phase 1 project status: design received 60% design submittal for 5 work packages: c1, utility...

Phase 1 Project Status: Design Received 60% design submittal for 5 Work Packages: C1, Utility Improvements, Harcourt to Venice C2, Corridor Improvements, Harcourt to Venice D2, Trackwork Procurement and Installation D5, Train Control Equipment Design & Supply D6, Communications Equipment Design & Supply Received 30% design submittal for Work Package A6, Trousdale Station Continued negotiations on Work Package A2, Corridor Improvements 23 rd Street to Vermont Avenue Continue Construction Cost Estimates on 85% Work Packages: B1, Utilities, Vermont to Harcourt B2, Corridor Improvements, Vermont to Harcourt 1

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Phase 1 Project Status:Design

• Received 60% design submittal for 5 Work Packages:• C1, Utility Improvements, Harcourt to Venice• C2, Corridor Improvements, Harcourt to Venice• D2, Trackwork Procurement and Installation• D5, Train Control Equipment Design & Supply• D6, Communications Equipment Design & Supply

• Received 30% design submittal for Work Package A6, Trousdale Station

• Continued negotiations on Work Package A2, Corridor Improvements 23rd Street to Vermont Avenue

• Continue Construction Cost Estimates on 85% Work Packages:• B1, Utilities, Vermont to Harcourt • B2, Corridor Improvements, Vermont to Harcourt


Phase 1 Project Status:Construction

• Construction between 23rd Street and Washington is presently awaiting City approval of temporary street lighting plans

• Began drilling and installing secant piles for trench wall construction

• Continued utility relocations to support trench construction

• Continued procurement for Work Package A4, 61” Water Line Relocation

• Continued potholing for utilities in Segments B and C

• Continued storm drain line relocation between Adams and 23rd Street along Flower Street


Phase 1 Project Status:CPUC Grade Crossing Applications

• 10 CPUC applications have been filed for the 38 crossings on the project that require CPUC approval

• Protests have been filed on all 10 grade crossing applications by Expo Communities United (ECU)

• CPUC staff protest of LATTC driveway crossings has been withdrawn

• A workshop was held with an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ), ECU and Expo staff on July 18, 2007

• A Pre-Hearing was held on July 19, 2007 where the ALJ ruled:• Mediation between the parties to be held the week of August 13th

• Concurrent Briefs to be filed on September 7, 2007• Replies to Briefs to be filed on September 17, 2007• ALJ ruling to take place on September 27, 2007


Phase 1 Project Status: Real Estate

• Completed termination of 47 leases; 22 leases remain active

• 18 parcels are certified

• 16 property appraisals are complete

• 5 offers are pending acceptance

• 4 agreements are in escrow • 5 parcels have been acquired

• The final design has identified 11 additional partial acquisitions to meet City curb radius and ADA criteria


Phase 1 Project Status: Third Party Agreements

• 8 Third Party Agreements are necessary for the project

• 5 agreements have been executed:• AT&T• Caltrans• City of Los Angeles• County of Los Angeles• Time Warner

• 3 agreements are still being processed:• LADWP• Culver City• Golden State Water


Phase 1 Project Status: Government/Community Relations

• Hosted the West End Project Status Update Community Meeting at the Culver City Senior Center

• Attended the West Adams Neighborhood Council Meeting

• Addressed ROW clean-up efforts at the Baldwin Hills Neighborhood Council Meeting

• Participated in the 47th Assembly District’s Community Health Fair at Rancho Cienega Park

• Circulated Construction Notices to Downtown and West End Stakeholders Regarding: Trench Construction, Tree Removal, Girder Construction Yard Site

• Launched an interactive and improved look for the website

• Urban Design Committee members participated in the selection process for Expo Art Panel station artists


Phase 1 Planned Activities:Design

• FFP to submit 100% design for Work Package A2, Corridor Improvements, 23rd Street to Vermont Avenue

• FFP to submit 85% design for Work Packages:• A5, Flower/Adams Overcrossing• C4, National Bridge South

• FFP to submit 60% design for Work Package D6, Train Control & Communications Installation


Phase 1 Planned Activities:Construction

• Continue utility relocation to support trench construction

• Begin CIDH and continue secant pile drilling for A3 trench wall

• Begin sewer line relocation between Adams and 23rd Street on the East side of Flower Street

• Start installing temporary street lighting system along West side of Flower Street, between 23rd and Washington

• Complete demolition and reconstruction of curb and sidewalk on West side of Flower Street

• Begin widening of West side of Flower Street


Phase 1 Planned Activities: Government/Community Relations

• Continue meeting with administrators, parents and teachers at schools sites along alignment to provide construction schedule and safety information tips

