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  • 8/20/2019 Permissive DocketFees


    Republic of the PhilippinesSupreme Court



    CALIBRE TRADERS, INC.,   G.R. No. 161431


    a! MINDA BLANCO   Present:


     Petitioners,   CORONA, C. J., Chairperson,

      VELASCO, JR.,

      LEONARO!E CAS"RO,! #ersus ! EL CAS"$LLO, and 

      PERE%, JJ.


    BA"ER #$ILI##INES, INC.,   Pro&ul'ate(:

     Respondent.   October )*, +)- ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

    ! ! -

     D E C I S I O N 


     "his petition for re#ie on certiorari/)0 assails the Jul1 *), ++ ecision/+0 an(

    the ece&ber )2, +* Resolution/*0 of the Court of Appeals 3CA4 in CA!5.R. CV No.

    67768, that (enie( petitioners action for (a&a'es a'ainst respon(ent 9a1er Philippines

    $nc. 39a1erphil4 an( instea( 'rante( the latters counterclai& for P),++,)*.,

    representin' unpai( purchases of 9a1erphils pro(ucts.


    Factual Antecedents


  • 8/20/2019 Permissive DocketFees


    Calibre "ra(ers, $nc. 3Calibre4 as one of 9a1erphils (istributors;(ealers of its

    a'ricultural che&icals ithin the pro#inces of Pan'asinan an( "arlac./60 "heir last

    (istributorship a'ree&ent as effecti#e fro& June )2

  • 8/20/2019 Permissive DocketFees



    )).  7 Pro&pt Pa1&ent on P),

  • 8/20/2019 Permissive DocketFees



  • 8/20/2019 Permissive DocketFees


    at P62,*+8.62. Enclose( hereith please fin( our CMF)++7 in the

    a&ount ofP*+,

     9asa'ran +7 &l. ! +* bottles

      7 &l. ! )+ bottles

    9a1carb ) &l. ! 86 H9a1throi( ) &l. ! ** H

      +7 &l. ! **8 H

    5usacarb 7 &l. ! + HRoun(up +7 &l. ! * H

    Machete EC 7 &l. ! )+ H  ) &l. ! )+ H

    "he net #alue of the abo#e &aterials has been co&pute(

    at P)+6,62*.+

  • 8/20/2019 Permissive DocketFees


    9a1erphils Assistant Sales Mana'er Rene 5arcia 35arcia4 'a#e this letter to

    Sebastian/))0 on No#e&ber ), an( offere( to 'rant Calibres clai&s @ust so that it &a1

    finall1 settle all its unpai( accounts ith 9a1erphil. Sebastian rote 9a1erphil to confir&

    5arcias offer./)+0 $n repl1, 9a1erphil specifie( in its No#e&ber +6, )2

  • 8/20/2019 Permissive DocketFees


  • 8/20/2019 Permissive DocketFees


    $n its Anser ith Counterclai&,/)20 9a1erphil (enie( its alle'e( anton

    appoint&ent of other (istributors, reasonin' that it coul( not be faulte( for a (ifference in

    treat&ent beteen a pa1in' (ealer an( a non!pa1in' one. $t &aintaine( that Calibre file(

    the (a&a'e suit to a#oi( pa1in' its o#er(ue accounts. Consi(erin' that those purchase(

    on cre(it re&aine( unpai(, 9a1erphil ha( to refuse to further suppl1 Calibre ith its pro(ucts.


    9a1erphil also a#erre( that the (ealership a'ree&ent pro#i(es that rebates an(

    (iscounts oul( onl1 be 'rante( if the pre#ious purchases ha( been first full1 pai(. $t

    (enie( that it faile( to reconcile Calibres accounts since it conferre( ith Calibre, an(

    e#en acce(e( to a nu&ber of (e(uctions (e&an(e( b1 Calibre sub@ect to the latters

    settle&ent of accounts. 9a1erphil thus pra1e( for the collection of P),++,)*., ith

    interest of )6 per annu& accruin' (ail1 an( co&poun(e( &onthl1 fro& the (ate of (efault 3as pro#i(e( in the (ealership a'ree&ent4IP),,. e-e&plar1 (a&a'esI

    an(, P+,. attorne1s fees an( costs of suit.


