philae science team meeting

Philae Science team meeting Venezia, March 30, 31, April 1, 2009 Palazzo Cavalli Franchetti 1. Instrument status Final discussion and wrap-up

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Philae Science team meeting. 1. Instrument status. Final discussion and wrap-up. Venezia , March 30, 31, April 1, 2009. Palazzo Cavalli Franchetti. Philae Science team meeting. 1. Instrument status ● More than fair for all 10 investigations. Most science initial goals met. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Philae Science team meeting

Philae Science team meeting

Venezia, March 30, 31, April 1, 2009

Palazzo Cavalli Franchetti

1. Instrument status Final discussion and wrap-up

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Philae Science team meeting

1. Instrument status

● More than fair for all 10 investigations. Most science initial goals met.

● Unprecedented challenges (performance vs resources) overwent. ● All PCs were required to identify and fix issues.● At P/L level, we are ready to operate at full capability and efficiency.● Exemplary spirit of cooperation within the overall team.● On behalf of all PI teams, utmost thanks to ESA, LCC and SONC.

Page 3: Philae Science team meeting

Philae Science team meeting

Venezia, March 30, 31, April 1, 2009

Palazzo Cavalli Franchetti

1. Instrument status2. Upcoming activity: PC10

Final discussion and wrap-up

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Philae Science team meeting

2. Upcoming activity: PC10

● All requests from PI teams received and planned.● If prioritization required, rationale could be:

1. COSAC (GC bypass to MS only)2. MUPUS and SESAME: completion of calibration3. all others, at equal level, with similar resource sharing

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Philae Science team meeting

Venezia, March 30, 31, April 1, 2009

Palazzo Cavalli Franchetti

1. Instrument status2. Upcoming activity: PC103. Upcoming activity: ESB3

Final discussion and wrap-up

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Philae Science team meeting

3. Upcoming activity: ESB3

● All PI teams endorsed the proposal not to participate, to save resources (LCC/SONC) on more critical activity.

Page 7: Philae Science team meeting

Philae Science team meeting

Venezia, March 30, 31, April 1, 2009

Palazzo Cavalli Franchetti

1. Instrument status2. Upcoming activity: PC103. Upcoming activity: ESB34. Upcoming activity: PC12

Final discussion and wrap-up

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Philae Science team meeting

4. Upcoming activity: PC12

● The focus is on CDMS SW 8.0 upload● This SW should include all modes/sequences complying with SDL, FSS and LTS, as designed from present reference mission scenario. ● Major inputs from Project/PIs are due no later than April 30, 2009● The next SDL/LTS workshop meetings (April 27/28) critical. ● Herebelow are proposed some driving principles.

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Suggested SDL principles

Goal: simplify CDMS SW towards increased robustness

1. Automated emergency release if nominal release fails (time out)

2. Single descent sequence (no dependent on nominal/emergency)

3. Single TouchDown (TD) signal used (the less sensitive LG trigger)

4. Reception of TD signal disabled for a mission analysis driven duration

5. Anchoring sequence based on TD signal (no time out trigger)

6. FSS start triggered by TD signal or timeout (emergency release based)

7. ROLIS start at a mission analysis based time

8. ROLIS stop triggered by TC at a mission analysis based time

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Suggested SDL principles

Goal: simplify CDMS SW towards increased robustness

1. Automated emergency release if nominal release fails (time out)

2. Single descent sequence (no dependent on nominal/emergency)

3. Single TouchDown (TD) signal used (the less sensitive LG trigger)

4. Reception of TD signal disabled for a mission analysis driven duration

5. Anchoring sequence based on TD signal (no time out trigger)

6. FSS start triggered by TD signal or timeout (emergency release based)

7. ROLIS start at a mission analysis based time

8. ROLIS stop triggered by TC at a mission analysis based time

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nominal release emergency release



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Suggested SDL principles

Goal: simplify CDMS SW towards increased robustness

1. Automated emergency release if nominal release fails (time out)

2. Single descent sequence (no dependent on nominal/emergency)

3. Single TouchDown (TD) signal used (the less sensitive LG trigger)

4. Reception of TD signal disabled for a mission analysis driven duration

5. Anchoring sequence based on TD signal (no time out trigger)

6. FSS start triggered by TD signal or timeout (emergency release based)

7. ROLIS start at a mission analysis based time

8. ROLIS stop triggered by TC at a mission analysis based time

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TD signal reception disabled

nominal release emergency release

TD signal

TD signal

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Suggested SDL principles

Goal: simplify CDMS SW towards increased robustness

1. Automated emergency release if nominal release fails (time out)

2. Single descent sequence (no dependent on nominal/emergency)

3. Single TouchDown (TD) signal used (the less sensitive LG trigger)

4. Reception of TD signal disabled for a mission analysis driven duration

5. Anchoring sequence based on TD signal (no time out trigger)

6. FSS start triggered by TD signal or timeout (emergency release based)

7. ROLIS start at a mission analysis based time

8. ROLIS stop triggered by TC at a mission analysis based time

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Suggested SDL principles

Goal: simplify CDMS SW towards increased robustness

1. Automated emergency release if nominal release fails (time out)

2. Single descent sequence (no dependent on nominal/emergency)

3. Single TouchDown (TD) signal used (the less sensitive LG trigger)

4. Reception of TD signal disabled for a mission analysis driven duration

5. Anchoring sequence based on TD signal (no time out trigger)

assumption: if hard surface, TD signal generated, followed by anchoring

if soft surface and TD not generated, anchoring not required

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TD signal reception disabled

