pheochromocytoma and paraganglioma: an endocrine...

Pheochromocytoma and Paraganglioma: An Endocrine Society Clinical Practice Guideline Jacques W. M. Lenders, Quan-Yang Duh, Graeme Eisenhofer, Anne-Paule Gimenez-Roqueplo, Stefan K. G. Grebe, Mohammad Hassan Murad, Mitsuhide Naruse, Karel Pacak, and William F. Young, Jr Radboud University Medical Center (J.W.M.L.), 6500 HB Nijmegen, The Netherlands; VA Medical Center and University of California, San Francisco (Q.-Y.D.), San Francisco, California 94121; University Hospital Dresden (G.E.), 01307 Dresden, Germany; Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris, Hôpital Européen Georges Pompidou, Service de Génétique, (A.-P.G.-R.), F-75015 Paris, France; Université Paris Descartes (A.-P.G.-R.), F-75006 Paris, France; Mayo Clinic (S.K.G.G., M.H.M.), Rochester, Minnesota 55905; National Hospital Organisation Kyoto Medical Center (M.N.), Kyoto 612-8555; Japan; Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health & Human Development (K.P.), Bethesda, Maryland 20892; and Mayo Clinic (W.F.Y.), Rochester, Minnesota 55905 Objective: The aim was to formulate clinical practice guidelines for pheochromocytoma and para- ganglioma (PPGL). Participants: The Task Force included a chair selected by the Endocrine Society Clinical Guidelines Subcommittee (CGS), seven experts in the field, and a methodologist. The authors received no corporate funding or remuneration. Evidence: This evidence-based guideline was developed using the Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development, and Evaluation (GRADE) system to describe both the strength of rec- ommendations and the quality of evidence. The Task Force reviewed primary evidence and com- missioned two additional systematic reviews. Consensus Process: One group meeting, several conference calls, and e-mail communications enabled consensus. Committees and members of the Endocrine Society, European Society of En- docrinology, and Americal Association for Clinical Chemistry reviewed drafts of the guidelines. Conclusions: The Task Force recommends that initial biochemical testing for PPGLs should include measurements of plasma free or urinary fractionated metanephrines. Consideration should be given to preanalytical factors leading to false-positive or false-negative results. All positive results require follow-up. Computed tomography is suggested for initial imaging, but magnetic resonance is a better option in patients with metastatic disease or when radiation exposure must be limited. 123 I-metaio- dobenzylguanidine scintigraphy is a useful imaging modality for metastatic PPGLs. We recommend consideration of genetic testing in all patients, with testing by accredited laboratories. Patients with paraganglioma should be tested for SDHx mutations, and those with metastatic disease for SDHB mutations. All patients with functional PPGLs should undergo preoperative blockade to prevent peri- operative complications. Preparation should include a high-sodium diet and fluid intake to prevent postoperative hypotension. We recommend minimally invasive adrenalectomy for most pheochro- mocytomas with open resection for most paragangliomas. Partial adrenalectomy is an option for selected patients. Lifelong follow-up is suggested to detect recurrent or metastatic disease. We suggest personalized management with evaluation and treatment by multidisciplinary teams with appropriate expertise to ensure favorable outcomes. (J Clin Endocrinol Metab 99: 1915–1942, 2014) ISSN Print 0021-972X ISSN Online 1945-7197 Printed in U.S.A. Copyright © 2014 by the Endocrine Society Received February 19, 2014. Accepted April 24, 2014. Abbreviations: CT, computed tomography; 18 F-FDG, 18 F-fluorodeoxyglucose; 18 F-FDOPA, 18 F-fluo- rodihydroxy-phenylalanine; LC-ECD, liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection; LC- MS/MS, liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry; MEN2, multiple endocrine neo- plasia type 2; MIBG, metaiodobenzylguanidine; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; NF1, neurofibromatosis type 1; PET, positron emission tomography; PPGL, pheochromocytoma and paraganglioma; ROC, receiver operating characteristic; SDH, succinate dehydrogenase; VHL, von Hippel-Lindau; VMA, vanillylmandelic acid; VUS, variant of unknown significance. SPECIAL FEATURE Clinical Practice Guideline doi: 10.1210/jc.2014-1498 J Clin Endocrinol Metab, June 2014, 99(6):1915–1942 1915 The Endocrine Society. Downloaded from by [Luis Cardoso] on 07 November 2014. at 02:13 For personal use only. No other uses without permission. . All rights reserved.

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Pheochromocytoma and Paraganglioma: AnEndocrine Society Clinical Practice Guideline

Jacques W. M. Lenders, Quan-Yang Duh, Graeme Eisenhofer,Anne-Paule Gimenez-Roqueplo, Stefan K. G. Grebe, Mohammad Hassan Murad,Mitsuhide Naruse, Karel Pacak, and William F. Young, Jr

Radboud University Medical Center (J.W.M.L.), 6500 HB Nijmegen, The Netherlands; VA Medical Center andUniversity of California, San Francisco (Q.-Y.D.), San Francisco, California 94121; University Hospital Dresden (G.E.),01307 Dresden, Germany; Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris, Hôpital Européen Georges Pompidou, Service deGénétique, (A.-P.G.-R.), F-75015 Paris, France; Université Paris Descartes (A.-P.G.-R.), F-75006 Paris, France; MayoClinic (S.K.G.G., M.H.M.), Rochester, Minnesota 55905; National Hospital Organisation Kyoto Medical Center(M.N.), Kyoto 612-8555; Japan; Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health & Human Development(K.P.), Bethesda, Maryland 20892; and Mayo Clinic (W.F.Y.), Rochester, Minnesota 55905

Objective: The aim was to formulate clinical practice guidelines for pheochromocytoma and para-ganglioma (PPGL).

Participants: The Task Force included a chair selected by the Endocrine Society Clinical GuidelinesSubcommittee (CGS), seven experts in the field, and a methodologist. The authors received nocorporate funding or remuneration.

Evidence: This evidence-based guideline was developed using the Grading of Recommendations,Assessment, Development, and Evaluation (GRADE) system to describe both the strength of rec-ommendations and the quality of evidence. The Task Force reviewed primary evidence and com-missioned two additional systematic reviews.

Consensus Process: One group meeting, several conference calls, and e-mail communicationsenabled consensus. Committees and members of the Endocrine Society, European Society of En-docrinology, and Americal Association for Clinical Chemistry reviewed drafts of the guidelines.

Conclusions: The Task Force recommends that initial biochemical testing for PPGLs should includemeasurements of plasma free or urinary fractionated metanephrines. Consideration should be givento preanalytical factors leading to false-positive or false-negative results. All positive results requirefollow-up. Computed tomography is suggested for initial imaging, but magnetic resonance is a betteroption in patients with metastatic disease or when radiation exposure must be limited. 123I-metaio-dobenzylguanidine scintigraphy is a useful imaging modality for metastatic PPGLs. We recommendconsideration of genetic testing in all patients, with testing by accredited laboratories. Patients withparaganglioma should be tested for SDHx mutations, and those with metastatic disease for SDHBmutations. All patients with functional PPGLs should undergo preoperative blockade to prevent peri-operative complications. Preparation should include a high-sodium diet and fluid intake to preventpostoperative hypotension. We recommend minimally invasive adrenalectomy for most pheochro-mocytomas with open resection for most paragangliomas. Partial adrenalectomy is an option forselectedpatients. Lifelongfollow-up is suggestedtodetect recurrentormetastaticdisease.Wesuggestpersonalizedmanagementwithevaluationandtreatmentbymultidisciplinaryteamswithappropriateexpertise to ensure favorable outcomes. (J Clin Endocrinol Metab 99: 1915–1942, 2014)

ISSN Print 0021-972X ISSN Online 1945-7197Printed in U.S.A.Copyright © 2014 by the Endocrine SocietyReceived February 19, 2014. Accepted April 24, 2014.

Abbreviations:CT,computedtomography;18F-FDG,18F-fluorodeoxyglucose;18F-FDOPA,18F-fluo-rodihydroxy-phenylalanine; LC-ECD, liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection; LC-MS/MS, liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry; MEN2, multiple endocrine neo-plasia type 2; MIBG, metaiodobenzylguanidine; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; NF1,neurofibromatosis type 1; PET, positron emission tomography; PPGL, pheochromocytoma andparaganglioma; ROC, receiver operating characteristic; SDH, succinate dehydrogenase; VHL, vonHippel-Lindau; VMA, vanillylmandelic acid; VUS, variant of unknown significance.


C l i n i c a l P r a c t i c e G u i d e l i n e

doi: 10.1210/jc.2014-1498 J Clin Endocrinol Metab, June 2014, 99(6):1915–1942 1915

The Endocrine Society. Downloaded from by [Luis Cardoso] on 07 November 2014. at 02:13 For personal use only. No other uses without permission. . All rights reserved.


1.0 Biochemical Testing for Diagnosis ofPheochromocytoma and Paraganglioma (PPGL)

1.1 We recommend that initial biochemical testingfor PPGLs should include measurements of plasma freemetanephrines or urinary fractionated metanephrines.(1�QQQQ)

1.2 We suggest using liquid chromatography withmass spectrometric or electrochemical detection methodsrather than other laboratory methods to establish a bio-chemical diagnosis of PPGL. (2�QQEE)

1.3 For measurements of plasma metanephrines, wesuggest drawing blood with the patient in the supine po-sition and use of reference intervals established in the sameposition. (2�QQEE)

1.4 We recommend that all patients with positive testresults should receive appropriate follow-up according tothe extent of increased values and clinical presentation.(1�QQEE)

2.0 Imaging Studies2.1 We recommend that imaging studies to locate PPGL

should be initiated once there is clear biochemical evidenceof a PPGL. (1�QQEE)

2.2 We suggest computed tomography (CT) rather thanmagnetic resonance imaging (MRI) as the first-choice im-aging modality because of its excellent spatial resolutionfor thorax, abdomen, and pelvis. (2�QQQE)

2.3 We recommend MRI in patients with metastaticPPGL, for detection of skull base and neck paraganglio-mas, in patients with surgical clips that cause artifactswhen using CT, in patients with an allergy to CT contrast,and in patients in whom radiation exposure should belimited (children, pregnant women, patients with knowngermline mutations, and those with recent excessive radi-ation exposure). (1�QQQE)

2.4 We suggest the use of 123I-metaiodobenzylguani-dine (MIBG) scintigraphy as a functional imaging modal-ity in patients with metastatic PPGL detected by otherimaging modalities when radiotherapy using 131I-MIBG isplanned, and occasionally in some patients with an in-creased risk for metastatic disease due to large size of theprimary tumor or to extra-adrenal, multifocal (exceptskull base and neck PPGLs), or recurrent disease.(2�QEEE)

2.5 We suggest the use of 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose (18F-FDG) positron emission tomography (PET)/CT scanningin patients with metastatic disease. 18F-FDG PET/CT is thepreferred imaging modality over 123I-MIBG scintigraphyin patients with known metastatic PPGL. (2�QQQE)

3.0 Genetic Testing3.1 We recommend that all patients with PPGLs should

be engaged in shared decision making for genetic testing.(1�QQQE)

3.2 We recommend the use of a clinical feature-drivendiagnostic algorithm to establish the priorities for specificgenetic testing in PPGL patients with suspected germlinemutations. (1�QQQE)

