pipeline construction survey experts


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Page 2: Pipeline Construction Survey Experts

Naturally ResourcefulWith the vision of providing innovative service and quality, the Stewart Weir Group was founded nearly a century ago. We have built a legacy rich in experience, reputation, knowledge and success. By integrating our surveying, GIS, and engineering disciplines, we provide ef�cient, value-added and sustainable solutions for our clients.

Originating in Alberta, Canada, we have grown along with one of the most active oil and gas and industrial areas in the world. By combining our experience in servicing thousands of kilometers of pipeline projects per year, with our expertise in construction, industrial, and infrastructure development, we have been able to expand our services to global markets. We have more than 550 employees currently operating on projects throughout Canada, the United States, Africa, and Australia.

By combining the integrated experience of the Stewart Weir Group and the valuable, local knowledge of Schlencker Mapping, we are committed to providing superior service to the Australian pipeline industry.

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Committed to quality for more than twenty-�ve years, Schlencker Mapping is focused on providing service oriented surveying and mapping solutions for our diverse cross section of clients. With 3 of�ces throughout Queensland, we are one of the largest photogrammetric production and mapping companies in Australia. Our considerable in-house capacity enables us to combine high quality and ef�cient work �ows, with streamlined project turnarounds.

Adhering to ISO 9001:2008 standards, we are dedicated to all aspects of quality, and risk management along with legal compliance. We have active and e�ective measures in place to ensure employment and industrial relations, health & safety and environmental management are maintained and continually improved.

Whether you require engineering, survey, mapping or GIS related tasks, we invite you to tap into the combined unlimited potential of Stewart Weir Schlencker, and experience our enthusiasm and passion for success.

The Stewart Weir Group and Schlencker Mapping combine the best of two worlds, by o�ering unsurpassed industry experience and local knowledge in Stewart Weir Schlencker.

Throughout Stewart Weir’s history, we have distinguished ourselves as a forward thinking industry leader. Our integrated geomatics and engineering services are widely used in the industrial, municipal, transportation, oil & gas and development sectors.

In conjunction with safety and project success, we are proud of our environmental stewardship and evolutionary thinking. Enterprising sta�, established relationships, a positive corporate culture, investments in technology and nearly one hundred years of experience allow us to provide the highest level of reliable professional services.

Stewart Weir’s core competencies include support for: community, utility, industrial and resource development. Our geographic reach provides us with fresh and innovative perspectives on all of our work.


Our available resource pool of more than 500 skilled and experienced employees utilizes leading edge survey, engineering, mapping and information management technologies for e�ective and ef�cient project implementation.

With over 90 �eld survey crews working in conjunction with all of our support departments we have all the tried and tested components necessary to address the needs, and manage the logistics, of multiple long-term projects at any one time.

Nearly reaching the milestone of a century in business, we have built a foundation on our immense experience, client service, and industry innovation. We have a vast expertise in the pipeline project life cycle; servicing multiple projects totaling between 2,000 to 4,000km of pipeline per year. The addition of Australian resources, site and logistical knowledge, plays an integral role in our complete local project understanding.

As an industry innovator, we have recently developed a 3D alignment process: a multi-source viewing platform, utilizing conventional and satellite imagery. Using our streamlined processes and technological tools we have signi�cantly improved �nal product delivery ef�ciencies.

Time, and as a result costs, are the key elements in the success of any major project. Our ability to draw on the knowledge and experience gained from numerous successful past projects, combined with the application of our fully integrated, and innovative, manpower and technology resources, ensures that project ef�ciencies are maximized, timelines are met, deliverables are as speci�ed, and costs to our clients are reduced.






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Our experience as pipeliners has resulted in a complete understanding of pipeline projects, the various phases, needs and requirements, including:

• Base Mapping

• Route

• Preliminary Surveys

• Construction Surveys

• As-built Procedures

• Final turn over package needs

• Boundary Delineation (Pinning)

Our knowledgeable people, proven systems, procedures, logistical experience, technological expertise, and state-of-the-art equipment ensure the ef�cient success of any project.


