photodissociation dynamics of the a 2 state of sh …photon photodissociation of vibrationally...

Photodissociation dynamics of the A 2 + state of SH and SD radicals R. A. Rose, 1 A. J. Orr-Ewing, 1,a C.-H. Yang, 2 K. Vidma, 2 G. C. Groenenboom, 2 and D. H. Parker 2 1 School of Chemistry, University of Bristol, Cantock’s Close, Bristol BS8 1TS, United Kingdom 2 Institute for Molecules and Materials, University of Nijmegen, Heyendaalseweg 135, 6525 AJ Nijmegen, The Netherlands Received 30 October 2008; accepted 5 December 2008; published online 20 January 2009 Atomic sulfur products from predissociation of the lowest rotational states of SH/SD A 2 + v =0,1,2 are studied using velocity map imaging. The dissociation process, which is slow compared to rotation, is dominated by interference effects due to predissociation of states with low rotation quantum numbers prepared by photoexcitation using overlapping transitions of different parities. The measured product angular distributions can be modeled using the methods presented recently by Kim et al. J. Chem. Phys. 125, 133316 2006. The S 3 P J 2+1 resonance enhanced multiphoton ionization scheme used in the detection step of the experiment is sensitive to the angular momentum polarization of the atomic fragments. S 3 P J , J = 2 , 1 , 0, fine-structure yields, angular distributions, and atom polarization parameters are reported. Strong polarization of the S 3 P 2,1 products was observed along with a weak sensitivity of the branching ratio to excess energy and a full insensitivity of the atomic product polarization to excess energy. None of the data fit the predictions of either adiabatic or diabatic photodissociation, emphasizing the need for a fully quantum treatment. © 2009 American Institute of Physics. DOI: 10.1063/1.3056570 I. INTRODUCTION The past decade has witnessed tremendous progress in the understanding of the photodissociation of closed-shell diatomic molecules. For the hydrogen halides HX, X = F, Cl, Br, I, for example, fully quantum calculations 1,2 combined with advanced imaging experiments 3 have unraveled the in- tricate dynamics of a molecule evolving from its optically excited molecular orbital configuration to its final product atoms. Using this combined approach of experiment and theory, it is now possible to determine the amplitudes and phases of the fragment matter waves that describe a complete photochemical experiment. 4,5 For a few molecules, fully quantum mechanical calcula- tions are available to guide the interpretation of photodisso- ciation dynamics. For the rest, photodissociation is described by limiting case models based on adiabatic, sudden, or sta- tistical approximations. 6 Detailed investigation of diatomic molecule photodissociation is thus crucial in evaluating the validity of these limiting case models, which are at present the best tools available for interpreting the photodissociation dynamics of complex polyatomic molecules. Open-shell molecules such as the covalent hydroxyl and mercapto radicals, OH and SH, tend to absorb at longer wavelengths and more readily produce highly reactive frag- ments such as O 1 D and S 1 D than most closed-shell mol- ecules. Owing to their relatively simple electronic structure, a fully quantum treatment of the photodissociation properties of OH Refs. 710 and the isovalent SH Ref. 11and HCl + Ref. 12 molecules should soon be tractable. Experimen- tally, however, the production and isolation of sufficient con- centrations of these species for further study are challenging. Although OH has been the subject of numerous theoretical and experimental investigations, only a few collision-free studies of OH photodissociation have been reported. 1315 Ve- locity map imaging detection of O and H atom products was previously used by Radenovic et al. to study direct one- photon photodissociation of vibrationally excited OH and OD X 2 v via the repulsive 1 2 - electronic state, 13,14 while Zhou et al. used H-Rydberg atom photofragment trans- lational spectroscopy HR-PTS to study predissociation of OH excited to the A 2 + v =3 and 4 levels. 15 Reports of the photodissociation dynamics of SH and SD also remain sparse, although the spectroscopy of the SH and SD A 2 + -X 2 band systems is well explored and under- stood. In early studies, broadening of spectroscopic lines was observed as the SHA 2 + vibrational quantum number increased. 16,17 The line broadening is a consequence of pre- dissociation, which reduces the lifetime of the excited state. Laser induced fluorescence 1820 and cavity ring-down spectroscopy 21,22 were subsequently used to measure the life- times of SHA 2 + , v =0–2 and SDA 2 + , v =0–2 lev- els, and their dependence on rotational quantum number N. The reductions in lifetimes as v increases and the N-level dependence were quantitatively modeled by a series of calculations using ab initio and experimentally fitted 21,23,24 potential energy PE curves and Fermi golden rule FGR calculations. The A 2 + state correlates diabatically to H 2 S +S 1 D atomic fragments but is crossed by three re- pulsive PE curves, 1 4 - ,1 2 - , and 1 4 , that correlate to the ground dissociation limit H 2 S +S 3 P as illustrated in Fig. 1. Coupling from the A 2 + state to one or more of these repulsive PE curves causes predissociation. The FGR calcu- a Electronic mail: [email protected]. Telephone: 44-0117-9287672. Fax: 44-0117-9250612. THE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS 130, 034307 2009 0021-9606/2009/1303/034307/14/$25.00 © 2009 American Institute of Physics 130, 034307-1 Downloaded 19 Feb 2009 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see

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Page 1: Photodissociation dynamics of the A 2 state of SH …photon photodissociation of vibrationally excited OH and OD X 2v via the repulsive 1 − electronic state,13,14 while Zhou et al

Photodissociation dynamics of the A 2�+ state of SH and SD radicalsR. A. Rose,1 A. J. Orr-Ewing,1,a� C.-H. Yang,2 K. Vidma,2 G. C. Groenenboom,2 andD. H. Parker2

1School of Chemistry, University of Bristol, Cantock’s Close, Bristol BS8 1TS, United Kingdom2Institute for Molecules and Materials, University of Nijmegen, Heyendaalseweg 135, 6525 AJ Nijmegen,The Netherlands

�Received 30 October 2008; accepted 5 December 2008; published online 20 January 2009�

Atomic sulfur products from predissociation of the lowest rotational states of SH/SD A 2�+

�v�=0,1 ,2� are studied using velocity map imaging. The dissociation process, which is slowcompared to rotation, is dominated by interference effects due to predissociation of states with lowrotation quantum numbers prepared by photoexcitation using overlapping transitions of differentparities. The measured product angular distributions can be modeled using the methods presentedrecently by Kim et al. �J. Chem. Phys. 125, 133316 �2006��. The S�3PJ� �2+1� resonance enhancedmultiphoton ionization scheme used in the detection step of the experiment is sensitive to theangular momentum polarization of the atomic fragments. S�3PJ�, J=2,1 ,0, fine-structure yields,angular distributions, and atom polarization parameters are reported. Strong polarization of theS�3P2,1� products was observed along with a weak sensitivity of the branching ratio to excess energyand a full insensitivity of the atomic product polarization to excess energy. None of the data fit thepredictions of either adiabatic or diabatic photodissociation, emphasizing the need for a fullyquantum treatment. © 2009 American Institute of Physics. �DOI: 10.1063/1.3056570�


The past decade has witnessed tremendous progress inthe understanding of the photodissociation of closed-shelldiatomic molecules. For the hydrogen halides �HX, X=F, Cl,Br, I�, for example, fully quantum calculations1,2 combinedwith advanced imaging experiments3 have unraveled the in-tricate dynamics of a molecule evolving from its opticallyexcited molecular orbital configuration to its final productatoms. Using this combined approach of experiment andtheory, it is now possible to determine the amplitudes andphases of the fragment matter waves that describe a completephotochemical experiment.4,5

For a few molecules, fully quantum mechanical calcula-tions are available to guide the interpretation of photodisso-ciation dynamics. For the rest, photodissociation is describedby limiting case models based on adiabatic, sudden, or sta-tistical approximations.6 Detailed investigation of diatomicmolecule photodissociation is thus crucial in evaluating thevalidity of these limiting case models, which are at presentthe best tools available for interpreting the photodissociationdynamics of complex polyatomic molecules.