    9a1erphil also &o#e( that Mario Sebastian an( his ife Min(a 3Sebastians4 be

    i&plea(e( as co!(efen(ants, consi(erin' that the Sebastians boun( the&sel#es as

    soli(ar1 (ebtors un(er the (istributorship;(ealership a'ree&ent./+0

    Calibre oppose( 9a1erphils &otion to i&plea( the Sebastians an( &o#e( to stri>e

    out the counterclai&, reasonin' that the spouses are not parties in its suit a'ainst9a1erphil an( thus are not the proper parties to the counterclai&. $t stresse( that the

    issues beteen the (a&a'es suit it file( an( 9a1erphils counterclai& for collection of 

    &one1 are totall1 unrelate(./+)0

    On the other han(, 9a1erphil conten(e( that both causes of action arose fro& the

    sa&e contract of (istributorship, an( that the Sebastians inclusion is necessar1 for a full

    a(@u(ication of 9a1erphils counterclai& to a#oi( (uplication of suits./++0

    $n its October +6, )22 Resolution,


     the trial court re@ecte( Calibres ar'u&ents an('rante( the &otion to i&plea( the Sebastians as co!(efen(ants in the counterclai&. "he

    spouses then file( their anser to 9a1erphils counterclai&,/+60 a(optin' all the alle'ations

    an( (efenses of Calibre. "he1 raise( the issue that the counterclai& a'ainst the& is

     per&issi#e, an( since 9a1erphil faile( to pa1 the reuire( (oc>et fees, the trial court has

    no @uris(iction o#er the counterclai&.


  • 8/20/2019 Permissive DocketFees


     Ruling of the Regional Trial Court 


    On ece&ber 8, )22*, the trial court ren(ere( @u('&ent /+70 fa#orin' Calibre. $t hel( that

    Calibre as @ustifie( in ithhol(in' pa1&ent because there as (eliberate

    inaction;e&plo1&ent of (ilator1 tactics on the part of 9a1erphil to reconcile accounts&a>in' it liable for (a&a'es for abuse of ri'hts an( unfair co&petition un(er Articles )2,

    +, an( +< of the Ci#il Co(e./+80 $t opine( that 9a1erphil unfairl1 fa#ore( other (ealers

    an( (eliberatel1 refuse( to suppl1 the plaintiff ith its pro(ucts to (ri#e it out of 

     business. As for 9a1erphils counterclai&, the court a quoa(@u('e( that asi(e fro& bein'

    un&eritorious for lac> of #ali( (e&an(, the counterclai& as per&issi#e in

    character. "herefore, it &ust be (is&isse( for 9a1erphils failure to pa1 the reuire(

    (oc>et fees. "he (ispositi#e portion of the ecision states:

      =EREDORE, @u('&ent is hereb1 ren(ere( in fa#or of plaintiff an( a'ainst(efen(ant 9a1er Philippines, $nc., or(erin' sai( (efen(ant to pa1 to plaintiff 

    the a&ounts of Pet

    an( filin' fees, consi(erin' that the counterclai& is per&issi#e in character,

    an( not co&pulsor1. efen(ants counterclai& is li>eise $SM$SSE for 

    lac> of &erit. 

    SO ORERE./+0

     Ruling of the Court of Appeals


    "he CA re#erse( the trial courts factual fin(in's. $n its Jul1 *), ++ ecision, the CA

    foun( no reason to aar( Calibre an1thin' as it has no cause of action a'ainst

    9a1erphil. "he CA sai(:


    e a'ree ith the appellant that nothin' in the e#i(ence su''ests that it(eliberatel1 an( &aliciousl1 ithhel( appro#al of Calibres clai&s. $n(ee(, the

    correspon(ences beteen the parties sho that either there as an honest

    (ifference in the co&putation of the a&ount, an(;or a #ariance in opinion as to

    the #ali(it1 of the clai&s. "here is abun(ant e#i(ence that 9a1er actuall1

    e-a&ine( its recor(s so &uch so that throu'h a letter (ate( No#e&ber ),


  • 8/20/2019 Permissive DocketFees


    representati#es to (iscuss the &atter ith Calibres 5eneral Mana'er Mario

    Sebastian. 9a1er e-erte( efforts to arri#e at a co&pro&ise ith Calibre, an(

    e-presse( its illin'ness to 'rant se#eral concessions to plaintiff!appellee

    3E-hibit N, Recor(, pp. +78!+74


    Parentheticall1, 9a1ers offer of co&pro&ise cannot be ta>en as an a(&issionof liabilit1 on its part for the entire clai& of appellee Calibre. $n ci#il cases, an

    offer of co&pro&ise is not an a(&ission of an1 liabilit1. "he co&pro&ise

    settle&ent of a clai& or cause of action is not an a(&ission that the clai& is

    #ali(, but &erel1 a(&its that there is a (ispute, an( that the a&ount is bein'

     pai( @ust to bu1 peace.3Ser#icei(e Specialists, $nc. #s. Court of Appeals, 5.R.