3.3 We suggest that patients with paraganglioma un-dergo testing of succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) muta-tions and that patients with metastatic disease undergotesting for SDHB mutations. (2�QQQE)

3.4 We recommend that genetic testing for PPGL bedelivered within the framework of health care. Specifi-cally, pretest and post-test counseling should be available.All tests for PPGL genetic testing should be performed byaccredited laboratories. (Ungraded recommendation)

4.0 Perioperative Medical Management4.1 We recommend that all patients with a hormonally

functional PPGL should undergo preoperative blockadeto prevent perioperative cardiovascular complications. (1/QQEE) We suggest �-adrenergic receptor blockers as thefirst choice. (2�QQEE)

4.2 We recommend preoperative medical treatment for7 to 14 days to allow adequate time to normalize bloodpressure and heart rate. Treatment should also include ahigh-sodium diet and fluid intake to reverse catechol-amine-induced blood volume contraction preoperativelyto prevent severe hypotension after tumor removal.(1�QQEE)

4.3 We recommend monitoring blood pressure, heartrate, and blood glucose levels with adjustment of associ-ated therapies in the immediate postoperative period.(1�QQEE)

4.4 We suggest measuring plasma or urine levels ofmetanephrines on follow-up to diagnose persistent dis-ease. We suggest lifelong annual biochemical testing toassess for recurrent or metastatic disease. (2�QQEE)

5.0 Surgery5.1 We recommend minimally invasive adrenalectomy

(eg, laparoscopic) for most adrenal pheochromocytomas.(1�QQEE) We recommend open resection for large (eg,�6 cm) or invasive pheochromocytomas to ensure com-plete tumor resection, prevent tumor rupture, and avoidlocal recurrence. (1�QEEE) We suggest open resection forparagangliomas, but laparoscopic resection can be per-formed for small, noninvasive paragangliomas in surgi-cally favorable locations. (2�QEEE)

1916 Lenders et al Guidelines on Pheochromocytoma and Paraganglioma J Clin Endocrinol Metab, June 2014, 99(6):1915–1942

The Endocrine Society. Downloaded from by [Luis Cardoso] on 07 November 2014. at 02:13 For personal use only. No other uses without permission. . All rights reserved.

5.2 We suggest partial adrenalectomy for selected pa-tients, such as those with hereditary pheochromocytoma,with small tumors who have already undergone a con-tralateral complete adrenalectomy to spare adrenal cortexto prevent permanent hypocortisolism. (2�QEEE)

6.0 Personalized Management6.1 In recognition of the distinct genotype-phenotype

presentations of hereditary PPGLs, we recommend a per-sonalized approach to patient management (ie, biochem-ical testing, imaging, surgery, and follow-up). (Ungradedrecommendation)

6.2 We recommend that patients with PPGLs should beevaluated and treated by multidisciplinary teams at cen-ters with appropriate expertise to ensure favorable out-come. In particular, patients should be referred to suchcenters should there be pregnancy, metastatic disease, orissues concerning the complexity or difficulty in biochem-ical diagnosis; localization; performance and interpreta-tion of genetic testing; preoperative preparation; surgicaltreatment; and follow-up. (Ungraded recommendation)


The Clinical Guidelines Subcommittee (CGS) of the En-docrine Society deemed the diagnosis of pheochromocy-toma and paraganglioma a priority area in need of practiceguidelines and appointed a Task Force to formulate evi-dence-based recommendations. The Task Force followedthe approach recommended by the Grading of Recom-mendations, Assessment, Development, and Evaluation(GRADE) group, an international group with expertise inthe development and implementation of evidence-basedguidelines (1). A detailed description of the gradingscheme has been published elsewhere (2). The Task Forceused the best available research evidence to develop therecommendations. The Task Force also used consistentlanguage and graphic descriptions of both the strength ofa recommendation and the quality of evidence. In terms ofthe strength of the recommendation, strong recommen-dations use the phrase “we recommend” and the number1, and weak recommendations use the phrase “we sug-gest” and the number 2. Cross-filled circles indicate thequality of the evidence, such that QEEE denotes very lowquality evidence; QQEE, low quality; QQQE, moderatequality; andQQQQ, high quality. The Task Force has con-fidence that persons who receive care according to thestrong recommendations will derive, on average, moregood than harm. Weak recommendations require more

careful consideration of the person’s circumstances, val-ues, and preferences to determine the best course of action.Linked to each recommendation is a description of theevidence and the values that panelists considered in mak-ing the recommendation; in some instances, there are re-marks, a section in which panelists offer technical sugges-tions for testing conditions, dosing, and monitoring.These technical comments reflect the best available evi-dence applied to a typical person being treated. Often thisevidence comes from the unsystematic observations of thepanelists and their values and preferences; therefore, theseremarks should be considered suggestions.

The Endocrine Society maintains a rigorous conflict-of-interest review process for the development of clinicalpractice guidelines. All Task Force members must declareany potential conflicts of interest, which are reviewedbefore the members are approved to serve on the TaskForce and periodically during the development of theguideline. The conflict-of-interest forms are vetted by theCGS before the members are approved by the Society’sCouncil to participate on the guideline Task Force. Par-ticipants in the guideline development must include a ma-jority of individuals without conflict of interest in the mat-ter under study. Participants with conflicts of interest mayparticipate in the development of the guideline, but theymust have disclosed all conflicts. The CGS and the TaskForce have reviewed all disclosures for this guideline andresolved or managed all identified conflicts of interest.

Conflicts of interest are defined by remuneration in anyamount from the commercial interest(s) in the form ofgrants; research support; consulting fees; salary; owner-ship interest (eg, stocks, stock options, or ownership in-terest excluding diversified mutual funds); honoraria orother payments for participation in speakers’ bureaus, ad-visory boards, or boards of directors; or other financialbenefits. Completed forms are available through the En-docrine Society office.

Funding for this guideline was derived solely from theEndocrine Society, and thus the Task Force received nofunding or remuneration from commercial or otherentities.

Definition, Prevalence, and ClinicalSignificance of Pheochromocytomaand Paraganglioma

Definition of pheochromocytoma andparaganglioma (PPGL)

A pheochromocytoma is a tumor arising from adreno-medullary chromaffin cells that commonly produces one

doi: 10.1210/jc.2014-1498 1917

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or more catecholamines: epinephrine, norepinephrine,and dopamine. Rarely, these tumors are biochemically si-lent. A paraganglioma is a tumor derived from extra-ad-renal chromaffin cells of the sympathetic paravertebralganglia of thorax, abdomen, and pelvis. Paragangliomasalso arise from parasympathetic ganglia located along theglossopharyngeal and vagal nerves in the neck and at thebase of the skull (3); these do not produce catecholamines.These last paraganglioma in the neck and at the base of theskull receive minimal coverage in this guideline. About 80to 85% of chromaffin-cell tumors are pheochromocyto-mas, whereas 15 to 20% are paragangliomas (4). Togetherthey will be referred to here as PPGL.

The prevalence of PPGLThe prevalence of PPGL in patients with hypertension

in general outpatient clinics varies between 0.2 and 0.6%(5–8). Diagnosis of PPGL may be missed during life; au-topsy studies demonstrate undiagnosed tumors in 0.05–0.1% of patients (9–11). In children with hypertension,the prevalence of PPGL is approximately 1.7% (12).Nearly 5% of patients with incidentally discovered adre-nal masses on anatomical imaging prove to have a pheo-chromocytoma (13, 14).

At least one-third of all patients with PPGLs havedisease-causing germline mutations (inherited muta-tions present in all cells of the body). The prevalence ofPPGL in individuals carrying a germline mutation inPPGL susceptibility genes may be around 50%. Patientswith hereditary PPGLs typically present with multifocaldisease and at a younger age than those with sporadicneoplasms (15, 16).

The clinical importance of PPGLIt is important to suspect, confirm, localize, treat, and

resect these tumors for several reasons. Most of these tu-mors hypersecrete catecholamines, and if untreated, car-diovascular morbidity and mortality are high (17–21).Also, PPGLs enlarge with time and may cause mass-effectsymptoms by encroaching upon or extending into adja-cent tissues and organs.

Another reason to encourage case detection is that, forfamilial disease, detection of a tumor in the proband mayresult in earlier diagnosis and treatment in other familymembers. Finally, some PPGLs have malignant potential.Malignancy is defined as the presence of metastases innonchromaffin tissue; the prevalence varies between 10and 17% (22). Mutations in the gene encoding SDH sub-unit B (SDHB) can lead to metastatic disease in 40% ormore of the patients (23, 24).

Reasons to suspect PPGLThe most important step for diagnosis of PPGL is to

first recognize the possibility of the tumor. As reviewed indetail elsewhere (4, 7, 25, 26), it is key to recognize thesigns and symptoms and other manifestations or clinical

Table 1. Clinical Settings for Testing for PPGL

Signs and symbols of PPGL, in particular if paroxysmalPPGL symptoms provoked by use of medications associated

with adverse effects (see Table 2)Adrenal incidentaloma, with or without hypertensionHereditary predisposition or syndromic features suggesting

hereditary PPGLPrevious history of PPGL

Table 2. Medications That Are Implicated in Adverse Reactions in Patients with Pheochromocytoma and That CanPrecipitate a Crisis

Class of Drugs Examples

Dopamine D2 receptor antagonists (including someantiemetic agents and antipsychotics)

Metoclopramide, sulpiride, amisulpride,tiapride, chlorpromazine, prochlorperazine,droperidol

�-Adrenergic receptor blockersa Propranolol, sotalol, timolol, nadolol, labetalolSympathomimetics Ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, fenfluramine,

methylphenidate, phentermine,dexamfetamine

Opioid analgesics Morphine, pethidine, tramadolNorepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (including tricyclic

antidepressants)Amitriptyline, imipramine,

Serotonin reuptake inhibitors (rarely reported) Paroxetine, fluoxetineMonoamine oxidase inhibitors Tranylcypromine, moclobemide, phenelzineCorticosteroids Dexamethasone, prednisone, hydrocortisone,

betamethasonePeptides ACTH, glucagonNeuromuscular blocking agents Succinylcholine, tubocurarine, atracurium

a Although most case reports on �-adrenergic receptor blockers pertain to nonselective blockers, selective �1-blockers may also precipitate a crisisbecause at higher doses they may lose �1-selectivity.

1918 Lenders et al Guidelines on Pheochromocytoma and Paraganglioma J Clin Endocrinol Metab, June 2014, 99(6):1915–1942

The Endocrine Society. Downloaded from by [Luis Cardoso] on 07 November 2014. at 02:13 For personal use only. No other uses without permission. . All rights reserved.

settings that might signal a need for biochemical testing forPPGL (Tables 1 and 2). Biochemical testing is also war-ranted in syndromic forms of PPGL, which may be indi-cated by specific clinical stigmata (Table 3).

1.0 Biochemical Testing for Diagnosis ofPheochromocytoma and Paraganglioma

Available tests and test performance

Recommendation1.1 We recommend that initial biochemical testing

for PPGLs should include measurements of plasma freemetanephrines or urinary fractionated metanephrines.(1QQQQ)

1.1 EvidenceThere is compelling evidence that measurements of

plasma free or urinary fractionated metanephrines are su-perior to other tests of catecholamine excess for diagnosisof PPGLs; the theoretical basis for this is provided by im-proved understanding of catecholamine metabolism (27–29). According to this understanding, the free metaneph-rines are produced within adrenal chromaffin cells (or thetumors derived from these cells) by membrane-bound cat-echolamine O-methyltransferase. Lack of this enzyme insympathetic nerves, the major site of initial norepineph-rine metabolism, means that the O-methylated metabo-lites are relatively specific markers of chromaffin tumors.Most importantly, these metabolites are produced contin-uously within tumors by a process that is independent ofexocytotic catecholamine release, which for some tumorsoccurs at low rates or is episodic in nature.

