people of god newsletter - · christmas novena cover...

PEOPLE OF GOD LAITY RELIGIOUS AND CLERGY LIVING THE VISION OF ST. VINCENT PALLOTTI NEWSLETTER The Pallottines Society of the Catholic Apostolate Winter 2009 O Holy Night, the stars are brightly shining. It is the night of the dear Savior's birth. S C A

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Page 1: PEOPLE OF GOD NEWSLETTER - · Christmas Novena Cover Picture: The Christmas ... to surrender myself to God and use my ... as Christians



The PallottinesSociety of the Catholic ApostolateWinter 2009

O Holy Night,the stars are brightly shining.It is the night of the dear Savior's birth.


Page 2: PEOPLE OF GOD NEWSLETTER - · Christmas Novena Cover Picture: The Christmas ... to surrender myself to God and use my ... as Christians


People of God Newletteris published

three times a year bythe Mother of God Province

of thePallottine Fathers and Brothers.Articles, photos, suggestions are

always welcome.Editorial offices are located at:Pallottine Fathers & Brothers

5424 W. Bluemound Rd.Milwaukee, WI 53208-3097

414-259-0688 ext.143

Fr. Leon Martin, SAC, editor.






In This Issue ....ChristmasNovena

You and your family are personallyinvited to pray with us

December 16th - 24th

during our

at theSt. Vincent Pallotti Shrine

located inside

St. Vincent Pallotti Church East5424 W. Bluemound Rd.Milwaukee, WI 53208

Weekdays at 5 pm Saturdays& Sundays at 1 pm

Christmas Novena

Cover Picture: The ChristmasTree, a traditional symbol of the

holiday season.

Our Newsletter is alsoavailable in color on


Finding God Who Seeks You ... pg. 3Pallottine Retreat 2009 ............ pg. 4Spiritual Gathering with Fr.

Benedict Groeschel, C.F.R.... pg. 5And Now You Know!

Epilogue to QAS story........... pg. 6Caritas in Veritate -

Charity in Truth .................. pg. 10For the Holidays: 2 Recipes ..... pg. 11Ask Father: My Sister and I

Aren't Talking to Each Other.. pg. 12Alexandra Albrecht ReceivesPallottine Scholarship Award.. pg. 13

Memorials .............................. pg. 14Holiday Vigil Lights ................ pg. 15

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Finding the God Who Seeks YouJourneying with St. Vincent Pallotti, The Prophet of Communion

Reflection: Balancing Adversity and Prosperity

Fr. Vensus George, SAC, Pallottine from the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Provincein India, has written a book of reflections based on the thoughts of our founder, St. VincentPallotti. We would like to share some of these reflections to help you on your spiritual journey.

"[We must be] thanking the heavenly Father for the gift of tribulations and inorder to improve the gift of a contrite and humble heart so that ... [we] will notmake bad use of prosperity." (OOCC, VII, P. 59; SD. pp.36-37)

For St. Vincent Pallotti, a genuine Chris-tian life is a combination of adversity andprosperity. The life of Christ consists ofthe cross and the glory of the resurrec-tion. In the same way, the life of everyChristian has to have a share of tribula-tions and abundance of blessings. St.Vincent wanted his followers to have abalanced view of both tribulation andprosperity. A person should not be down-cast when he meets with tribulations. Norshould he be overjoyed when he experi-ences prosperity. According to St.Vincent, every person must thank theLord for the various sufferings that comein his life as if they are gifts from God.They are given to a person in order tohelp him in his personal growth. Thus,the tribulations do contribute to the wellbeing of the human person. They help aperson to cultivate a heart that is humbleand contrite, with the help of which hecan reach out to God in complete andabsolute surrender. If there are notribulations in the life a person, he maynever realize the need for God in his life.Besides, the experiences of adversityhelps a person use the moments ofprosperity properly. If a person neverexperiences adversity, he may takemoments of prosperity for granted; butthe experience of adversity

Blessed are you when the insultyou and persecute you...Rejoice andbe glad for your reward will be great

in heaven. (Mt. 5: 11-12)

prepares him to accept prosperity withgratitude, and use it for his good, the goodof his neighbor, and for the glory of God.