     No. ))+

  • 8/20/2019 Permissive DocketFees


    an( that the e#i(ence of 9a1erphil re'ar(in' the a&ount oe( b1 Calibre as

    unrebutte(, the CA (ee&e( @ustifie( the aar( of actual (a&a'es. =ence:

     =EREDORE, pre&ises consi(ere(, the ecision of the loer court is

    hereb1 REVERSE an( SE" AS$E an( a ne one is entere( or(erin' plaintiff!appellee Calibre "ra(ers an(;or Mario Sison Sebastian an( Min(a

    9lanco Sebastian to pa1 (efen(ant!appellant the a&ount of One Million "o

    =un(re( Se#ent1!"o "housan( One =un(re( "hree Pesos an( Se#en

    Centa#os 3P),++,)*.4 ith interest thereon at the rate of )6 per annu&

    co&poun(e( fro& ece&ber *), )2

  • 8/20/2019 Permissive DocketFees


    "he loer courts rulin' a'ainst the latter is pre&ise( on a fin(in' of &alice or ba(

    faith, i.e., a fin(in' of an abuse of ri'ht on 9a1erphils part in e-ercisin' ini&ical acts that

     pre@u(ice( Calibres business. =oe#er, e a'ree ith the CAs conclusion that there is

    no a(euate proof that 9a1erphil as 'uilt1 of abusin' its ri'hts. /50oo( faith is

     presu&e( an( that the bur(en of pro#in' ba( faith rests upon a part1 alle'in' the sa&e./*+0 $n ci#il cases, the la reuires that the part1 ho alle'es a fact an( substantiall1

    asserts the affir&ati#e of the issue has the bur(en of pro#in' it. /**0 "his is here Calibre



    As re'ar(s the alle'ations of inaction;refusal to reconcile accounts, accounts

    &anipulation b1 ithhol(in' (iscounts;rebates, i&position of penalties, an( refusal to

    suppl1 'oo(s, the recor(s re#eal that 9a1erphil ne#er i'nore( the reuest for accounts

    reconciliation. 9a1erphil acte( on Calibres letter an( sent its representati#es to &eet ithSebastian. $t rote a letter anserin' point!b1!point h1 so&e (e&an(s for (iscounts

    an( rebates ha( to be refuse(. 9a1erphils secon( letter, herein so&e clai&s ere

    a((itionall1 'rante(, as on 9a1erphils part an act of concession in its (esire to be pai(

    since Calibre re&aine( a(a&ant in not pa1in' its accounts. $f e#er Calibre foun( the

    secon( letter to be apparentl1 inconsistent ith the first letter, ba( faith cannot be

    i&&e(iatel1 i&pute( to 9a1erphil since the latter is not preclu(e( fro& &a>in' pro&pt

    corrections in its co&putations.


    e cannot subscribe to the accusation of accounts &anipulation. As the CA ha(foun(, this &atter in#ol#es an honest (ifference in the co&putation of the a&ount, an(;or 

    a #ariance in opinion as to the #ali(it1 of the clai&s. Moreo#er, 9a1erphil coul( not be

     bla&e( for (isalloin' so&e of the clai&e( (iscounts an( rebates. n(er the latest

    (ealership a'ree&ent an( the #olu&e rebate a'ree&ent e-ecute(, pa1&ent is a

     precon(ition for the (iscounts an( rebates./*60 9a1erphil, to &ini&i?e further losses, as

     @ustifie( in stoppin' the suppl1 of its pro(ucts hen its (ealer still ha( outstan(in'

    accounts. Lastl1, Calibre (i( not specif1 (urin' the trial the unarrante( penalties

    9a1erphil ha( alle'e(l1 i&pose(. 

