pil moved to remove all defamatory material from internet about smt. indira gandhi - naresh kadyan

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  • 8/14/2019 PIL moved to remove all defamatory material from Internet about Smt. Indira Gandhi - Naresh Kadyan




    Cr. Misc. No. _______ of 2007


    Cr. Misc. No. _________ of 2007

    Naresh Kadian

    . . . . . . . Petitioner


    Union Territory, Chandigarh

    . . . . . . . Respondent

    Application under Section 482 Cr. P.C.

    for exemption from filing the

    certified and typed copy of Annexure


    * * * * * * * *


    1. That the present Criminal Petition is being

    filed before this Honble High Court for

    registration of a case under Information Technology

    Act, 2000.

    2. That the ground of the petition may kindly

    be read as a part of this application.

    4. That the certified copy of the Annexures P-

    1 is not readily available with the applicant and

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    typed copy is not possible to type out because it

    contains several photographs, which cannot be typed


    It is, therefore, respectfully prayed that

    the present application may kindly be allowed and

    the filing of certified copy as well as typed copy

    of Annexures P-1, may kindly be exempted, in the

    interest of justice.

    Note: NO Affidavit is necessary


    DATED: 04.02.2007


    Petitioner in Person

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  • 8/14/2019 PIL moved to remove all defamatory material from Internet about Smt. Indira Gandhi - Naresh Kadyan


    filthy language and derogatory remarks

    from the "You Tube site (google)",

    which has been published against the

    former Prime Minister late Smt. Indira


    * * * * *


    1. That the petitioner is a Chairman of People

    for Animals, Haryana and the present petitioner is

    working in the interest of general public.

    2. That the petitioner filed a complaint

    before the respondent No. 2 vide Annexure P-1, where

    complaint has been made against you tube-google and

    other under the cyber crime for using the

    filthy/dirty language against the former Prime

    Minister Smt. Indira Gandhi.

    3. That the petitioner attached the complete

    paper book where derogatory remarks have been made

    against the former Prime Minister of India Smt.

    Indira Gandhi. Further, it is pertinent to mention

    here that the complete paper book attached alongwith

    complaint Annexure P-1 showing the violation of

    Information Technology Act, 2000 amended in 2006.

  • 8/14/2019 PIL moved to remove all defamatory material from Internet about Smt. Indira Gandhi - Naresh Kadyan


    4. That the petitioner approached several

    times to the respondent No. 2 for taking appropriate

    action against the culprits who used such type

    filthy language against former Prime Minister late

    Smt. Indira Gandhi but the respondents are not

    taking any action against the you tube and google

    where all the materials are lying in You Tube site.

    Further, it is necessary to mention here that on

    December 10, news item has been given by the Tribune

    News Service, where necessary action which has been

    sought, has been mentioned.

    5. That the Section 67 of the Information

    Technology Act is reproduced below for the perusal

    of this Hon'ble High Court :-

    "67. Whoever publishes or transmits or

    causes to be published in the electronic

    form, any material which is lascivious or

    appeals to the prurient interest or if its

    effect is such as to tend to deprave and

    corrupt persons who are likely, having

    regard to all relevant circumstances, to

    read, see or hear the matter contained or

    embodied in it, shall be punished on first

    conviction with imprisonment of either

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  • 8/14/2019 PIL moved to remove all defamatory material from Internet about Smt. Indira Gandhi - Naresh Kadyan


    7. That Section 154 and 156 of Code of

    Criminal Procedure 1973 have been reproduced below

    for the perusal of this Hon'ble High Court:-

    154. (1) Every information relating to the

    commission of a cognizable offence, if

    given orally to an officer in charge of a

    police station, shall be reduced to writing

    by him or under his direction, and be read

    over to the informant; and every such

    information, whether given in writing or

    reduced to writing as aforesaid, shall be

    signed by the person giving it, and the

    substance thereof shall be entered in a

    book to be kept by such officer in such

    form as the State Government may prescribe

    in this behalf.

    (2) A copy of the information as recorded

    under sub-section (1) shall be given

    forthwith, free of cost, to the informant.

    (3) Any person aggrieved by a refusal on

    the part of an officer in charge of a

    police station to record the information

    referred to in sub-Section (1) may send the

  • 8/14/2019 PIL moved to remove all defamatory material from Internet about Smt. Indira Gandhi - Naresh Kadyan


    substance of such information, in writing

    and by post, to the Superintendent of

    Police concerned, who if satisfied that

    such information discloses the commission

    of a cognizable offence, shall either

    investigate the case himself or direct an

    investigation to be made by any police

    officer subordinate to him, in the manner

    provided by this Code, and such officer

    shall have all the powers of an officer in

    charge of the police station in relation to

    that offence."



