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Kiama High School Newsletter RESPECT · RESPONSIBILITY · EXCELLENCE Ph: 4232 1911 · e-mail: [email protected] RESPECT · RESPONSIBILITY · EXCELLENCE Term 2 Week 7A and 8B Monday 10 May 2019 FROM THE PRINCIPAL’S DESK We really work as a partnership at Kiama High School. We are all lifelong learners and teachers. As parents, you are teaching your children how to be part of a family and the values you want them to have which will guide them through life. They are teaching you new technologies & ideas, and challenging you in your parenting skills. As educators school staff are also teaching skills, knowledge and values. We are also learning – some teachers are embracing our cultures of thinking initiative, other staff are focussing on new financial management systems or syllabus requirements. Others such as Kim Cutting are maintaining their commitment to their passions. This week Kim spoke about Kiama High School’s war on waste (WOW!) at the Edu TECH International Congress and Expo. WOW! Kim clearly articulated our journey on reducing waste going to landfill. She was congratulated on her excellent presentation at the end of the session by audience members. She did a great job and I want to congratulate her for her efforts. Just to let you know the calibre of this conference Sir Ken Robinson was the keynote speaker on Day 1. His ideas about learning in the modern age are inspiring and we will continue to explore innovative and creative ideas for our students to gain that creative advantage at Kiama High School.

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Kiama High School Newsletter RESPECT · RESPONSIBILITY · EXCELLENCE Ph: 4232 1911 · e-mail: [email protected]


Term 2 Week 7A and 8B

Monday 10 May 2019


We really work as a partnership at Kiama High School. We are all lifelong learners and teachers. As parents, you are teaching your children how to be part of a family and the values you want them to have which will guide them through life. They are teaching you new technologies & ideas, and challenging you in your parenting skills. As educators school staff are also teaching skills, knowledge and values. We are also learning – some teachers are embracing our cultures of thinking initiative, other staff are focussing on new financial management systems or syllabus requirements. Others such as Kim Cutting are maintaining their commitment to their passions.

This week Kim spoke about Kiama High School’s war on waste (WOW!) at the Edu TECH International Congress and Expo. WOW! Kim clearly articulated our journey on reducing waste going to landfill. She was congratulated on her excellent presentation at the end of the session by audience members. She did a great job and I want to congratulate her for her efforts. Just to let you know the calibre of this conference Sir Ken Robinson was the keynote speaker on Day 1. His ideas about learning in the modern age are inspiring and we will continue to explore innovative and creative ideas for our students to gain that creative advantage at Kiama High School.

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Looking back on the past fortnight I have been reminded yet again about the calibre of our students and their admirable leadership qualities. I had the pleasure of taking our School Captains 2019, Mackenzie Warfield and Emilio Goytizolo to the Students Leaders Forum at NSW Parliament House and then onto Government House. The students learned a lot about how the NSW parliament runs, were able to hear from elected members, including the member for Kiama, Gareth Ward, and were celebrated as leaders of today and encouraged to be leaders into the future. Then an information session and afternoon tea was hosted by Her Excellency the Honourable Margaret Beazley AO QC, Governor of New South Wales. Back at school we have also had a focus on continuing leadership. We have held leadership elections for 2020 which consist of leadership interviews, assembly presentations and voting. Every student who has put themselves forward for a position in student leadership is to be congratulated. Our motto for 2019 is Yes! We can. We never know what we can achieve if we don’t take a risk and have a go.

Catherine Glover Principal


Please note - the amended date for the next P & C Meeting is

Monday 17 June at 6.30pm in the School Library.

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DEPUTY PRINCIPALS’ REPORT HIGH FLYERS Congratulations to the many students who have achieved such great success in various areas in the last couple of weeks. Particularly to Jack Quine and Dylan Egan for their selection in the NSW Under 15 Rugby League team, to compete in Queensland later this year. These boys were joined by Hamish Stewart and Ashton Ward in Toronto last week playing for Southern NSW. Our under 15 AFL team has annihilated Dapto HS to progress to the next round and our Opens Boys’ Volleyball team has proved themselves a force to be reckoned with, finishing third overall. Thank you to the staff who give up their spare time to prepare these students and team, their efforts are greatly appreciated. We would love to hear about the achievements our students make as representatives of Kiama High School as sometimes we do not receive reports on their achievements. Please email [email protected] so that we can celebrate the successes.

