placement handbook

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  • 8/13/2019 Placement Handbook


  • 8/13/2019 Placement Handbook


    ,elcome to the ni.ersity of "sse/ Occupational

    Therapy Practice Placement Hand0oo1

    Practice placements are an integral part of professional educationprogrammes andshould 0e a positi.e and satisfactory e/perience for 0oth clinicaleducators andstudents2

    To maintain 3uality practice education re3uires partnership 0et4eenthe ni.ersity of"sse/ and all healthcare pro.iders5 0oth parties ha.e aresponsi0ility to enhance thestudent e/perience through open communication channels2

    linical placement staffs are encouraged to use the linical"ducator6s7uestionnaire (Appendi/ * p 8*) 4hich is an effecti.e method forinforming theni.ersity of any issues2 Ho4e.er9 if you ha.e any 3ueries a0outany aspect ofpractice education 4hich needs to 0e addressed promptly9 please


    ;essica %a.ies Tel: =8>? >

    Alternati.ely5 %e2Ath Tel: >=

    #ouise Andre4s Practice Placement educator is on Maternity lea.euntil May *

    Placement Administrators hhsplace esse/2ac2u1

    ,e aim to resol.e any issues of complaint as speedily as possi0le2

    !f you 4ish to ma1e a formal complaint a0out any aspect of clinicaleducation it should 0e

  • 8/13/2019 Placement Handbook


    addressed to:

    %r ;o ;ac1son (Head of School)

    School of Health C Human Sciences

    ni.ersity of "sse/2

  • 8/13/2019 Placement Handbook





    !ntroduction and aims for placements 4ithin the programme


    Placement opportunities and organisation of OT PlacementProgramme

    Ad.ance information for practice placement educators C S,A!$analysis


    #ouise Andre4s

    (On maternity lea.euntil April * )

    louisea esse/2ac2u1

    =8>? >

    Academic Tutors

    Selena Hammond

    shammond esse/2ac2u1

    Anita Stein0erg

    astein esse/2ac2u1

    Anna Pettican

    (On maternity lea.euntil April * )

    arpett esse/2ac2u1

    Ste.e Moores

  • 8/13/2019 Placement Handbook


    smoores esse/2ac2u1

    Programme #ead MSc

    Mar1 Irancis-,right

    mfrancis esse/2ac2u1

    Professional #ead andBSc Programme #ead

    Irances Sheppard

    fGshep ese/2ac2u1

    Role of the Practice Placement Tutor

    The practice placement tutor is responsi0le for liaising 4ith practiceplacement co-ordinators and+or other identified personnel in settings tosource appropriateplacement opportunities for students to access2

    !t is the tutor2s role to ensure that the students are ready forplacement in that theyrecei.e the re3uired information9 paper4or1 and preparation priorto thecommencement of the placement2

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    The practice placement tutor 4ill plan and Placement"ducator ourses andidentify educator continuing professional de.elopment support asre3uired2

    Monitoring of practice placement pro.ision commensurate 4ithprofessional andstatutory 0ody 3uality assurance standards 4ill occur throughplacement e.aluati.eprocesses and the placement tutor 4ill ta1e action as re3uired2

    Role of the Eisiting Tutor on placement

    Students 4ill 0e .isited 0y a tutor from the school during eachplacement at the half4aystage at a time mutually con.enient to all parties2 Students arenormally e/pected to

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    ma1e contact 4ith the .isiting tutor as soon as possi0le9 either .iatelephone or agreed a time 4ith their educator at an early stage in theplacement2 One .isit isall that is re3uired9 if there are areas of concern identified9su0se3uent .isitscan 0e arranged after consultation 4ith the practice placementtutor2

    Should educator or student ha.e concerns earlier in the placementthen theseshould 0e communicated for or action to the practiceplacement tutor2

    The educator should complete a Placement !ssue of oncern formidentifyingissue and documenting an agreed action plan (page **?)2

    %uring the placement the .isiting tutor 4ill discuss the follo4ingareas and record theiro0ser.ations on the appropriate half 4ay .isit monitoring form

    The .isiting tutor 4ill e.aluate the e/perience at this stage toensure that the studentJslearning needs are 0eing met and that placement 3uality standardsare maintained2

    2 %iscuss the learning e/perience 4ith the student and educator+sindi.idually9follo4ed 0y a Goint discussion if re3uired

    2 Monitor student performance 0y re.ie4ing the learninge/perience9 the learningcontract9 the assessment process and super.ision notes

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    2 Support the educator through re.ie4ing the student2s learninge/perience9 actingas a second mar1er if re3uired2 %iscuss pastoral issues 4hich may ha.e a 0earing on the successof theplacement2 Raise any significant issues regarding the placement e/perience4ith theeducator and student

    Placement "ducator ontinuing Professional %e.elopment support

    Practice Placement "ducators2 ourses ta1e place 0oth 4ithin theSchool and clinicalareas at least three times a year2

    T4o-day courses pro.ide an opportunity for ne4 educators tofamiliarise themsel.es4ith the course curriculum and the professional de.elopment needsof the student on


    !t is e/pected that in attending the course that ne4 educators 4illha.e the re3uisites1ills and 1no4ledge to effecti.ely support and super.ise thestudent placemente/perience commensurate 4ith placement education standards

    To ensure currency and continuation of placement educatorde.elopment opportunitiesacross the spectrum of educator e/pertise9 a range of continuingprofessionalde.elopment educator 4or1shops including one day updatesessions ha.e 0eende.eloped 4hich aim to address themes and identified needs arisingfrom placementeducation and the undergraduate curriculum2 %etails of theseopportunities arecirculated periodically to placement co-ordinators and + or are

    negotia0le 4ith the tutorresponsi0le for placement educator P%2

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    The school also offers either a mentorship module for e/periencedplacement educatorsto underta1e the OT Accreditation of Practice Placement"ducators2 (APP#") orsupport to complete the e/periential route2

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    There is a 4ide range of resources a.aila0le 4hich can 0e used tode.elop studentsunderstanding and e/perience in the practice setting2 They areemployed mostconstructi.ely 4hen the placement educator uses them as a meansto fulfil the identified for the placement and the re3uirements of theprogrammecurriculum2 The placement educator needs to consider 4hat thestudent(s) should gainfrom each e/perience they ha.e 4hilst on a placement2 Someresources are common toall clinical areas9 4hilst others are less 4idely a.aila0le2 users are the most .alua0le component of practice-0asededucation2,or1ing 4ith users students the opportunity to apply1no4ledge and

    s1ills they ha.e learned at ni.ersity and o0ser.e the outcomes oftheirinteractions and inter.entions in the real 4orld2

    The opportunity to discuss9 o0ser.e and 4or1 4ith a .ariety of otherpractice-0ased staff9 including those from other professions9 is .ery useful2

    Thesee/periences emphasise the importance of the holistic approach topatientmanagement9 allo4ing the student to e/perience in.ol.ement 4iththe multi-disciplinary team and gi.e different on patients andtheir pro0lems2!nteraction 4ith the other practice-0ased staff also helps the student0egin tounderstand the organisation and management structures of thearea2


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    Related acti.ities i2e2 opportunities to attend 4ard rounds and caseconferences9help the student to understand the role of other professionals9 thefunction of themulti-disciplinary team and the place of occupational therapy ino.erall patientmanagement2

    2Practice-0ased learning e/periences tend to stimulate the student2sinterest anddesire to find out more a0out a su0Gect and it is helpful if studentsha.e access to0oo1s and Gournals and other facilities on site such as departmentprotocols andtreatment regimes 4hich are useful in the studentinformation a0out the rateof progress to e/pect from patients 4ith specific conditions2


    The placement educator is an important learning resource for thestudent2 One oftheir maGor functions is to help the student ma1e sense of theirplacement 0yfacilitating the planning and organising their 4or1load and ser.iceusere/periences2 The esta0lishment and agreement of clinical learninggoals helps toachie.e this2

    Practice Placement !nformation D Placement Process

    The process of o0taining9 allocating9 supporting and monitoring ofplacement pro.ision is

    the responsi0ility of the Practice Placement Tutor supported 0y theschool team2

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    The process tas1s are outlined in the follo4ing stages and arefurther detailed in thePlacement Process Trac1ing Tas1s and Resources information2

    Pre placement

    2 Practice Placement a.aila0ility form is sent annually to alloccupational therapypractice placement education co-ordinators and other indi.idualplacementpro.iders follo4ed 0y reminders throughout the year2

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    2 Placements are allocated to students follo4ing consultation andta1ing account ofindi.idual student placement needs feasi0le2 Students donot ha.e theright to contest their placement allocation on the grounds of9 fore/amplechildcare9 tra.el9 time or financial resources22 Student2s long standing health issues identified 0y occupationalhealth 4ill 0eaccommodated possi0le under the "3uality Act9 * 22 A placement allocation list is compiled and issued to .isiting tutorstaff andstudents2 The practice placement tutor confirms placement allocation 4ithplacementeducation co-ordinators or indi.idual educators9 as appropriate9 84ee1s9 or assoon as possi0le9 0efore placement commencement2

    The follo4ing information is pro.ided:

    2 Student details2 Placement module e/pectations2 Assessment cross-mar1ing support meeting information2 Placement educator placement e/perience e.aluation form2 Students complete a placement ad.ance information and S,A!$indi.iduallearning needs form and send directly to their educator 4ith anintroductory letter2 "ducators respond to students introductory letter 4ith information2 Students arrange a pre-placement .isit if possi0le2 Students electronically do4nload follo4ing placementdocumentation