MAPPINGCurrent and accurate multi-spectral satellite imagery is a key component in providing meaningful information to the alignment, determination and costing phases of any pipeline project. Stewart Weir Schlencker is an industry leader in providing conventional and satellite imagery, mapping products, as well as Lidar and cadastral information.

ROUTE SELECTIONDedicated to continual industry advancement, we have revolutionized the route selection process with the development of our 3D Alignment Determination System. This innovation, along with our pipeline experience and understanding, provides great value and visual impact to this phase in any pipeline project.

BASE MAPPINGBase Mapping is the foundation from which we provide information for critical decisions or provided for: alignment determination, construction, costing, applications to approving authorities, information for stakeholders, construction as-built, stakeout and �nal turn over packages.


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RESEARCHWith each project we employ our vast resources to perform in-depth research of the required current information to identify the impact of

existing infrastructure and cadastral interests. This information is used in conjunction with our base mapping in order assist with alignment

determination and identify solutions to potential alignment issues.

PRELIMINARY SURVEYSWith a proactive approach to pipelining, our survey sta� works

to identify and locate construction impacting topography and infrastructure, as well as gather critical information for crossing

existing infrastructure or features. In addition to providing this vital information, we physically mark out any proposed alignments on-site

to ensure its viability.

CONSTRUCTION SURVEYSOur experience, resources, and procedures combine to provide

industry-leading systems for the construction phase of any pipeline project. Our process is streamlined and designed to provide the

vital information required to meet government regulations and the demanding needs of an operational pipeline.


CADASTRAL SURVEYSOur locally entrenched and experienced sta� are committed to positioning the interest of all pipeline projects to meet all legislative and regulatory requirements, along with the establishment and registrations of all easements.

POST CONSTRUCTION SURVEYSAs an integral part of any project and the �nal component to a construction as-built product, our survey team provides meticulous post construction survey drawings, typically inclusive of �nal post construction ground pro�le and �nal as-built of above ground facilities. These two components combined with the pipeline as-built product, proves to be an invaluable tool for the operational group.

DATA MANAGEMENTMaximizing the use of valid information throughout the pipeline process, whether �eld gathered, derived from outside sources, or of government or private origin, has a positive impact on timelines and as a result, project costs. Our proprietary online asset management and tracking application, Proceed, is a client friendly, e�ective means to organize and access this multi-format information from virtually anywhere for all members of any project team.

MOBILE MAPPING SYSTEMWith the �rst Topcon High De�nition IP-S2 HD Mobile Mapping System in Australia, this technology �lls the gap between aerial and ground based survey systems. This makes possible, surveys that were previously not precise enough or too expensive for some applications. With the fusion of data sets collected from various sources, the High De�nition Mobile Mapping System forms an integral part of the overall surveying toolbox.

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Well versed in the prospective unique challenges that can occur throughout construction projects, our team of pipeliners has the knowledge and ability to confront and adapt to these potential issues, both at the management and �eld levels. Over our history, we have partnered with many of the industry’s largest organizations, including both pipeline owners and engineering companies. Working with these clients on thousands of kilometres of pipeline, year after year, speaks to the continual quality of service that we provide. We value our established client relationships and we are committed to providing this continued level of excellent service on all of our projects.

Some of our key clients include:

• Shell

• ATCO Pipelines

• Worley Parsons


• Enbridge

• Husky

• Kinder Morgan

• Inter Pipeline Fund

A NATURAL CHOICEAs an all encompassing service provider, our extensive history, experienced resources, pipeline expertise, and state-of-the-art technology, has allowed us to deliver appropriate solutions for our extensive list of clients throughout the globe. With a strong focus on client relationships and industry innovation, we are committed to ensuring client project successes along with our continued corporate growth.

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STEWARTWEIR.COM.AUFor more information please visit