• Host a Business Merchants Luncheon for Segment A businesses on August 8th at the Radisson Hotel

• Hold a Media Event for the Start of Trench Construction Activity on August 10th

• Host an Urban Design Committee meeting on August 14th in Culver City

• Host a Project Status Update Meeting for Segment A on August 15th at the Galen Center

• Conduct a Quarterly Legislative Briefing in conjunction with Metro

• Attend various community events to promote the Expo Light Rail Project


Phase 1 Planned Activities: Real Estate

• Continue real estate acquisition and lease termination activities

Third Party Agreements

• Negotiate Master Cooperative Agreement with Culver City


Phase 1 Project Status:Construction Progress

11Pre-Cast Girder Construction Yard at the West End

Phase 1 Project Status:Construction Progress

12Drilling Secant Piles

Major Project MilestonesJun 2007 Jul 2007

Authority Actions

Aug 2007 Sep 2007 Oct 2007

Design Build Contract

Community Outreach

Nov 2007

Legend:Urban Design Committee Meeting

Mid-Corridor Project Status Update


Downtown End Project Status

Update Meeting


Approve Construction Pkg. A3 (Trench) & CCTV (A3)

Negotiate Construction Package B1 Utilities Vermont - Harcourt

West End Project Status Update


Approve Construction Package B1 Utilities Vermont to Harcourt

Negotiate Construction Package A2 Corr Impmnts 23rd –Vermont & all CCTV

Approve Construction Package A2 Corr Impmnts 23rd –Vermont & all CCTV

Negotiate LNTP Procure TPSS Prefab Bldg Package D3

Mid-Corridor Project Status

Update Meeting

Approve Construction Package B2 Corr Imp Vermont to Harcourt

Negotiate Construction Package B2 Corr Imp Vermont to Harcourt

Approve LNTP Procure TPSS Prefab Bldg Package D3

Negotiate Construction Package C1 Utilities Harcourt to Venice

West End Project Status Update

Meeting Downtown Project Status Update Meeting

Summary of Jobs Program Activities:


July 2007• Added 93 new individuals to the Jobs Program Inquiries Log, the database

listing residents seeking employment opportunities with the Expo Local Jobs Program. There are now 630 interested residents on the database.

• Hired 10 new construction workers in July - 4 of those hired were local residents

• In conjunction with PVJOBS, completed three additional job program orientations for interested local residents. Will conduct several more orientation sessions over the next few months.

• Continued to meet with Union Local 300 and Carpenters Union Local 409 Field Representatives to discuss progress in hiring new and existing union members from the Expo corridor. Will continue to meet with the Unions on a monthly basis.

• Distributed Expo Jobs Program information throughout the Expo Corridor to libraries, community organizations, senior centers and retail establishments.

• Continued briefings with Exposition Construction Authority Board members and other elected officials’ staff regarding the status of DBE Contracting Opportunities and Local Jobs Program

AA/EIS/Conceptual Engineering

• Established agreement with Metro on No Build definition for all relevant planning projects in accordance with FTA guidance

• Conducted equilibration testing on future bus networks

• Established a work-around plan allowing Expo staff access to the Metro model at the beginning of August

• Collected demographic and planning data from SCAG

• Coordinated with Metro Operations and Metro Planning on future network definition

• Prepared basic plan and profile for Alternatives 1 and 2

• Began mapping for alternatives that emerged from Scoping

Phase 2 Project Status:


AA/EIS/Conceptual Engineering (cont.)

• Finalized sensitive receptor maps, including field verification

• Continued defining existing ROW ownership data. Met with Metro Real Estate to determine specific data requirements.

• Began to establish capital cost estimate framework consistent with FTA methodology

Government/Community Relations

• Presented at a Friends 4 Expo general meeting

• Attended a City of Santa Monica Industrial Lands planning workshop

Phase 2 Project Status:


AA/EIS/Conceptual Engineering

• Complete screening level physical analysis of alternatives that emerged from the scoping process

• Commence Lincoln Blvd analysis (Rosendahl Study)

• Receive Metro Ridership Model and begin QC testing and alternatives coding

• Continue evaluation of potential station locations, parking lots, and TOD opportunities

Phase 2 Planned Activities:


Government/Community Relations

• Complete Public Participation Plan

• Conduct tours of the alternative alignments for elected official staff as requested

• Conduct staff briefings for local, state and federal elected official representatives as requested

• Continue outreach activities to provide updates on work progress and address public concerns

Phase 2 Planned Activities :