    Assessment forms

    #earning contract C Super.ision logs

    Student Placement Ieed0ac1 form

    Hours log C Placement a0sence forms

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    ase study consent form

    Pre- placement preparation

    2 %uring induction to the programme and 4ithin the first modulesstudents 4ill 0eintroduced to the follo4ing:

    o !ntroduction to C Handlingo !nfection ontrol9 including hand 4ashingo !ntroduction to Brea1a4ay %e-escalationo hild Protection C Protection of Eulnera0le Adultso ultural ompetencyo #a0elling9 Stigma9 Social e/clusion C anti-discriminatory practiceo Religion9 Spirituality9 Holistic practice2o #egal C "thical !ssues9 including important legislatureo !ntroduction to Basic #ife Supporto #one 4or1ing

    2 !mmediately prior to each practice placement students recei.e5o a practical update in and handling

    o re.ie4 of paper4or1 re3uiredo discussion of any issues rele.ant to the le.el of placemento discussion concerning 4ritten 4or1 and presentation of case study

    %uring placement

    2 Students are .isited on each placement at the half4ay stage 0y a.isitingtutor22 On the final day of placement9 students attend a de0rief session atthe

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    school and sign in an original copy of their

    placement assessment C hours log2

    Post placement

    2 Placement assessment forms are ratified 0y the practiceplacement tutor andmar1s and hours entered on the assessment data 0ase2 Placement educators return e.aluation of placement e/perience2 Student and educator feed0ac1 forms collated for coursee.aluation 3ualitymonitoring

    and feed0ac1 for students and educators

    2 Students underta1e de.elopment re.ie4 4ith personal and orpracticeplacement tutor

    and complete ne/t placement information form

    Feneral placement information


    The re3uirement of the ,orld Iederation of Occupational Therapistsis that eachstudent should complete a minimum of * hours in practice inorder to achie.eprofessional status2

    !n the degree programme students ha.e the opportunity tocomplete ? -?? 4ee1sof full-time clinical practice of 4hich all 4ill 0e assessed2 Based on?< hours per4ee1 all students 4ill e/ceed the minimum of * hours asre3uired 0y the ,orldIederation of Occupational Therapists2

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    The practice placement educator is re3uired to .erify the hours4or1ed during eachplacement 0y signing the student hours log and the PracticePlacement "ducationAssessment form2

    The student 4ill also ha.e a Placement profile form to denoteaccumulatedplacement hours across the course of their training 4hich needs to0e .erified 0ythe school2

    Students are e/pected to conform to the con.entional

    4or1ing hours of the setting they are placed in2

    Ho4e.er9 4here e/tended practice hours are

    negotiated e2g2 to ta1e ad.antage of specific learning

    opportunities9 these hours should 0e 0alanced 4ith

    appropriate time in lieu+study time arrangements9 not as a

    4ay to prolong the placement assessment period2

    Study time on placement

    A re3uirement of the programme is that each student is allocated ahalf day of study per4ee1 4hilst on practice placement at a time agreed 4ith theplacement educator2 Thehours for this half-day of study are included in the total placementhours2


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    Time a4ay from the placement 4ill naturally impact on optimalperformance time re3uiredto meet placement learning outcomes2 Hence9 the student mustnotify the practiceplacement educator and the school of any a0sence from theplacement2

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    A self-certification form should 0e o0tained if a0sence is for ? daysor more2 A FPmedical certificate is re3uired for a0sences of one 4ee1 or more2

    All a0sences must 0e recorded on the Student Practice PlacementAttendance Record2

    FP medical certificates and self-certification sic1ness certificatesmust 0e promptly sentto the practice placement administrator and 4ill 0e entered on thestudent record inaccordance 4ith the lothier Report (*@@>)2

    Planned or unplanned a0sence from the placement for reasonsother than sic1ness must0e discussed 4ith the programme manager and practice placementtutor as early aspossi0le to assess the impact on completing re3uired hours and toena0le options to 0econsidered2

    Fuidance for students 4ishing to claim e/cess clinical placementtra.el andaccommodation e/penses

    $HS commissioned students in receipt of a 0ursary 4ho ha.e tounderta1e a clinicalplacement 4hich training in hospitals or community healthser.ices rather than aclassroom may 0e entitled to ha.e the cost of Gourneys 0et4eentheir term time residenceand the clinical placement site (4hich is not part of their ni.ersity)reim0ursed2 This ispro.iding the cost of tra.el to the clinical placement site is greaterthan the normal tra.elcost from their term time residence to college2

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    All $HS funded students should ha.e recei.ed from the $HS StudentFrants nit aFrant $otification #etter that 4ill detail the amount and type of0ursary they recei.e2 !fthe student is assessed as "uropean Iees Only2 or Assessed IeesOnly2 they 4ill not 0ea0le to claim tra.el or accommodation e/penses2

    Students should also loo1 to see if there is any amount detailed onthe Frant $otification#etter as a Tra.el %isregard22 !f they do ha.e tra.el disregard thismeans that they 4ill0e in receipt of a 2 2 a4ard and it is considered that studentsmust pay the amountdetailed as the tra.el disregard from their o4n resources to co.erany clinical placemente/penses they may incur2 Students may still su0mit claims 0ut noadditional paymentscan 0e made to clinical placement tra.el and+oraccommodation e/penditure untilthe total of their claims e/ceeds that of the tra.el disregard2

    A claim form must 0e completed for each clinical placement andsigned 0y a lecturer0efore 0eing sent to the $HS Student Frants nit for processing2

    Students should ensure that all tic1ets+receipts are 1ept as e.idencein the e.ent of aclaim 0eing made2

    laim forms and information sheets 4ith full details of ho4 to claimare a.aila0le from thePlacements Office S 2>2*?2

    ar insurance information

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    !f it is necessary for a student to use their car for official 0usinesspurposes9 other thangetting to and from their placement they must chec1 that theirinsurance policy co.ersKofficial 0usiness purposesL and not Gust Ksocial9 domestic orpleasure purposesL2

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    Accommodation may 0e a.aila0le close to a placement and may 0earranged through theplacement pro.ider or 0y the student as appropriate2 Students areentitled to claimreasona0le accommodation costs 4hilst on placement9 if they are inreceipt of a $HS0ursary2

    Professional !ndemnity

    Pre-registration students are re3uired to 0ecome student mem0ersof the ollege ofOccupational Therapy ( OT+ BAOT)9 4hich pro.ides them 4ithadditional professionalindemnity insurance for practice placement education at areasona0le monthlycost2 Practice "ducation conte/ts are ad.ised to e/plore their

    policies and procedures inregard to insurance 4hilst offering student placements2

    Personal onduct

    The student 4ill e/pect to 0e inducted into the placement pro.iderorganisation ordepartment and to 0e ac3uainted 4ith policy and proceduresgo.erning safe practice2

    The student must o0ser.e these at all times2

    Students are re3uired to 0e a4are of their o4n personal safety at alltimes and adhere protocols2

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    On placement students are e/pected to loo1 neat9 clean andprofessional at all times2

    The student must 0e ad.ised of uniform or non-uniform dress codeprior to commencingplacement and 4ill 0e e/pected to adhere to it at all times2 Thestudent should not 4eartheir uniform in pu0lic unless underta1ing a clinical duty2

    !nfection control procedures 4ithin clinical settings must 0e adheredto2

    Students are issued 4ith school identity 0adges and these should 0eclearly .isi0le at alltimes2

    Personal mo0ile phones are only to 0e used for professionalpurposes 4ithin 4or1inghours and used according to Trust or organisation operationalpolicy2 and Handling

    Students 4ill the 0road principles of and handlingduring the courseinduction period during the *st t4o 4ee1s of term and recei.eannual theoretical andpractical updates (using each other as models) prior to thecommencement of eachplacement2

    The student 4ill identify their indi.idual and handlinglearning needs and 4ill 1eepa log of C handling e/periences (signed 0y their placementeducators) as part oftheir portfolio2

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    Students should see1 re3uisite support from the placementeducator to ensure thatplacement and handling techni3ues are managed safely4ithin their remit2

    ode of "thics and Professional onduct

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    Students are re3uired to 0e con.ersant 4ith and adhere to the odeof "thics andProfessional onduct for Occupational Therapists ( OT >)2Students are re3uired to0e particularly a4are of the need to safeguard confidentialinformation relating to clientsand they must follo4 ni.ersity guidelines for maintainingconfidentiality and gainingconsent 4hen conducting a client case study9 and o0taining anyinformation for portfoliosto comply 4ith the Health Professions ouncil onduct Performanceand "thics ( =)and the %ata Protection Act (*@@=)

    RB Police hec1s

    !t is the re3uirement of all students applying to study on $HS fundednon-medical healthprofessional to o0tain an enhanced disclosure of con.ictions2 Thedecision to acceptstudents on to a course of study lies solely 4ith the ni.ersity9 and

    placement pro.iderscan 0e assured that each student has an enhanced riminal RecordsBureau ( RB)chec1 prior to commencement of the placement and 4hich isupdated annually2 Studentsare made a4are of the need to disclose any con.ictions ac3uiredafter acceptance on tothe course9 and any student 4ho chooses not to inform theni.ersity9 and issu0se3uently disco.ered9 4ill 0e dealt 4ith under the regulations forprofessionalsuita0ility2

    %isa0ility %iscrimination Act+"3uality Act *

    The %isa0ility %iscrimination Act 4as e/tended to ni.ersities in2 This has resulted

    in many changes9 in line 4ith %isa0ility %iscrimination Actlegislation9 including the

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    amendment of the learning contract section of the clinicalplacement assessment forms9to ensure that students ha.e an opportunity to disclose specificneeds 4hich may impacton the learning e/perience and discuss these 4ith their clinicaleducator2 The legislationidentifies that clinical educators act as temporary facilitators for theni.ersity of "sse/students and hence students should 0e encouraged to discuss anydisa0ilities andstrategies 4ith them2

