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Press Kit May 13–15 2011 University of Toronto

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Press Kit

May 13–15 2011University of Toronto

Toronto Ontario, Canada

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Press Release – English

Press Release- Polish

“About the Conference” – English

“About the Conference”- Polish

Greetings from Co-Chairs - English

Greetings from Co-Chairs –Polish

Conference Schedule

Speaker Biographies

Meet the Co-Chairs

Final Remarks

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Toronto, May 5th, 2011- Quo Vadis III: “Tools for Success” Conference has filled over 200 delegate places with young Polonia leaders from Canda, United States and the European Union.

For Immediate Release www.quovadisconference.com

With just two weeks away, the young Polonia is gearing up for the third instalment of the Quo Vadis Conference. The city of Toronto will be graced by the world’s most influential people of Polish descent. The historic University of Toronto, St. George campus will be the heart of the most mind provoking debates. With the opening ceremonies, we will be welcoming more than 200 delegates from across the globe , including Canada, U.S.A., Poland, England, Germany, Italy and many others.

As many of our delegates are arriving from distant places, Quo Vadis III in cooperation with the Hamilton Polish Youth Organization (HPYO) of Hamilton organized a preconference for our delegates, which will enable them to explore some of the most beautiful places in the Southern Ontario, including Niagara Falls, Niagara-On-The-Lake, Hamilton, and Toronto. It is necessary to note, that this year the Conference will host 50 delegates from Europe, sponsored by the Polish Senate.

During the opening ceremonies to be held o May 13th, 2011 in the Great Hall of the University of Toronto, Professor Tamara Trojanowska of the Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures will be addressing the participants along with His Excellency Zenon Kosiniak-Kamysz, Ambassador of Poland to Canada, Honorable Jason Kenney, Canadian Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism, Mrs.Teresa Berezowska, President of Polish Canadian Congress, Mrs.Bozena Kaminska,Vice-President of Polish American Congress and of course the Quo Vadis III: “Tools For Success” Conference Co-Chairs, Mr. Marcin Grzadka and Ms. Natalia Kusendova. Greetings from the Honorable Marek Sawicki, Minister of Agriculture of Poland will be presented. Together with the Consulate General RP in Toronto, we are delighted to introduce “A Night in Poland” where delegates will receive official welcome from Consulate General Mr. Marek Ciesielczuk, the evening will provide networking and discussion opportunities between delegates, VIPS, current and former MPs, representatives of government institutions and Polonia organizations, and emphasize partnerships between young Polish organizations and institutions.

Bright and early the following day will begin with the first panel “Partnering with Poland and Identifying Opportunities”, where delegates can look forward to hearing from Dr. Andrzej Malinowski, President of Employer’s of Poland; His Excellency Zenon Kosiniak-Kamysz, Mr.Blaine Calkins, MP & Chairman of Canada-Poland Parliamentary Friendship Group and Ms.Magdalena Mazur, Project Coordinator for Poland’s School of Leaders Association (Stowarzyszenie Szkola Liderow).

This year Quo Vadis is proud to bring you the annual “Expose”, a showcase of the Young Polonia Organization, a Career Fair and a Sponsorship Showcase.

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We are honoured to introduce our subsequent panel, “Multicultural Leadership Panel” which will display the characteristics of a successful organization. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity not to be missed, where representatives of various communities including Polish-Canadian, Jewish-Canadian, Italian-Canadian, and Indian-Canadian will be speaking on topics of national identity in the modern context of North American pluralism, cross-cultural learning and promoting a socially cohesive society by aiding intercultural understanding.

As we all know, for a successful organization to exist, funding is one of the imperative aspects. The third panel “A Serious Approach to Funding” will guide the delegates in achieving goals and discovering all of the government programs available to them. Ms.Monika Wyrzykowska, the Quo Vadis III Fundraising Coordinator will moderate a panel discussion between Mr. Jerzy Barycki, President of Polish-Canadian Business and Professional Association of Windsor, Ms. Monika Starczuk, Co-Founder of Polish Initiative of Chicago, Mr. Maciej Bator, Director of Polish Migration Association (Stowarzyszenie Emigracji Polskiej) and Mr. Borys Wrzesnewskyj, owner of M-C Dairy and Future Bakery and former Member of Parliament. The panel topics include capital investment, NGO funding, cooperation with the Polish Senate and working with philanthropists.

Following these exciting learning sessions, delegates will be invited to the Dinner Boat Cruise where they will have the opportunities to network with people from around the globe, exchange contacts as well as partake in the third installment of the ever talked about Professor Walter Perchal’s address, this year on the topic of “Developing a Vision for Polonia- What’s Next”

After the delegates have listened to the speakers on how to be a leader, and what it takes, they will have the opportunity to test their own leadership skills on Sunday morning by participating in the annual “Leadership Challenge & Team Work” where there is room only for the best of the best. The delegates will be put to the test while exploring the beautiful city of Toronto!

Following this very active way of exploring leadership and team work skills the delegates will gather at the Polish Combatants’ Association Hall (SPK) for a lunch and a special presentation by Col. Dariusz Dachowicz on “Effective Leadership”. Followed by Mr. John Kanary, a corporate trainer, who will speak about “Winners image, braking through limitations”. To conclude this three day journey and exploration of leadership, identity, heritage and various tools for success the delegates will be invited to the “Closing Ceremonies- Final Resolutions and Announcing of Quo Vadis IV Bid Winner”.

It is our greatest hope that the delegates will enjoy their stay in Toronto, make life-long friends, network learn and experience leadership.

