic and receiving is a winning one. We are rewarded (or, we reward ourselves)!

    April 23: Void Aquarius Moon Mars opposes Uranus (14 Libra/Aries) 4/23 12:09a Mercury moves into Taurus 4/23 2:16a Mars squares Pluto (14 Libra/Capricorn) 4/23 6:47a Venus trines Saturn (21 Pisces/Scorpio) 4/24 10:15p Sun conjuncts Mercury (06 Taurus) 4/25 8:27p Quiet and relaxation. Keep it simple. Do simple tasks. Stone: Quartzfor keeping it simple Tarot: 5 of Cups. Disappointment (Mars in Scorpio). We are thrown off balance by some disappointing situation and feel angry and vulnerable. Whatever has upset us has touched into a deep wound and we react. Did we have an expectation that was unfulfillable and therefore uprooting to us? Are we carrying some generational baggage of disappointment that needs to be returned? The best we can do is to try to trace the disappointment back to the origin (expectation, hopes, wishes, desires) and see how we were complicit in the process. If our disillusionment involves another, perhaps open and resolution-oriented communication is the answer.

    April 24 25 afternoon: Pisces Moon Venus trines Saturn (21 Pisces/Scorpio) 4/24 10:15p Sun conjuncts Mercury (06 Taurus) 4/25 8:27p Mercury sextiles Neptune (07 Taurus/Pisces) 4/26 10:27a Sun sextiles Neptune (07 Taurus/Pisces) 4/27 3:34a We are leaving the core of the vortex yet still in the dawn of another Eclipse. This time is about closure and release. What do we want to let go of? Stone: Smokey quartzfor clearing and release Tarot: VI Lovers (Gemini). The Lovers card invites us to practice the art of relationship. We long for union, and create bonding in many ways, through many types of relationships, for sometimes the path is much easier to travel when shared with another. Relationship takes time, effort and energy. All

  • Plants & Planets ~ April 2014


    2014 Rosanne Finn, Carol Trasatto-----For information on private consultations and classes, call Rosie Finn at (360) 866-6859 [email protected] or e-mail Carol Trasatto at [email protected]


    relationships begin with some form of intention and commitment, some agreement and boundaries, and expec-tations. We want something from someone else, even though it may be our intention to be in relationship unconditionally. We dance with another, coming together and separating; we add measured amounts of passion and compassion and weather the conflicts and polarities inherent in every relationship. Today we practice that dance, and welcome the responsibility of the bonding, and all its nuances.

    April 25 1p thru night: Void Pisces Moon Sun conjuncts Mercury (06 Taurus) 4/25 8:27p Mercury sextiles Neptune (07 Taurus/Pisces) 4/26 10:27a Sun sextiles Neptune (07 Taurus/Pisces) 4/27 3:34a A very weird evening, for sure. Weird dreams and shiftings. Dont try to figure things out too much. They likely wont make any sense. Stone: Amethystfor working with spirit Tarot: 6 of Cups. Pleasure (Sun in Scorpio). And if we have practiced our dance of relationship well, our relationships become a source of great pleasure for us. We feel filled, fed and renewed by the simple things in life and they affect us deeply. In our work we feel enlivened and enjoyment, and can experience wonderful creative surges. In our homes we feel safe and supported, even if we live alone. Our surroundings nurture and sooth us. We are very open to the joy and goodness in life and want to grow these feelings of contentment. Savor the sweetness that life has to offer, and the feeling spreads!

    April 26: Aries Moon Sun conjuncts Mercury (06 Taurus) 4/25 8:27p Mercury sextiles Neptune (07 Taurus/Pisces) 4/26 10:27a Sun sextiles Neptune (07 Taurus/Pisces) 4/27 3:34a Solar Eclipse (08 Taurus 52) 4/28 11:14p Mercury trines Pluto (14 Taurus/Capricorn) 4/29 10:29a Mercury sextiles Jupiter (15 Taurus/Cancer) 4/30 1:32a Mercury opposes Saturn (21 Taurus/Scorpio) 5/2 5:56p We may feel very tired of all this new energy to deal withand yet here we arestill more stress and joy. We can work with the Dark Moon for extraordinary healing. Time to mend relationships. Time for forgiveness. Stone: Carnelianfor courage to face what is being shown to us about ourselves Tarot: Queen of Cups (Water aspect of Water). The mastery of emotional integrity is the work of a life time! This Queen teaches the value of responsibly communicating our feelings. She lives in her intuition and is completely in tune with her emotions. She chooses integrity over illusion and

    deception; she chooses to accurately reflect her feelings in her actions, so that there is no dissonance between her inner and outer worlds. We learn from her by sitting with our feelings, and feeling them without shame, blame or projection. We feel honestly and authentically, and commun-icate our feelings in the same way. A good practice to start.

