personalize your brand and communication skills: advancing your career as a women leader sara m....

Personalize Your Brand and Communication Skills: Advancing your Career as a Women Leader Sara M. Larch, FACMPE Bergitta E. Smith, FACMPE October 7, 2013 1

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Page 1: Personalize Your Brand and Communication Skills: Advancing your Career as a Women Leader Sara M. Larch, FACMPE Bergitta E. Smith, FACMPE October 7, 2013

Personalize Your Brand and Communication Skills: Advancing your Career as a Women Leader

Sara M. Larch, FACMPE

Bergitta E. Smith, FACMPE

October 7, 2013


Page 2: Personalize Your Brand and Communication Skills: Advancing your Career as a Women Leader Sara M. Larch, FACMPE Bergitta E. Smith, FACMPE October 7, 2013

Learning Objectives

This session will equip you with the ability to:• Understand the challenges and

opportunities of being a woman leader• Create a personal brand statement and

define your personal style• Communicate effectively and influence

others with great presentation skills2

Page 3: Personalize Your Brand and Communication Skills: Advancing your Career as a Women Leader Sara M. Larch, FACMPE Bergitta E. Smith, FACMPE October 7, 2013

Why is this important to us?

• To celebrate women and their approach to leadership

• To encourage women leader professional and personal development

• It is still not a level playing field• Women leaders need new skills to help

overcome barriers


Page 4: Personalize Your Brand and Communication Skills: Advancing your Career as a Women Leader Sara M. Larch, FACMPE Bergitta E. Smith, FACMPE October 7, 2013

“What is on your mind?”

• • • •


Page 5: Personalize Your Brand and Communication Skills: Advancing your Career as a Women Leader Sara M. Larch, FACMPE Bergitta E. Smith, FACMPE October 7, 2013

Identify how leading as a female

brings additional

challenges and opportunities


Page 6: Personalize Your Brand and Communication Skills: Advancing your Career as a Women Leader Sara M. Larch, FACMPE Bergitta E. Smith, FACMPE October 7, 2013

More Women, More Profit

“Investors are better off with companies that have female directors on their boards”, published by the multinational investment bank Credit Suisse.

The Credit Suisse report, which references the studies by Deloitte, McKinsey, and others, analyzed the performance of 2,360 global companies over six years, focusing on one key question:

“Does increased gender diversity within corporate management correlate to better company performance?”

“Companies with at least one woman on the board averaged a return on equity that was four points higher (16 percent versus 12 percent) than companies without, and they also saw better average net income growth of 14 percent over 10 percent.”

Source: “Codifying the Correlation of Women Directors and Good Stock Performance”, By Elizabeth Dilts, Corporate Counsel, August 3, 2012


Page 7: Personalize Your Brand and Communication Skills: Advancing your Career as a Women Leader Sara M. Larch, FACMPE Bergitta E. Smith, FACMPE October 7, 2013

Note: F500 = An annual list of Fortune 500 most profitable US industrial corporations.


Page 8: Personalize Your Brand and Communication Skills: Advancing your Career as a Women Leader Sara M. Larch, FACMPE Bergitta E. Smith, FACMPE October 7, 2013

Healthcare Industry

Industry wide: Percent represented by women2010 2011

• Medical & Health Services Managers: 68.5% 72.5%• Physicians & Surgeons: 32.2% 32.3%• Registered Nurses: 92.0% 91.1%• Physical Therapists: 64.7% 68.5%• EMT & Paramedics: 30.1% 34.1%



Page 9: Personalize Your Brand and Communication Skills: Advancing your Career as a Women Leader Sara M. Larch, FACMPE Bergitta E. Smith, FACMPE October 7, 2013

What are the trends in medical groups?

• More women leaders• Too few women in the C-suite• Many in operations and few in finance• Education and ACMPE credentials


Page 10: Personalize Your Brand and Communication Skills: Advancing your Career as a Women Leader Sara M. Larch, FACMPE Bergitta E. Smith, FACMPE October 7, 2013

The New Metaphor

The LabyrinthThe Glass Ceiling

The Concrete Wall


Page 11: Personalize Your Brand and Communication Skills: Advancing your Career as a Women Leader Sara M. Larch, FACMPE Bergitta E. Smith, FACMPE October 7, 2013

The Labyrinth

• WSJ 2004, broken “Through the Glass Ceiling”

• Labyrinth: the varied challenges confronting women as they travel, often on indirect paths, sometimes through alien territory, on their way to leadership.

