phs foresight...• personal health systems (phs) assist in the provision of continuous, quality...

PHS Foresight PHS Foresight PHS Foresight PHS Foresight Presentation for the ETSI eHealth Workshop on Telemedicine Sophia-Antipolis, May 6-7, 2014 Dr. Susanne Giesecke Austrian Institute of Technology

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Page 1: PHS Foresight...• Personal Health Systems (PHS) assist in the provision of continuous, quality controlled and personalised health services to empowered individuals. • Ambient,

PHS ForesightPHS ForesightPHS ForesightPHS Foresight

Presentation for the ETSI eHealth Workshop on TelemedicinepSophia-Antipolis, May 6-7, 2014

Dr. Susanne GieseckeAustrian Institute of Technology

Page 2: PHS Foresight...• Personal Health Systems (PHS) assist in the provision of continuous, quality controlled and personalised health services to empowered individuals. • Ambient,

Personal Personal HealthHealth SystemsSystems ForesightForesightyy gg

• State-of-the-Art Analysesyo R&D cooperationo User perspectiveso Market conditions

• Online Communityo Sharing, commenting and

assessing PHS visionso Networkingo International collaboration

• Scenarios and Roadmapso Future trajectories, threats

and opportunities

www.phsforesight.eup s o esig eu

Page 3: PHS Foresight...• Personal Health Systems (PHS) assist in the provision of continuous, quality controlled and personalised health services to empowered individuals. • Ambient,

2030 2030 VisionsVisions onon PHS PHS FuturesFutures

–– as as SeenSeen byby ourour PHS PHS CommunityCommunity

Page 4: PHS Foresight...• Personal Health Systems (PHS) assist in the provision of continuous, quality controlled and personalised health services to empowered individuals. • Ambient,

Motivation for this Motivation for this Foresight ProjectForesight Project

• deeper understanding of mismatches between the potential of, and need for, PHS res lts indicate that lack of s ccession of pilots • results indicate that lack of succession of pilots and of overall coordination have led to a dynamic but fragmented PHS innovation landscape in Europe.

• to reach ambitious targets for PHS will require more than just excellent technological solutions more than just excellent technological solutions, but also a multi-stakeholder process of service systems re-design in the future.

Page 5: PHS Foresight...• Personal Health Systems (PHS) assist in the provision of continuous, quality controlled and personalised health services to empowered individuals. • Ambient,

Definition of PHSDefinition of PHS• Personal Health Systems (PHS) assist in the provision of

Definition of PHSDefinition of PHS

continuous, quality controlled and personalised health services to empowered individuals.

• Ambient, wearable and/or in-body devices, which acquire, monitor and communicate physiological and other health-related data

• Intelligent processing of the acquired information, and coupling it with expert biomedical knowledge and in some cases, knowledge of social circumstances and living conditions

Page 6: PHS Foresight...• Personal Health Systems (PHS) assist in the provision of continuous, quality controlled and personalised health services to empowered individuals. • Ambient,

MethodsMethodsSources of information in Personal Health SystemsSources of information in Personal Health Systems

R l t d t b EU j t t t d t b • Relevant databases on EU projects, patent data base, bibliometric analysis of publication, interviews, workshops

Empirical Approach In total, three types of analyses were carried out:In total, three types of analyses were carried out:

• case studies• analyses of databases• an affiliation network of collaborative research projects an affiliation network of collaborative research projects

and participating organization was constructed

Page 7: PHS Foresight...• Personal Health Systems (PHS) assist in the provision of continuous, quality controlled and personalised health services to empowered individuals. • Ambient,

University of Padova

Fraunhofer Gesellschaft

University of Twente

ETH Zürich


AmbientAssisted Living Joint Programme (AAL JP)Competitiveness and Innovation  Progr. (CIP‐ICT  PSP)FP7‐ICT Call 2007 (FP7‐ICT_2007)FP7‐ICT Call 2009 (FP7‐ICT_2009)FP7‐ICT Call 2011 (FP7‐ICT 2011)FP7 ICT Call 2011 (FP7 ICT_2011)JRC IPTSparticipating organizations

Universidad Politecnica de Madrid


Analysis of the PHS networksBi tit t k f j t i th diff t i iti ti ( l d Bipartite network of projects in the different initiatives (coloured nodes) and participating organizations (grey nodes). The size of each node is its degree in the bipartite graph, e.g. a project comprising ten organizations has size ten as does an organicomprising ten organizations has size ten, as does an organi-zation participating in ten projects. The degree correlates to the number of direct neighbours in a graph.