The superior sensitivity of urine metanephrines overcatecholamines and vanillylmandelic acid (VMA) for di-agnosis of PPGLs was first suggested from a meta-analysisby Manu and Runge (30). This analysis was followed by

reports revealing false-negative results for measurementsof urine catecholamines and VMA and improved accuracywith measurements of urinary metanephrines (31–36).

Initial evidence that measurements of plasma free meta-nephrines provide advantages for diagnosis of PPGLs overother tests was first outlined by Lenders et al (37). Diag-nostic specificity was equivalent to other tests, but diag-nostic sensitivity was superior. A second National Insti-tutes of Health (NIH) study involving patients screenedfor hereditary PPGLs established excellent sensitivity of97%, well in excess of the 47 to 74% for other tests (38).The final NIH report, with cumulative experience in over800 patients, established that the superiority of plasmametanephrines for the diagnosis remained significant,even when compared with combinations of other tests(39).

The high diagnostic accuracy of measurements ofplasma free metanephrines has now been confirmed by 15independent studies (39–53) (Table 4).

Areas under receiver operating characteristic (ROC)curves reported in nine of these studies ranged from 0.965to 1. Among studies involving comparisons with otherbiochemical tests, all except two indicated both improvedsensitivity and specificity for plasma metanephrines thanfor plasma (n � 4) and urine (n � 7) catecholamines orVMA (n � 1). These exceptions included one study inwhich the combination of urinary catecholamines and to-tal metanephrines (normetanephrine and metanephrinemeasured in combined form by spectrophotometry) wasassessed by areas under ROC curves to offer similar di-agnostic accuracy to measurements of plasma metaneph-rines (41).

Five of the 15 studies involved comparisons of plasmafree with urine fractionated metanephrines (39, 42, 46, 48,53). The results suggest higher specificity of the plasmathan the urine test (Table 5); however, all five studies had

Table 3. Clinical Findings Associated with Syndromic PPGL

Multiple endocrine neoplasiatype 2A

Medullary thyroid cancer, primary hyperparathyroidism, and cutaneouslichen amyloidosis

Multiple endocrine neoplasiatype 2B

Medullary thyroid cancer, mucocutaneous neuromas, skeletaldeformities (eg, kyphoscoliosis or lordosis), joint laxity, myelinatedcorneal nerves, and intestinal ganglioneuromas (Hirschsprungdisease)

von Hippel-Lindau syndrome Hemangioblastoma (involving the cerebellum, spinal cord, orbrainstem), retinal angioma, clear cell renal cell carcinoma,pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors and serous cystadenomas,endolymphatic sac tumors of the middle ear, papillary cystadenomasof the epididymis and broad ligament

Neurofibromatosis type 1 Neurofibromas, multiple café-au-lait spots, axillary and inguinalfreckling, iris hamartomas (Lisch nodules), bony abnormalities,central nervous system gliomas, macrocephaly, and cognitive deficits

doi: 10.1210/jc.2014-1498 1919

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limitations, and none involved head-to-head comparisonsof mass spectrometric-based measurements.

As shown by Perry et al (54), measurements of urinefractionated metanephrines by mass spectrometry provideexcellent sensitivity (97%) and specificity (91%) for di-agnosis of PPGLs, with an area under the ROC curve of0.991 in par with measurements of plasma metanephrinesdetermined by other studies (Table 4). Thus, until there aredata available directly comparing plasma and urinarymeasurements by “gold standard” mass spectrometricmethods, there can be no recommendation that one test issuperior to the other. This includes measurements of uri-nary free fractionated metanephrines as an alternative test(55–57). Thus, all measurements of fractionated meta-nephrines remain recommended as initial screening tests.

1.1 Values and preferencesThe committee recognizes the importance of high di-

agnostic sensitivity as a primary consideration to avoidmissed diagnoses of potentially lethal tumors and the needto minimize additional testing (eg, imaging) when initialtest results are negative. Our recommendation that initial

testing should always include measurements of plasmafree or urinary fractionated metanephrines does not ex-clude the use of additional biochemical tests during initialtesting. Despite the convenience of a spot urine sample,there is no evidence to suggest that this should replace thestandardized 24-hour urine collection method.

1.1 RemarksWhen measuring the 24-hour urinary excretion of frac-

tionated metanephrines, urinary creatinine should bemeasured to verify completeness of the urine collection.

Measurement methods

Recommendation1.2 We suggest using liquid chromatography with mass

spectrometric or electrochemical detection methodsrather than other laboratory methods to establish a bio-chemical diagnosis of PPGL. (2�QQEE)

1.2 EvidenceFractionated metanephrines may be measured by liquid

chromatography with electrochemical or fluorometric de-

Table 4. Summary Characteristics of 15 Diagnostic Studies Involving Measurements of Plasma FreeNormetanephrine and Metanephrine for Diagnosis of PPGL

First Author, Year (Ref.)






nmol/L URL MN, nmol/L





Area Under

ROC Curve

Analytical Test


Raber, 2000 (40) LC-ECD Supine 0.66 0.30 100% (17/17) 100% (14/14) nd UCLenders, 2002 (39) LC-ECD Supine 0.61 0.31 99% (211/214) 89% (575/644) 0.985 UFM, UTM, UC, UV, PCSawka, 2003 (41) LC-ECD Seated 0.90 0.50 97% (30/31) 85% (221/261) 0.965 UTM, UCUnger, 2006 (42) RIA Seated 0.69a 0.19a 96% (23/24) 79% (54/68) nd UFM, UC, PCGiovanella, 2006 (43) LC-ECD Not stated 0.50 Sum NMN & MN 95% (42/44) 94% (140/148) nd CgAVaclavik, 2007 (44) LC-ECD Supine 0.61 0.31 100% (25/25) 96.7% (1194/1235) nd NoneGao, 2008 (45) EIA Supine 0.73 0.47 97% (29/30) 86% (44/51) 0.965 NoneHickman, 2009 (46) LC-ECD Not stated 0.90 0.60 100% (22/22) 98% (40/41) 0.993 UFM, UC, UV, PCProcopiou, 2009 (47) EIA Not stated 1.09 0.46 91% (20/22) 100% (156/156) 0.987 UCGrouzmann, 2010 (48) LC-ECD Supine 1.39 0.85 96% (44/46) 89% (102/114) 0.993 UFM, PCPeaston, 2010 (49) LC-MS/MS Seated 1.18 0.51 100% (38/38) 96% (108/113) 1.000 PM by EIAMullins, 2011 (50) EIA Seated 0.98 0.46 100% (13/13) 88% (51/60) 0.969 PM by LC-MS/MSSarathi, 2011 (51) EIA Seated 0.98 0.46 94% (32/34) 94% (62/66) nd NoneChristensen, 2011 (52) EIA Seated 1.09 0.46 91% (10/11) 99% (172/174) 0.970 UCUnger, 2012 (53) EIA Seated 0.91a 0.13a 90% (17/19) 90% (54/60) nd UFM, CgA

Abbreviations: CgA, chromogranin A; EIA, enzyme immunoassay; MN, plasma free metanephrine; nd, no data; NMN, plasma freenormetanephrine; PC, plasma catecholamines; PM, plasma metanephrines; RIA, radioimmunoassay; UC, urine catecholamines; UFM, urinefractionated metanephrines; URL, upper reference limit; UTM, urine total metanephrines; UV, urine VMA.a URL determined from ROC curves, package inserts of EIA kits.

Table 5. Comparison of Diagnostic Performance of Plasma Free Versus Urinary Fractionated Metanephrines from 5Available Studies

First Author, Year (Ref.)

Sensitivity Specificity

Plasma Urine Plasma Urine

Lenders, 2002 (39) 98.6% (211/214) 97.1% (102/105) 89.3% (575/644) 68.6% (310/452)Unger, 2006 (42) 95.8% (23/24) 93.3% (14/15) 79.4% (54/68) 75.0% (39/52)Hickman, 2009 (46)a 100.0% (14/14) 85.7% (12/14) 97.6% (40/41) 95.1% (39/41)Grouzmann, 2010 (48) 95.7% (44/46) 95.0% (38/40) 89.5% (102/114) 86.4% (121/140)Unger, 2012 (53) 89.5% (17/19) 92.9% (13/14) 90.0% (54/60) 77.6% (38/49)

a Data restricted to that available from Table 4 of those studies where all measurements were made.

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tection (LC-ECD), liquid chromatography with tandemmass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS), or immunoassay meth-ods. Accumulating evidence indicates that the diagnosticperformance of these methods varies to an extent that thisshould be considered in the choice of diagnostic tests. Thisevidence includes comparisons of the results of the eightstudies to date employing LC-ECD or LC-MS/MS with theseven other studies employing immunoassays (Table 4).These data reveal lower diagnostic sensitivity of the latterthan the former measurement methods.

Other evidence includes results of interlaboratory qual-ity assurance programs establishing that immunoassaysnot only suffer from imprecision compared with LC-ECDand LC-MS/MS, but also substantially underestimateplasma concentrations of metanephrine and normeta-nephrine (58, 59). Poorer diagnostic performance of im-munoassay than LC-MS/MS measurements has been fur-ther indicated by two other studies (49, 50). The firstconfirmed the lower measured values of plasma normetaneph-rine by immunoassay than by LC-MS/MS and highlighted intwo patients with pheochromocytoma repeatedly false-nega-tive measurements by immunoassay compared with elevatedlevels by LC-MS/MS (49).

1.2 Values and preferencesThe committee recognizes that the availability of dif-

ferent measurement methods varies regionally. Therefore,our recommendation that the choice of biochemical testfor diagnosis of PPGL should take into account themethod of measurement pertains mainly to locationswhere there is a choice in available methods. Where choiceis limited, consideration should be given to upgrading tomore accurate and precise measurement methods or re-ferring patients or specimens to specialist centers wheresuch methods are available.

Preanalytical sampling conditions and referenceintervals

Recommendation1.3 For measurements of plasma metanephrines, we

suggest drawing blood with the patient in the supine po-sition and use of reference intervals established in the sameposition. (2�QQEE)

1.3 EvidenceMeasurements of plasma metanephrines for diagnosis

of PPGLs were established using blood samples collectedin the supine position; this recognizes the rapid circulatoryclearances of the metabolites, the strong influence of sym-pathetic activation and upright posture to stimulate re-lease of norepinephrine and metabolism to normetaneph-

rine, and likely the lack of response in patients with PPGLs(37–39, 60, 61). Lack of response of plasma normeta-nephrine to upright posture in patients with PPGLs wasconfirmed by Raber et al (40), but was misinterpreted tosupport sampling without consideration of postural orother influences on sympathetic outflow and plasmanormetanephrine (62, 63).