    The ni.ersity of "sse/ supports the social model of disa0ility and iscommitted to e3ualopportunities2 !t recognises its responsi0ilities under the legislationand is committed to4or1ing in the 0est interests of people 4ith a disa0ility andtherefore aims to generate amore ena0ling2 en.ironment and to create a non-discriminatoryculture9 for the 0enefit ofall ni.ersity students9 staff and .isitors2

    All Staff ha.e a responsi0ility to ensure that they do not:

    treat a disa0led person less fa.oura0ly than someone else for areason

    relating to the person2s disa0ility indirectly discriminate against a student 4ith a disa0ility 0y failingto ma1e areasona0le adGustment2 4hen a disa0led student is placed9 or isli1ely to 0eplaced9 at a su0stantial disad.antage2 in comparison 4ith a person4ho isnot disa0led

    !f a student discloses a disa0ility to you9 you must re3uest theirpermission to for4ard thisinformation to rele.ant colleagues2 Students should 0e encouragedto disclose to the%isa0ility Team in Student Support 4ho ha.e responsi0ility forassessing e.idence andnotifying those people 4ho need to 1no4 once the confidentialitycontract has 0eensigned2

    All Students ha.e a responsi0ility to:

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    disclose their disa0ility to a mem0er of the %isa0ility Team in theStudentSupport Office at the ni.ersity so appropriate adGustments may 0ediscussed

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    Apply to their funding organisation for assistance 4ith costsrelated to theirdisa0ility (further and guidance on 4ho to approach isa.aila0le from the%isa0ility Team in student support at the ni.ersity)2

    ,hilst the %isa0ility Team pro.ide initial to all students it isthe student2sresponsi0ility to contact the %isa0ility Team if they re3uireindi.idual at other timesand to notify the Student Support Office of changes in theircircumstances and+orre3uirements2 A good practice guide for accessi0le curricula isa.aila0le athttp:++4442techdis2ac2u1+pdf+curricula2pdf

    %eferred+failed placements

    Students must pass all practice-0ased learning placements2 !f astudent fails a

    placement9 they 4ill 0e re3uired to underta1e and pass a full repeatplacement (in thesame clinical speciality) for a capped mar12 !f a student fails aplacement on re-assessment or fails more than placements at first attempt they4ill 0e re3uired to4ithdra4 from the programme2

    !n the e.ent of a failed placement or personal circumstances9 4hichpre.ent either9a placement from 0eing started or completed e2g2 through sic1nessor othere/tenuating circumstances then the student 4ill underta1e theplacement at thene/t a.aila0le placement time2

    This 4ill result in those students 3ualifying 4hen they ha.esuccessfullycompleted the minimum * placement hours re3uired2

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    Alternati.e placement arrangements

    Alterations may 0e made to placement 4or1ing arrangements tomeet the needs ofstudents 4ith diagnosed health needs e2g2 shorter hours alonger placementperiod2

    The practice placement tutor 4ill negotiate the placementarrangements 4ith theplacement educator and the student2


    OT (

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    Responsi0ilities of the Student and "ducator on placement

    Student responsi0ilities:

    2 To 0roadly prepare for the placement - o0tain information relatingto the clinicalarea2 To complete the ad.ance information+S,A!$ form and send to theeducator in atimely manner2 To arrange C underta1e a pre-placement .isit 4here possi0le2 To confirm details of the placement 4ith the educator and as1 anyrele.ant3uestions2 To consider personal learning needs for the stage of training9 andto use e.eryopportunity on placement to de.elop these2 To de.elop a learning contract and learning outcomes incolla0oration 4ith the

    educator2 To de.elop 1no4ledge and s1ills gained in 0oth the academic andplacementsettings2 To underpin practice 4ith an appropriate theoretical e.idence 0ase2 To constructi.ely use formal C informal super.ision processes9engage in self-assessment and acti.ely prepare for C participate in theseprocesses2 To further clinical s1ills 4ith a range of clients9 4or1ing at a le.elappropriate forthe stage of training reached2 To contri0ute to4ards discussion and inter.ention as part of aninter-professionalteam2 To o0ser.e the ollege of Occupational Therapy2s ode of "thicsandProfessional onduct ( >) in all aspects of clinical 4or12 As future registrants of the Health Professions ouncil studentsshould also 0ea4are of and comply 4ith the Standards of onduct9 Performance

    and "thics(HP 8)2

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    2 To use reflecti.e practice as a tool for further de.elopment2 To inform the placement educator and the School of any change inpersonalcircumstances 4hich may affect the a0ility to complete theplacement2 To follo4 the School procedures2 To complete rele.ant paper4or1 0y the re3uired date2 To 0eha.e in a professional manner at all times2 To record practice e/periential learning in a professionalde.elopment portfolio

    "ducator responsi0ilities

    2 To prepare for the student9 pro.iding information rele.ant to theclinical+ser.icearea2 To plan and source suita0le uni-professional and multidisciplinarylearningopportunities 4ith the student ta1ing into account the le.el oftraining9 theirindi.idual learning needs and prior e/perience2 To pro.ide support and super.ision to the student as appropriate2 To ensure the student has a mem0er of staff to refer to in the

    a0sence of theeducator2 To facilitate the student in regular super.ision using the learningcontract9super.ision log and assessment criteria to guide the process

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    2 To assess the students performance throughout the placement andgi.e regularfeed0ac1 through formal and informal discussion and assessmentrecording2 To inform the school as soon as possi0le of any concerns regardingthe student2sperformance and to formally document these as an issue ofconcern22 To e.aluate the placement .ia the educator placement e.aluationform2 To update and de.elop educator s1ills through P% opportunities2 To meet practice placement education standards

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    Placement assessment process

    Placement assessment processes ser.e t4o purposes5 that is topro.ide the student4ith ongoing feed0ac1 on their performance9 and to formally assessthe le.el of thatperformance against defined criteria for the student2s stage oftraining2

    The assessment and super.ision process pro.ides a frame4or1 tocontinuallymonitor de.elopment of professional s1ills9 1no4ledge and attitudeena0lingplacement educator and student to engage in a continuing cycle ofmonitoring9re.ie49 feed0ac1 and action planning2 Regular performancefeed0ac1 is e/pected tooccur during formal and informal super.ision times2

    The student 0rings the follo4ing assessment C supportingdocumentation to the


    o Assessment formso #earning contracto Super.ision logso A0sence formso Hours logo C handling logo Student Placement ".aluation formo "ducator Placement ".aluation form

    All forms for educators are also a.aila0le electronically .iahhsplace esse/2ac2u1

    Assessment re3uirements

    The placement assessment form pro.ides a comprehensi.e set ofgraded

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    performance criteria9 4hich ta1e account of increasing le.els ofresponsi0ility andin.ol.ement as students2 progress through placements2 Theassessment form isused in conGunction 4ith the placement module description sheet9 topro.ideguidance on the performance e/pected of the student for each le.elof placement2Additional assessment mar1ing guidelines and information areincluded 4ith eachassessment form to help 4ith grading performance2

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    Half4ay assessment

    An assessment discussion 4ill occur half4ay through the placement2 Theassessment form may 0e used in conGunction 4ith the completedlearning contractand super.ision logs to ena0le educator and student to identifylearning progressionup to this point2 %e.elopment needs arising from the discussionshould 0e recordedin the student2s super.ision log and 4ill also 0e reflected in re.isionof the student2slearning contract as appropriate2

    Iormal final assessment

    A formal summati.e (final) assessment meeting is held at the end ofthe placement2

    Both student and placement educator are re3uired to complete theassessment form2 The student2s copy of the assessment form is used to pro.ideopportunity to e.aluatetheir o4n performance and to prepare for half4ay discussion andthe final formalreport meetings2

    "ach of the four sections of the placement assessment form must0e a4arded amar12 All performance criteria must 0e met and the student mustminimally o0tain aPass (8 N) in each of the four sections in order to satisfactorilycomplete placementpractice components2

    !t is a re3uirement that specific e/amples of the student2sperformance must 0e gi.enin each section to support the mar1 a4arded and also comment on4here and ho4they can de.elop their practice2


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    After discussion 0et4een educator and student9 the placementeducator 4illma1e the final o.erall grading decision for all placements2

    BSc (Hons)

    After discussion 0et4een educator and student9 the placementeducator 4illma1e the final o.erall grading decision for placements * D ? and >2

    Ior placement 8 educators and students 4ill a4ard mar1s forsections *- 8only D final placement grades 4ill 0e a4arded 0y the school aftersu0missionof reflecti.e assignment2

  • 8/13/2019 Placement Handbook


    Potential failure of placement

    The follo4ing process is used to pro.ide support to 0oth student andeducator if it0ecomes e.ident at any stage of the placement that the student isunli1ely tosuccessfully complete the placement2

    *2 The placement educator should notify the practice placementtutor as soon asdifficulties or concerns emerge a0out a student2s performance ora0ility toattain the e/pected le.el22 The placement educator should complete a placement issue ofconcern

    form identifying unsatisfactory performance and outlininge/pectations Caction points for de.elopment C re.ie4 in conGunction 4ith thestudent9 liaising4ith the .isiting tutor or practice placement tutor2?2 The placement educator should monitor student2s performanceagainst theagreed action plan2 The practice placement tutor must 0e notifiedas early aspossi0le 0efore the final assessment9 if it is clear that the student isuna0le tomeet the agreed plan and 4ill fail282 The practice placement tutor 4ill co-ordinate a meeting 0et4eenthe student9placement educator and practice placement tutor (or .isiting tutor Dasapplica0le)2>2 ,here is not possi0le9 the practice placement tutor (or.isiting tutor)may 0e re3uested to participate in the final assessment process 0yeither the

    student or the placement educator2

  • 8/13/2019 Placement Handbook


    Iailure of Practice Placement modules

    *2 "ach of the four+fi.e practice placements has to 0e passed inorder toprogress through the academic le.els to achie.e final 3ualification2 A student failing a placement must successfully retrie.e this0eforeprogressing to the ne/t practice placement e/perience?2 A ne4 placement 4ill normally 0e found 4hich 4ill pro.ide similarlearningopportunities in a compara0le setting