Quo Vadis III: “Tools for Success” Conference Organizing Committee - Toronto, May 13-15

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Toronto, 5 maj, 2011- Konferencja Quo Vadis III: “Tools for Success” bedzie goscic ponad 200-stu delegatow z Kanady, Stanow Zjednoczonych oraz Europy.


Mloda Polonia w Kanadzie z energia przygotowuje sie do juz trzeciej konferencji Quo Vadis, ktora odbedzie sie za dwa tygodnie. Wlasnie wtedy najznakomitsza mlodziez polskiego pochodzenia z calego swiata zjedzie sie do Toronto. Centrum stymulujacych debat bedzie teren historycznego Uniwersytetu Torontonskiego. Podczas uroczystej ceremonii przywitamy ponad 200 delegatow z Kanady, Stanow Zjednoczonych, Polski, Anglii, Irlandii, Litwy, Bialorusi, Belgii, i wielu innych krajow.

Wielu delegatow przybedzie do nas z dalekich miejsc, dlatego zarzad Quo Vadis III i Zwiazek Polskiej Mlodziezy w Hamilton (HPYO) wspolnie organizuja pra-konferencje aby umozliwic gosciom odkrycie najpiekniejszych miejsc naszego regionu, takich jak wodospad Niagara, i sceniczne centra miast Niagara-On-The-Lake, Hamilton, i Toronto. Glownymi uczestnikami pra-konferencji bedzie 50 delegatow z Europy, ktorych koszty podrozy i pobytu zostaly calkowicie pokryte przez Senat RP.

W planach mamy przemowy wielu znakomitych osob. Swoja osoba zaszczyca nas takie znakomistosci zycia spolecznego w Kanadzie i na swiecie jak profesor Tamara Trojanowska z Departamentu Jezykow i Literatury Slowianskiej na Uniwersytecie w Toronto; Pan Zenon Kosiniak-Kamysz, Ambasador Rzeczpospolitej Polskiej w Kanadzie; Pan Jason Kenney, kanadyjski Minister Imigracji i Multikultorowsci; Pani Teresa Berezowska, Prezes Kongresu Polonii Kanadyjskiej; Pani Bozena Kaminska, wice-prezes Kongresu Polonii Amerykanskiej, i oczywiscie przewodniczacy komitetu organizacyjnego konferencji Quo Vadis III Pani Natalia Kusendova i Pan Marcin Grzadka. Gosci przywita rowniez Pan Marek Sawicki, polski Minister Rolnictwa i Rozwoju Wsi. Lacznie z Konsulatem Generalnym Rzeczpospolitej Polskiej w Toronto zaprezentujemy “Noc w Polsce,” podczas ktorej delegaci zostana przywitani przez Konsula Generalnego Pana Marka Ciesielczuka. Wieczor da szanse wzajemnego zapoznania sie ponad 200 delegatom, VIP-om, czlonkom kanadyjskiego parlamentu, i reprezentatom polonijnych i innych organizacji

Wczesnie rano nastepnego dnia zacznie sie pierwszy panel dyskusyjny pt. “Partnerstwo z Polska i Rozpoznanie Szans,” podczas ktorego wypowiadali sie beda Dr. Andrzej Malinowski, prezes organizacji Pracodawcy RP; Pan Zenon Kosiniak-Kamysz, Ambasador RP w Kanadzie; Pan Blaine Calkins, posel parlamentu kanadyjskiego i przewodniczacy Canada-Poland Parliamentary Friendship Group, i Pani Magdalena Mazur, koordynatorka Stowarzyszenia Szkoly Liderow.

Takze w tym roku bedziemy mieli zaszczyt zaprezentowac Quo Vadis Expose – wystawe prezentujaca mlode organizacje polonijne i sponsorow konferencji, jak tez targi pracy.

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Nastepny panel o tytule “Liderzy Roznych Kultur” ma na celu zaprezentowanie metod dzialania udanych organizacji w wielokulturowym spoleczenstwie. Czlonkowie roznych spolecznosci kanadyjskich porusza tematy tozsamosci narodowej w kontekscie polnocno-amerykanskiej wielokulturowosci, jak tez miedzykulturowego nauczania i zrozumienia. W panelu uczestniczyc beda reprezentanci spolecznosci polsko-kanadyjskiej, zydowsko-kanadyjskiej, wlosko-kanadyjskiej, i hindusko-kanadyjskiej.

Glownym atrybutem udanych organizacji jest dostep do finansow. Dlatego w naszym trzecim panelu, pt. “Powazne Podejscie do Pieniedzy,” zaprezentowane zostana metody zdobywania rzadowych funduszy. Zostana rowniez poruszone tematy inwestycji, pracy z filantropistami i zdobywania funduszy z Senatu RP. W panelu uczestniczyc beda Pan Jerzy Barycki, Prezes Zwiazku Polsko-Kanadyjskich Przedsiebiorcow i Profesjonalistow w Windsor; Pani Monika Starczuk, wpol-zalozycielka Polskiej Inicjatywy w Chicago ; Pan Maciej Bator, dyrektor Stowarzyszenia Emigracji Polskiej w Irlandii; i Pan Borys Wrzesnewskyj, do niedawna posel w parlamencie kanadyjskim z ramienia Partii Liberalnej. Panel bedzie prowadzony przez Pania Monike Wyrzykowska, koordynatorke zdobywania funduszy na Quo Vadis III.

