pigmy short horned lizard

Pigmy Short- Horned Lizard BY FAITH HEWITT

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Pigmy Short-Horned Lizard BY FAITH HEWITT

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Breif Discription

Scientific name: Animalia Chordata Reptilia Squamata Phrynosomatidae Phrynosoma

Extirpated in B.C. Canda Pigmy s.h.d. is the BC species, pygmy s.h.d. elsewhere in the

world. Unifying characteristics of the order Squamata include horned

scales and movable jaw bone, cold-blooded carnivore that sheds it’s skin and mood is effected by temperature.

From sub order Iguania Primary Consumer

Others in the genus

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Reasons for Extirpation in B.C. Extensive habitat loss By 20th Century already rare – possibly because of B.C.’s cold

winters If reintroduced to B.C. current risks would be………. Extensive habitat loss Roads, and careless hikers Predation from local and exotic animals (mainly birds and cats)Protected under the federal Species at Risk Act (SARA) You cannot posses, collect, buy, sell, trade, kill, harm, harass, or

destroy their den (if somehow found they are reintroduced)

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Characteristics of Life 1-3

1-Composed of Cells: The Pigmy Short-Horned Lizard is a multi-celled organism.

2-Obtain Energy: Heterotrophic, Carnivore, Secondary Consumer

3-Reproduction: Sexual Reproduction, Internal Fertilization, Viviparous, Eggs kept in mother until she gives birth to young live.

And Repeat!

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Characteristics of Life 4-7

4- Response to Environment: Digs burrows in the ground to blend in and uses sit and wait hunting method for prey(Insects), Vegetation for Basking and shade, Sand to Hide in and Shade.

5-Homeostatsis: Ectotherm: Uses and burns energy to increase and decrease temperature. Ex. Eexcretion of waste, scales and shedding, sticking their tongue out to drink water, baking in the sun to raise temp, shading to lower temp.

6-Growth and Development: On average grow 5.1 to 12.7 cm in snout to vent length, females grow larger then males, sexual maturity reached at age 3 (female)

7- Adaptation to Environment: Flat body, Short legs, Short tail, Ability to lose tail in escape, can run quickly for short distances, can inflate to 2x size.

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Labeled Diagrams

• Horns on sides• Small, thick legs• Small, thin tail

• Horns in clutters on back

• Small, pink tongue• Short snout

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The Squamata Order

Facts Over 9,000 Species – Not

endangered The order is recognised for

their horned scales/shields Has movable quadrate bones All Lizards and Snakes belong

to this Order Many sizes(16mm-5.21m)

Historically as large as 14m

Some Include……………

Giant horned lizard, (Phrynosoma asio)Short-tailed horned lizard, (Phrynosoma braconnieri)Cedros Island horned lizard, (Phrynosoma cerroense)Texas horned lizard, (Phrynosoma cornutum)Coast horned lizard, (Phrynosoma coronatum)Cape horned lizard, (P. c. coronatum)San Diego horned lizard, (P. c. blainvillii)California horned lizard, (P. c. frontale)Central peninsular horned lizard, (P. c. jamesi)Northern peninsular horned lizard, (P. c. schmidti)Ditmars' horned lizard or rock horned lizard, (Phrynosoma ditmarsi)Pygmy short-horned lizard, (Phrynosoma douglasii)P. d. brachycercum P. d. douglasii Greater short-horned lizard, Phrynosoma hernandesiFlat-tail horned lizard, (Phrynosoma mcallii)Roundtail horned lizard, (Phrynosoma modestum Girard)

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Phylogenetic Tree with Species and Order

On phylogenetic trees organisms are separated and group based on evolutionary ties to each other, quite often groups have the same or very similar characteristics

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Ecosystem & Niche

They typically live in a Desert, Bunchgrass, Sagebrush or dry forest Ecosystem, preferring warm or hot areas with loose soil to burrow in.

In Canada they are located in Southern Central B.C. They eat mainly ants but will also eat other insects and small

invertebrates. (Carnivore Insectivore)- If they went extinct or left the ant population would rise.

Their predators are mainly birds, cats and curious dogs. – If they were forced to leave the ecosystem birds and cats would rely more heavily on their other sources of food causing the number of that species to dwindle, or the predators themselves if they cannot find another source of prey.

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NicheAbiotic Factors Biotic Factors

• Buries under sand for shade

• Basks in sunlight on sand or rocks

• Will drink moving water if available

• Eats ants and other insects

• Will use plants to shade and drink from

• Sometimes will eat small invertebrates

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Current Status

In B.C. the and the species Pygmy short-horned dragon are currently red listed(Extirpated).

The Squamata order is one of the largest orders with over 9,00 species. Containing all lizards and snakes ex. European Wall Lizards (Only on Vancouver Island) and Mountain Horned Dragon (Mainly Asia).(No record for estimated amount in B.C., only areas on sightings.)

The worldwide status extirpated located in Great Basin, N California to Nevada through E Oregon and Washington and most of S and E Idaho and extreme S Central BC

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The order itself is not endangered but individual species within it are endangered both within and outside of B.C.

Urban and Industrial development (ex. Factories and roads.) Temperature- Cold and often harsh. Isolation of species – Only found in Southern Interior of B.C. Off Road Rec. Vehicles (Ex. Quad, Dirt Bike, and Snow mobiles) Agricultural Irrigation and Cultivation Birds, cats and curious humans/ dogs Forest fires and declining habitat suitability. The threats are likely to increase as population/ building rates rise.

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Actions Taken To Aide Horned Dragons

Level 1 SARA Federal Protection Program

• No killing, harming, harassing, possessing, buying/selling, or destroying home (nest/den)

• This act would be more effective if they had a way of knowing when someone tampered with the animal/ habitat. Without that I believe it will not be too helpful as people will do what they please and try to hide it.

• If they came up with a better non-invasive way to tell if people are tampering with the animals that would help support the ecosystem they would be more likely to have a long-term effect if reintroduced.


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International Convention of Biological Diversity and Youth Accord for Biodiversity

WHO: Various individuals from different levels of power united as one large group whos focus is on preserving biodiversity on an international level and stopping the unnatural decline.

WHAT DID THEY DO: They require the government to “Recognize youth’s contribution in the protection of biodiversity, Provide funding for educational programs on the value of and need for biological diversity, Incorporate the voice of youth in decision-making through, for example, supporting youth delegates and sharing information with youth networks, Craft programs to engage youth in the implementation of the Convention in meaningful ways, Incorporate natural infrastructure values in decision-making concerning land use and practices, Establish a carbon, water, and environmental impact footprint for all countries, Set a defined target date to stop the preventable loss of biodiversity, Instill laws and regulations to protect against the loss of biodiversity, Implement sustainable development practices in all areas, Include urban areas, subterranean, and arctic lands in thematic programs.”

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Ways to Become Involved

To start with be aware of your day-to-day life and think about everything you do and how much of it is bad for the environment.

You could start a blog that focus of the environment and brings forth issues in a comical way.

You can look for volunteer groups/organizations that go out and help the environment. Ex. pulling out invasive plant species

You could write letters or start a fuss about how awful it is that many animal species are becoming extinct/ extirpated/ endangered because of the way we live.

Also encourage people not to go off-roading as this can a fair bit of damage and greatly disturb an area