  • 8/13/2019 Placement Handbook


    82 A second failure of the repeat placement 4ill normally result intermination ofthe course and procedures are consistent 4ith those for academicmodules( OT =: re3uirement A2?2 )>2 A student9 4ho fails one placement (at any le.el) it 0utthen fails the su0se3uent practice placement assessment9 4ill not0e offereda repeat reassessment and 4ill 0e deemed as e.idencing persistentfailure todemonstrate placement competence2 This 4ill result in terminationof thecourse22 Students 4ho fail su0mitted 4ritten reflecti.e components forplacements 8(BSc only) 4ill fail the placement pending successful resu0mission ofthe4ritten component only2

  • 8/13/2019 Placement Handbook


    !n e/treme cases the placement educator has the right to send thestudent off siteimmediately9 0ut must notify the school to inform the practiceplacement tutor of thisaction2 The ni.ersity 4ill then implement appropriate proceduresgo.erned 0yni.ersity professional conduct regulations (page * )2 !f thestudent from placement it is deemed as a first failure2 Therefore9the ne/tplacement 4ill 0e capped at 8 N2

    A student has the right of appeal through the uni.ersity appealsprocedure

  • 8/13/2019 Placement Handbook


    Half4ay .isits

    Half4ay through the placement a tutor from the school 4ill .isit tomeet 4ith 0othstudent and placement educator2 The student must contact tutor in*st 4ee1 toarrange the .isit2 Iailure to do so may result in the commencementof theprofessional suita0ility procedure2 The .isit is an opportunity forstudent and educatorto re.ie4 the placement e/perience9 see1 support9 as1 3uestionsand gain and feed0ac1 as appropriate2 !t is an opportunity to re.ie4the student2sassessment progress and identify recommendations for furtherde.elopment2

    Return of assessment paper4or1

    Students 4ill su0mit the placement assessment form9 placementassignments(placement 8 only) hours log C a0sence form9 appropriately signed94ith a front

    sheet 4hen they return to the school for the feed0ac1 day on thelast day of theplacement period2 The remainder of the placement documentation:learningcontracts9 super.ision logs and other reflecti.e logs+material is to 0efiled in thestudent2s P% portfolio and 0e a.aila0le for use in discussions andfor e/ternalmoderation purposes if re3uired2 Student placement e.aluationforms must 0ehanded to the placement tutor after final completion of commentsduring theplacement feed0ac1 session2

    Hours of study

    A re3uirement of the programme is that each student is allocatedthe e3ui.alent to ahalf-day of off-site study per 4ee1 4hilst on practice placement9 at a

    time agreed4ith the placement educator2

  • 8/13/2019 Placement Handbook


    The hours for study are not included in the total placement hoursunless the time isspent 4or1ing specifically on a or organisational proGect4hich is to 0ere.ie4ed 0y the educator2


    Any long standing medical condition identified 0y OccupationalHealth is notdisclosed to the occupational therapy team5 therefore 4e acti.elyencourage you todo so to your personal tutor or placement tutor2 Placements areco.ered 0ylegislation relating to the 4or1place and human resourcedepartments may 0e a0leto ad.ise on reasona0le adGustments2 Should students choose to4ithholdinformation there is no o0ligation to ma1e reasona0le adGustmentsand e/tenuatingcircumstances 4ill not apply

  • 8/13/2019 Placement Handbook


    Student Ad.ance !nformation for Practice Placement "ducators Iorm

    Student $ame:

    Address for correspondence:

    Tel $o:


    urrent Occupational Therapy ,or1ing "/perience (as applica0le)

    Practice Placement "/perience (in order9 include details of name ofplacement9description of e/perience gained9 role and s1ills learned)


  • 8/13/2019 Placement Handbook





  • 8/13/2019 Placement Handbook


  • 8/13/2019 Placement Handbook


    S,A!$6 Ior Professional %e.elopment on Placement

    To complete the S,A!$ analysis9 identify your percei.ed Strengthsand areas of,ea1ness for personal C professional de.elopment for the ne/tplacemente/perience2 !dentify your Aspirations (4hat you hope to 0e a0le todo or achie.eduring the placement) and your !nhi0itions (4hat you thin1 may getin the 4ay or underta1ing your aspirations)2 Outline 4hat you feelare your personaland professional de.elopment $eeds for the placement2 Thisinformation 4ill ena0leyour educator to plan the placement in relation to your specificlearning needs andmay help form the 0asis for your learning contract2



  • 8/13/2019 Placement Handbook





    Any special considerations for the placement:

  • 8/13/2019 Placement Handbook


    "/pected placement start date:

    "/pected placement finish date:



  • 8/13/2019 Placement Handbook


    School of Health C Human Sciences

    ,i.enhoe Par1

    olchester O8 ?S7

    Occupational Therapy Practice Placement ase Study PresentationFuidelines

    Students are re3uired to demonstrate integration of theory andpractice and thede.elopment of occupational therapy clinical reasoning s1illsthrough a case studypresentation of their understanding and le.el of in.ol.ement in case4or1ingpractices2

    Feneral guidelines for all client 0ased case studies

    The study 4ill include information rele.ant to the occupationaltherapy process2 asappropriate to the area and to demonstrate student clinicalreasoningprocesses at an appropriate le.el for stage of training2 of person referred to the ser.ice2Reason for referral2

    Primary and secondary pro0lems2 + needs2

  • 8/13/2019 Placement Handbook


    !mpact of condition+episode on person2s lifestyle2OT process D assessment - ho4 needs are identified2Fuiding theory D model of practice9 inter.ention approach2,or1place practices guiding inter.ention D localpolicies+procedures+legislation2Aims of OT inter.ention2Planning C implementation of treatment+acti.ity2".aluation D ho4 has person 0enefited from limitations2Iuture plans C actions2".idence 0ase for study D source references

  • 8/13/2019 Placement Handbook


    ase Study onsent Iorm

    ! consent to 0eing part of a case study9 used for the education of theOccupational Therapy student named 0elo42

    ! understand that all my details 4ill remain confidential and 4ill only0e usedfor the purposes of this study and that this form 4ill remain 4ith theoccupational therapy ser.ice2

    lients $ame

    lients Signature

    Occupational Therapy

    Student $ame

  • 8/13/2019 Placement Handbook


    Occupational Therapy

    Student Signature

    Practice Placement

    "ducator6s $ame

    Practice Placement

    "ducator6s Signature


    $2B2 !t is important this form must remain 4ithin the occupationaltherapypractice placement education placement setting2

  • 8/13/2019 Placement Handbook


  • 8/13/2019 Placement Handbook


    Record of linical Hours ompleted

    Please ensure all hours are recorded on a daily 0asis 0y the student(Q total hoursadded up) and signed 0y the linical "ducator to sho4 an accuraterecord ofattendance2

    !t 4ould 0e e/pected that you 4ould achie.e at least ?? hours per4ee1 e/cluding studytime unless negotiated other4ise2 Placement preparation andfeed0ac1 session time is!ncluded in these hours2

    Please note: #unch 0rea1s are not included as clinical hours2

    Please indicate e/pected hours per 4ee1


    Hours completed


    Hours completed

  • 8/13/2019 Placement Handbook


    ,ee1 *

    + +


    + +







  • 8/13/2019 Placement Handbook








    ,ee1 ?

    + +

    ,ee1 8

  • 8/13/2019 Placement Handbook


    + +









  • 8/13/2019 Placement Handbook






    Monthly total

    ! confirm that this is an accurate record of the hours completed 0ythe student2

  • 8/13/2019 Placement Handbook


    linical "ducator $ame:


  • 8/13/2019 Placement Handbook



    Hours completed


    Hours completed

    ,ee1 >

    + +


    + +



  • 8/13/2019 Placement Handbook










  • 8/13/2019 Placement Handbook




    ,ee1 2

    Placement address

    Placement type

    Practice placementeducator

  • 8/13/2019 Placement Handbook


    Eisiting tutor

    %ate of .isit

    !SOT .isiting tutor formati.e e.aluation2 omments and any ad.icegi.en re:studentpreparation C induction into placement9 e/pectations of the student9case 4or1ingde.elopment9 learning contract9 use of super.ision C support9clinical reasoning9 placementpresentation9 a0sence9 o.erall impression of professionalde.elopment C progress2


  • 8/13/2019 Placement Handbook



    Potential or actual issues or concerns 4hich may impact on student9educator and+or theplacement e/perience2



  • 8/13/2019 Placement Handbook


    School of Health and Human Sciences

    Placement issue of concern

    Support and re.ie4 form

    Student name


    Placement num0er

    PP * 2 PP 2 PP ? 2 PP 8 2 PP > 2

    Placement address

    Placement type

    Practice placementeducator

    Eisiting tutor

  • 8/13/2019 Placement Handbook


    %ate of contact

    Placement issue D poor performance9 danger of failure9 other issueof concern

    Action plan or recommendations made:

  • 8/13/2019 Placement Handbook


    Eisiting tutor signature

    Placement educator signature

    Student signature


    Agreed re.ie4 date

  • 8/13/2019 Placement Handbook


    Re.ie4 of performance+issue of concern

    Performance+issue re.ie4ed C resol.ed

    "ducator signature

    Student signature


    Performance+issue unresol.ed

    Iollo4 up action plan or recommendation

    "ducator signature

  • 8/13/2019 Placement Handbook


    Student signature


    !n the e.ent of continued failing performance at the end stage ofplacement 4hatarrangements are in place to clarify intention to notify failure 4iththe student

    Signature (s)