     Neither (o e fin( an1 abuse in 9a1erphils e-ercise of appointin' other 

    (istributors ithin Calibres area. "he fact that the (istributors appointe( ere Calibres

    for&er custo&ers or sales&en or their relati#es (oes not pro#e an1 ill intention to (ri#e

    Calibre out of business. Notabl1, the (istributorship;(ealership a'ree&ent as on a non!

    e-clusi#e basis. 9a1erphil &erel1 accor(e( the sa&e business opportunities to others to

  • 8/20/2019 Permissive DocketFees


     better the&sel#es. Naturall1, an increase in the nu&ber of (istributors in an area ill

    entail correspon(in' (ecline in #olu&e sales of the in(i#i(ual (istributors. E#en then

    9a1erphils assistant sales &ana'er for internal a(&inistration Ofelia Castillo, ho na&e(

    (urin' the trial the other (istributors 9a1erphil appointe( in Pan'asinan, not onl1

    ac>nole('e( that 9a1erphils for&er sales&en ha( resi'ne( to be (ealers, but alsoa(&itte( that co&petition is part of business ris>:

     K Bou sai( in Manaoa', this Rosal1n A'ricultural Suppl1 as there as earl1

    as )2e those (ealers ho ha#e se#eral 1ears.

     K "his Sa&son in r(aneta as also short li#e(

    A $t be'an in the area an( operatin' until no.


    K oul( 1ou >no hen Sa&son be'an as a (istributor

    A 9eteen the perio( e( an( (ealt ith 9a1er che&icals, ith the trainin' the1 'ot, $

    suppose the1 'et that e-perience.

     K An( this e-perience oul( be in#aluable in their (istributorship

    A Valuable.

    K Ver1 #aluable

    A Ver1 #aluable.

  • 8/20/2019 Permissive DocketFees



    K An( in fact, 1ou >no of &an1 sales&en of 9a1er Phils ho resi'ne(

    A Bes, sir.


    K 9ecause the chances of 'ettin' &ore is there if 1ou are an in(epen(ent

    (istributorA Bes, sir.


    K $n fact, this is true not onl1 in Pan'asinan but all o#er the countr1, Mrs.


    A Bes, because e ha#e &entione( one in Cotabato, in San Jose, Nue#a Eci@a,

    in "u'ue'arao.


    K An( fro& the recor(s that 1ou &entione( earlier on, it oul( see& so&e of 

    the& succee(e( beautifull1 an( so&e close( shop afterar(s

    A Bes, sir.


    K $t is @ust a &atter of luc> an( 1es, business luc>

    A Bes, sir ./*70

    $nci(entall1, un(er actual or co&pensator1 (a&a'es, in(e&nification co&prises

    not onl1 the #alue of the loss suffere(, but li>eise the profits the obli'ee faile( to obtain./*80 $n its atte&pt to support this clai& for co&pensator1 (a&a'es, Calibre, base( its

    co&putation of &ore or less a loss of P< &illion on a )!1ear sales pro@ection. /*0 9ut as

    coul( be 'leane( fro& Sebastians testi&on1, there is no soli( e#i(ence upon hich this

    sales pro@ection as base(:

     K Bou prepare( a pro@ection of 1our total sales for another ten 3)4 1ears fro&


  • 8/20/2019 Permissive DocketFees


    K hat then as the basis of 1our pro@ection

    A "he basis of &1 pro@ection is, as one of the #alue( clients of 9a1er 

    Philippines hich is a &e&ber of the orl( Club, e are in the brac>et

    of ) &illion per 1ear sales.


    K So 1ou onl1 ha( capabilit1 to sellA Bes.


    K =a#e 1ou e#er sol( before in the ) &illion per 1ear sales

    A Bes.


    K "hat is h1 $ a& as>in' 1ou, 1ou (i( not at all base 1our assu&ption on

    1our prior sales recor( of 9a1er Philippines pro(ucts

    A $ cannot possibl1 base it on the past sales. Cost of &one1 is 'oin' up so $

     base( it on a brac>et that 9a1er Philippines put us hich is in the )

    &illion per 1ear sales that is pro@ecte( for another ) 1ears because e

    are the #alue( clients of 9a1er.


    K Bou also pro@ecte( 1our profits for the ne-t ) 1ears

    A Bes, sir.


