personal prayer warfare

Personal Prayer Warfare

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Post on 17-Mar-2022




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Personal Prayer Warfare

Father your Word says that YOUR Word is my weapon and is also a double edged SWORD, Thus I take up that weapon of war that has an edge on both sides and I cut down the enemy of my soul by speaking your Word.

I strike and, I strike and I strike down those unclean and hateful spirits; those persons without bodies that molest and torment.

Father in your WORD it says I have been given POWER to tread on serpents and scorpions and over all POWER of the enemy. Thus the POWER is with me through your Holy Spirit, The POWER is in my hand and not in the enemy’s hand.

Yes Lord you have all POWER over the enemy and you have given it to your Servants!

I bind those demonic vultures encircling overhead in the airwaves right now. I bind their ability to see. I command them to drop from the airwaves in the Name of Jesus Christ. In the Mighty Name of the King of all kings; Christ the LORD Most High.

I command them to drop one by one to the ground. I cancel their operation overhead circling, stalking and hunting and waiting for opportunity to swoop and purse me to destroy.

I cancel demonic words and chants and incantations spoken by my enemy that causes me or my household to stumble. I am alert; I am aware of my enemy’s tactics.

I stand BOLD at the door of my house against my enemy and I do not allow the enemy to break in and steal. I wax bold before my enemy.

Lord you instruct me NOT to fear the reproach of man. Give me that kind of BOLDNESS O God. I will not fear what can man do to me says the LORD.

I renounce stealing, the spirit that needs to steal, I renounce lying, that spirit that needs a tongue to lie.

Lord if there is any property in my possession that has been stolen reveal it to me that I might remove from my possession and thereby REMOVE any right a stealing spirit has to enter my life.

Lord if there are lies that have left my mouth reveal them to me that I might confess them and ask for your forgiveness O God.

O Lord your WORD says that you send me out as a lamb among savage wolves but you have well equipped me with your Authority and with YOUR POWER to overcome my enemy and I shall trample on serpents and scorpions and NOTHING by any means shall hurt me.

O Righteous Father I embrace your Words! I hide your Words in my heart!

Yes I shall walk over serpents and scorpions with my feet for they are beneath my feet in the Name of Jesus, in the Mighty Name of Jesus! O LORD just like Joshua called for the men of Israel and the men of war just like me, and he said to them:

come near

PUT YOUR FEET UPON THE NECKS OF THESE KINGS and then he told the men plainly;

Fear not, nor be dismayed, be strong and of good courage: for thus shall the LORD do to all your enemies against whom ye fight against.

And so shall I do like Joshua said so help me God I will! And afterward Joshua smote them, and slew them, and hanged them on five trees: and they were hanging upon the trees until the evening.

Every witches coven that convened last night into the early hours of the morning using the blood sacrifices of animals, speaking incantations and blood curses over me or, over my family, and over 255 Clover Drive

I Bind it; I BIND IT in the NAME of Jesus I hereby CANCEL It over me and my house AND MOREOVER,

I command that it return back to the perpetrators and in the name of Jesus, King of all kings.

This incantation shall be ZERO upon me and my house! And it is REMOVED from my house.

Father in the name of your Son Jesus I understand your written Word to clearly say that if I drink or consume any deadly poison or anything from my enemy it shall not hurt me.

I vomit out every poison ingested from my enemy through dreams; unknowingly within my subconscious state of sleeping or resting and I bind those unclean and hateful spirits that speak, peep and mutter or write spiritual curses over me or my family or over 255 Clover Drive.

I hereby BIND and forbid curses that are designed to manifest in the physical realm today I use my authority from Jesus, My Master, My Daddy and I exercise it AND I yield it like a SWORD against my enemy.

Yes that which is the Word of God in my mouth disarms every hateful and foul spirit without a body.

Father I speak BOLDLY against my enemy and send those unclean and hateful spirits to your footstool for judgment. They have failed in their attempt to cause me to sin.

Let it be known O My Father I do not yield my authority over to demons. O Righteous Father I have the same authority from my Daddy Jesus Christ for that I am thankful to you O God; O Merciful Righteous Father.

The Blood of Jesus who was crucified publically and openly before all to see I cover over Edward and Barbara AND my household. For I know those spirits are subject to me because my Name is written in the Lambs Book of Life. Indeed My Name is Written Down!! Amen!

Now from the Secret Place I go to war! Come out demon, expose yourself; where-

ever you are hiding; whoever is along with you that also bring them out to expose yourselves in the Name of Jesus.

I cast you out. I EXPEL you!

I drive you away from me.

I break covenant with you and your demons and

I make a sure Covenant with God through His Son Jesus Christ.

With the Authority I possess, I command every unclean spirit inhabiting my house to be uprooted and cast out; I command every unclean spirit embedded in my soul to uproot at the core and be cast back into the sea.

Every unclean and hateful spirit lying dormant or asleep, every hateful spirit that desires to see through my eyes and hear through my ears I bind and forbid its encroachment in me. I give you NO PLACE IN ME.

I command blindness on their ability to see and deafness on their ability to hear as I cast them out in the Mighty Name of Jesus.

This writing annuls witchcraft targeted against Edward or Barbara or my Household; my children, my grandchildren and loved ones in the name of Jesus. I write these Words and eat them to become a Blessing to me; yes a Blessing of authority in my life today.

These signs follow and overtake me today. • I lay hands on the sick and they recover, • I speak in a new tongue, • I raise the dead,

• if I drink any deadly thing it will by no means hurt me,

• I tread on serpents and scorpions.

In the Name of Jesus every subliminal hiding, deceptive unclean and hateful spirit I cut down with the Word of God My Sword coming out of my mouth right now.