Wieczor spedzimy na falach jeziora Ontario, delektujac sie goraca kolacja na jednym z lokalnych promow. Noc zakonczy wyklad profesora Walter’a Perchal’a, ktory jak co roku zaprezentuje swoje bardzo popularne wsrod mlodziezy podejscie do Polonijnych organizacji. W tym roku jego wyklad zatytuowany bedzie “Planowanie Nowej Wizji Polonii .”

W niedziele rano delegaci beda mieli szanse wykorzystac niektore z nauk prezentowanych wczesniej, jak tez sprawdzic jakimi sa liderami. Tylko jeden zespol wygra tegoroczny “Leadership Challenge”, albo sprawdzian przywodctwa. Zawody odbeda sie w samym centrum Toronto, wiec na pewno bedzie o nas glosno.

Po poludniu, w siedzibie Stowarzyszenia Polskich Kombatantow (SPK), kolo 20, wyklad pt. “Efektowne Przywodctwo” poprowadzi pulkownik Dariusz Dachowicz. Zaraz po plk. Dachowiczu mikrofon przejmie Pan John Kanary, znany swiatu wielkich korporacji konsultant, ktory przedstawi wyklad zatytuowany “Image Zwyciezcy, Jak Pokonac Ograniczenia.”

Konferencja zostanie zakonczona uroczystoscia na ktorej ogloszony zostanie zwyciezca konkursu na organizacje kolejnej, czwartej juz edycji Quo Vadis.

Mamy wielka nadzieje, ze nasi delegaci milo spedza czas w Toronto, ze poznaja nowych znajomych, ale przede wszystkim ze wyniosa przydatna wiedze i plomyczek inspiracji, tej samej ktora wynieslismy my z dwoch pierwszych konferencji Quo Vadis

Komitet Organizacyjny Quo Vadis III: “Tools for Success” Conference -Toronto, 13-15 Maj

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About the Conference

We are pleased to welcome you to the third annual Quo Vadis Youth Leadership Conference, titled “Tools for Success”.

Quo Vadis, Latin for “where are you going, translates into a quest for direction, purpose and meaning. The Conference intends to answer this question by providing informative sessions and learning opportunities with policymakers, practitioners, advocates and academics from across the globe, with each speaker focusing upon what they believe are the Tools for Success.

Some examples that will be touched upon this weekend include: Partnerships, Multiculturalism, Fundraising, Developing a Vision, Team Work, Effective Leadership and Breaking through Limitations.

Each of the tools highlighted during the plenary sessions has its own challenges and opportunities. You will hear about some encouraging examples of partnership and funding initiatives with interesting ideas for sustaining the Polish heritage and identity, as well as successful cases of community initiatives. There are also instructive lessons about how to address funding issues, interactive team building activities, in addition to outstanding networking opportunities.

We are proud to welcome our delegates from North America and Europe and representatives of the Government of the Republic of Poland and Canada.

We hope you take the opportunity to share and learn throughout the Conference.

The Quo Vadis III Team



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Mamy przyjemność powitać Państwa na trzeciej dorocznej konferencji Quo Vadis, zatytułowanej “Narzędzia sukcesu.”

Quo Vadis, po łacinie “dokąd idziesz?”, jest poszukiwaniem kierunku i znaczenia. Konferencja stawia sobie za cel odpowiedź na tytułowe pytanie poprzez sesje informacyjne oraz szkoleniowe z udziałem ustawodawców, prawników, profesjonalistów oraz naukowców z całego świata, spośród których każdy koncentruje się na zagadnieniach związanych z “narzędziami sukcesu.”

Zagadnienia poruszone podczas konferencji uwzględniają: współpracę, wielokulturowość, zbieranie funduszy, rozwijanie wizji, pracę zespołową, skuteczne przewodzenie oraz przełamywanie ograniczeń.

Każde z narzędzi omówionych podczas zebrań plenarnych zawiera nowe wyzwania i nowe możliwości. Usłyszycie Państwo o budujących przykładach współpracy oraz zbierania funduszy, zawierających ciekawe pomysły na podtrzymywanie polskiego dziedzictwa oraz narodowej tożsamości, a także o udanych inicjatywach społecznych. Odbędą się również lekcje instruktażowe na temat radzenia sobie z funduszami, interaktywne ćwiczenia budowania zespołów. Do tego dochodzą wspaniałe możliwości nawiazania nowych i owocnych kontaktów.

Jesteśmy dumni mogąc powitać naszych delegatów z Ameryki Północnej i Europy oraz reprezentantów Rządu Rzeczpospolitej Polskiej oraz Rządu Kanady.

Mamy nadzieję, że skorzystacie Państwo z możliwości wzajemnej współpracy i nauki podczas tej konferecji.

Komitet Organizacyjny Quo Vadis III: “Tools for Success” Conference

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Dear Delegates,

We are pleased to welcome you to the city of Toronto for the Quo Vadis III: Tools for Success Conference; an exciting, informative and fun filled weekend that has been customized for both Polish students and Polish young professionals. We hope that you find this year’s conference both educational and inspiring as you listen to world class experts and speakers, as you attend workshops, networking sessions and social events and as you learn about the tools you need to lead and succeed as a young new generation polish student or professional.

When Quo Vadis debuted in Ottawa in 2009, it was targeted at young, Polish-Canadians. In Windsor in 2010, Quo Vadis expanded its reach to the Polonia of North America and this year we are proud to say that we have extended the conference to include delegates from Europe and Poland.

Why now? Poland is flourishing and is rife with opportunities for the leaders of Poland and Polonia. It is our goal to provide each delegate with the tools for success for Poland’s best young minds-at home and abroad- to achieve their dreams and goals and find the answers they seek when they ask the question Quo Vadis? Where are we going?

