period doubling cascades jim yorke joint work with evelyn sander george mason univ. extending...

Period Doubling Cascades Jim Yorke Joint Work with Evelyn Sander George Mason Univ. Extending earlier work by Alligood, SN Chow, Mallet-Paret, & Franks

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Page 1: Period Doubling Cascades Jim Yorke Joint Work with Evelyn Sander George Mason Univ. Extending earlier work by Alligood, SN Chow, Mallet-Paret, & Franks

Period Doubling Cascades

Jim YorkeJoint Work with Evelyn SanderGeorge Mason Univ.

Extending earlier work by Alligood, SN Chow, Mallet-Paret, & Franks

Page 2: Period Doubling Cascades Jim Yorke Joint Work with Evelyn Sander George Mason Univ. Extending earlier work by Alligood, SN Chow, Mallet-Paret, & Franks

Period-doubling cascades

If this picture were infinitely detailed, it would show infinitely many period-doubling cascades, each with an infinite numberof period doublings. My goal is to explain this phenomenon And give examples in 1 and n dimensions.

Page 3: Period Doubling Cascades Jim Yorke Joint Work with Evelyn Sander George Mason Univ. Extending earlier work by Alligood, SN Chow, Mallet-Paret, & Franks

some period doubling cascades

Period 1 cascade

Period 3 & 5 cascades

Page 4: Period Doubling Cascades Jim Yorke Joint Work with Evelyn Sander George Mason Univ. Extending earlier work by Alligood, SN Chow, Mallet-Paret, & Franks


Period-doubling cascades were first reported by Myrberg in 1962, and popularized by May using the logistic map in the 1970’s.

For maps depending on a parameter, a cascade is an infinite sequence of period doubling bifurcations in a connected family of periodic orbits.

The periods in the cascade are k, 2k, 4k, 8k,… for some k.• Feigenbaum’s rigorous methods suggest that when period-doubling cascades exist, there is a regular behavior

in the sequence of period-doubling values.

Page 5: Period Doubling Cascades Jim Yorke Joint Work with Evelyn Sander George Mason Univ. Extending earlier work by Alligood, SN Chow, Mallet-Paret, & Franks


Period-doubling cascades were first reported by Myrberg in 1962, and popularized by May using the logistic map in the 1970’s.

For maps depending on a parameter, a cascade is an infinite sequence of period doubling bifurcations in a connected family of periodic orbits.

The periods in the cascade are k, 2k, 4k, 8k,… for some k.• Feigenbaum’s rigorous methods suggest that when period-doubling cascades exist, there is a regular behavior

in the sequence of period-doubling values.

Page 6: Period Doubling Cascades Jim Yorke Joint Work with Evelyn Sander George Mason Univ. Extending earlier work by Alligood, SN Chow, Mallet-Paret, & Franks

Needed: new examples

• Maps like

α - x2

have played a prominent role in the history of cascades. What is so special about these maps? If anything?

Page 7: Period Doubling Cascades Jim Yorke Joint Work with Evelyn Sander George Mason Univ. Extending earlier work by Alligood, SN Chow, Mallet-Paret, & Franks

The topological view for problems depending on a parameter

Example of a geometric theorem. Theorem. Assume• g is continuous on [α0 , α1] and • g(α0 ) < 0 and g(α1) > 0.• Then

g(x) = 0 for some x between α0 & α1.We find an analogous approach for


Page 8: Period Doubling Cascades Jim Yorke Joint Work with Evelyn Sander George Mason Univ. Extending earlier work by Alligood, SN Chow, Mallet-Paret, & Franks

The topological view for problems depending on a parameter

Example of a geometric theorem. Theorem. Assume• g is continuous on [α0 , α1] and • g(α0 ) < 0 and g(α1) > 0.• Then

g(x) = 0 for some x between α0 & α1.We find an analogous theorems for


Page 9: Period Doubling Cascades Jim Yorke Joint Work with Evelyn Sander George Mason Univ. Extending earlier work by Alligood, SN Chow, Mallet-Paret, & Franks

A snake is a (non-branching) path of periodic orbits

Page 10: Period Doubling Cascades Jim Yorke Joint Work with Evelyn Sander George Mason Univ. Extending earlier work by Alligood, SN Chow, Mallet-Paret, & Franks
Page 11: Period Doubling Cascades Jim Yorke Joint Work with Evelyn Sander George Mason Univ. Extending earlier work by Alligood, SN Chow, Mallet-Paret, & Franks

The topological view for cascades

Let F: [α0 , α1] X Rn → Rn be differentiable.Theorem (terms explained later) Assume • there are no periodic orbits at α0 ; and • at α1 the dynamics are horse-shoe-like; and • On [α0 , α1] the set of periodic points is bounded in x.• F has generic orbit behavior;

Then if (α1, x1) is periodic and has no eigenvalues < -1,it is on a connected family of orbits which includes a

cascade. Distinct such orbits yield distinct cascades.