Recognizing the problem of seated sampling, Lenders etal (64) took blood samples from 60 patients with primaryhypertension in the seated position and after 30 minutes ofsupine rest, at which stage consistent decreases in plasmanormetanephrine were noted. Using data from a further872 patients tested for PPGLs, it was calculated that draw-ing blood in the seated position would result in a 2.8-foldincrease in false-positive results.

Higher concentrations of plasma metanephrines in up-right positions of blood sampling than in supine positionshave been confirmed in other studies (65, 66), explainingwhy upper cutoffs of reference intervals determined fromblood collected in the seated position (48, 62, 63, 67) areup to 2-fold higher than those determined in the supineposition (38). Thus, in the study by Lenders et al (64), itwas estimated that the use of upper limits of referenceintervals determined from samples collected in the seatedinstead of the supine position would result in a drop indiagnostic sensitivity associated with a 3-fold increase infalse-negative results. Because patients with PPGLs do notshow significant posture-associated increases in meta-nephrines (40), the associated danger of missing the diag-nosis with seated reference intervals applies equally to pa-tients sampled in both supine and seated positions.

The potential for misdiagnoses associated with seatedrather than supine sampling is evident from examinationof data available from five and seven respective studiesinvolving supine and seated sampling (Table 4), in whichseated sampling is associated with reduced diagnostic ac-curacy. It is therefore suggested that for diagnosis ofPPGLs, blood should be preferably taken with the patientin the supine position; when blood taken in the seatedposition yields a positive result, the test should be repeatedin the supine position. Furthermore, for interpretation ofresults, reference intervals should be utilized that do notcompromise diagnostic sensitivity. Age adjustments forupper cutoffs to both maintain diagnostic sensitivity andminimize false-positives associated with higher plasmaconcentrations of normetanephrine in older patients pro-vide one approach (68).

1.3 Values and preferencesThe committee recognizes that at most clinical centers,

phlebotomists routinely sample blood with patients in the

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seated position. Sampling in the supine position takes ex-tra time and effort and entails additional cost. Thus, bloodmay be taken in the seated position, but with recognitionthat this entails an increased likelihood of false-positiveresults and a need for follow-up with sampling in the su-pine position. In situations where this requirement cannotbe followed, measurements of urinary fractionated meta-nephrines provide a useful alternative, or patients may bereferred to specialist centers experienced with recom-mended procedures.

The committee also recognizes that reference intervalsfor plasma free metanephrines are often reported fromblood samples taken from seated subjects or according tothe package inserts of commercial kits (Table 4). For bothsituations, clinicians should be aware of the increased like-lihood of false-negative results.

1.3 RemarksFor drawing blood in the supine position for measure-

ment of plasma metanephrines, patients should be fullyrecumbent for at least 30 minutes before sampling.

Interpretation of test results and follow-up

Recommendation1.4 We recommend that all patients with positive test

results should receive appropriate follow-up according tothe extent of increased values and clinical presentation.(1�QQEE)

1.4 EvidenceAlthough the high diagnostic sensitivity of plasma free

or urine fractionated metanephrines means that almost allcases of symptomatic catecholamine-producing tumorscan be detected by positive results, this does not imply thatall positive results indicate the presence of a tumor. Theusually less than 1% pretest prevalence of PPGLs com-bined with suboptimal diagnostic specificity means thatfalse-positive results far outnumber true-positive results.As reported in a retrospective analysis of laboratory re-sults from 1896 patients by Yu and Wei (69), false-positiveresults are common, with a rate of 19–21% for bothplasma free and urine fractionated metanephrines. How-ever, in an audit of patients with positive test results, it wasshown that only 28% of patients received appropriatefollow-up (70).

More than 75% of all PPGLs can be easily recognizedfrom the extent and nature of increased results (39, 71).For example, elevations of both normetanephrine andmetanephrine are rare as false-positives but occur in atleast half of all patients with adrenal pheochromocyto-mas. Such findings should therefore be treated with a high

level of suspicion. Similarly, findings of solitary increasesin either normetanephrine or metanephrine elevated3-fold or more above upper cutoffs are also rare as false-positives and should be followed up in most cases by im-aging to locate the tumors.

The larger problem for interpreting positive test re-sults concerns those that are borderline, which involvesa quarter of all patients with PPGLs, hidden among amuch larger proportion of patients without tumors andsimilarly elevated test results. In most situations this isdue to inappropriate sampling and is easily dealt with byrepeat sampling in the supine position. If results remainelevated, the clonidine suppression test with measure-ments of plasma normetanephrine provides one methodto distinguish true-positive from false-positive border-line elevations of that metabolite (71, 72). This test hasa purported diagnostic specificity of 100% with a sen-sitivity of 97%, but as yet it has not been validated inany prospective study (Table 6). Others have proposedthe combination of measurements of chromogranin andurinary fractionated metanephrines as follow-up testsfor elevations of plasma metanephrines (73). In situa-tions of borderline positive test results and low proba-bility of a tumor, a wait-and-retest approach can illu-minate increased likelihood of an enlarging small tumorwhen mild initial elevations are followed by continuedincreases after 6 months or more.

Medications that directly interfere with measurementmethods (eg, acetaminophen, mesalamine, sulfasalazinein LC-ECD methods) or interfere with the disposition ofcatecholamines (eg, tricyclic antidepressants) can result inmildly to markedly raised values for biochemical test re-sults (Table 7) (74–77). Physiological stress associatedwith extreme illness, as in intensive care settings, and lab-oratory error are examples that should be considered ininterpreting marked elevations of plasma or urine meta-nephrines (69, 78). In such situations, confirmatory test-ing after exclusion of these sources of false-positives isuseful.

For plasma free metanephrines, dietary considerationsare only relevant when measurements include the dopa-mine metabolite 3-methoxytyramine (65). For such mea-surements, sampling should be done after an overnightfast.

1.4 Values and preferencesThe committee recommends that all positive results

should be followed up. However, the nature of this andwhether to first follow-up with additional comprehensiveor involved biochemical testing procedures, adopt a wait-

1922 Lenders et al Guidelines on Pheochromocytoma and Paraganglioma J Clin Endocrinol Metab, June 2014, 99(6):1915–1942

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and-retest approach, or proceed directly to imaging stud-ies remains a matter of clinical judgment based on thepretest probability of the tumor and the extent and patternof increases in test results in relation to the presentation ofpatients and other preanalytical considerations impactingtest interpretation.

2.0 Imaging Studies

Recommendation2.1 We recommend that imaging studies to locate

PPGLs should be initiated once there is clear biochemicalevidence of a PPGL. (1�QQEE)

2.1. EvidenceThere are no randomized controlled studies to support

restricting the use of imaging to patients with clear bio-chemical evidence of PPGLs. Rather the strength of thisrecommendation is based on the high diagnostic sensitiv-ity of modern biochemical tests when correctly imple-mented, as outlined in the preceding sections.

There are nevertheless situations that clinicians shouldbe aware of where PPGL can be biochemically negative,even when collections of specimens and biochemical mea-surements are correctly employed: 1) skull base and neckparagangliomas, often biochemically silent and for whichimaging represents the principal means for diagnosis; and2) paragangliomas in patients with SDHx mutations.Emerging evidence indicates that some of these paragan-gliomas lack the biosynthetic machinery for catechol-amine production and may present with biochemicallysilent features (80, 81). The tumors consequently canreach a large size. Thus, only imaging studies can detect thepresence of these tumors.

2.1. Values and preferencesFor a cost-effective approach and to avoid unnecessary

radiation, there is a need for biochemical proof of PPGLbefore imaging studies are performed. The committee rec-

Table 7. Major Medications That May Cause FalselyElevated Test Results for Plasma and UrinaryMetanephrines

Plasma Urine


Acetaminophena �� � �� �Labetalola � � �� ��Sotalola � � �� ���-Methyldopaa �� � �� �Tricyclic antidepressantsb �� � �� �Buspironea � �� � ��Phenoxybenzamineb �� � �� �MAO-inhibitorsb �� �� �� ��Sympathomimeticsb � � � �Cocaineb �� � �� �Sulphasalazinea �� � �� �Levodopac � � �� �

Abbreviations: MAO, monoamine oxidase; MN, metanephrine; NMN,normetanephrine; ��, clear increase; �, mild increase; �, noincrease.a Analytical interference for some but not all methods employingLC-ECD.b Pharmacodynamic interference leading to increased levels affectingall analytical methods.c Analytical interference with some LC-ECD assays, and alsopharmacodynamic interference increase the dopamine metabolite3-methoxytyramine affecting all analytical methods.

Table 6. Protocol for Clonidine Suppression Test

Principle Clonidine is an �2-adrenoreceptor agonist that inhibits neuronal norepinephrine release inpatients without PPGL but not in patients with autonomous tumoral secretion ofcatecholamines by a PPGL.

Indication To discriminate patients with mildly elevated test results for plasma normetanephrine dueto increased sympathetic activity from patients with elevated test results due to a PPGL.

Pretest condition Withdraw sympatholytic drugs before testing (eg, �-blocker) at least 48 h before testing.The test is carried out with patient in the supine position.The test is cancelled if baseline blood pressure is �110/60 mm Hg or in volume-depleted

patients.Procedure A venous cannula is placed in an antecubital vein.

After 20 min of supine rest, a first blood sample is drawn.Clonidine is administered orally at a dose of 300 �g/70 kg body weight.Blood pressure and heart rate are measured at regular intervals before and during the

test.Three hours after drug administration, a second blood sample is drawn.The tubes with blood samples are immediately placed on ice.Blood samples are analyzed for plasma normetanephrine.

Interpretation An abnormal test result indicating a PPGL includes an elevation of plasmanormetanephrine at 3 h after clonidine administration and a less than 40% decrease inlevels compared with baseline.

Refs. 71 and 216.

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ognizes that currently there is insufficient evidence to for-mulate guidelines about when and how to perform imag-ing studies in patients at risk for biochemically silentPPGL.

Recommendation2.2 We suggest CT rather than MRI as the first-choice

imaging modality because of its excellent spatial resolu-tion for thorax, abdomen, and pelvis. (2�QQQE)

2.2 EvidenceCT with contrast provides an excellent initial method

for the localization of PPGLs, with sensitivity between 88and 100% (82–90). CT has excellent tomographical res-olution but, as with MRI, lacks specificity. On CT, PPGLsmay be homogeneous or heterogeneous, necrotic withsome calcifications, solid, or cystic. Although between 87and 100% of PPGLs exhibit a mean attenuation of morethan 10 Hounsfield units on unenhanced CT, PPGLs canoccasionally have more than 60% washout of contrastagents on 15-minute delayed scanning (91–94). A highsignal intensity (bright) T2-weighted MRI image may beof value for the detection of PPGLs; however, a recentstudy showed that in pheochromocytomas this finding isrelatively uncommon (95).

The use of nonionic contrast is safe, and therefore, con-trast CT can be performed in patients without adrenergicreceptor blockade (96, 97). Modern CT scans can detecttumors 5 mm or larger. Because most PPGLs are locatedin the abdomen, a CT scan of the abdomen and pelvisshould be the first option. Some studies showed that sen-sitivity of CT for extra-adrenal, residual, recurrent, ormetastatic tumors can be as low as 57% and inferior toMRI (83, 86, 98–102). CT is preferred to MRI for detec-tion of lung metastatic lesions (84). For skull base and neckparaganglioma, the sensitivity of MRI is between 90 and95% (81). Use of ultrasound is usually not recommendeddue to its suboptimal sensitivity.