Questions for our furtherReflection:

1) Do I acknowledge thatlife is a combination ofadversity and prosperity?

2) Do I accept them withthe right sense ofbalance?

3) Do I realize the value ofadversity in my life?

4) Does adversity help meto surrender myself toGod and use myprosperity properly?

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Pallottine Retreat 2009"Mercy of God"

by Fr. Jose Eluvathingal, SAC

The 2009 bi-annual retreat of the Pallottines of theMother of God Province was held from June 7-12 atour Pallottine Retreat Center in Elkhorn, WI. The 12of us who attended the retreat were guided by Fr. DanCrosby, OFM Cap., director of St. Anthony RetreatCenter, Marathon, WI. The hospitality provided bythe dedicated staff and the scenic surroundings of theretreat center enhanced the atmosphere of silence

and solitude leading to prayerful reflection on the inspiring words of the retreat director.

The theme of this year's retreat was ‘Mercy of God’. Fr. Dan reminded us of thecountless times we have used the word ‘mercy’ in liturgy as well as in our personaland community prayers without really paying attention to what it really means for usas Christians and as individuals called to serve the people of God. Rather thantheologically defining the word ‘mercy’, Fr. Dan invited us to reflect on how thepractice of mercy could change our everyday personal lives and our approach toministry.

Quoting the late Pope John Paul II, Fr. Dan reiterated the importance of becomingaware of God’s infinite mercy in today’s world. In our efforts to appear self-sufficientand important, we are often tempted to set up defences around us becoming in theprocess cold, isolated and anxious individuals. This damages our relationship withour brothers and sisters making us competitive, insensitive and afraid in our interactionswith them. Becoming aware of God’s mercy affords us a chance to see ourselves asGod sees us. It reminds us that it is God who builds us up and that we are called torejoice in the gifts of our brothers and sisters and build them up. Awareness of God’smercy relaxes us and inspires us to approach our brothers and sisters with arms openwide. Open, outstretched arms is the most enduring and powerful image of God’smercy. That is how God approaches us no matter who we are and what we have done.Fr. Dan reminded us of the need to practice this arms-open-wide-approach towardsthe confreres in our own communities first.

Infinite mercy and love of God, an oft-repeated theme in St.Vincent Pallotti’sown writings, might seem alien to a world that is so very intent on meting out justiceas understood in purely human terms. In a society where love and forgiveness areconditional, unending mercy of God might seem very illogical. But that is the kindof mercy that Jesus proclaimed. We are called to live by that proclamation.

Mercy of God is also a reality we need to become aware of in our ministry. Since

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Spiritual Gathering withFr. Benedict Groeschelby Fr. Sergio Lizama, SAC

Fr. Benedict Groeschel

From July 19-23 about 35 Pallottines working in NorthAmerica met with Fr. Benedict Groeschel, C.G.R., whommany of you may know from his TV show on EWTN.

The subject developed by Fr. Benedict was our spiritualpilgrimage to our final destination in the Kingdom ofHeaven. Every person who enters into the Christian lifebegins a journey toward God. He inspired and encouraged us in this spiritual journey.He gave important hints and reminders on how to make real progress in our walk withChrist. He spoke of the three stages of the interior life: the purgative (beginning), theilluminative (progress) and the unitive (perfect) stages. This is the journey every Catholicmust take, but most Catholics are sadly unaware of it, and they remain stuck in thepurgative stage their entire lives! He explained the purgative stage as a stage of purificationin the spiritual life when the believer should develop a mature faith, go through an intensemoral conversion (vices, bad habits and egocentrism are eliminated), and trust in God."Trust in God is the greatest act of worship," he said.