    K An( 1ou (i( not consi(er the profits fro& the 9a1er business of the prior 

    1ears in &a>in' 1our pro@ection

    A Bes, sir.

     K $ assu&e then that in (eter&inin' 1our profits for the pre#ious 1ears 1ou

    use( the fi'ures of the su&&ar1 E-hibit O as to 1our sales fro& )2

    to )2

  • 8/20/2019 Permissive DocketFees


    e#i(ence obtainable b1 the in@ure( part1./*20 "he pro@ecte( su& of P) &illion sales

    cannot thus be the proper base in co&putin' actual (a&a'es. Calibre co&pute( its lost

    inco&e base( onl1 on its capabilit1 to sell aroun( P) Million, not on the actual inco&e

    earne( in the past 1ears to properl1 co&pute the a#era'e inco&e;profit.

     At an1 rate, since Calibre ha( no cause of action at all a'ainst 9a1erphil, there can

     be no basis to aar( it ith (a&a'es.


     Bayerphils counterclaim is permissive, but the

    trial court should have given it the opportunity

    to pay the docet fees since it did not avoid 

     paying said fees.


    A co&pulsor1 counterclai& is an1 clai& for &one1 or other relief, hich a (efen(in'

     part1 &a1 ha#e a'ainst an opposin' part1, hich at the ti&e of suit arises out of, or is

    necessaril1 connecte( ith, the sa&e transaction or occurrence that is the sub@ect &atter 

    of plaintiffs co&plaint. $t is co&pulsor1 in the sense that it is ithin the @uris(iction of the

    court, (oes not reuire for its a(@u(ication the presence of thir( parties o#er ho& the

    court cannot acuire @uris(iction, an( ill be barre( - - - if not set up in the anser to the

    co&plaint in the sa&e case. An1 other clai& is per&issi#e./60 /"he0 Court has alrea(1

    lai( (on the folloin' tests to (eter&ine hether a counterclai& is co&pulsor1 or not,

    to it: 3)4 Are the issues of fact or la raise( b1 the clai& an( the counterclai& lar'el1

    the sa&e 3+4 oul( res !udicata bar a subseuent suit on (efen(ants clai&s, absent the

    co&pulsor1 counterclai& rule 3*4 ill substantiall1 the sa&e e#i(ence support or refute

     plaintiffs clai& as ell as the (efen(ants counterclai& an( 364 $s there an1 lo'ical

    relation beteen the clai& an( the counterclai&, such that the con(uct of separate trials

    of the respecti#e clai&s of the parties oul( entail a substantial (uplication of effort an(

    ti&e b1 the parties an( the court/6)0 "he fourth test is the co&pellin' test of 


    9a1erphils suit &a1 in(epen(entl1 procee( in a separate action. Althou'h the ri'hts an(obli'ations of the parties are anchore( on the sa&e contract, the causes of action the1

    file( a'ainst each other are (istinct an( (o not in#ol#e the sa&e factual issues. e fin(

    no lo'ical relationship beteen the to actions in a a1 that the reco#er1 or (is&issal of 

     plaintiffs suit ill establish a foun(ation for the others clai&. "he counterclai& for 

    collection of &one1 is not intertine( ith or contin'ent on Calibres on clai& for

  • 8/20/2019 Permissive DocketFees


    (a&a'es, hich as base( on the principle of abuse of ri'hts. 9oth actions in#ol#e the

     presentation of (ifferent pieces of e#i(ence. Calibres suit ha( to present e#i(ence of 

    &alicious intent, hile 9a1erphils ob@ecti#e as to pro#e nonpa1&ent of purchases. "he

    alle'ations hi'hli'htin' ba( faith are (ifferent fro& the transactions constitutin' the

    sub@ect &atter of the collection suit. Respon(ents counterclai& as onl1 per&issi#e. =ence, the CA erre( in rulin' that 9a1erphils clai& a'ainst the petitioners

     parta>es of a co&pulsor1 counterclai&.


    9e that as it &a1, the trial court as incorrect in (is&issin' 9a1erphils

    counterclai& for non!pa1&ent of (oc>et fees.