    156(1) Any officer in charge of a police

    station may, without the order OF A

    Magistrate investigate any cognizable case

    which a Court having jurisdiction over the

    local area within the limits of such

    station would have power to inquire into or

    try under the provisions of Chapter XIII.

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    (2) No proceeding of a police-officer in

    any such case shall at any stage be called

    in question on the ground that the case was

    one which such officer was not empowered

    under this section to investigate.

    (3) Any Magistrate empowered under Section

    190 may order such an investigation as

    above mentioned.

    8. That as per the above said contents of

    Section 156 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, it is

    crystal clear that the respondents are bound to take

    appropriate action against the culprits/accused but

    after getting the detailed information, no action

    has been taken by the police. Thus, this is a

    clear cut violation of Section 156 of Code of

    Criminal Procedure as well as established law, where

    this Hon'ble High Court as well as Hon'ble Apex

    Court has given direction in several cases for

    registering a case after getting information of

    cognizable offence. In the present case cognizable

    offence has been made by the culprits and

    respondents are bound to take action in accordance

    with law.

  • 8/14/2019 PIL moved to remove all defamatory material from Internet about Smt. Indira Gandhi - Naresh Kadyan


    9. That the petitioner is a Chairman of the

    People for Animals, Haryana and the site of the

    Society has been hacked. The petitioner had made

    of cognizable office and respondents are bound to

    register a case and then enquire the entire matter.

    In this reference this Hon'ble High Court has

    already held in case titled Sukhdev Singh Versus

    State reported 1999 (1) RCR, Criminal, page 65 that

    once the complaint disclosed the commission of

    offence police has to register the case provided

    under Section 154 (4) Cr. P.C. and then investigate

    the same. In similar circumstances, this Hon'ble

    High Court held in case titled Sarvan Ram Versus

    State of Punjab reported 1999 (1) RCR Criminal, page

    133, where similar controversy has been resolved.

    The Division Bench of Delhi High Court held in case

    titled Satish Kumar Goel Versus State reported 2001

    (1) RCR Criminal, page 25, where it has been held

    that if complaint disclosed the commission of

    cognizable offence - officer incharge of Police

    Station is duty bound to register FIR and then

    investigate the matter. Further, this Hon'ble High

    Court held in case titled Jagtar Singh Versus State

    of Punjab reported 1999(2) RCR Criminal, page 134,

    where it has been held that police has to register

    FIR then investigate or enquire the matter, enquiry

  • 8/14/2019 PIL moved to remove all defamatory material from Internet about Smt. Indira Gandhi - Naresh Kadyan


    prior to registration of FIR, is contrary to the

    provision of Section 154 of Cr. P.C. The Allahabad

    High Court held in case titled Gulab Chand Upadhyaya

    Versus State of U.P. reported 2002(3) RCR, page 514,

    where it has been held that if the FIR has not been

    registered by the police then under Section 154 (3)

    Cr.P.C. substance of the FIR can be sent to the

    Superintendent of Police by post, who has the power

    to investigate the offence himself or depute the

    subordinate officer for investigation.

    10. That as per the above said facts and the

    respondents are bound to take appropriate action as

    per law against the accused.

    11. That no such or similar petition has been

    filed either before this Hon'ble High Court or

    before the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India.

    Keeping in view the above said facts and

    circumstances of the present case, the respondents

    may be given direction for registering a case

    against the accused and then respondents may be

    given direction to investigate the entire matter and

    take appropriate action as per law.

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  • 8/14/2019 PIL moved to remove all defamatory material from Internet about Smt. Indira Gandhi - Naresh Kadyan




    Cr. Misc. No. _______ of 2007


    Cr. Misc. No. _________ of 2007

    Naresh Kadian

    . . . . . . . Petitioner


    Union Territory, Chandigarh

    . . . . . . . Respondent

    I N D E X


    Particulars Date Page

    1. Application for exemption

    04.02.2008 1 - 2

    2. Petition under Section482 Cr. P.C. forregistration of a caseunder InformationTechnology Act

    04.02.2008 3 - 12

    3. Annexure P-1 (Complaintwith paper book alongwithreceipt)

    16.1.2008 13 - 33

    4. Power of Attorney 04.02.2008 34


    DATED: 04.02.2007


    Petitioner in Person

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    Cr. Misc. No. _______ of 2007


    Cr. Misc. No. _________ of 2007

    Naresh Kadian, Chairman, People for Animals, Haryana

    (Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals,

    Haryana), 75, Km. Miles Stone, Mathura Road, Sarai

    Katela, Faridabad.