Fr. Benedict's reflections helped us to discover which stage we are in now and theimportance of making steady progress toward the next stage. Perhaps best of all, he madeus aware that on this road to God we will find those inevitable dry and hard times, and"dark nights of the soul", but that these will end when we enter the unitive stage.

Frequently he mentioned Fr. Solanus Casey (1870-1957) as an example of humility,prayer and closeness to God. People looked to him to find spiritual health and renewal.He said we are called to a continual conversion, and this happens by developing virtuewhich will change the life of the believer and make him/her a person of character and atrue Christian witness. When he spoke about the Blessed Sacrament as the mystery offaith, he mentioned how Albert Einstein had a deep interest in the Catholic belief on'transubstantiation', and how he was known to ask several priests to recommend all thebooks they could on the Eucharist because of his fascination and respect for such animmense mystery. He expressed his thoughts regarding skepticism in modern times andits influence in the life of the Church. He reflected with sadness on the reduced conditionof some of the once great male and female religious orders. He encouraged us to pray,to examine our conscience, to read the Gospel, to read St. Paul, and to read about questionsof faith. This, he said, will feed and strengthen our faith.

I would say that in general our gathering with him was a source of powerful inspirationfor us all on the spiritual journey. To tell you the truth, I never expected to be so in tunewith this Master preacher.

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When the doors of Queen of ApostlesHigh School closed for the last time inMay 1979, an educational era on the eastside of Madison came to an end. The classof '79 graduates received their diplomasand tossed their caps into the air in the finetradition of Graduation Day. Pictures weretaken, hugs, tears and kisses were freelyexchanged and then it was over -- the lastcars pulled out of the driveway and Queenof Apostles ceased to exists as a highschool.

But the story of Queen of ApostlesSeminary/High School doesn't end there.

As the 1978-1979 school year was wind-ing down, neighboring schools and mem-ber schools of the Eastern Suburban sportsconference were invited to tour the QASbuilding and place bids on the desks, sportsequipment, tables, chairs, library books,kitchen appliances and all those things thatgo into making a building a living highschool. Even the farm with its tractors,cows, pigs and pitchforks that help keepthe school financially afloat for so manyyears went on the auction block. Andslowly all that once was, was no more.

Summer came and the once proud build-ing stood empty, or so a thief mistakenlythought. It is little known that after theschool closed, some unidentified man brokeinto the building on a Sunday morning notrealizing that the Pallottines still lived inthe building and intended to stay there untilthe property was sold and handed over toa new owner. While they sat eating break-

And Now You Know!

The Queen of Apostles Seminary Story Part IX: The Epilogue by Deac

A followup article to a section of the book: Like An Evangelical Trumpet: A History of theMother of God Province of the Society of the Catholic Apostolate, by Steven M. Avella.


fast in their dining room, they heard glassbreaking and went to investigate the noise.As they entered the main lobby of theschool, they startled the thief as he wasabout to break into another room. Heturned on a dime and raced out the frontdoors, not to be seen again.

It was shortly after this incident that anew owner was found for the property andbuildings: The Astronautics Corporation,which did research and made electronicequipment for NASA and the space pro-gram. They came equipped with a staff ofabout 150 people and immediately beganto renovate the main building. The hugemetal cross on the tower of the school wasremoved, the statue of Mary that greetedvisitors near the main entrance to theproperty was disassembled and donated toa local church in the Madison area, thesmall shrine/chapel on the property wasgiven to the sisters who prayed there andlooked after the building on the conditionthat they pay for its removal from theproperty. They hired a company to "lift"the shrine from its foundation and move itacross the highway onto their property,where it is still in use to this day. And thesign that once read "Queen of ApostlesHigh School" was replace with "Astronau-tics Technology Center".

One "big" item that needed specialattention and handling as the propertychanged hands was the removal of thebodies from the Pallottine cemetery on thegrounds. A new burial site for the manyPallottines interred there and in other places

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was found at Holy CrossCemetery in Milwaukee,WI. This new location nowserves as the final restingplace for the members ofthe Mother of God Prov-ince. It has been said in ahumorous, yet reverentway, that some of thepriests and brothers havemoved more since theirdeaths than they did whilethey were alive and serv-ing in the ministries of theprovince. Perhaps now theywill be a peace for a longtime to come.