Our captains, Emilio and Mackenzie, visited Parliament House last Wednesday with Mrs Glover to represent Kiama High School at the Student Leadership Conference. As usual, they were exceptional in their representation of the young people at our school and they continue to make us very proud. It is especially important to recognise the role these students play in the SRC as we come to election time. We wish all students the very best in their speeches and encourage anyone who would like to step up into a leadership position to do so. Our SRC have also worked extremely hard, under the guidance of Mrs Littrich and Ms Motbey to create the “Packed with Love” Campaign which creates packs for women, men and children during times of need. Thank you to the staff and community for their donations of goods.

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Our student band performed a pre-tour show at Hindmarsh Park on Sunday. Later this month they depart for their tour of Western NSW, visiting Orange, Parkes, Trundle and Dubbo. On Wednesday night, 19 June, there will be a 7pm performance in the Gadhu gym for all parents, students and community members to attend. A huge thank you is extended to Mrs Luke, Mr Wild and Mr Deans for their ongoing and tireless preparation of our super talented musicians.

The opportunity has arisen for our students in Years 10, 11 and 12 to participate in the presentation by Lofty Fulton at the Kiama Pavilion, early next term. Further information was provided at the assemblies this week and any students who would like to register their interest is to see Mrs Anthony for more information. Lofty speaks in detail about his experiences in overcoming adversity and building resilience, a concern facing many of our students during these challenging years. There is also an opportunity for interested parents to attend a 20% discounted price when they use the code “Kiama HS” in the order form. We would also like to remind all parents and carers that the area in Shoalhaven Street, near the school’s basketball courts is not a drop off zone. We have recently had active police supervision out there but it is extremely unsafe for students due to staff arriving and departing school via this area. Of particular concern also, is that parents are choosing to clog the car park with their own cars. This is a staff car park only.

UNIFORM Colder weather brings out a range of coloured hoodies, jackets, track pants and shoes. Please be mindful that Kiama High School is a uniform school and our student body and wider community elected our uniform after consultation. Students must bring a note if they are unable to wear the uniform of blue hoodie, blue pants or shorts, blue polo top and black leather/leather like shoes. Uniforms enable us to readily identify students at Kiama High School and are meant to encourage a sense of pride and self-worth. Please encourage students to stick to the uniform and keep all undergarments hidden, if they must be worn. MONDAY AFTERNOON DETENTIONS Unfortunately this group has grown. Students can receive an afternoon detention for a range of reasons, from partial truancy, multiple uniform issues or misbehaviour. A letter is posted home and an email is sent. Students will also be issued a reminder. If they cannot attend their detention then they must organise an alternate arrangement. If students fail to attend then they will be given a warning of suspension and when it gets to this stage they need to treat it seriously as suspension for persistent disobedience is a serious concern.

Melissa Anthony Deputy Principal

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ABORIGINAL EDUCATION SORRY DAY Last Monday 27 May, students from Kiama High School attended Sorry Day commemorations at the Council Chambers and Pavilion. Year 9 student Alira Morgan danced with her Aboriginal dance group following the Welcome to Country and our talented vocal group performed Tell Me Now followed by a presentation on the Bomaderry Homes delivered by Yr 10 student Jordan Casson-Jones. It was a very special day and we all enjoyed learning from Jodi Edwards, Aunty Joyce Donovan, Louise Croker from Kiama Council and from the presentations and songs delivered by the primary schools in our area.

_________________________________________ A big thank you to the students (pre-school through to high school) and teachers who participated in this year’s Kiama Sorry Day commemorations; we hope that you enjoyed the day as much as we did. While Sorry Day is one of solemnity and commemoration it is also a day of hope, acknowledgement and for moving towards reconciliation, it is with gratitude that we offer thanks for your participation and continued involvement in this important community event. I look forward to working with you again in 2020.

Warm regards, Louise Croker

Community and Cultural Development Officer Kiama Municipal Council


AIME On Friday 31 May, 12 Aboriginal students travelled by train to the University of Wollongong where they participated in a day of challenges, communication and fun. Their behaviour and engagement was outstanding. Elle Stewart-Reid gave a fantastic Acknowledgement to Country to start the day at Woolyunga and Taylor-Lee Byrne wrapped up the day with a wonderful note of thanks. It was a day that instilled pride in our Aboriginal students.

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As we are fast approaching our Tour of Central West NSW, the Kiama High School Band performed in Hindmarsh Park on Sunday 2 June. It was a fantastic opportunity for the Band to perform a selection of the repertoire they have been preparing for since February. We are very grateful to the Kiama Community for providing this wonderful opportunity and for the amazing support. Our last event before we depart is a Farewell Concert on Wednesday evening 19 June. The performance will start at 7pm and you are all invited to come along and hear the band.

