pills dryafancy goods,€¦ · m. 1 his soul with inhuman ecstasy, by a strange contradiction, i10...

I UHI UK. was in tuwu Wed- B k o r g c N. Tuwiumud, _________Mown. Quy bu [lurdwuett W'arron M . • Ktutlaing» en v ' J. D. hea 4i..: ! ! i \\ i . n I i u:tl ^I'tturuwd to Hum liumo* in Dallas. ' * «»<' at Salem di>l >f0t)0 EQUS ^to th« Opel . 11 uusu building. Mated. IS,.,., j Hyde has Ijm t received a new *1 fin« cigar- ilio La Uranadina. c excellent. l,M .t tha ad, of Wilson «V Kay, of kin. The* Inti ml to keep a good ) $UM leli cheap 1 R 00 V »right weethei haa been a bonanza jea. The ,field.i are dotted with r’ " B i C ploughmen. & Lynns have this week sold lU£ 7 plaoes. Tto, mean business and ** purchasers when others fail. * I Same» Harris IS receiving a lot of plows, ate., and expects to deal BEUOS. tit oral implements in Dallas. F|(, 70 $1,800 can be had on real estate J. 1 m 2S till September Ir.t next, at 9 per ---- —-JaBaoon,W. S. Klxins, agent. t mber that the first of November ¡TTrrTj t hare and that accounts due ¿Uj Jjjjjjj, iBUKi be settled by tlmt n t • I trouble wM ensue. .„h. rrol at Hot' lie City this week, l>o- ana ilurneson, nbo-ifc 925 *. btiiu. ^ potatoMk resulted in Brown be- -------- w i t h » * nml killed. 1-WNl.y Clerk SI.ellcy lust week went to County end brought Hid fiither - A T - ’ ty. He is slowly recovering from « riei receded at The Dalles some >7 Publnnce. >M givenfc Miller has just received the uiwiet. Ah !, of Mevecli , 11.1 pipes and cigars ught to Dallas. Any person de- ^^^^^^Htliis lino can be suited ¡VJASO* Fairginves is still on hand at bor with a full line of all goods Kl ^ |Upt iuBcountry storo. He sells | Phan anybody. To be convinced visit him with the cash or with OREGON, fl uce. city M id PLXJK Patent Washing Ma* ¡ « ’is . * only premium at the urn cast of Jati.'S* fkir r irtlaiid. The owners )LE SHOD RIGHT for Oregon ______ prepared to till nr.Iris in a few >rice, 815. Specially reduced vIPWOBT!.. (lealert. Address 1*. O. Box Y - A T . . tlanJ- 1 never knows hov mean ho is andreports for a paper. He watches 1 : w with fiendish delight, knowing ‘ tier or later it will furnish him larrowina piece of news. II is ta up with joy when he sees 1the Court* ¡depart with rifles and cartridges, d to himi»roiLj|B «K lpi. 'ntcd and defrauded ... . , turn wHu* it accident. Assaults P23-*»i n series, and desertions and mur* suicides; mishaps and misery; falls; broke n nocks and stranded M . 1 his soul with inhuman ecstasy, by a strange contradiction, I 10 ..vith the sorrowful. His heart & PIPfco u his head. He is a strange 2Y S -A T ^^ loncc and Daihl The IaxhI t ilitnr. this held sonic Oregon editors recently printing a notice ex- coroplinientary to themselves. Il tho Court »1 * ly compii atter taste for each of them “ to b D 'lorou s lloking glass and descant ISO A ' A M* defonpity.’' When an editor^ r ----------- ' la- D sl'KGEOi'ina to p iff himaolf, he m a r " " 1' f a fool, afa,l “ blows tho ho# 0<1 in nee, Or. try eye.’'WVh.itover else f.V he. .1 t n.,« ndjun»«tb e chock of such ,,lt(,r> ,Uth 0,nX M in prnmlinj, his jrai.es, w it,’ up W H i* 1 l.ltv •conc,iit is mi cinbntt^ltrBsa' aspect»«) ok-nbbod ami ancient 1881 lv lance i bent its _ ! nop tunce can piep varks down. With a ,li/ruphrasu 1 « well-known poem,he mJ<lo»ciibcd ne of irhoso pagod things of T all,*y- Jith front of brass and f>f ®l»y-" ¡;e tells of himself. V ,lu knows , is not marvelous; wi/e does that t grand; What he tir that is not mud; whs* he says tl '8 not lumi- with genius, is not th knowing. His vitcli . erv is I . and 1 Hid I ’ll do. " JJcpitapli alone VrxrTt h SAlltt,! and hio<lest -¿upturn;” or in » JStiU miceat TMpincular, iustod." * ' oilig. or thinking, saying. IIis D U (i nf *i f ® “ 4,1 Preface'.''ke the witcli jJXlue heath, his erv is i “ I’ll do. and erioii*«f!». out two weeks agryoung man by DICE, O^ioe sbovo ßcio. >k J 6nni8 y, living a short ~ his gun and out to hunt sho Not returning when he Was ej cted, search was p flVi •ptTMuTU1^ ^ op Wm, b without success. “ *** m then Mppal to have been loos th h*vemWod, but upon fiber investigation r 'nl T 11 WM f°w*d on e bank of Thomas r A short dislice farther down ream his hat, ith fonr buckshot OAKDhTBA^^SjJj wa* ‘dp. This iminedi- 1 guaf%eed and returning to the gun lay, t,h< discovered where . . been Jln-.l *y some one on a Ot'ipER 1 - short diatancftiF, and whero the id grazed a sm.-l grub in a direct th where it' is opposed lie stood killed. One oJthe buckshot was (rnoM ora »ploal iokre ^ i undent .] (from or* «rscuL corriu » fosi » bxt .) County Surveyor Wright was in town A voice from Balcm now comes on the this week, doing tome surveying for some J blast; of our citizens. ; The vote has been given, the die ban been L. »!. Hall, Frank Collina, N. L. But 1 CMt; , 4 , a ler and L. Bettman, all of Dallas, were in* Wilh J- N- Do,rh for Senator, the tried town this week. As yet, we have hoard ' * of no serious lose to any ouo. Smoke houses a ero all locked. As we hear it: 44 Well, how you like A truce to politics, for now we would give Delphi Like him? Why didn’t they' A description of Ferrydalo, in which we elect Vi Hard/ I’d a hundred times rather ! live; had Mitchell. Oh, that virtuous 17! Forgive, if we fail its merit* to note. That crowd of Joseph»! There isn t one 1And take it all aa a practical “ joke.” of them that could be elected school di* j rector, now. Anti-monopolists to the! back-bone! How many could have boon | elected 011 a Dolph ticket?” Some of our citizens are discussing tho feasibility of constructing a telephone be tween this place and Albany, Indepen dence or Jefferson. Our opinion is that Independence would be the best point to connect with. Four and one-half miles will roach the place. Brew the matter,, gentlemen. We believe it will pay a good l“ c,r fftR groin- INDEPENDENCE ITEMS. »luiTiEK i'iKir. and true, ' We oure not if our colors be the «ed. white, j or blue. Merchants, blacksmiths, and a doctor have' I W®i And our lsundryman—Slug Lee; A drug store too, and coufuction’ry so nice. Where the genial Kay can sell you butter and cheese by the slice. Miss Jessie Haskett is visiting hor sister, ¡Mrs. Frizzell. The farmers are busily engaged sowing per cent, on the investment. The Imp pool at this place has sold. There was about 500,000 tbs of hops pooled here, and tho almost fab ulous ¡»rice of 021 cents per tb was real ized. The hop crop brings in nearly as much money as the wheat crop, this year. Thirty-two thousand two hundred and titty dollars in one season for tho hop in dustry is doiug well, we think. How about a city council! Is it not time to become very mysterious about the tickets, get little jobs fixed up, and do other little things so necessary to a suc cessful election? It would not lie right for all to join in pleasantly and elect sub stantial, law-abiding citizens, — and we mean by law-abiding, those who respect Sunday laws as well as Monday laws. TOW* TALK. Dr. J. M. Roberts, of Portland, paid our town a professional visit this week. Mr. J. W. McGrow left last Monday for Weston, to be gone about two we**ks Rumor says there will bo two marriages in town soon. Wo are fully convinced that there will bo one, if we aro to judge from symptoms. Mr. Geo. E. Good, the accommodating editor of tho I tbmizeu, paid our town a three-days' visit this week. Call again, Mr. Editor; you are always welcome. Tho handsome and commodious resi dence of Mr. J. P. Frizzell is nearing completion. It will be quite an ornament to our town. Perrydale can then boast of the finest house iu Polk county. Mr. C. T. Waller, one of our most en terprising merchants, has returned with his family from Portland. We are glad to welcome you back, Clarence, afler your being absent on business for three months. Since tho legislature lias concluded its fa.ee we have heard a number of men say they were in favor of women voting, if they want to. W© would like to soo tho man who could make them voto if they didn’t want to. We hod tho pleasure of seeing the comet, this morning. The new-comer's tail is not much of a success, as yet, but we are promised a inagnitieent exhibition r»f its caudal appendage before it takes its final departure for parts unknown. Its tail is composed almost entirely of livor pads and kidney cure. It will probably bo near enough to road the advertisements next week. Wo understand this luminary cost the patent medicine man two hundred and fifty thousand dollars, and is bound to bu a success. Uncle Billy Perry, after whom Perry- dale was named, and who Ì 3 now one of the leading citizens of Sprague, W. T . , is on a visit to his old home, looking after his property at this place. He reports everything lively in tho desert country. Uncle Billy was surprised to see such an extensive trade »as is carried on by Mc Grow & Waller. It is a mystery to some people how they can keep four clerks busy wrapping up goods; but if you will notice, they carry the largest advertisement in the Itkmizf.k. Cuuitux? ZEN A T t EMS. Sheriff Sale t 't’ E OI aNS'*® from th«gM>, imd it proved to out o| 1 ,,'ciitAjl *arn» lise nitlio one» which had OreRon.ioif»11 ihro“l|KP* ■t Tha body ha» nt Scii- ur.« MÉRVÌ- ' 8ep(u,ut.°*®n f°und, lit it is aupposed to Beeler mi lifted either in the creek or some- Ellen 1toiler, >car the •m where the hat and ed in snUfoifiVf found.r* 1 mber, lS*i forad* The dred and Urt* W. N. -hundred^l D«*-Salem _____ said judgiW1 A i d decreed kjI .is week Hie foltowi® Hie noi^ r»m and a ft iÄ S l thin^ :o-wit : F o u A ’l busy ii part of “ <B\t Per e cut off town of M ad State 1 ue of said <f said décru, on, at the froJ<* 1 te, in Dallas, ety id Or »y. October ,tor, p. M., all the r.lso t the said defcfkl ibove described n at t day of May. J eut of Twelve The! id Ninety-eight___ ii interest at thJ|H innrn from the G l V, j 81, aud the fi^ ^ l ml 48-100 D o l l / W at». ( »ale—Cash in ] H . Ik; »riff of Polir eon r Oregon, Sept. !7,> . B. JOH] D E N TIS' i returned to Ind^ y locate, is pr tal work. Filling] Vanduyn A Smit arrests have yet ¡consed was a cousin go, who lives near man. 17lint 1mKal«l of the Sew rtcnator— ltenmrks Wise nn«l otherwise. Friday afternoon general interest was manifested in the struggle that was going on at Salem. The result of tho twelfth ballot, telegraphed here, showing no change, and tho announcement that the ballot was still proceeding, intensified the interest. The telegraph office was crowded after 7 o’clock by anxious inquirers. The assembly was for tho nonce a miniature legislature and as the successive bulletins wore read, a lively skirmish of repartee, sarcasm and wit was carried on by the adherents of Mitchell and his op- Dosors. When Mitchell dropped to 22 and stayed there for several ballots, a Mitchell man exclaimed: “ Wo’vo got you, boys; wo »are going to stay with it.” The other side looked blue, but seemed determined not to yield. About 8 o’clock, tho Portland operator announced that he must go to the “ press” tables, and that cut off the communication from that office. The Woodburn office gave us a few points, but finally that was silent and no answer came to the repeated “ calls.” “ Is there a saloon at Woodburn?’’ asked the operator. “ Yes,” was the reply of a bystander. “ Then that accounts for it. That fellow has adjourned.” A rattling fire of questions came over tho wire from Airlie, Dayton and other points. “ Is the Senate adjourned?” asked tho Dayton man. Somebody suggested that he bo wired the startling intelligence tnat it had adjourned, to meet next December. At hall-past ten, there being 110 hope of further intelligence, the crowd reluctantly dispersed, with a belief that there was a deadlock. Early »Saturday morning, tho streets were filled with people, anxious to know the final result. While the sun was yet engaged in his matutinal kiss of tho wak ing flowers, John Hyde .appeared, coming from the telegraphic office, and his shout, borne on the balmy breeze of the fresh and early morning, woke the ochoes and thrilled tho shirt-fronts of the waiting throng: “ Dolph fifty-one.” The cry was taken up and passed from mouth to month, and soon excited groups were gathered at the corners, discussing the all- important event. It would be impossible to portray tho joy, the disgust, the tri umph, tho crest-fallen air, the various and variegated shades of thought and fcelimj that were manifested. “1 wanted the Republican party punished,” said a prominent Republican and ex-representa- tive, “ and it couldn’t be worse punished unless Joe Simon or Sol. Hirsch had been elected.” “ What do you think of your man?” sarcastically asked a Mitchell Republican of one of the other sort. “ Ho is not my choice,” was the reply, “ but he has a clean record.” “ In a horn, he lias,” the other said: “ what about the Polk County farm he stole?” “ Ho didn’t,” and “ he did,” and “ he didn’t,” came hot and f«ast, and the whole merits of a law suit in which Mr. Dolph was once engaged in this county were deb.ated, ending in the mutual conclusion that the litigant» had I I" r' ’u» n our city, aim wo under- held tho cow while the attorney milked j lhat “ ?> »re about to attack Oapt. her. “ Dolph has been my man all tho [ K C'ark,a 8™b patch, west of lit. time," was remarked by a score of persons bouse. Chickens have taken the hint by who had never before been suapcctod of roostin« m the trees A very good idea, such wise foresight. “ Dolph is a bloated j W 0 n>*vfmd a Mongolian some fine aristocrat; he wouldn’t speak to you and | mornm£ »»»Pended with Ins queue fast on me on tho street." remarked an irate •?“ ? fir ‘ "nb., fromtrying to commit M.tchellite to an endorser of the cl,lcke,1 1 ’teah,l8 : “ eighteen.” “ Perlwips not,” was the re I ply, “ if you were along.” This raised a ■ laugh and restored good humor. “ At his , T from oua bpkcial corrkhpondkxt .) last deal, Mitchell held four Democratic jacks and couldn’t come in,” said a sport ive gentleman; “ it beats any game I ever . saw.” The number of persons who fore- Gliver Waller, of Salem, was over saw the final result and knew all the time j 8ce 118 Par^ ^ ie we^‘k. that Dolph was to get the Mitchell men, Mr. J. Butler has gone to Portland to has alarmingly increased since the tight attend the business college at that placo. [FROM OUR RPRCIAL CORKEhPONDKNT.] Wo are blessed with beautiful moon light evenings. Rev. Mr. Hannah will preach here to morrow at 11 a. m. The hunters have returned from Nes- tucca, but say game is scarce. Mrs. W. B. Ernest has gone on a visit to her old Kentucky home. Dudley Purvine, who had his leg broken some time ago, is getting along nicely. A funny sight: To see an editor trying to pail a cow, and string his type in the mud. We hope that your correspondent in Perrydale has recovered from his indispo sition. The ladies of Lincoln are going to give a Thanksgiving supper on the evening of Thanksgiving Day. Ail invited. Dr. J. W. Watts did not lecture hero as announced in last week’s I temizes, sick liess in his family preventing. Mrs. W. B. Earnest started on Wed nesday last for Missouri, to spend the fall and winter, after an absence of thirty years. We wish her a pleasant journey. The farmers are busy with their fall grain. Most of them succeeded in get ting in their summer-fallow before the last rain, and the prospect for next year’s crop is good, s«» far. We are glad that the senatorial con test is over at last; but it would have been far better to have some of those bills acted upon that went up for consideration than to have wasted tho time in tho elec tion of a senator on the last day of tho session. There will bo a time for some of those members to rise and explain. On Wednesday afternoon tho advance guard of the Flowery Kingdom’s soldiery passed through our city, and wo under- IKHOH OUR kl-RUUI# CORRKSFOXDRNT.) Send your orders to 8. Douty at Inde pendence for shingles. Tho Cooper Bros, have drawn off their stage line between this place and Salem. Henry Patterson, son of the Hon. F. A. Patterson, is quite ill with the inter mittent fever. Tho rivor is falling again, and it looks as though more gravel can be had for street purposes. A. J. Reiss has moved his frauy» build ing, which stood next to Godley’s tin shop, out near tho depot. Sam Goff, Road Supervisor of this dis trict, deserves the thauks of the people for the fin** work he is doing and has done ou the roads. Messrs. Mitchell & Wolverton are now the owuers of tho sash and door factory near the Belt House, and are running it to its full capacity. Invitations have been issued by the In dependence Hook & Ladder Company for a grand ball at Butler’s Hall on Friday evening, November 3d. The Board of Trustees, at their last meeting, granted an auctioneer’s license to Mr. Judson, and also granted leave to Prof. V. Garrigus to peddle vegetabios within tho town. Jacob Stroedcr, a vendor of a patent cough medicine, was arrested in town on last Wednesday night by U. 8. Deputy Marshal Wayne Williams, on a dispatjh from the Sheriff* of Umatilla county. The Sheriff has been on his track since last 4th of July, but for what charge is un known. The burglar excitement, which began a week ago last Monday, when it w ’as re ported that the McMinnville and Amity robbers were bearing down upon us in solid phalanx, has continued with brief intermissions, ever since. H. M. Lines fired two or three shots at two men who were trying to effect an entrance into his house on last Monday night. Miss Ida May Parker, of Independence, Oregon, and Dr. Eugene Ketchum, of Ann Arbor, Michigan, were married at the McCoy Hotel, Chicago, on the 18th of last month, by the Rev. D. G. Strong. Dr. and Mrs. Ketchum have our sincerest wishes for a life of continued happiness, and we hope that the felicity of their married life may increase with the corning years. Mrs. Ketchum has many friends who will regret to learn that she will not return to Oregon. « Between 12 and 1 o’clock on last Satur day morning tho wild clanging of the fire bell aroused our citizens from their peace ful slumbers, and in less time than it takes to write this, the quiet streets were filled with an eager, anxious throng. Tho fire proved to bo in Israel Hedge’s house, just back of tho Western Hotel, and was extinguished by the firemen and citizens, after a short but decisive struggle. The fire was discovered by Marshal Williams, who, without waiting to knock or an invi tation to enter, bursted in the front door and aroused the sleeping inmates. We are requested by Mr. Hedges and Mr. A1 Carey, to thank the firemen, and others who assisted, for the excellent service which they rendered, and also Marshal Williams, for his vigilance and prompt action. Loss, about !$50. No insurance. This is what the Louisville Cour ier-Journal says to another sheet of the same proclivities: “ The Ind:an- npoli8 Sentinel, which is owned by jobbers and edited by a jackass, may be described as a Republican tomcat masquerading as a Democratic tom tit.” The Alta supposes it will take the Yale school of journalism a hun dred years to produce a genius who can use English with force and ele gance equal to the above. Free of Charge. Tho generous proprietors of Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption, specially request all sufferers from Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Loss of Voice, difficulty of breathing, tickling in throat, Night Sweats, Phthisic, Quinsy, Hoarseness, Croup, or any affection of the Throat, Chest, or Lungs, to rail at Jasper R. Miller’s Drug Store, and get a Trial Bottle free of charge; which will convince you of its wonderful merits, and show you what a regular one dollar size bottle will do. Thousands of hopeless sufferers who once looked forward to a dark and unpromising future, are now the most happy beings on earth, having been completely cured by Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption. Until the 1st of October. I will sell my Stock of furniture almost at cost. Those wishing tc purchase furniture esn make it pay to oall on tue now. I wish also to give notice to those indebted to me to their bills by the first dsy of next. J. M. Camtbux, Dallas, Sept. 16, 1882. LAST CALL. *•io p*y October All persons indebted to the late firm of Riggs A Miller are hereby notified that their accounts must be settled by Novem ber 1st, 1882. All accounts not settled by that time will be nluced in the hands of an attorney for collection. Settle np and save trouble. Kioos A Millkh Few Lost. A large, dark-red cow strayed from H. J. Ellis’ place, one mile north of Dallas, about a month ago. When last seen she was ttid*-hobbied, fore aud hind feet to gether. The person finding her and giving mo information of her will be lib erally rewarded. H. J. Ellis. Thanking my many customers for their liboral patronage during the past fifteen years, I respectfully solicit a continuance of the same, and assure them that I am now prepared to soli goods cheaper than ever A dolf Wolf, Independence. piles ! pilesi PILE S I A Sure Cure Found at Last! No One Need Suffer! A hure Curo for Blind, Bleeding, Itch ing aud Ulcerated Piles has been discover ed by Dr. ’William,(an Indian Remedy,) called Dr. William's Indian Ointment. A single box has cured the worst chronic cases of 25 or 30 years standing. No one need suffer five minutes after apply ing this wonderful soothing n:edic*ne. Lotions instruments and electuaries do more harm thau good. William's Ointment absorbs the tumors, allays the intense itehing, (particularly at night after get ting warmjin bed,) acts as a poultice, gives instant relief, and is prepared only for Piles, itching of tho private parts, and for nothing else. Read what the Hon. J. M. Coffinberry of Cleveland has to say about Dr. Wil liam’s Indian Pile Ointment; I have used scores of Pile Cures, and it affords me pleasure to say that I have never found anything which gave such immedi ate and permanent relief as Dr. William’s Indian Ointment. For sale by all druggists, or mailed on receipt of price, $ 1.00 . Hodge, Davis A Co., wholesale agents, Portland, Oregon. HEN It V A CO.. Prop’ra. Cleveland, 0 BarklcnN Arnica Halve. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcors, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money re funded. Price, 25 cents per box. For sale by Jasper It. Miller. NEW THIS WEEK. M O M IO lin ITEMS. Mr. Baker, editor of the Baptist Beacon, Iwas in town Tuesday. ; T r ip . a visit to the vil- fn part of the county her quiet, t. farmers putting in vV ; eir fall McGrow ¿^Waller Ht business, ..hd de- I at a very small mar- | erry also do an im- 1 ork in their black- op. Wilson & Ray drug and notion [be doing well. At ! brthington has a fine (loing well. Cook & •ocory store at this |t Lawn Arbor and I supply the wants of arith anything de- ' try surrounding the i fine as any in the i M by honest and in- i ml hence it is needless rr.MizEH circulates ex- j lion |lrlr f—fit. No. 23, I. O. G. T., ilicly install the officers |tig quarter on Friday 13rd. An interesting prepared for the oc- gement of the affair is l committees, who will make it an enjoyable einbered event by those j i as to receive tickets the hall will accommo I number of visitors, the j i made general ended. The discussion is still kept up at intervals, like the dropping fire after a battle. Tho Democrats seem to enjoy the situation. Upon the whole, the elec tion of Mr. Dolph is generally regarded as a fair solution of a difficulty that seemed to bo insurmountable. The “ anti-monopoles,” as some one has quaintly dubbed them, draw an unfavora ble inference from the new .Senator’s past and present connection with railroad in terests. DIB*. Mr. Levi Lcland gavc'us a pleasant lec ture last Friday evening; also again on Tuesday evening. Mr. W. C. Kennedy has moved from the eastern to the central part of town, on Warren street. The Misses Ebbert, and Miss Maxwell, of Lane county, came down last week to attend school at this place, The Good Templars lodge which met at this nlace the first of the week was composed of delegates from eight lodgt Miss Emma Waller, who has been hav ing a spell of sickness, has recovered suffi- j ciently to go to Portland to lay in a full supply of millinery goods. Mr. John Wilcox died at his home at McCoy, in this county, on last Sunday , . , 1 ; , And »till they come, widow and two little ¡nrls to mourn hi» ............... 1 low. Deceaaed waa reipected in the community where he lived, being in- The bill h u penned the legislature, end we now heve a State Normal «chimi in our county. j The two societiea of the college have adjourned, end have organized a new | society, in which both »eze» are admitted to membership. We wish it success. mm. At Rest Portland, October 11, 1882, of j congestion, Laura E ., daughter of J. M. j and E. A. Roberta, aged twelve year», j three months and one day. sirajm Forty thousand good shake» for «ale, A band of sheep and lamb.- from 20 ch'* p- App,J * Campbell, Dallas, to 30 head. .Sheep branded with Ur It H» T1» « enlarged my store and added on rump and hole in right ear. Lambs already large stock of goods, I am not branded, but with hole in right ear. j prepared to furnish my customers Any information leading to their recovery j anyjhing they may call for. dustrious and quiet. With gentle heart his race he run, And steadfast held his humble way, True to his own and false to none, His hearthstone misses him to-day. With gentle heart and qniet mind, He stepped into the valley dim. Nightfalls for those he left behind, But morning dawns beyond for him. Bt rayed. From H. M. Coopers place, about one unle frons Independence, one bundle cow with bell cn, one line back eew with swal low-fork in each ear, and one red yearling heifer with swallow-foA in each ear. Any one giving information of their whereabouts to J. F. White, on the nlaee, will be suitably rewarded. NOTICE. The “ Dixie Mills" have shut down for repairs, and irfll not be able to do any farther work until about the first of No vember. dur customers please read. K jxatz, Washburn* A Co. B ixie, Oregon, October 5, 1882. Notice* All persons indebted to me on account for lumber are rogpectfu^ninvitod to call and settle ns soon os popple, as I need money to run my business. 8. Douty. Adolph Wolf, of Independence, makes a specialty of the San Francisco make of boots and shoes. That hacking cough can b- so quickly cured by Shiloh’s Cure. We guarantee itj For sAle by Jap. It. Miller. Sleepless nights made miserable by that terrible cough. Shiloh’s Cure is the rem edy for you. For sale by Jap. It. Miller, Dallas. Will you suffer with Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint? Shiloh’s Vitalizer is guaranteed to cure you. For sale by Jap. It. Miller, Dallas. Catarrh cured, health anil sweet breath secured by Shiloh’s Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents. Nasal injector free. For sale by Jap. F». Miller, Dallas. Adolf Wolf has on hand a fine lot of ladies’, misses’, boys’, and girls’ cloaks, which he will sell at unprecedentedly low prices Mr. Wolf has a large stock of this class of goods, and of '„he latest make and style, and will sell them very chew rather than carry the stock over. Cal and satisfy yourselves. (MOTICÇ ----- TO----- TAX-PAYERS! WTOTICE IS IIENECY GIVEN THAT I WILL meet the Tax-payers of Polk County, Oregon, in their respective Precincts, at their usual place votinf, for the purpose of collecting: Taxes for the ear 1882, and will remain at »¿id places from tho tour of 10 o’clock a. m. until 4 o’clock p. m., at the following times and places, to-wit: Douglas...................................... Monday, NovemberOth Jackson..................................... Tuesday, November7th mf.t l*kc ........... *............... Wednesday, November 8th Bethel........... ........................ Thursday, NovemberOth Eola..................... Friday, November 10th Dixie....................................... Saturday, November 11th Monmouth................................Monday, November 13th Independence.......................... Tuesday, November 14th Buena Vista....................... Wednesday, November 15th Suver..................................... Thursday, November 16th Luckianiutc................................ Friday, November 17th Bridgeport.............................. Saturday, November 18th Dallas........................................Monday, November 20th II. HOLMAN, Sheriff and Tax Collector, Polk Co.,Ogn. Dallas, October 16, 1882. hoda Cornier; g«U, and ¿1 hairs a# Sachs« and To Louis Sachs« andTCuTTSachse. ^aNyR«. Defend ants above-i f TOE NAME OK THE STATE OK OREGON, you are hereby notified and required to appear iu the above-named Court at Dallas, in said Folk County, on or before the first day of the next regular term of said Court to be holden in Dallas, to-wit: On the 4th day of December, 1882, and answer the complaint of the Plaintiff therein filed against you. Aud you are hereby farther notified that if you fail so to appear and answer, the Plaintiff will take a decree against you for the relief prayed for in her complaint, which Is to declare a certain deed from the Defendant, John Conner, to the Defendant, Maria Sachse, voluntary fraudulent and void, as against the Plaintiff, and to declare the Plaintiff the owner in tee of the land therein described, and that she is entitled to the im mediate possession thereof, which laud is described as follows: The southwest quarter of section oue, in township uiue, south of range four, west of the Wil- ette Meridian, containing one hundred and sixty acres of land, all in Polk County, Oregon. Also for the costs and disbursements of this suit. This summons is served upon you by publication, by order of lion. K. P. Boise, Judge of said Court, whish order bears date October 19. ISSL H Bsx I! avoir. W. Truitt, W. H. Holubs. Attorneys for Plaintiff. B. BüLASHMUTT, REAL ESTATE General Agent, DALLAS, ■as for 8dfo, sa y tonus, CRAIN AND CRASS LANDS, Tnkber Lands, Etc. Etc. PER80NALPROPERTY Of all kinds sold on commission. Call at my office, two doors north of tlio Dallas Hotel, and see list of bargains. B. DeLASIIMUTT. Dallas, Oregon, October 12,1S82. W. TRUITT. C. A. JOHNS. TRUITT & JOHNS, A t t o r n e y s - a t - L ii'w . DALLAS, OREGON. 0 FFIÇ1 ON ittLL STREUT, NORTH OF COURT ie augi tf NERVOUS __DEBILITY. A SORE CURE GUARANTEED. •pF.. E. C. WESTS NERVE AND I1KAIN TREAT- t* ment, a specific for Hysteria, Dizziness, Convul sions, Nervous Headache, Mental Depression, Loss of Memory, S|»ermatorhoea, lmpotency, Involuntary emissions, premature old age, caused by-cvcr*«xes ion, self-abuse or over-indulgence, which leads to misery, decay and death. One box will cure recent cases. Each box contains one month’s treatment; one dollar a box, or six boxes for five dollars; sent by mail pre paid on receipt of price. We guarantee six boxes to cure any cast». With each order received by us for six boxe9, accompanied with five dollars, we will send tho purchaser our written guarantee to return the money if the treatment docs not effect a cure. Guar antees issued only by WOODARD, CLARKE Jk CO., Wholesale and Retail Druggists, Portland, Oregon. Orders by mail at regular prices. ap8-ly S. W. ALLEN, DEALER IN FURNITURE!! NEW THIS C. E. M eC oy, P olk C ou n ty, -DEALER IN —* General Meroh AND DRUCS AND MEDIOINE8. Keep constantly on bend e full aasertment of GROCERIES, HARDWARE, Furnishing Goods, Dress Gooffs, Etc., Etc. And W ines and Liquor« for M edicin al ] WestemI Western! FIRE AND MARINE Insurance Company, Or CALIFORNIA. OattfMwte Street. J. White, Fks .; Jas. Phelan, Vio« Pros.; B. G. Brush. ■ ana occupation given: rio paints and oil«, and liquor dealer, Flrat and Howard atmet«. ------ O ■ ' The fallowing namw ar« those df Bto^'-nlfi««*, with UmIt bu ------BAN FBANCIBCO------ JUDGE 8. G. HASTINGS, JAMES PHELAN. 