perilaku etis dan tidak etis dalam … etika nilai dalam hidup beberapa nilai penting dalam...


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Post on 30-Mar-2019




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Page 1: PERILAKU ETIS DAN TIDAK ETIS DALAM … Etika Nilai dalam Hidup Beberapa nilai penting dalam kehidupan yang harus kita miliki yaitu: • Jujur • Menghargai pekerjaan • Ketepatan



Week 3

Page 2: PERILAKU ETIS DAN TIDAK ETIS DALAM … Etika Nilai dalam Hidup Beberapa nilai penting dalam kehidupan yang harus kita miliki yaitu: • Jujur • Menghargai pekerjaan • Ketepatan

Nilai Etika

Nilai etika merupakan keyakinan dan pemikiran yang kita pelajari dan kita hayati yang merupakan warisan dari sejak usia dini yang kita dapatkan dari orang tua dan lingkungan sekitar.

Case Study: Andy was a taxi driver in a city. One day a passenger left his briefcase in the car. Andy noticed it only when he was going home for lunch. He did not know what to do. He thought of opening it to see if the name and address of the owner was given. When he opened the briefcase he was surprised to find many valuable documents and cash in it. He found a card with a name and address of the owner on it. He drove straight to the owner’s house and returned the briefcase. The owner was grateful and rewarded Andy for his honesty.

Page 3: PERILAKU ETIS DAN TIDAK ETIS DALAM … Etika Nilai dalam Hidup Beberapa nilai penting dalam kehidupan yang harus kita miliki yaitu: • Jujur • Menghargai pekerjaan • Ketepatan

Nilai Etika

Nilai dalam Hidup Beberapa nilai penting dalam kehidupan yang harus kita miliki yaitu: • Jujur • Menghargai pekerjaan • Ketepatan waktu, keteraturan dan disiplin • Sopan santun • Bijak dalam bersikap • Inisiatif • Efisien dalam tugas

Page 4: PERILAKU ETIS DAN TIDAK ETIS DALAM … Etika Nilai dalam Hidup Beberapa nilai penting dalam kehidupan yang harus kita miliki yaitu: • Jujur • Menghargai pekerjaan • Ketepatan

Hak dan Kewajiban Individu

Hak adalah bentuk penghargaan kepada individu terhadap setiap usaha yang kita kerjakan. Kewajiban merupakan suatu usaha yang dilakukan oleh individu dengan mengerahkan semua kemampuan yang ada. Hak dan kewajiban merupakan suatu hal yang tidak bisa dipisahkan, seorang individu hanya bisa memperoleh hak ketika dia sudah mengerjakan kewajibannya.

Page 5: PERILAKU ETIS DAN TIDAK ETIS DALAM … Etika Nilai dalam Hidup Beberapa nilai penting dalam kehidupan yang harus kita miliki yaitu: • Jujur • Menghargai pekerjaan • Ketepatan

Hak dan Kewajiban Individu Case: Ankita was a class ten student. She was rude and had no respect for her elders. She would neither help her mother nor would she listen to her father. Instead she always argued with them on small issues. She would also be very rude to her neighbours. Her parents always wanted her to act in a responsible and a mature manner. We all live in a family which nurtures us as individuals. We develop our abilities, give and receive love and dare to dream. Family life provides an individual an opportunity to learn and to establish and maintain healthy relations. Important social skills like caring, sharing, tolerance and empathy are all learnt in our home. One day Ankita’s family decided to make her realize her mistake. Ankita woke up late and began rushing around for getting ready for school. She shouted at everyone for her things, but no one listened to her. She somehow managed to get ready and reached school late. She was scolded for being late to school. When Ankita came home in the afternoon, her mother sat by her and asked her how she felt about the morning experience. Ankita realizes that if she was rude, disrespectful and uncooperative, others would treat her in the same way. Have your ever behaved like Ankita? How would you feel if your family members would behave the same way as they did with Ankita? Ankita realized her mistake and promised her mother to act responsibly in future. Our responsible behaviour brings a lot of satisfaction to us and as well as others. Ankita helped her grandmother with all the little things she could do for her and in reward would get a lot of blessings from her. She took the responsibility of taking her grandmother to the dispensary for her monthly checkups. She started teaching the vegetable vendor’s children to read and write. Hence, we understand that every individual has some rights and responsibilities as a member of a family as well as a community. Only when the rights and responsibilities are taken together, there will be peace and harmony all around.

