personal desire / design fiction

8-week project 남은 학기동안 무언가 만들어보는게 목표라던데?

Post on 21-Oct-2014




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Keywon Chung guest lecture: Personal Desire / Design Fiction


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8-week project 남은 학기동안 무언가 만들어보는게 목표라던데?

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Why build somethingWhat to buildHow to build itFor whom to build it 뭔가를 만들려면 알아야 할것들

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Why build something? 왜 만들어?

How do you decidewhat to build?

남은 학기동안 무엇을 만들고 싶어?

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Let's make it personal 그냥 만들지 말고, 원해서, 좋아서 만들자고.

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창의적인 사람들은 어떻게 하면 이 넓은 세상에서

내 존재감을 느껴볼 수 있을까?

어떻게 세상을 바꿔볼 수 있을까?

How can creative folks leave their mark in this world?How can I change the world?

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성공을 어떻게 정의할 것인가?

How do you define success?

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개인의 갈망으로부터 모든 변화와 혁신이 시작된다는 것.

Personal Desires Drive Change and Innovation.

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Vaucanson’s Digesting Duck (1738)

개인의 꿈과, 욕구, 불만으로부터 세상의 모든 변화와 혁신들이 시작됩니다.

로봇의 기원이라 할수 있는 오토마타는 기원전부터 존재했다고 하죠. 스스로 움직이는 기계를 만들어내겠다는 괴짜들이 있었기에 R2D2도, ASIMO도 만들어진거랍니다.

Automata, the self-actuating machines, existed from the B.C. years. Today’s robot culture including R2D2 and ASIMO can be traced back to the wacky individuals who dreamed up dolls that can write and ducks that can poop.


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Da Vinci’s Flying Machine from Paris Manuscript B (1488)

이 갈망이라는 것이 황당하고 부질없어 보이는게 부지기수입니다.

다빈치의 비행기계도 정말 괴짜짓을 한거죠. 새에 관해서 한참 연구까지 했다니까요. 그러고 여러 해가 지난 지금, 우리는 일상적으로 400톤이 넘는 비행기를 타고 있습니다.

Da Vinci was obsessed with flying. He studied how birds fly for years, and left many drawings and manuscripts about gliders and what appears to be a helicopter. Many years, teams of geniuses and social changes later, we are now routinely flying in jumbo jets of over 400t.



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Mechanical Turk (1784)

현재진행형 갈망추구의 예로 컴퓨터가 있습니다. 18세기

의 가짜 체스기계부터 21세기의 마이너리티리포트에 이르기까지, 컴퓨터의 역사는 한마디로 기계를 사용해 인간의 지능을 보완하고, 필적하고, 넘어서겠다는 갈망을 수

만명의 사람들이 추구하고 있는 것이라고 보시면 됩니다.

Here’s an example of a long-term progression of a common desire: Computing. In one sentence, the history of computing is a story of numerous people pursuing their desire to build machines that augment, match, and surpass human intelligence.


Automatic chess playing machine; turns out to be fake.

ENIAC (1946)Real calculating machine for military tasks.

Engelbart’s GUI Demo (1968)“Mother of all demos” because computers finally caught up with the way humans work and think.

Minority Report (2002)We continue to dream up ways for technology to surpass us (and the pitfalls too).

하지만 이런 갈망들이 시간이 지나면서 당연한 현실이 되어버리기도 합니다.


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나의 갈망이 얼마나 직접적으로 반영되었는가?

Does it directly reflect my desire?

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Why am I doing a startup?And why are you building something?

To directly manifest my desires onto the world.

내가 스타트업을 하고 싶은 이유,

여러분이 뭔가 만들고 도전해보고 싶은 이유:

내 갈망을 세상에 직접적으로 반영해내기 위하여.

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Be aware of my own desires.Express them.

Come up with ideas.Pursue those ideas.

내 개인의 갈망을 자각하고

남에게 표현하고

뭘 어쩌고 싶은지 아이디어를 내고

현실적으로 그 아이디어를 추구하는 것.

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DESIGN FICTION세상에 존재하지 않는 물건 만들기


Creating (material) things that help tell a story*



그렇다면 디자인 픽션은 대중의 상상력을 자극하는 컨셉이나 제품을 선보입니다. 이는 결국 개인의 상상력을 자극하여 순환구조를 보이게 되지요.

Then you can call design fiction affects the collective imagination of the mass. In tern it affects individual imagination in a cyclical manner.

* Based on a 2009 essay by Julian Bleecker

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Disability artifacts?

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Presenting disability artifacts in new light

Image Credit:

교정기나 깁스, 노인용 지팡이는 언제나 못생기고 두툼해야 할까요? “Disability Artifacts”의 미감을 재조명해보자는 디자이너의 작업입니다.

PROAESTHETICS교정기와 깁스, 노인용품도 섹시할수 있을까?

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What if we can control machines... with emotions?

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BLENDIE사용자가 으르렁거리는 만큼 갈아주는 블렌더

Growl into a blender to operate it; instead of dry and objective way of interacting with machines (buttons, touch, keyboard), can we use our emotion directly?