We are very excited about hosting this conference and about what this generation has to offer both our Polish communities here and abroad. It is our intention that through all the keynote speakers, presentations and networking opportunities, that this weekend sparks conversations, new ideas, relationships and builds long lasting connections and leaders.

So we ask you all, Quo Vadis? Where are we going?

We would also like to take this opportunity to thank our speakers and moderators, sponsors, delegates and organizers. Without you, this Conference would not have been possible. Thank you.

Marcin Grzadka Natalia Kusendova

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 Drodzy delegaci,

Mamy przyjemność powitać Was w Toronto na konferencji Quo Vadis III: Narzędzia Sukcesu: ekscytującego, informatywnego oraz rozrywkowego weekendu zaplanowanego z myślą o polskich studentach i młodych polskich profesjonalistach. Mamy nadzieję, że tegoroczna konferencja dostarczy Wam wiedzy oraz inspiracji przez udział w wystąpieniach światowej sławy specjalistów oraz prelegentów, warsztatach, sesjach integracyjnych oraz imprezach, podczas których zapoznawać się będziecie z niezbędnymi umiejętnościami dla efektywnego przewodnictwa i odnoszenia sukcesów jako młode pokolenie polskich studentów i profesjonalistów.

Kiedy konferencja Quo Vadis odbyła się po raz pierwszy w Ottawie w 2009 roku, skierowana była do młodych Kanadyjczyków polskiego pochodzenia. W Windsor w 2010 roku w Quo Vadis zaangażowana była Polonia Ameryki Północnej a w tym roku jesteśmy dumni mogąc powiedzieć, że dalej poszerzyliśmy zakres konferencji, zapraszając delegatów z Polski i Europy.

Dlaczego teraz? Polska dynamicznie się rozwija, co otwiera nowe możliwości liderom w Polsce i Polonii. Naszym celem jest dostarczenie delegatom narzędzi sukcesu - umiejętności niezbędnych dla realizacji ich marzeń i celów, a także możliwości odpowiedzenia sobie na pytanie, czego poszukują, zadając sobie pytanie “Dokąd zmierzasz?”

Jesteśmy niezmiernie podekscytowni mogąc organizować tegoroczną konferencję oraz myśląc o tym, co nowe pokolenie może ofiarować polskim społecznościom w Ameryce Północnej i Europie. Pragniemy aby dzięki naszym prelegentom, prezentacjom i możliwościom nawiązywania kontaktów ten weekend stał się źródłem owocnych dyskusji, nowych pomysłów i kontaktów, oraz wytworzył długotrwałe więzi między młodymi liderami.

Chcielibyśmy podziękować naszym prelegentom, moderatorom, sponsorom, delegatom i organizatorom. Bez was ta konferencja nie byłaby możliwa. Dziękujemy.

Marcin Grzadka Natalia Kusendova

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ScheduleMay 13–15 2011

University of TorontoToronto Ontario, Canada

Version: May 5, 2011

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Friday, May 13th 2011

Time Event


Registration & Check-In

Leaders: Ms. Natalia Jankowski, Recruiting Co-ordinator of QV3Ms. Martha Kornobis, Special Events & Facilities Coordinator

Location: Toronto Marriott Bloor Yorkville Hotel(90 Bloor Street East, Toronto, ON)

*Registration closes at 3:30 pm. If you will be arriving late, please call: 647 205-0448 – Martha Kornobis

&Transfer to Next Location


Official Delegate Introduction & Guest Reception

Location: University of Toronto, Hart House - Great Hall(7 Hart House Circle, Toronto, ON)

Dress: Business Formal

4:30pm- 6:00pm

Opening Ceremonies

Master of Ceremonies: Ms. Karolina Varin-Jarkowski, Vice-President of Young Polish Canadian Professionals Association (YPCPA) Kitchener & Waterloo ChapterSpeakers: Ms. Natalia Kusendova, Public Relations Officer of Polish Students’ Association (PSA), Audit Committee Member of PISK and Co-Chair of Quo Vadis 3 (QV3)Mr. Martin Grzadka, President & Co-Founder of Young Polish Canadian Professionals Association (YPCPA) and Co-Chair of Quo Vadis 3 (QV3)Professor Tamara Trojanowska Ph.D, Associate Professor at the Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures of the University of TorontoHonorable Jason Kenny, Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism, CanadaHis Excellency Zenon Kosiniak-Kamysz, Ambassador of Poland to Canada Teresa Berezowski, President of Polish Canadian Congress (KPK)Bozena Kaminska, Vice-President of Polish Affairs of the Polish American Congress

Location: University of Toronto, Hart House - Great Hall(7 Hart House Circle, Toronto, ON)

Dress: Business Formal

6:00pm- Group Photograph

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8:00pm &Transfer to Next Location (by bus)

Leader: Natalia Jankowski

8:00pm- 11:00pm

Reception: “A Night in Poland”Organized with the Consulate General of the Republic of Poland

Host: Mr. Marek Ciesielczuk, Consul General of the Republic of PolandGreetings: Ms. Natalia Kusendova & Mr. Martin Grzadka, Co-Chairs of QV3

Location: Consulate General of the Republic of Poland in Toronto(2603 Lakeshore Blvd. West, Toronto, ON)

Dress: Business Formal


Transfer to Next Location (by bus)Leader: Natalia Jankowski

Saturday, May 14th 2011

Time Event



Location: Toronto Marriott Bloor Yorkville Hotel - Food Court (underground level)(90 Bloor St. East, Toronto, ON)