Page 12: Period Doubling Cascades Jim Yorke Joint Work with Evelyn Sander George Mason Univ. Extending earlier work by Alligood, SN Chow, Mallet-Paret, & Franks

The topological view for cascades

Let F: [α0 , α1] X Rn → Rn be differentiable.Theorem (terms explained later) Assume • there are no periodic orbits at α0 ; and • at α1 the dynamics are horse-shoe-like; and • On [α0 , α1] the set of periodic points is bounded in x.• F has generic orbit behavior;

Then if (α1, x1) is periodic and has no eigenvalues < -1,it is on a connected family of orbits which includes a

cascade. Distinct such orbits yield distinct cascades.

Page 13: Period Doubling Cascades Jim Yorke Joint Work with Evelyn Sander George Mason Univ. Extending earlier work by Alligood, SN Chow, Mallet-Paret, & Franks

A new exampleLet F(α; x) = α - x2 + g(α ,x)

Assume g(α, x) is a real valued function, differentiable and bounded for α,x in R2, and so are its first partial derivatives.

For example g = finite sum of fourier series terms in α,x plus terms like tanh(α+x)

Let F(α; x) = α - x2 + g(α ,x)

Page 14: Period Doubling Cascades Jim Yorke Joint Work with Evelyn Sander George Mason Univ. Extending earlier work by Alligood, SN Chow, Mallet-Paret, & Franks

A new exampleAssume g(α ,x) is differentiable and bounded over all α ,x and

so are its first partial derivatives. Let F(α; x) = α - x2 + g(α , x) Then • for α0 sufficiently small, there are no periodic orbits at α0 ;

and • for α1 sufficiently large, the dynamics are horse-shoe-like,

and • for “almost every” g, F has generic orbit behavior• the set of all periodic orbits in [α0 , α1] is bounded, and Theorem. For such generic g, if (α1, x1) is periodic and its derivative is > +1,Then it is on a connected family of orbits which includes a

cascade.Corollary: the map has infinitely many disjoint cascades.

Page 15: Period Doubling Cascades Jim Yorke Joint Work with Evelyn Sander George Mason Univ. Extending earlier work by Alligood, SN Chow, Mallet-Paret, & Franks

A new logistic exampleα x(1-x)g(α, x) for some α

Page 16: Period Doubling Cascades Jim Yorke Joint Work with Evelyn Sander George Mason Univ. Extending earlier work by Alligood, SN Chow, Mallet-Paret, & Franks

A new logistic example

We require that g(α, x) is differentiable and positive for x in [0,1], and bounded:For some B1 & B2, 0 < B1 < g(α, x) < B2

and the partial derivatives fo g are also bounded.Then

αx(1-x)g(α, x) has cascades of period doublings as the

parameter α is varied (for typical g).

In fact we show the map has infinitely many disjoint cascades as a is varied.

a a

Page 17: Period Doubling Cascades Jim Yorke Joint Work with Evelyn Sander George Mason Univ. Extending earlier work by Alligood, SN Chow, Mallet-Paret, & Franks

Periodic orbits of F(α,x)

We say (α,x) is p-periodic if Fp(α,x) = x.

If (α,x) is p-periodic, its “eigenvalues” are those of its derivative DFp(α,x).

If x is one-dimensional, its “eigenvalue” is the derivative (d/dx)Fp(α,x).

An orbit with no eigenvalues on the unit circle is called “hyperbolic”; these include attractors.

Page 18: Period Doubling Cascades Jim Yorke Joint Work with Evelyn Sander George Mason Univ. Extending earlier work by Alligood, SN Chow, Mallet-Paret, & Franks

Periodic orbits of F(α,x)

We say (α,x) is p-periodic if Fp(α,x) = x.

If (α,x) is p-periodic, its “eigenvalues” are those of its derivative DFp(α,x).