Open-shell molecules such as the covalent hydroxyl andmercapto radicals, OH and SH, tend to absorb at longerwavelengths and more readily produce highly reactive frag-ments such as O�1D� and S�1D� than most closed-shell mol-ecules. Owing to their relatively simple electronic structure,a fully quantum treatment of the photodissociation propertiesof OH �Refs. 7–10� and the isovalent SH �Ref. 11� �and HCl+

�Ref. 12�� molecules should soon be tractable. Experimen-

tally, however, the production and isolation of sufficient con-centrations of these species for further study are challenging.Although OH has been the subject of numerous theoreticaland experimental investigations, only a few collision-freestudies of OH photodissociation have been reported.13–15 Ve-locity map imaging detection of O and H atom products waspreviously used by Radenovic et al. to study direct one-photon photodissociation of vibrationally excited OH andOD X 2��v�� via the repulsive 1 2�− electronic state,13,14

while Zhou et al. used H-Rydberg atom photofragment trans-lational spectroscopy �HR-PTS� to study predissociation ofOH excited to the A 2�+ �v�=3 and 4� levels.15

Reports of the photodissociation dynamics of SH and SDalso remain sparse, although the spectroscopy of the SH andSD A 2�+-X 2� band systems is well explored and under-stood. In early studies, broadening of spectroscopic lines wasobserved as the SH�A 2�+� vibrational quantum numberincreased.16,17 The line broadening is a consequence of pre-dissociation, which reduces the lifetime of the excited state.Laser induced fluorescence18–20 and cavity ring-downspectroscopy21,22 were subsequently used to measure the life-times of SH�A 2�+ ,v�=0–2� and SD�A 2�+ ,v�=0–2� lev-els, and their dependence on rotational quantum number�N��. The reductions in lifetimes as v� increases and theN�-level dependence were quantitatively modeled by a seriesof calculations using ab initio and experimentally fitted21,23,24

potential energy �PE� curves and Fermi golden rule �FGR�calculations. The A 2�+ state correlates diabatically toH�2S�+S�1D� atomic fragments but is crossed by three re-pulsive PE curves, 1 4�−, 1 2�−, and 1 4�, that correlate tothe ground dissociation limit H�2S�+S�3P� as illustrated inFig. 1. Coupling from the A 2�+ state to one or more of theserepulsive PE curves causes predissociation. The FGR calcu-

a�Electronic mail: [email protected]. Telephone: �44-�0�117-9287672.Fax: �44-�0�117-9250612.


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Page 2: Photodissociation dynamics of the A 2 state of SH …photon photodissociation of vibrationally excited OH and OD X 2v via the repulsive 1 − electronic state,13,14 while Zhou et al

lations by Wheeler et al.21 and later by Brites et al.23 probedthe contributions of these couplings to the lifetimes ofSH�A 2�+ ,v� ,N�� and attributed predissociation ofSH�A 2�+ ,v�=0–2� and SD�A 2�+ ,v�=0–2� to spin-orbitmediated interactions almost exclusively with the 1 4�1/2

state; only for higher vibrational levels do couplings to the1 2�− and 1 4� states become competitive or dominant.

These various spectroscopic and computational studiesidentified the states participating in the predissociation oflow vibrational levels of the A 2�+ state of SH and SD andprovided estimates of the strengths of the couplings betweenthe bound and the dissociative excited states. They did not,however, provide any information on the dynamics that oc-cur following coupling into one or more of the repulsiveelectronic states: for example, the associated bond breakingmay occur adiabatically on a single PE curve or via nonadia-batic transitions between these repulsive states �as is knownto arise for HF, HCl, and HBr�. Zhang et al.25 used HR-PTSto study direct photodissociation via the 1 2�− repulsivestate, and Dillon and Yarkony undertook computational stud-ies of the dynamics26 to address these uncertainties. Directdissociation via the repulsive wall of the bound A 2�+ statewas observed by Janssen et al.27 when starting fromv�=2–6 vibrational levels of the ground X 2� state and ex-citing above the H�2S�+S�1D� dissociation limit. There havealso been analyses of the dynamics of secondary photodisso-ciation of SH radicals produced from H2S at UV wave-lengths ranging from 193 to 244 nm;28–31 at these wave-lengths, excitation of the SH is to one or more repulsivepotentials including the 1 2�− state.

In our previous study of direct SH and SDphotodissociation27 and in the current work, which focuseson predissociation dynamics of the A 2�+ state at excitationwavelengths from 292 to 324 nm, we employed a pulsedelectric discharge supersonic expansion as a source of themercapto radicals. To derive detailed information about pho-tofragment angle and speed distributions, we used the veloc-ity map imaging technique, coupled with polarized laser pho-todissociation and resonance enhanced multiphotonionization �REMPI� detection of S�3PJ� photofragments. Thepredissociation of mercapto radicals that have been selec-tively prepared in specified rovibrational levels of the A 2�+

excited electronic state occurs on a time scale comparable tothe rotational period. Under such circumstances, the spatialanisotropy of the internuclear axis in the transient excitedstate varies with the rotational transition due to interferenceeffects,32,33 and therefore so does the space-fixed recoil an-isotropy. By measuring values of the anisotropy parameter�v across several rovibrational transitions, detailed insightsare obtained of the dissociation in the molecular frame.Nuclear spin angular momentum can also couple to the pre-pared rotational and electronic angular momenta of the ex-cited state through hyperfine interactions on the time scale ofthe experiment, potentially affecting the measured angulardistributions. Furthermore, the energy splitting of the e , fparity states of the SH free radical is sufficiently small thatthere is simultaneous excitation of different parity states,leading to a second level of interference effects, which canbe simulated, together with the effects of molecular rotation,using the treatment by Houston and co-workers.32,34 Fromvelocity map images, resolved at the S�3PJ� spin-orbit level,and their dependence on the polarization of the probe laser,we derive anisotropy parameters, S�3PJ� spin-orbit branchingratios, and m-state propensities. The outcomes of these mea-surements enable us to make detailed deductions about thedynamics on coupled, dissociative PE curves that cross theA 2�+ state and correlate to H�2S�+S�3P� photofragments.


A detailed description of our velocity map imaging ap-paratus has been given in previous publications,13,14,27,35 anda schematic is presented in Fig. 2. In short, a mixture of25%–30% H2S �D2S� in Xe was expanded into a vacuumchamber through a pulsed �10 Hz� Jordan valve �0.5 mmorifice diameter� and a pulsed ring-type stainless-steel dis-charge electrode �4 mm diameter�.36 The pulsed-dischargeelectrode was mounted 2 mm downstream from the valveorifice, and SH �SD� radicals were produced in the dischargeduring the supersonic expansion. The voltage and the widthand delay of the pulse applied to the discharge device wereoptimized for the expansion conditions ��2 bar backing

FIG. 1. PE curves for the low-lying excited electronic states of SH and SD�adapted from Wheeler et al. �Ref. 21��, with the PE defined relative to theminimum in the bound A 2�+ state potential. The energies of the vibrationallevels of the A 2�+ state are also shown.

FIG. 2. Schematic of the experimental setup. R, E, and G represent therepeller, extractor, and ground plates of the ion optics, respectively. Thepolarization directions H and V of the pump and probe lasers are illustratedand are defined in the main text. TOF represents the time-of-flight tube andMCPs denote microchannel plates. The hexapole device was used only dur-ing optimization of the nozzle discharge conditions.

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Page 3: Photodissociation dynamics of the A 2 state of SH …photon photodissociation of vibrationally excited OH and OD X 2v via the repulsive 1 − electronic state,13,14 while Zhou et al

pressure behind the nozzle� by monitoring 2+1 REMPI sig-nals of SH �SD� radicals.37 For the most stable working con-dition, the discharge device was operated at �2 kV. Down-stream, the SH �SD� beam was collimated by a skimmer�diameter=1 mm� and the 4 mm diameter aperture of therepeller plate of the ion optics assembly; these collimationapertures were situated 15 and 210 mm, respectively, fromthe pulsed valve. A 120 mm long electrostatic hexapolelens, situated in between the skimmer and repeller plate, wasused to state select and focus the SH �SD� beam �J=3 /2,�MJ�=3 /2, upper � doublet state�38 to increase the SH �SD�REMPI signals, and thus to aid optimization of the dischargeconditions. The slow �300 m/s SH �SD� beam speed pro-duced by seeding the precursor �H2S or D2S� in Xe carriergas was necessary for hexapole focusing. During the experi-mental measurements of SH �SD� predissociation, the hexa-pole was always turned off so there was no initial state se-lection of the radicals. The SH �SD� beam was directed alongthe axis of a time-of-flight �TOF� tube and crossed at rightangles by the counterpropagating pump �photolysis� andprobe �ionization� laser beams, with the region of intersec-tion lying between the repeller and extractor velocity map-ping electrodes. The point of photolysis/ionization was posi-tioned about 220 mm from the valve orifice. When the valvewas operating, the pressure was �10−4 mbar in the sourcechamber and �10−7 mbar in the ionization chamber.