The Astronautics Cor-poration continued its op-eration at the school site for22 years. During that timeit too witnessed a declinein personnel working theredue to the downturn in theeconomy and fewer fundsavailable for governmentcontract and the space pro-gram. Finally in 2001 witha remaining staff of about12 people, the company de-cided to put the property upfor sale once again.

It wasn't long before adevelopment group led byDavid Simon eyed the prop-erty and neighboring par-cels of land for a new 230-acre subdivision calledGrandview Commons (aname inspired from thespectacular view of the en-tire city of Madison and sur-rounding countryside that

Wood paneling being saved from third floor dorms and library.

The once proud track and football field no longer in use.

The famous two lane bowling alley in the basement of the school.

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one could gaze upon from the top of thehill on which the seminary building stood.)In an interesting twist of fate, Karen Denu,a former student herself and the sister ofJackie Burwell, a graduate of Queen ofApostles High School, heard about thepending demolition of the buildings onthe property when she was talking to herdad about building a home. He told her,"Why don't you wait a few years and buya home at the site of your old school."

By chance Denu and other class-mates happened to run into David Simonat a social gathering and asked him forpermission to hold one final, all schoolreunion. Agreeable to the request Simongave his permission and a "last hurrah"for Queen of Apostles was scheduled totake place on April 6, 2002 from 2 to 10p.m.

Burwell, Denu and eight other formerstudents organized the event which al-lowed all who came a last chance to freelyroam the hallways, gym and classrooms,to try their hand at bowling on the twolane alley in the basement of the school,and to watch the unforgettable sunset overthe city of Madison. Many who camebrought snacks and food to pass around,and the cafeteria and gym were filled withlaugh- ter, music and dancing.

For those who attended, the reunionwas a time to renew old acquaintances,reminisce of days gone by and have thetime of their lives at the school they oncecalled home. It was hard for many to leavethe event knowing that soon there wouldbe little left of the buildings and groundsonce known as Queen of ApostlesSeminary/High School. But somewherein the darkness of the night on April 6, 2002the lights went out for the final time andthe building awaited its fate.

Within days of the reunion, wreckingequipment poured onto the grounds andthe demolition of the school buildings be-gan. Floor by floor the school was re-duced to an open pit on the top of a hill.The garages came down with a crash, thebarn and silos met their fate and surpris-ingly the two farmhouse, an old large brickone and a smaller cottage, were put upfor sale at the remarkable price of onedollar each provided that the new ownerswould pay for all removal expenses fromthe property. (Neither sold and both wereeventually torn down). Even the smallincinerator behind the gym lost its "life".Several of the carved stone symbols abovethe entrance to the building were pre-served and later cemented into the backbrick wall of St. Dennis Church just a fewmiles down the road from the seminary.

The tennis courts and the football fieldwere cleared of all fences, bleachers andthe scoreboard, and basically left formother nature to reclaim until such timeas new houses were built on the sites.The only part of the original schoolproperty that remains virtually in tack isthe small park behind the main schoolbuilding. Old scrub trees and busheswere either trimmed or removed,sidewalks and benches were added anda fountain was strategically placed on thesouthwest cor- ner of the new park so thatthe "grand view" of the Madison skylinewould be preserved for generations tocome.

At the time of the writing of this articlethe majority of the former school propertywas well into becoming the sub- divisionit was planned to be. Several two andthree-story condo buildings and smallbusinesses line the property along Cot-tage Grove Road down to the I-90 ex-pressway. A nursing home, assisted liv-

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ing center and retirementcomplex, built and run byScott Frank, a former stu-dent of Queen of Apostles,stand where once a corn fieldprovided food for the cattleon the farm. Roads andsingle/multi-family homesspread out over the manyfields that surrounded theschool, and small parks andsports areas can be seenwithin the new subdivision.The cemetery -- well, now itis just a road next to a standof pine trees that once bor-dered the grave sites.