2.2 Values and preferencesThe committee recognizes that the results of current

and previous studies should be interpreted with caution,taking into consideration the type of CT or MRI scans andthe design of the study, including its criteria, selection ofpatients, and controls. The committee recognizes thatrarely there are PPGLs not detected by any anatomicalimaging studies due to their small size or location, thepresence of surgical clips, or postoperative changes, andthat such tumors can only be detected by functional im-aging modalities.

Recommendation2.3 We recommend MRI in patients with metastatic

PPGLs, for detection of skull base and neck paraganglio-mas, in patients with surgical clips causing artifacts whenusing CT, in patients with an allergy to CT contrast, andin patients in whom radiation exposure should be limited(children, pregnant women, patients with known germlinemutations, and those with recent excessive radiation ex-posure). (1�QQQE)

2.3 EvidenceSee previous Section 2.2.

2.3 Values and preferencesMRI should not be performed in patients who have

intracranial aneurysm clips.See previous Section 2.2.

Recommendation2.4 We suggest the use of 123I-metaiodobenzylguani-

dine (MIBG) scintigraphy as a functional imaging modal-ity in patients with metastatic PPGLs detected by otherimaging modalities when radiotherapy using 131I-MIBG isplanned and occasionally in some patients with an in-creased risk for metastatic disease due to large size of theprimary tumor or to extra-adrenal, multifocal (exceptskull base and neck PPGLs), or recurrent disease.(2�QEEE)

2.4 EvidenceBecause 123I-MIBG has better sensitivity than 131I-

MIBG for detection of PPGLs (103- 106), only the formeragent is recommended for imaging. Another advantageof 123I- over 131I-labeled MIBG is its utility for imagingby SPECT. Because up to 50% of normal adrenal glandsdemonstrate physiological uptake of 123I-MIBG, false-positive results can be a problem (104, 107). Asymmet-ric uptake in normal adrenal glands can further lead tomisinterpretation.

Sensitivity of 123I-MIBG ranges between 85 and 88%for pheochromocytomas and between 56 and 75% forparagangliomas, whereas specificity ranges from 70–100% and 84–100%, respectively (108–111). Sensitivityfor metastatic PPGLs is between 56 and 83% (109, 112),whereas for recurrent PPGLs it is approximately 75%(113). Results from a meta-analysis showed 90% sensi-tivity and specificity for pheochromocytomas, whereassensitivities were 98% for paragangliomas, falling to 79%for malignant PPGLs (114). In another meta-analysis of 15studies of 123I-MIBG scintigraphy, sensitivity was 94%and specificity 92% (115). For SDHx-related PPGLs, and

1924 Lenders et al Guidelines on Pheochromocytoma and Paraganglioma J Clin Endocrinol Metab, June 2014, 99(6):1915–1942

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in particular for SDHB-related PPGLs, overall sensitivityof 123I-MIBG is less than 50% (81, 116). Similar results ofsuboptimal sensitivity have also been reported for the de-tection of skull base and neck, thoracic, bladder, or re-current paragangliomas (107, 108, 111, 113, 117, 118).

123I-MIBG SPECT is widely available, and recent stud-ies suggest that its performance is similar to PET scanningusing 18F-fluorodopamine, 18F-fluorodihydroxy-phenyl-alanine (18F-FDOPA), or 18F-FDG in the detection ofpheochromocytoma (112, 119). For paragangliomas ormetastatic disease including SDHx-related tumors, 123I-MIBG is inferior to 18F-FDG-PET, 18F-FDOPA, or soma-tostatin receptor imaging with 111In-diethylene triaminepentaacetic acid-pentetreotide (81, 118, 120–123).

2.4 Values and preferencesIn making this recommendation, the committee has

taken into account the findings of the Endocrine Society-sponsored systematic review of functional imaging inPPGL as well as the evidence outlined above that 123I-MIBG scintigraphy has limited use due to relatively sub-optimal sensitivity, particularly in patients with metastaticPPGLs and those with SDHx-related PPGLs (Brito, J. P.,N. Asi, C. Undavali, et al., submitted for publication).Nevertheless, in patients with metastatic PPGLs in whomsurgery is not an option, 123I-MIBG scintigraphy is usefulbecause, if positive, treatment with 131I-MIBG may beconsidered. The recommendation for restricted use ofMIBG to patients with or at risk for metastatic disease thusrecognizes this therapeutic need, the widespread availabil-ity of this functional imaging modality, as well as its lim-ited utility for identifying lesions not detected by conven-tional imaging.

2.4 RemarksAccumulation of 123I-MIBG can be decreased by sev-

eral drugs: 1) sympathomimetics; 2) agents that block cat-echolamine transport via the norepinephrine transporter,such as cocaine and tricyclic antidepressants; and 3) agentssuch as calcium channel blockers and some combined �-and �-adrenergic receptor blockers such as labetalol(125). Therefore, most of these drugs should be withheldfor about 2 weeks before 123I-MIBG scintigraphy. Accu-mulation of 123I-MIBG is also profoundly decreased innecrotic tumors (89). Use of 123I-MIBG scintigraphy iscontraindicated in pregnant women. The committee rec-ommends that 123I-MIBG scintigraphy be performed byand results be assessed by experienced nuclear medicinephysicians.

Recommendation2.5 We suggest the use of 18F-FDG PET/CT scanning in

patients with metastatic disease. 18F-FDG PET/CT is the

preferred imaging modality over 123I-MIBG scintigraphyin patients with known metastatic PPGLs. (2�QQQE)

2.5 EvidenceIn the initial study of Shulkin et al (126), the overall

sensitivity of 18F-FDG PET was 76%, but it was higher inpatients with metastatic (88%) than benign (58%) PPGLs.This study and several subsequent studies showed a supe-riority of 18F-FDG PET compared with 131I-MIBG scin-tigraphy for detection of metastatic PPGLs (119, 120,127–131). Overall, the sensitivity of 18F-FDG PET wasshown to be between 74 and 100%, with the highest per-formance for metastatic, particularly SDHB-related,PPGLs (120, 122, 126, 128–130, 132–134).

2.5 Values and preferencesThe committee recognizes that some studies indicated

that 18F-FDG PET is complementary with other func-tional imaging studies in some patients. It is also recog-nized that there are limited data regarding the use of var-ious PET imaging modalities in patients with differentgenetic mutations.

2.5 RemarksThe use of PET imaging modalities is contraindicated in

pregnant women. There are also several drugs that mayprofoundly decrease the uptake of PET radiopharmaceu-ticals by PPGL, but the data are limited, and further studiesare needed.

3.0 Genetic Testing

Recommendation3.1 We recommend that all patients with PPGLs should

be engaged in shared decision making for genetic testing.(1�QQQE)

3.1 EvidenceSince 1990, 14 different PPGL susceptibility genes have

been reported: NF1 (135), RET (136), VHL (137), SDHD(138), SDHC (139), SDHB (140), EGLN1/PHD2 (141,142), KIF1� (143), SDH5/SDHAF2 (144), IDH1 (145),TMEM127 (146), SDHA (147), MAX (148), and HIF2�

(149). The roles of EGLN1/PHD2 (150, 151), KIF1�, andIDH1 (152) have not been confirmed by other studies,suggesting that mutations in these genes are an infrequentcause of hereditary PPGLs. The role of somatic or germlinemutations in HIF2�, reported in a few patients (149, 153–156), awaits validation in a larger series.

There are several reasons to consider genetic testing inall patients who present with PPGLs: 1) at least one-third

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of all patients with PPGLs have disease-causing germ-line mutations (157); 2) mutations of SDHB lead tometastatic disease in 40% or more of affected patients(23, 24); and 3) establishing a hereditary syndrome inthe proband may result in earlier diagnosis and treat-ment of PPGLs and other syndromic manifestations inrelatives (159 –161).

In clinical practice, patients with PPGLs can presentwith features that indicate a high likelihood of a hereditarycause. Such features include a positive family history(based on family pedigree or identification of a PPGL-susceptibility gene mutation in a relative), syndromic fea-tures, and multifocal, bilateral, or metastatic disease (157,162, 163). Many patients with PPGLs, however, do nothave the above-mentioned features.

Following the initial report of Neumann et al (15),genotyping of the main PPGL susceptibility genes (SDHB,SDHD, VHL, RET) has been performed in eight studies,each comprising more than 200 patients and encompass-ing 3694 subjects harboring 1250 germline mutations(33.8%) (162, 163, 165–170) (Table 8). This high fre-quency justifies consideration of genetic testing in eachpatient with a PPGL. The highest frequencies of germlinemutations are for SDHB (10.3%), SDHD (8.9%), VHL(7.3%), RET (6.3%), and NF1 (3.3%). Germline muta-tion frequencies of less than 2% are found for SDHC,SDHA, MAX, and TMEM127 (169, 171–173). No germ-line SDHAF2 mutations were found in a series of 315apparently sporadic PPGLs (174).

A mutation rate of 11.6% was revealed from a system-atic review of the literature featuring an analysis that in-cluded only patients who fulfilled at least three of fourcriteria: 1) a negative family history of PPGL; 2) absenceof syndromic features; 3) absence of bilateral disease; and4) absence of metastatic disease (Brito, J. P., N. Asi, C.Undavalli, L. Prokop, V. M. Montori, and N. H. Murad,submitted for publication).

3.1 Values and preferencesThe committee’s recommendation that genetic testing

should be considered in each patient does not imply thatgenetic testing should be done in each patient. In partic-ular, in view of the financial costs, genetic testing has lim-ited incremental value in patients with unilateral pheo-chromocytoma and no syndromic or malignant featuresand no positive family history. The importance of the di-agnosis of an inherited disease for at-risk families must bebalanced against any negative impacts and financial costsof genetic testing. The costs of genetic testing will probablydecrease with adoption of next-generation sequencingmethods. This may shift the balance in favor of more wide-spread genetic testing than currently practiced accordingto the variable country insurance-specific limitations ofhealth care coverage.

Recommendation3.2 We recommend the use of a clinical feature-driven

diagnostic algorithm to establish the priorities for specificgenetic testing in PPGL patients with suspected germlinemutations. (1�QQQE)

3.2 EvidenceThe committee proposes a decisional algorithm for se-

quential genetic testing, with selection of genes to be testedprioritized according to a syndromic or metastatic pre-sentation (Figure 1). Considerations of young age at PPGLpresentation, positive family history, and presentation ofmultifocal PPGLs or bilateral adrenal tumors are also rec-ommended for prioritizing patients for testing. Thereafter,considerations of tumor location and catecholamine bio-chemical phenotype may further guide selection of genesfor testing when justified.

A positive family history or syndromic presentation inpatients with PPGLs not only indicates a high priority forgenetic testing, but also may direct targeted germline mu-tation testing. Six different familial autosomal dominantdiseases can be suspected clinically: neurofibromatosis

Table 8. Detected Germline Mutations in All PPGL Patients

First Author, Year (Ref.) No. of Cases



Lefebvre, 2012 (170) 269 21 12 6 ND ND ND ND 0 5 ND 44 16.3Amar, 2005 (165);

Burnichon, 2009 (166)

721 99 131 16 25 16 13 ND ND ND ND 300 41.6

Mannelli, 2009 (162) 501 24 47 4 48 27 11 ND ND ND ND 161 32.1Cascón, 2009 (163) 237 25 11 1 20 36 ND ND ND ND ND 93 39.2Jafri, 2012 (167) 501 121 44 ND 19 ND ND ND ND ND ND 184 36.7Erlic, 2009 (168) 1149 73 28 2 120 80 43 ND ND ND ND 346 30.1Korpershoek, 2011 (169) 316 16 26 2 19 26 21 5 5 2 ND 122 38.6Total n 3694 379 299 31 251 185 88 5 5 7 1250 33.8Mutation rate 10.3 8.9 1.0 (31/3193) 7.3 (251/3425) 6.3 (185/2924) 3.3 (88/2687)

ND, not determined.