The linearly polarized pump and probe laser beams werefocused by f =20 and 11 cm focal length lenses, respectively.The focal points of two lasers were shifted �0.5 cm awayfrom the center of the SH �SD� beam to avoid saturation andpower-broadening problems. The time delay between the twolaser pulses was less than 10 ns. As depicted in Fig. 2, thevertical �V� polarization direction of the lasers is taken to beperpendicular to the TOF direction and parallel to the detec-tor �microchannel plate �MCP�� face. The direction ofhorizontal �H� polarization is parallel to the TOF directionand perpendicular to the plane of the detector. Rotation ofthe polarizations between V and H polarizations for bothlasers was carried out using separate zero-order phaseretardation plates. The �292–324 nm pump-laser radiation�0.8–1.5 mJ/pulse, �0.6 cm−1 linewidth�, which excitesthe A 2�+ �v�=0–2,N��←X 2�3/2�v�=0,N�� one-photontransitions,9,10,16,17 was generated by frequency doubling�with a potassium dihydrogen phosphate �KDP� crystal� theoutput of a dye laser �Spectra Physics Quanta Ray PDL-2�pumped by the second harmonic of a neodymium doped yt-trium aluminum garnet �Nd:YAG� laser �Quanta Ray DCR-3�. S�3P2,1,0� atom products from predissociation of SH �SD�were ionized by a �2+1� REMPI process via the3s23p3�4So�4p state using a probe laser wavelength of�308–311 nm.39 This probe radiation �2 mJ/pulse;�0.6 cm−1 linewidth� was generated by frequency doubling�also with a KDP crystal� the fundamental light from a dyelaser �Spectra Physics Quanta Ray PDL-2� pumped by thesecond harmonic of a Nd:YAG laser �Quanta Ray GCR�. Inorder to check the REMPI detection efficiencies for S�3PJ�spin-orbit levels with J=0, 1, and 2, a third laser system wasused to photolyze SH via the 1 2�−←X 2� excitation atwavelengths of 226 and 232 nm. The measured branching

ratios at these UV wavelengths were compared with the re-sults of Zhou et al.25 Frequency doubling �in a �-bariumborate crystal� the output of a Nd:YAG-pumped dye laser�Continuum Surelite and Spectra Physics Quanta RayPDL-2� was used to generate the 226 and 232 nm wave-lengths required. The wavelengths and linewidths of all lasersystems were calibrated and measured by a wavelengthmeter �High Finesse, WS-7�.

S�3PJ� ions formed by the REMPI process were ex-tracted from the ionization region into the grounded TOFtube by an electrostatic velocity mapping lens and crushedonto a two-dimensional �2D� MCP and phosphor-screen de-tector monitored by a charge coupled device camera. Massselectivity was achieved by pulsing ��100 ns duration� thegain of the MCPs as the S+ �m /z=32� ions arrived. The flightdistance of S+ ions was �385 mm from the point of ioniza-tion to the front plate of the MCPs. All timings for the pulsedvalve, discharge, lasers, and detector were controlled by aseries of commercial pulse generators �Berkeley NucleonicsCorp. and Stanford Research Systems� with 10 Hz repetitionrates. Typically, data were accumulated over 10 000 lasershots to produce each final 2D raw image.


Representative velocity map images of S�3PJ� atomsfrom SH predissociation are shown in Fig. 3. The resultsderived from analysis of the intensities and angular depen-dence of such images are presented in this section as branch-ing ratios for the J=0, 1, and 2 spin-orbit levels and asm-state populations and recoil anisotropy parameters. Thedata provide clear evidence for nonadiabatic dissociationpathways following coupling from the A 2�+ state onto oneor more repulsive PE curves and are compared with the ex-pectations of adiabatic and diabatic �sudden� models for thedissociation dynamics.

A. Branching into S„3PJ… spin-orbit levels

Integration of the intensities of images recorded with thedissociation laser tuned to the P1�1.5� transition of a selected

FIG. 3. �Color online� Raw velocity map images of S�3PJ� from SH photo-dissociation via SH�A ,v=0� �top�, SH�A ,v=1� �middle�, and SH�A ,v=2��bottom�. Images shown in the columns from left to right are for S�3PJ� withJ=0, 1, and 2.

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SH or SD A 2�+-X 2� vibrational band and the detectionlaser tuned to the frequencies of the �2+1� REMPI transi-tions for the S�3PJ� levels with J=0, 1, and 2 allows thebranching between spin-orbit states of this photofragment tobe deduced. The image intensity ratios depend not only onthe relative populations of the three spin-orbit levels, how-ever, but are also influenced by the transition strengths forthe two-photon excitations used for the state-specific productdetection. Table I shows measurements of the branching intoS�3PJ� levels following 232 and 226 nm excitations of SHand comparison with values derived by Zhou et al.25 usingthe HR-PTS technique, from which the REMPI transitionstrengths are deduced to be approximately equal. The multi-photon ionization detection scheme used in the current workis resonance enhanced at the two-photon level by theS�3p34p 3PJ� levels and has been employed previously byHsu et al.40 and Brouard et al.41 The former study demon-strated that the line strengths for the individual transitions arevery similar, in agreement with our measurements. The inte-grated image intensities can depend on the direction of po-larization of the linearly polarized probe laser, but this effect,which depends on the electronic alignment of the S atoms, isminimized for the VH geometry. Thus VH image intensitieswere used to derive spin-orbit branching ratios without fur-ther correction.

To avoid bias in the branching ratio measurements, ef-forts were made to keep the experimental conditions constantfor each series of measurements. Particular care was taken toensure that the pressures of H2S were kept constant �both thebacking pressure before the valve and the pressure within thechamber� and the laser overlap was maintained, althoughsome minor drift in laser alignment is expected on changingthe frequency of the probe laser.

Table II shows the S�3PJ� spin-orbit branching ratios de-rived from the experimental data for predissociation ofSH�A 2�+, v=0, 1, and 2� and SD�A 2�+, v=0, 1, and 2�, andthe values are plotted as a function of total kinetic energyrelease �TKER� of the photofragments �i.e., excess energyabove the dissociation limit� in Fig. 4. The ratios are ob-tained from averages of three to five sets of images and theuncertainties account for the reproducibility of the measure-ments and include systematic errors that derive from the as-sumption of equal line strengths for the REMPI transitionsused. From the data in the table and figure, it is evidentthat the dominant products are S�3P2� atoms, with minorbranching into the S�3P1� and S�3P0� spin-orbit levels.For SH�A ,v=0–2�, the branching to S�3P0� is generally

observed to be greater than to S�3P1� atoms, but forSD�A ,v=0–2�, any preference for S�3P0� over S�3P1� isnot so clear-cut. There is an apparent increase in the branch-ing to S�3P0� at the expense of S�3P2� for SH�A ,v=2�predissociation.

The correlation diagram for SH �and SD� shown in Fig.5 can be used to account for the greater propensity for S�3P2�production. Some of the details concerning the constructionof this diagram are addressed is Sec. III B 2 and the Appen-dix. The model proposed by Wheeler et al.21 attributes thepredissociation of the v=0–2 vibrational levels of the SH orSD A 2�+ state to a spin-orbit mediated interaction almostexclusively with the �= 1

2 component of the 1 4�− state; onlyfor higher vibrational levels of SH�A� and SD�A� does cou-pling to the 1 2�− and 1 4� states become competitive withor dominant over the coupling to the 1 4�− state. The adia-batic correlation of the 1 4�1/2

− state is to H�2S1/2�+S�3P2�fragments, and our results thus suggest that the majority ofdissociative flux follows this adiabatic pathway or crosses tothe 2�1/2 component of the ground electronic state, whichalso dissociates to this limit �see Sec. III B 2�. Branching tothe other S�3PJ� spin-orbit states might arise from couplingsfrom the A 2�+ state directly to the 1 2�− state or the �= 1


TABLE I. A comparison of the spin-orbit branching ratios for the S�3PJ�atoms formed by photodissociation of SH at 232 and 226 nm obtained inthis study and by Zhou et al. �Ref. 25�. The uncertainties in parentheses areone standard deviation derived from repeat measurements.

Wavelength�nm� S�3P0� S�3P1� S�3P2�

232Current work 0.44 �0.02� 0.35 �0.03� 0.21 �0.02�Zhou et al. 0.50 �0.03� 0.36 �0.01� 0.14 �0.02�

226Current work 0.52 �0.02� 0.30 �0.03� 0.18 �0.02�Zhou et al. 0.50 �0.08� 0.36 �0.05� 0.14 �0.07�

TABLE II. Spin-orbit branching ratios for the S�3PJ� atoms formed bypredissociation of the v=0–2 levels of SH�A 2�+� and SD�A 2�+�. The un-certainties are one standard deviation derived from repeat measurementscombined with errors resulting from the assumed direct conversion fromintensity ratio to branching ratio.

