perioperative goal- directed therapy protocol...


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PerioPerative Goal-DirecteD theraPyProtocol Summary


evidence-based, perioperative Goal-Directed therapy (GDt) protocols.

Several single centre randomized controlled trials, meta-analysis and quality improvement programs have shown that perioperative GDT decreases postoperative complications and hospital length of stay when compared to standard fluid management.1-5

This summary describes the three main perioperative GDT strategies which have been successfully used to decrease postoperative morbidity and length of stay:

- Stroke Volume (SV) optimization with fluid

- Oxygen Delivery Index (iDO2) optimization with fluid and inotropes

- Pulse Pressure Variation (PPV) or Stroke Volume Variation (SVV) optimization with fluid

This summary does not recommend the use of any specific medical device, and the choice of the treatment protocol is left at the discretion of the anesthesiologist in charge.


Sv Protocol


Using the SV protocol consists in giving successive small (200-250 ml) fluid boluses until the SV reaches a plateau value (the plateau of the Frank-Starling relationship).

Many single centre randomized controlled trials6-12 and a multicentre quality improvement program,13 showing a decrease in post-operative complications or hospital length of stay in the perioperative GDT group, were based on this protocol.

This protocol is now officially recommended by the National Institute for Clinical Excellence in the UK and by the French Society of Anesthesiology & Intensive Care (SFAR).

From Kuper et al.13

Abbreviation: SV: Stroke Volume.







Measure SV

200-250 ml fluid over 5-10 minutes

SV reduction >10%

Monitor SV for clinical signs of fluid loss

SV increase >10%?

SV Protocol


Using the SV protocol consists in giving successive small (200-250 ml) fluid boluses until the SV reaches a plateau value (the plateau of the Frank-Starling relationship).

Many single centre randomized controlled trials6-12 and a multicentre quality improvement program,13 showing a decrease in post-operative complications or hospital length of stay in the perioperative GDT group, were based on this protocol.

This protocol is now officially recommended by the National Institute for Clinical Excellence in the UK and by the French Society of Anesthesiology & Intensive Care (SFAR).

2 3

From Kuper et al.13

Abbreviation: SV: Stroke Volume.


iDo2 Protocol


Using a iDO2 optimization protocol consists first in optimizing SV with fluid, as described in the SV protocol.

Once SV has been optimized with fluid, iDO2 is calculated. If iDO2 is <600 ml/min/m2 an inotrope (dobutamine or dopexamine) is introduced to achieve the iDO2 goal of 600 ml/min/m2.

Inotropes should not be used or must be discontinued (if already introduced) in case of tachycardia, cardiac arrhythmia or ischemia.

Several single centre randomized controlled trials, showing a decrease in post-operative complications or hospital length of stay in the perioperative GDT group, were based on this protocol.14-19

From Cecconi et al.19

Abbreviations: DO2I: Oxygen Delivery Index; Hb: Hemoglobin; HES: HydroxyethylStarch; HR: Heart Rate; MAP: Mean Arterial Pressure; SaO2: Oxygen Saturation;SV: Stroke Volume.

iDO2 Protocol


Using a iDO2 optimization protocol consists first in optimizing SV with fluid, as described in the SV protocol.

Once SV has been optimized with fluid, iDO2 is calculated. If iDO2 is <600 ml/min/m2 an inotrope (dobutamine or dopexamine) is introduced to achieve the iDO2 goal of 600 ml/min/m2.

Inotropes should not be used or must be discontinued (if already introduced) in case of tachycardia, cardiac arrhythmia or ischemia.

Several single centre randomized controlled trials, showing a decrease in post-operative complications or hospital length of stay in the perioperative GDT group, were based on this protocol.14-19










Check every 10 minutesIf DO2I falls below 600 ml/min*m2, restart algorithm

Achieve SV max and then target DO2I to 600 ml/min*m2

Keep:• SaO2 >95%• Hb >8 mg/dl

• HR <100 bpm• MAP between 60 and 100 mm Hg

250 ml HES bolus

See oxygen delivery

Dobutamine:Increase by 3 mcg/kg*minDecrease or STOP if HR >100 bpm or signs of cardiac ischemia

SV stable

>20 min

Increase of SV >10% or blood loss >250 ml

during fluid challenge


≥600 ml/min*m2


From Cecconi et al.19

Abbreviations: DO2I: Oxygen Delivery Index; Hb: Hemoglobin; HES: Hydroxyethyl Starch; HR: Heart Rate; MAP: Mean Arterial Pressure; SaO2: Oxygen Saturation; SV: Stroke Volume.

iDO2 Protocol


Using a iDO2 optimization protocol consists first in optimizing SV with fluid, as described in the SV protocol.