If x is one-dimensional, its “eigenvalue” is the derivative (d/dx)Fp(α,x).

An orbit with no eigenvalues on the unit circle is called “hyperbolic”; these include attractors.

Page 19: Period Doubling Cascades Jim Yorke Joint Work with Evelyn Sander George Mason Univ. Extending earlier work by Alligood, SN Chow, Mallet-Paret, & Franks

Types of hyperbolic orbits

Let (α,x) be a hyperbolic periodic point.

It is a flip saddle orbit or point if it has an odd number of eigenvalues < -1.

If (α,x) is NOT a flip saddle orbit and the number of eigenvalues with λ > 1 = n or n-2 or n-4 etc, then it is a left orbit;

otherwise it is a right orbit.For n=1, right orbits are attractors and

left orbits are orbits with derivative > +1.

Page 20: Period Doubling Cascades Jim Yorke Joint Work with Evelyn Sander George Mason Univ. Extending earlier work by Alligood, SN Chow, Mallet-Paret, & Franks

A snake is a (non-branching) path of periodic orbits

Page 21: Period Doubling Cascades Jim Yorke Joint Work with Evelyn Sander George Mason Univ. Extending earlier work by Alligood, SN Chow, Mallet-Paret, & Franks

Following segments of orbits

Follow a segment of left orbits to the left (decreasing parameter direction)

Follow a segment of right orbits to the right. (increasing parameter direction)

Never follow segments of flip orbits.

Page 22: Period Doubling Cascades Jim Yorke Joint Work with Evelyn Sander George Mason Univ. Extending earlier work by Alligood, SN Chow, Mallet-Paret, & Franks

Generic Bifurcations of a path

For a family of period k orbits x(α) in Rn, bifurcations can occur when

DFk(x) has eigenvalue(s) crossing the unit circle. Generically they are simple.

• A Saddle node occurs when an e.v. λ = +1

• A Period doubling . . . λ = -1

• Generically complex pairs cross the unit circle at irrational multiples of angle 2π

Page 23: Period Doubling Cascades Jim Yorke Joint Work with Evelyn Sander George Mason Univ. Extending earlier work by Alligood, SN Chow, Mallet-Paret, & Franks

Possible bifurcations affecting paths

Bifurcations for 1 dim x or more

Page 24: Period Doubling Cascades Jim Yorke Joint Work with Evelyn Sander George Mason Univ. Extending earlier work by Alligood, SN Chow, Mallet-Paret, & Franks

Possible bifurcations affecting paths

Bifurcations for 1 dim x or more Other Bifurcations only in dim x > 1

In addition each period-doublingbifurcation canhave both arrows reversed

All low-period segments are “right” segments

All new low-period segments are “left” segments

Page 25: Period Doubling Cascades Jim Yorke Joint Work with Evelyn Sander George Mason Univ. Extending earlier work by Alligood, SN Chow, Mallet-Paret, & Franks

Possible bifurcations affecting paths

Bifurcations for 1 dim x or more Other Bifurcations only in dim x > 1

In addition each period-doublingbifurcation canhave both arrows reversed

All S-N & P-D bifurcation points have one segment approaching and one departing (except the upper-right one).

Page 26: Period Doubling Cascades Jim Yorke Joint Work with Evelyn Sander George Mason Univ. Extending earlier work by Alligood, SN Chow, Mallet-Paret, & Franks

Coupling n 1-D mapsCoupling n 1-D maps. x = (x1, …,xn)

Let F(α; x) =

(αa1 - x1 2 + g1 (α, x1,…,xn),

. . .

αan - xn 2 + gn (α, x1,…,xn))

where each gj is bounded and so are its partial derivatives;

Assume aj > 0 for each j = 1,…,n.

Page 27: Period Doubling Cascades Jim Yorke Joint Work with Evelyn Sander George Mason Univ. Extending earlier work by Alligood, SN Chow, Mallet-Paret, & Franks

A new n-Dim exampleAssume gm : RxRn → R for each m is differentiable and

bounded, and so are its first partial derivatives. Then 1. for α0 sufficiently small, there are no periodic orbits at α0 ; and 2. for α1 sufficiently large, the dynamics are the horse-shoe-like

behavior of the uncoupled system (i.e. g=0), and 3. for “almost every” g = (gm), F has generic orbit behavior4. the set of all periodic orbits in [α0 , α1] is bounded, and Theorem. For such generic g If (α1, x1) is periodic and has an even number of eigenvalues < -1, (possibly none),Then it is on a connected family of orbits which includes a

cascade.Corollary: the map has infinitely many disjoint cascades.