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type 1 (NF1), multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2(MEN2), von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) syndrome (see Table3), renal cell carcinoma with SDHB mutation (176), Car-ney triad (paragangliomas, gastric stromal tumors, pul-monary chondromas), and Carney-Stratakis syndrome(paragangliomas and gastric stromal sarcomas) (177).The MEN2 and VHL syndromes are usually characterizedby distinct clinical stigmata that directs targeted testing ofRET and VHL genes. Detection of mutations in the NF1gene is complex, and although testing is available in spe-cialized laboratories (178), the diagnosis of NF1 can beinvariably established by clinical findings alone (179).Nevertheless, some patients with NF1 and an apparentlysporadic PPGL presentation have been reported, all withmild features of the disease (180, 181); these findings il-lustrate the importance of careful clinical investigation ofpossible clinical stigmata of an underlying mutation in allpatients with PPGL.

Since 2003, several studies have reported that the iden-tification of a germline SDHB mutation is an importantrisk factor for malignancy for patients affected by PPGLs(165, 182) and of poor prognosis for patients affected bymetastatic PPGLs (24). Conversely, pathogenic SDHBmutations were reported in 30% of patients with meta-

static PPGLs (23). In a later review,Pasini and Stratakis (184) docu-mented a prevalence of 36% ofSDHB mutations in malignantPPGLs. Moreover, this higher riskwas observed in a pediatric series(185). Furthermore, a meta-analysisof 12 studies showed that the pooledrisk of malignant PPGL for SDHB-mutation carriers in incidence andprevalence studies was 17% and13%, respectively (186). The aboveevidence justifies SDHB genetic test-ing in patients with metastaticPPGLs (Figure 1).

In the absence of a syndromic, fa-milial, or metastatic presentation, se-lection of genes for testing may beguided by tumor location and bio-chemical phenotype (Figure 1) butprioritized according to age or pre-sentation of multiple tumors. Lowerage at PPGL presentation among pa-tients with germline mutations thanthose without mutations is well es-tablished (15, 162, 163, 165, 168,185, 187). Although there is noagreement upon age cutoff for ge-netic testing, the likelihood of a mu-

tation in patients with nonsyndromic PPGLs younger than45 years is 5-fold higher than in patients older than 45years (168). Prevalence of germline mutations among chil-dren with PPGLs is particularly high (185, 188–191), jus-tifying mutation screening in all such cases.

Prevalence of germline mutations is also high amongpatients with bilateral or multifocal PPGLs (162, 163,165, 166, 168, 192). SDHB mutations result mainly inextra-adrenal tumors (182). In a large study of patientswithnonsyndromicPPGLs(168), the prevalence of germlinemutations associated with multiple PPGLs was 5-foldhigher than for solitary PPGLs (54 vs 11.5%). In the samestudy, an extra-adrenal tumor location was shown tocarry a 4-fold higher risk of a germline mutation than anadrenal location, with mutations confined to SDHx genes.This high risk associated with extra-adrenal tumors hasbeen confirmed by numerous studies (159, 162, 163, 166,193), justifying the recommendation for screening ofSDHx gene mutations in affected patients.

As reviewed by Pasini and Stratakis (184), SDHx-re-lated genotype-phenotype correlations have been assessedby several studies based on international registries. Mul-

PPGL diagnosis

Targeted genetic testing Syndromic presentation



SDHB Metastatic



Adrenal Noradrenergic





SDHD, SDHB, SDHC Skull base and neck


RET TMEM127, MAX Adrenergic


Figure 1. Decisional algorithm for genetic testing in patients with a proven PPGL.Dopaminergic, noradrenergic, and adrenergic phenotypes are defined as significant productionsof respective 3-methoxytyramine, normetanephrine, and metanephrine relative to combinedproduction of all three metabolites.

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tiple skull base and neck tumors or a family history ofPPGL in the paternal branch suggests an SDHD-relatedPPGL (159, 166, 192). In contrast, SDHB-related PPGLsare often diagnosed as a single extra-adrenal tumor with-out any family history. SDHC mutation carriers are rarebut may develop all the stigmata of the disease. Mutationsof SDHA and SDHAF2 were described in only a few pa-tients. Negative SDHB immunohistochemistry in tumoraltissue suggests the presence of a mutation in one of theSDHx genes (194). Hormonally functional SDHx-relatedPPGLs are best detected by measurements of normeta-nephrine and methoxytyramine (195). Increases in me-thoxytyramine are particularly prevalent in patients withPPGLs due to SDHx mutations, justifying targeted testingof these mutations associated with this biochemical pre-sentation (Figure 1).

For nonsyndromic tumors with adrenal locations, mu-tations are far less common than for tumors at extra-ad-renal locations and encompass all established tumorsusceptibility genes. When justified by young age at pre-sentation or bilaterality, mutation testing should followthe decisional algorithm (Figure 1).

Hereditary PPGL due to TMEM127 or MAX muta-tions are infrequent, typically diagnosed later in life, andpreferentially adrenal in location; patients frequently havea positive family history (Table 8). TMEM127-relatedPPGLs typically produce epinephrine, whereas the bio-chemical phenotype of MAX-related tumors is interme-diate between adrenergic and noradrenergic (173).

In the absence of more common germline mutations,rare cases such as SDHA germline mutations may be con-sidered. For example, consider SDHA in patients withskull base and neck or thoracic-abdominal-pelvic para-ganglioma associated with negative SDHB and SDHA im-munohistochemistry on tumoral tissue.

3.2 Values and preferencesIn recommending a sequential algorithm with selec-

tive testing prioritized according to risk of mutations,the committee has considered the systematic review,indicating that the current level of evidence does notsupport indiscriminate genetic testing of PPGL suscep-tibility genes. It is also recognized that the recom-mended selective approach to genetic testing will likelybe made obsolete by development of next-generationsequencing methods allowing rapid and low-cost anal-ysis of all PPGL susceptibility genes. Interpretations ofpathogenicity, particularly associated with the greaternumber of variants of unknown significance (VUSs)generated by this technology, will nevertheless also in-creasingly require accurate knowledge of the genotype-

phenotype relationships that provide the basis for thecurrent sequential algorithm.

Recommendation3.3 We suggest that patients with paraganglioma un-

dergo testing of SDH mutations and that patients withmetastatic disease undergo testing for SDHB mutations.(2�QQQE)

3.3. EvidenceSee previous Section 3.2.

3.3 Values and preferencesSee previous Section 3.2.

Recommendation3.4 We recommend that genetic testing for PPGL be

delivered within the framework of health care. Specifi-cally, pretest and post-test counseling should be available.All tests for PPGL genetic testing should be performed byaccredited laboratories. (Ungraded recommendation).

3.4 EvidenceIn 2002, the Organization for Economic Cooperation

and Development (OECD) produced guidelines for qual-ity assurance in molecular genetic testing (196). TheOECD guidelines encompassed the general principles andbest practices for molecular genetic testing, the qualityassurance systems and proficiency testing programs, thequality of result reporting, and the education and trainingstandards for laboratory personnel. All molecular genetictesting services should be provided and practiced under aquality assurance framework by accredited laboratories.A required signed informed consent to test should be ob-tained according to national applicable standards (197).Pretest and post-test counseling should be available. Mo-lecular genetic testing laboratories should have policiesand procedures to document the analytical validity of alltests performed.

The European Molecular Genetics Quality Networkprovides external quality assessment schemes for VHL dis-ease and MEN2 (see The application ofthese guidelines was recommended in the United Statesafter the realization of a survey comparing data on themolecular genetic testing in laboratories in the UnitedStates with those in 18 others countries (198). Certifica-tion and accreditation, based on ISO 9001 and ISO 15189,respectively, are widely encouraged in human moleculargenetic testing laboratories (199).

Patients with PPGLs benefit from genetic counselingbefore and after germline mutation testing in order to beinformed about the different suspected inherited diseases

1928 Lenders et al Guidelines on Pheochromocytoma and Paraganglioma J Clin Endocrinol Metab, June 2014, 99(6):1915–1942

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and their diagnosis and treatment, the diagnostic perfor-mance of corresponding genetic testing, and the familialrisk of transmission. Access to national/international spe-cialized networks/referral centers and patient supportgroups should be facilitated.

Except for NF1 and SDHA, all known PPGL suscep-tibility genes can be routinely sequenced, and large dele-tions can be searched for with commercial multiplexligation-dependent probe amplification kits and/or byquantitative PCR procedures by specialized genetic labo-ratories (157). A misinterpretation of genetic testing orincorrect results can lead to deleterious consequences forthe patient and his or her family (187). Every identifiedvariant should be cautiously interpreted. The PPGL ge-netic test may be positive (when the identified mutationclearly disrupts gene function), negative (when no varia-tion or a known nonfunctional polymorphism is found inDNA sequence), or uncertain (when a sequence VUS isdetected). The prediction of the clinical impact of a VUS isbased on variant classification systems using the clinical,biological, and familial context of the patient; the presenceof the VUS in general and/or specific polymorphisms/mu-tations databases; in silico prediction tools; and functionaltests, when available (200–202).

3.4 Values and preferencesIn making this recommendation, the committee has ad-

opted OECD recommendations in recognition of the im-portance of the quality of the methods applied for genetictesting and for associated genetic counseling.

3.4 RemarksSeveral quality assurance index items for molecular ge-

netic testing exist and should be applied for PPGL genetictesting, such as the use of negative and positive controls inanalyses and the confirmation of a positive test result ona second aliquot of germline DNA. Accredited laborato-

ries should analyze sequence VUSs with robust methodsfor interpretation. The interpretation of reporting shouldbe adapted to the individual patient and clinical situation.Genetic test results should be reported back to qualifiedhealthcare professionals to enable healthcare decision-making and to facilitate delivery of clear, well-informedinterpretation of the consequences to the patient and fam-ily members, when appropriate.

4.0 Perioperative Medical Management

Recommendation4.1 We recommend that all patients with a hormonally

functional PPGL should undergo preoperative blockadeto prevent perioperative cardiovascular complications. (1/QQEE) We suggest �-adrenergic receptor blockers as thefirst choice. (2�QQEE)

4.1 EvidenceEvidence from randomized controlled clinical studies

regarding the comparable effectiveness of nonselective �-vs �1-selective adrenergic receptor blockers is unavailable(203, 204). However, retrospective studies support the useof �-adrenergic receptor blockers as the first-choice drugclass to minimize perioperative complications (17, 101,204–206, 209). Retrospective studies demonstrated that�1-selective adrenergic receptor blockers were associatedwith lower preoperative diastolic pressure, a lower intra-operative heart rate, better postoperative hemodynamicrecovery (210), and fewer adverse effects such as reactivetachycardia and sustained postoperative hypotensionthan nonselective adrenergic blockers (211). Anotherstudy did not show any difference between selective andnonselective �-adrenergic receptor blockers (212).