    . . . . . . . Petitioner


    3. Union Territory, Chandigarh through its Home


    4. Senior Superintendent of Police, Chandigarh

    .. . . . . . Respondent

    Affidavit Naresh Kadian, Chairman, People for

    Animals, Haryana (Society for Prevention of Cruelty

    to Animals, Haryana), 75, Km. Miles Stone, Mathura

    Road, Sarai Katela, Faridabad.

    I the above named deponent do hereby solemnly

    declared as under:-

  • 8/14/2019 PIL moved to remove all defamatory material from Internet about Smt. Indira Gandhi - Naresh Kadyan


    1. That the petitioner is a Chairman of People

    for Animals, Haryana and the present petitioner is

    working in the interest of general public.

    2. That the petitioner filed a complaint

    before the respondent No. 2 vide Annexure P-1, where

    complaint has been made against you tube-google and

    other under the cyber crime for using the

    filthy/dirty language against the former Prime

    Minister Smt. Indira Gandhi.

    3. That the petitioner attached the complete

    paper book where derogatory remarks have been made

    against the former Prime Minister of India Smt.

    Indira Gandhi. Further, it is pertinent to mention

    here that the complete paper book attached alongwith

    complaint Annexure P-1 showing the violation of

    Information Technology Act, 2000 amended in 2006.

    4. That the petitioner approached several

    times to the respondent No. 2 for taking appropriate

    action against the culprits who used such type

    filthy language against former Prime Minister late

    Smt. Indira Gandhi but the respondents are not

    taking any action against the you tube and google

    where all the materials are lying in You Tube site.

  • 8/14/2019 PIL moved to remove all defamatory material from Internet about Smt. Indira Gandhi - Naresh Kadyan


    Further, it is necessary to mention here that on

    December 10, news item has been given by the Tribune

    News Service, where necessary action which has been

    sought, has been mentioned.

    5. That the Section 67 of the Information

    Technology Act is reproduced below for the perusal

    of this Hon'ble High Court :-

    "67. Whoever publishes or transmits or

    causes to be published in the electronic

    form, any material which is lascivious or

    appeals to the prurient interest or if its

    effect is such as to tend to deprave and

    corrupt persons who are likely, having

    regard to all relevant circumstances, to

    read, see or hear the matter contained or

    embodied in it, shall be punished on first

    conviction with imprisonment of either

    description for a term which may extent to

    five years and with fine which may extend

    to one lakh rupees and in the event of a

    second or subsequent conviction with

    imprisonment of either description for a

    term which may extend to ten years and also

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    with fine which may extend to two lakh


    6. That after perusing the contents of the

    complaint Annexure P-1 and Section 67 of the

    Information Technology Act, it has been proved that

    the material publishes and transmits in the

    electronic form, which is lascivious and effecting

    the image of the former Prime Minister, where

    various dirty and filthy words have been published

    in the electronic form on You Tube site and google

    is the owner of this site. The petitioner requested

    to the google for removing the above said filthy

    words and further he also made a request for taking

    action against the accused but no action has been

    taken by google as well as respondents. Hence the

    petitioner is filing the petitioner before this

    Hon'ble High Court for taking action as per law.

    7. That Section 154 and 156 of Code of

    Criminal Procedure 1973 have been reproduced below

    for the perusal of this Hon'ble High Court:-

    154. (1) Every information relating to the

    commission of a cognizable offence, if

    given orally to an officer in charge of a

  • 8/14/2019 PIL moved to remove all defamatory material from Internet about Smt. Indira Gandhi - Naresh Kadyan


    police station, shall be reduced to writing

    by him or under his direction, and be read

    over to the informant; and every such

    information, whether given in writing or

    reduced to writing as aforesaid, shall be

    signed by the person giving it, and the

    substance thereof shall be entered in a

    book to be kept by such officer in such

    form as the State Government may prescribe

    in this behalf.

    (2) A copy of the information as recorded

    under sub-section (1) shall be given

    forthwith, free of cost, to the informant.