Page 28: Period Doubling Cascades Jim Yorke Joint Work with Evelyn Sander George Mason Univ. Extending earlier work by Alligood, SN Chow, Mallet-Paret, & Franks

A new n-Dim exampleAssume gm : RxRn → R for each m is differentiable and

bounded, and so are its first partial derivatives. Then 1. for α0 sufficiently small, there are no periodic orbits at α0 ;

and 2. for α1 sufficiently large, the dynamics are the horse-shoe-

like behavior of the uncoupled system (i.e. g=0), and 3. for “almost every” g = (gm), F has generic orbit behavior4. the set of all periodic orbits in [α0 , α1] is bounded, and Theorem. For such generic g if (α1, x1) is periodic and has an even number of eigenvalues < -1, (possibly none),Then it is on a connected family of orbits which includes a

cascade.Corollary: the map has infinitely many disjoint cascades.

Page 29: Period Doubling Cascades Jim Yorke Joint Work with Evelyn Sander George Mason Univ. Extending earlier work by Alligood, SN Chow, Mallet-Paret, & Franks

A new n-Dim exampleAssume gm : RxRn → R for each m is differentiable and

bounded, and so are its first partial derivatives. Then 1. for α0 sufficiently small, there are no periodic orbits at α0 ;

and 2. for α1 sufficiently large, the dynamics are the horse-shoe-

like behavior of the uncoupled system (i.e. g=0), and 3. for “almost every” g = (gm), F has generic orbit behavior4. the set of all periodic orbits in [α0 , α1] is bounded, and Theorem. For such generic g If (α1, x1) is periodic and has an even number of eigenvalues < -1, (possibly none),Then it is on a connected family of orbits which includes a

cascade.Corollary: the map has infinitely many disjoint cascades.

Page 30: Period Doubling Cascades Jim Yorke Joint Work with Evelyn Sander George Mason Univ. Extending earlier work by Alligood, SN Chow, Mallet-Paret, & Franks

Following families of period p points

Let F : R X Rn → Rn be differentiable.

Assume Fp(α0 ,x0) = x0

When does there exist a continuous path

(α, x(α)) of period-p points through (α0 ,x0) for

α in some neighborhood (α0 -ε,α0 +ε) of α0?

This can answered by trying to compute the path x(α) as the sol’n of an ODE..

Page 31: Period Doubling Cascades Jim Yorke Joint Work with Evelyn Sander George Mason Univ. Extending earlier work by Alligood, SN Chow, Mallet-Paret, & Franks

A p-period Orbit (α0 ,x0) can be continued if +1 is not an eigenvalue

If Fp(α, x(α)) - x(α) = 0, then (d/dα) {Fp (α, x(α)) - x(α)} = 0 (*)

i.e., Fpα, +Fp

x dx/dα – Id dx/dα = 0

If Fpx – Id is invertible, then x(α) satisfies

dx/dα = [Fpx – Id]-1 Fp

α (**) It is easy to check (*) is satisfied by any solution

of (**).

If (α0 ,x0) is periodic and +1 is not an eigenvalue,then (α,x(α)) can be continued, ending only when

+1 is an eigenvalue.

Page 32: Period Doubling Cascades Jim Yorke Joint Work with Evelyn Sander George Mason Univ. Extending earlier work by Alligood, SN Chow, Mallet-Paret, & Franks

A p-period Orbit (α0 ,x0) can be continued if +1 is not an eigenvalue

If Fp(α, x(α)) - x(α) = 0, then (d/dα) {Fp (α, x(α)) - x(α)} = 0 (*)

i.e., Fpα, +Fp

x dx/dα – Id dx/dα = 0

If Fpx – Id is invertible, then x(α) satisfies

dx/dα = [Fpx – Id]-1 Fp

α (**) It is easy to check (*) is satisfied by any solution

of (**).

If (α0 ,x0) is periodic and +1 is not an eigenvalue,then (α,x(α)) can be continued, ending only when

+1 is an eigenvalue.

