planning meeting (spm) & related meetings...rangkaian ptm bimp-eaga 2018 (matriks) 2....

RAPAT KOORDINASI PERSIAPAN 1 1 th BIMP - EAGA STRATEGIC PLANNING MEETING (SPM) & RELATED MEETINGS 1 Februari 2019 Graha Sawala, Kemenko Perekonomian Sekretariat Nasional Kerja Sama Ekonomi Sub Regional Kementerian Koordinator Bidang Perekonomian

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Page 1: PLANNING MEETING (SPM) & RELATED MEETINGS...Rangkaian PTM BIMP-EAGA 2018 (matriks) 2. Review/Update/Revisi Proyek dalam Rolling Pipeline (RP) periode 2017-2019 3. Identifikasi proyek



1 Februari 2019Graha Sawala, Kemenko Perekonomian

Sekretariat Nasional Kerja Sama Ekonomi Sub RegionalKementerian Koordinator Bidang Perekonomian

Page 2: PLANNING MEETING (SPM) & RELATED MEETINGS...Rangkaian PTM BIMP-EAGA 2018 (matriks) 2. Review/Update/Revisi Proyek dalam Rolling Pipeline (RP) periode 2017-2019 3. Identifikasi proyek

Sekretariat Nasional Kerja Sama Ekonomi Sub Regional Kementerian Koordinator Bidang Perekonomian






Page 3: PLANNING MEETING (SPM) & RELATED MEETINGS...Rangkaian PTM BIMP-EAGA 2018 (matriks) 2. Review/Update/Revisi Proyek dalam Rolling Pipeline (RP) periode 2017-2019 3. Identifikasi proyek

1. Strategic Planning Meeting (SPM) merupakan pertemuanawal tahun dengan tujuan utama untuk me review kegiatantahun sebelumnya (2018) dan menyusun perencanaanprogram kerja dan capaian selama tahun berjalan (2019).

2. Follow Up dari Pertemuan Tingkat Menteri (PTM) BIMP-EAGA tahun sebelumnya dan penyusunan deliverablestahun berjalan maupun beberapa tahun mendatang.

3. Tingkatan Pertemuan: NS, Cluster dan WG Meeting, SO4. Sifat: Konvergen5. SPM 2019, Indonesia Chair untuk 2 (dua) Cluster yaitu:

• Transport Cluster (Kementerian Perhubungan)• ICT Cluster (Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika)

Sekretariat Nasional Kerja Sama Ekonomi Sub Regional Kementerian Koordinator Bidang Perekonomian

Page 4: PLANNING MEETING (SPM) & RELATED MEETINGS...Rangkaian PTM BIMP-EAGA 2018 (matriks) 2. Review/Update/Revisi Proyek dalam Rolling Pipeline (RP) periode 2017-2019 3. Identifikasi proyek

Sekretariat Nasional Kerja Sama Ekonomi Sub Regional Kementerian Koordinator Bidang Perekonomian



1 Senin, 11/02/2019

Kedatangan Delegasi

2 Selasa, 12/02/2019

NS Meeting NS, Cluster Chairs, WG Chairs, BIMP-FC, ADB

Hilton Hotel

11th BIMP-EAGA SPM- Plenary - Breakout Cluster

and WGs

NS, Cluster Chairs, WG Chairs, Local Goverment, BEBC, BIMP-FC, ADB (All Delegates)

Hilton Hotel

3 Rabu, 13/02/2018

11th BIMP-EAGA SPM- Breakout Cluster

and WGs

All Delegates Hilton Hotel

Page 5: PLANNING MEETING (SPM) & RELATED MEETINGS...Rangkaian PTM BIMP-EAGA 2018 (matriks) 2. Review/Update/Revisi Proyek dalam Rolling Pipeline (RP) periode 2017-2019 3. Identifikasi proyek

Sekretariat Nasional Kerja Sama Ekonomi Sub Regional Kementerian Koordinator Bidang Perekonomian



4 Kamis,14/02/2019

11th BIMP-EAGA SPM- Convergent

Meeting- Plenary (Report

Clusters)- Welcoming Dinner

- All Delegates

- SO, NS, Cluster Chairs, BIMP-FC, BEBC Chair, ADB

Hilton Hotel

5 Jumat, 15/02/2019

SO Retreat - SO, NS, Clusters Chair, BIMP-FC, BEBC Chair and ADB

Hilton Hotel

6 Sabtu16/02/2019

Kepulangan Delegasi

Page 6: PLANNING MEETING (SPM) & RELATED MEETINGS...Rangkaian PTM BIMP-EAGA 2018 (matriks) 2. Review/Update/Revisi Proyek dalam Rolling Pipeline (RP) periode 2017-2019 3. Identifikasi proyek

Sekretariat Nasional Kerja Sama Ekonomi Sub Regional Kementerian Koordinator Bidang Perekonomian


LOKASI PENYELENGGARAANHotel Hilton, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah

PAKAIANBusiness Attire

REGISTRASISemua Delegasi diminta registrasi online dengan menggunakan link ke (sebelum 10 Feb 2018)

AKOMODASI/PENGINAPANAkomodasi yang disarankan oleh panitia:

1. Hilton Hotel

2. Le Meridien Hotel

3. Klagan Hotel

4. Cititel Express

5. Promanade Hotel

Page 7: PLANNING MEETING (SPM) & RELATED MEETINGS...Rangkaian PTM BIMP-EAGA 2018 (matriks) 2. Review/Update/Revisi Proyek dalam Rolling Pipeline (RP) periode 2017-2019 3. Identifikasi proyek

Sekretariat Nasional Kerja Sama Ekonomi Sub Regional Kementerian Koordinator Bidang Perekonomian



1. Tindak Lanjut Arahan Menteri dan SO pada

Rangkaian PTM BIMP-EAGA 2018 (matriks)

2. Review/Update/Revisi Proyek dalam Rolling

Pipeline (RP) periode 2017-2019

3. Identifikasi proyek dalam RP 2020-2022

4. Capaian dan Rencana Implementasi 2019

NOTE: poin 2,3,4 dan 5 akan dibahas detail saat Break-Out

dan dilaporkan pada Plenary (tanggal 14 Februari 2019)

untuk memperoleh arahan

Page 8: PLANNING MEETING (SPM) & RELATED MEETINGS...Rangkaian PTM BIMP-EAGA 2018 (matriks) 2. Review/Update/Revisi Proyek dalam Rolling Pipeline (RP) periode 2017-2019 3. Identifikasi proyek

Project ImplementationDirective Progress/Update

➢ Urge all the BIMP-EAGA stakeholders to accelerate project implementation…

➢ Reinforce the importance of a RBME system…

• ToR Project Appraisal Committee (PAC) has been adopted

Sekretariat Nasional Kerja Sama Ekonomi Sub Regional Kementerian Koordinator Bidang Perekonomian

Arahan Menteri 2018 dan Updatea

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Directive Progress/Update

➢ We are pleased that a number of key milestones and deliverables have been achieved

➢ We urge the official to expedite the implementation of the PIPs

Update status PIPs Indonesia

Completion:-Tanjung Selor-Sabah border road-Balai Karangan Entikong road-Phase I new Makassar Port

Look forward in 2019:- Manado-Bitung link road- Entikong International Freight


Page 10: PLANNING MEETING (SPM) & RELATED MEETINGS...Rangkaian PTM BIMP-EAGA 2018 (matriks) 2. Review/Update/Revisi Proyek dalam Rolling Pipeline (RP) periode 2017-2019 3. Identifikasi proyek

TransportDirective Progress/Update

➢ We are pleased with the commencement of a number of air connection that will boost arrivals in major tourism destinations

➢ We recognize maritime safety is crucial to promote sustainable operation of non-convention ships

➢ we support the revival of the Indonesia and Philippines inter-governmental agency task force to address implementation bottlenecks

BEV 2025 Projec List (Strategic Priority 1):1. Revival of air routes- Pontianak-Bandar Seri Begawan- Balikpapan-Bandar Seri Begawan

2. Full implementation of Protocol on the MoU on Air Linkages- Protocol signed in 2018

3. Establish intra-EAGA shipping services - Bitung-General Santos/Davao

- Task force RoRo Bitung-Gensan for SustainabilityCommenced:

- Pontianak-Kuching by WingsAir (Jan2018)- Singning of the MoU on the

Improvement of Safety Standards and Inspection for Non-Convention Ships within ASEAN Member States

Page 11: PLANNING MEETING (SPM) & RELATED MEETINGS...Rangkaian PTM BIMP-EAGA 2018 (matriks) 2. Review/Update/Revisi Proyek dalam Rolling Pipeline (RP) periode 2017-2019 3. Identifikasi proyek

Information and Communication Techonlogy

Directive Progress/Update

➢ We support the idea of utilizing existing cable system to connect Tarakan, Indonesia to Tawau, Malaysia to complete the BIMP-EAGA cable system loop

➢ We commend effort of the ICT CEO Forum to form strategic partnership with the aim of developing technology

• Completed Segment 1 of BEST while rerouting of Segment 2 due to Pan Borneo Highway

• Partnership between the ICT CEO Forum with startups to develop technology to support SMEs

• Defer signing of the ICT MoU pending due to domestic/internal consultation

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Power and Energy Infrastructure

Directive Progress/Update

➢ We look forward to the findings of the Sabah–Palawan Power Interconnection study by Asian Development Bank (ADB)

➢ We support the deployment of renewable energy in the subregion

• signing of MOUs by four electric cooperatives in the Philippines with counterparts in BIMP-EAGA to promote biomass and solar power

• Completed the conduct of the Sabah-North Kalimantan Power Interconnection

• ongoing conduct the feasibility study on the Sabah-Palawan Power Interconnection