    All alon', 9a1erphil has ne#er e#a(e( pa1&ent of the (oc>et fees on the honest

     belief that its counterclai& as co&pulsor1. $t has ala1s ar'ue( a'ainst Calibrescontention that its counterclai& as per&issi#e e#er since the latter oppose( 9a1erphils

    &otion before the R"C to i&plea( the Sebastian spouses. Lastl1, 9a1erphils belief as

    reinforce( b1 Ju('e Clara#alls October +6, )22 Resolution hen she (enie( Calibres

    &otion to stri>e out 9a1erphils counterclai&. "hus:

     ith respect to the &otion to stri>e out the counterclai&, the Re@oin(er 

    an( Repl1 of CAL$9RE &entione( to reasons to support it. "hese are: )4

    that the counterclai& is not a'ainst the opposin' part1 onl1, an( +4 that the

     plaintiffs clai& a'ainst the (efen(ant is totall1 unrelate( to the latters clai&

    a'ainst the Sebastian spouses because the1 are not the sa&e.


    To re&o'*e t+e (&&ue& ao*emet(oe!, t+e e'emet& o- a ompu'&or/

    outer'a(m are t+u& )(*e%

     A outer'a(m (& ompu'&or/ a! (& o&(!ere! arre! (- ot &et up 0+ere

    t+e -o''o0() (rum&tae& are pre&et% 1 t+at (t ar(&e& out o- t+e, or (&

    ee&&ar('/ oete! 0(t+ t+e tra&at(o or ourree t+at (& t+e &u2et

    matter o- t+e oppo&() part/& 'a(m, t+at (t !oe& ot reu(re -or (t&

    a!2u!(at(o t+e pre&ee o- t+(r! part(e& o- 0+om t+e ourt aot

    au(re 2ur(&!(t(o, a! 3 t+at t+e ourt +a& 2ur(&!(t(o to eterta( t+e'a(m. 5a*(er *&. IAC, 171 SCRA 689


    "he pro#isions of Section

  • 8/20/2019 Permissive DocketFees


    a'ainst the opposin' part1 or a co!(efen(ant pro#i(e(, that the court has

     @uris(iction to entertain the clai& an( can, if the presence of thir( parties is

    essential for its a(@u(ication, acuire @uris(iction of such parties.


    "he rules an( @urispru(ence (o not reuire that the parties to the counterclai&

     be the ori'inal parties onl1. $n fact, the presence of thir( parties is alloe(, theonl1 pro#ision bein' their capacit1 to be sub@ecte( un(er the courts

     @uris(iction. As re'ar(s the nature of the clai&s of the parties, neither is it

    reuire( that the1 be of the sa&e nature, onl1 that the1 arise fro& the sa&e

    transaction or occurrence./6*0

    $t cannot be 'ainsai( that the e&er'in' tren( in the rulin's of this Court is to affor(

    e#er1 part1 liti'ant the a&plest opportunit1 for the proper an( @ust (eter&ination of his

    cause, free fro& the constraints of technicalities./660 Rules on the pa1&ent of filin' fees

    ha#e alrea(1 been rela-e(:

     ). $t is not si&pl1 the filin' of the co&plaint or appropriate initiator1

     plea(in', but the pa1&ent of the prescribe( (oc>et fee, that #ests a trial court

    ith @uris(iction o#er the sub@ect!&atter or nature of the action. :+ere t+e

    -('() o- t+e ((t(ator/ p'ea!() (& ot aompa(e! / pa/met o- t+e

    !o;et -ee, t+e ourt ma/ a''o0 pa/met o- t+e -ee 0(t+( a rea&oa'e

    t(me ut ( o a&e e/o! t+e app'(a'e pre&r(pt(*e or re)'emetar/


     . T+e &ame ru'e app'(e& to perm(&&(*e outer'a(m&, t+(r! of Court or his (ul1 authori?e( (eput1 to enforce

    sai( lien an( assess an( collect the a((itional fee./670

  • 8/20/2019 Permissive DocketFees


    $t is a settle( (octrine that althou'h the pa1&ent of the prescribe( (oc>et fees is a

     @uris(ictional reuire&ent, its non!pa1&ent - - - shoul( not result in the auto&atic