    Outcome of re.ie4 process (for school use only)

    !nformation for4arded if applica0le to:







  • 8/13/2019 Placement Handbook



  • 8/13/2019 Placement Handbook


    School of Health and Human Sciences

    ,i.enhoe Par1

    olchester O8 ?S7

    Practice Placement "ducator Ieed0ac1

    As a .alued part of the school2s 3uality monitoring process 4e 4ould0e grateful if you couldpro.ide 4ritten feed0ac1 on your e/periences of pro.iding thiscurrent student placement2

    The information 4ill 0e collated 4ith other e.aluation information topro.ide an e3uita0lepicture of the placement e/perience from placement pro.ider9student and schoolperspecti.es2




    %ates of Placement

    Placement num0er

    *st 2 nd 2 ?rd 2 8th 2 >th 2

  • 8/13/2019 Placement Handbook


  • 8/13/2019 Placement Handbook


    Eery 4ell 2 ,ell 2 $ot .ery 4ell 2 $ot at all 2 $o opportunity 2

    %uring the placement

    ,hat use did the student ma1e of the a.aila0le learningopportunities in your ser.iceen.ironment including interdisciplinary 4or1ing Please tic1

    "/cellent use 2 Eery 4ell 2 ,ell 2 $ot .ery 4ell 2 $ot at all 2


  • 8/13/2019 Placement Handbook


    ontinuing professional de.elopment - Super.ision

    ,as the student regularly a0le to prepare for C ma1e use of formalC informalsuper.ision Please tic1

    "/cellent use 2 Eery 4ell 2 ,ell 2 $ot .ery 4ell 2 $ot at all 2

    Ho4 4as the student a0le to reflect on and discuss their practicee/periences duringformal C informal super.ision

    "/cellently 2 Eery 4ell 2 ,ell 2 $ot .ery 4ell 2 $ot at all 2

    %id the student use any reflecti.e structures to help discussion ande.idence theirclinical reasoning

    'es 2 $o 2 ,as not discussed 2 na4are if in use 2

    ,as the student a0le to accurately record their super.isiondiscussions C learningneeds

    "/cellently 2 Eery 4ell 2 ,ell 2 $ot .ery 4ell 2 $ot at all 2

    Performance or Placement considerations

    ,ere there any issues or concerns a0out student performanceand+or placementrelated issues (not raised else4here) that may 0e useful for futureconsideration

  • 8/13/2019 Placement Handbook


    Eisiting tutor and school support

    Ho4 helpful 4as the .isiting tutor meeting for this student

    Eery helpful 2 Helpful 2 nhelpful 2 $ot needed 2

    Any other contact you may ha.e had 4ith the school for thisplacement

    Eery helpful 2 Helpful 2 nhelpful 2 $ot needed 2

    Other comments

  • 8/13/2019 Placement Handbook


    Than1 you for your feed0ac1 D please post or email 0ac1 to:hhsplace esse/2ac2u1

    ,endy Singleton9 Placement Administrator9 School of Health andHuman Sciences9ni.ersity of "sse/9 ,i.enhoe Par19 olchester9 O8 ?S7

  • 8/13/2019 Placement Handbook


    Practice Placement "ducation 7uality Assurance and Monitoring

    The Occupational Therapy programme and each placement pro.iderha.e a sharedresponsi0ility to ensure that the student placement e/perienceoffers a constructi.eC indi.idualised learning en.ironment that meets re3uisiteprofessional andregulatory 0ody placement and educational 3uality standards andguidelines2 OT( ?)9 HP ( ?)9 7AA ( *) (%oH+"$B *)

    Placements and standards are monitored and re.ie4ed through thefollo4ingprocesses5

    2 Placement half4ay .isits D monitoring form D screened+re.ie4ed 0yacademictutor + placement tutor D action as re3uired2 Student placement e.aluation - re.ie4ed 0y practice placementtutor D action

    as re3uired2 "ducator placement feed0ac1 - re.ie4ed 0y practice placementtutor D actionas re3uired2 "ducator de.elopment e.ents+course e.aluation - re.ie4ed 0ypracticeplacement tutor+academic staff D de.elopment as re3uired2 ourse programme management committee meetings D placement module e.aluation screened 0yprogrammemanager and academic team D re.ie4ed 0y placement tutor foraction asappropriate

    Prior to placement commencement practice educators are re3uiredto sign aplacement standards agreement9 4hich summarises the standardsin the follo4ing

    1ey areas

  • 8/13/2019 Placement Handbook


    2"ducator practice placement s1ills C 1no4ledge are current andstudentassessment outcomes meet criteria

    2"ducator understands and negotiates the achie.ement of re3uisitestudentplacement learning outcomes 4ith the student using a .ariety ofde.elopment+monitoring tools and 4hich ta1e account of indi.idualneed

    2Students recei.e formal and informal super.ision and feed0ac1 ontheirperformance 0y their named educator

    2"ducators understand and contri0ute to the course curriculum andfacilitate thestudents professional de.elopment on placement in partnership4ith the school

    2Students are gi.en responsi0ility for their learning and ha.e accesstoade3uately resourced 4or1place opportunities including multi-disciplinarylearning opportunities


  • 8/13/2019 Placement Handbook


    The 3uality of the placement 4or1ing+learning en.ironment reflectscurrente.idence and legislati.e 0ased practice

    2 There is responsi.e communication 0et4een the placement pro.iderand theschool in all aspects of the process of placement pro.ision

  • 8/13/2019 Placement Handbook


  • 8/13/2019 Placement Handbook



    ollege of Occupational Therapists: ode of "thics C Professionalonduct( >) OT9 #ondon

    %OH+"$B ( *) Placements in Iocus: Fuidance for education inpractice forhealth care professions2 #ondon2 %epartment of Health2

    http:++4442dh2go.2u1+en+Pu0licationsandstatistics+Pu0lications+Pu0licationsPolicyAndFuidance+%H 8 @>**

    Health Professions ouncil ( =) Standards of onduct9Performance C "thics#ondon

    http:++4442hpc-u12org+pu0lications+standards+inde/2asp idQ?=

    Health Professions ouncil ( * ) Fuidance on onduct and "thicsfor Students#ondon

    Health Professions ouncil (

  • 8/13/2019 Placement Handbook


    http:++4442hpc-u12org+assets+documents+* >* Standards of Proficiency Occupational Therapists2pdf

    Health Professions ouncil ( @) Standards of "ducation C Training2 #ondon


  • 8/13/2019 Placement Handbook


  • 8/13/2019 Placement Handbook


  • 8/13/2019 Placement Handbook


    Placement 3uality D linical go.ernance

    linical practice C de.elopment D ho4 and staffmeet user Ccorporate

    Placement education 3uality

    "ducator support C de.elopment structure D ho4 staff de.elop theirstudent educators1ills

    ,or1ing partnership lin1s 4ith the uni.ersity OT programme D ho4ser.iceinfluences the course curriculum

    Placement support processes

    Ho4 the and uni.ersity supports educators and students

    #ocal useful information not already contained in a studentinformation pac1

    Promoting 4or1 life 0alance

  • 8/13/2019 Placement Handbook


    Should you re3uire or assistance in the compilation orupdating of a studentinformation file in relation to the standards outlined please contactthe occupationaltherapy practice placement tutor2

  • 8/13/2019 Placement Handbook


  • 8/13/2019 Placement Handbook


    Placement Process Trac1ing - Occupational Therapy programme

    Placement "ducator and School of Health andHuman Sciences

    Tas1s and resources

    "ducator ongoing tas1s

    ni.ersity OT programmetas1s+resources

    %iscuss a.aila0ility for studentplacements for forthcoming academicyear 4ith OT student co-ordinatoror 4ith OT practice placement tutor Dma1e pro.isional offers

    Offer forms distri0uted 0y post+emailed to co-ordinators in March

    Offer forms a.aila0le throughout year

    %istri0uted .ia educator courses9 road sho4s9.isiting tutors C on re3uest

    "nsure educator and clinical area detailsare current C logged on a placementinformation form9 registered 4ithuni.ersity C copied for info in your studentplacement information file

    !nformation forms distri0uted 0y post+emailed as


  • 8/13/2019 Placement Handbook


    Eia Eisiting tutors9 co-ordinators9 indi.idualcontact

    Eia "ducator courses9 road sho4s

    !nformation 1ept on file

    To form 0asis of updated placement electronicdata0ase

    "ducators encouraged to record for placementinformation file

    pdate and de.elop educator 1no4ledgeC s1ills P% D negotiate educatorcourses9 road sho4s9 and *:* support 4ithline manager in conGunction 4ith uni.ersityOT programme2

    Offer input to uni.ersity OT curriculum orother forums e2g2 uni.ersity OTadmissions process

    "ducator de.elopment session programmedistri0uted to educators

    day placement educator course offeredminimum / 8 annually

    Ser.ices can negotiate indi.idualised4or1shops

    Eisiting tutors (ET2s) ha.e de.elopment +supportrole during placement .isits

    ET2s update educators

    ni.ersity OT in.ites clinician in.ol.ement inadmission + other forums

    "nsure that ni.ersity OT placement

  • 8/13/2019 Placement Handbook


    education standards agreement is signedand current

    ni.ersity OT placement standards agreementsought C signed 0y each placement educator

    pdated yearly inter.als or on earliernotification of placement educator change +circumstances

    Placement education standards incorporated4ithin "ducator course content

    "nsure student information files9 studentmaterials are current

    Re.ie4 file contents and update teaminformation in line 4ith placementstandards

    Iile contents information C assistance a.aila0lefrom ni.ersity OT placement tutor

    Placement standards included in educatorcourse content9 road sho4 programme

  • 8/13/2019 Placement Handbook


    Before student

    On 0eing notified of student placementoffer upta1e9 0y uni.ersity and+or studentad.ance information letterD respond 4itha standard format letter C ans4er student3ueries etc2