519 M am J. A. FOLGKK, Politer 6 C a. w lm teie coffee and a l e s dealer«, California 8. MACDONOUOH. MaodououBli k Co., tpal merchant«, s i ami 56 Market. 0 . D. O’Sullivan, director Hibernian Bank (late O'ttulUvan. Kelly k Co.) ROBERT MoKEK. She^Rucquem« k McKee, wholesale liquor dealer«. ii. FRAPOLLI, B. Jhapolll k Co., wholesale deal«» In native win««. W. D. O’SULLfVAk, wholesale dee.................................. P, HAUT10AN, wholesale groc MICIIAEI KANE, WILLIAM WILLIS, JOHN FAY. WILLIAM M. LENT. JCapitalists. N. C. LUHHM, Wheaton & Luhra, wholesale provision merchants, 219 Front. J. M. DEWITT, wholesale grocer and provision dealer, 410 and 418 Sannoine street. JONES SCROENFELD, importer of leaf tobacco, 423 aud 425 Jackson street. J. RUDOLPH, Rudolph <fc Co., importers and manufacturers of pianos. F. O'LKARY. P. J. WHITE, GEO. W. 8K88ION8, Capitalist«. N. OHLANDT, Ohlaudt & Co., coal merchants. W. W. DODGE, Dodge & Co., wholesale grocer«, Front and A. P. IIOTALING, Rotating & Co., wholesale liquor dealers, 425 and 427, Jackson. E. B. POND, Pond, Reynolds & Co., wholesale liquor dealers, Market. NICHOLAS OOETJEN, manufacturer of pickled good«, 1032 McAllister. GUS REIS and FERD REIS, Reis Brothers, Capitalists, 519 California. HENRY CASANOVA, F. Danori k Co., wholesale grocers, 504 Front street. M. II. KELLY, Kelly Egan, wholesale liquor dealers, 604 Battery. G. FREIDRICH, Belloc JtCo., bankers, 521 Montgomery. THOMAS JENNINGS, wholesale grocer. ) W. D. COMSTOCK, wholesale and retail dealer in furniture, f K. JACOBS, Capitalist. GRASS VALLEY )- J. C. COLEMAN and K. COLEMAN. Capitalists. *sT The abovo list of names contains some of th« wealthiest and best known merchant« and cupRaeLAe at California, which is a guarantee of the Company'« solidity. Tbi» Company w.m organized independent of and never joined tbe Combination. It will give you Insurance at a Reasonable an« Living Rate, ill Loss«-; paid immediately upon Adjustment. «50.000.00 deposited in Oregon for the security of Policy Holder*. A. P. IIOTALING, General Agent, Portland, Ogn. JAMES TATOM, District ¿«eat. SACRAMENTO I half NoRf of th« Summons. In the Circuit Cotrt of the State of Oregon, for the County, of Polk. John P. Hart and T. B. Ilart, an insane person, by D. M. Guthrie, his guardian, Plaintiffs, vs. Julia A. jf llanos, Jacob Hayes, William M. Riggs, George A. Riggs and G. B. Riggs, his guardian, and Thomas Ilart, Defendants. Ho Julia A. Hayes, Jacob Hayes, William M. Riggs, George A. Riggs and G. B. Riggs, his guardian, and Thomas Hart, Defendants: I N THE NAME OF THE STATE OF ORR0OV, you and each of you are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint filed afhintt you id the ubove-entitleo suit, by the first day of the term of said Court following the complete publication of this Summons, being the 4th «lay of December. 18l2. as by law required, or for want thereof, Plaintm wil! take judgment against you as prayed for in Plaintiff’s complaint, which is for a partition of tbs fplloi described ifed projepty, according to th< rights, as therein set forth: The South Donation Land Claim of Thomas Hart, No. 2280, in % 8 8., R. 6 aad 6 W. of the Willamette Meridian. Also all that certain tract of land known as a part of the Donation Claim of A. J. Gilliam, Notifi cation No. 2774, and more particulaily d “ “ ler of said Gil 6 W. of the iiwrvv .»Orth SO* B. I8 60 thence North «3% W. 78.92 chains; tfience SouffTll.l chains to said Gillijm’s 8. W. corner on the North Ixiundart line of the Thomas Ilart Donation Lsind Claim; thence South 03*, K. 72.12 ehains witn ttae North boundary line of said Thomas Hart’s Donamtm Land Claim, to the place of beginning. Also begin ning 12.35 chaiiw North, 80" E. from the Southeast comer of A. J. Gilliam’s Donation Land Claim; thence North 30*, E. 12.35 chains; thence North <IS*, W. 80.00 chains; thence South 10.60 chains; thence South 03*, E. 78.92 chains, to the place of beginning, all situate in the County of Polk, State of Oreg«>n. Also for a further judgment of the costs and disburasnients of this suit. This Summons ordered published on the above- named Defendants and each of them for six consecu tive weeks in the Polk Coumtt Itk .mi7. kr, per order made at Chambers at Salem, in Marion County, Octo ber 17, 1882, by Hon. R. P. Boise, Judge. TRUITT A JOHNS, Attorneys for Plaintiffs. A^ent for the Ends & Adams’ celebrated woven wire mattresses. All kind» of Mattresses Made to Order ! Haa constantly on hand a large and well selected stock of S3PK.X1STG»- B E D S , W indow Nhadpft, Ptctnrc Frames, Braeketa, Kte. ¿?‘9~Ordecs will be promptly filled, and >M all work will be done in a workman like manner. «Mit Door to (laacett Jk N e rw f a. a part »< the DonaHon Claim of A. J. Ollllam, Notts- cation No. Z774, aisl more parOculatJ, daacObad a. bmrinnho at the 8. K. corner of ant» QiUiajnm land claim, No. 51, in f. » 8., A 5 W. of tha WilXmeMf Heridian, ninoi-iz tiienc North 30*. B. it-OOdptlaS Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for County of Polk. Lina Ballon, Plaintiff, vs. William Ballou, Defendant. To tfie above-named Defendant: r THF. NAMF. OF THE STATE OF OUHnON, you are hereby required to appear anil answer «fie coaplaint filed nipiinst you in tbe ahora-entitled «bit, within abt weeks frtnn the «late of tfie sendee of thu Summon* upon you by publication, to-wit: #n or be fore I>c«-ember 4th, 1S82; and if you fail so fbantfwsr, for want there«»/, th« Plaintiff will tain a decree against vou for the dissolution of the nmtriage con tract now existing between ye«:, the care uud custody of the minor children ment;./ne«l in her complaint/ and f-»r the other relief therein prayed for. Publicati«»n ordered by Hon. K. P. Boise, Judge of said Court, at Chambers at Salem, October 18, 1885. DALY A BUTLER. Attorneys for Plaintiff. NEW THIS WEEK. I well paid for. r u n Brruia, Bridgeport. Wanted— Board for man and wife in private family. Can furniah room if nec- caaary. Apply at thia office. A dolph W olf , Independence. The next steamer from San Francise* will bring Adolph Wolf one of the largest and moat elegant etocks of children's miaaea' and ladies' cloaks, of the lateet | style*, ever brought to Independence. WILSON Sc RAT, ------- DIALERS I!*-------- DRUCS, PATENT MEDICINES, Htatlonery. Perfumery, Fancy and Toilet Articles, ( H.tRS AND TOBACCOS. PERRYDALE, OREGON. CEORCE FAIRCRAVES, Lawn Arbor, Polk County, Has Just received » new lot of r™d«, such as ore usually kept In a country store, which he will sell, for Cash or Produce, Clwsper thu UJ W " In Polk Cneaty. II, no*, tir.ly hm. i>. bostnos. SIM ) will «onOac roe IhM h, ■tales the into il 70» *iU ft»» hiai a cell. N( NOTICE! OTIC* IS HEREBY OIVrN VO AIL parties interested or eoacerned, that from and after this 23d day of Anguat, 1882, I will neither become responsible or pay any debt* or liabilities contracted by my wife, Rarab Ann Campbell, and all peraona are hereby notified not to tract or gire credit to her for me, or in my name or otherwiae, or to have any dealings with her whatever eoneeraing any of my prop erty, either real or personal. T. J. CiirraiLL. D allas, Oregon, Aaguat 23, 1882. f . D. mcdowell , PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER And Jeweler. DEALER IN Cfiocks, Watches & Jewelry. Berciai 81 .« Salem« Ogn. TUT1TS PILLS SYMPTOMS CP A TORPID L 5 VER. QtkJtf ANDffiifcL Bowal* costive. Fain In a dffffi sensation in tho ui&cr the Shoulder t eating, with a dieln- ion c f bo<5y or Usiml, _iper. I jow spirits, with __ ^ mig nuJtTBoted com e duty. Vtezinm*, Fluttering at tho * e eyes, YeLlow Skin, over the right eye, fitful dreams, highly CONSTIPATION, TCTT8 PILLS are especially adapted to •nch eases, one dose etfacts such a rhut,go •f_feeltagas to astonish tho sufferer. '«crease tho Appetite, and cause tbs Tolce o n Flrslfi, thus tin* system is l«*d. and by ih«*ir T o n i c A r t f o n « u th» Jvc Organs, llrjrnlnr NlofiU «re pro- Price ScenU. Murray SI., 91. Y. Turn Mirn. Omar H aia o* WmntXRft rhno*«»«! to s Otxjesr B lack by a stn«lo application of this Dyk. It Im parts a natural color, acts Instantaneously. Hold by Druggists, or sent by express on receipt of tl. O m rK . SB Ml BRAY «T h new fork . ( Or. TTTTi MANUAL •* Vslsshl# iHfernallM \ LMfel M utfS wtUk* «»IM MUI — «r»R—«*—.J H. W. LYONS, SALOON AND BILLIARD HALL, DALLAS, OXXOON. H avino recently purchameo the ma nor business of 0 . W. F-jss, I hav« bow on hand a fine stock of WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. Shall keep an ordsrly pises and furnish mv patrons with the beat to bs hod. U. W, tlONI. D allas . |M « tu b e r U , 1 W 1. IN ANY ssJO-tf W. P. WRIGHT, AUCTIONEER And County Surveyor, DALLAS, OREGON, W ILL ATTEND TO HI8 BUSINESS part of tho county promptly. BARBER SHOP! Itai* St., opp. Court Hotue, Dallaa. H. W. SMITH, Frop’ r, (Lata of Salam.) A GOOD CLEAN had at all tinaa Dn.ua, Inly 1, INI DALLAS, OREGON, LEAD THIS TRADE, And will sell more goods FOR LESS MONEY Than any house South of Portland. Ü - O O DR UR. BETTMAN HAS JTHT RETTO!*» FROM SAN FBANOISCO WITH a choioe line of DryAFancy Goods, DRESS GOODS, In «11 tfa* Sly!*«, CLOTHING, BOOTS t SHOES, Groceries, Etc., Etc. All booght at ftffUros enabling thein to Mil CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST FOR CASH. ' y SHAVE TO . BE G is * m* a call H. F. BMITH. All kind* *f Couiffiry Praflue* taken at market rate». Examine our Stock end Price* and *in will )** tatfified. VHT&rXX A ROSENBLATT. Daixas, Oregon, SeptSaabtr 8,1801. HOUSE FOR SALE I My haras la denos Is «tor sals. Ms i aonabla ofltor w ill ha «raed. X. L. D uut, September 8, ISM. LA CREOLE ACADEMY, PALI.Art OOV. ram w o t « n r r u i m ■», net. and raa- \ m ry I. ima. Tanto* la Ms As ‘ ~ ~ four Bollara s y sor, or Ma Dollar« a i t year, ______ __ ___ In th« frsparatary, Twsaty '«•», •» Five Dollars a quarter. In edvaaca. For further particular« spjrfy to