• “…the obstacles that women face have become surmountable, at least by some women some of the time. Paths to the top exist, and some women find them. The successful routes can be difficult to discover, however and therefore we label these circuitous paths a labyrinth.”

Source: “Through the Labyrinth: the truth about how women become leaders”, Alice Eagly & Linda Carli; 2007.


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Page 13: Personalize Your Brand and Communication Skills: Advancing your Career as a Women Leader Sara M. Larch, FACMPE Bergitta E. Smith, FACMPE October 7, 2013

“How The Way We Talk Can Change The Way We Work”

Women must master the language of business;

move from:• Complaint to Commitment

• Blame to Personal Responsibility

• New Year’s Resolutions to Competing Commitments

• Source: Robert Kegan & Lisa Laskow Lahey, 2001


Page 14: Personalize Your Brand and Communication Skills: Advancing your Career as a Women Leader Sara M. Larch, FACMPE Bergitta E. Smith, FACMPE October 7, 2013

How You Present: Do you inspire confidence?

• Vocal Quality• Loud enough• Do you portray enthusiasm and

confidence through your tone?• Pace

• Do you manage your pace to avoid speaking too fast and too slow?

• Do you pause to emphasize key messages and during transitions?

• Posture• Standing straight and tall vs.

slouched• Standing hip width distance with

both feet firmly planted vs. leaning to one side

• Hand Gestures• Natural or nervous?• Do your gestures emphasize

your message or create distraction?

• Facial Expressions• Do you smile during your

presentation?• Do you appear calm and

collected?• Do your facial expressions

portray passion and enthusiasm vs. nervousness?


Page 15: Personalize Your Brand and Communication Skills: Advancing your Career as a Women Leader Sara M. Larch, FACMPE Bergitta E. Smith, FACMPE October 7, 2013

Here are some planning questions to consider:

• What is the purpose of this presentation?

• Who is the audience; what are their interests?

• How do I structure my message?

• What are the main points of this presentation?

• What supporting information and stories support my main points?

• How do I transition from one point to the next?

• Do I have an attention–grabbing opening?

• Do I have a summative closing?

• Should I use visual aids?

Preparing for a client presentation

Page 16: Personalize Your Brand and Communication Skills: Advancing your Career as a Women Leader Sara M. Larch, FACMPE Bergitta E. Smith, FACMPE October 7, 2013

“What action am I seeking?”

Define your desired outcome

Action ResponseYou want the audience to:Learn a new skillAccept your analysisApprove your planImplement your program

Must ASK for the response

Martha A. Nord, Client Presentations

Feeling ResponseYou want the audience to: Recognize your expertise on this

topic Appreciate your knowledge of

computer systems Trust you and the

recommendations you present

Cannot always ask for the response

Page 17: Personalize Your Brand and Communication Skills: Advancing your Career as a Women Leader Sara M. Larch, FACMPE Bergitta E. Smith, FACMPE October 7, 2013

Get Specific: In one concise sentence, what is

the goal of your presentation?

Develop the presentation with the end goal in mind

Page 18: Personalize Your Brand and Communication Skills: Advancing your Career as a Women Leader Sara M. Larch, FACMPE Bergitta E. Smith, FACMPE October 7, 2013


We are meeting to discuss implementing the new Practice Website.


My presentation will give you an appreciation for the flexibility and timing of implementing our new Practice Website.


The purpose of this presentation is to give you the information you need to make a final decision on selecting a Practice Website implementation partner.

Presentation goal example

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Analysis: Who are they? How many are there?

Understanding: What is their knowledge of the subject?

Demographics: What is their background, experience? Are there cultural or language differences?

Interest: Why are they there? What is their interest in the topic?

Environment: What environment would be best?

Needs: What are their needs?

Customized: What specific needs must you address?

Expectations: What do they expect to hear? What’s in it for them?

Analyze your audience

A well-prepared presentation given to the wrong audience can have the same effect as a poorly-prepared presentation

made to the right audience…they can both fail terribly!