Calcium channel blockers are the most often usedadd-on drug class to further improve blood pressure con-

Table 9. Presurgical Medical Preparation

Drug Starting Time Starting Dose Final Doseb

Preparation 1Phenoxybenzamine 10–14 d before surgery 10 mg b.i.d. 1 mg/kg/dor Doxazosine 10–14 d before surgery 2 mg/d 32 mg/d

Preparation 2Nifedipinea As add-on to preparation 1 when needed 30 mg/d 60 mg/dor Amlodipinea As add-on to preparation 1 when needed 5 mg/d 10 mg/d

Preparation 3Propranolol After at least 3–4 d of preparation 1 20 mg t.i.d. 40 mg t.i.d.or Atenolol After at least 3–4 d of preparation 1 25 mg/d 50 mg/d

Abbreviations: b.i.d., twice daily; t.i.d., three times daily.a Add when blood pressure cannot be controlled by �-adrenoceptor blockade (preparation 1).b Higher doses usually unnecessary.

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trol in patients already treated with �-adrenergic receptorblockers (213–215) (Table 9); however, some studies havesuggested that this drug class can be used as the first choice(216). Monotherapy with calcium channel blockers is notrecommended unless patients have very mild preoperativehypertension or have severe orthostatic hypotension with�-adrenergic receptor blockers.

Preoperative coadministration of �-adrenergic recep-tor blockers is indicated to control tachycardia only afteradministration of �-adrenergic receptor blockers. Use of�-adrenergic receptor blockers in the absence of an �-ad-renoceptor blocker is not recommended because of thepotential for hypertensive crisis due to unopposed stimu-lation of �-adrenergic receptors. There is no evidence tosupport the preference of �1-selective adrenergic receptorblockers over nonselective �-adrenergic receptor blockers.Labetalol with its fixed but more potent � than � antag-onistic activities (�:� of 1:5) should not be used as theinitial therapy because it can result in paradoxical hyper-tension or even hypertensive crisis (217).

�-Methyl-paratyrosine (metyrosine) inhibits catechol-amine synthesis and may be used in combination with�-adrenergic receptor blockers for a short period beforesurgery to further stabilize blood pressure to reduce bloodloss and volume depletion during surgery (218, 219).

There has been one report that preoperative �1-adren-ergic receptor blockade offers no benefit in maintainingintraoperative hemodynamics of normotensive PPGL pa-tients (79). Nevertheless, it is the view of the committeethat for such patients �-adrenergic receptor blockersand/or calcium channel blockers remain recommended toprevent unpredictable increases in blood pressure duringsurgery (124).

4.1 Values and preferencesOur recommendation to initiate adrenergic blockade

before surgery places a higher value on the potential ben-efit of these drugs by preventing unpredictable instabilityin blood pressure during surgery and a relatively lowervalue on the potential for medication-related adverseeffects.

Recommendation4.2 We recommend preoperative medical treatment for

7 to 14 days to allow adequate time to normalize bloodpressure and heart rate. Treatment should also include ahigh-sodium diet and fluid intake to reverse catechol-amine-induced blood volume contraction preoperativelyto prevent severe hypotension after tumor removal.(1�QQEE)

4.2 EvidenceEvidence from randomized, controlled studies is un-

available. Retrospective studies report that �-adrenergicreceptor blockers should be started at least 7 days preop-eratively to normalize blood pressure and reverse bloodvolume contraction (124, 158). Intravenous infusion ofphenoxybenzamine for 5 hours per day for 3 days beforesurgery has been reported as one effective approach (164,175).

Evidence from randomized, controlled studies thattreatment should also include a high-sodium diet and fluidintake is not available (203). Retrospective studies reportthat initiation of a high-sodium diet a few days after thestart of �-adrenergic receptor blockade reverses blood vol-ume contraction, prevents orthostatic hypotension beforesurgery, and reduces the risk of significant hypotensionafter surgery (26, 209). Continuous administration of sa-line (1–2 L) is also helpful if started the evening beforesurgery. Treatment with �-adrenergic receptor blockersalone was shown to reverse blood volume contraction inonly about 60% of patients (183). Caution is required forvolume loading in patients with heart or renal failure.

There is no evidence from randomized controlled stud-ies to determine the optimal target blood pressure. Basedon retrospective studies and institutional experience, a tar-get blood pressure of less than 130/80 mm Hg while seatedand greater than 90 mm Hg systolic while standing seemsreasonable, with a target heart rate of 60–70 bpm seatedand 70–80 bpm standing (26, 209). These targets shouldbe modified in each patient according to age and accom-panying cardiovascular diseases (26, 216, 207). It shouldbe noted that complete prevention of intraoperative hy-pertension and tachycardia cannot be achieved by anydoses and combinations of antihypertensive and otherdrugs.

4.2 Values and preferencesThe recommendation to use �-adrenergic receptor

blockers at least 7 days preoperatively places a highervalue on the potential benefit of preventing unpredictableinstability in blood pressure during surgery and a rela-tively lower value on the potential for medication-relatedadverse effects. The recommendation for preoperativevolume loading places a higher value on preventing severeand sustained hypotension after removal of the tumor anda lower value on the potential for adverse effects such asblood pressure increase.

Recommendation4.3 We recommend monitoring blood pressure, heart

rate, and blood glucose levels with adjustment of associ-

1930 Lenders et al Guidelines on Pheochromocytoma and Paraganglioma J Clin Endocrinol Metab, June 2014, 99(6):1915–1942

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ated therapies in the immediate postoperative period.(1�QQEE)

4.3 EvidenceThe major potential postoperative complications are

hypertension, hypotension, and rebound hypoglycemia.Our recommendation that blood pressure, heart rate. andplasma glucose levels should be closely monitored for24–48 hours is mainly based on retrospective studies andinstitutional experience (208, 209). Because of potentialadrenal insufficiency, particular attention needs to be paidto patients who undergo: 1) bilateral adrenalectomy; 2)bilateral cortical-sparing adrenalectomy; or 3) unilateralcortical-sparing adrenalectomy of a sole remaining adre-nal gland. There are numerous case reports of postsurgicalhypoglycemia but no studies documenting its exactprevalence.

4.3 Values and preferencesThe committee’s recommendation places a high value

on preventing blood pressure and heart rate instability andpostoperative hypoglycemia.

Recommendation4.4 We suggest measuring plasma or urine levels of

metanephrines on follow-up to diagnose persistent dis-ease. We suggest lifelong annual biochemical testing toassess for recurrent or metastatic disease. (2�QQEE)

4.4 EvidenceEvidence from randomized, controlled studies is un-

available. These recommendations depend on personaland institutional experiences. Several studies reportedhigh rates of recurrence or metastatic disease after surgicalresection (17, 22, 220, 221).

4.4 Values and preferencesOur recommendation to measure plasma or urine

metanephrines annually after surgery places a higher valuein detecting tumor recurrence or metastasis and a lowervalue in avoiding the incremental expenses of the bio-chemical testing.

4.4 RemarksTo document successful tumor removal, biochemical

testing should be performed upon recovery of the patientfrom surgery (eg, 2–4 wk after surgery).

5.0 Surgery

Recommendation5.1 We recommend minimally invasive adrenalectomy

(eg, laparoscopic) for most adrenal pheochromocytomas.

(1�QQEE) We recommend open resection for large (eg,�6 cm) or invasive pheochromocytomas to ensure com-plete tumor resection, prevent tumor rupture, and avoidlocal recurrence. (1�QEEE) We suggest open resection forparagangliomas, but laparoscopic resection can be per-formed for small, noninvasive paragangliomas in surgi-cally favorable locations. (2�QEEE)

5.1 EvidenceThere are no prospective randomized studies compar-

ing laparoscopic with open adrenalectomy for pheochro-mocytomas. Several large single-institution series (somewith historical controls) show laparoscopic adrenalec-tomy to be associated with less pain, less blood loss, fewerhospital days, and less surgical morbidity than open ad-renalectomy (222, 223). There are no data regarding anydifference in recurrence rate after open vs laparoscopicadrenalectomy. Mortality rate is about 1%, and the con-version rate and transfusion rate are about 5% (rate ofconversion to open resection is influenced by tumor sizeand surgeon experience). Because pheochromocytomasare rare, a prospective randomized study comparing openwith laparoscopic resection is unlikely.

The two most common laparoscopic approaches arethe lateral transabdominal/transperitoneal (Gagner) ap-proach and the posterior retroperitoneal (Walz) ap-proach. The former allows intra-abdominal evaluationand has more space for dissecting larger tumors (222,224). The latter may be preferable for patients who hadprior abdominal operation or those requiring bilateral ad-renalectomy (225, 226). Paragangliomas are more likelyto be malignant and are frequently found in areas difficultfor laparoscopic resection; thus, paragangliomas are morelikely than pheochromocytomas to require open resection,but some can be safely resected laparoscopically by expe-rienced surgeons (227).

5.1 Values and preferencesPatients prefer less pain, earlier recoveries, and shorter

hospitalizations, which are possible with laparoscopicsurgery.

5.1 RemarksSafe laparoscopic adrenalectomy requires surgeons

with skills and experience in advanced laparoscopicsurgery and centers with appropriate expertise in the pre-operative and postoperative management of pheochromo-cytoma, including anesthesia, endocrinology, and inten-sive care (228). Laparoscopic adrenalectomy can beperformed transperitoneally or retroperitoneally depend-ing on the surgeon’s preference and expertise (222, 225).

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Seeding and recurrence of tumors in the adrenal bed orthroughout the abdominal cavity can occur if pheochro-mocytomas are fractured during dissection (229), man-dating precise and gentle dissection. Specimen bags usedfor tumor retrieval should not tear. The operation shouldbe converted to open resection if the laparoscopic ap-proach is difficult. Hand assistance or robot assistancemay be helpful in patients with large tumors that are dif-ficult to resect (230) and are used per the surgeon’sdiscretion.

Recommendation5.2 We suggest partial adrenalectomy for selected pa-

tients, such as those with hereditary pheochromocytoma,with small tumors who have already undergone a con-tralateral complete adrenalectomy to spare adrenal cortexto prevent permanent hypocortisolism. (2�QEEE)

5.2 EvidencePartial adrenalectomy is safe, with no increased surgi-

cal risks over complete adrenalectomy (231). Use of en-ergy devices such as ultrasonic shears and bipolar sealerslowers the risk of bleeding from the cut edges of the ad-renal gland. Selective removal of medullary tissue leavingonly cortical tissue is attempted, but usually some med-ullary tissue remains, which can cause tumor recurrence.

For patients with prior contralateral adrenalectomies,a successful partial adrenalectomy preserving sufficientadrenal cortex can prevent postoperative adrenal insuffi-ciency and requirements for glucocorticoid and mineralo-corticoid replacement (232–234). About 90% of patientscan remain steroid independent (235, 236). Larger tumorsresult in smaller remnants and a lower chance for steroidindependence. Partial adrenalectomy increases the risk fortumor recurrence from the remnant. Estimated recurrencerates are 10–15% over 10 years for VHL patients (233,235). The cumulative recurrence rate for MEN2 patientsafter adrenal-sparing surgery at 5 and 10 years is 38.5%,including ipsilateral and contralateral gland recurrence(237). In a recent series of 96 patients with hereditarybilateral pheochromocytomas, predominantly MEN2and VHL, the 3-year recurrence rate in the remnant ad-renal was 7%, and steroid independence was 78% (238).The risk of surgical complications when resecting a recur-rent tumor in a previously dissected area may be higherthan for primary resections; open adrenalectomy may beneeded for reoperation.