    Also ensure student 4ill 1no4 ho4 toprepare ade3uately for specific placementarea D re3uired 0ac1ground reading Cthin1ing2

    ,ill you offer a pre-placement .isitopportunity to the student

    Student discusses outline needs for ne/tplacement 4ith placement tutor

    PPT matches student needs 4ith placementoffer

    Student sends ad.ance form to educator 4ithoutline needs

    Students recei.e indi.idual C group placementpreparation

    Placement !nformation forms C+or studentcontact 4ith+or .isit to educator determinesspecific preparation re3uired

    O0tain a folder to store indi.idual studentplacement paper4or1

    Student do4nloads placement paper4or1 and

    0rings to the placement2

  • 8/13/2019 Placement Handbook


    Refer to "sse/ ni.ersity OT "ducatorhand0oo1 D familiarise self 4ith specificlearning outcomes for student le.elassessment criteria9 learning contract Csuper.ision recording formats

    "ach educator has access to "sse/ ni.ersityOT placement hand0oo1

    Placement M%I C assessment forms includedin educator pac1s

    Outcomes9 contract C super.ision formatsdiscussed 4ith ET

    Placement standards agreed

    On student

    %iscuss team support and plan outlineintroductory schedule C induction forstudent

    "nsure 4hole team a4are of student2sle.el of training and placement learningoutcomes2

    !ncluded on educator course content

    Placement induction chec1list component

    hec1ed 0y ET

    Placement student e.aluation

    "ducator placement e/perience feed0ac1

  • 8/13/2019 Placement Handbook


  • 8/13/2019 Placement Handbook


    Organise a student 4or1- space29 tray9diary etc as appropriate to 4or1 area

    Ile/i0le 4or1ing+ resource arrangementsdiscussed during student prep sessions

    Organise student induction training +resources + facilities (e2g2 pass4ords +access to !T9 record 1eeping systems91eys+entry codes9 par1ing permit etc)rele.ant to area

    !ncluded in educator course content

    Student induction chec1list a.aila0le

    hec1ed 0y ET

    Student feed0ac1

    "ducator feed0ac1

    "nsure that student a thoroughinduction+orientation to C clinicalpractices

    !ncluded in educator course content

    Student induction chec1list a.aila0le

    hec1ed 0y ET

  • 8/13/2019 Placement Handbook


    Student feed0ac1

    "ducator feed0ac1

    hec1 that student has signed C returnedtheir honorary contract2 4ith the (ifappropriate)

    Student to complete trust+ organisation specificprocess if applica0le

    larify e/pectations (and students) offormal C informal super.ision5 learningcontracts9 feed0ac1 C assessment reportarrangements for the placement 4ith thestudent2

    $egotiate + arrange super.ision dates C

    .enues etc

    "nsure student understands self-assessment re3uirements2

    (Refer to educator hand0oo1 for outlinestudent C educator responsi0ilities)

    Student prep + tutorial session content

    %ocumentation + hand0oo1 a.aila0le

    hec1ed 0y ET at half4ay

    Student feed0ac1

    "ducator feed0ac1

    O0tain copies of the o" OT placement

  • 8/13/2019 Placement Handbook


    assessment forms from the student2"lectronic copies a.aila0le2

    Student responsi0le for tas1

    Source from o" OT placement tutor

    "nsure student 1no4s 4here C ho4 toaccess !T + student information file + otherresources + information re .isits + tutorials +li0rary etc

    Student has remote access to uni.ersity email

    hec1 if student re3uires any assistance +adGustments made for special needs andascertain preferred learning styles

    "ducator course component

    Student has opportunity to declare specialneeds

    Students a4are of o4n learning styles

    %iscussed at 4ay 4ith ET

    #earning contract

  • 8/13/2019 Placement Handbook


    Organise date and time 4ith student fortutor to .isit at half 4ay

    Students responsi0le for arranging 4ay .isit4ith educator C ET

    .isit schedules notified to students prior tocommencing placement

    %uring Placement

    Iormalise students2 personal learningcontract 4ith them 0y end of 4ee1 * asappropriate2

    %iscuss + negotiate case study or aspectof placement presentation

    "ducator hand0oo1

    "ducator course content

    ase study guidelines

    4ay .isit discussion

    "nsure formal super.ision agenda isesta0lished 0y student C yourself D usestudent super.ision logs 4ith student torecord de.elopment + action points for


  • 8/13/2019 Placement Handbook


    Sign these off as true record ofsuper.ision session discussions andde.elopment points2

    Re.isit learning contract regularly D re.ise4ith student at half4ay as appropriate

    "nsure all student placement paper4or1is photocopied on an ongoing 0asis

    "ducator hand0oo1

    "ducator course content

    Road sho4 de.elopment 4or1shop

    ase study guidelines

    4ay .isit discussion

    Student feed0ac1

    "ducator feed0ac1

    omplete informal half-4ay progressdiscussion and final formal assessmentreport 4ith student

    "nsure student hours C a0sences arerecorded accurately C signed off

    4ay .isiting tutor monitoring

    Assessment+super.ision 4or1shops

    Hours documentation chec1ed C recorded

    ni.ersity OT .isiting tutor 4ill conduct ahalf-4ay .isit 4ith you C student

    4ay .isiting tutor monitoring

    Eisit monitoring form completed

  • 8/13/2019 Placement Handbook


    Iorm to placement tutor

    Ieed0ac1 to personal tutor as re3uired

    omplete o" OT placement e.aluati.efeed0ac1 form C return

    "ducator feed0ac1 form collated 4ith studentfeed0ac1 information

    !ssues of concern noted D action ta1en

    (Student feed0ac1 D 0asis for de0riefingsession)

    ontact ni.ersity OT Placement Tutor9.isiting tutor9 or Programme manager forad.ice9 guidance C support if pro0lems

    ni.ersity OT tutor 4ill respond toeducator+placement needs as appropriate Crecord up action plans

  • 8/13/2019 Placement Handbook


    are encountered during the placement

    Record any specific issues ofconcern+danger of failing performanceissues on !ssues of concern form andnotify o" OT placement tutor

    After the student

    "nsure your copies of student paper4or1are filed safely

    "ducator course component D rationale forplacement records outlined

    Reflect on placement D complete P%portfolio - log your e/periences

    "ducator reflection+ P% 4or1shop + ad.icea.aila0le

    Placement feed0ac1 form sent 0y practiceplacement tutor

    $egotiate support and + or de.elopment +placement needs 4ith o" OT Placement


    "ducator P% 4or1shops+support a.aila0le

    nderta1e APP#" accreditation scheme

  • 8/13/2019 Placement Handbook


    APP#" accreditation scheme a.aila0le

    "ducator C HSS Placement acti.ity trac1ing

  • 8/13/2019 Placement Handbook


  • 8/13/2019 Placement Handbook


    Fuidelines for Role emerging placements

    Opportunity for students on placements ?9 8 and > to e/perience4or1ing in a setting4here there is not an esta0lished occupational therapy role may 0ea.aila0le2

    These role emerging2 opportunities may occur in settings such asresidentialhomes9 hostels9 homeless ser.ices9 outdoor pursuit centres9independent drugagencies9 schools etc2 Students may underta1e these type ofplacement indi.iduallyor as a shared e/perience 4ith a peer2

    Students 4ho are interested in pursuing and feel a0le to cope 4iththe challenges ofthis type of placement9 4hich re3uires a strong sense ofprofessional identity2 (,ood

    >) should discuss possi0ilities 4ith the programme manager andplacementtutors2

    Support for the student underta1ing a role emerging placement isnegotiated0et4een the placement organisation9 the school team and mayin.ol.e occupationaltherapists from other ser.ices or tutors from the school to pro.idelong-armsuper.ision2

    Iurther information a0out role emerging placements can 0e found inthe guidancedocuments:

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    %e.eloping the occupational therapy profession: pro.iding ne44or1-0ased learningopportunities for students

    .ia the follo4ing lin1http:++4442cot2org2u1+mem0ers+education+policy+guidance2php

  • 8/13/2019 Placement Handbook


    ni.ersity of "sse/

    Breach of Professional onduct9 Iitness to Practise and Terminationof

    Training Procedure

    (Ior students underta1ing professional training courses)


    * All ni.ersity students are re3uired to comply 4ith the regulationsof theni.ersity regarding conduct2 Students enrolled on courses 4here apracticalprofessional placement is re3uired (including health9 social 4or1 and

    education)ha.e additional responsi0ilities placed upon them regarding not onlytheirconduct 0ut also their professional suita0ility9 as outlined in rele.antregulatoryand+or professional 0ody codes of practice2 Iailure to meet theseresponsi0ilities can lead to the Breach of Professional onduct and

    Terminationof Training Procedure 0eing in.o1ed2 Students 4ill 0e notified onenrolment iftheir course of study is su0Gect to the terms of this procedure2

    The Breach of Professional onduct and Termination of TrainingProcedureapplies to all rele.ant courses leading to a4ards of the ni.ersity of"sse/9although the office holders identified in Sections A and B 0elo4 may0e

    adapted 4here the course is offered through a partner institution ofthe

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    ? !n the e.ent of one or more allegations of misconduct that doesnot reflect upona student2s professional suita0ility9 these 4ill 0e dealt 4ith undertheni.ersity2s %isciplinary Procedures (or those of the rele.ant partnerinstitutionin the case of colla0orati.e pro.ision) and+or through criminalproceedings2

    8 !n the e.ent of one or more allegations of misconduct or otherfactors thatindicate that the student may not 0e suita0le for engagement in therele.antprofession9 the ni.ersity2s Breach of Professional onduct and