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Developing a presentation is like preparing for a trip…plan ahead, review your goals, and plan for emergencies

After you are fully prepared, open the suitcase and remove one-third to one-half of the contents

There will be more spring in your step and it will be easier to know what you absolutely need to cover!

Keep only the essential information

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Page 22: Personalize Your Brand and Communication Skills: Advancing your Career as a Women Leader Sara M. Larch, FACMPE Bergitta E. Smith, FACMPE October 7, 2013

Defining Your Brand

• Personal Brand – a unique promise of value/purpose• What you are uniquely

known for – your expertise, deep knowledge and experience

• How you create value – the tangible value you create for your organization and your people

• Who you are – the character that defines you and what you stand for

• What makes a great brand?• Clearly understood and

compelling to others• Showcases your passion• Differentiates you from others• Demonstrates future value,

not only present value• Enables you to align yourself

with the right roles and initiatives


Page 23: Personalize Your Brand and Communication Skills: Advancing your Career as a Women Leader Sara M. Larch, FACMPE Bergitta E. Smith, FACMPE October 7, 2013

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Define Your Brand – key words and phrases

What you are uniquely known for – your expertise, deep knowledge and experience

How you create value – the tangible value you create for your organization and your people

Who you are – the character that defines you and what you stand for

Adapted from Deloitte publication:

“Lead from the Front, Building your Brand”

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Translate into a succinct brand statement

Adapted from Deloitte publication:

“Lead from the Front, Building your Brand”

Is it easy to understand to an expert in your field as well as some unfamiliar with your area of expertise?

What terms should I explain or avoid using?

What level of detail would be most meaningful?

What terminology (jargon, acronyms, etc.) do they probably know?



Page 25: Personalize Your Brand and Communication Skills: Advancing your Career as a Women Leader Sara M. Larch, FACMPE Bergitta E. Smith, FACMPE October 7, 2013

“Insist on yourself; never imitate…Every great person is unique.”

- Ralph Waldo Emerson, American poet


Page 26: Personalize Your Brand and Communication Skills: Advancing your Career as a Women Leader Sara M. Larch, FACMPE Bergitta E. Smith, FACMPE October 7, 2013

Kegan & Lahey’s evolution of mental complexity

•How do I get on the bus? What is everyone else doing? Okay, I’ll do that…

•How do I get on the bus and into the driver’s seat? It’s my map, and I am going to get us there. I am tied to my frame of reference.

•How do I get in the driver’s seat, but remain open to the possibility of a changing map? I’m not tied to my frame of reference. I can step outside and see other possibilities.


Page 27: Personalize Your Brand and Communication Skills: Advancing your Career as a Women Leader Sara M. Larch, FACMPE Bergitta E. Smith, FACMPE October 7, 2013

My 2014 Leadership Self-Assessment Quiz

1. The top three opportunities for improvement identified in my last performance appraisal are ____________.

2. My most critical skill gap is ___________________.

3. My most critical knowledge gap is ______________.

4. My boss/board/chair/president understands what I do ___Yes ___No.

5. If no, why not? ______________________________

6. I am training/coaching/mentoring at least one person in my organization for promotion. ____Yes ____No.

7. If no, why not? _______________________________Ascension Consulting TM


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The 6 P Factor








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Page 29: Personalize Your Brand and Communication Skills: Advancing your Career as a Women Leader Sara M. Larch, FACMPE Bergitta E. Smith, FACMPE October 7, 2013

Perceptions, Presentation & Performance

• You choose how others will view you

• You are the whole enchilada

• Failed rehearsals = Fabulous performances


Page 30: Personalize Your Brand and Communication Skills: Advancing your Career as a Women Leader Sara M. Larch, FACMPE Bergitta E. Smith, FACMPE October 7, 2013

Perception is 9/10s of the law…

•Say what you mean•Ask for what you really want•Correct in the moment•Confront the issue not the individual

•Behaviors are intentional

Ascension Consulting TM


Page 31: Personalize Your Brand and Communication Skills: Advancing your Career as a Women Leader Sara M. Larch, FACMPE Bergitta E. Smith, FACMPE October 7, 2013

Systematic Thinking for Presentations That Impress

• Situational ThinkingDevelop a brief description of the situationBe concrete, objectiveDo not make assumptions; ask questions