S�3P0� S�3P1� S�3P2�

SH�A ,v=0� 0.13−0.09+0.10 0.07−0.03

+0.07 0.80−0.10+0.09

SH�A ,v=1� 0.18−0.04+0.07 0.06−0.02

+0.06 0.76−0.08+0.06

SH�A ,v=2� 0.34−0.05+0.07 0.04−0.02

+0.06 0.62−0.08+0.04

SD�A ,v=0� 0.03−0.03+0.08 0.01−0.01

+0.06 0.96−0.08+0.04

SD�A ,v=1� 0.12−0.02+0.08 0.08−0.03

+0.07 0.80−0.09+0.07

SD�A ,v=2� 0.08−0.02+0.06 0.07−0.02

+0.06 0.85−0.07+0.02

FIG. 4. Spin-orbit branching ratios for S�3PJ� plotted against TKER. Ex-perimental fractions of J=2 �circles�, J=1 �triangles�, and J=0 �squares� forSH �filled symbols� and SD �open symbols� are compared to the predictionsat the adiabatic �solid line� and the diabatic �dashed lines� limits.

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Page 5: Photodissociation dynamics of the A 2 state of SH …photon photodissociation of vibrationally excited OH and OD X 2v via the repulsive 1 − electronic state,13,14 while Zhou et al

components of the 1 4� state, which correlate adiabaticallywith the other spin-orbit components. The evidence fromprevious FGR calculations of predissociation rates21,23 sug-gests, however, that this is not the case, with the possibleexception of the SH�A ,v=2� radicals. It is more likely thatthe branching to the S�3P1� and S�3P0� photoproducts occursat larger internuclear separations, following bond extensionon the repulsive 1 4�− state. The diabatic 4�− and 4� statesare spin-orbit coupled,24 but 4�−-2�− interaction is forbiddenvia first-order spin-orbit coupling.42 There are thus likely tobe regions along the S–H bond extension coordinate wherenonadiabatic �derivative� couplings exist between the adia-batic �= 1

2 components of the 4�− and 4� states that mixdissociative flux onto the higher lying of these two PEcurves. Further mixing to the adiabatic 1 2�− state is thenpossible. These deductions are broadly consistent with the

arguments presented by Zhou et al.25 to account for thebranching between S�3PJ� fine-structure states following di-rect photoexcitation to the repulsive 1 2�− state. The extentto which S�3P2� population is favored is, however, greaterfor predissociation of the low-lying vibrational levels of theA 2�+ state than for the direct excitation of the 1 2�− state,most likely reflecting the different asymptotic adiabatic cor-relations, as shown in Fig. 5.

The increase in the branching to S�3P0� products forSH�A ,v=2� predissociation is consistent with the onset ofcoupling from the A 2�+ state to the 1 4� state either directlyor via initial A 2�+-1 2�− coupling. As Fig. 5 shows, one�= 1

2 component of the 1 4� state correlates adiabaticallyto the S�3P0� state. Wheeler et al.21 estimated directA 2�+-1 4� coupling to be negligible, but coupling to the1 2�− state amounts to �10% of the main channel to the1 4�− state at this vibrational level. More recent calculationsby Brites et al.23 suggested that direct coupling to the 1 2�−

state contributes about 25% of the total predissociation ratefor SH�A ,v=2� �but it remains a negligible pathway forSH�A ,v=0,1� and SD�A, v=0, 1, and 2�, in accord with thedeductions of Wheeler et al.�. As Fig. 1 shows, the crossingof the 1 4� state with the outer wall of the A 2�+ state liestoo high in energy to influence the predissociation dynamicsof these low vibrational levels.

The observation of S atoms populating spin-orbit levelsother than expected from adiabatic correlation arguments isclear evidence for nonadiabatic dynamics between the threesets of repulsive potentials correlating to the H�2S�+S�3P�limit. Comparisons can be made with the expectations of a“sudden” or diabatic model in which the electronic wavefunctions of the molecular states are projected onto a basis ofatomic states for this dissociation limit. The results of suchcalculations, the procedures for which are explained in detailelsewhere,27 are shown in Table III and included in Fig. 4.While the fully diabatic model for the 1 4�1/2

− state dissocia-tion agrees qualitatively with the experimental observations,for example, in favoring the J=2 spin-orbit level, with nearequal propensities for the J=1 and 0 levels, the experimentsshow a greater branching into S�3P2� products. The dynam-ics following coupling from the A 2�+ state to the 1 4�− statecan thus not be viewed as occurring either in the purelyadiabatic or diabatic limits, and an intermediate picture mustbe invoked.

FIG. 5. Correlation diagram for SH�D� showing the correlation of theground X 2� and the excited 4�−, 4�, and 2�− states of SH with theH�2S�+S�3P� asymptote. The A 2�+ state �not shown� is bound and corre-lates to S�1D�+H�2S� fragments. The total angular momentum projectionquantum number � and the atomic projection quantum numbers mS and mH

have been specified. Spin-orbit mediated interactions between states followthe ��=0 selection rule, and correlations are thus determined by consider-ation of the energy ordering of states of the same �.

TABLE III. S�3PJ� spin-orbit branching ratios P�J� for predissociation of SH�A� via the 1 4�− and 1 2�− statescalculated in the sudden or diabatic limit and the associated population distribution pm over available m states,where pm is the total population of the +m and −m states when m is nonzero.


1 4�1/2− 1 2�1/2



m=0 m= 1 m= 2 m=0 m= 1 m= 2

0 0.222 1.000 ¯ ¯ 0.111 1.000 ¯ ¯

1 0.167 0.000 1.000 ¯ 0.333 0.000 1.000 ¯

2 0.611 0.727 0.273 0.000 0.555 0.400 0.600 0.000

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B. Recoil velocity anisotropy and angular momentumpolarization

The velocity map images of the photofragments showangular dependence to their intensities because of a combi-nation of the effects of spatial anisotropy in both the recoilvelocities and electronic angular momenta of the S�3PJ� at-oms. The experiments are sensitive to the angular momen-tum polarization because the 2+1 REMPI detection schemeemploys linearly polarized light. The lifetimes of the vibra-tional levels of the A 2�+ state studied here range from a fewpicoseconds to many nanoseconds and are thus comparableto or much longer than the rotational period of the molecules.Nevertheless, the predissociation can result in an anisotropicdistribution of photofragment recoil velocities �pv�.32,33

Within the axial recoil approximation, the recoil velocityvector for dissociation of a diatomic molecule lies parallel tothe internuclear bond axis, and a preferred distribution of theplanes of rotation of the ensemble of excited state moleculesin space, prepared by absorption of polarized light, can thusmaintain an overall anisotropy of the recoil velocity vectorsof the atomic photofragments.

The state-specific detection of S�3PJ� atoms with J=0, 1,and 2 means that each velocity map image contains informa-tion on only a single fragmentation channel. Analysis of thevariation of intensity with angle for the outermost few pixelsof the 2D velocity map images is thus equivalent to analysisof a slice through the three dimensional �3D� reconstructionof the Newton sphere of recoil velocities of the nearly mo-noenergetic photofragments and might be expected to showan intensity variation of the form described by43

pv�� =1

4��1 + �vP2�cos �� . �1�

Here, pv�� is the product angular distribution with re-spect to , the angle between the linear polarization of thephotolysis laser ��� and the direction of product recoil �v� inthe laboratory frame. P2�x�= 1

2 �3x2−1� denotes a secondLegendre polynomial, and the anisotropy parameter �v takeslimiting values of �2 for a parallel transition and 1 for aperpendicular transition followed by prompt dissociation. Inpractice, this intensity distribution is further modulated bythe sensitivity of the probe laser polarization to the angularmomentum alignment of the photofragments �the detectionefficiency Idet���, resulting in a general expression for theintensity variation with image angle:

I�� � pv��Idet�� =1

4��1 + �2P2�cos � + �4P4�cos �

+ �6P6�cos �� . �2�

The values of the parameters �2, �4, and �6 depend onthe recoil anisotropy, the angular momentum polarization ofthe products, the polarizations of the photolysis and probelasers, and the plane of the imaging detector. In the followinganalysis of image angular variation to extract quantitativeinformation on photofragment velocity anisotropy and angu-lar momentum alignment, we follow the procedures em-ployed by Coroiu et al.,44 which were based on the work of

Mo and Suzuki.45,46 The resultant velocity anisotropy param-eters are compared with expectations for a predissociativesystem using the method of Kim et al.32 Angular momentumalignment is presented in terms of populations of magneticsublevels of the S�3PJ� atoms with J=1 or 2, which are in-dicative of the degree of nonadiabatic dissociation dynamics.The general analysis procedures are first reviewed and thenthe �v parameter values and S�3PJ� spin-orbit resolvedm-state populations are discussed separately.