NAPLAN Kiama High School successfully participated in the online format of NAPLAN this year. More than 1400 tests were completed over 4 days by our Year 7 and Year 9 students. The students are to be congratulated for their exceptional behaviour and the way they engaged with the new format. The minimal problems experienced on the first day of testing were due to nationwide network issues but otherwise our school coped extremely well due largely to the diligence of our Technical Support Officer, Christopher Veljanovski and the fabulous team of teachers who administered the tests. NAPLAN Online offers benefits for students and schools, including more precise results due to ‘tailored testing’, a more engaging experience for students and faster turnaround of results which will better support teaching interventions and inform decisions about improving learning. Results are expected to be released early Term 3.

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CAREERS NEWS Lots of events keeping the Careers Office busy at the moment. Congratulations to all of those students getting involved and making the most of your opportunities. We have a number of Year 10 students going to TAFE one day per week this term as part of the TAFE YES program. They have been getting hands-on experiences in construction, metalwork, early childhood education and information technology. Over 20 students will also be visiting TAFE on 18 June for the Taste of TAFE Excursion. Congratulations to the 25 students who completed their First Aid Training Course that we hosted at school on Friday 7 June. Week 6 was the first designated work experience week this year. Congratulations to the students across Years 9-12 who took advantage of this opportunity. A massive thank you to the host employers, who have given up their time to provide experiences across diverse industries including construction, retail, aged care, sport development, photography, automotive, plumbing, agriculture and animal care. A reminder to all students that Week 8 is the last designated work experience week this term – interested students need to be finalising paperwork now in order to be ready for this week. Please visit Careers Office L3 if you have any questions. I recently held a session with all Year 12 students interested in applying for university. It was well attended and we discussed application processes and course selection advice. Any students who missed this session that are planning on studying at university in 2020 – please let me know. Also, I encourage all Year 12 students to consider booking in an appointment to discuss with me how your career planning is progressing. Now is the time to be putting in place strategies in preparation for life after the HSC. As always, I encourage parents and students to check out Kiama High Careers Facebook page for the latest news. Also, there are lots of great resources on including the Calendar of Events. At this time of year things are starting to get busy with a number of open days, holiday workshops and other career events. I can be contacted via email – [email protected] – or call the school office to arrange an appointment.

Regards, Mitchell Grove

Careers Adviser

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DEPUTY PRINCIPALS’ REPORT Dear parents, guardians and carers Re: Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD)

Every year, all schools in Australia participate in the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD). The NCCD process requires schools to identify information already available in the school about supports provided to students with disability. These relate to legislative requirements under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 and the Disability Standards for Education 2005, in line with the NCCD guidelines (2019). Information provided about students to the Australian Government for the NCCD includes: • year of schooling • category of disability: physical, cognitive, sensory or social/emotional • level of adjustment provided: support provided within quality differentiated

teaching practice, supplementary, substantial or extensive.

This information assists schools to: • formally recognise the supports and adjustments provided to students with

disability in schools • consider how they can strengthen the support of students with disability in

schools • develop shared practices so that they can review their learning programs in

order to improve educational outcomes for students with disability.

The NCCD provides state and federal governments with the information they need to plan more broadly for the support of students with disability. The NCCD will have no direct impact on your child and your child will not be involved in any testing process. The school will provide data to the Australian Government in such a way that no individual student will be able to be identified – the privacy and

confidentiality of all students is ensured. All information is protected by privacy laws that regulate the collection, storage and disclosure of personal information. To find out more about these matters, please refer to the Australian Government’s Privacy Policy ( Further information about the NCCD can be found on the NCCD Portal ( If you have any questions about the NCCD, please contact the school. Kind regards Catherine Glover Principal

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SPORT U15s AFL Team The KHS U15s AFL team has advanced to the third round of the NSW CHS Knockout, with a comfortable 70-6 win over Dapto High School. Our squad, made up of a number of inexperienced players, continue to develop their AFL skills and knowledge. Each game they are looking better and better. Under the guidance of coaches Mitchell Deans (Year 12), Noah Wood (Year 11) and a core group of more experienced players, Kiama overcame the windy conditions to chalk up their impressive victory. The boys now await the results of other matches, to learn who their next opponent will be. Good luck, boys! Open Boys Volleyball Our Open Boys Volleyball Team in action last week at the South Coast Finals Day where our boys proved themselves a force to be reckoned with, finishing third overall.

CHS Under 15s Rugby League Congratulations to Jack Quine and Dylan Egan who have just been selected in the NSW Combined High Schools Under 15 team. They travel to Redcliffe, Queensland from 29 June to 5 July to take part in the Australian Championships. Good luck boys.