• Decisive ActionsDevelop the specific action(s) you will take Document what you will doFollow-up at some pre-determined interval to see if the action

actually created the results you were seekingAdjust

• Results OrientationDid you achieve the desired goal?Report outcomesShow applicability to future situationsIncorporate the results in future planningArticulate the ROIDocument—whether outcomes are positive or negative


Page 32: Personalize Your Brand and Communication Skills: Advancing your Career as a Women Leader Sara M. Larch, FACMPE Bergitta E. Smith, FACMPE October 7, 2013

Professionalism & Promotion

• Develop and maintain cultural competency

• Eliminate the vacuum • Define success


Page 33: Personalize Your Brand and Communication Skills: Advancing your Career as a Women Leader Sara M. Larch, FACMPE Bergitta E. Smith, FACMPE October 7, 2013

Leading by Example

•Healthy vs. Smart organizations

•Communicate change•Begin with the end in mind


Page 34: Personalize Your Brand and Communication Skills: Advancing your Career as a Women Leader Sara M. Larch, FACMPE Bergitta E. Smith, FACMPE October 7, 2013


• Trying to lead before establishing credibility.

• Trying to lead before there's a relationship.

• Having a different belief systems.• Having goals that are incompatible.• Communicating YOUR way not THEIR way.


Page 35: Personalize Your Brand and Communication Skills: Advancing your Career as a Women Leader Sara M. Larch, FACMPE Bergitta E. Smith, FACMPE October 7, 2013


Building a power base

Maximizing the other 5 Ps

Sustaining power

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Page 36: Personalize Your Brand and Communication Skills: Advancing your Career as a Women Leader Sara M. Larch, FACMPE Bergitta E. Smith, FACMPE October 7, 2013

Building A Strong Power Base• What are you doing as a leader to foster

professional development in your direct reports?

• What are some learning opportunities that would be of value to them?

• What obstacles do your direct reports encounter when seeking professional growth opportunities?

• How do lack of professional development opportunities impact your bottom line?

• What is the #1 skill gap on your team?

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Page 37: Personalize Your Brand and Communication Skills: Advancing your Career as a Women Leader Sara M. Larch, FACMPE Bergitta E. Smith, FACMPE October 7, 2013

Time is your most valuable asset



Urgent Not urgent

 Quadrant I:

This represents things that are both “urgent and important.” This is where we manage, produce, and bring our experience and judgment to bear in responding to critical needs and challenges. This is the quadrant of “necessity”.


Quadrant II:

This is the “important but not urgent” quadrant of optimal effectiveness. It’s where you plan, prepare, prevent crises, clarify your values, build relationships, and improve yourself.


Page 38: Personalize Your Brand and Communication Skills: Advancing your Career as a Women Leader Sara M. Larch, FACMPE Bergitta E. Smith, FACMPE October 7, 2013




Not Urgent

• Quadrant III: This is the quadrant of deception. It includes things that are “urgent but not important.” Remember the noise of urgency creates the illusion of importance.

Quadrant IV: This quadrant represents activities that are “neither urgent nor important.” This is the quadrant of “waste and excess.”

To get a picture of what your quadrants look like today, go to The

test takes less than 15 minutes. Create a matrix from your current “to do” lists.

Time is your most valuable asset


Page 39: Personalize Your Brand and Communication Skills: Advancing your Career as a Women Leader Sara M. Larch, FACMPE Bergitta E. Smith, FACMPE October 7, 2013

The ABC’s of Your Current State

• Understand who you are, what you do, and why it matters

• Harness the language of leadership• Develop skills for where you’re going• Determine the most effective route to get

there from here


Page 40: Personalize Your Brand and Communication Skills: Advancing your Career as a Women Leader Sara M. Larch, FACMPE Bergitta E. Smith, FACMPE October 7, 2013

Charting yourself and your team





Fight fire with fire; control and command; likes to win

go along to get a


smoothers; supportiv


Creative; inventive; 360 satisfaction

Middle ground; fair to both sidesFlee from or

deflect conflict


(Source: Mountain View, CA: CPP, Inc., 1974–2009) by Kenneth W. Thomas and Ralph H. Kilmann)

Page 41: Personalize Your Brand and Communication Skills: Advancing your Career as a Women Leader Sara M. Larch, FACMPE Bergitta E. Smith, FACMPE October 7, 2013

A = Attitudes

• Risk Tolerance• Hot Buttons• Passion/What Drives You• Looking Through the Windshield or the

Rear View Mirror• What You Are Most Afraid Of

“Perception unchecked by validation becomes a truth that can destroy you. That truth becomes your reality, and you will be unable to exit the realm of the

original perception.” Bergitta Smith


Page 42: Personalize Your Brand and Communication Skills: Advancing your Career as a Women Leader Sara M. Larch, FACMPE Bergitta E. Smith, FACMPE October 7, 2013

B = Behaviors

• You control the consequence, not the behavior.