5.2 Values and preferencesSome surgeons advocate partial adrenalectomy even

for initial pheochromocytoma in patients who are at highrisk for subsequent contralateral adrenalectomy for pheo-

chromocytoma. The decision to perform partial adrenal-ectomy depends on the relative value placed on twocompeting problems. Complete bilateral adrenalectomyresults in hypocortisolism, with lifelong steroid depen-dence and the need to adjust steroid doses during physi-ological and pathological stress. Partial adrenalectomy in-evitably leaves some adrenal medullary tissues with riskfor recurrent pheochromocytoma. The resulting potentialfor reoperations (likely to be more difficult, with higherconversion and complication rates) must be balancedagainst the risks associated with chronically treated adre-nal cortical insufficiency. Unfortunately, the group of pa-tients who would benefit from partial adrenalectomy isexactly the same group who are at higher risk for recurrentpheochromocytoma from the remnant.

5.2 RemarksPartial adrenalectomy for smaller tumors, those in the

periphery, and those away from the main adrenal vein ismore likely to result in sufficient functioning of adrenalcortex. Usually one-third (if central vein is preserved) toone-half of one adrenal gland is needed to preserve corticalfunction and avoid hypocortisolism, although as little as15% of an adrenal gland has been found to be sufficient(239).

6.0 Personalized Management

Recommendation6.1 In recognition of the distinct genotype-phenotype

presentations of hereditary PPGLs, we recommend a per-sonalized approach to patient management (ie, biochem-ical testing, imaging, surgery, and follow-up). (Ungradedrecommendation).

6.1 EvidenceAccumulating evidence shows that hereditary PPGLs

are characterized by distinct clinical presentations and dif-ferences in biological behavior and mode of transmissionthat reflect underlying mutations (159, 195, 240–253).

Mutations of RET and NF1 genes are almost alwaysassociated with adrenal tumors that produce normeta-nephrine and metanephrine (28, 195). In contrast, tumorsdue to mutations of VHL and SDHx genes lack significantproduction of metanephrine (195). Additional increases inmethoxytyramine, the metabolite of dopamine, charac-terize 70% of tumors in patients with mutations of SDHxgenes (195). Biochemical screening and interpretation oftest results in these hereditary conditions can thereforebenefit from a personalized approach that considers gen-otype-biochemical phenotype relationships.

1932 Lenders et al Guidelines on Pheochromocytoma and Paraganglioma J Clin Endocrinol Metab, June 2014, 99(6):1915–1942

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Whereas VHL-associated tumors occur principally atadrenal locations, tumors due to mutations of SDHx genesoccur mainly at extra-adrenal locations and include skullbase and neck paragangliomas with some differences de-pending on the particular SDH subunit affected (166, 241,245, 249). Patients with mutations of the SDHB gene de-serve special attention because they have a high risk ofmalignant disease that reflects both the typically large sizesand extra-adrenal location of associated tumors (165,182, 241, 254). Large tumor size and extra-adrenal loca-tion are both independent risk factors for malignantPPGLs that should be considered as part of the personal-ized management of any patient with PPGL (254, 255). Anincrease in plasma methoxytyramine is also a commonfeature of patients with metastatic PPGLs and is a prom-ising new biomarker to identify such patients (254, 256).

In addition to a personalized approach to biochemicaltesting and test interpretation, the above observations dic-tate a need for personalized approaches to tumor local-ization. This need is further strengthened by additionalfindings that the underlying mutation and associated bi-ological behavior impact the choice of functional imagingmodality (134, 182, 252) (Figure 2).

Although localization in patients with RET and NF1mutations or any patient with increased plasma or urineconcentrations of metanephrine should primarily focus onthe adrenals, localization in patients with mutations of

SDHx genes should involve appro-priate strategies for localizing extra-adrenal tumors.

Recent studies support the exis-tence of a genotype-specific imagingapproach in the localization ofPPGLs (134). 18F-FDOPA PET is su-perior to CT/MRI or any other func-tional imaging modalities for detec-tion of SDHx- and non-SDHx-related primary skull base and neckparagangliomas (117, 257). 18F-fluorodopamine PET is overall themost sensitive method in the evalu-ation of primary (except head andneck) PPGLs (112, 122), but it haslimited availability. 111In-diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid-pentetreo-tide scintigraphy (Octreoscan) hasbeen found to be a very good imagingmethod for the detection of PPGLs inSDHx mutation carriers, althoughinferior to anatomical imaging(182).

The surgical approach shouldalso be personalized according not

only to tumor size and location but also to any underlyingmutation; adrenal cortical-sparing surgery is a consider-ation for bilateral adrenal disease, whereas patients at riskfor malignancy due to SDHB mutations should be con-sidered for approaches that minimize the possibility ofrecurrent or metastatic disease (237, 258).

Finally, all mutation carriers should receive consider-ation for annual biochemical surveillance for PPGLs. Thenature of this surveillance should, however, take into ac-count the particular gene affected according to the geno-type-phenotype relationships described above, as well asconsiderations of penetrance and potential severity of dis-ease. For example, because the penetrance of PPGLs inNF1 is low, screening for these tumors need not be con-sidered unless indicated by signs or symptoms. At the otherend of the spectrum, the high morbidity associated withundiagnosed PPGLs in patients with SDHB mutationsmandates closer attention; in addition to biochemical test-ing, periodic imaging with MRI should be considered todetect biochemically silent tumors. To avoid ionizing ra-diation, CT and nuclear medicine imaging modalitiesshould be reserved to further characterize detectedtumors.

6.1 Values and preferencesThecommittee recognizes that currently therearenostudies

firmly establishing that a personalized approach provides im-

PPGL diagnosis

Known germline mutation

18F-FDG or


or 111


18F-FDG or




No known or negative

germline mutation

Skull base neck

18F-DOPA or


Extra- adrenal

18F-DOPA or





18F-DOPA or

123I-MIBG or


18F-DOPA or


Adrenal 123I-MIBG or

18F-DOPA or


Skull base /neck


Adrenal / extra-adr.

18F-FDG or




Figure 2. Decisional algorithm for functional imaging in patients with proven PPGL. *, Whentreatment with radiolabeled somatostatin analogs is considered. †, When treatment with 131I-MIBG is considered.

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proved outcome. Nevertheless, it seems highly likely that suchapproaches will benefit patients, but they must also be consid-ered according to cost; as covered below, a related point to anycost-benefit analysis is that such personalized approaches canonly be feasible via specialist referral centers with appropriatemultidisciplinary expertise.

Recommendation6.2 We recommend that patients with PPGLs should

be evaluated and treated by multidisciplinary teams atcenters with appropriate expertise to ensure a favorableoutcome. In particular, patients should be referred tosuch centers should there be pregnancy, metastatic dis-ease, or issues concerning the complexity or difficulty inbiochemical diagnosis; localization; performance, andinterpretation of genetic testing; preoperative prepara-tion; surgical treatment; and follow-up. (Ungradedrecommendation)

6.2 EvidenceThere are no trials that demonstrate that the outcome

of patients who are diagnosed and treated for PPGLs inhigh-volume centers by high-volume surgeons/multidisci-plinary teams is superior to the outcome of patients man-aged in a low-volume hospital with no dedicated expertteam of different medical disciplines. However, severalcross-sectional studies showed that high-volume centershad lower postsurgical morbidity with shorter hospitalstay than low-volume centers (259–262). Some studiesfound higher rates of complications and conversions tolaparotomy in low-volume nonreferral centers than inhigh-volume centers (262). These studies, however, didnot focus on patients with pheochromocytoma.

The above differences are not unexpected becausethey have also been shown for other complex interven-tions such as vascular surgery (263). The strong inverserelation between case volume and postsurgical mortal-ity for esophageal cancer surgery was based on the hos-pital setting in which these complex interventions wereperformed (264).

6.2 Values and preferencesPPGL is a very rare disorder with fewer than five pa-

tients presenting per year, even in some larger medicalcenters. The clinical presentation and course of PPGLare widely variable and can be part of a multisystemsyndrome with many different organs affected. Mostphysicians are therefore unlikely to build sufficient spe-cific experience to deal with this disorder. For a correctdiagnosis, clinicians need to have appropriate experi-ence in interpreting clinical and laboratory results, in-cluding results of genetic testing. Other physicians such

as radiologists and nuclear medicine specialists alsoplay a crucial role for a reliable and accurate interpre-tation of imaging test results. Specialists such as cardi-ologists, anesthesiologists, and intensive care physi-cians must be involved in proper patient-tailoredtreatment. Therefore, the committee believes that amultidisciplinary team, experienced in dealing withthese patients, offers the best outcomes.

Financial Disclosures of the Task Force

Jacques W. M. Lenders, MD, PhD, FRCP (Chair)—Fi-nancial or Business/Organizational Interests: University ofDresden, Executive Committee member of PRESSOR(Pheochromocytoma and Paraganglioma Research Sup-port Organization); Significant Financial Interest or Lead-ership Position: none declared. Quan-Yang Duh, MD—Financial or Business/Organizational Interests: nonedeclared; Significant Financial Interest or Leadership Po-sition: none declared. Graeme Eisenhofer, PhD—Finan-cial or Business/Organizational Interests: GWT (Gesell-schaft fur Wissens and Technologie), European Society ofEndocrinology, ENSAT (European Network for the Studyof Adrenal Tumors), PRESSOR, Eli Lilly; Significant Fi-nancial Interest or Leadership Position: none declared.Anne-Paule Gimenez-Roqueplo, MD—Financial or Busi-ness/Organizational Interests: none declared; SignificantFinancial Interest or Leadership Position: none declared.Stefan K. G. Grebe, MD, PhD—Financial or Business/Or-ganizational Interests: none declared; Significant Finan-cial Interest or Leadership Position: none declared. M.Hassan Murad, MD*—Financial or Business/Organiza-tional Interests: KER (Knowledge and Evaluation Re-search) Unit (Mayo Clinic); Significant Financial Interestor Leadership Position: none declared. Mitsuhide Naruse,MD, PhD—Financial or Business/Organizational Inter-ests: Japan Endocrine Society Council Member; Signifi-cant Financial Interest or Leadership Position: none de-clared. Karel Pacak, MD, PhD, DSc—Financial orBusiness/Organizational Interests: none declared; Signif-icant Financial Interest or Leadership Position: none de-clared. William Young, Jr, MD, MSc—Financial or Busi-ness/Organizational Interests: The Endocrine Society;Significant Financial Interest or Leadership Position: nonedeclared.

* Evidence-based reviews for this guideline were pre-pared under contract with the Endocrine Society.

Cosponsoring Associations: American Association forClinical Chemistry, European Society of Endocrinology.

1934 Lenders et al Guidelines on Pheochromocytoma and Paraganglioma J Clin Endocrinol Metab, June 2014, 99(6):1915–1942

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1942 Lenders et al Guidelines on Pheochromocytoma and Paraganglioma J Clin Endocrinol Metab, June 2014, 99(6):1915–1942

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