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Post on 01-Nov-2014




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  • 1. By: Prince James

2. Introduction
Hello my name is Prince. My project is how do plants grow in different environments. I put fast growing seeds in plant pots with the same soil and the same water every day. I put one under a light and one by the window and one in a fridge for six days.
3. Plant under The Light. For the first 3 days plant one plant two and plant three all had no grow. Plant one on grade four grew 3mm on day five grew three mm on day six grew it grew 5mm. Plant two on day four grew2.5 mm on day 5 it grew 3mm and on day six it grew 3mm. Plant three on Day four it grew 1mm and on day five it grew 2mm and on day six it grew 2mm.
4. Plant In The fridge. For all six days none of the plants grew at all.
5. Plant In Regular Weather Conditions. Plant one on days one and two it did not grow at all. On day three it grew 1mm day four it grew 3mm day five it grew 4.5 and on day six it grew 4.5mm. Plant two first three days it did not grow at all day four it grew 1mm day five it grew 2mm and on day six it grew 3mm. Plant three for the first three days it did not grow at all. Day four it grew 2.5mm day five it grew 3.5 on day six it grew 4mm.
6. Conclusion
Yes. My Project came out the way I thought it would. My hypothesis is that the seed planted in normal conditions would grow faster. There were no uncontrolled variables in my project. To make my project last longer I would probably put more plants in one weather condition and change the soil in each pot. One thing I learned is different types of plants need to grow in certain weather conditions to survive. Another thing I learned is that some plants grow faster than other plants in different types of weather conditions.
7. Credits
The people that helped me with my project is Mrs. Mulkey and Mrs. Fields.