Indeed the grounds ofthe old Queen of Apostleshave undergone manychanges, so much so thatthose who never attendedthe school would probablynever imagine what oncestood there so proudly over-looking the East Side ofMadison. It may have onlyfunctioned as a school from1948 through 1979 and com-pletely disappeared in 2002as a physical landmark, butQueen of Apostles will re-main alive in the minds andhearts of all who once walkedthe hallways of that grandbuilding! God bless the teach-ers, staff and students ofQueen of Apostles!

Just a footnote: On July 26,2009 a 30th anniversary allschool QA reunion was heldat St. Dennis Parish duringtheir summer festival. QAstill lives on!

Former students, teachers & friends in the gym for the reunion.

Front entrance of the school as it was being demolished.

Back of school looking past the demolished gym (doorsstill in place) to the classrooms and beyond.

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Caritas in Veritate -Charity in Truth

My light rain jacket is made for easytravel. One of its two large pockets has atag that reads “packable.” With some ef-fort the entire jacket can be pulled into thispocket-like holder and zipped shut. It hasan outside belt loop for easy portability.

The thought of quick compacting oc-curred to me on reading Pope Benedict’slatest encyclical, Caritas in Veritate. Un-like my rain jacket, it defies quick compact-ing. It demands a careful reading.

The Catholic social doctrine expoundedupon in this encyclical is very personal aswell as political, as reflected in these keypoints cited on the web site of the U.S.Conference of Catholic Bishops:

1) Charity is central to the social doctrineof the Church both personal (e.g. family,friends, etc.) and larger relationships (socialeco- nomic, political).

2) Truth must be found and expressed inthe “economy of charity.” Here truth andchar- ity are a single notion. We recognizethat we need to speak the truth. Jesus says“I am the way the truth and the life….” Butwe also need to speak truth with anunderstanding that that truth is spoken outof love. It is love for our fellow man thatdemands that we speak truth for the sake oflove. Our aim must always be to act in thebest interests of our fellow man.

3) Financial difficulties and economic dis-parities of all times, not just the past year,oblige us to set new rules and find new formsof commitment. It is a hopeful sign that

governments are attempting to work onthe problems, but we may not all agree onthe plan.

4) Nature is one and indivisible. The envi-ronment takes in all aspects of life, includ-ing sexuality, marriage, the family andsocial relations. They all are part of humandevelopment.

This human development, however, isn’tmerely the natural product of our truth-filled love. This development is a gift fromGod that we can receive only if we focuson our spiritual life and seriously considerthe experiences of trust in God, spiritualfellowship in Christ, reliance upon God’sprovidence and mercy, love and forgive-ness, self-denial, acceptance of others,justice and peace. More simply stated, tobe Christian is to be a man or woman forothers.

At the end of the encyclical, the popespeaks about the prayer “Our Father”When we take these words seriously, weknow the truth that all of us are membersof one family.

Unlike my rain jacket, these ideas arenot quickly and easily packed away. Onthe other hand, these aren’t ideas that weunzip and unfold only on rainy days.These are all-weather ideas that we needto embrace for our spiritual journey.

by Fr. Bruce Schute, SAC

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For the Holidays:

Since the holidays are just around thecorner, I thought I would treat you totwo new recipes to your collection.

My first recipe comes from my sister,Patti, who admits that she found it in aPillsbury Recipe book. I've always headedfor the stuffed mushrooms when theywere served at a gathering, but I neverhad a recipe from which I could makethem myself. Well, now I have one!

My second treat was sent in to methanks to our Newsletter reader, Mrs.Elaine Moffa. For those of you who lovegreat Italian sauces, but want to stayaway from those in jars or cans at thestore, this is a great one to make and usenext time you have a craving for pasta.