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Page 1: PILLS DryAFancy Goods,€¦ · M. 1 his soul with inhuman ecstasy, by a strange contradiction, I10 ..vith the sorrowful. His heart & PIPfco u his head. He is a strange 2Y S -A T ^



was in tuwu Wed-

B korgc N. Tuwiumud,_________Mown.

Quy b u [lurdwuett W'arron M. • Ktutlaing» en v

' J. D. hea 4i..: ! ! i \\ i. n I i u:tl ^I'tturuwd to Hum liumo* in Dallas.

' * «»<' at Salem di>l >f0t)0EQUS ^to th« Opel . 11 uusu building.

Mated.IS,.,., j Hyde has I jm t received a new

*1 fin« cigar- ilio La Uranadina. c excellent.

l,M .t tha ad, of Wilson «V Kay, of kin. The* Inti ml to keep a good

) $UM leli cheap1R00V »right weethei haa been a bonanza

jea. The ,field.i are dotted with r’ " B iC ploughmen.

& Lynns have this week sold lU £ 7plaoes. T to , mean business and

** purchasers when others fail.* I Same» Harris IS receiving a lot of

plows, ate., and expects to deal BEUOS. tit oral implements in Dallas.F|(, 70 $1,800 can be had on real estateJ. 1m 2S till September Ir.t next, at 9 per---- —-JaBaoon,W . S. Klxins, agent.

t mber that the first of November ¡TTrrTj t hare and that accounts due

¿Uj Jjjjjjj, iBUKi be settled by tlmt• n t • I trouble wM ensue.. „ h . rrol at Hot' lie City this week, l>o-

ana ilurneson, nbo-ifc 925 *. btiiu. ^ potatoMk resulted in Brown be--------- w i t h » * nml killed.1-WNl.y Clerk SI. ellcy lust week went to

County end brought Hid fiither -A T - ’ ty. He is slowly recovering from

« riei receded at The Dalles some>7 Publnnce.>M given fc Miller has just received the uiwiet. Ah!, of Mevecli , 11.1 pipes and cigars

ught to Dallas. Any person de- ^^^^^^Htliis lino can be suited

¡VJASO* Fairginves is still on hand at bor with a full line of all goods

Kl ^ |Upt iuBcountry storo. He sells | Phan anybody. To be convinced

visit him with the cash or withOREGON, fl uce .

city Mid PLXJK Patent Washing Ma*¡ « ’i s . * only premium at the

urn cast of Jati.'S* fkir r irtlaiid. The owners )LE SHOD RIGHT for Oregon

______ prepared to till nr.Iris in a few>rice, 815. Specially reduced

vIPWOBT!.. (lealert. Address 1*. O. BoxY -A T . . tlanJ-

1 never knows hov mean ho is and— reports for a paper. He watches

1: w with fiendish delight, knowing ‘ tier or later it will furnish him

larrowina piece of news. II is ta up with joy when he sees

1 the Court* ¡depart with rifles and cartridges, d to him i»roiLj|B «Klpi. 'ntcd and defrauded ... . , turn wHu* it accident. AssaultsP23-*»i n series, and desertions and mur*

suicides; mishaps and misery; falls; broke n nocks and stranded

M. 1 his soul with inhuman ecstasy, by a strange contradiction, I10

..vith the sorrowful. His heart & PIPfco u his head. He is a strange

2Y S - A T ^ ^loncc and Daihl The IaxhI t ilitnr.

this held sonic Oregon editors recently printing a notice ex- coroplinientary to themselves.Il tho Court»1 *ly compii

atter taste for each of them “ tob D 'lo ro u s lloking glass and descant ISO A' A M* defonpity.’ ' When an editor^ r -----------' la-D sl'KGEOi'ina to p iff himaolf, he m a r " "1'

f a fool, afa,l “ blows tho ho# 0<1 innee, Or. try eye.’ 'WVh.itover else f.V he.

.1 t n.,« ndjun»«tb e chock of such ,,lt(,r> ,Uth 0,nX M in prnmlinj, his jrai.es,w i t , ’ u p W H i *1 l.ltv •conc,iit is mi cinbntt^ltrBsa' aspect»«) ok-nbbod ami ancient i°1881 lv lance i bent its_ ! nop tunce can piep

varks down. With a ,li/ruphrasu 1 « well-known poem,he mJ<lo»ciibcd

ne ofirhoso pagod things of T all,*y- Jith front of brass and f>f ®l»y-"¡;e tells of himself. V ,lu knows , is not marvelous; wi/e does that

t grand; What he tir that is not mud; whs* he says tl '8 not lumi- with genius, is not th knowing.

His vitcli

. erv is I . and1 Hid I ’ll do. " JJcpitapli alone

VrxrTt h SAlltt,! and hio<lest -¿upturn;” or in » JStiU miceat TMpincular, iustod."

* ' oilig. or thinking, saying. IIisD U ( i n f *i f® “ 4,1 P re face '.''k e th e w itclijJXlue heath, his erv is i “ I ’ll do. and

erioii*«f!».out two weeks agryoung man by

DICE, O^ioe sbovo ßcio. >kJ

6nni8 y, living a short ~ his gun and

out to hunt sho Not returning when he Was ej cted, search was

p flVi •ptTMuTU1 op Wm, b without success.“ *** m then Mppal to have been

loos th h*vemWod, but upon fiber investigation r 'nl T11 WM f°w*d on e bank of Thomas

r A short dislice farther down ream his hat, ith fonr buckshot

OAKDhTBA^^SjJj wa* ‘dp. This iminedi-

1 guaf%eedand returning to

the gun lay, t,h< discovered where . . been Jln-.l *y some one on a

Ot'ipER 1- short diatancftiF, and whero the id grazed a sm.-l grub in a direct th where it' is opposed lie stood killed. One oJthe buckshot was

(rnoM ora »ploal iokre i’undent.] (from or* «rscuL corriu»fosi»bxt.)County Surveyor Wright was in town A voice from Balcm now comes on the

this week, doing tome surveying for some J blast;of our citizens. ; The vote has been given, the die ban been

L. »!. Hall, Frank Collina, N. L. But 1 CMt; , 4 , aler and L. Bettman, all of Dallas, were in* Wilh J- N- Do,rh for Senator, the tried town this week. As yet, we have hoard ' *of no serious lose to any ouo. Smoke houses a ero all locked.

As we hear it: 44Well, how you like A truce to politics, for now we would give Delphi Like him? Why didn’t they' A description of Ferrydalo, in which we elect Vi Hard/ I ’d a hundred times rather ! live;had Mitchell. Oh, that virtuous 17! Forgive, if we fail its merit* to note.That crowd of Joseph»! There isn t one 1 And take it all aa a practical “ joke.” of them that could be elected school di* j rector, now. Anti-monopolists to the! back-bone! How many could have boon | elected 011 a Dolph ticket?”

Some of our citizens are discussing tho feasibility of constructing a telephone be­tween this place and Albany, Indepen­dence or Jefferson. Our opinion is that Independence would be the best point to connect with. Four and one-half miles will roach the place. Brew the matter,, gentlemen. We believe it will pay a good l“ c,r fftR groin-

IN D E PE N D E N C E IT E M S. » lu iT iE K i 'iK ir .

and true,' We oure not if our colors be the «ed. white, j or blue.

M erchants, blacksmiths, and a doctor have'

I W®iAnd our lsundryman—Slug Lee;■ A drug store too, and coufuction’ry so

nice.Where the genial Kay can sell you butter

and cheese by the slice.Miss Jessie Haskett is visiting hor sister,

¡Mrs. Frizzell.The farmers are busily engaged sowing

per cent, on the investment.The Imp pool at this place has

sold. There was about 500,000 tbs of hops pooled here, and tho almost fab­ulous ¡»rice of 021 cents per tb was real­ized. The hop crop brings in nearly as much money as the wheat crop, this year. Thirty-two thousand two hundred and titty dollars in one season for tho hop in­dustry is doiug well, we think.

How about a city council! Is it not time to become very mysterious about the tickets, get little jobs fixed up, and do other little things so necessary to a suc­cessful election? It would not lie right for all to join in pleasantly and elect sub­stantial, law-abiding citizens, — and we mean by law-abiding, those who respect Sunday laws as well as Monday laws.


Dr. J. M. Roberts, of Portland, paid our town a professional visit this week.

Mr. J. W. McGrow left last Monday for Weston, to be gone about two we**ks

Rumor says there will bo two marriages in town soon. Wo are fully convinced that there will bo one, if we aro to judge from symptoms.

Mr. Geo. E. Good, the accommodating editor of tho Itbmizeu, paid our town a three-days' visit this week. Call again, Mr. Editor; you are always welcome.

Tho handsome and commodious resi­dence of Mr. J. P. Frizzell is nearing completion. It will be quite an ornament to our town. Perrydale can then boast of the finest house iu Polk county.

Mr. C. T. Waller, one of our most en­terprising merchants, has returned with his family from Portland. We are glad to welcome you back, Clarence, afler your being absent on business for three months.

Since tho legislature lias concluded its fa.ee we have heard a number of men say they were in favor of women voting, if they want to. W© would like to soo tho man who could make them voto if they didn’t want to.

We hod tho pleasure of seeing the comet, this morning. The new-comer's tail is not much of a success, as yet, but we are promised a inagnitieent exhibition r»f its caudal appendage before it takes its final departure for parts unknown. Its tail is composed almost entirely of livor pads and kidney cure. It will probably bo near enough to road the advertisements next week. Wo understand this luminary cost the patent medicine man two hundred and fifty thousand dollars, and is bound to bu a success.

Uncle Billy Perry, after whom Perry- dale was named, and who Ì3 now one of the leading citizens of Sprague, W. T . , is on a visit to his old home, looking after his property at this place. He reports everything lively in tho desert country. Uncle Billy was surprised to see such an extensive trade »as is carried on by Mc­Grow & Waller. It is a mystery to some people how they can keep four clerks busy wrapping up goods; but if you will notice, they carry the largest advertisement in the Itkmizf.k. Cuuitux?


S h e riff Salet't’ E OI aN S'*® from th«gM>, imd it proved to out o| 1,,'ciitAjl *arn» lise nitlio one» which had OreRon.ioif»11 i hro“ l|KP* ■t Tha body ha» nt Scii- ur.« MÉRVÌ- '8ep(u,ut.°*®n f°und, lit it is aupposed to Beeler m i lifted either in the creek or some-

Ellen 1 toiler, >car the • m where the hat and ed in snUfoifiVf found.r* ’ 1mber, lS*i for ad* The dred and Urt* W. N.-hundred^ l D«*-Salem

_ _ _ _ _said judgiW1 A i

d decreed kj I .is weekHie foltowi® Hie noi r»m and aftiÄ Sl thin^ :o-wit : F o u A ’l busy ii part of “ <B\t Per e cut off town of M

ad State 1 ue of said <f said décru, on, at the froJ<* 1 te, in Dallas, ety

idOr»y. O c to b e r , to r ,

p. M., all the r.lso t the said defcfkl ibove described n at t day of May. J eut of Twelve The!id Ninety-eight___ii interest at thJ|H innrn from the GlV , j 81, aud the fi^ ^ l ml 48-100 D o l l /W at». (»ale—Cash in ]

H . Ik;»riff o f P olir eon r O regon , S ep t. !7,>

. B. JOH]D E N T I S ' ireturned to Ind^ y locate, is pr tal work. Filling]

Vanduyn A Smit

arrests have yet ¡consed was a cousin go, who lives near man.