    April 27: Void Aries Moon Solar Eclipse (08 Taurus 52) 4/28 11:14p Mercury trines Pluto (14 Taurus/Capricorn) 4/29 10:29a Mercury sextiles Jupiter (15 Taurus/Cancer) 4/30 1:32a Mercury opposes Saturn (21 Taurus/Scorpio) 5/2 5:56p Venus moves into Aries 5/2 6:21p Sun trines Pluto (13 Taurus/Capricorn) 5/3 5:34p Sun sextiles Jupiter (15 Taurus/Cancer) 5/6 2:54a Surreal. We are likely reeling from the effects of the past month and at the same time, we receive new information. More to process. However, dont try. We are getting good at knowing whats important and what really doesnt matter. Stone: Bloodstonefor honoring all of the strength that it takes to simply be human Tarot: 2 of Wands. Dominion (Mars in Aries). We are on top of things and want to begin something new. Today might not be the best day for big actions, unless we really feel called to action, but it is a great day to experience and relish our power. We feel balanced and in control of our world, however large or small it is; we are experiencing our sovereignty! This energy is powerful and if we go off halfcocked, well burn out, burn up and burn others quickly. This energy is always with us, burning deep within, and can be called upon any time we want it. Today we best use it by getting very clear about what we want to create, what we want to start, what risk we feel daring enough to take.

    April 28: Solar Eclipse in Taurus Solar Eclipse (08 Taurus 52) 4/28 11:14p Mercury trines Pluto (14 Taurus/Capricorn) 4/29 10:29a Mercury sextiles Jupiter (15 Taurus/Cancer) 4/30 1:32a Mercury opposes Saturn (21 Taurus/Scorpio) 5/2 5:56p Venus moves into Aries 5/2 6:21p Sun trines Pluto (13 Taurus/Capricorn) 5/3 5:34p Sun sextiles Jupiter (15 Taurus/Cancer) 5/6 2:54a The Sabian Symbol for this Solar Eclipse: A fully decorated Christmas tree. Keynote: The ability to create inner happiness in dark hours. The Eclipse is aligned with the Fornax Cluster, a huge swath of the sky with black holes and galaxies (over 50 known ones). Fornax means furnace in Latin. We are moving through fire, sisters and brothers. This is profound transformation. We are burning through karma. Stone: Amberfor aligning the energy into joy and excitement

  • Plants & Planets ~ April 2014


    2014 Rosanne Finn, Carol Trasatto-----For information on private consultations and classes, call Rosie Finn at (360) 866-6859 [email protected] or e-mail Carol Trasatto at [email protected]


    Tarot: Ace of Disks (All Earth Signs). The perfect card for the Taurus solar eclipse! Our desire to manifest what we want and need is at an all-time high, and we take a long and hard look at what we really want and need. Do we feel successful internally, in that we show up for ourselves, pay attention, take responsibility and do our inner work? Do we feel successful externally, our hopes and dreams fulfilled? Most of us have some degree of overlap between the two, or complete in one realm and off in the other. The Ace of Disks is the highest card of manifestation in the deck, but requires that we no longer perpetuate the dichotomy between our perceptions between inner and outer success. So we get in alignment, with some honest assessment, and then begin to draw to us that which we so richly deserve!

    April 29: Taurus Moon Mercury trines Pluto (14 Taurus/Capricorn) 4/29 10:29a Mercury sextiles Jupiter (15 Taurus/Cancer) 4/30 1:32a Mercury opposes Saturn (21 Taurus/Scorpio) 5/2 5:56p Venus moves into Aries 5/2 6:21p Sun trines Pluto (13 Taurus/Capricorn) 5/3 5:34p Sun sextiles Jupiter (15 Taurus/Cancer) 5/6 2:54a This is powerful day to begin something new. Set an intention. Notice what is birthed. Notice what comes easily to you. Stones: Turquoise and Amazonitefor vision and birth, for channeling and bringing into form Tarot: Knight of Cups (Fire aspect of Water). Of the four knights in the deck, the Knight of Cups is the only one not wearing a helmet, a symbol of his openness and powerful connection to spirit. He is the spiritual and emotional healer of the deck, and heals through loving unconditionally. When this card comes up, we are called to reach for that very high ideal of loving unconditionally, and to experience all of the healing rewards in doing so. We move away from shoulds and toward that which reflects our essence. We forgive and extend compassion to others, and e