phonology (introduction to linguistic)

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  • 8/19/2019 Phonology (Introduction to Linguistic)


  • 8/19/2019 Phonology (Introduction to Linguistic)


  • 8/19/2019 Phonology (Introduction to Linguistic)



       T   R   O

       D   U   C

       T   I   O   N



        L   I   N

       G   U   I   S   T   I   C


  • 8/19/2019 Phonology (Introduction to Linguistic)



  • 8/19/2019 Phonology (Introduction to Linguistic)


  • 8/19/2019 Phonology (Introduction to Linguistic)


  • 8/19/2019 Phonology (Introduction to Linguistic)


    S0ee-h i 0%')"-e) 3y the *'-al '%an E*e%ylan"ae ha a )e2nite et '/ 0ee-h '"n), an)e*e%y '"n) -an 3e )e-%i3e) +ith %e/e%en-e t'the *'-al '%an that i "e) t' 0%')"-e it

    Naal sounds: through nose(velum down)O%al sounds: through mouth(velum up)St'0: full oral closure

    5%i-ati*e: partial oral closure(friction)A00%'6i1ant: narrowing (nofriction)La3ial: from labium, lip(s) activeDental: from dentes, teeth

    activeAl*e'la%: Alveoles, teeth ridgeactive$alatal: Palate, hard palateactiveVela%: Velum, soft palate activeGl'ttal: Glottis, vocal cords

  • 8/19/2019 Phonology (Introduction to Linguistic)


    La%yn'-'0i- *ie+ '/the int%ini- 1"-le

    %e0'ni3le /'%a-ti*atin *'-al -'%)

    0'iti'n$'iti'n 7 in*'l*e the-'%) 3ein +i)e '0en ain )ee0 3%eathin$'iti'n 8 in*'l*e the-'%) 3ein '0en, the

    0'iti'n /'% *'i-ele(that i, 3%eathy# '"n)$'iti'n 9 in*'l*e the-'%) -'1in t'ethe%l''ely an) *i3%ati'n thi

    in the 0'iti'n /'% *'i-e)'"n)$'iti'n 4 na%%'+ the-'%) int' the 0'iti'n"e) in +hi0e%in I/ the -'%) a%e hel)tiht t'ethe% (0'iti'n

  • 8/19/2019 Phonology (Introduction to Linguistic)


    V'+el an) C'n'nant


    S'"n) -an 3e)i*i)e) int' t+'

    1ain ty0e

  • 8/19/2019 Phonology (Introduction to Linguistic)


  • 8/19/2019 Phonology (Introduction to Linguistic)


    A%ti-"lati'n )e-%i3e) 3y1anne%

    Stop consonants ('=-alle) 3e-a"e the ai%>'+ it'00e)# '% plosive consonants (3e-a"e it i"3e

  • 8/19/2019 Phonology (Introduction to Linguistic)


    Nasal consonants involve closing the articulators butlowering the uvula, which normall closes o1 theroute to the nose, through which the air escapes"

     #here are three nasal consonants in 2nglish:Bilabial m (as in mine) Alveolar  n (as in nine)Velar  3 (as at the end of gong)

    Lateral consonants all'+ the ai% t' e-a0e atthe i)e '/ the t'n"e In Enlih the%e i 'nly'ne "-h '"n), +hi-h i alveolar  ?l? (a at theta%t '/ la#p# Appro$i#ants )' n't i10e)e the >'+ '/ ai%

    They a%e all *'i-e) 3"t a%e -'"nte) a-'n'nant -hie>y 3e-a"e '/ h'+ they/"n-ti'n in ylla3le They a%eBilabial  ?+? (a in !ater # Alveolar  ?%? (a in road #

    %alatal  ?? (a in &et'

    4 d b d d b t i th t

  • 8/19/2019 Phonology (Introduction to Linguistic)


    4ounds can be produced b tapping the tonguerepeatedl against a point of contact" 5f ou roll

    the r at the beginning of a word saing :r"r"r"roaming

    ou are tapping the curled front of the tongue

    against the alveolar ridge producing a trillwhich is , for e6ample, characteristic of some4cottish pronunciations of 2nglish

    Frictionless continuants 5n ma!ing the rsound associated with 778 2nglish, the closureis made as for the fricatives s and & but the

    air as released with less pressure" 5n 7782nglish, this sound cannot occur at the end of a

    word"!emi-vo"els #he sounds that begin the

    words 'ou and 'wet are made without closurein the mouth" #o this e6tent, the are vowel li!e"

     #he normall occur at the beginning of a wordor sllable, however, and thus behave

    functionall li!e consonants" #he semi9vowelsare represented b the smbol $ and w"

  • 8/19/2019 Phonology (Introduction to Linguistic)