    (3) Any person aggrieved by a refusal on

    the part of an officer in charge of a

    police station to record the information

    referred to in sub-Section (1) may send the

    substance of such information, in writing

    and by post, to the Superintendent of

    Police concerned, who if satisfied that

    such information discloses the commission

    of a cognizable offence, shall either

    investigate the case himself or direct an

    investigation to be made by any police

  • 8/14/2019 PIL moved to remove all defamatory material from Internet about Smt. Indira Gandhi - Naresh Kadyan


    officer subordinate to him, in the manner

    provided by this Code, and such officer

    shall have all the powers of an officer in

    charge of the police station in relation to

    that offence."



    156(1) Any officer in charge of a police

    station may, without the order OF A

    Magistrate investigate any cognizable case

    which a Court having jurisdiction over the

    local area within the limits of such

    station would have power to inquire into or

    try under the provisions of Chapter XIII.

    (2) No proceeding of a police-officer in

    any such case shall at any stage be called

    in question on the ground that the case was

    one which such officer was not empowered

    under this section to investigate.

  • 8/14/2019 PIL moved to remove all defamatory material from Internet about Smt. Indira Gandhi - Naresh Kadyan


    (3) Any Magistrate empowered under Section

    190 may order such an investigation as

    above mentioned.

    8. That as per the above said contents of

    Section 156 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, it is

    crystal clear that the respondents are bound to take

    appropriate action against the culprits/accused but

    after getting the detailed information, no action

    has been taken by the police. Thus, this is a

    clear cut violation of Section 156 of Code of

    Criminal Procedure as well as established law, where

    this Hon'ble High Court as well as Hon'ble Apex

    Court has given direction in several cases for

    registering a case after getting information of

    cognizable offence. In the present case cognizable

    offence has been made by the culprits and

    respondents are bound to take action in accordance

    with law.

    9. That the petitioner is a Chairman of the

    People for Animals, Haryana and the site of the

    Society has been hacked. The petitioner had made

    of cognizable office and respondents are bound to

    register a case and then enquire the entire matter.

    In this reference this Hon'ble High Court has

  • 8/14/2019 PIL moved to remove all defamatory material from Internet about Smt. Indira Gandhi - Naresh Kadyan


    already held in case titled Sukhdev Singh Versus

    State reported 1999 (1) RCR, Criminal, page 65 that

    once the complaint disclosed the commission of

    offence police has to register the case provided

    under Section 154 (4) Cr. P.C. and then investigate

    the same. In similar circumstances, this Hon'ble

    High Court held in case titled Sarvan Ram Versus

    State of Punjab reported 1999 (1) RCR Criminal, page

    133, where similar controversy has been resolved.

    The Division Bench of Delhi High Court held in case

    titled Satish Kumar Goel Versus State reported 2001

    (1) RCR Criminal, page 25, where it has been held

    that if complaint disclosed the commission of

    cognizable offence - officer incharge of Police

    Station is duty bound to register FIR and then

    investigate the matter. Further, this Hon'ble High

    Court held in case titled Jagtar Singh Versus State

    of Punjab reported 1999(2) RCR Criminal, page 134,

    where it has been held that police has to register

    FIR then investigate or enquire the matter, enquiry

    prior to registration of FIR, is contrary to the

    provision of Section 154 of Cr. P.C. The Allahabad

    High Court held in case titled Gulab Chand Upadhyaya

    Versus State of U.P. reported 2002(3) RCR, page 514,

    where it has been held that if the FIR has not been

    registered by the police then under Section 154 (3)

  • 8/14/2019 PIL moved to remove all defamatory material from Internet about Smt. Indira Gandhi - Naresh Kadyan


    Cr.P.C. substance of the FIR can be sent to the

    Superintendent of Police by post, who has the power

    to investigate the offence himself or depute the

    subordinate officer for investigation.

    10. That as per the above said facts and the

    respondents are bound to take appropriate action as

    per law against the accused.

    11. That no such or similar petition has

    been filed either before this Hon'ble High Court

    or Hon'ble Supreme court of India.

    ChandigarhDATED: 04.02.2008


    Verified that the contents of the abovesaidaffidavit are true and correct to my knowledge andnothing has been concealed threin.

    ChandigarhDATED: 04.02.2008


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  • 8/14/2019 PIL moved to remove all defamatory material from Internet about Smt. Indira Gandhi - Naresh Kadyan