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Trade and Investment FacilitationDirective Progress/Update

➢ We remain fully committed to economic corridor development

➢ We note progress in trade and investment facilitation initiatives to achieve viable cross-border trade and conducive investment environment

➢ We look forward to the hosting by Brunei Darussalam of the 5th BIMP-EAGA and IMT-GT Trade Fair in 2020

• conducted the Economic Corridor Development Training for government officials

• completed the study on border/corridor development (North Kalimantan-Sabah)

• conducted Workshop on TRS Implementation in BIMP-EAGA

• participated in the 4th IMTGT and BIMP-EAGA Trade Fair in Songkhla, Hatyai, Thailad

• ongoing study on the West Kalimantan-Sarawak

• 2020 Trade Fair• New proposed: “Rumah Coklat”

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Directive Progress/Update

➢ to support BIMP-EAGA’s aspiration to be the food basket in ASEAN and the rest of the world

➢ Task to integrate the subregionalvalue-chain approach in the priority commodities at the project level

look forward to the signing of the MoU on Agricultural Cooperation between Brunei Darussalam and Sarawak Malaysia on livestock, rice fisheries and halal (MM JS 2017)

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Directive Progress/Update

➢ commend the convergence efforts between the tourism and socio-cultural and education clusters in promoting their signature cultural events

➢ enhance convergence with Environment, transport and agri-business

• Joint tour packages on Marine (Diving), CBET, UNESCO are to be developed

• On-going effort to develop criteria, guidelines and standards on CBET

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Directive Progress/Update

➢ direct our relevant agencies at the national and local levels to provide support in the implementation of the Green Cities Initiative

• Direct agencies at the national and local levels to provide support in the implementation of BGCI

• New proposed: Capacity Building for Community Based Eco-Tourism collaboration with Tourism Cluster

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Socio-Cultural and Education

Directive Progress/Update

➢ Establish TVET and HEI network➢ Look forward to the 2nd Budayaw

Festival to be hosted by Malaysia in Kuching, Sarawak in 2019

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Local Government

Directive Progress/Update

➢ Growing interest between and among local governments at the state and provincial level in forging partnership arrangement that can help accelerate integration of the sub region’s economies

• LGU Forum last met in 2008 and has never met since then

• need to“resuscitate” the Local Governments Unit Forum (LGUF) given local governments serve as the back-bone of area-based development and can help us bring more benefits on the ground

• Reviving the LGUF through strengthening border town cooperation, promoting cross-border trade, investment and tourism, green cities development, and sharing best practices in local government

• designating champions (2 provinces/states per each country) to ensure a sustainable Local Government Forum

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Private SectorDirective Progress/Update

➢ encourage the BEBC to broaden their membership base and to involve industry players and stakeholders within their respective sectors

• BEBC chairmanship handed over form Malaysia to Philippines

• revitalized and inclusive BEBC” with a broader membership base and encourages more active engagement of micro and small and medium enterprises (MSMEs).

• signing MoU between North Kalimantan Chamber of Commerce and the Dewan Perniagaan MelayuMalaysia, Federation SAbah Industry, KadazanDusun Chamber of Commerce and Industry Malaysia and Dewan Usahan Bumiputera Negeri Sabah for cooperation to develop education MSMEs, tourism and health sectors

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Sekretariat Nasional Kerja Sama Ekonomi Sub Regional Kementerian Koordinator Bidang Perekonomian


1. Review/Update/Revisi Proyek dalam Rolling Pipeline (RP) periode 2017-2019

2. Identifikasi awal proyek yang akan dimasukkan dalam RP 2020-2022

3. Capaian dan Rencana Implementasi 2019

4. Finalisasi usulan proyek yang akan dibahas dalam Project Appraisal Committee (PAC)

5. Identifikasi proyek yang bersifat lintas sektoral

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Sekretariat Nasional Kerja Sama Ekonomi Sub Regional Kementerian Koordinator Bidang Perekonomian


1. Agriculture Cluster: Agroindustry, Fisheries Kementan, Kemen KKP

2. Transport Cluster: Air, Sea, Land Kemenhub

3. Trade and Investment Facilitation Cluster: SMED, CIQS, Statistics Kemendag, BKPM, Kemenkop dan UKM, Bea Cukai, Imigrasi, Barantan, BPS

4. Power and Energy Infrastructure Cluster Kemen ESDM

5. ICT Infrastructure Kemenkominfo

6. Tourism Cluster Kemenpar

7. Environment Cluster Kemen LHK

8. Socio Cultural and Education Cluster Kemenko PMK, Kemendikbud

9. Local Government Unit Forum Pemerintah Daerah

10. BIMP-EAGA Business Council Kadin Daerah

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TERIMA KASIH !email us : [email protected]

Sekretariat Nasional Kerja Sama Ekonomi Sub RegionalKementerian Koordinator Bidang Perekonomian