Dress: Business Formal


Transfer to Next Location

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9:30am- 11:00am

Success Tool #1: Partnering with Poland & Identifying Opportunities

Moderator: Mr. Martin Grzadka, President & Co-Founder of Young Polish Canadian Professionals Association (YPCPA)Speakers:

Dr. Andrzej Malinowski, President of Employers of Poland His Excellency Zenon Kosiniak-Kamysz, Ambassador of Poland to Canada Mr. Blaine Calkins, Member of Parliament & Chairman of Canada-Poland

Parliamentary Friendship Group Magdalena Mazur, Project Coordinator - Stowarzyszenie Szkoła Liderów

Location: University of Toronto, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, Alumni Hall, Room 100, University of Toronto - (121 St. Josephs St., Toronto, ON)

Dress: Business Casual


Transfer to Next Location

11:30am- 1:30pm

QV3 EXPOSE & Grazing LunchExhibiting the State of Young Polonia

Presentation of Young Polonia Organizations, Career Fair & Sponsorship Showcase

Leaders: Ms. Monika Wyrzykowska Location: University of Toronto, Hart House - Great Hall

(7 Hart House Circle, Toronto, ON)Dress: Business Casual


Transfer to Next Location


Success Tool #2: Building Modern, Relevant, and Adaptable Cultural Community-based organizations - Multicultural Leadership Panel

Moderator: Mr. Dominik Roszak, Senior Special Assistant, Parliamentary Affairs &Vice President of Young Polish Canadian Professionals Association (YPCPA) Ottawa ChapterSpeakers:

Ms. Joanna Lustanski Ph.D., Canadian Polish Research Institute President Mr. Neil Desai, Director of Programs and Communications of the Munk School

of Global Affairs at the University of Toronto Mr. Tony Miele, President of Canadian Italian Business and Professional

Association (CIBPA) (Remaining Panellists to be announced)

Location: University of Toronto, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures,

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Alumni Hall, Room 100, University of Toronto - (121 St. Josephs St., Toronto, ON)Dress: Business Casual


Coffee Break


Success Tool #3: A Serious Approach to Fundraising

Moderator: Ms. Monika Wyrzykowska, QV3 Fundraising ExecutiveSpeakers:

Mr. Jerzy Barycki, President of Polish-Canadian Business and Professional Association of Windsor (Addressing: Capital Investments)

Ms. Monika Starczuk – Co-Founder of Polish Initiative of Chicago (Addressing: NGO Funding)

Mr. Maciek Bator – Director of Stowarzyszenie Emigracji Polskiej(Adressing: Cooperation with Polish Senate)

Mr. Borys Wrzesnewskyj, Owner of M-C Dairy and Future Bakery(Adressing: Working with Philanthropists)

Location: University of Toronto, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, Alumni Hall, Room 100, University of Toronto - (121 St. Josephs St., Toronto, ON)

Dress: Business Casual


Return to Hotel (if need to)or

Free Time


Prepare of Evening Event (Dress: Business Formal)or

Free Time


Transfer to Next Location Leader: Ms. Barbara Waginska

7:00pm- 11:00pm

Dinner Boat CruiseLeader: Ms. Martha Kornobis

Location: Mariposa Cruises, Queen’s Quay Terminal, Toronto Waterfront (207 Queen’s Quay West, Toronto, ON)

Aboard: Captain Mathew Finders

Success Tool #4: Developing a Vision for Polonia - “What’s Next?”Introduction: Ms. Natalia Kusendova, Public Relations Officer of Polish Students’ Association (PSA), Audit Committee Member of PISK

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Key Note Speaker: Professor Walter Perchal – York UniversityDress: Business Formal


Transfer to Hotel

Leader: Ms. Barbara Waginska

Sunday, May 15th 2011


Sunday Eucharist (Roman Catholic)

Lead by: Ks. Pawel RatajczakLocation: Toronto Marriott Bloor Yorkville Hotel – Forrest Hill Ballroom

(90 Bloor St. East, Toronto, ON)

8:00am- 9:00am


Location: Toronto Marriott Bloor Yorkville Hotel - Food Court (underground level)(90 Bloor St. East, Toronto, ON)

Dress: Casual


Leadership Challenge Rules – Introduction

Leaders: Ms. Magdalena Sulzycka and Mr. Paul SulzyckiLocation: Toronto Marriott Bloor Yorkville Hotel - Meeting Room TBA

(90 Bloor St. East, Toronto, ON)Dress: Casual

9:30am- 12:00pm

Success Tool # 5: Leadership Challenge & Team Work

5 Themes: Goals, Roles, Expectations, Processes & Leadership Leaders: Ms. Magdalena Sulzycka and Mr. Paul Sulzycki

Various locations throughout TorontoDress: Casual


Change, Hotel Checkout & Luggage Storage

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Location: Toronto Marriott Bloor Yorkville Hotel - Lobby(90 Bloor St. East, Toronto, ON)


Transfer to Next Location


Lunch & Leadership Challenge – Wrap-up Discussion

Moderator: Ms. Magdalena Sulzycka and Mr. Paul SulzyckiLocation: Polish Combatants Hall (SPK)

(206 Beverley St, Toronto, ON)Dress: Business


Success Tool #6: Effective Leadership

Introduction: Professor Walter PerchalSpeaker: Col. Dariusz Dachowicz – Former Commander of 1st Special Forces

Regiment of the Polish Armed Forces Location: Polish Combatants Hall (SPK)

(206 Beverley St, Toronto, ON)Dress: Business




Success Tool # 7: The Winner’s Image Breaking through limitations!

