perfect time to go on a mount kilimanjaro climbing expedition in tanzania

Perfect Time to Go on a Mount Kilimanjaro Climbing Expedition in Tanzania

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Post on 23-Jul-2016




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With One –Way Tours & Safaris Ltd you can enjoy a various delightful yet thrilling safari experiences in Tanzania at reasonable price. Our experienced team with high quality safari equipments and vehicles will make your tour into an incredible experience. So have an exciting touring experience with us! Book with us now!


Perfect Time to Go on a Mount Kilimanjaro Climbing Expedition in Tanzania

Mount Kilimanjaro is one of the highest peaks throughout the African continent; so it has its own weather pattern. Well, Mount Kilimanjaro boasts a wide array of climate zone; that varies from what it feels like when you are at the equator to what it feels like when you are in an arctic zone! So, here we have discussed about the different climate zone of Kilimanjaro; that can let you an opportunity to figure out when it’s the best time to go on a mountain climbing safari in Tanzania.

Well, Mount Kilimanjaro is a well-known mountain around the world with five different climate zones as follows: •Farmland: 2600 ft to 6000 ft •Rainforest: 6000ft to 9,500 ft •Heath & Mooreland: 9,500 ft to 13,200 ft •Alpine Forest: 13,200 ft to 16,500 ft •Arctic: 16,500 ft and higher

As Mount Kilimanjaro is located closer to the equator, so the above zones won’t offer let you experience any drastic change; when the season is going to change. Even, the weather remains constant in each climate zone throughout the year. March, April and May Kilimanjaro is the main obstacle for the South East winds; that pushes over from the Indian Ocean. So during these months, Kilimanjaro usually gets heaviest rainfall.

During November, the North East Monsoon winds hit Kilimanjaro and as a result, it will get lots of moisture after the arrival of monsoon. That’s the main reason why, Kilimanjaro receives more; but not as compared to the months of March,April and May. Even though, on these months the mountain gets heavy rainfall; but one thing remember that rainfall occurs only below 3000m. Also, Kilimanjaro is open year around for trek purposes; so be sure to choose mountain climbing safari in Tanzania of One Way Tours and Safaris Ltd. to get more necessary information regarding Mount Kilimanjaro. We will help you throughout your mountain climbing expedition. For more details regarding Mount Kilimanjaro, please make a visit to our website!



Nansio-Ukerewe Mwanza-Tanzania East Africa

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