    A%ti-"lati'n )e-%i3e)3y %ei'n

    •   #lottal articulation 9 articulation b the glottis" e use this for one consonantin 2nglish" #his is h in initial position in house or ho$e"

    •   Velar articulation 9 we do this with the bac! of the tongue against the velum";or velars , the bac! of the tongue appro6imates to the soft palate" e use itfor initial hard g (as in golf ) and for

  • 8/19/2019 Phonology (Introduction to Linguistic)


     #he 5nternational Phonetic 

    Alphabet (5PA)

     A regular consistent, economical system ofnotation of necessary for describing thesounds that occur in speech and the best-known is the International Phonetic Alphabet

    (IPA) chart. This alphabet is based on theordinary roman alphabet, supplementary byother symbols so as to proide scholars withtechni!ues for representing unambiguously allpossible sounds.

  • 8/19/2019 Phonology (Introduction to Linguistic)




    •Ca%)inal V'+el One i ""ally%e/e%%e) a C7 an) %e0%eente) 3y?i? C7 i a /%'nt -l'e *'+el 1a)e+ith the li0 0%ea) 5'% e6a10le

    ee;•C8 i a /%'nt hal/=-l'e *'+el%e0%eente) 3y ?e? 5'% e6a10leae•C9 i a /%'nt hal/='0en *'+el 1a)e+ith 0%ea) li0 It %e0%eente) 3y

    ?? 5'% e6a10le 3et•C4 i an '0en /%'nt *'+el%e0%eente) 3y ?a? It i 1a)e +ith0%ea) li0 an) i the l'+et *'+el-a0a3le '/ 3ein 1a)e in /%'nt '/ the1'"th E6a10le -li13•C: i a l'+ 3a-; *'+el 1a)e +ith

    ne"t%ally '0en li0 It i %e0%eente)3y ?a? 5'% e6a10le /athe%•CF i hal/='0en 3a-; *'+el 1a)e+ith lihtly %'"n)e) li0 an)%e0%eente) 3y ?? E6a10le a+•C i a hal/=-l'e 3a-; *'+el 1a)e+ith %'"n)e) li0 It i %e0%eente)3y ?'? E6a10le '*e%•

  • 8/19/2019 Phonology (Introduction to Linguistic)


     In )e-%i3in *'+el, it ii10'%tant t' tateo #he length of the vowel, thatis, whether it is long or short"ohether the vowel is oral ornasalo #he highest point of thetongueo #he degree of closenesso

     #he shape of the lips In )e-%i3in -'n'nant, 'ne h'"l)tateo #he tpe of air stream used (in 2nglish speechsounds are made on an egressive air streamalthough certain sounds of disgust and

    annoance are made on an igressive air stream)o #he position of the vocal cords (apart forvoiceless sounds, appro6imated and vibrating forvoiced sounds)o #he position of the velum (raised for oralsounds, lowered for nasal> that is, we must sta

    whether a consonant is oral or nasal)o #he manner of articulation (for e6ample plosive,

  • 8/19/2019 Phonology (Introduction to Linguistic)


  • 8/19/2019 Phonology (Introduction to Linguistic)



      A suprasegmental is a vocal e1ect that e6tends overmore than one sound segment in an utterance, such aspitch, stress, or $uncture pattern" #he su$rasegmental smbols are called that because the appl to more thanone segment (vowel or consonant)"

  • 8/19/2019 Phonology (Introduction to Linguistic)


    S"0%ae1ental 5eat"%e

    • Stress or lo(dness = in-%eain *'l"1e i a i10le +ay '/ i*in e10hai,an) thi i a -%")e 1ea"%e '/ t%e B"t it i ""ally -'13ine) +ith 'the%thin li;e -hane in t'ne an) te10' We "e t%e t' -'n*ey '1e ;in)'/ 1eanin (e1anti- an) 0%a1ati-# "-h a "%en-y '% ane% '% /'% "-hthin a i10e%ati*e

    • Intonation = y'" 1ay 3e /a1ilia% in a l''e ene +ith the n'ti'n '/ t'ne '/*'i-e We "e *a%yin le*el '/ 0it-h in ee-t '1e ;in) '/ 1eanin '% attit")e = ' +e i*e at%"th/"l an+e% t' a

  • 8/19/2019 Phonology (Introduction to Linguistic)


  • 8/19/2019 Phonology (Introduction to Linguistic)




    Than; y'" /'% y'"%attenti'n

    I/ +e ha*e 1ita;e,

    0leae 0a%)'n "C YA In the ne6t



  • 8/19/2019 Phonology (Introduction to Linguistic)


     B + 

     C , T +


     In yana  $" t% i

     Me l l ya  I% yan t i

     R i K ;  y  T ia%a A y"

     Y" l i ta Sa% i

     TA R B I YA H? $ B I  B

    Se1e te%  I I

     Ta h"n  8L77