Image Credit:

기계를 다룰 때 이성적이고 건조한 버튼과 터치, 마우스만을 쓰는 것이 아니라 우리의 감정을 직접적으로 써서 조작할 수 있다면 어떨까? 하는 물음을 던지는 디자인픽션입니다.

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SKETCH FURNITURE스케치하면 가구가 만들어진다?

Explores personal fabrication, the boundary between design, manufacturing, and usage. Implemented but not viable or usable.

Image Credit:

아티스트와 디자이너들이 만들어낸 디자인픽션의 경우, 현존 기술을 사용하여 기능할수 있도록 만들어진 경우도 있습니다. 하지만 상용화하거나 제품화 하기 위한 의도가 아니라 우리의 상상력을 자극하는게 목표입니다.

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SKETCH FurnitureImplemented; not viable or usableExplores production + fabrication + personalization


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Design Fiction 뭔가 다른 현실 갈망하기

이 세상의 물건 중에서 바꿔보고 싶은것은?

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SCIENCE FICTION다른세상을 프로토타이핑하기

Prototypes of other worlds, other experiences, other contexts for life*


Feeds back to affect the real world




디자인 픽션과 유사한 공상과학에서는 우리의 현실세계와 조금 다른 세상을 프로토타이핑하여 보여주게 됩니다. 이 역시 대중의 상상력을 자극할 뿐 아니라, 연구자와 개발자, 디자이너들에 의해 여러 면모가 현실세계에서 구현되기까지 합니다.

Similarly, science fiction, as prototypes of an alternate world, affects our collective imagination. Many of these fictional elements are developed into actual technologies by researchers, engineers, and designers like yourselves.

* See 2009 essay by Julian Bleecker and “Resistance is Futile” by Dourish et al.

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Blade Runner (1982)ESPER photo analysis machineIndefinite focusing


Extract more data from photos afterwards?

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Blade Runner (1982)ESPER photo analysis machine

Lytro Camera (2011)Captures complete light field

Indefinite zoom up and focusing

Look behind the object

Change focus after the fact

Image Credit: Lytro.comImage Credit: Warner Bros.

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Star Trek (1966-)“Communicator”

Motorola StarTAC (1996)Clamshell mobile phones

Captain Kirk (Original series)

Lt Commander Spock (2007 movie) Star Trek fan turns a regular phone into Communicator

Image Credit:, Image Credit:,

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Star Trek (1966-present)Self-destruct the starship via voice command from the captain, first officer, and the lieutenant commander.


Simply tell the computer what I want

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Apple Siri (2011)Voice activated personal assistant

Star Trek (1966-)Voice interface with the “computer”

Image Credit: Paramount Pictures Image Credit: Siriously Weird

Auto-destruct sequence alpha-one.

15 minutes silent countdown. Enable.

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Minority Report (2002)Ubiquitous advertisingInescapable identity


What if ads followed me everywhere?

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Facebook Plugin (2011)Inescapable identity

Minority Report (2002)Ubiquitous personalized advertising

Welcome back to The Gap!How did you like the tank tops?

Image Credit: 20th Century Fox Image Credit: Techcrunch

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Science Fiction 다른 세상을 프로토타이핑하기

나의 디자인이, 제품이, 서비스가 널리 쓰이는 세상은

어떻게 생긴 세상일까?

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USING FICTION TO MAKE YOUR IDEA HAPPEN현실화를 앞당기기 위해 의도적으로 픽션을 사용하기!

Near-future technology scenarios


Research community is now initiating Sci-Fi storytelling





이제는 학술연구분야에서도 남이 만든 스토리에 영감을 받는 것에서 벗어나 스토리를 직접 생산하기 시작했습니다. 연구를 마치기 전, 아니 시작하기 전부터 가상의 컨셉을 비디오 등 스토리텔링 기법으로 전달하는 경우들이 있습니다.

Now academic research community is proactively creating these science fiction before they have finished, or sometimes, started, their research project.

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CLAYTRONICS FUTURE AD나노테크 연구팀이 꿈꾸는 미래상을 광고 형식으로 만들기

Combines modular robotics, nanotechnology and computer science to create the dynamic, 3-D display of electronic information.

An over-the-top scenario and Discovery channel feature for programmable matter.

미국 카네기멜론 공대와 인텔 연구소는 진행하고 있는 연구의 비전을 보여주는 광고영상을 만들었습니다. 프로그래밍이 가능한 분자 크기의 로봇으로 아무 물건이나 필요한대로 만들고, 사용자와 환경의 변화에 맞춰 물건의 성격을 바꿀 수 있다는 비전입니다. (2006)

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Claytronics Future Ad (2006)An over-the-top scenario and Discovery channel feature for programmable matter.