    (is&issal of the case pro#i(e( the (oc>et fees are pai( ithin the applicable prescripti#e

     perio(./680 "he prescripti#e perio( therein &entione( refers to the perio( ithin hich a

    specific action &ust be file(.$t &eans that in e#er1 case, the (oc>et fee &ust be pai( before the lapse of the prescripti#e perio(. Chapter *, "itle V, 9oo> $$$ of the Ci#il Co(e

    is the principal la 'o#ernin' prescription of actions./60

    $n accor(ance ith the afore&entione( rules on pa1&ent of (oc>et fees, the trial

    court upon a (eter&ination that 9a1erphils counterclai& as per&issi#e, shoul( ha#e

    instea( or(ere( 9a1erphil to pa1 the reuire( (oc>et fees for the per&issi#e

    counterclai&, 'i#in' it reasonable ti&e but in no case be1on( the re'le&entar1 perio(./6et fees up to the ti&e the trial court ren(ere( its ecision on

    ece&ber 8, )22*, 9a1erphil coul( still be or(ere( to pa1 the (oc>et fees since no

     prescription has 1et set in./620 9esi(es, 9a1erphil shoul( not suffer fro& the (is&issal of 

    its case (ue to the &ista>e of the trial court.


    Consi(erin' the fore'oin' (iscussion, e fin( no nee( to re&an( the case to the

    trial court for the resolution of 9a1erphils counterclai&. $n "etromedia #imes

    Corporation v. Pastorin,/70 e (iscusse( the rule as to hen @uris(iction b1 estoppel

    applies an( hen it (oes not, thus: 

    Lac> of @uris(iction o#er the sub@ect &atter of the suit is 1et another 

    &atter. hene#er it appears that the court has no @uris(iction o#er the sub@ect

    &atter, the action shall be (is&isse( 3Section +, Rule 2, Rules of Court4. "his

    (efense &a1 be interpose( at an1 ti&e, (urin' appeal $Ro%as vs. Rafferty, &' 

     Phil. ()' 4 or e#en after final @u('&ent 3Cru*cosa vs. Judge Concepcion, et 

    al., ++ Phil. +- 4. Such is un(erstan(able, as this >in( of @uris(iction is

    conferre( b1 la an( not ithin the courts, let alone the parties, to the&sel#es

    (eter&ine or con#enientl1 set asi(e. $n People vs. Casiano 3))) Phil. *, 2*!

    264, this Court, on the issue of estoppel, hel(: "he operation of the principle of estoppel on the uestion of 

     @uris(iction see&in'l1 (epen(s upon hether the loer court actuall1 ha(

     @uris(iction or not. $f it ha( no @uris(iction, but the case as trie( an( (eci(e(

    upon the theor1 that it ha( @uris(iction, the parties are not barre(, on appeal,

    fro& assailin' such @uris(iction, for the sa&e &ust e-ist as a &atter of la, an(

    &a1 not be conferre( b1 consent of the parties or b1 estoppel 37 C.J.S.,

  • 8/20/2019 Permissive DocketFees


    et fees b1 #irtue of Ju('e Clara#alls October +6, )22

    Resolution. Petitioners also acti#el1 participate( in the a(@u(ication of the counterclai&

    hich the trial court a(@u('e to be un&eritorious.


    =oe#er, e are &ore incline( to affir& the CAs rulin' anent 9a1erphils

    counterclai&. $t hel( thus:

     hat re&ains to be (eter&ine( no is hether or not (efen(ant!

    appellant is entitle( to its counterclai&. On this score, e note that plaintiff!

    appellee ne#er (enie( that it still oes (efen(ant!appellant for purchases it ha(&a(e. 9a1er ha( alrea(1 reco'ni?e( that Calibre as entitle( to a #olu&e

    rebate for the 1ears )2 purchases, an( a 7 pro&pt pa1&ent rebate of P8*,)28.8 in #ie of the

    application of the #olu&e rebate to Calibres outstan(in' balance, or a total of 


  • 8/20/2019 Permissive DocketFees


    istributorship;ealership A'ree&ent entere( into b1 the parties pro#i(es that

    (efault in pa1&ent on an1 account b1 the $S"R$9"OR;EALER hen

    an( as the1 fall (ue shall entitle 9ABERP=$L to interests thereon at the then

    &a-i&u& laful interest rates hich in no case shall be loer than tel#e per 

    cent 3)+4 per annu& for accounts full1 secure( b1 a &ort'a'e on realt1 or 

    fourteen per cent 3)64 per annu& hen otherise unsecure(. 3E-hibit )!D,Recor(, p. *+

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     /ssociate Justice