    Termination of Training Procedure shall 0e in.o1ed2 A student may at any time 0esuspendedor precluded from further study 0y the ni.ersity if in 0reach9 or

    alleged to 0e in0reach9 of professional conduct2

    > Breaches of professional standards 0y students may in.ol.e arange of actionsor omissions 0ut may include any of the follo4ing:a) actions that are harmful to users9 other mem0ers of thepu0lic pro.iders0) actions that are li1ely to constitute an unaccepta0le ris1 to thestudent orothersc) failure to disclose information a0out pre.ious matters relating totheirprofessional suita0ility prior to enrolment on the course9 includingpre.iouscon.ictions and cautionsd) contra.ention of the rele.ant professional code of conduct

    e) actions that are preGudicial to the de.elopment or standing ofprofessional

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    !n the e.ent of an allegation of misconduct or professionalunsuita0ility9students are ad.ised to see1 impartial help9 ad.ice9 guidance andsupport fromthe Students2 nion entre2

    A Procedure for %ealing 4ith Allegations of Professional MisconductorProfessional nsuita0ility

    A* Allegations of professional misconduct or professionalunsuita0ility against astudent shall 0e made in 4riting to the Head of %epartment+Schooloffering theprofessional course2

    A !t must 0e 0orne in mind that an allegation of professionalmisconduct orprofessional unsuita0ility is a serious and potentially defamatoryone2onse3uently it is essential that the proceedings should 0econducted on a0asis of strict confidentiality2

    A? On receipt of a 4ritten allegation9 the Head of%epartment+School9 inconsultation 4ith the rele.ant ourse %irector or e3ui.alent9 shall:

    a) ta1e such immediate action as is deemed appropriate in thecircumstancesto safeguard all rele.ant parties9 0ut 4ithout preGudice to theoutcome of theen3uiry

    0) inter.ie4 the student to inform them of the nature of allegationmade9 the

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    c) one practising mem0er of the rele.ant profession 4ho is fromoutside theni.ersity and 4ho has not 0een associated 4ith the teaching of theappellant2

    A< $either the studentJs ad.iser+super.isor nor the !n.estigatingOfficer shall 0emem0ers of the ommittee2

    A= The Secretary of the Professional Practice and onductommittee shall 0e theAcademic Registrar or his+her representati.e2

    A@ The %ean shall su0mit to the Secretary of the ProfessionalPractice andonduct ommittee such e.idence9 including the report of the!n.estigatingOfficer9 as the Head of %epartment+School shall deem fitting2 The

    Secretaryshall send copies of the e.idence to the mem0ers of the ommitteeand at thesame time to the student concerned and shall con.ene a meeting oftheommittee as soon as possi0le2

    A* The ommittee shall proceed in Gudicial fashion and9 inparticular9 shall allo4the student against 4hom allegations ha.e 0een made to presenthis+her casein person and9 if the student 4ishes9 to 0ring to the ommittee astudent oremployee of the ni.ersity9 the rele.ant partner institution or theStudents2nion to help him+her in presenting his+her case to the ommittee2

    A** The ommittee shall consider the 4ritten e.idence su0mitted0y the Head of

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    %epartment and any statement or e.idence pro.ided 0y thestudent2 !t shallha.e the po4er to see1 such other e.idence as it deems necessary2

    A* The ommittee shall ha.e the po4er to:

    a) permit the student to recommence training0) discontinue the placement and institute arrangements forlocating analternati.e placement if this is permitted under the Rules ofAssessmentc) preclude the student from further study on the course throughthetermination of trainingd) impose such other penalty as it considers appropriate9 pro.idedthat nosuch penalty re3uires or implies a concession or e/emption undertheRegulations go.erning the a4ard of degrees2

    A*? ,hen the ommittee has reached its decision9 the Secretary

    shall inform thestudent and the Head of %epartment+School concerned in 4riting2 The studentshall 0e informed of the right to appeal against the decision inaccordance 4ithSection B (0elo4)2

    A*8 !f the case of professional misconduct or professionalunsuita0ility against thestudent is found pro.en9 the Head of %epartment+School and theAcademicRegistrar shall decide 4hether a report should 0e made to therele.antprofessional or statutory 0ody2

    B Procedure for Appeals against %ecisions of the ProfessionalPractice and

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    onduct ommittee2

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    B* ,ritten notice of appeal 0y the student must 0e lodged 4ith theAcademicRegistrar 4ithin fi.e 4or1ing days of the student 0eing informed ofthe decision0y the Professional Practice and onduct ommittee2

    B !n the e.ent of an appeal9 the Academic Registrar and the Pro-Eice- hancellor(#earning and Teaching) shall decide 4hether the grounds for theappeal areco.ered 0y the pro.isions of paragraph B> 0elo4 and 4arrantfurtherconsideration 0y a Professional Practice and onduct Appealsommittee2 !fthey agree that there are no grounds for further consideration of theappeal9 theAcademic Registrar shall inform the student in 4riting thereasons forthat decision2

    B? !f the Academic Registrar and the Pro-Eice- hancellor (#earningand Teaching)decide that the appeal does 4arrant further consideration9 theAcademicRegistrar shall refer the case to a Professional Practice and onductAppealsommittee 4hich shall 0e appointed 0y the Pro-Eice- hancellor(#earning and

    Teaching) and 4hich shall normally comprise:

    a) a hairman 4ho shall 0e from a different Iaculty from thatrele.ant to thecourse0) one mem0er of staff from the rele.ant su0Gect and professionaldiscipline4ithin the Iaculty concerned 4ho shall not 0e the Head of%epartment+School or the !n.estigating Officer or a mem0er of theProfessional Practice and onduct ommitteec) one senior practising mem0er of the rele.ant profession 4ho isfrom outside

    the ni.ersity and 4ho has not 0een associated 4ith the teaching ofthe

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    B8 The Secretary of the ommittee shall 0e the Academic Registraror his+herrepresentati.e2

    B> The grounds for the appeal shall 0e one or more of the follo4ing:

    a) that the Professional Practice and onduct ommittee did notma1ereasona0le efforts to ac3uire all rele.ant information0) that ne4 e.idence had 0ecome a.aila0le that could materiallyaffect theProfessional Practice and onduct ommitteeJs decisionc) that there 4as e.idence of procedural irregularity or preGudice or0ias in theconduct of the hearing 0y the Professional Practice and onductommittee2

    B The ommittee shall ha.e 0efore it all documents relating to theoriginalhearing9 together 4ith a 4ritten statement su0mitted 0y the studentsetting outthe grounds for the appeal2 The ommittee shall not proceed 0y4ay of a re-hearing9 0ut shall ha.e po4er to re3uire the presentation of suchfurthere.idence as it deems necessary2

    B< The ommittee shall ha.e the same po4ers as the ProfessionalPractice andonduct ommittee and may confirm the decision of theProfessional Practiceand onduct ommittee or su0stitute such other decision as itconsidersappropriate2

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    B= ,hen the ommittee has reached its decision9 the Secretaryshall inform thestudent and the Head of %epartment+School concerned in 4riting2

    B@ !f any action had 0een ta1en under paragraph A*8 a0o.e toinform the rele.antprofessional or statutory 0odies9 the Head of %epartment+%ean andtheAcademic Registrar shall decide 4hether any further report should0e made tothe professional or statutory 0odies concerned in the light of thedecision of theommittee2

    B* The decision of the Professional Practice and onduct Appealsommitteeshall 0e final2

    B** The Office of the !ndependent AdGudicator for Higher "ducation(O!A) pro.idesan independent course for the re.ie4 of student complaints orappeals2 ,henthe ni.ersity2s internal procedures for dealing 4ith complaints andappealsha.e 0een e/hausted9 the ni.ersity 4ill issue a ompletion ofProceduresletter2 Students 4ishing to a.ail of the opportunity of anindependent re.ie4 0y the O!A must su0mit their application to theO!A 4ithinthree months of the issue of the ompletion of Procedures letter2Iull details ofthe course are a.aila0le on re3uest and 4ill 0e enclosed 4ith theompletion ofProcedures2

    &ay Thompson

  • 8/13/2019 Placement Handbook


    Academic Partnerships

    $o.em0er >

    Amended 0y:

    &irstie Sceats

    Assistant Academic Officer


    April @

  • 8/13/2019 Placement Handbook


  • 8/13/2019 Placement Handbook


    BSc (pre-registration)

    The ,orld Iederation of Occupational Therapists (,IOT) re3uirese.idence of *hours prior to 3ualification2 Students on the programme 4illunderta1e a minimum of* = hrs in practice2 Practice placement education is an integralpart of theprogramme and accounts for one third of the final a4ard (*credits)2 Occupationaltherapy professional s1ills and e/periences together 4ithcolla0orati.e inter-professional practice e/perience gained during placements areintegrated throughoutthe academic content of the programme2

    The placements of .arying duration ena0le the student to focusattention on theiridentified

    learning needs and to de.elop their professional s1ills as confidenceincreases2

    Placement * and at le.el 8 are of 8 and > 4ee1s duration5placements ? and 8 at

    le.el > are of = 4ee1s duration and placement > at le.el is also of= 4ee1sduration2

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  • 8/13/2019 Placement Handbook



    'ear One

    Health 4ell 0eingand !nter-professionalPractice (!ncludes!nduction)


    ? credits9 #e.el 8 ofOccupation


    *> credits9 #e.el 8

    Ioundations of OT Practice


    *> credits9 #e.el 8

    Performance andOccupation


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    *> credits9 #e.el 8

    PracticePlacement *



    *> credits9 #e.el 8

    'ear T4o

    Reflection in OTPractice

    HS*> credits9 #e.el 8

    Practice Placement



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    *> credits9 #e.el 8

    OT in Mental Health

    HS >*

    *> credits9 #e.el >

    Physical Aspectsof Occupation

    HS >

    *> credits9 #e.el >

    PracticePlacement ?


