photoshoot 2

Cover 1 - Contact sheet - Winter

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Post on 29-Jun-2015



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Page 1: Photoshoot 2

Cover 1 - Contact sheet - Winter

Page 2: Photoshoot 2

Cover 1 - Winter

This image was taken against a blank wall. Since I used flash and had other sources of lighting in the room it created a shadow (which I will have to crop out). The flash also made the model have red eye when the image was taken. I like the pose because it looks natural and relaxed.

The smile is also friendly so it would fit onto a teenage lifestyle magazine.

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Cover 1 - Winter

The reason I chose this image was because she has her hood up and I wanted various images so that I have more to chose from.

Since it’s about winter it also relates to it by having your hood up. The image also just shows her upper body instead of her whole body so It shows the coat and her facial expressions more.

The lighting in this image is nice because it is not too dark or too bright and you can see all of the image.

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Cover 1 - Winter

I chose this image because I like the framing, she is positioned in the middle of the image with enough room at the top. But I did use flash so the shadow on the left will have to be cut out.

All of the photos use direct address (where she looks into the camera).

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Cover 1 - Winter

I chose this image because I like her facial expression. The smile is inviting for a magazine front cover.

She is also centred in the middle of the image showing her upper body so it is a medium close up instead of being a close up (showing just her face) or just showing her whole body.

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Cover 1 - Winter

This is another image that I chose with the hood up so I have more variations to chose from.

The image is positioned quite far to the left so it will be harder to crop out the shadow.

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Cover 2 - Contact sheet - Music

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Cover 2 - Music

This photo-shoot is about music so you can see the ear phones. There is a bright light at the bottom left corner of the image so when I crop the image out because of the shadow it might look odd on a flat background.

His facial expressions fit the magazine because he is smiling and giving direct address.

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Cover 2 - Music

I decided to take this image further back so you can see more of him. The image is framed in the middle. I like the lighting because it is bright enough to show all of the image. But the flash does make the shadow around the outside.

He has a friendly smile this is because the magazine is a teenage lifestyle one so a smile would suit this.

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Cover 2 - Music

This position was different because he is turned to the side and looking at the camera. This is because I wanted variation in my pictures so I have more to choose from on my front cover.

It has a nice lighting because the flash light up his whole body so it is not too dark.

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Cover 2 - Music

On this image there is a yellow light shining from the bottom left corner of the image but this can just be cropped out as it’s part of the shadow. He is not smiling as much for a teenage magazine.

But I do think that the general lighting on his body is nice as it has a bright glow and the yellow light is not actually on him. It also has a nice composition.

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Cover 2 - Music

I like this image because of his pose but he is not smiling that much. There is also a bright light coming from the bottom right of the image and it covers his body and will look odd when he is cropped out.

The light coming from that side made the image have a big shadow but I feel that it is framed well as he is in the centre of the image.

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Cover 3 - Contact sheet – Hat’s

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Cover 3 - Hat’s

I found this image interesting because the pose looks relaxed as he is up against the wall in the middle of the image. His smile is friendly and works well with a teenage life style magazine.

This image was used with out flash this is why the lighting is a bit darker than the other images.

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Cover 3 - Hat’s

I like this image because of the framing, He is in the centre of the image and it has enough head room at the top and it cut’s off just before you can see the floor. His pose is also nice because he has a casual look with his hands in his pockets and a friendly smile.

The lighting is good because I tested what it would be like using flash outside to add more and it made his body bright with a slight shadow around the edge.

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Cover 3 - Hat’s

He is positioned nicely in this image as he is up against the wall in the middle. I decided to take this one a bit more close up than the rest to see more features.

The lighting is also nice because it is bright and shows more detail with no grain. He also has a friendly smile to work for the type of magazine.

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Cover 3 - Hat’s

For this image I decided to take it with his hat forward to mix things up and have more choice when it comes to choosing for our magazine front cover. He isn't smiling that much but he has a nice relaxed pose to fit on a front cover of a magazine.

The lighting is quite bright as I used flash outside for more detail but this did leave a slight shadow on the wall.

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Cover 3 - Hat’s

For this image I decided to not use flash as it will have no shadow but I did not end up having a brightly light image. He has a friendly smile and his pose is relaxed up against the wall to suit the type of magazine it’s for.

He is positioned in the middle of the image so it has a balance of the bricks either side of him.

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Cover 4 - Contact sheet – Cloth’s

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Cover 4 - Cloth’s

This image has a natural pose, as you can see at the bottom left there is a grid and this will be cropped out anyway because of the shadow due to flash. I like the smile as it is friendly and would fit on a teenage lifestyle magazine.

The lighting is bright and lights up all of the image to give the image a nice feel to it.

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Cover 4 - Cloth’s

I like this image because of the composition she is put in the middle with the focal point being her eyes. Her smile is not too intense but would still fit my magazine. The lighting is nice because I used flash but she has a shadow around her left side which I will have to crop out.

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Cover 4 - Cloth’s

I feel as if on this image she has a nice smile because it looks natural and would work well with the magazine type. She is also positioned in the centre of the image. I used flash and this left a little shadow around the left of her but can be easily cropped out.

The lighting is nice as it’s not too intense but has enough light to make the image look nice and have good detail to it.

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Cover 4 - Cloth’s

The main thing I like about this image is the lighting, it adds a lot of detail to the image and is a nice light. I used flash for the image so a shadow was made around her. Her facial expression is not too happy but I still think it would fit on my magazine.

The image is a medium close up as it shows her upper body and focuses on her face.

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Cover 4 - Cloth’s

I chose this one because of her smile, it is nice and friendly so it would work on my magazine. I used flash so that the image would have a bright light to it.

She is centred in the middle of the image and it was taken to show her upper body and ends at around her knees.

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Chosen image - Winter

This is my image I have chosen for the Winter shoot, I chose it because the lighting is nice on the image. It brings out the colours in the cloths. The framing is also nice as she is in the middle of the image. Her smile is nice and inviting as it’s a teenage magazine so a friendly smile fits on it.

Since I used flash she has a shadow on the left of her so she would have to be cropped out.

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Chosen image - Music

I chose this image as my final image for music because the lighting is nice and bright so it brings out detail in the middle. His pose also shows off the earphones as the theme is music.

Since there is a shadow on the left he will have to be cropped out and put onto a blank background. He also has a friendly facial expression.

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Chosen image – Hat’s

I like this image because of the framing, he is in the middle of the image with just enough room above head. There is no shadow but I did use flash out doors to maximise my lighting outdoors. He has a nice pose as he is relaxed against the wall and you can see his hat as the colours stand out against the wall.

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Chosen image – Cloth’s

I chose this image for my final image of the cloth’s theme as the lighting is good and it makes her stand out against the negative space. There is a shadow on the left because I used flash but she can be cropped out.

She has a relaxed pose with her hands down. The flash allows the colours to stand out more than any other in the shoot.