Recipe One: Stuffed MushroomsHere's What You'll Need:1 lb. medium-sized Fresh

Whole Mushrooms1/4 cup shredded Pepper Jack Cheese1/4 cup dry Bread Crumbs1/4 cup finely Chopped Onion1/2 teasp. dried Oregano Leaves1/4 teasp. Salt1/8 teasp. Pepper1 small Garlic Clove, minced

Here's What You Do:Heat oven to 350F. Brush or wipe mush-rooms with damp cloth. Remove stems,set caps aside. Finely chop stems. Inmedium bowl, combine stems and allremaining ingredients. Press mix firmlyinto caps, mounding on top. Place inungreased 9x13-inch pan. Bake for 18to 23 minutes or until thoroughly heated.Serve warm. 35 to 40 appetizers.

Recipe Two: Pasta Puttanesca SauceHere's What You'll Need:1 tablespoon Olive Oil1 cup chopped Onions1 tablespoon Anchovy Paste 1&1/2tablespoons Garlic, minced 1/2teaspoon Red Pepper Flakes1 28oz. can of Crushed Tomatoes12 chopped Black Olives1/2 teaspoon Capers1/2 teaspoon dried Oregano Leaves1/2 teaspoon dried Basil Leaves1 tablespoon SugarA little Parsley (optional for garnish)1/2 to 1 lb. Cooked Pasta (any type)

Here's What You Do:Saute onions and garlic in olive oil for3 to 5 minutes. Place in medium sauce pan.

In a small bowl combine sugar & tomatoesand place with all remaining ingredients intosauce pan. Cook 30 to 45 minutes.

Follow directions for cooking pasta sothat it is done by the time the sauce isready. Pour over pasta. Top with parsley.Delicious!

Stuffed Party Mushrooms& Pasta Puttanesca Sauce

by The Pallotti House Chef

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If you wish, you can also write tous and receive a reply without your

letter being published.

Send your "Ask Father" letters to:Ask Father

5424 W. Bluemound Rd.Milwaukee, WI 53208

Ask Father My Sister and I Aren'tTalking to Each Other!Dear Father,

As far back as I can remember, mysister and I have always been fighting,but when she stole money from me, thatwas the last straw. We haven't spokento each other in over a year. Now shewants to make up, but doesn't say any-thing about the money she took. I'm stillvery angry with her! Should I make upwith her? After all, I'm the one she hurt!


Dear Peggy,

Be it far from me to tell you what youshould or shouldn't do, but let me tell youa true story from my own life for you toreflect upon as you try to decide what todo with your sister.

When I was about 10 or 11 years old,I did something wrong (can't rememberwhat anymore) and my mom was goingto give me the "lickin'" of my life, whichmeant "run, if you didn't what to get hit!"Well, she chased after me and got me ina corner and was about to let me have itwhen, in a last ditch effort to avoid pain,I turned around and at the top of mylungs yelled, "You witch, you witch, youugly old witch!" That stopped her in hertracks and she began to cry and justwalked away from me without saying aword.

After she left, I felt so very bad aboutwhat I said that I started crying toobecause I saw how much my words hurther, and I went to find her, which I did,crying in her bedroom. I came in and

hugged her aroundthe neck and toldher how very, very sorry I was for whatI said and that I really did love her verymuch.

Now, at this point, she could have pushedme away and told me to get out of herroom, but instead she hugged me back,we both cried and we got closer to eachother from that day forward. I never calledher a name again!

So, now we come to you and your sister.What to do! From what you say in yourletter, it seems that your sister is trying tomake the first move at setting things rightbetween the two of you. Is she sincere ordoes she have some ulterior motive behindher gesture? That is for you to decide.The question, I suppose, you have to askyourself is "How much does my sistermean to me in spite of all that has hap-pened beween us?" You could take thepath my mother chose not to take, andreject her, or you could welcome her backand give her a "hug" as my mother did tome.