Introduction: Mrs. Monika Wilk-Grzadka, General Manager & Co-Founder of Young Polish Canadian Professionals Association (YPCPA)Key Note Speaker: John Kanary – Corporate Trainer & Author

Location: Polish Combatants Hall (SPK)(206 Beverley St., Toronto, ON)

Dress: Business


Quo Vadis III Summary Presenting Initiatives of Young Polonia

Moderator: Ms. Barbara WaginskaLocation: Polish Combatants Hall(206 Beverley St., Toronto, ON)

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Dress: Business


Closing CeremoniesFinal Resolutions & Announcing QV4 Bid Winner

Speaker: Ms. Natalia Kusendova, Public Relations Officer of Polish Students’ Association (PSA), Audit Committee Member of PISK and Co-Chair of Quo Vadis 3 Mr. Martin Grzadka, President & Co-Founder of Young Polish Canadian Professionals Association (YPCPA) and Co-Chair of Quo Vadis 3 (QV3)Ms. Anna Baryc

Location: Polish Combatants Hall (SPK)(206 Beverley St, Toronto, ON)

Dress: Business

Barycki Jerzy, President of Polish-Canadian Business and Professionals Association of Windsor

Jerry Barycki is a professional civil engineer, a community volunteer and an avid organizer of Polish-Canadian events. He was born and raised in Poland and immigrated to Canada in 1982. He was involved in many significant Polonia projects, some of which he has co-founded, including the

Polonia Park housing project, the Polish Canadian Business and Professional Association of Windsor, the International Relations Committee of the City of Windsor, the Windsor and Lublin twin-city partnership, the Canadian Polish Congress (CPC), Windsor-Chatham Branch, the Polish Week in Windsor and the National Council of the Canadian Polish Congress. He is currently serving a second term as Honorary Advisor for the annual Polish-Canadian youth leadership conference, Quo Vadis. www.poloniawindsor.ca

Calkins Blaine, Member of Parliament & Chairman of Canada-Poland Parliamentary Friendship Group

Blaine was born and raised on his family farm near Lacombe, Alberta. Blaine graduated from the University of Alberta with a Bachelor of Science in Zoology. He worked as a Fisheries Technician for Alberta Fish and Wildlife, as a Provincial Park Ranger, and as a National Park

Warden in Jasper National Park. Blaine later became a database administrator at the Agriculture Financial Services Corporation in Lacombe, Alberta. Blaine was an elected Municipal Councillor for Lacombe. Active in his community, Blaine has served as a Director of the Lacombe Municipal Ambulance Society, the Family and Community Support Services, the Municipal Planning Commission, David Thompson Tourist Council and the Disaster Services Committee. www.blainecalkins.ca

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Bator Maciej, Director of Stowarzyszenie Emigracji Polskiej

Maciek Bator is the founder and Director of Polish Association Northern Ireland. The pioneering work that he commenced at the beginning of 2005 led to the establishment of Polish Association Northern Ireland (PANI), the first fully professional Polish organization in Northern Ireland which focuses on the

issues of the Polish migrants. He is also one of the co-founders of the Bi-Lingual Community Safety Advocacy Scheme project. In 2009 Mr. Bator established Association for Polish Diaspora based in his hometown Płock in Poland. He in a member of the Quo Vadis organizing committee, as the European Delegate Coordinator.

Ciesielczuk Marek, Consul General of the Republic of Poland in Toronto

Marek Ciesielczuk has joined Polish Foreign Service in 1993 having finished apprenticeship at the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Tunisia. He has served in several Polish missions, including a term at the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Telaviv and four years as the Head of the Passport and Visa Section at the

Consulate General of the Republic of Poland in New York. Since 2008 he is Consul General of the Republic of Poland in Toronto. He has been very supportive of the Quo Vadis project and is hosting “Night in Poland” as part of the Quo Vadis III: “Tools for Success” at the Consulate General in Toronto. www.torontokg.polemb.net

Berezowska Teresa, President of the Canadian Polish Congress

Teresa Berezowska was born in Edinburg, Scotland. Her father had been with the First Polish Armoured Division and her mother and older brother had been deported by the Russians to a work camp in Siberia in 1940 where they managed to survive and reunite with the father. After emigrating from Scotland, she settled

in Toronto. She was enrolled into the Polish Scouting Association in Canada and have remained an active member of the organization. She also became active in the Canadian Polish Congress. Over the years, she has played many significant roles in Polonia events, groups and organizations. She is an elementary school teacher by profession. www.kpk.org

Dachowicz Robert, Colonel

Dariusz Dachowicz served 26 years of service with Polish Armed Forces, on different position in 1st SF Regiment and GROM unit. His last position in 1st Special Forces is of Regiment Commander. He is a participant of mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Iraq. He holds a Master’s degree in Management, graduated from

post graduate studies in National Security in National Defense University in Warsaw and Ph.D. from the same University in humanities specialty Security.

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Desai Neil, Director of Programs and Communications of the Munk School of Global Affairs at the University of Toronto

Neil Desai currently serves as Director of Programs and Communications at the Munk School of Global Affairs at the University of Toronto. Previously, he served as Manager, Strategic Initiatives to the Prime Minister of Canada. Neil also served as a Senior Advisor to the Secretary of State for Multiculturalism and Canadian Identity.