nominal release emergency release

TD signal

TD signal

anchoring after TD signal

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Suggested SDL principles

Goal: simplify CDMS SW towards increased robustness

1. Automated emergency release if nominal release fails (time out)

2. Single descent sequence (no dependent on nominal/emergency)

3. Single TouchDown (TD) signal used (the less sensitive LG trigger)

4. Reception of TD signal disabled for a mission analysis driven duration

5. Anchoring sequence based on TD signal (no time out trigger)

6. FSS start triggered by TD signal or timeout (emergency release based)

7. ROLIS start at a mission analysis based time

8. ROLIS stop triggered by TC at a mission analysis based time

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FSS starts (from TD signal)

TD signal reception disabled

nominal release emergency release

TD signal

TD signal

FSS starts (from TD signal)

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FSS starts (from time out)

TD signal reception disabled

nominal release emergency release

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Suggested SDL principles

Goal: simplify CDMS SW towards increased robustness

1. Automated emergency release if nominal release fails (time out)

2. Single descent sequence (no dependent on nominal/emergency)

3. Single TouchDown (TD) signal used (the less sensitive LG trigger)

4. Reception of TD signal disabled for a mission analysis driven duration

5. Anchoring sequence based on TD signal (no time out trigger)

6. FSS start triggered by TD signal or timeout (emergency release based)

7. ROLIS start triggered by TC at a mission analysis based time

8. ROLIS stop triggered by TC at a mission analysis based time

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ROLIS starts (from MA timing)

ROLIS stops (from TC)

TD signal reception disabled

nominal release emergency release

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Suggested SDL principles

Goal: simplify CDMS SW towards increased robustness

1. Automated emergency release if nominal release fails (time out)

2. Single descent sequence (no dependent on nominal/emergency)

3. Single TouchDown (TD) signal used (the less sensitive LG trigger)

4. Reception of TD signal disabled for a mission analysis driven duration

5. Anchoring sequence based on TD signal (no time out trigger)

6. FSS start triggered by TD signal or timeout (emergency release based)

7. ROLIS start triggered by TC at a mission analysis based time

8. ROLIS stop triggered by TC at a mission analysis based time

9. P/L prioritization: two tests cases (A+B, A+B+C). Actual priority later on.

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Suggested LTS principles

Goal: enabling Philae survival post FSS to enter LTS ASAP

1. Load is on CDMS S/W (8.0): we must minimize it2. End the FSS in an optimized Philae orientation. Goal:3. Rotate after deep sample analyses, before PEN and APXS deployments4. Power battery managing focused on survival (no science)5. Priority: enable communicating with Philae (TC reception) 6. LTS first phase (pre-conjunction) key to monitor activity onset7. Mean free path might lead to lethal dust coverage8. Priority be made on MUPUS & SESAME (no sample connected activity)9. Envision SD2/COSAC/PTOLEMY/CIVA-M post conjunction only 10. Imaging (CIVA) depending on resources & upload constraints

Page 24: Philae Science team meeting

Philae Science team meeting

Venezia, March 30, 31, April 1, 2009

Palazzo Cavalli Franchetti

1. Instrument status2. Upcoming activity: PC103. Upcoming activity: ESB34. Upcoming activity: PC125. Upcoming activity: Lutetia

Final discussion and wrap-up

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Philae Science team meeting

5. Upcoming activity: Lutetia

● Envisioned activity similar to that of Steins● PTOLEMY (and CIVA, if orientation OK) possibly added● Study the outgassing while illuminated (ROMAP + ROSINA)

Page 26: Philae Science team meeting

Philae Science team meeting

Venezia, March 30, 31, April 1, 2009

Palazzo Cavalli Franchetti

1. Instrument status2. Upcoming activity: PC103. Upcoming activity: ESB34. Upcoming activity: PC125. Upcoming activity: Lutetia6. Next meetings: LOWG, 5thSWT

Final discussion and wrap-up

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Philae Science team meeting

6. Next meetings: LOWG, 5thSWT

● LOWG: prior to PC12 (January 2010 typically, TBC)● 5th SWT: post PC12 (June typically, TBC), at PTOLEMY premises

Page 28: Philae Science team meeting

Philae Science team meeting

Venezia, March 30, 31, April 1, 2009

Palazzo Cavalli Franchetti

1. Instrument status2. Upcoming activity: PC103. Upcoming activity: ESB34. Upcoming activity: PC125. Upcoming activity: Lutetia6. Next meetings: LOWG, 5thSWT7. Mille gracie, Amalia7. Mille gracie, Amalia

Final discussion and wrap-up