Page 6: PERILAKU ETIS DAN TIDAK ETIS DALAM … Etika Nilai dalam Hidup Beberapa nilai penting dalam kehidupan yang harus kita miliki yaitu: • Jujur • Menghargai pekerjaan • Ketepatan

Peduli dan Menghargai Orang Lain

Peduli merupakan suatu sikap untuk turut serta dalam bertindak dan proaktif dalam melibatkan diri dengan lingkungan atau kondisi yang ada di sekitar kita.

Menghargai merupakan suatu kemampuan untuk menempatkan diri dalam suatu situasi dengan memperhatikan kepentingan orang lain dan kepentingan diri sendiri

Page 7: PERILAKU ETIS DAN TIDAK ETIS DALAM … Etika Nilai dalam Hidup Beberapa nilai penting dalam kehidupan yang harus kita miliki yaitu: • Jujur • Menghargai pekerjaan • Ketepatan

Peduli dan Menghargai Orang Lain

Simple case: Q.1 When you enter a room do you remember to greet every single person in the room? Q.2 When you visit a friend’s home, do you remember to take leave from the elders of that house? Q.3 When your friends visit you, do you introduce them to your other family members? Q.4 Do you raise your voice when you argue with elders? Q.5 Do you make a plan to go out without informing your mother or change the channel to your favourite TV programme without caring about the other family members? Q.6 Do you always stay away on important days in the family?

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Toleransi, Empati dan Sikap Positif

Toleransi adalah sikap atau kemampuan untuk menerima pendapat ataupun perilaku orang lain yang berbeda terhadap diri pribadi.

Empati merupakan sebuah kapasitas diri untuk mampu merasakan suatu situasi yang sedang dialami oleh orang lain dan turut serta bertindak dalam situasi tersebut.

Sikap positif adalah bentuk sikap dan pemahaman diri untuk melihat sisi baik dan berperilaku optimis dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.

Page 9: PERILAKU ETIS DAN TIDAK ETIS DALAM … Etika Nilai dalam Hidup Beberapa nilai penting dalam kehidupan yang harus kita miliki yaitu: • Jujur • Menghargai pekerjaan • Ketepatan

Toleransi, Empati dan Sikap Positif

Case: A farmer had some puppies which he wanted to sell. So he put up an advertisement. A little boy wanted to buy one of the puppies. The puppies were very expensive and the boy did not have enough money. Searching his pocket, he pulled out Rs.10 and asked the farmer if it was enough to take a look at the puppies. The farmer agreed. The boy was delighted to see them. Suddenly, he noticed that one of the puppies was walking in an awkward manner. “I want that one,” the little boy said. The farmer informed that the puppy will never be able to run and play with him, since it had a limp. The boy paused for a while and insisted on buying that particular pup only. It was because those who are not able to run and play have less friends and he did not want that the pup to be lonely. The farmer was so moved by the empathetic gesture of the little boy that he handed over that puppy to him.

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Perilaku Tidak Etis

Beberapa isu perilaku yang sering kita temui dalam kehidupan sehari-hari diantaranya: 1. Ketidak teraturan dan tidak tepat waktu 2. Kasar dan kurang kepedulian 3. Membuang sumber daya 4. Tidak taat aturan 5. Kurang menghargai dan menghormati 6. Tidak setia 7. Korupsi 8. Bersikap merusak 9. Tidak Jujur

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Perilaku Tidak Etis dalam Sikap Kerja