17lint 1m Kal«l o f the S ew rtcnator— lte n m rk s W ise nn«l o th e rw is e .

Friday afternoon general interest was manifested in the struggle that was going on at Salem. The result of tho twelfth ballot, telegraphed here, showing no change, and tho announcement that the ballot was still proceeding, intensified the interest. The telegraph office was crowded after 7 o’clock by anxious inquirers. The assembly was for tho nonce a miniature legislature and as the successive bulletins wore read, a lively skirmish of repartee, sarcasm and wit was carried on by the adherents of Mitchell and his op- Dosors. When Mitchell dropped to 22 and stayed there for several ballots, a Mitchell man exclaimed: “ Wo’vo gotyou, boys; wo »are going to stay with it.”The other side looked blue, but seemed determined not to yield. About 8 o’clock, tho Portland operator announced that he must go to the “ press” tables, and that cut off the communication from that office. The Woodburn office gave us a few points, but finally that was silent and no answer came to the repeated “ calls.”“ Is there a saloon at Woodburn?’’ asked the operator. “ Yes,” was the reply of a bystander. “ Then that accounts for it.That fellow has adjourned.” A rattling fire of questions came over tho wire from Airlie, Dayton and other points. “ Is the Senate adjourned?” asked tho Dayton man. Somebody suggested that he bo wired the startling intelligence tnat it had adjourned, to meet next December.At hall-past ten, there being 110 hope of further intelligence, the crowd reluctantly dispersed, with a belief that there was a deadlock.

Early »Saturday morning, tho streets were filled with people, anxious to know the final result. While the sun was yet engaged in his matutinal kiss of tho wak­ing flowers, John Hyde .appeared, coming from the telegraphic office, and his shout, borne on the balmy breeze of the fresh and early morning, woke the ochoes and thrilled tho shirt-fronts of the waiting throng: “ Dolph fifty-one.” The crywas taken up and passed from mouth to month, and soon excited groups were gathered at the corners, discussing the all- important event. It would be impossible to portray tho joy, the disgust, the tri­umph, tho crest-fallen air, the various and variegated shades of thought and fcelimj that were manifested. “ 1 wanted the Republican party punished,” said a prominent Republican and ex-representa- tive, “ and it couldn’t be worse punished unless Joe Simon or Sol. Hirsch had been elected.”

“ What do you think of your man?” sarcastically asked a Mitchell Republican of one of the other sort. “ Ho is not my choice,” was the reply, “ but he has a clean record.” “ In a horn, he lias,” the other said: “ what about the Polk County farm he stole?” “ Ho didn’t,” and “ he did,” and “ he didn’t,” came hot and f«ast, and the whole merits of a law suit in which Mr. Dolph was once engaged in this county were deb.ated, ending in the mutual conclusion that the litigant» had I I" r' ’u» n our city, aim wo under- held tho cow while the attorney milked j lhat “ ?> »re about to attack Oapt.her. “ Dolph has been my man all tho [ K C'ark,a 8™b patch, west of lit. time," was remarked by a score of persons bouse. Chickens have taken the hint by who had never before been suapcctod of roostin« m the trees A very good idea, such wise foresight. “ Dolph is a bloated j W 0 n>*vfmd a Mongolian some fine aristocrat; he wouldn’t speak to you and | mornm£ »»»Pended with Ins queue fast on me on tho street." remarked an irate •?“ ? fir ‘ "nb., from trying to commitM.tchellite to an endorser of the cl,lcke,1 1’teah,l8:“ eighteen.” “ Perlwips not,” was the re I ply, “ if you were along.” This raised a ■laugh and restored good humor. “ At his , Tfrom oua bpkcial corrkhpondkxt.)last deal, Mitchell held four Democratic jacks and couldn’t come in,” said a sport­ive gentleman; “ it beats any game I ever .saw.” The number of persons who fore- Gliver Waller, of Salem, was oversaw the final result and knew all the time j 8ce 118 Par ^ie we ‘k.that Dolph was to get the Mitchell men, Mr. J. Butler has gone to Portland tohas alarmingly increased since the tight attend the business college at that placo.

[FROM OUR RPRCIAL CORKEhPONDKNT.]Wo are blessed with beautiful moon­

light evenings.Rev. Mr. Hannah will preach here to­

morrow at 11 a. m.The hunters have returned from Nes-

tucca, but say game is scarce.Mrs. W. B. Ernest has gone on a visit

to her old Kentucky home.Dudley Purvine, who had his leg broken

some time ago, is getting along nicely.A funny sight: To see an editor trying

to pail a cow, and string his type in the mud.

We hope that your correspondent in Perrydale has recovered from his indispo­sition.

The ladies of Lincoln are going to give a Thanksgiving supper on the evening of Thanksgiving Day. Ail invited.

Dr. J. W. Watts did not lecture hero as announced in last week’s Itemizes, sick lie ss in his family preventing.

Mrs. W. B. Earnest started on Wed­nesday last for Missouri, to spend the fall and winter, after an absence of thirty years. We wish her a pleasant journey.

The farmers are busy with their fall grain. Most of them succeeded in get­ting in their summer-fallow before the last rain, and the prospect for next year’s crop is good, s«» far.

We are glad that the senatorial con­test is over at last; but it would have been far better to have some of those bills acted upon that went up for consideration than to have wasted tho time in tho elec­tion of a senator on the last day of tho session. There will bo a time for some of those members to rise and explain.

On Wednesday afternoon tho advance guard of the Flowery Kingdom’s soldiery passed through our city, and wo under-

IKHOH OUR kl-RUUI# CORRKSFOXDRNT.)Send your orders to 8. Douty at Inde­

pendence for shingles.Tho Cooper Bros, have drawn off their

stage line between this place and Salem.Henry Patterson, son of the Hon. F.

A. Patterson, is quite ill with the inter­mittent fever.

Tho rivor is falling again, and it looks as though more gravel can be had for street purposes.

A. J. Reiss has moved his frauy» build­ing, which stood next to Godley’s tin shop, out near tho depot.

Sam Goff, Road Supervisor of this dis­trict, deserves the thauks of the people for the fin** work he is doing and has done ou the roads.

Messrs. Mitchell & Wolverton are now the owuers of tho sash and door factory near the Belt House, and are running it to its full capacity.

Invitations have been issued by the In dependence Hook & Ladder Company for a grand ball at Butler’s Hall on Friday evening, November 3d.

The Board of Trustees, at their last meeting, granted an auctioneer’s license to Mr. Judson, and also granted leave to Prof. V. Garrigus to peddle vegetabios within tho town.

Jacob Stroedcr, a vendor of a patent cough medicine, was arrested in town on last Wednesday night by U. 8. Deputy Marshal Wayne Williams, on a dispatjh from the Sheriff* of Umatilla county. The Sheriff has been on his track since last 4th of July, but for what charge is un­known.

The burglar excitement, which began a week ago last Monday, when it w’as re­ported that the McMinnville and Amity robbers were bearing down upon us in solid phalanx, has continued with brief intermissions, ever since. H. M. Lines fired two or three shots at two men who were trying to effect an entrance into his house on last Monday night.

Miss Ida May Parker, of Independence, Oregon, and Dr. Eugene Ketchum, of Ann Arbor, Michigan, were married at the McCoy Hotel, Chicago, on the 18th of last month, by the Rev. D. G. Strong. Dr. and Mrs. Ketchum have our sincerest wishes for a life of continued happiness, and we hope that the felicity of their married life may increase with the corning years. Mrs. Ketchum has many friends who will regret to learn that she will not return to Oregon. «

Between 12 and 1 o’clock on last Satur­day morning tho wild clanging of the fire bell aroused our citizens from their peace­ful slumbers, and in less time than it takes to write this, the quiet streets were filled with an eager, anxious throng. Tho fire proved to bo in Israel Hedge’s house, just back of tho Western Hotel, and was extinguished by the firemen and citizens, after a short but decisive struggle. The fire was discovered by Marshal Williams, who, without waiting to knock or an invi­tation to enter, bursted in the front door and aroused the sleeping inmates. We are requested by Mr. Hedges and Mr. A1 Carey, to thank the firemen, and others who assisted, for the excellent service which they rendered, and also Marshal Williams, for his vigilance and prompt action. Loss, about !$50. No insurance.

This is what the Louisville Cour­ier-Journal says to another sheet of the same proclivities: “ The Ind:an-npoli8 Sentinel, which is owned by jobbers and edited by a jackass, may be described as a Republican tomcat masquerading as a Democratic tom­tit.” The Alta supposes it will take the Yale school of journalism a hun­dred years to produce a genius who can use English with force and ele­gance equal to the above.

F ree o f C h arge.Tho generous proprietors of Dr. King’s

New Discovery for Consumption, specially request all sufferers from Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Loss of Voice, difficulty of breathing, tickling in throat, Night Sweats, Phthisic, Quinsy, Hoarseness, Croup, or any affection of the Throat, Chest, or Lungs, to rail at Jasper R. Miller’s Drug Store, and get a Trial Bottle free of charge; which will convince you of its wonderful merits, and show you what a regular one dollar size bottle will do. Thousands of hopeless sufferers who once looked forward to a dark and unpromising future, are now the most happy beings on earth, having been completely cured by Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption.

Until the 1st of October. I will sell my Stock of furniture almost at cost. Those wishing tc purchase furniture esn make it pay to oall on tue now. I wish also to give notice to those indebted to me to their bills by the first dsy of next. J. M. Camtbux,

Dallas, Sept. 16, 1882.


*•io p*yOctober

All persons indebted to the late firm of Riggs A Miller are hereby notified that their accounts must be settled by Novem­ber 1st, 1882. All accounts not settled by that time will be nluced in the hands of an attorney for collection. Settle np and save trouble. Kioos A Millkh

Few Lost.A large, dark-red cow strayed from H.

J. Ellis’ place, one mile north of Dallas, about a month ago. When last seen she was ttid*-hobbied, fore aud hind feet to­gether. The person finding her and giving mo information of her will be lib­erally rewarded. H. J. Ellis.

Thanking my many customers for their liboral patronage during the past fifteen years, I respectfully solicit a continuance of the same, and assure them that I am now prepared to soli goods cheaper than ever Adolf Wolf,

Independence.p i l e s ! p i l e s i P I L E S I

A S u r e C u r e F o u n d a t L a s t ! N o O n e N e e d S u f f e r !