Page 8: PHS Foresight...• Personal Health Systems (PHS) assist in the provision of continuous, quality controlled and personalised health services to empowered individuals. • Ambient,

DeficitsDeficits ofof PHSPHS GovernanceGovernance• There is both a solid basis and urgent need to build further

stakeholder cooperation and innovation governance

DeficitsDeficits ofof PHS PHS GovernanceGovernancep g

• PHS research results need to have more transfer from R&D to the market

• and more account on innovation patterns in this sector, ti l l ith d t E id d l tparticularly with regard to European-wide developments

• The concept of PHS is often collapsed into ICT systems that are constructed to support existing care services; or even into the specific devices, such as wearable sensors to monitor the specific devices, such as wearable sensors to monitor health conditions and/or behaviour patterns.

• fails to take into account the importance of a wider systems view, one which situates PHS within health and care service systemssystems

• system innovation: transition from a technically driven paradigm towards service systems -- requires more than just excellent technological solutions, but also a multi-stakeholder g ,process of service system design.

Page 9: PHS Foresight...• Personal Health Systems (PHS) assist in the provision of continuous, quality controlled and personalised health services to empowered individuals. • Ambient,

SStrategy Outlines trategy Outlines in in Relation Relation to to the the Issues Issues of of ImportanceImportance

Actor  Strategy outlines in response to…  Interoperability. 

Standardisation, Awareness, education 

PHS skills; certification; 

Accessibility, affordability; 

innovation eco‐system; 

regulation of society PHS research PHS market PHS fundingEU authorities  

X   X X

Member States X X XMember States authorities 

X   X X

Research / education 

X    X   X X 

community Industry / SMEs; Technology developers

X  X  X  X

developers Society (NGOs, patients’ org) 

X  X   X


Page 10: PHS Foresight...• Personal Health Systems (PHS) assist in the provision of continuous, quality controlled and personalised health services to empowered individuals. • Ambient,

InteroperabilityInteroperability• Strategic actions in relation to interoperabilityg p y• standardisation and regulation include for instance

o harmonisation of healthcare systems regulations,i i i fo interoperability of IT systems,

o development of common dictionaries and use cases, o standards development, o legislation for data security and data access. o The importance of e-research infrastructure for PHS

Page 11: PHS Foresight...• Personal Health Systems (PHS) assist in the provision of continuous, quality controlled and personalised health services to empowered individuals. • Ambient,

AwarenessAwareness, , Education Education ofof SocietySociety

• Strategies towards raising social awareness and g gincreasing PHS skills involve actions like o educational programmes to introduce PHS systems to

professionals and informal carers but also schools professionals and informal carers but also schools, o setting up PHS help and advice lines, o incentives to educational institutions to develop PHS

strategies and programmesstrategies and programmes.• “European Healthcare Council”:

o certifying PHS skills; o issuing health workers’ licences for working in the EU; o promoting PHS models of care

Page 12: PHS Foresight...• Personal Health Systems (PHS) assist in the provision of continuous, quality controlled and personalised health services to empowered individuals. • Ambient,

PHS Skills, PHS Skills, CertificationCertification, , PHS PHS ResearchResearch

• PHS research: demonstrate PHS benefits; certify PHS yproducts and services

• demonstration of benefits through creation of modelling labs for PHS applications modelling labs for PHS applications

• development of relevant indicators • building a catalogue of what is available, what is

b i d l d d h t d t b being developed and what needs to be developed through a gap analysis and towards the jointly defined PHS vision

• Longitudinal health studies, health economics and cost-effectiveness studies deployed along with health technology assessmentgy

Page 13: PHS Foresight...• Personal Health Systems (PHS) assist in the provision of continuous, quality controlled and personalised health services to empowered individuals. • Ambient,

PHS Research, PHS Research, EU EU ResponsibilitiesResponsibilities

• PHS research: deal with big data analysis issues g ywhile being oriented towards developing customised, user friendly and certified applications easily accessible online and offline. y

• target groups: patients, informal carers, whole of society should be addressed eventually, as we need to shift from a reactive to proactive need to shift from a reactive to proactive healthcare approach promoting healthy living.

• role of the EU institutions: supporting PHS research, providing platforms for disseminating results of PHS providing platforms for disseminating results of PHS research projects (helping to draw the lessons from both success stories and failures)

Page 14: PHS Foresight...• Personal Health Systems (PHS) assist in the provision of continuous, quality controlled and personalised health services to empowered individuals. • Ambient,

AccessibilityAccessibility, , Affordability, Affordability, PHS MarketsPHS Markets

• market with wide accessibility, affordability: establishment of market and competition mechanisms, regulations, procurement, development of plans for stage-gated deployment of reimbursement models

• Establishment of value chains from priority setting, selection of technologies, to manufacturing and implementation

• PHS included in healthcare service provision, while IT companies should also be more involved in solutions to medical problem in the PHS development process

i i i j i• PHS development underlined by a PHS vision jointly defined by all relevant stakeholders (public authorities, professionals, businesses, researchers, society).