Hasil riset yang dilakukan oleh Institute of Leadership and Management di Inggris yang bertanya kepada 1600 orang manajer tentang apa saja perilaku tidak etis yang sering ditemui di tempat kerja. (AV: Maria Amelie, 2014) Perilaku tersebut yaitu: 1. Mengambil jalan pintas dalam pekerjaan/ hasil kerja yang buruk: 72% 2. Berbohong untuk menyembunyikan kesalahan: 72% 3. Menjelek-jelekkan rekan kerja: 68% 4. Melempar pekerjaan kepada orang lain ketika tidak bisa dikerjakan: 67%

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Perilaku Tidak Etis dalam Sikap Kerja

5. Lalai dalam pekerjaan: 64% 6. Berbohong untuk menyembunyikan kesalahan teman: 63% 7. Mengambil pujian terhadap hasil kerja orang lain: 57% 8. Pura-pura sakit: 56% 9. Berbohong terhadap pengalaman dan kemampuan yang dimiliki: 54% 10. Sering mengambil tugas yang mudah: 52%

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Unethical Behavior Can Be Contagious

Diskusi kasus atau Tugas. Camille Johnson Ph.D It is becoming increasingly normal to hear about fraud, lies, and less than ethical behavior in all walks of life. Everyday new politicians, business leaders, and athletes are added to lists of the disgraced. Last fall, scandalous behavior rocked my own professional community. An honored scientist confessed to fabricating data (in the spirit of full disclosure, he was a friend who I had worked with for 10 years). While it is natural to first wonder why someone would engage in fraud or how it could go on for so many years, it is also important to consider how a fraudulently inflated performance affects others. That is, if someone gets ahead by secretly cheating and sets an impossibly high standard, how will it affect other people in the environment?

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There are at least three ways unethical behavior can harm other people - even people not directly connected to the bad acts: First, it might discourage people by making them feel inadequate. People are apt to regard the successful other as a standard bearer, especially if they believe that the performance was achieved fairly and that they should be able to attain similar levels of performance. I worry about this for my son. In his classroom and in his Cub Scout Pinewood Derby, I see projects submitted that are obviously more the work of the parent than the child. These projects make the work of actual six and seven-year olds look shabby in the classroom; on the racetrack, they simply cannot compete. I tell my son not to worry about it, to recognize that he has done his best effort and that he should be proud of himself, but I still I worry that he'll be discouraged.

Unethical Behavior Can Be Contagious

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Second, it might make people act recklessly. People might believe that risky behavior is the only way to get ahead. This might account for some of the risky behavior in the financial markets - the only way to get ahead was to act in increasingly risky ways. But, this behavior isn’t exclusive to highly-paid athletes and CEOs. Even normal folks can sometimes take competitiveness too far.

Unethical Behavior Can Be Contagious

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For example, the website Strava provides cyclists with opportunities to post the routes they have ridden, as well as best times and performances. The fastest rider on a particular route becomes “King of the Mountain.” Although it only a title on a website, the KOM title is valued by subscribers and can lead people to engage in risky behaviors to obtain them. For example, there have been a number of instances in which people striving to obtain the KOM title have been involved in accidents, with tragic outcomes for themselves and others. Just last year, one rider was descending a hill at 10 miles over the posted speed limit, flipped on his bike, and was fatally injured.

Unethical Behavior Can Be Contagious

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Finally, it can lead other people to act unethically. If unethical behaviors are known (or rumored) and the performer still gets rewards, it can create the impression that these bad behaviors are acceptable. In this way, one cheater can lead to more cheating by others: first, by creating a standard that can only be met by cheating; and second, by contributing to a belief that everyone is doing it. You can imagine these dynamics at work in the Tour de France peloton. For years, doping and use of performance-enhancing drugs was an open secret among the riders. The accolades (and prize money) won by those engaging in doping created a standard of performance; and the belief that everyone was doing it created a norm in which doping was acceptable.

Unethical Behavior Can Be Contagious

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In these ways social comparison can make unethical behavior contagious. By comparing performances and behaviors to others, people treat enhanced-performances as standards and come to believe that the only way to get ahead is through repeating questionable behaviors.

Unethical Behavior Can Be Contagious