performance of feedback control systems

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Performance of Feedback Control Systems. Test Input Signals:. Performance of a Second Order System. Step Input:. Transient response of a second-order system (Eq. 5.9) for a step input. The transient response of a second-order system (Eq. 5.9) for a step input as a function of ζ and ω n t. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


  • Performance of Feedback Control Systems

  • Test Input Signals:

  • Performance of a Second Order System

  • Step Input:

  • Transient response of a second-order system (Eq. 5.9) for a step input.

  • The transient response of a second-order system (Eq. 5.9) for a step input as a function of and nt.

  • Impulse Input:

  • Response of a second-order system for an impulse function input.

  • Step response of a control system (Eq. 5.9).

  • :

  • Percent overshoot and normalized peak time versusdamping ratio z for a second-order system (Eq. 5.8).

  • Normalized rise time Tr1 versus for a second-order system.

  • The step response for = 0.2 for n = 1 and n = 10.

  • Effect of the Third Pole on the 2nd-Order System

  • An s-plane diagram of a third-order system.

  • Effect of the Zero on the 2nd-Order System

  • Percent overshoot as a function of and n when a second-order transfer function contains a zero.

  • The response for the second-order transfer function with a zero for four values of the ratio (a/n): A = 5, B = 2, C = 1, and D = 0.5 when =0.45.

  • ExampIe 4.1 Parameter Selection

  • Specifications and root locations on the s-plane.

  • The s-Plane Root Location and the Transient Response

  • Impulse response for various root locations in the s-plane.(The conjugate root is not shown.)

  • The Steady-State Error of Feedback Control Systems

  • H(s) = 1,

  • Step Input:

  • N=0Step Input:

  • N>0Step Input:

  • Ramp Input:

  • Ramp Input:K=1

  • Acceleration Input:

  • Acceleration Input:N=2

  • Triangular wave response.

  • Control system model with a second-order model of the motor and load.

  • Response of the system to a unit step input, r(t) 1, t (a) MATLAB script.

  • Response of the system to a unit step input, r(t) 1, t (b) Response for Ka 30 and 60.

  • Performance Indices


  • Example:

  • Example:

  • Step Response

  • Example:

  • *****************************************