Page 15: PHS Foresight...• Personal Health Systems (PHS) assist in the provision of continuous, quality controlled and personalised health services to empowered individuals. • Ambient,

Innovation EcoInnovation Eco‐‐system/ system/ PHS PHS FundingFunding

• Actions in relation to developing a PHS innovation p geco-system include the coordination and collaboration among a variety of actors in the research and business communities engaging also research, and business communities engaging also societal actors by applying user-centred innovation approaches.

• finding alternative sources of funding through Venture Capital, crowdfunding etc. and interactionbetween different funding silos between different funding silos.

• EU should create a innovation ecology in health rather than support national agencies to apply PHS.

Page 16: PHS Foresight...• Personal Health Systems (PHS) assist in the provision of continuous, quality controlled and personalised health services to empowered individuals. • Ambient,

Dr. Susanne Giesecke (Co-ordinator)Senior Scientist and Thematic Coordinator “Foresight” Innovation Systems, AIT

THANK YOU! THANK YOU! [email protected]

Mag. Doris SchartingerScientistInnovation Systems, AITDoris Schartinger@ait ac [email protected]

Dr. habil. Günter SchreierSenior Scientist and Thematic Coordinator Assistive Healthcare Information Technology Safety & Security Department , [email protected]

Dr. Effie AmnatidouResearch Associate, University of [email protected]

P f D I MilProf. Dr. Ian MilesProfessor of Technological Innovation, Management and Policy, University of [email protected]

Dr. Ozcan Saritas Research Associate University of Manchester Research Associate, University of Manchester [email protected]

Laura PompoCIO Impetu [email protected]

Page 17: PHS Foresight...• Personal Health Systems (PHS) assist in the provision of continuous, quality controlled and personalised health services to empowered individuals. • Ambient,
Page 18: PHS Foresight...• Personal Health Systems (PHS) assist in the provision of continuous, quality controlled and personalised health services to empowered individuals. • Ambient,

Share Share YourYour VisionVision onon PHSPHS

Can you imagine a sort of personal health systemCan you imagine a sort of personal health system

that could be in operation in Europe by the year

2030?“Si i h

• Services, products and/or technologies• User perspectives and implications to healthcare


“Sign in,shareyour vision andget connected

• Political, legal, and institutional framework conditionsgwith the growingPHScommunity!”

www.phsforesight.eup g

Page 19: PHS Foresight...• Personal Health Systems (PHS) assist in the provision of continuous, quality controlled and personalised health services to empowered individuals. • Ambient,
Page 20: PHS Foresight...• Personal Health Systems (PHS) assist in the provision of continuous, quality controlled and personalised health services to empowered individuals. • Ambient,

EngageEngage withwith thethe GrowingGrowing PHS PHS CommunityCommunity

Page 21: PHS Foresight...• Personal Health Systems (PHS) assist in the provision of continuous, quality controlled and personalised health services to empowered individuals. • Ambient,


Page 22: PHS Foresight...• Personal Health Systems (PHS) assist in the provision of continuous, quality controlled and personalised health services to empowered individuals. • Ambient,

Most FP7 ICT projects focus on the development of ICT based Most FP7-ICT projects focus on the development of ICT-based monitoring systems. The Figure depicts the composition of the consortia, which mainly consisted of universities (EDU), research organizations (ROR) companies (IND) research organizations (ROR), companies (IND). Governmental organisations participated in CIP-ICT PSP and JRC IPTS projects only.

Page 23: PHS Foresight...• Personal Health Systems (PHS) assist in the provision of continuous, quality controlled and personalised health services to empowered individuals. • Ambient,

Duration, number of PHS projects and number of participating organizations at the EU-level. Ambient Assisted Living Joint Programme (AAL JP), Competitiveness and Innovation Programme (CIP) - ICT Policy Support Programme (ICT PSP), F k P S (FP7) J i t R h C t

Initiative/Programm Period Number of  Number of 

Framework Programme Seven (FP7), Joint Research Centre Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (JRC IPTS)

e Projects Participants

AAL JP 2009‐2012 17 130CIP‐ICT PSP 2008‐2013 12 144FP7‐ICT_2007 2008‐2012 9 121

FP7‐ICT_2009 2010‐2014 10 94

FP7‐ICT_2011 2011‐2015 16 124

JRC IPTS 2009 2013 3 3JRC IPTS 2009‐2013 3 3Total 67 513

Page 24: PHS Foresight...• Personal Health Systems (PHS) assist in the provision of continuous, quality controlled and personalised health services to empowered individuals. • Ambient,

The figure indicates that projects within the same initiative are somewhat clustered in a certain part of the network, e.g. the projects in the CIP-ICT PSP programme (green nodes) are

i l iti d t th b tt d j t i FP7 ICT 2009 mainly positioned at the bottom, and projects in FP7-ICT_2009 are positioned at the top of the network. In general, this means that the majority of organizations participate in only one of these initiativesone of these initiatives.