    HS >?

    ? credits9 #e.el >

    'ear Three

    S1ills for Practice

    HS >8

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  • 8/13/2019 Placement Handbook


    Research and".idence forPractice


    ? credits9#e.el

    ompetence inOccupational



    8> credits9 #e.el

    includingplacement >

    PracticePlacement >




    Research and".idence forPractice ?


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    ? credits9 #e.el




  • 8/13/2019 Placement Handbook


    Programme ontent BSc (Hons)

    #e.el 8

    Health9 ,ell-0eing and !nter-professional Practice HS*>*

    The aim of the module is to introduce students to the models ofhealth shaped 0y culture and society2 !n addition students 4ill 0eginto e/plore theconcepts of ethics and .alues in relation to the a0o.e and considerthe impact thatthis can ha.e on the user2 Students 4ill gain e/perience of4or1ing in inter-professional groups and the use of a range of communicationstrategies to fostercolla0orati.e 4or1ing9 including the use of Moodle2

    Ioundations of Occupational Therapy Practice HS*>8

    "/plore and identify the role of occupational therapy 4ithin health

    and social carepro.ision2 The meaning and .alue of the profession2s philosophy aree/amined andtrac1ed through the underpinning theoretical ofcurrent practice2

    Bio-psychosocial aspects of occupation HS*>?

    This module is designed to pro.ide an introduction to the 0iological9psychologicaland social science 0asis of occupation2 !t is not e/pected that you4ill ha.e any prior1no4ledge of the disciplines9 0ut those 4ho do can 0uild upon theircurrent1no4ledge2 'ou 4ill 0e e/pected to ma1e use of your o4n lifee/periences9 andillustrations rele.ant to occupational therapy 4ill 0e made 4herepossi0le

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    Performance and Occupation HS*>>

    This module de.elops an understanding of the demands that normalacti.ity placeson people2 This the 4ay for analysing 4here and ho4 peoplemay e/periencefunctional difficulties in their li.es2 Opportunities are pro.ided forstudents to practiceacti.ity analysis 4hich underpins occupational therapy inter.entionand the pro.isionof treatment and+or solutions for identified pro0lems

    Practice placement * HS*>

    This introductory 8-4ee1 practice placement pro.ides students 4iththe opportunityto

    e/perience occupational therapy practice 4here they can o0ser.eand descri0e9 4ithguidance9

    the 4ays in 4hich OT professional philosophy and theory areinterpreted and applied

    in a

    multi-disciplinary pro.ider en.ironment2 The emphasis ofthis module is ono0ser.ation

    of professional practice 4ith le.els of acti.e participantin.ol.ement9 particularly ininformation

    gathering9 negotia0le as the student de.elops confidence and thes1ills of safepractice2 The

    student 4ill ha.e opportunity to de.elop 0asic integration of theory4ith practices1ills2

    Professional suita0ility is assessed in detail 0y means of a proformain 4hichprofessional9

    interpersonal9 and a limited range of practice s1ills are assessed2

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  • 8/13/2019 Placement Handbook


    Reflection in Occupational Therapy Practice HS*>

    Occupational Therapy in Mental Health HS >*

    This module is designed to e/amine issues of mental health and ill-health and theimpact these ha.e on human performance2 A .ariety of issues 4ill0e e/plored froma 0io-psychosocial perspecti.e2 The comple/ities of occupation areconsidered andthe role of the occupational therapist in ena0ling clients and carersto deal 4ith theeffects of mental-ill-health 4ill 0e e/amined2 The theoretical andphilosophical 0asisof occupational therapy practice 4ill 0e applied throughout thismodule9 using areflecti.e approach2

    Physical Aspects of Occupation HS >

    Students e/amine issues of physical health and ill-health and theimpact these ha.eon human performance2 A .ariety of health issues 4ill 0e e/ploredfrom a 0io-psychosocial perspecti.e2 The comple/ities of occupation areconsidered and therole of the occupational therapist in ena0ling clients and carers todeal 4ith theeffects of physical ill-health created 0y trauma or disease 4ill 0ee/amined2 Thetheoretical and philosophical 0asis of occupational therapy practice4ill 0e appliedthroughout this module9 using a reflecti.e approach2

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  • 8/13/2019 Placement Handbook


    Practice placement ? HS >?

    This first =-4ee1 placement continues the de.elopment of thestudents2 practicee/perience 4ith other client+patient groups ena0ling them toe/pand C de.elopprofessional 1no4ledge and s1ills2 The e/perience 4ill ena0le themto ta1eincreased responsi0ility in the occupational therapy process 0y0eginning to ma1eprofessional Gudgments 0ased on clinical reasoning processes2Professionalsuita0ility and de.elopments are assessed in detail 0y means of aproforma9 4hichreflect increased demands for in.ol.ement 4ith clients and therapyand anincreasingly analytical approach to practice2

    Research and ".idence for Practice * HS >

    This module aims to de.elop the students2 understanding oftherapeutic acti.ity andoccupation in occupational therapy2 They 4ill gain an e/periential1no4ledge and

    understanding of the components re3uired to perform a s1ill andfocus on adaptation

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    of the en.ironment and change in the indi.idual ena0ling clients toadapt to ne4situations and needs2

    Practice placement 8 HS >

    !n this second le.el > =-4ee1 module9 students ha.e the opportunityto e/perience4or1 4ith a third client group and to dra4 upon pre.ious 1no4ledgeand e/perienceto manage a small caseload9 or ta1e e3ui.alent responsi0ility9 undersuper.ision2Professional Gudgements 4ill 0e 0ased upon sound theoretical1no4ledge2Professional suita0ility and de.elopment are assessed using a proforma andsu0mission of reflecti.e 4or1 4hich demands increased le.els ofprofessional s1illsand increasingly critical appraisal of students2 practice from a sound1no4ledge0ase2


    onte/ts of Professional Practice HS?>

    This module aims to de.elop students2 s1ills in relation toleadership9 inno.ation andentrepreneurship2 Through completion of the module learningstudents ac3uire anunderstanding of the legal9 political and cultural conte/ts in 4hichoccupationaltherapy practice occurs2 Students consider occupational therapypractice in relationto de.eloping societal trends9 go.ernment policy9 researche.idence9 legislation andethics2 Such learning is then e/tended 0y supporting students inidentifying ande/ploring no.el and emerging areas of occupational therapypractice2 #eadership9management and 0usiness de.elopment are all included in the

    module teaching9 in

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    patch4or1 te/t9 4hich is focused around students2 choseninno.ati.e area ofoccupational therapy practice9 for the module assessment2

    Research and ".idence for Practice HS?>=

    This module is designed to support students in the preparation andsu0mission of anundergraduate proGect+ dissertation2 Students are e/pected tounderta1e their 4or1 inan autonomous fashion9 under the super.ision of allocated tutors

    Students 4ill 0e e/pected to present the implications to practice oftheir proposal atan !nter-professional onference at the end of the module2

    ompetence in Occupational Therapy Practice HS?>>

    This module 4ill ena0le the student to in.estigate professionalpractice 4ithinclinical9 ethical9 legal and managerial frame4or1s in preparation forprofessional

    practice2 There 4ill 0e an opportunity to e/plore aspects of practiceand e/amine the

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    influence of current trends2 The student is re3uired to demonstratethe a0ility tointegrate theory 4ith practice in order to pro.ide e.idence ofcompetence to practice2

    The student 4ill 0e e/pected to manage a small caseload2

  • 8/13/2019 Placement Handbook


    The occupational therapy placement e/perience - #e.els ande/pectations

    BSc (Hons) programme

    The BSc students underta1e fi.e practice placements the fouryearperiod9 4hich them a range of clinical opportunities9 reflectingthe.ariety of settings in 4hich occupational therapy is deli.ered

    Practice placement * (8 4ee1s) le.el

    2 Re3uires student o0ser.ation of and a negotia0le le.el of 0asicparticipantin.ol.ement in practice under close super.ision2 "na0les the practice of occupational therapy and the application of

    professional core s1ills9 acti.ity9 .alues and 0eliefs to 0ee/perienced andunderstood22 Student de.elops practice s1ills and understanding througho0ser.ation ofand in.ol.ement in information gathering processes and discussionofplanning and implementing treatment22 Re3uires 0asic practice s1ills to 0e demonstrated and students 4ill0egin tode.elop the a0ility to integrate theory and practice .ia 0asicreflection andpresentation of case material

    Practice placement (> 4ee1s) le.el 8

    2 This module re3uires transference and consolidation ofunderstanding of

    0asic OT core s1ills and 1no4ledge9 .alues and 0eliefs gained inplacement

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    one into a practice setting 4ith different user needs22 Iollo4ing identification of learning needs arising from the firstplacemente/perience the student 4ill ha.e opportunity to apply 1no4ledgeand s1ills in anegotia0le increased le.el of participant in.ol.ement inoccupational therapypractice 4ith a different user group22 Student de.elops C consolidates 0asic s1ills and understandingthroughin.ol.ement in information gathering processes9 planning andimplementingtreatment under super.ision22 Re3uires 0asic practice s1ills to 0e demonstrated and students 4illfurtherde.elop the a0ility to integrate theory and practice .ia reflection9reasoningand presentation of case material

    Practice placement ? (= 4ee1s) le.el >

    2 Re3uires acti.e participation in practice 4ith guidance from theplacement

    educator22 Re3uires more responsi0ility to 0e ta1en in the occupationaltherapy processand in.ol.ement in ma1ing professional decisions22 %e.elops s1ills and understanding through in.ol.ement inassessment anduse of Gudgement to plan treatment9 follo4ing through theoccupationaltherapy process 4ith guidance22 Re3uires demonstration of effecti.e s1ills and ta1ing an analyticalandreflecti.e approach to practice2 Re3uires integratio