Neil holds a master's degree in international political economy from the London School of Economics. He attended Princeton University for post-graduate work in economics and completed a bachelor's degree from Carleton University in Ottawa. www.munkschool.utoronto.ca

Kenney Jason, Honourable Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism of Canada

Jason Kenney was appointed Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism in 2008. Kenney was first elected to the House of Commons in 1997 and has been re-elected four times. He was appointed Parliamentary Secretary to the Prime Minister in 2006, and Secretary of State

(Multiculturalism and Canadian Identity) in 2007. Kenney was born in Ontario and raised in Saskatchewan, where he graduated from Notre Dame College. He served in a variety of positions in Opposition, including Finance Critic and Deputy House Leader. Prior to seeking election, Mr. Kenney served as President and Chief Executive Officer of the Canadian Taxpayers Federation. www.jasonkenney.ca

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Kaminska Bozena, National Vice-President of the Polish American Congress

Bozena Kaminski is the National Vice-President for Polish Affairs of the Polish-American Congress (“PAC”) in Chicago. She is currently the Executive Director of the Polish & Slavic Center, a non profit 54,000 member organization, which provides social services to Polish-Americans living in the greater metropolitan area. She served one

term as Director of the Polish & Slavic Federal Credit Union, and was President of the Polish & Slavic Center for ten years. She has organized many political and civic actions, on behalf of Polonia for which she was recognized. In 2001, Bozena was honoured with the prestigious Ellis Island Medal of Honor for her accomplishments. www.pac1944.org

Kosiniak-Kamysz Zenon, His Excellency Ambassador of the Republic of Poland to Canada

Zenon Kosiniak-Kamysz was born in 1958 in Bieniaszowice. He graduated from the Department of Organisation and Management at the Technical University in Dresden. He joined Polish diplomatic service in 1990, when he was appointed First Secretary at the Polish Embassy in Budapest. Between 1994 and 2008 Mr. Kosiniak-Kamysz held many diplomatic

positions, including Commercial Counsellor at the Polish Embassy in Berlin, Ambassador of Poland to Slovakia, and Undersecretary of State for Armaments and Modernisation in the Ministry of National Defense. In 2009 he was appointed as the Ambassador of Poland to Canada. www.ottawa.polemb.net


Kanary John, Corporate Trainer

John Kanary was born in Glace Bay, Nova Scotia, Canada. In the 1970s, he met and joined forces with Bob Proctor and jointly developed and built one of the world’s most popular programs, “Born Rich”, which has been a part of great companies like Prudential of America and Metropolitan Life. He also developed his own programs, “Breaking

Through Limitations”, “The Top Performer” and “Building a High Performance Team.” In 1993, John established John Kanary International Inc., to develop his coaching and leadership programs. He continues to deliver these programs around the world. www.johnkannary.com

Lustanski Joanna, Ph.D., President of Canadian Polish Research Institute

Joanna Lustanski has a Ph.D. in linguistics from Warsaw University. She worked for the Polish Scientific Publishers PWN and Gazeta Wyborcza. She taught at tne Polish Language and Literature Program at Warsaw University. In Canada, she taught Department of Linguistics and Languages at McMaster University. Currently she works in the

communications, publications and training area of the Registrar's Office at York University. Dr Lustanski is the author of many publications on Polish Canadians. She was elected president of the Institute in 2011. canadianpolishinstitute.org

Malinowski Andrzej, Dr., President of Employers of Poland

Andrzej Malinowski, Ph.D., is the President of the Employers of Poland. He worked in the government as the Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Internal Market and the Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Agriculture. Member of the Polish parliamentary delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of

Europe.Member of the National Council for European Integration and the representative of Polish employers in the European Economic and Social Committee where he actively takes part in the Section for Transport, Energy, Infrastructure and Information Society as well as in the Section for External Relations. www.pracodawcyrp.pl

Perchal Walter, Professor, Lieutenant

Walter Perchal currently teaches at York University specializing in disaster and emergency management. He is the Program Director of the Schulich School of Business Executive Education Centre at York. Concurrently he continues to serve as a senior officer in the Canadian

Forces. After completing his appointment as Commanding Officer of The Royal Regiment of Canada, he next served as Special Advisor to the Army Commander. Currently, he serves in the 1st Canadian Division HQ. He also continues his involvement in business, both, directing a transdisciplinary consultancy, and, serving on the boards of a number of companies.

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Mazur Magdalena, Project Coordinator and trainer, Stowarzyszenie Szkola Liderow

In 2009 Magdalena received her Master’s degree in Polish Studies from the University of Warsaw. While pursuing the degree she co-organized many youth projects, including festival Projekt Praga, and workshops Do Roboty and Nastolatek w Samorzadzie. Magdalena also worked as a trainer in many NGOs, such as the Jewish Heritage Defense Fund,

Live Art Workshop in Lowicz, and the Centre for European Education. Since 2008 she is involved in the Leadership School Association (Stowarzyszenie Szkola Liderow). www.szkola-liderow.pl

Recht Hershel, National Development Director and Chief Fundraiser, Canadian Technion Society

Hershel Recht is a Toronto born International Relations and Governmental Relations specialist. He founded Top-Notch Consulting. Hershel holds both an Honours Bachelor and Masters degree from York University. Hershel hold an array of positions at the Canadian Jewish Political Affairs Committee. He has been active on

electoral campaigns since 1997. Hershel helped recruit over 1100 volunteers and donors to work and fund hundreds of campaigns for all major political parties. He is currently the National Development Director and Chief Fundraiser of the Canadian Technion Society. www.cdntech.org

Miele Tony, President of Canadian Italian Business and Professional Association (CIBPA)