Once SV has been optimized with fluid, iDO2 is calculated. If iDO2 is <600 ml/min/m2 an inotrope (dobutamine or dopexamine) is introduced to achieve the iDO2 goal of 600 ml/min/m2.

Inotropes should not be used or must be discontinued (if already introduced) in case of tachycardia, cardiac arrhythmia or ischemia.

Several single centre randomized controlled trials, showing a decrease in post-operative complications or hospital length of stay in the perioperative GDT group, were based on this protocol.14-19










Check every 10 minutesIf DO2I falls below 600 ml/min*m2, restart algorithm

Achieve SV max and then target DO2I to 600 ml/min*m2

Keep:• SaO2 >95%• Hb >8 mg/dl

• HR <100 bpm• MAP between 60 and 100 mm Hg

250 ml HES bolus

See oxygen delivery

Dobutamine:Increase by 3 mcg/kg*minDecrease or STOP if HR >100 bpm or signs of cardiac ischemia

SV stable

>20 min

Increase of SV >10% or blood loss >250 ml

during fluid challenge


≥600 ml/min*m2


From Cecconi et al.19

Abbreviations: DO2I: Oxygen Delivery Index; Hb: Hemoglobin; HES: Hydroxyethyl Starch; HR: Heart Rate; MAP: Mean Arterial Pressure; SaO2: Oxygen Saturation; SV: Stroke Volume.


PPv/Svv Protocol


Using a PPV/SVV optimization protocol consists in giving fluid to maintain these dynamic parameters below a predetermined cutoff value.

Several single centre randomized controlled trials, showing a decrease in post-operative complications or hospital length of stay in the perioperative GDT group, were based on this protocol.20-24

From Ramsingh et al.24

Abbreviations: ABGs: Arterial Blood Gases; CO: Cardiac Output; P-POSSUM:Portsmouth Physiologic and Operative Severity Score for the Enumeration ofMortality and Morbidity Score; PRBCs: Packed Red Blood Cells; SVV: StrokeVolume Variation.

PPV/SVV Protocol




GDT Group(ventilate 8 ml/kg)

>20 ml/kg Albumin?

250 ml Albumin bolus(may repeat to max of 20 ml/kg)

SVV >12% Monitor SVV and CO

SVV >12%



YESCrystalloid 3:1 replacement

(consider PRBCs, monitor ABGs)


Using a PPV/SVV optimization protocol consists in giving fluid to maintain these dynamic parameters below a predetermined cutoff value.

Several single centre randomized controlled trials, showing a decrease in post-operative complications or hospital length of stay in the perioperative GDT group, were based on this protocol.20-24

6 7

From Ramsingh et al.24

Abbreviations: ABGs: Arterial Blood Gases; CO: Cardiac Output; P-POSSUM: Portsmouth Physiologic and Operative Severity Score for the Enumeration of Mortality and Morbidity Score; PRBCs: Packed Red Blood Cells; SVV: Stroke Volume Variation.



meta-analysis1. Brienza et al. Crit Care Med 20092. Giglio et al. Br J Anaesth 20093. Dalfino et al. Crit Care 20114. Hamilton et al. Anesth Analg 20115. Corcoran et al. Anesth Analg 2012

Sv protocol studies6. Sinclair et al. BMJ 19977. Venn et al. Br J Anaesth 20028. Gan et al. Anesthesiology 20029. Conway et al. Anaesthesia 200210. Wakeling et al. Br J Anaesth 200511. Noblett et al. Br J Surg 200612. Pillai et al. J Urology 201113. Kuper et al. BMJ 2011

iDo2 protocol studies14. Shoemaker et al. Chest 198815. Boyd et al. JAMA 199316. Wilson et al. BMJ 199917. Lobo et al. Crit Care Med 200018. Pearse et al. Crit Care 200519. Cecconi et al. Crit Care 2011

PPv/Svv protocol studies20. Lopes et al. Crit Care 200721. Benes et al. Crit Care 201022. Ping et al. Hepatogastroenterology 201223. Zang et al. Clinics 201224. Ramsingh et al. J Clin Monit Comput 2012


Evidence-based, perioperative Goal-DirectedTherapy (GDT) protocols.Several single centre randomized controlled trials, meta-analysis andquality improvement programs have shown that perioperative GDTdecreases postoperative complications and hospital length of staywhen compared to standard fluid management.1-5This summary describes the three main perioperative GDTstrategies which have been successfully used to decreasepostoperative morbidity and length of stay:- Stroke Volume (SV) optimization with fluid- Oxygen Delivery Index (iDO2) optimization withfluid and inotropes- Pulse Pressure Variation (PPV) or Stroke VolumeVariation (SVV) optimization with fluidThis summary does not recommend the use of any specificmedical device, and the choice of the treatment protocol is leftat the discretion of the anesthesiologist in charge.