A hure Curo for Blind, Bleeding, Itch­ing aud Ulcerated Piles has been discover­ed by Dr. ’William,(an Indian Remedy,) called Dr. William's Indian Ointment. A single box has cured the worst chronic cases of 25 or 30 years standing. No one need suffer five minutes after apply­ing this wonderful soothing n:edic*ne. Lotions instruments and electuaries do more harm thau good. William's Ointment absorbs the tumors, allays the intense itehing, (particularly at night after get­ting warmjin bed,) acts as a poultice, gives instant relief, and is prepared only for Piles, itching of tho private parts, and for nothing else.

Read what the Hon. J. M. Coffinberry of Cleveland has to say about Dr. Wil­liam’s Indian Pile Ointment; I have used scores of Pile Cures, and it affords me pleasure to say that I have never found anything which gave such immedi­ate and permanent relief as Dr. William’s Indian Ointment.

For sale by all druggists, or mailed on receipt of price, $1.00.

Hodge, Davis A Co., wholesale agents, Portland, Oregon.

H E N It V A C O .. P r o p ’ ra.Cleveland, 0

BarklcnN Arnica Halve.The Best Salve in the world for Cuts,

Bruises, Sores, Ulcors, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi­tively cures Piles. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money re­funded. Price, 25 cents per box. For sale by Jasper It. Miller.


M O M I O l i n IT E M S .

Mr. Baker, editor of the Baptist Beacon, I was in town Tuesday.

; T r ip .a visit to the vil-

fn part of the county her quiet, t. farmers putting in vV; eir fall

McGrow ¿^Waller Ht business, ..hd de- I at a very small mar- |

erry also do an im- 1 ork in their black-

op. Wilson & Ray drug and notion

[be doing well. At ! brthington has a fine (loing well. Cook &

•ocory store at this |t Lawn Arbor and I supply the wants of

arith anything de- ' try surrounding the

i fine as any in the i M by honest and in- i ml hence it is needless rr.MizEH circulates ex- j lion

| lr lr f — f i t .No. 23, I. O. G. T.,

ilicly install the officers |tig quarter on Friday 13rd. An interesting

prepared for the oc- gement of the affair is l committees, who will make it an enjoyable

einbered event by those j i as to receive tickets

the hall will accommo I number of visitors, the j

i made general

ended. The discussion is still kept up at intervals, like the dropping fire after a battle. Tho Democrats seem to enjoy the situation. Upon the whole, the elec­tion of Mr. Dolph is generally regarded as a fair solution of a difficulty that seemed to bo insurmountable. The “ anti-monopoles,” as some one has quaintly dubbed them, draw an unfavora­ble inference from the new .Senator’s past and present connection with railroad in­terests.


Mr. Levi Lcland gavc'us a pleasant lec­ture last Friday evening; also again on Tuesday evening.

Mr. W. C. Kennedy has moved from the eastern to the central part of town, on Warren street.

The Misses Ebbert, and Miss Maxwell, of Lane county, came down last week to attend school at this place,

The Good Templars lodge which met at this nlace the first of the week was composed of delegates from eight lodgt

Miss Emma Waller, who has been hav­ing a spell of sickness, has recovered suffi-

j ciently to go to Portland to lay in a full supply of millinery goods.

Mr. John Wilcox died at his home at McCoy, in this county, on last Sunday

, . , 1 ; , And »till they come,widow and two little ¡nrls to mourn hi» ............... 1low. Deceaaed waa reipected in the community where he lived, being in-

The bill h u penned the legislature, end we now heve a State Normal «chimi in our county.

j The two societiea of the college have ■ adjourned, end have organized a new | society, in which both »eze» are admitted to membership. We wish it success.

mm .At Rest Portland, October 11, 1882, of

j congestion, Laura E ., daughter of J. M. j and E. A. Roberta, aged twelve year», j three months and one day.

sirajm Forty thousand good shake» for «ale,A band of sheep and lamb.- from 20 ch'* p - App,J * Campbell, Dallas,

to 30 head. .Sheep branded with Ur It H»T1»« enlarged my store and added on rump and hole in right ear. Lambs already large stock of goods, I amnot branded, but with hole in right ear. j prepared to furnish my customers Any information leading to their recovery j anyjhing they may call for.

dustrious and quiet.With gentle heart his race he run, And steadfast held his humble way, True to his own and false to none, His hearthstone misses him to-day.With gentle heart and qniet mind, He stepped into the valley dim. Nightfalls for those he left behind, But morning dawns beyond for him.

Bt rayed.From H. M. Coopers place, about one unle frons Independence, one bundle cow with bell cn, one line back eew with swal­low-fork in each ear, and one red yearling heifer with swallow-foA in each ear. Any one giving information of their whereabouts to J. F. White, on the nlaee, will be suitably rewarded.


The “ Dixie Mills" have shut down for repairs, and irfll not be able to do any farther work until about the first of No­vember. dur customers please read.

Kjxatz, Washburn* A Co.B ixie, Oregon, October 5, 1882.

Notice*All persons indebted to me on account

for lumber are rogpectfu^ninvitod to call and settle ns soon os popple, as I need money to run my business. 8. Douty.

Adolph Wolf, of Independence, makes a specialty of the San Francisco make of boots and shoes.

That hacking cough can b- so quickly cured by Shiloh’s Cure. We guarantee itj For sAle by Jap. It. Miller.

Sleepless nights made miserable by that terrible cough. Shiloh’s Cure is the rem­edy for you. For sale by Jap. It. Miller, Dallas.

Will you suffer with Dyspepsia andLiver Complaint? Shiloh’s Vitalizer is guaranteed to cure you. For sale by Jap. It. Miller, Dallas.

Catarrh cured, health anil sweet breath secured by Shiloh’s Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents. Nasal injector free. For sale by Jap. F». Miller, Dallas.

Adolf Wolf has on hand a fine lot of ladies’ , misses’, boys’ , and girls’ cloaks, which he will sell at unprecedentedly low prices Mr. Wolf has a large stock of this class of goods, and of '„he latest make and style, and will sell them very chew rather than carry the stock over. Cal and satisfy yourselves.



meet the Tax-payers of Polk County, Oregon, in their respective Precincts, at their usual place votinf, for the purpose of collecting: Taxes for the ear 1882, and will remain at »¿id places from tho tour of 10 o ’clock a. m. until 4 o ’clock p. m., at the

following times and places, to-wit:Douglas......................................Monday, November OthJackson..................................... Tuesday, November 7thmf.t l* k c ...........*............... Wednesday, November 8thBethel........... ........................ Thursday, November OthEola..................... Friday, November 10thDixie....................................... Saturday, November 11thMonmouth................................Monday, November 13thIndependence..........................Tuesday, November 14thBuena Vista.......................Wednesday, November 15thSuver..................................... Thursday, November 16thLuckianiutc................................Friday, November 17thBridgeport.............................. Saturday, November 18thDallas........................................Monday, November 20th

II. HOLMAN,Sheriff and Tax Collector, Polk Co.,Ogn.

Dallas, October 16, 1882.

hoda Cornier; g«U, and ¿1 hairs a#Sachs« and

To Louis Sachs« andTCuTTSachse. ^aNyR«. Defend­ants above-i

f TOE NAME OK THE STATE OK OREGON, you are hereby notified and required to appear iu

the above-named Court at Dallas, in said Folk County, on or before the first day of the next regular term of said Court to be holden in Dallas, to-wit: On the 4th day of December, 1882, and answer the complaint of the Plaintiff therein filed against you. Aud you are hereby farther notified that if you fail so to appear and answer, the Plaintiff will take a decree against you for the relief prayed for in her complaint, which Is to declare a certain deed from the Defendant, John Conner, to the Defendant, Maria Sachse, voluntary fraudulent and void, as against the Plaintiff, and to declare the Plaintiff the owner in tee of the land therein described, and that she is entitled to the im­mediate possession thereof, which laud is described as follows: The southwest quarter of section oue, in township uiue, south of range four, west of the Wil-

ette Meridian, containing one hundred and sixty acres of land, all in Polk County, Oregon. Also for the costs and disbursements of this suit.

This summons is served upon you by publication, by order of lion. K. P. Boise, Judge of said Court, whish order bears date October 19. ISSL H Bsx I!avoir. W. Truitt, W. H. Holubs.

Attorneys for Plaintiff.



General Agent,


■as for 8dfo, sa y tonus,

CRAIN AND CRASS LANDS,T n k b e r L a n d s, E t c . E tc .

P E R 8 0 N A L P R O P E R T Y

Of all kinds sold on commission.

Call at my office, two doors north of tlio Dallas Hotel, and see list of bargains.

B. DeLASIIMUTT. Dallas, Oregon, October 12 ,1S82.


T R U I T T & J O H N S ,

A t t o r n e y s - a t - L i i ' w .




•pF.. E. C. WESTS NERVE AND I1KAIN TREAT- t * ment, a specific for Hysteria, Dizziness, Convul­sions, Nervous Headache, Mental Depression, Loss of Memory, S|»ermatorhoea, lmpotency, Involuntary emissions, premature old age, caused by-cvcr*«xes ion, self-abuse or over-indulgence, which leads to misery, decay and death. One box will cure recent cases. Each box contains one month’s treatment; one dollar a box, or six boxes for five dollars; sent by mail pre­paid on receipt of price. We guarantee six boxes to cure any cast». With each order received by us for six boxe9, accompanied with five dollars, we will send tho purchaser our written guarantee to return the money if the treatment docs not effect a cure. Guar­antees issued only by

WOODARD, CLARKE Jk CO., Wholesale and Retail Druggists, Portland, Oregon.

Orders by mail at regular prices. ap8-ly


F U R N I T U R E ! !


C. E.M e C o y , P o l k C o u n t y ,


General MerohA N D D R U C S A N D M E D IO IN E 8 .

K eep constantly on bend e fu ll aasertment o f

G R O C E R I E S , H A R D W A R E ,Furnishing Goods, Dress Gooffs, Etc., Etc.

A n d W i n e s a n d L i q u o r « f o r M e d i c i n a l ]

W estem I W estern!FIRE AND MARINE

Insurance Company,Or CALIFORNIA.

OattfMwte Street.J. White, Fk s .; Jas. Phelan, Vio« Pros.; B. G. Brush.

■ ana occupation given:

r io paints and oil«, and liquor dealer, Flrat and Howard atmet«.

------ ■ O ■ ' ■The fallowing namw ar« those df Bto^'-nlfi««*, with UmIt bu


J. A. FOLGKK, Politer 6 Ca. wlmteie coffee and ales dealer«, California 8. MACDONOUOH. MaodououBli k Co., tpal merchant«, si ami 56 Market.

0. D. O’Sullivan, director Hibernian Bank (late O'ttulUvan. Kelly k Co.)ROBERT MoKEK. She^Rucquem« k McKee, wholesale liquor dealer«.

ii. FRAPOLLI, B. Jhapolll k Co., wholesale deal«» In native win««.W. D. O’SULLfVAk, wholesale dee..................................


N. C. LUHHM, Wheaton & Luhra, wholesale provision merchants, 219 Front.J. M. DEWITT, wholesale grocer and provision dealer, 410 and 418 Sannoine street.