• No is a complete sentence.• Hysterical responses create historical

legacies. • People repeat what gets rewarded.

“Attempting to be successful at something you’re ill-equipped to do is like trying to roast a turkey in a toaster.” Bergitta Smith


Page 43: Personalize Your Brand and Communication Skills: Advancing your Career as a Women Leader Sara M. Larch, FACMPE Bergitta E. Smith, FACMPE October 7, 2013

C = Conditions


“It may be easier to manufacture success, than to manipulate performance.” Bergitta Smith


Page 44: Personalize Your Brand and Communication Skills: Advancing your Career as a Women Leader Sara M. Larch, FACMPE Bergitta E. Smith, FACMPE October 7, 2013


“Women speak and hear a language or connection and intimacy, and men speak and hear a language of status and independence. Men communicate to obtain information, establish their status and show independence. Women communicate to create relationships, encourage interaction and exchange feelings.”

-Judy B. Rosener, author of America’s Competitive Secret: Women Managers


Page 45: Personalize Your Brand and Communication Skills: Advancing your Career as a Women Leader Sara M. Larch, FACMPE Bergitta E. Smith, FACMPE October 7, 2013

Getting Started

• Acknowledge the current state• Develop a pathway to improvement• Commit to starting• Create development milestones• Be realistic• Seek a mentor • Find a learning partner


Page 46: Personalize Your Brand and Communication Skills: Advancing your Career as a Women Leader Sara M. Larch, FACMPE Bergitta E. Smith, FACMPE October 7, 2013

Steps toward improvement

Identify the gapSeek the resources

Engage in learning

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Page 47: Personalize Your Brand and Communication Skills: Advancing your Career as a Women Leader Sara M. Larch, FACMPE Bergitta E. Smith, FACMPE October 7, 2013

Assessing the Results

Structural and

cultural changes

Increased staff

and member satisfacti


Improved ROI


Page 48: Personalize Your Brand and Communication Skills: Advancing your Career as a Women Leader Sara M. Larch, FACMPE Bergitta E. Smith, FACMPE October 7, 2013

Refine Your Networking Plan

• Business cards • Follow up• Meeting with who you came to meet• Contact a few people ahead of time• Meet with a mentor/coach• Choose sessions that meet your professional development



Page 49: Personalize Your Brand and Communication Skills: Advancing your Career as a Women Leader Sara M. Larch, FACMPE Bergitta E. Smith, FACMPE October 7, 2013

Ten Best Practices for Advancing Women in BusinessSource: Women Business Leaders of the US Health Care Industry Foundation

• Show a satisfied work/life balance and point out that it is important for advancing

• Informal networking is effective• Opportunities need to be passed

along• Learn from failures• Focus on communication styles

• Know audience• Be diverse

• Self promotion is expected• At least once a week invest time in

cultivating business relationships• Be proactive about your career

advancement• Make your business and

professional objectives known to others

• Be comfortable with delegating and surround yourself with excellent talent

For additional info:


Page 50: Personalize Your Brand and Communication Skills: Advancing your Career as a Women Leader Sara M. Larch, FACMPE Bergitta E. Smith, FACMPE October 7, 2013

Things to ponder…

• “Moving away from ‘balancing work/life’ to “integrate work and life’” (next gen) analogy – spinning plates (one for each aspect of your life)

• “All women should take at least one course on negotiation for personal and professional reasons. This can help give you the skills to ask for a raise or bonus from your boss, and even negotiate effectively with a car mechanic.” Naomi Earp, Chair, EEOC.