The outermost rings �two to three pixels wide� of thevelocity map images were fitted to the angular function givenin Eq. �2�. In all cases, incorporation of a P6�cos � functionmade no discernible difference to the quality of the fits, andthe expansion in Eq. �2� was thus truncated at fourth-orderterms, giving two fit parameters, �2 and �4, for each image.The detection efficiency of the photofragments with alignedelectronic angular momenta can be expressed as

Idet�� = �k

�0,PF�k� Pk�Jf,Ji� , �3�

where Pk�Jf ,Ji� are line-strength factors for the two-photontransition between levels with angular momentum quantumnumbers Ji �initial state� and Jf �final state�. The �0,PF

�k� are thecomponents with q=0 of rank-k multipole moments of thedensity matrix describing the populations and coherences ofthe magnetic sublevels with angular momentum quantumnumber Ji and projection quantum numbers m. The projec-tions are defined with respect to the probe laser linear polar-ization vector, and the subscript PF thus denotes the probeframe. The index k takes values of 0, 2, and 4 for a probetransition induced by linearly polarized light and resonanceenhanced at the two-photon level. When Ji�Jf, Mo andSuzuki46 demonstrated that the ratios of the line-strength fac-tors with k=2 and 4 to the k=0 factor simplify to the con-venient form �expressed here for linearly polarized light�

P̃k�Jf,Ji� = Pk�Jf,Ji�/P0�Jf,Ji�

= 5�2k + 1�2Ji + 1�− 1�Ji+Jf2 2 k

0 0 0

��Ji Ji k

2 2 Jf� . �4�

Evaluation of the 3-j and 6-j symbols in thisexpression for the REMPI transitions employed gives

P̃2�1,2�=−�5 /14 and P̃4�1,2�=−2�2 /7 for the

S�3p34p�3P1← ← 3P2 two-photon excitation and P̃2�2,1�=1 /�2 and P̃4�2,1�=0 for the S�3p34p�3P2← ← 3P1 transi-tion. For transitions from the 3P0 level, the k=2 and 4 line-strength factors are, by definition, zero.

Two geometries of laser polarizations were employed forthe measurements; in both cases the photolysis laser waspolarized vertically in the laboratory �denoted V, and parallelto the detector face�, but the probe laser was polarized eithervertically �specified hereafter as VV geometry� or horizon-tally �VH geometry�. If we take a laboratory frame of refer-ence defined by Cartesian axes with Z parallel to the verticalpolarization of the photolysis laser, X the axis of propagationof the two laser beams, and Y the axis along the TOF tube

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toward the detector �see Fig. 2�, the probe laser polarizationlies either along the Z or Y axes �V or H, respectively� andthe detector lies parallel to the XZ plane. Rotation from theframe defined by the photofragment recoil velocity vector�the recoil frame �RF�� to the probe laser frame transformsthe multipole moments of the angular momentum in accordwith

�q,PF�k� = �



�q�,RF�k� Dq�q

�k� ��,�,�� , �5�

where Dq�q�k� �� ,� ,�� is a Wigner rotation matrix, and the

Euler angles �� ,� ,�� link the two frames of reference. Inthe case of the VV polarization geometry, we identify�� ,��= � ,��, the polar and azimuthal angles of the recoilvelocity vector in the PF �which is equivalent to the framedefined by the photodissociation laser polarization�, and also corresponds to the polar angle in the image plane. Forthe VH geometry, we make the identification that �=� /2,�=� /2, and �= �considering that the outermost ring in theimage arises from recoil velocities in the XZ plane�. Theanalysis is further simplified if we make the assumptions thatthe angular momentum polarization is cylindrically symmet-ric about the recoil velocity vector and independent of direc-tion. A consequence is that only q�=0 components of �


are nonzero, and we neglect the effects of coherences be-tween m states but can derive information on fractionalpopulations of these m states �fm� in the RF from

�0,RF�k� = �



�− 1�Ji−m�2k + 1 Ji k Ji

− m 0 m fm. �6�

With the above approximations, Eq. �5� reduces to

�0,PF�k� = �0,RF

�k� Pk�cos � �7�

for the VV polarization geometry and

�0,PF�k� = �0,RF

�k� Pk�cos �/2� �8�

for the VH geometry. Substitution of Eqs. �4� and �7� or Eq.�8� into Eq. �3� and re-expression of the result as a singleexpansion in Legendre polynomials allows us to evaluateEq. �2� as

I�� � �1 + �vP2�cos ���k

�0,RF�k� P̃k�Jf,Ji�Pk�g���

= �l=0


�lPl�cos � , �9�

where g�� denotes cos for the VV geometry and cos�� /2�for the VH geometry. The expansion coefficients used in Eq.�2� are obtained as





� = 1 1

5�v 0

�v 1 + 27�v


0 1835�v 1 + 20


0 0 511�v

� P̃0�Jf,Ji��0,RF�0�




for the VV geometry and





� = 1 − 1


�v − 12�v


0 0 0

0 0 0� P̃0�Jf,Ji��0,RF




� �11�

for the VH geometry.The image analysis thus involves fitting of the angular

dependence to Eq. �2� to obtain experimental values of thecoefficients �2 and �4 with normalization to �0=1 and ne-glect of the �6 term. These �i values can be simultaneouslyforward simulated for both VV and VH geometries by calcu-lating �0,RF

�k� values from Eq. �6� by cycling over possiblecombinations of populations of the m states and combiningthe values with �v values in the range from 1 to �2. For analigned sample, fm= f−m, and we thus imposed this restrictionon the simulations, together with the requirement that thepopulations of all m states sum to unity. It proved useful todefine pm= fm for m=0 and pm= f−m+ fm for m�0. The for-ward simulation procedure was carried out using a simplecomputer program with a step size of 0.01 for both pm and �vto find optimum values for these parameters to reproduce theexperimental �2 and �4 data for both VV and VH geometries,with use of the line-strength factors appropriate for eachS�3PJ� state studied. Thus, recoil velocity anisotropy param-eters and angular momentum alignment information were de-convoluted from the experimental angular distributions. Suchan analysis is not, however, necessary for S�3P0� atoms be-cause the J=0 level cannot show any angular momentumalignment effects, and its detection probability is indepen-dent of probe laser polarization.

The analysis method requires that Ji�Jf in the two-photon absorption step in the REMPI scheme. In the case ofS�3PJ� detection via the 3p34p �3P�← ←3p3�3P� excitationscheme, however, the components of the transition withJf =0, 1, and 2 are only partially resolved within the line-width of the laser. For S�3P2� detection, the 3P2← ← 3P2

component is stronger than for excitation to the 3P1 and 3P0

levels,40 and several images were thus accumulated usingthis �J=0 transition. To test the robustness of our methods,measurements of angular distributions and analysis to derive�v and m-state populations were therefore made at probelaser wavelengths on the sides of the broad REMPI featurecorresponding to the 3P1← ← 3P2 and 3P2← ← 3P2 transi-tions. At the chosen wavelengths, we estimate that there are�15% and �5% contributions, respectively, from the over-lapping transitions. The values of �v obtained showed nodependence on the choice of REMPI wavelength within thistwo-photon excitation feature, and m-state populations re-quired only a small correction �by factors of 1.3, 0.9, and 1.0for m=0, 1, and 2� to make the values derived from data

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obtained in the 3P2← ← 3P2 wing of the feature match thosefrom the 3P1← ← 3P2 wing. A similar investigation of theS�3P1� REMPI detection scheme, for which the 3P2 and 3P1

upper state components are also incompletely resolved,showed that within experimental error, no correction was re-quired for either �v or m-state populations derived from im-ages obtained at excitation wavelengths across the spectralfeature.