No weapon formed against me shall prosper. I have been given all authority and POWER over my enemy in Jesus Mighty Name.

Father I come before you with thanksgiving and praise and acknowledgment of your need in my life as I present my petitions to you and I ask that you avenge my enemies who molested me last night by burning them up and sending them under chains of darkness bound for judgement.

As I pray this prayer I bind every unclean and hateful spirit moving about freely in this vessel I hereby break covenant with every unclean and hateful spirit and cast them away;

I reject them; yes I expel them from this vessel. I cough them up now: They must release me now; they must let me go now in the Mighty Name of Jesus the King of all Kings my advocate before God.

I say to the strongman you are a liar and I receive not any lie but the Truth of God that I have AUTHORITY AND POWER over you. Any incantation, spoken or written covenant with other hateful demons, I come directly against them in the Name of Jesus,

I break that covenant, I disannul that covenant; I cancel that incantation and send it back to its source in the Mighty Name of Jesus.

Any demon taking my name or Barbara’s name to satan I bind it NOW and Father God I ask your Holy Spirit to burn that demon with unquenchable fire right now in the Mighty Name of Jesus the King of all Kings. I reclaim everything stolen and reclaim my Blessing.

I cancel and annul demonic timelines, ill-timed blessings in my life in the Name of Jesus. I bind spirits creating false allusions in the Name of Jesus Christ. I bind unclean spirits short-circuiting Gods divine plan for me today.

I forbid satans demons to frustrate working machinery, electrical appliance and my car today. I bind them in the Name of Jesus. I bind those unclean spirits traversing the airwaves over 255 Clover Drive.

Right now I interrupt those uclean spirits that are traversing airwaves through these prayers and block it in the Name of Jesus.

I bind demonic altars I unknowingly set up in my house. Lord expose them so I can tear them down and remove them I pray. While in the full armor and prepared for battle I bind coven words of curses spoken over me or about me or any in my household.

All chants, spells, curses, hexes, divination from the dead spirit realm, I bind them all in the Name of Jesus. Any magic of any kind against me I bind in the Name of Jesus.

Every witchcraft registry with an Umling name in them I now burn that registry and cancel and nullify its purpose in the Name of Jesus. I do not surrender my AUTHORITY or POWER I have in Christ Jesus

but I use my authority in Christ against hateful and unclean spirits to bind them AND PUT MY FOOT ON THEIR NECK AS JOSHUA SAID TO DO, I tread upon them and then cast them out in the Name of Jesus King of all Kings

All forms of astral projection I now interrupt. I guard my heart from it. I stand up in the Name of Jesus against it.

I bind it up in the Name of Jesus, any blood sacrifices performed in mockery of Jesus Christ I bind them and render them powerless and send that incantation back to darkness in the name of Jesus.

Blood sacrifices are hereby null and void against me and my household in the Mighty Name of Jesus Name King of all Kings.

Lord I ask you to separate demonic spirits one from another as I bind each one of them and expel each one of them In Mighty Name of Jesus King of Kings and Lord over all. Father God I ask that you remove their ranks and demote them to zero in Jesus Name.

Every incantation will be blocked from me and hit my shield of faith that I carry and every dart shall be quenched in the Mighty Name of Jesus; King of all Kings.

I send confusion among their ranks so they disband from working against me in groups and gangs in the Mighty Name of Jesus the King of all Kings.

I bind demonic utterance, false tongues that peep and mutter they must be exposed and cancelled in the Mighty Name of Jesus King of all Kings;

in the Mighty Name of Jesus the King of all Kings.

Father send recompense back to my enemy seven-fold until they are zero, cancelled and eliminated. All familiar spirits of divorce, adultery, lust, perversion and alcoholism in my family I confront,

I stand up against them and I bind them with the authority of my Master Jesus and expel each and every one of them.

I now use my authority in Christ to bind all unclean and hateful spirits that affect my mind, my heart and my soul, my speech, my sleep, my mobility in the Mighty Name of Jesus King of ALL.

Any unclean and hateful spirit in or around my spine, nasal, bowels, respiratory system, nervous system come out now in the MIGHTY Name of Jesus. O my Lord wash me clean that I might me clean.

Lord I pray today that you teach me to temper my mouth and my words. Teach me to hold back anxiety and to drop it as worthless baggage. Teach me quietness O LORD.

O my Lord give me gentleness today that can be seen. Let my quiet trust in the Father say all these things.

Let O Lord my trust rest in the Father’s hands. Let my needs O Lord rest in the Father’s control. May there be no anxiousness in me today. May I slow down and allow you to work in my life today.

Let me life be an aroma; a sacrifice that pleases you O my Lord. Let no unclean thought drive my emotions. Allow my eyes to be steadily fixed upon you. Remove the pride of life from me O God.

Teach me quiet precepts of self-control and allow the peaceable fruits of righteousness to be my portion today. Grant me today, understanding and discretion to speak accordingly. Cleanse me from my secret sins.

Wash me thoroughly I pray in the blood of righteousness O my Lord. What you desire are my desires. Stabilize my will and purposes to be in line with Your will and purpose for my life.

May I see the things I should see and hear the words you say and believe you with all my heart. Help me through the perilous times ahead O Lord. I pray today for the house note to be paid and the utility bills to be paid.

Today I thank you for the vehicle you have provided for me to drive. I thank you for the Grace to continue my journey of life. This morning I bind the spirit of thievery and deception out of my house.

O my Lord wash me clean that I might me clean I pray and endue me with Grace and Mercy to walk circumspect before you. O Righteous Father you are LORD over all. There is none greater than you for your GREATNESS is unsearchable. KING of kings I bow before you!