JONES SCROENFELD, importer of leaf tobacco, 423 aud 425 Jackson street.J. RUDOLPH, Rudolph <fc Co., importers and manufacturers of pianos.

F. O'LKARY. P. J. WHITE, GEO. W. 8K88ION8, Capitalist«.N. OHLANDT, Ohlaudt & Co., coal merchants.

W. W. DODGE, Dodge & Co., wholesale grocer«, Front and A. P. IIOTALING, Rotating & Co., wholesale liquor dealers, 425 and 427, Jackson.

E. B. POND, Pond, Reynolds & Co., wholesale liquor dealers, Market.NICHOLAS OOETJEN, manufacturer of pickled good«, 1032 McAllister.

GUS REIS and FERD REIS, Reis Brothers, Capitalists, 519 California.HENRY CASANOVA, F. Danori k Co., wholesale grocers, 504 Front street.

M. II. KELLY, Kelly Egan, wholesale liquor dealers, 604 Battery.G. FREIDRICH, Belloc JtCo., bankers, 521 Montgomery.

THOMAS JENNINGS, wholesale grocer.) W. D. COMSTOCK, wholesale and retail dealer in furniture, f K. JACOBS, Capitalist.

GRASS VALLEY )- J. C. COLEMAN and K. COLEMAN. Capitalists.*sT The abovo list of names contains some of th« wealthiest and best known merchant« and cupRaeLAe at

California, which is a guarantee of the Company'« solidity.

Tbi» Company w.m organized independent of and never joined tbe Combination.It will give you Insurance at a Reasonable an« Living Rate, i l l

Loss«-; paid immediately upon Adjustment. « 5 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 deposited in Oregon for the security of Policy Holder*.

A . P . I I O T A L I N G , G e n e r a l A g e n t , P o r t l a n d , O g n .JA M E S T A T O M , D is tr ic t ¿ « e a t .


I halfNoRf

of th«

S u m m o n s .

In the Circuit Cotrt of the State of Oregon, for theCounty, of Polk.

John P. Hart and T. B. Ilart, an insane person, by D. M. Guthrie, his guardian, Plaintiffs, vs. Julia A.

jf llanos, Jacob Hayes, William M. Riggs, George A. Riggs and G. B. Riggs, his guardian, and Thomas Ilart, Defendants.

Ho Julia A. Hayes, Jacob Hayes, William M. Riggs, George A. Riggs and G. B. Riggs, his guardian, and Thomas Hart, Defendants:

IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF ORR0OV, you and each of you are hereby required to ap­

pear and answer the complaint filed afhintt you id the ubove-entitleo suit, by the first day of the term of said Court following the complete publication of this Summons, being the 4th «lay of December. 18l2. as by law required, or for want thereof, Plaintm wil! take judgment against you as prayed for in Plaintiff’s complaint, which is for a partition of tbs fplloi described ifed projepty, according to th< rights, as therein set forth: The South Donation Land Claim of Thomas Hart,No. 2280, in % 8 8., R. 6 aad 6 W. of the Willamette Meridian. Also all that certain tract of land known as a part of the Donation Claim of A. J. Gilliam, Notifi cation No. 2774, and more particulaily d

“ “ ler of said Gil 6 W. of the

iiwrvv .»Orth SO* B. I8 60 thence North «3% W. 78.92 chains; tfience SouffTll.l chains to said Gillijm’s 8. W. corner on the North Ixiundart line of the Thomas Ilart Donation Lsind Claim; thence South 03*, K. 72.12 ehains witn ttae North boundary line of said Thomas Hart’s Donamtm Land Claim, to the place of beginning. Also begin­ning 12.35 chaiiw North, 80" E. from the Southeast comer of A. J. Gilliam’s Donation Land Claim; thence North 30*, E. 12.35 chains; thence North <IS*, W. 80.00 chains; thence South 10.60 chains; thence South 03*, E. 78.92 chains, to the place of beginning, all situate in the County of Polk, State of Oreg«>n. Also for a further judgment of the costs and disburasnients of this suit.

This Summons ordered published on the above- named Defendants and each of them for six consecu­tive weeks in the Polk Coumtt Itk.mi7.kr, per order made at Chambers at Salem, in Marion County, Octo­ber 17, 1882, by Hon. R. P. Boise, Judge.

TRUITT A JOHNS, Attorneys for Plaintiffs.

A^ent for the Ends & Adams’ celebrated woven wire mattresses. All kind» of

Mattresses Made to Order !Haa constantly on hand a large and

well selected stock of

S 3 P K .X 1 S T G » - B E D S ,

W in d o w Nhadpft,P t c tn r c F r a m e s ,

B ra e k e ta , K te.¿?‘9~Ordecs will be promptly filled, and

>M all work will be done in a workman­like manner.« M it D o o r to ( l a a c e t t Jk N e rw f a .

a part »< the DonaHon Claim of A. J. Ollllam, Notts- cation No. Z774, aisl more parOculatJ, daacObad a. bmrinnho at the 8. K. corner of ant» QiUiajnm land claim, No. 51, in f . » 8., A 5 W. of tha WilXmeMf Heridian, ninoi-iz tiienc North 30*. B. it-OOdptlaS

S u m m o n s .

In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for County of Polk.

Lina Ballon, Plaintiff, vs. William Ballou, Defendant. To tfie above-named Defendant:

r THF. NAMF. OF THE STATE OF OUHnON, you are hereby required to appear anil answer «fie

coaplaint filed nipiinst you in tbe ahora-entitled «bit, within abt weeks frtnn the «late of tfie sendee of thu Summon* upon you by publication, to-wit: #n or be fore I>c«-ember 4th, 1S82; and if you fail so fbantfwsr, for want there«»/, th« Plaintiff will tain a decree against vou for the dissolution of the nmtriage con­tract now existing between ye«:, the care uud custody of the minor children ment;./ne«l in her complaint/ and f-»r the other relief therein prayed for.

Publicati«»n ordered by Hon. K. P. Boise, Judge of said Court, at Chambers at Salem, October 18, 1885.

DALY A BUTLER. Attorneys for Plaintiff.


I well paid for. r u n Brruia,Bridgeport.

Wanted— Board for man and wife in private family. Can furniah room if nec- caaary. Apply at thia office.

A d o l p h W o l f , Independence.The next steamer from San Francise*

will bring Adolph Wolf one of the largest and moat elegant etocks of children's miaaea' and ladies' cloaks, of the lateet

| style*, ever brought to Independence.

W ILSON Sc R A T ,------- DIALERS I!*--------

DRUCS, PATENT MEDICINES,H tatlonery. P erfu m ery ,

Fancy and Toilet Articles,( H . t R S A N D T O B A C C O S .


CEORCE FAIRCRAVES,Lawn Arbor, Polk County,

Has Just received » new lot of r™d«, such as ore usually kept In a country store, which he will sell, for

C ash o r P rod u ce ,Clwsper thu UJ W " In Polk Cneaty. II, no*, tir.ly h m . i>. bostnos. SIM) will «onOac roe IhM h, ■tales the into il 70» *iU ft»» hiai a cell.

N (N O T IC E !

OTIC* IS HEREBY OIVrN VO A IL parties interested or eoacerned,

that from and after this 23d day of Anguat, 1882, I will neither become responsible or pay any debt* or liabilities contracted by my wife, Rarab Ann Campbell, and all peraona are hereby notified not to tract or gire credit to her for me, or in my name or otherwiae, or to have any dealings with her whatever eoneeraing any of my prop­erty, either real or personal.

T. J. CiirraiLL.D a l l a s , Oregon, Aaguat 23, 1882.

f . D. m c d o w e l l ,



Cfiocks, Watches & Jewelry.B e r c i a i 81 .« S a l e m « O g n .



QtkJtf ANDffiifcL B ow al* c o s t iv e . F a in In a dffffi sen sa tion in tho

u i& c r th e S h ou ld er t ea tin g , w ith a dieln - i o n c f bo<5y o r Usiml,

_iper. I jow sp irits, w ith__^ mig nuJtTBoted co m e d u ty .V tez in m * , F lu tte r in g at tho * ‘ e ey e s , Y eL low Skin ,

o v e r the r ig h t eye, fitfu l d ream s, h igh ly

C O N S T I P A T I O N ,T C T T 8 P IL L S a re e sp e c ia lly a d a p ted to

•nch ea ses , on e d o se etfacts such a rhut,go • f_ fe e lta g a s to a s to n ish th o su fferer .

— '« c r e a s e th o A p p etite , and cause tbs T o lce o n Flrslfi, thus tin* system is l«*d. and by ih«*ir T o n ic A rt fo n « u th»

Jvc Organs, l lr jrn ln r NlofiU «re pro- Price S cen U . M u rray SI., 91. Y .

Turn Mirn.Omar H aia o * WmntXRft rhno*«»«! to s Otxjesr B lack by a stn«lo application o f this D yk. It Im­parts a natural color, acts Instantaneously. Hold by Druggists, or sent by express on receipt of tl. O m r K . SB M l B R A Y « T h n e w f o r k .( Or. T T T T i MANUAL •* Vslssh l# iH fe rn a l lM \

LMfel MutfS wtUk* «»IM MUI — «r»R—«*—.J

H . W . L Y O N S ,


Havino recently purchameo the manor business of 0 . W. F-jss, I hav« bow on hand

a fine stock of

WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS.Shall keep an ordsrly pises and furnish mv patrons

with the beat to bs hod. U. W, tlONI.D a l l a s . | M « t u b e r U , 1W 1.

IN ANY ssJO-tf


And County Surveyor,DALLAS, OREGON,

W ILL ATTEND TO HI8 BUSINESS p a r t o f t h o c o u n t y p r o m p t ly .

BARBER SHOP!Itai* St., opp. Court Hotue, Dallaa.

H. W. SMITH, Frop’ r,(Lata of Salam.)

A GOOD CLEAN had at all tinaa

D n .u a , In ly 1, I N I



And will sell more goods


Than any house South of Portland.


- O —


DryAFancy Goods,DRESS GOODS,

In «11 tfa* S ly !*«,

CLOTHING, BOOTS t SHOES,Groceries, Etc., Etc.

A ll boogh t at ftffUros enabling thein to M il




SHAVE TO . B E G i s * m* a call H. F. BMITH.

All kind* *f Couiffiry Praflue* taken at market rate». Examine our Stock end Price* and *in will )** tatfified.

VHT&rXX A ROSENBLATT.Daixas, Oregon, SeptSaabtr 8,1801.


M y haras la denos Is «tor sals. Ms i aonabla ofltor w ill ha«raed. X . L .

Duut, September 8, ISM.


r a m w o t« n r r u i m ■», net. and raa-\ m r y I. ima. Tanto* la Ms As ‘ ~ ~

four Bollara s y sor, or Ma Dollar« a it year, ________ ___In th« frsparatary, Twsaty

'«•», •» Five Dollars a quarter. In edvaaca. For further particular« spjrfy to