
Music Video Purposes Analysis Comment on the following aspects in relation to PURPOSES and BENIFITS for artist/band and target audience Provide an explanation in relation to benefits (promotion, extension of income & outlets, synergy opportunities and strategies used by producers to benefit label and artist) Provide any research evidence you can find that supports explanations of benefits for artist, record label and audience Promotional Since Pitbull is a worldwide (mainly European) idol, anywhere he advertises he will gain publicity. His target audience is young teenagers/adults, and the most effective way to reach them will be on online (social network sites). The reason for this is because, advertising on one TV channel will only hit one county, but advertising on a site like Facebook will hit anyone who uses it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xA1hpH_-igw – Popular camera make - VEVO (the main music institution on the internet) has banners on all there “channels” promoting major artists, and on Pitbulls channel it has his new album being promoted for pre-order; and also linking to the official store. (http://www.youtube.com/user/PitbullVEVO/videos?view=0)

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Post on 19-Jun-2015




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Page 1: Pitbull

Music Video Purposes Analysis

Comment on the following aspects in relation to PURPOSES and BENIFITS for artist/band and target audience

Provide an explanation in relation to benefits (promotion, extension of income & outlets, synergy opportunities and strategies used by producers to benefit label and artist)

Provide any research evidence you can find that supports explanations of benefits for artist, record label and audience

Promotional Since Pitbull is a worldwide (mainly European) idol, anywhere he advertises he will gain publicity. His target audience is young teenagers/adults, and the most effective way to reach them will be on online (social network sites). The reason for this is because, advertising on one TV channel will only hit one county, but advertising on a site like Facebook will hit anyone who uses it.

His main audience is within Europe, and a popular camera with the target audience is “Kodak” within the TV ad it shows him sharing his photo with other famous singers like “Rihanna”. This is a win win for both Kodak company and Pitbull, due to Kodak will gain publicity purely because it has Pitbull in it, and Pitbull will gain publicity because any advertisement is good advertisement. Also, in the add it shows other singers names like Rihanna, Rihanna may shout out the ad on sites such as Twitter, which this

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xA1hpH_-igw – Popular camera make

- VEVO (the main music institution on the internet) has banners on all there “channels” promoting major artists, and on Pitbulls channel it has his new album being promoted for pre-order; and also linking to the official store. (http://www.youtube.com/user/PitbullVEVO/videos?view=0)

- - Clothing site (YMCMB) advertising Lil Wayne’s album upon the background (http://www.pitbullmusic.com/us/node/1348)

Page 2: Pitbull

Music Video Purposes Analysis

is also a good way of a promotional strategy.

Pitbull does not have an official merchandise site so having his fans promote him upon shirts is not happening. Pitbull only sells music nothing else.

The record label he is signed to online is VEVO and having promotion upon his YouTube channel is a great way of promotion, having over 1.328 billion video views; a large number of people will see the advert that his new album is available to pre-order.

- popular singers signed to VEVO and Pitbull is #2

- Advertisement under a video signed with VEVO promoting a new song, in this case Devlin, but it can be Pitbull when he brings out a new song. It also has a link to iTunes (bottom right) to what the song is, who sings it and with a link to buy it.

Extension of income

A big income for artists and record labels now, that wasn’t around a few years ago, is YouTube. It allows record labels to out adverts before the music video. Pitbull has close to 1.5 billion views, and from advertising on the video the income will be massive.

Income from physical sold copies, CD from HMV. They sell more or less

- View count and “subscriber” count, high income from advertisements on his videos. (http://www.youtube.com/user/PitbullVEVO/videos?view=0)

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Music Video Purposes Analysis

every album by Pitbull.

Electronic copies of songs or albums on sites such as iTunes, Amazon MP3, ect…

A good income would be from selling products such as shirts, hats, posters ect. However, Pitbull does not do this, which is a bad idea due to he is not meeting the needs of his fans and not taking the opportunity to gain another extension of income.

What sites like iTunes, Cloud and Amazon MP3 allow to do is let the audience buy a virtual copy of the album. It tends to be a little cheaper than an actual CD as it has no physical packaging. Doing this allows the audience by single songs if they want, and no need to go out to the shop to buy it then can do it from home, and that allows more people to buy it.

Pitbull is not part of a mainstream record label, which is really uncommon, but he is part of his own label, what this suggest that he has gained so much popularity he can take care of himself, and also a bigger income, due to the fact a big percent

- HMV online site selling many Pitbull CD’s

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Music Video Purposes Analysis

will not go to the record label but it will all go to him.

- Amazon MP3 selling albums and singles of Pitbull.

- All record labels Pitbull own and created by himself (expect RCA, but he is not signed with them anymore).

(Also iTunes, as below)

Extension of outlets

Online on the internet is the biggest place now for outlets of music. The biggest example of major outlets to listen to music for free is YouTube. Pitbull has 1.38 billion video views, and 1.16 million subscribers. What this means is that this many people have had to option to click on an ad put there by VEVO to go to a site (iTunes) to buy the single or album. And a small percent will do this, and

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Music Video Purposes Analysis

with 1.38 billion views that can be millions.- iTunes- Amazon- YouTube

There are also the stores to go to buy products of the whole range of Pitbull products. HMV is a good example of this. This can be ether bought going to the store or buying it on the stores site. There can also be offers to get whilst buying products, for example buying 2 CD’s for £10.

A main outlet for Lil Wayne’s music is iTunes, since Lil Wayne is a worldwide singer, he tends to always be in the charts, and since iTunes shows the charts it promotes Lil Wayne, gaining more publicity and buying his music from there.

External sites such as Cash Money Records where you can buy his singe/albums. (As Above)

- iTunes (Apple)

(As Above)

Synergy Pitbull only interlinks with social network sites. All run by himself. This is very rare to see with mainstream singers due to them not having the time, or other reasons along that line. However, doing this does involve the fans which may be a main

- links under the video to share on sites.

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Music Video Purposes Analysis

reason to why he does have so many fans.

Twitter and Facebook are also used to do the same thing as YouTube, since all 3 are used worldwide; it has the target audience using them also. Under the video in YouTube, or on iTunes, it gives the option if you want to share it on Facebook, Twitter or Google+. If shared, people who see the share can click on the YouTube link; and the cycle repeats.

Producers strategies

In conclusion YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Stores and iTunes are all important strategies that Pitbull personally took on in order to ensure he gets the best possible attention. So timing is everything, since all sites more or less link together, it is vital to advertise/promote/sell in order.