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NSW Combined High School Rugby Championships Kiama High School was well represented in the South Coast team participating in the NSW Combined High School Rugby Championships 2019 recently held in Narrabeen. A great three days of rugby, the side came away with two wins and two losses, improving on last year by two placings coming 9th all round. Well done to all the boys who put in a fantastic effort. Reuben Thomas has since been selected for the 1st XV NSW Combined High School Opens side. Blake Curls has also been selected to represent NSW Country Opens.

Netball NSW TAFE Schools’ Cup Thursday 30 May, five Kiama High School teams took part in the Netball NSW TAFE Schools’ Cup at Shoalhaven. Three of our five teams have progressed to the next round on 20 August back at Shoalhaven. Congratulations to the Year 8 and 10 girls’ teams and our Year 9 boy’s team. A huge thank you to ALL players who took part in the event. You were absolutely fantastic! A special mention to both Megan Hunt and Holly Biffin for umpiring throughout the day and a heartfelt thank you to Claire Beahan. Thank you too all our fabulous parents who drove players and supported on the side lines. Finally, the day would not have been successful without the help of Miss David who ensured our teams were on the correct court and games were covered with umpires. An awesome day!

Ms Duggan

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Zone Tennis Congratulations to Clare Smith, Ella North, Sophie Short, Tahlia Koorey, Ethan Moore, Harry Wallace, Jack Wallace and Liam Johansson who participated in the zone championships against Ulladulla and Bomaderry High Schools on Friday 24 May. They all played exceptionally well and displayed excellent sportsmanship throughout the day. Against Bomaderry, the boys’ side had to play reverse doubles to determine a winner. Well done to everyone. Thank you to the parents, grandparents and uncles who cheered them on.

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BYOD PORTAL Kiama High School has partnered with JB Hi-Fi Education Solutions to provide its students with an easy-to-use portal that provides an exclusive range of BYOD devices to choose from, including Macs, iPads and PCs. Aside from educational discounts on devices, the portal also offers accessories, extended warranty, insurance options and more.

Choose home delivery or arrange pickup from your nearest JB Hi-Fi store. Best of all, JB Hi-Fi Education Solutions allows for a wide range of payment options, including debit/credit card, BPAY and even interest free finance. To get started, simply visit and enter school code KIAMAHS2019.

Christopher Veljanovski Technology Support Officer

MONEY MANAGEMENT COURSE CAP is offering parents a free course in money management. We teach a simple but proven method to manage your income towards getting out of debt or just finding more money for special expenses like holidays. We are not financial planners but money coaches, you do all the work in a work book. This course follows on from the financial literacy course given to Year 10 last December. When – Wednesdays at 7pm-8.30pm, 19, 26 June and 3 July Where – Kiama Uniting Church cnr Manning & Bong Bong Sts Please register with Trevor McBeath on 4237 7064

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Week 7A Mon 10/6 Tue 11/6 Wed 12/6 Thurs 13/6 Fri 14/6 Public Holiday

Sandra Allison Shani Marlou

Week 8B Mon 17/6 Tue 18/6 Wed 19/6 Thurs 20/6 Fri 21/6 Heather Fran Gel Help needed Roxanne

Nerida Kristen

WEEK 7A 2019

MONDAY 10/6 • Queen’s Birthday

TUESDAY 11/6 WEDNESDAY 12/6 • Back Up for SCSSA Cross Country • Under 14s & 16s Rugby Union • Year 11 PDHPE Anatomy Lab


THURSDAY 13/6 • Year 12 Geography Urban Place

Fieldwork FRIDAY 14/6 • Shoalhaven Zone Athletics • Year 12 CAFS Flagstaff Life Choice

WEEK 8B 2019

MONDAY 17/6 • Work Experience Week 2 • Taste of TAFE Years 10, 11, 12 • P & C Meeting (amended date)

at 6.30pm

TUESDAY 18/6 • Years 7, 11 and 12 Parent/Teacher

Night – 3.45-7pm • NSWCHS Girls Hockey, Moorebank • Zone Netball

WEDNESDAY 19/6 • Coondoo Classic

THURSDAY 20/6 • Coondoo Classic

FRIDAY 21/6 • Open Boys & Girls Tennis KO



YEARS 7, 11 and 12 – 18 June, 3.45pm to 7.00pm (in GADHU Gym)

YEARS 8, 9, and 10 – 2 July, 3.45pm to 7.00pm (in GADHU Gym)

Interviews with the Careers Advisor will be held in the School Library on both evenings.

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