• “The most often mentioned topics include leadership, negotiation, communication, and business development skills.” (next gen)

• “If you gain a reputation for delivering strong results with a great attitude, it will be hard for management not to get word of it.” (next gen)

• “More and more, the business world is shifting toward leveraged relationships. These relationships have a real impact on the bottom line and women excel at focusing on these relationships.” (next gen)

• Professor Albert Mehrabian, UCLA: Three elements that influence an audience most when a communicator is talking about their feelings or attitudes:

• Verbal ability: 7%, Vocal ability: 35%, Visual presence: 55%


Page 51: Personalize Your Brand and Communication Skills: Advancing your Career as a Women Leader Sara M. Larch, FACMPE Bergitta E. Smith, FACMPE October 7, 2013

Professional Development Opportunities

• Professional society memberships• Online and print subscriptions• Seminars, workshops, webinars, audio conferences• Certificate programs• Formal education• Mentors and coaches• Self-study• Volunteerism


Page 52: Personalize Your Brand and Communication Skills: Advancing your Career as a Women Leader Sara M. Larch, FACMPE Bergitta E. Smith, FACMPE October 7, 2013

Gordon’s Skill Development Ladder ©

Unconsciously unskilled


Unconsciously talented

Page 53: Personalize Your Brand and Communication Skills: Advancing your Career as a Women Leader Sara M. Larch, FACMPE Bergitta E. Smith, FACMPE October 7, 2013

The progression explained

Unconsciously Unskilled• New to the

organization, process or network

• Exhibits minimum skill level for the requirements of the position, task or opportunity

• Has minimal experience

• Exhibits a low level of self-recognition regarding deficits

Consciously Unskilled• Recognizes skill

deficits• Exhibits “guilt”

about not knowing “how”

• Seeks proactive assistance to correct deficits

Consciously Skilled• Successfully

orients or re-orients through training

• Masters the prerequisites

• Develops action plans and is able to problem-solve through prescribed methodologies

• Able to teach others


Skilled• Independent

and self-assured

• Well developed analytical and critical thinking skills

• Uses tools effectively to achieve stated goals

• Is consistent and highly reliable


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Page 56: Personalize Your Brand and Communication Skills: Advancing your Career as a Women Leader Sara M. Larch, FACMPE Bergitta E. Smith, FACMPE October 7, 2013

Get thyself to a book store…

• The Next Generation of Women Leaders: What You Need to Lead but Won’t Learn in Business School Selena Rezvani; 2010

• Iron Butterflies: Women Transforming Themselves and The World Birute Regine; 2010.

• Women Lead the Way: Your Guide to Stepping Up to Leadership and Changing the World Linda Tarr-Whelan; 2009.

• Through the Labyrinth: The Truth About How Women Become Leaders”, Alice Eagly & Linda Carli; 2007.

• Built to Last James C. Collins; • First Among Equals: How to Manage a Group of Professionals

Patrick J. McKenna and David H. Maister• Influence without Authority Allan R. Cohen, David L. Bradford• Why the Best Man for the Job Is a Woman Esther Wachs • Nice Girls Don’t Get the Corner Office: 101 Unconscious Mistakes

Women Make That Sabotage Their Careers Lois P. Frankel, PhD


Page 57: Personalize Your Brand and Communication Skills: Advancing your Career as a Women Leader Sara M. Larch, FACMPE Bergitta E. Smith, FACMPE October 7, 2013

• How to Be Like Women of Influence: Life Lessons from 20 of the Greatest Pat and Ruth Williams

• Seven Secrets of Successful Women Donna Brooks and Lynn Brooks• Going to the Top Carol Gallagher, PhD, with Susan K. Golant, MA• Wildly Sophisticated: A Bold New Attitude for Career Success

Nicole Williams• Use What You’ve Got & Other Business Lessons I Learned from My

Mom Barbara Corcoran• She Wins, You Win: The Most Important Strategies for Making

Women More Powerful”, Gail Evans• Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking

Susan Cain• Ideas With Impact: Harvard Business Review on Women in Business

Harvard Business School Press 2005• The Leadership Triangle Kevin Ford & Ken Tucker

What Others Are Reading


Page 58: Personalize Your Brand and Communication Skills: Advancing your Career as a Women Leader Sara M. Larch, FACMPE Bergitta E. Smith, FACMPE October 7, 2013

Where can you go online to learn more?