In most cases of fitting to the angular dependence of theouter parts of velocity map images, the fits are good, and Fig.6 compares the experimental data with simulations obtainedusing Eq. �2� and �2 and �4 values derived from the analysisdescribed above. The simulations capture the main featuresof the angular distributions, such as the depth of modulation.The largest discrepancies tend to be for data obtained via Rbranch transitions, most notably for SH�v=1�. A further testof the success of the fits, which serves to examine the con-sequences of approximations made in the analysis of the datato derive m-state populations, is to compare the outcomes forthe VH geometry with the expectations from Eq. �11� that�2 /�0=�v and �4=0. In almost all cases, these expectationsare met within the uncertainties in the derived parameters:values of �2 /�0 from the fits differ from the �v values re-sulting from the data analysis by less than 0.05 in the major-ity of cases, with the main exceptions being R branch exci-tations to SH and SD�A ,v=1� and to SH�A ,v=2�. Themagnitudes of �4�VH� parameters are generally less than 0.1,with the exception of S�3P2� and S�3P1� atoms resultingfrom R branch excitation to SH�A ,v=1� and Q and R branchtransitions to SH�A ,v=2�. These highlighted discrepanciesmay arise from signal-to-noise ratios in the experimental im-ages or may imply some degree of breakdown in one of theassumptions made in the analysis, such as the neglect ofcoherences between m states. Comparisons of relative inten-sities in VV and VH images could, in principle, provide ad-ditional information on the effects of coherences but were

not possible in the current study because VV and VH imageswere accumulated separately rather than with shot-to-shotvariation of the probe laser polarization.

Further errors in retrieved anisotropy parameter andm-state population values might arise because of our analysisof the angular variation of the outermost two to three pixelsof the images. This method was preferred to Abel inversionof the data to obtain an XZ plane slice through the 3D New-ton sphere. For the slow-moving S atom photofragments,image radii varied from 9 to 25 pixels depending on thechoice of excited vibrational level of the SH or SD�A 2�+�radicals, and the 2–3 pixel range analyzed corresponded tothe resolution of the imaging detection. One consequence ofthe finite slice width is that some S atom recoil velocityvectors that are out of the XZ plane will be included in ouranalysis, but we estimate that these lie within 30° of theplane and thus will not have significant consequences forderived �v parameters and m-state populations. Indeed, priortests showed that the obtained values of �v were not signifi-cantly affected by the choice of pixel range made here.

The �v and pm values derived from the experiments re-quire rather different types of interpretation and are thus dis-cussed separately in the following sections.

1. Anisotropy parameters for SH„A…

and SD„A… predissociation

The treatment of the anisotropy parameters resultingfrom predissociation of states with lifetimes comparableto or longer than their rotational periods has been the subjectof recent studies by Kim et al.32 and Kuznetsov andVasyutinskii.33 Here, we compare the outcomes of our ex-perimental measurements of �v parameters for predissocia-tion of different vibrational levels of SH�A� and SD�A� withthe predictions of the model proposed by Kim et al.32 usingthe computer program BETAOFNU.34 This model accounts forthe polarization of the internuclear axis caused by absorptionof linearly polarized light, the effects of the rotational motionof the excited state, and interference effects in the spatialdistribution of photofragments caused by overlapping P, Q,and R branch absorption features. The model does not ex-plicitly deal with the state-specific detection of atomic frag-ments in individual spin-orbit states nor does it take intoaccount possible depolarization of the spatial distribution ofthe internuclear axis caused by coupling of the rotational andelectronic angular momenta of the SH or SD to the nuclearspin of the H or D atom �hyperfine depolarization effects�.The consequences of hyperfine depolarization on �v valuesare discussed further below.

Figure 7 shows experimentally determined �v values forSH�v=2� obtained by detection of S�3P2� and S�3P0� in theVH geometry. Equation �11� demonstrates that no alignmenteffects are expected in this geometry and thus �2=�v; ex-perimental fits to Eq. �2� largely confirm this, as was noted atthe end of the previous section. The short lifetime ofSH�A ,v=2� means that spectroscopic lines are sufficientlybroadened that a number of �v values could be obtainedexperimentally for photoexcitation across the wavenumberrange from 34 190 to 34 260 cm−1 to investigate the fre-quency dependence of �v. The data in Fig. 7 show an oscil-

FIG. 6. Experimental angular distributions �open circles� from which aniso-tropy parameters and alignment information are obtained: �a� S�3P2� imagesand �b� S�3P1� images for the SD�v=1�, Q1�1.5� line. The upper graphscorrespond to VV geometry images and the lower graphs to VH geometry.The solid lines are simulations of the angular dependence obtained using Eq.�2� and the values of � and m-state populations from the data analysisprocedure described in the text. The gray lines indicate the differences be-tween experimental data and the simulations.

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lation in �v values because of interference effects arisingfrom the excitation of the overlapped transitions.32 Analysisof the integrated image intensities for the different excitationwavelengths, the results of which are plotted in Fig. 7 as acoarse experimental spectrum, together with a simulatedspectrum �obtained using the PGOPHER program47�, gives abest estimate of the Lorentzian line broadening of 6.8 cm−1

full width at half maximum �FWHM� that corresponds to alifetime for the SH�A ,v=2� rotational levels of �0.8 ps. Thisestimate is shorter by factors of �3–6 than lifetimes pre-dicted by the existing theoretical models of predissociationof the A 2�+ state of SH.21,23 Incorporation of this lifetimeinto calculations of expected �v values enables a comparisonto be made between measurements and predictions, and theresults are shown in the lower panel of the figure. The theo-retical model of Houston and co-workers captures well boththe magnitudes and wavelength dependence of the recoil ve-locity anisotropy, although there are some small discrepan-cies in the vicinity of the R1�1.5�+ RQ21�1.5� feature.

Similar comparisons were drawn with the �v values ob-tained from measurements of predissociation following exci-tation of SH and SD �A, v=0 and 1� on the P1�1.5�,Q1�1.5�+ QP21�1.5� and R1�1.5�+ RQ21�1.5� spectral lines, al-though no measurements of angular distributions were madefor the S�3P0� and S�3P1� photofragments arising from pre-dissociation of SD�A ,v=0� because of low signal levels. Thesimulations of anisotropy parameters used upper state life-time values taken from spectroscopic studies of fluorescence

lifetimes and spectral line broadening18,20,21 and the com-puted frequency dependent �v values were then convolutedwith a Gaussian function with a FWHM of 0.6 cm−1 tomimic the effects of the laser bandwidth in the experiments.An example set of data is shown in Fig. 8 for SD�A ,v=1�.The agreement between experimental and calculated valueswas poorer for these data than for the SH�A ,v=2� results,with the measured �v values consistently smaller in magni-tude than the expectations of the theoretical model �with theexception of the P1�1.5� line for which the calculated�v=0.0 was as expected for an upper state with J= 1

2 andN=0�. For SH�A ,v=0� and SD�A ,v=0�, the measured an-isotropy parameters all lie close to zero The lifetimes of theSH�A ,v=0� and SD�A ,v=0� levels are, respectively, 3.2 and250 ns for low rotational levels,18,20,21 and these lifetimes arenot only considerably longer than the rotational periods butare also comparable to or longer than the characteristic timescales for coupling of the nuclear spins of the H or D atomsto the rotational and electronic spin angular momenta of theSH or SD radicals. The nuclear hyperfine splittings forSH�A ,v=0� were reported by Ubachs et al.,18 and, for Jvalues up to 5/2, range from 289.9 to 898.6 MHz. Taking arepresentative value of �HF=500 MHz, the time scale forhyperfine coupling of J with IH to give the resultant totalangular momentum F is �=2� /�HF�12 ns and about anorder of magnitude longer for SD.48 The nuclear spin of 32Sis IS=0, and it thus does not play a part in the followingdiscussion.

We consider the hyperfine coupling interactions furtherbecause they can cause depolarization of the optically pre-pared spatial alignment of rotational angular momentum �de-

FIG. 7. A comparison between calculations and experiment for predissocia-tion via SH�A ,v=2�. The top panel shows a plot of the calculated �solidline� and experimental �points� spectrum, above which is a stick spectrumindicating the assignments of the spectral lines �with the stick heights in-dicative of the relative intensities�. The bottom panel compares calculated�solid line� and experimental values of �v for S�3P2� �circles� and S�3P0��squares� atom products.

FIG. 8. A comparison between calculations and experiment for predissocia-tion via SD�A ,v=1�. The top panel shows a plot of the calculated spectrum,above which is a stick spectrum �as in Fig. 7�. The bottom panel comparescalculated �solid line� and experimental values of �v for S�3P2� �circles�,S�3P1� �triangles�, and S�3P2� �squares� atom products.