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인기만발 시나리오를 통해 대중으로부터 자금을 조달하기

NYC designers came up with a proposal to float a swimming pool on the Hudson River, and posted hypothetical videos and images on social funding site Kickstarter. Thanks to the appealing visuals and social media campaign, they secured $40K for initial filteration tests. (2011)Image Credit: Kickstarter and PlusPool

뉴욕의 디자이너들이 허드슨강에 수영장을 띄우자고 제안한 아이디어입니다. 가상의 비디오와 비주얼등을 통해 대중에게 어필, 강물의 정수기능을 테스트해 볼 수 있는 기초작업 비용약 4천만원을 조달하였습니다.


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Make it, prove it, and then promote it. 만들고 나서, 증명하고 나서, 홍보하라.

Promote it, and then make it.우선 홍보하고 호응이 좋으면 만들어라.

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Make it, test it, then market it. 만들고, 테스팅하고, 마케팅하라.

Promote it, then make it and market it.우선 홍보하고 호응이 좋으면 만들어서 마케팅하라.

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Business Fiction 픽션을 이용하여 사업 목표의 현실화를 앞당기기

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시나리오를 통해 사업과 전략을 구상하기


Next Year’s HeadlineAs featured in IDEO’s Method Cards: “Predictions can help you define which issues to pursue, identify targets, and reveal internal values.”

Amazon’s Fake Press ReleaseFor new initiatives, a product manager typically starts by writing an internal press release announcing the finished product.

Image Credit: IDEO Method Cards Image Credit:

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Personal Fiction 픽션을 이용하여 개인적 목표의 현실화를 앞당기기

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3년 후의 내 소개글?

앞으로 1년, 3년, 5년, 10년 후 자신을 소개하는 가상의 기사나 약력을 3인칭 시점으로 써보세요.

의외로 아주 자세한 장래 계획이 육하원칙에 따라 펼쳐지게 됩니다.

그뿐 아니라 다른 사람들에게 이를 알림으로서 여러 소개와 조언을 얻게 되고 현실화가 더 빨라질수 있어요.

Hypothetical Bio in 3 YearsWrite a fictitious blurb, article, or profile about yourself set in the near future.

You will be surprised how much concrete information it contains, and how helpful it is to get introduced to those who can help you realize it.

내 미래의 가상 프로파일을 써보기


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Keywon is a product and interaction designer spanning screen and gestural interfaces, software and service prototyping.

As senior designer at renowned global innovation firm IDEO, she developed mobile service concepts and revenue models, and advised Asian internet companies on globalizing their offerings and internal culture. She has real-world product shipping experience at Microsoft Office, where she helped revamp graphical capabilities of Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Visio 2007. Her wearable and gesture interface work from the MIT Media Lab explore augmented experiences for the future creative class, and were featured on Showtime TV, Gizmodo, SIGCHI and SIGGRAPH. Keywon holds a BFA in design and HCI from Carnegie Mellon and MS in Media Arts and Sciences from MIT.

Expanding her interests beyond being a kick-ass desiger, she mentored Startup Weekend participants, spoke at TEDx salon, AIGA Pecha Kucha, SEGD conference and Ignite Seoul, and organized Sharing Experiences, a 1000-attendance conference, hackacthon, and exhibition with the MIT Media Lab.

CURRENT (2012)

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Keywon is a cofounder and customer zero of XXX, where she leads the product design and execution of the popular social investing service.

XXX encourages everyone, even college students and grandmas, to create their own (virtual) index funds and only invest in companies that match your personal criteria. It has taken old boys’ investing world by storm, “folding investing into the young generation’s identity... as it should be,” according to the Forbes magazine. XXX is now beloved by 3M unique visitors a month, cashflow-positive since 2013, and is valued upward of $200M by their latest investors including Fred Wilson and Nicholas Negroponte.

Making investing personal and empowering everyman is a no-brainer for Keywon, who loves the Lord of the Rings trilogy because it speaks against the “impersonization and mechanization of our social systems” that she sees in the immorality of the Wall St. Following her passion for bottom-up innovation, she has recently invested in peer-guided travel startup YYY and launched ZZZ, a nonprofit to provide finance and business skills to women of all ages.


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What Project / Organization• social investing startup

My Title and Role• cofounder and customer zero• design and execution

What My Project Does• encourages everyone to create their

own funds and only invest in companies that match your personal criteria.

My Project’s Impacts• “folding investing into the young

generation’s identity... as it should be,” Forbes magazine

My Project’s Achievements• 3M unique visitors a month• cashflow-positive since 2013• valued upward of $200M • famous investors Fred Wilson etc.

Loves• making investing personal and

empowering everyman• bottom-up innovation

Hates• impersonization and mechanization of

our social systems • immorality of the Wall St.

Related / Other Passions• peer-guided travel• business skills for women

Keywon Chung

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What Project / Organization

My Title and Role

What My Project Does

My Project’s Impacts

My Project’s Achievements



Related / Other Passions

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Why build something? 왜 만들어?

What do you want to build? 남은 학기동안 무엇을 만들고 싶어?

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Let's make it personal 그냥 만들지 말고, 원해서, 좋아서 만들자고.