phone reflection


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Post on 11-Apr-2017




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Francisco Azuaje



Phone reflection

I think teachers should allow us to use cell phones during class because we can

research words or meanings we don’t understand that he or she said during the class.

Also to listen to music, because maybe several students prefer to study with music and

that way they will concentrate more. In class I know and as a kid and as someone that

will use his phone I can say that now everyone with a blackberry can type fast, and as

soon as they say to take the phones out to do whatever thing everyone will start texting

and I know this because even know, they don’t let us use our phone, but when we ask

and they let us use it for something else it is always the something, everyone starts

texting each other. We do this because we text fast, and like for example me, I just don’t

look at the phone to text, so I can just put the cell phone underneath the table and start

texting without the teacher to notice.

But that is not the pint, actually in my own reasoning, I don’t think the teachers

should let us use the cell phones in class because everyone is going to start texting and

we are going to learn less. The calculators that phone have is something that we may

need for math or biology. Using our cell phones notepad or would can be useful to take

some quick notes or using the agenda to write the homework or other things that we

may forget if we don’t write them down. I think I can’t live without my phone because I

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am used of having it every day and just doing whatever but just being with my friend

every day.

Also I talk with my friends which is not that big of a deal, but speaking to my

mother, and to my father is the most important thing, and basically why I have a phone.

Honestly I just use my phones to chat with my friends or sometimes when I am lazy to

get out my computer I just start surfing the internet in my phone. Also I use it to watch

videos in YouTube because actually my phone in 3G is much faster than the internet at

my house. I don’t even imagine or basically I don’t know how would it be for me without

a phone for just someday or even a long period of time because I haven’t lived it yet.

Because I always charge my phone at night and I don’t have to leave it somewhere


Also I always have it on me so I don’t leave it somewhere so that is why I don’t

lose it. Because I’m so stuck with my phone that I always use it and always have it in

my hands, so that way I never lose it or leave it in a part that I have to come look for it

afterward, like at a friend’s house or something else like that. I really liked the projects

we did in class this week. We got to know more about the qr codes and also recording. I

liked that I got to know part of how my cell phone worked which is the part of the voice

recording, it saves it as and .amr and I didn’t know what that was and this class actually

teaches me this and know I can say I know a bit more about it. And bit by bit we get to

know everything. And the more we know the better.