Whatever choice you make, the rela-tionship between you and your sister willnever be the same again. It WILL change.I hope it is for the better. I'll be prayingfor the both of you. Peace!

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we are intent on appearing self-sufficient and perfect, our call to minister to othersmight create extreme anxiety within us. This is so because we know the world oftenjudges our ministry by our successes and failures. And we are constantly worryingabout how our ministry measures up to the standards of success set before us by theworld.

Pointing to Blessed Virgin Mary’s call to become the Mother of God, Fr. Danreminded us that every time Mary in her doubt and anxiety asked the Angel Gabriela question, she was told that it is not her merit or fault that would bring about thesuccess of her calling. Rather, it is the Holy Spirit that overshadows her andaccomplishes what God wants of her. Similarly, our ministry bears fruit through thework of the Holy Spirit. Instead of worrying about our ministry, we are, therefore,called to remain open to the Spirit of God. That is how we shall fulfill what Godwants from us.

Pallottine Retreat 2009 (continued from pg.4)

AlexandraAlbrecht ReceivesPallottineScholarshipAwardAs the 2008-2009 school year neared its end at St. Vincent Pallotti Grade School, a

special Mass was celebrated for all the students and especially for the 2009 graduates whowould be moving on to high school in the Fall. During the Mass those students who hadearned special scholarship awards were recognized by the pastor, Fr. Sergio Lizama, andthe school principal and staff.

In recognition of her leadership, service and academic excellence at St. Vincent PallottiSchool, Alexandra Albrecht was awarded the 2009 Pallottine Apostolic Scholarship. Aspart of the Pallottines' continuing support for young people who will be attending a Catholichigh school, she will receive $1000 per year for the next four years to help offset some ofthe tuition costs for attending Pius XI High School.

This is the second year this award has been given and the Pallottines intend to continuethe award in an ongoing effort to promote Catholic education and to encourage youngstudents to attend Catholic schools at the high school level. Blessings on you, Alexandra.May you have great success at Pius XI.

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Pallottine Gift Memorials: Jan. 2008 thru Sept. 2009

In Memory of the Deceased

Fr. Bob Albers, SACRobert & Ann McCormickGeorge AronsonMarge PinahsArnold Baierl - 11/2008Mary Ann BergerBertha BauerDel & Steve GaverasBetty Ann's MotherGeraldine L. MoschetzMargaret BlanciakCarol & Robert WilsonRichard J. BlankenheimDon & Dolores JanusWilliam CallahanElizabeth Lorbeske MarvinChmielewskiThe Graveras FamilyAnthony CifaldiDon & Dolores JanusMildred ConlonKathy & Beverly ArnoldLeo & Rita Connors MsgrTerrence L. Connors FrankCorraoTom & Vivian GawinGeorgia CowanDick & Betty ReichertzHelen CunninghamSieglinde O'LoanMargaret Dondlinger Mrs.E. ReichertzAdrian Maurice 'Red' DupuisDick & Betty ReichertzAmalia FalknerSteve & Del GraverasDianne Sue English FoxPeggie PhillipsJoe GattiDick & Betty ReichertzHelen GburMrs. B. Donald CannonAntoinette (Toni) Giunta BoylePeggy PhillipsTamara Hagemery (nee Braun)Mr. & Mrs. Sid BraunFr. Joseph Heinrichs, SAC 5/09Mr. & Mrs. Richard NiggemannMs. Ella HeyerWilliam & Pamela NugentJames HickeyFrank & Barbara Maniscalco

Fr. Francis HuellerS. Mary HuellerWilliam JessenJim & Jean Rebholz WalterLarsonSteve & Dolores GaverasWalter & Marilyn MondlochHerbert & Clare Herro MaryHackPaul & Bea HerrmannShirley La TourDon & Dolores JanusBernice LemanczykBeverly ArnoldMarion Lienemann MargePinahsKathleen MacVaneJim & Jean Rebholz