• Women Business Leaders in the US Health Care Industry Foundation

• Medical Group Management Association and American College of Medical Practice ExecutivesObtain complete ACMPE Body of Knowledge

• Advancing Women in Leadership (an online journal)

•• National Center for Excellence in Women’s



Page 59: Personalize Your Brand and Communication Skills: Advancing your Career as a Women Leader Sara M. Larch, FACMPE Bergitta E. Smith, FACMPE October 7, 2013

Sara M. Larch, MSHA, FACMPE

Sara Larch, MSHA, FACMPE is a Specialist Leader in the Healthcare Provider Practice within Deloitte Consulting LLP. Sara brings more than 30 years of healthcare experience in large physician groups in academic medical centers and multi-hospital systems. She has C-suite experience as COO of a 900 physician faculty practice plan and as VP of a five-hospital integrated delivery system leading the newly formed employed physician group. Sara is currently focused on the model of the employed physician from both the physician and hospital perspective. She specializes in: physician/hospital integration, academic medical center operations, large physician group financial and operational performance improvement including physician compensation and productivity.

Sara is Past Board Chair of the Medical Groups Management Association (MGMA) and Past President of the Academic Practice Assembly. She is a popular speaker at national conferences on topics that include medical group operations and reimbursement, physician governance, and women’s leadership and co-author of the book titles The Physician Billing Process: 12 Potholes to Avoid in the Road to Getting Paid. In 2012, Sara was the recipient of the Harry Harwick Award, MGMA’s Lifetime Achievement Award. She has a Masters, Degree in Health Sciences Administration, from Virginia Commonwealth University/MCV; Bachelor of Arts, Public Administration, from Miami University, Ohio and is a Fellow, American College of Medical Practice Executives.


Page 60: Personalize Your Brand and Communication Skills: Advancing your Career as a Women Leader Sara M. Larch, FACMPE Bergitta E. Smith, FACMPE October 7, 2013

Bergitta E. Smith, FACMPE

Bergitta E. Smith, FACMPE is Executive Vice President for the Alliance for Academic Internal Medicine. She is a senior health care executive with significant experience leading in complex care delivery systems and medical professional nonprofit societies, foundations and associations. Her areas of focus have included strategic initiatives development and execution, governance, and human capital management. In her current role, Bergitta’s key responsibilities include oversight of financial and business operations, facilities management, and facilitating the merger and integration of five associations into one corporate entity.

Bergitta has served as a senior director at two of the nations top hospitals-Wills Eye Hospital, and The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia where she was a senior director for private and hospital owned group practices and director of medical staff affairs. She has worked extensively with graduate medical educators, accrediting and credentialing organizations, and payers. At these institutions she served as the key staff liaison to governing body committees and diversity councils. As a nonprofit organization leader, Bergitta has had oversight of large industry conferences and events, seminars and symposia, clinical research project administration, and strategic planning.

Ms. Smith is a past chair of the Medical Group Management Association (MGMA) Board of Directors, served as chair of the MGMA Investment Advisory Subcommitee for five years, and also served as a member of the MGMA Finance Commitee. She is a current member of the Women Business Leaders of the US Healthcare Industry Foundation Advisory Board.


Page 62: Personalize Your Brand and Communication Skills: Advancing your Career as a Women Leader Sara M. Larch, FACMPE Bergitta E. Smith, FACMPE October 7, 2013

Source: TV episode of Citizen Baines, Ellen Baines’ speech

"It is claimed that women are better negotiators than men; because they are more comfortable with cooperative techniques; that their ethical sense is more accommodating of relationships.

 If we conclude that women are fundamentally different from men,

can we expect equality? 

On the other hand, if all we seek is to be the same as men, can we really make a difference?

 I believe that we can have equality and make a difference.

We don't want gender to matter, but it does.So we should embrace the fact that we are not the same as men.

 We have our own way of doing things;

We have our own reasons for doing things;We have our own voice; andWe control our own destiny."


Page 63: Personalize Your Brand and Communication Skills: Advancing your Career as a Women Leader Sara M. Larch, FACMPE Bergitta E. Smith, FACMPE October 7, 2013

Personalize Your Brand and Communication Skills: Advancing your Career as a Women Leader

Sara M. Larch, FACMPE

Bergitta E. Smith, FACMPE

October 7, 2013