Tony Miele is currently the president of the Canadian Italian Business Professional Association of Niagara, of which he has been a member since 2004. He served as Vice-President of Communications for CIBPA National for several years. He is also a former board member and past president of Club Roma, St. Catharines. In his

professional career he is the Division Director at Investors Group, Niagara Region. www.cibpa.com

Roszak Dominik, Senior Special Assistant, Parliamentary Affairs &Vice President of Young Polish Canadian Professionals Association (YPCPA) Ottawa

Dominic Roszak was born a first-generation Canadian in Toronto to Polish parents. He grew up in the Greater Toronto Area and pursued Post-secondary studies at Carleton University, where he completed two degrees. In 2006 he joined the political staff of the Government of

Canada, where he has worked in the Prime Minister’s Office and, since 2008, in the Office of the Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism. His current title is Senior Special Assistant, Parliamentary Affairs and he also serves as Vice President of the Young Polish Canadian Professional Association (YPCPA), Ottawa Branch.

Sawicki Marek , Honourable Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Poland

Marek Sawicki has been the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development since November 2007. He previously served as Secretary of State in the Ministry of Communication and as State Plenipotentiary for Rural Communication. Mr. Sawicki's academic background includes a doctoral thesis on the cultivation of potatoes and post-doctorate

studies on EU agriculture law. He has worked as an assistant lecturer in the Agricultural and Pedagogic University of Siedlce and as an inspector of raw materials at a sugar processing plant. Since 1993 Mr Sawicki has been a member of the Polish parliament for the constituency of Siedlce.

Varin Karolina, Vice-President of YPCPA Kitchener & Waterloo

Karoline is a professional visual artist and art educator. She has a Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree from the University of Waterloo. For over ten years, she has been extensively involved in various community projects as curator, writer, project coordinator and volunteer. Karoline is currently self employed and works as an artist educator with elementary schools and the Kitchener

Waterloo Art Gallery. She is the Vice President of Young Polish Canadian Professionals Association (YPCPA) Kitchener Waterloo and area Chapter, and leads the parents’ committee of the Sir Casimir Gzowski Polish School in Kitchener.

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www.minrol.gov.pl www.ypcpa.ca

Starczuk Monika, Co-Founder of Polish Initiative of Chicago

Monika Starczuk was born and raised in Poland and holds a Master Degree in Political Science from Warsaw University. She is a leader and co-founder of Polish Initiative of Chicago (PIC), grassroots community-based organization committed to revitalizing and

empowering Polish immigrants and Polish-Americans through education and leadership development. Monika is a Field Director for the New American Initiative. NAI is a national model for citizenship assistance that has been implemented in many other states in the US. She is also on the Board of Directors for Arise Chicago. In 2009 she received Wietrzne Radio - Polonusy 2009 Award in Activist of the Year category. www.polishinitiative.org

Wrzesnewskyj Boris, former Member of Parliament, Etobicoke Center

Borys Wrzesnewskyj is the owner of M-C Dairy and Future Bakery. Mr. Wrzesnewskyj funded, organized and supported civil rights groups and democratic reform on the ground in Ukraine prior to glasnost and the collapse of the Soviet Union. Today, the Wrzesnewskyj family continues to work in

Ukraine through his family’s Dopomoha Ukraini Foundation. Mr. Wrzesnewskyj also supports the teaching of the Polish language at the University of Toronto. Mr. Wrzesnewskyj was a Member of Parliament from 2004-2011. He initiated the "Canada-Poland Friendship Group" and fought for the removal of visas for Polish citizens. www.borysw.ca

Trojanowska Tamara, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures at the University of Toronto

Tamara Trojanowska is an Associate Professor in the Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures where she directs the Polish Language and Literature Program, and a Director of the University College Drama Program at the University of Toronto. She specializes in Polish literature of the 20th and 21st centuries and in drama and theatre

theory. In the last twelve years she has built one of strongest Polish Language and Literature Programs in North America. The graduates of this program hold academic positions in Great Britain and Canada and five more students currently work on their doctorates with Prof. Trojanowska. www.utoronto.ca/slavic

Meet the Co-Chairs

Grzadka Marcin

Education: University of Waterloo B.A. Economics - Finance Specialization

Career: Wealth & Risk Management Professional

Favourite Quote: “Watch your thoughts, for they become words.Watch your words, for they become actions. Watch your actions, for they become habits. Watch your habits, for they become character. Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.” -Lao-Tze

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Martin Grzadka is the co-founder and president of Young Polish Canadian Professionals Association (YPCPA). For over six years he leads a successful Financial Planning practice with Investors Group. Martin earned his B.A. in Economics & Finance from Waterloo University and is currently completing his CFP designation. Martin draws on his 14 years of experiance from working in ZHPpgk where he received the instructor rank of Scout Master (Harcmistrz). Recent program participation: 1st Szkola Liderow Poloniijnych & II, Poland in the Rockies.

Kusendova Natalia

Education: University of Toronto, B.Sc. Human Biology & Cell and System Biology Candidate

Career Prospect: Health Care Professional

Favourite Quote: “Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.”

Natalia Kusendova is 22 years old, born in Bratislava, Slovakia. She is currently completing her final year of the Bachelor of Science Degree at the University of Toronto. Natalia is very actively

involved in Polonia, as she cherishes her polish roots, inherited from her mother. She volunteers her spare time to the following organizations and institutions: Polish Students’ Association at the University of Toronto, Polish Students’ Initiative of Canada (PISK), ZHR Polish Scouts of Canada and St.Maximillian Kolbe Catholic Church. Natalia plans to pursue a career in Nuclear Medicine. Natalia’s biggest passion is dance.


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