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noted here by a quantum number N� or internuclear axes ofthe SH or SD. Depolarization of N by S �the electronic spinangular momentum� is treated implicitly in the computersimulations described so far, but hyperfine depolarization isnot incorporated. Values of �v can thus degrade from theexpectations from calculations using the method of Kimet al.32 because of precession of the nuclear frameworkrotational angular momentum N about J and of J about thetotal angular momentum F.49 The procedures for calculationof the time-dependent depolarization of N are wellestablished:50–52 a rotational angular momentum alignmentparameter Aq

�k��0� at t=0 is multiplied by a time-dependenthyperfine depolarization factor G�k��t� of the same rank togive a time-dependent alignment parameter:

A0�k��t� = A0

�k��0�G�k��t� . �12�

To account for hyperfine depolarization of �v, Zhanget al.53 simply multiplied � values by G�2��t� factors in theirstudy of photodissociation of aligned HF molecules. Toverify this approach, we computed the alignment parametersAq

�2��N� for one-photon excitation of a diatomic molecule viaP, Q, and R branch transitions using linearly polarized light,and, using Eq. �12�, applied the hyperfine depolarization ap-propriate for SH calculated from51

G�k��t� = �F,F�

cos���EF� − EF�t/���

��2F� + 1��2F + 1�

�2I + 1� �F� F k

J J I�2


and knowledge of splittings of hyperfine energy levels,EF�−EF. Figure 9 shows the time dependence of the G�2��t�parameters for excitation of SH via the Q1�1.5� and R1�1.5�transitions. The resultant depolarized angular momentumalignment parameters were used to calculate the associatedinternuclear axis alignment parameter in the presence of hy-perfine coupling. As a test of the method, these latter param-eters, derived in the absence of hyperfine interactions, werecompared with values of A0, the parameter introduced by

Zare54 to describe the spatial distribution of internuclear axesof a diatomic molecule in a long-lived excited state follow-ing the absorption of linearly polarized light, and the twocalculations gave identical results. In the limit of an excitedstate that predissociates on a time scale much longer than itsrotational period, with the fragmentation occurring underconditions of axial recoil, the internuclear axis alignment pa-rameter A0 is equivalent to the photofragment recoil aniso-tropy parameter �v and we thus deduce that the time-dependent hyperfine depolarization of �v is correctlydescribed by

�v�t� = �vG�2��t� , �14�

in agreement with the method of Zhang et al.53 Here, the �v

values are those computed using the theory of Kim et al.,32

and the time chosen in Eq. �14� corresponds to the predisso-ciative lifetime of the SH or SD radicals in their A 2�+ stateand a particular v and N level.

From these calculations, we conclude that hyperfine de-polarization can reduce �v values by a factor of 0.25–1 fol-lowing excitation of SH to v=0 of the A 2�+ state via theQ1�1.5� line and a factor of 0.66–1 for the R1�1.5� line. Theprecise values depend on the predissociative lifetimes, butthe respective time-averaged reduction factors are 0.68 and0.83. We do not make a more quantitative comparison withthe experimental data, however, because of the blended na-ture of the spectroscopic absorption lines. For higher vibra-tional levels of the A 2�+ state with lifetimes on the picosec-ond time scale, little or no hyperfine depolarization of �v isexpected.

2. Populations of m levels for S„3P1…

and S„3P2… photoproducts

The angular dependences of the velocity map images forS�3P1� and S�3P2� photofragments show characteristic signa-tures of electronic angular momentum polarization in the Satoms which can be quantified in terms of unequal popula-tions, pm, of m sublevels. The outcomes of the data analysisprocedure described above are presented in Figs. 10 and 11and Table IV; we do not distinguish m level populationsbecause the experiments are sensitive only to even rankalignment moments. The data presented in Table IV are av-erages of the populations of the m sublevels for the S�3P2�and S�3P1� atoms following excitation of SH or SD to eachof the v=0, 1, and 2 levels of the A 2�+ state via P�1.5�,Q�1.5�, and R�1.5� transitions. As is evident from the stan-dard deviations of the populations presented in Table IV andas will be discussed further below, these m sublevel popula-tions are insensitive to the use of SH or SD in the experi-ments, the vibrational level of the A 2�+ state from whichpredissociation occurs, or the rotational level that is excited.

There are two further clear outcomes of the measure-ments. The first is that the electronic angular momentum ofthe S�3P1� atoms is polarized, with the m= 1 levels pos-sessing nearly four times the population of the m=0 level.The second is that the S�3P2� atoms are also strongly polar-ized, with the m= 2 levels exhibiting very little populationbut the m= 1 and 0 levels both significantly and nearly

FIG. 9. Calculated G�2��t� hyperfine depolarization factors for pure Q1�1.5��top panel� and R1�1.5� �bottom panel� transitions.

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equally populated. We note that these results derive from ananalysis that neglects coherence effects among the m levelsand that the angular momentum polarization is not subject tohyperfine depolarization because IS=0.

Figures 10 and 11 show plots of m-state populations ofthe S�3P2� and S�3P1� atom products, respectively, for theP1�1.5� and Q1�1.5�+ QP21�1.5� lines plotted against TKERof the atomic products. The consistency of the outcomes ofthe m-state populations regardless of the isotopolog, vibra-tional, or rotational state is clearly evident in these plots. Forcomparison, the predicted m-state populations for dissocia-tion from the 4�1/2

− state within the adiabatic and diabatic

models �see Sec. III A and Table III� are also plotted. ForS�3P2� atoms it is clear that neither the adiabatic or diabaticmodel captures the m-state populations quantitatively. ForS�3P1�, which adiabatically should not be observed as pho-toproducts, the m-state populations approach the diabaticlimit with the m= 1 levels exhibiting the majority of thepopulation, but there is also non-negligible population of them=0 level.

In the adiabatic model, a correlation diagram is con-structed to determine the photodissociation product states. Inthe correlation diagram, the states are labeled by �=mS

+mH, with mS and mH, respectively, denoting the projectionsof the electronic angular momenta of the S and H atoms ontothe internuclear axis. This axis corresponds to the RF if,as we expect, the axial recoil approximation applies. To de-rive the fragment polarization, the separate mS and mH quan-tum numbers must be assigned to the states, as was done forthe S�1D2�+H�2S1/2� atomic limit in Ref. 27. For theS�3PJ�+H�2S1/2� limit, we must take into account the non-zero spin-orbit coupling in the S�3PJ� atom. When �takes the highest possible value for a given atomic fine-structure state, �JmS��JHmH�, the only possibility is mS=J andmH=JH �we adopt the convention that ��0�. For the othersubstates, there are two possibilities: mS=�

12 . These two

sublevels are degenerate asymptotically and the assignmentis based on the energy ordering at long range. As before, theleading long-range term that lifts the degeneracy is the dis-persion interaction. The energy ordering may be derivedfrom the anisotropy of the polarizability of the sulfur atom,as derived in the Appendix, and the result is shown in Fig. 5.

In the following discussion, we focus on states with�= 1

2 because, after excitation to the A 2�1/2+ state, subse-

quent couplings to states with �= 32 or greater require

rotation-induced interactions which will be weak for the con-ditions of low rotational angular momentum in our experi-mental study. The �= 1

2 components of the X 2� and 1 4�−

states exhibit the long-range correlations:

X 2�1/2 → S�3P2;mS = 0� + H�2S1/2;mH = 12� , �15�

1 4�1/2− → S�3P2;mS = 1� + H�2S1/2;mH = �

12� . �16�

Adiabatic dissociation on the 1 4�1/2− state should thus

produce exclusively S�3P2 ;mS= 1� atoms, with mixing atlong range with the X 2�1/2 state as degeneracy is ap-proached resulting in population of S�3P2 ;mS=0�. There areno routes to formation of S�3P2 ;mS= 2� unless an �= 3


FIG. 10. m-state populations for S�3P2� atoms as a function of TKER of theS and H atom photodissociation products. The experimentally determinedpopulations of m=0 �circles�, m= 1 �triangles�, and m= 2 �squares� arecompared to the predictions of the adiabatic �solid line� and diabatic �dashedlines� calculations for predissociation via the 1 4�− potential �see also TableIII�. Open and filled symbols are data obtained, respectively, via theQ1�1.5�+ QP21�1.5� and P1�1.5� transitions. The errors represent the qualityof the fits and are 1

2 of the root mean square differences between the experi-mental �2 and �4 values obtained from fits to VV and VH images and thecalculated best fit values. The larger error bars for the data points close to5000 cm−1 are a consequence of poorer fits to the angular dependence of thesource images.