Page 33: Period Doubling Cascades Jim Yorke Joint Work with Evelyn Sander George Mason Univ. Extending earlier work by Alligood, SN Chow, Mallet-Paret, & Franks

A p-period Orbit (α0 ,x0) can be continued if +1 is not an eigenvalue

If Fp(α, x(α)) - x(α) = 0, then (d/dα) {Fp (α, x(α)) - x(α)} = 0 (*)

i.e., Fpα, +Fp

x dx/dα – Id dx/dα = 0

If Fpx – Id is invertible, then x(α) satisfies

dx/dα = [Fpx – Id]-1 Fp

α (**) It is easy to check (*) is satisfied by any solution

of (**).

If (α0 ,x0) is periodic and +1 is not an eigenvalue,then (α,x(α)) can be continued, ending only when

+1 is an eigenvalue.

Page 34: Period Doubling Cascades Jim Yorke Joint Work with Evelyn Sander George Mason Univ. Extending earlier work by Alligood, SN Chow, Mallet-Paret, & Franks

Snakes of periodic orbits

• A snake is a connected directed path of periodic orbits.

• Following the “path” allows no choices because it does not branch.

Page 35: Period Doubling Cascades Jim Yorke Joint Work with Evelyn Sander George Mason Univ. Extending earlier work by Alligood, SN Chow, Mallet-Paret, & Franks

A snake is a (non-branching) path of periodic orbits

Page 36: Period Doubling Cascades Jim Yorke Joint Work with Evelyn Sander George Mason Univ. Extending earlier work by Alligood, SN Chow, Mallet-Paret, & Franks
Page 37: Period Doubling Cascades Jim Yorke Joint Work with Evelyn Sander George Mason Univ. Extending earlier work by Alligood, SN Chow, Mallet-Paret, & Franks

Generic Behavior of F(α,x)

In a bounded region of (α,x) space, for each period p, • there are finitely many p-periodic (α,x) having +1

as an eigenvalue and all such are generic saddle-node bifurcation orbits.

• there are finitely many p-periodic (α,x) having -1 as an eigenvalue and all such are generic period doubling orbits.

• If (α,x) has complex eigenvalues on the unit circle, they are irrational multiples of 2π.

Page 38: Period Doubling Cascades Jim Yorke Joint Work with Evelyn Sander George Mason Univ. Extending earlier work by Alligood, SN Chow, Mallet-Paret, & Franks

Generic Behavior of F(α,x)

In a bounded region of (α,x) space, for each period p, • there are finitely many p-periodic (α,x) having +1

as an eigenvalue and all such are generic saddle-node bifurcation orbits.

• there are finitely many p-periodic (α,x) having -1 as an eigenvalue and all such are generic period doubling orbits.

• If (α,x) has complex eigenvalues on the unit circle, they are irrational multiples of 2π.

Page 39: Period Doubling Cascades Jim Yorke Joint Work with Evelyn Sander George Mason Univ. Extending earlier work by Alligood, SN Chow, Mallet-Paret, & Franks

Generic Behavior of F(α,x)

In a bounded region of (α,x) space, for each period p, • there are finitely many p-periodic (α,x) having +1

as an eigenvalue and all such are generic saddle-node bifurcation orbits.

• there are finitely many p-periodic (α,x) having -1 as an eigenvalue and all such are generic period doubling orbits.

• If (α,x) has complex eigenvalues on the unit circle, they are irrational multiples of 2π.

Page 40: Period Doubling Cascades Jim Yorke Joint Work with Evelyn Sander George Mason Univ. Extending earlier work by Alligood, SN Chow, Mallet-Paret, & Franks

Generic maps

• Almost every (in the sense of prevalence) map is generic.

Page 41: Period Doubling Cascades Jim Yorke Joint Work with Evelyn Sander George Mason Univ. Extending earlier work by Alligood, SN Chow, Mallet-Paret, & Franks

The reason why cascades occur• Each left segment must terminate (at a SN or PD

bifurcation) because there are no orbits at α0. • Each right segment must terminate (at a SN or PD

bifurcation) because there are no right orbits at α1.• The family then continues onto a new segment.

This leads to an infinite sequence of segments and corresponding periods (pk).

• Each period can occur at most finitely many times, so pk →∞. So it includes ∞-many PDs.

Page 42: Period Doubling Cascades Jim Yorke Joint Work with Evelyn Sander George Mason Univ. Extending earlier work by Alligood, SN Chow, Mallet-Paret, & Franks