Irene (Reenie) Mahler Robert& Carol Wilson Dorothy(Dottie) Mancheski John,Barbara & Chris Hansen AliceManganDolores GaverasAndrew Maniscalco Thomas& Vivian Gawin JackMarchese 3/09Grace MarcheseBarbara MartinMarie SchoeweClaire & Barbara MartinThe Martin FamilyClarie R.. MartinThe Lorbeske FamilyClaire MartinMarie SchoeweClaire MartinThe Martin FamilyClaire MartinMarie SchoeweClaire Martin 6/21/09 MarieSchoeweSr. Geraldine Martin, O.P.The Martin FamilySr. Geraldine Martin, O.P.Betty ReichertzJames MuellenbachJim & Jean RebholzPaul MurphyJim & Jean RebholzIrene NauertzJim & Jean RebholzJoe & Marie NiggemannDick & Kelly Niggemann AnnNeriKathleen CarrolloSharon Katherine PiccioloJim & Jean RebholzRoy PolzinJim & Jean RebholzRichard A. ReichertzAnne & Jude OdyaRichard ReichertzLinda BarikmoDick ReichertzThe PallottinesDick ReichertzCarol & Bernie MilkieRichard ReichertzJim & Jean Rebholz

(continued next page)

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Loving Vigil Lightsfor the Holidays

(circle a month and a Mondayyou would like us to start the

__________________________________________ 7 day vigil light for you.)

Please light a vigil candle for my holiday intentions:

Oct. 05 12 19 26Nov. 02 09 16 23 30Dec. 07 14 21 28Jan. 04 11 18 25



There are many Christmas traditons that we Pallottinesenjoy. Lighting candles for our loved ones is a very importantact in our community. This holiday season you can become apart of our Pallottine family by lighting a vigil candle for yourloved ones. Complete the form below and send it to us in theenclosed envelope and we will light a 7 day vigil light for you andyour intentions at the statue of St. Joseph in our house chapel during the holidays.

I would like to make a donation of: $3 $5 $7 $10 $Other _____

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Dick ReichertzArnie & Theresa CampbellKenneth & Marie O'NeillKathleen ZambrowRobert & Patricia SmithPatrick & Eileen CannonThomas FurmanMichael Darlene MortensenPeter & Kathie ViesselmannRobert & Brenda BeaumierDonald & Marion EldredgeWarren & Sharon BraunDavid & Carol JeromeEdward & Patricia CalveyRose WibergPatricia HeppAndrea PhelpsArt & Eileen ClarkJohn & Lois LichtJoseph ReiterRaymond J. SchultzAnna RendeMarge PinahsJohn RoeskeJim & Jean RebholzSteve RomanoTom & Vivian Gawin SteveRomanoFrank & Barbara ManiscalcoArden Ropson

June BartelTony RosolekDon & Dolores JanusJohn & Dorothy SchoeweBrad & Marie SchoeweReynold SchultzJean WeberJack ShererDel & Steve GaverasMarguerite Ann SmithMrs. Marjorie S. PinahsPatricia SpantakMary SewalkHiliary Stawicki BarbaraGawinGeorge WassackSandy & Jim Kula EvelynWingenterJim & Jean Rebholz SandyWisniewskiDon & Dolores JanusMarie ZainerMs Helen Dupor

In Honor of the Living

50th Wedding AnniversaryJim & Lucille HornungJim & Jean Rebholz

Wedding AnniversaryMr. & Mrs. Frank BoucherGordon & Bernice Boucher

BirthdayLorraine Klamert (90th)Chuck & Eileen WolfBetty Lorbeske MarieSchoeweSr. Verda Kraemer, FSPA (90th)John, Barb & Christopher Hansen

FamilyThe Jeffrey Donohue FamilySuzy Spencer

HealthOlga HegedusMs. Mary SewalkTracy Shenkel Ms.Mary Sewalk

LoveRosemary MartinMarie Schoewe

Successful OperationMary Margaret HansonMr. & Mrs. Gordon Boucher