FIG. 11. m-state populations for S�3P1� atoms as a function of TKER. Theexperimentally determined populations of m=0 �circles� and m= 1 �tri-angles� are compared to the predictions of diabatic �dashed line� calculationsfor predissociation via the 1 4�− potential �see Table III�. Open and filledsymbols are data obtained, respectively, via the Q1�1.5�+ QP21�1.5� andP1�1.5� transitions. Note that the adiabatic model predicts no population ofS�3P1�. The errors represent the quality of the fits and are 1

2 of the root meansquare differences between the experimental �2 and �4 values obtained fromfits to VV and VH images and the calculated best fit values.

TABLE IV. Average m-state populations, pm, for S�3P2� and S�3P1�, wherepm is the total population of the +m and −m states when m is nonzero. Theexperimental average spin-orbit branching ratios, P�J�, are also listed. Allpm and P�J� values are the average of all SH and SD data sets after correc-tion for REMPI upper state, as described in the text, and the uncertainties inparentheses are one standard deviation derived from these measurements.

J P�J�


m=0 m= 1 m= 2

1 0.06 0.21 �0.08� 0.79 �0.08� ¯

2 0.80 0.45 �0.06� 0.54 �0.06� 0.01 �0.06�

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state is populated, but as noted above, this requires �unfavor-able� Coriolis interactions. The �= 3

2 and 12 components of

the 1 4�− state will be effectively mixed by molecular rota-tion because of the weak coupling of the electron spin to theinternuclear axis, giving a possible mechanism for formationof the small fraction of S�3P2� mS= 2 atoms suggested byour data analysis. The observed populations of the m levelsprovide firm evidence for nonadiabatic dynamics betweenthe 1 4�1/2

− and X 2�1/2 states which were alluded to in thediscussion of spin-orbit branching ratios in Sec. III A.

One �= 12 component of the 1 4�1/2 state correlates to

the S�3P1�+H�2S1/2� asymptote �Fig. 5� and was implicatedin the production of S�3P1� atoms following nonadiabatictransfer of flux from the 1 4�1/2

− state �see Sec. III A�. Dis-sociation on the 1 4�1/2 state is expected to give rise toS�3P1� atoms with mS=0 and mixing with the 1 2�1/2

− statemust be invoked to account for the S�3P1 ,ms= 1� atomsobserved experimentally.

Figures 10 and 11 include predictions for m sublevelpopulations within the approximations of adiabatic and di-abatic �or sudden� limits for the dynamics. In the diabaticlimit, mS=0 products should dominate the S�3P2� channel,with population of mS= 1 a minor pathway. For S�3P1� thediabatic model predicts formation of S atoms exclusivelywith mS= 1. In both cases these predictions are qualita-tively �but not quantitatively� reproduced by the experimen-tal data. We thus conclude that the observed dynamicalbehavior is intermediate between purely diabatic and adia-batic models, which is reinforced by the observed formationof S�3P1� and S�3P0� photofragments, as discussed inSec. III A.


The predissociation dynamics of SH and SD from thev=0, 1, and 2 vibrational levels of the A 2�+ state wereinvestigated by velocity map ion imaging of the S�3PJ� atomproducts. The measured spin-orbit branching ratios intoJ=0, 1, and 2 products show that S�3P2� atoms are the mainproduct in all cases, with minor branching into S�3P0� andS�3P1� products. This branching is consistent with predisso-ciation via the 1 4�1/2

− potential which correlates adiabati-cally to the S�3P2�+H�2S1/2� asymptote and is in agreementwith deductions from spectroscopic measurements of theSH�A ,v� and SD�A ,v� lifetimes19–23 and a model for thepredissociation mechanism based on FGR calculations.21,23

The nonzero population of S�3P0� and S�3P1� products forpredissociation of all vibrational states of SH�A� and SD�A�investigated is indicative of deviations from adiabatic disso-ciation via the 1 4�1/2

− state, but branching ratios are alsoinconsistent with a fully diabatic model for dissociation. Anintermediate picture thus prevails for the dissociation dynam-ics following coupling from the A 2�+ state to the 1 4�1/2

state in which there are nonadiabatic �spin-orbit mediated�couplings between the 1 4�− and the 1 4� potentials at largeinternuclear separations �and perhaps also subsequent cou-plings from the 1 4� to the 1 2�− potential�. The evidencefrom measurements of m sublevel populations for the S�3P2�channel also points to nonadiabatic dynamics involving mix-

ing of flux from the 1 4�1/2− state to the X 2�1/2 state. The

near absence of S�3P2� atoms with m= 2 is consistent withweak or negligible Coriolis couplings during the dissocia-tion.

An enhanced branching into S�3P0� following excitationto SH�A ,v=2� is attributed to the onset of coupling from theA 2�+ potential to the 1 2�− potential and subsequenttransfer of flux to the 1 4� potential which correlatesadiabatically to the S�3P0�+H�2S� asymptote. This observa-tion is in accord with the FGR calculations of predissociationrates by Wheeler et al.21 and Brites et al.23 that showed neg-ligible coupling to the 1 2�− state for SH�A ,v=0,1� andSD�A ,v=0–2� but an enhancement of this pathway forSH�A ,v=2�, which was predicted to account for up to 25%of the predissociation mechanism of this vibrational level.

The measured anisotropy parameters �v show a strongfrequency dependence which is well described by calcula-tions, based on the work of Kim et al.,32 that take into ac-count the lifetimes of the excited state levels and interferenceeffects resulting from excitation of the SH or SD moleculesvia overlapping P, Q, and R branch rotational transition. Evi-dence is presented that the anisotropy parameters for predis-sociation of the longer lived SH and SD �A 2�+� vibrationallevels are further reduced by hyperfine interactions, with thecoupling of the electronic and rotational angular momenta tothe nuclear spin of the H �or D� atom on a time scale of a fewnanoseconds partially degrading the prepared optical align-ment of the internuclear axes in the excited state.


The Nijmegen group gratefully acknowledges partial fi-nancial support by the Council for Chemical Sciences of theNetherlands Organization for Scientific Research, CW-NWO�ECHO Grant No. 700-55-025� and from the Research Train-ing Network Molecular Universe �Grant No. MRTN-CT-2004-512302�. We also thank Andre van Roij and LeanderGerritsen for expert technical assistance. The theoreticalwork has been financially supported by the Council forChemical Sciences of the Netherlands Organization for Sci-entific Research �CW-NWO�. The Bristol group thanks theUniversity of Bristol for a postgraduate scholarship �R.A.R.�and EPSRC for funding through the LASER Portfolio Part-nership Grant No. GR/S71750/01. A.J.O.-E. is grateful to theRoyal Society and the Wolfson Foundation for a ResearchMerit Award.


The dispersion interaction between two atoms with non-zero angular momentum is discussed in Ref. 55. As the spin-orbit coupling in the H atom is zero, however, we can ignorethe H atom electron spin and write the dispersion interactionbetween S�3PJ� and H�2S1/2� as a function of the internucleardistance R as27,56,57

VJmS�R� � −

C6�J,mS�R6 . �A1�

The dispersion coefficients C6�J ,mS� are given by

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C6�J,mS� = C6,0�J� −3mS

2 − J�J + 1��2J − 1��2J + 3�

C6,2�J� , �A2�

where C6,0�J� and C6,2�J� denote the scalar and rank-2 tensorcomponents of the dispersion interactions, respectively.These two equations show that the energy ordering is deter-mined by mS

2C6,2�J�. Hence, we must determine the sign ofC6,2�J�, which is related to the frequency dependent polariz-abilities at imaginary frequencies i� of the atoms through

C6,2�J� = −3�2J + 3�



�2�J;i���̄H�i��d� , �A3�

where �2�J ; i�� is the tensor polarizability of the S�3PJ� stateand �̄H�i�� is the dynamic polarizability of the H�2S1/2�atom. As before,27 we assume that the sign of the integral isminus the sign of �2�J ; i�� at �=0. The polarizability of thefine-structure state is, to a very good approximation, givenby58,57

�2�J� = �− 1�S+L+J�2J + 1�J 2 J

− J 0 J�L J S

J L 2�

� L 2 L

− L 0 L−1

�2�L� . �A4�

The tensor polarizability �2�L� is related to the polariz-ability anisotropy ���L ,0� through27,56

�2�L� = −2


L�2L − 1�L�L + 1�

. �A5�

Medved et al.59 reported a calculated value for S�3P� of���L=1,0�= +4.49 a.u. Evaluating the 3-j and 6-j symbolsfor L=S=1 in Eq. �A4� gives �2�3P2�=�2�L=1��0 and�2�3P1�=−0.5�2�L=1��0. This gives a positive anisotropicdispersion coefficient C6,2�J=2��0 and hence mS=0 is thelowest for the J=2 fine-structure state, while mS=0 is theupper level for J=1.

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